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Jimmy Stewart is Dead: Ending the World's Ongoing Financial Plague with Limited Purpose Banking PDF

274 Pages·2010·2.38 MB·English
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Preview Jimmy Stewart is Dead: Ending the World's Ongoing Financial Plague with Limited Purpose Banking

P1:OTE/PGN P2:OTE JWBT229-fm JWBT229/Kotlikoff January27,2010 7:43 PrinterName:CourierWestford,Westford,MA vi P1:OTE/PGN P2:OTE JWBT229-fm JWBT229/Kotlikoff January27,2010 7:43 PrinterName:CourierWestford,Westford,MA Additional Praise for Jimmy Stewart Is Dead “Theeconomiccrisishasforcedustoexaminetheshortcomingsofour financialsystem.InJimmyStewartIsDead,LaurenceKotlikoffarguesthat trustinthebankingsystemhasbeenbrokenandthatonlyboldactionwill restore it. He calls for true transparency and offers thoughtful proposals such as Limited Purpose Banking to help restore trust in the system and to prevent such hardship from occurring again. Every Washington policy maker and public-spirited banker should read this book.” —Bill Bradley, former United States Senator “ThisbookisscarierthananythingStephenKingeverwrote,andjustas well-written.DistinguishedeconomistLarryKotlikoffhasstartedanew genre:nonfictioneconomichorror.Kotlikoffknowswhathappenedand why,andhasthecouragetopointfingersandnamenames.Onecannot turnthefinalpagewithoutthesensethatthisbookmaybeourcountry’s last hope.” —Kevin Hassett, Director of Economic Policy Studies; Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute; columnist, Bloomberg News “The only sure way to avoid another Wall Street meltdown and ensure financial institutions act in ways that serve the economy is to separate the utility function of banking, connecting savers to borrowers, from the investment function of the financial market casino. Laurence Kot- likoff’s Limited Purpose Banking proposal is an important and timely step forward.” —Robert B. Reich, Professor of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley; former U.S. Secretary of Labor “Larry Kotlikoff is that rare economist who comes up with the most original ideas when the stage is crowded with pedestrian analyses by othereconomists.Hedoesitagainwiththecurrentfinancialcrisis.This isamarvelousbookthatwillrepayacarefulread,evenifyouareassmart as Larry Summers and Ben Bernanke.” —Jagdish Bhagwati, University Professor of Economics and Law, Columbia University A P1:OTE/PGN P2:OTE JWBT229-fm JWBT229/Kotlikoff January27,2010 7:43 PrinterName:CourierWestford,Westford,MA “This remarkable book from Larry Kotlikoff is an invaluable read for all of us who care about our country’s long-term competitiveness. I found it innovative, original thinking with a perspective of great value from a man to whom we should all pay attention.” —Admiral William Owens, Chairman, AEA Holdings Asia; former Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff “If Michelin gave out stars to economists, Larry Kotlikoff would get three of them—worthy of a detour. Mixing villains, wit and wis- dom, Jimmy Stewart Is Dead is a great read with a serious message. Kotlikoff makes a compelling case for regulation that would restruc- ture the banking system to limit banks to their basic functions, and he shows how doing so would allow market forces to make the next financial crisis less likely and less severe. This is a desperately needed antidote to the spate of proposed reforms from the usual pundits that amount to nothing more inspired than a call for more regula- tion without a recipe for smarter regulation. Iconoclastic but practi- cal, Kotlikoff is one of the most creative economists of his generation and one of its premier policy analysts. It would be folly not to listen to him.” —Stephen A. Ross, Franco Modigliani Professor of Financial Economics, MIT “Informative, infuriating, and insightful. If you think you understand the extent of the malfeasance by Wall Street and by our Federal Gov- ernment, you are in for a rude shock when you read this book. Larry Kotlikoff understands the scope of the problems we face better than any economist I know; he uses clear, accessible and lively prose; best of all, he offers an innovative and provocative solution to this gar- gantuan problem. Send copies of this book to your representatives in Washington!” —Edward E. Leamer, Chauncey J. Medberry Professor of Management; Professor of Economics and Professor of Statistics, University of California, Los Angeles B P1:OTE/PGN P2:OTE JWBT229-fm JWBT229/Kotlikoff January27,2010 7:43 PrinterName:CourierWestford,Westford,MA “This is provocative and hard-hitting analysis. A leading academic economisttakesofftheglovesandgoesahardeightroundswithfinance- as-we-know-it. The result is a fresh and clear proposal for reducing the risks that arise as people with savings provide funding to people mak- ing