WEALTH" PVT. LTD. - ON BEHALF OF MRS ANJUMAN ARA BEGUM MR MUSTAFA MOHD ZEESHAN SAIFUDDIN. SITARA-E-SAHER'SoneactplayJeoAurJene Do 4574117^(^^((j- Rs. 98482-61465(^1^ 4534596 / 1. Mr.Nb.Mohd. MuntajibuddinAM forMs co-operation inbringingthissagauptopublication. 2. Mr. SyedBaderRehmani,who had becomeagreatsourceof inspirationduring revisionofthescriptafteralongtime. @ 3. Mr.MustafaMohd. ZeeshanSaifuddin MustafaKama!, my son,forhisprecioussuggestions, technicalguidanceand providing needful facilities. 4. Mr.JalaluddinAkbar, Proprietor, "THEURDUCOMPUTER - CENTRE," (PhoneNo. 4530850/4534596 Cell98480-22987/ 98482-61465),forthorough"RevisionCorrectioins'9,development andpublishing undergreatcareandinterestonEXPRESS SPEEDwithin 15 days. . 5. Mrs.UraaJain,thegreatgranddaught&er-in-lawofourfamily photographersLateRajaDeenDayal Sons,Proprietor; ThemostesteemedInstituteofPhotography, "PHOTOCRAFTS", J.N.Road,Hyderabad-500001,PhoneNo. 4743207,for providing rareandmostoldimage ofhistoricalCharminarand processingand preparingthetitle and otherphotographswithin 2 dayswithampleloveand respect. 6. Mrs,AneesAzhar,Mr.AzharAfsar,ProgrammeExecutive, A.I.R.,fortheirgoodwilland bestcooperationinrespectof completion offMslegend. 7. Mr.OmerShareefAryaforMsemotionalportraitsthroughout; "WISHYOUALLGOODLUCK"! AUTHORESS * ~ right registered^^L^^^ ^jll^Xff^tJl^fc^)^ ^ (Completely one act) U.A.E -U.K U.S.A . FL. 33024 # 6570 . Garfield J Jl U" (J^ (J }J<L~ ft .(Thissiadnedreofsfeircivaelddfeosrigandadticoen&sosf.s^!S*li^^t^re - , ^3$ '^-Es.s-<is^iS(^eXVsV* -* N ,S.49.; -l02l)~J6-9-S4 2,600,000' DNT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ike/Deptt. uic..^^ "Kf y.u.rS/&& - The undersigned is directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter- NO...-WO..., dated.^iJir/^-whlch is receivingattention. OF Government of India Ail .-.India riadio: Hyderabad T10 Dear. herewith is' a^receipt form regarding the payment of ' '-- ciuejto yoa l^'toU/"OU; f^ ^VvW^'4"^ broadcast-from" this otation on . 2. it may kindly be returned to us duly signed. On receipt of "Which cheque/etssrh "will be sent to you. 3- ^1Inpayments of as. 'IQ/-- and above will.be .made by cheque. Yours faithfully., DEC 8.1937 A PHOTO OF 1937 FROM FAMILY ALBUM PHOTOES FROM FAMILY ALBUM THE GROUP TO 6 CHARACTERS (7-8) ( 1 ) ^ '*'' / or