productive investments in any economy. If we implement Professor Kotlikoff’sideas—oranycloseapproximation—theU.S.cancontinueto generate entrepreneurship, growth, and jobs, without repeatedlyhaving to bail out our big banks. This is beyond appealing; it is compelling.” —Simon Johnson, Professor of Entrepreneurship, MIT Sloan; former Chief Economist, International Monetary Fund “Larry Kotlikoff has been consistently ahead of the curve in the debate onAmerica’scomingfiscalbreakdown.Nowheturnshisattentiontothe financial crisis that threatens to bring that fiscal breakdown forward to, well,quitepossiblythisyear.Iwaswhollypersuadedbythecasehemakes for Limited Purpose Banking. It is clearly the best available remedy for thepresentappallingstateofaffairs,inwhichhighlyleveraged‘toobigto fail’institutionscanexpecttaxpayerstopickupthemulti-trillion-dollar tab when their gambles go wrong.” —Niall Ferguson, William Ziegler Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School; author, The Ascent of Money “Kotlikoff provides a marvelously clear explanation of how today’s fi- nancial system really works, stripping away all the obscure jargon. At the same time, the book is a passionate and strongly worded indictment of the system and a blueprint for how to fix it from the ground up. Kotlikoff’s basic thesis: that today’s financial institutions have become taxpayer subsidized casinos increasingly divorced from the basic inter- mediationactivitiessocietyexpectsthemtoperform—ishardtorefute.” —Kenneth Rogoff, Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Economics, Harvard University; former Chief Economist, International Monetary Fund; co-author, This Time Is Different C P1:OTE/PGN P2:OTE JWBT229-fm JWBT229/Kotlikoff January27,2010 7:43 PrinterName:CourierWestford,Westford,MA “I always make time in my busy schedule to read anything Larry Kotlikoff writes. You should too. Why? He is always insightful in his analysis, provocative in his predictions, and creative in his proposed so- lutions. In Jimmy Stewart Is Dead, Kotlikoff lays open the fundamental fissures in the financial system and presents a radical solution: Limited Purpose Banking, an idea related to proposals during the Great De- pression by renowned American economists Frank Knight and Irving Fisher.WhenIwashelpingcleanupthelastAmericanfinancialcrises— the Savings and Loans mess and the Latin American debt fiasco for the big money center banks—I lamented the dearth of creative policy thinking before they struck. Policymakers, investors, taxpayers, and all concerned citizens will find much to mull over in this readily accessible book.” —Michael J. Boskin, T.M. Friedman Professor of Economics and Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University; former Chairman, President’s Council of Economic Advisors, 1989–1993 “Laurence Kotlikoff is one of the original thinkers of our time. Even if youdon’tagreewithhisspecificproposals,Larry’snewbook—withthe provocativetitle,JimmyStewartIsDead—islikelytoleadyoubeyondthe conventional ways of dealing with the economic challenges facing our country.” —Murray Weidenbaum, Edward Mallinckrodt Distinguished University Professor and Professor of Economics, Washington University, St. Louis; former Chairman, President’s Council of Economic Advisers “This book is heaps of fun. But it is entirely serious, and comes at the right time. The profound change—Limited Purpose Banking, whichKotlikoffrecommendsandthatwedesperatelyneed—couldonly be undertaken now that we’ve seen the full dangers of maintaining the current financial system. Kotlikoff entertains with great energy while instructing using facts made for fiction. To understand the most effec- tive changes we can make to truly fix our financial system, read this book.” —Susan Woodward, Principal, Sand Hill Econometrics; former Chief Economist of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; former Chief Economist of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development D P1:OTE/PGN P2:OTE JWBT229-fm JWBT229/Kotlikoff January27,2010 7:43 PrinterName:CourierWestford,Westford,MA “Our financial system puts us all at risk. This book shows that it doesn’t have to be this way. We can have all the benefits of a modern economy without having crises like the last one. Or, if policy makers don’t listen, like the next one. And the next...” —Paul Romer, Senior Fellow at Stanford Center for International Development (SCID) and Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), Stanford University “Thisbookgripslikeanovel.But,it’snoworkoffiction.It’souractual financialhorrorstoryinwhichwefaceongoingeconomictortureatthe handsofgreedybankers,incompetentregulators,andcorruptpoliticians. The book is a penetrating and painless (indeed, fun) education as well as a saving grace. It offers the only clear path to economic salvation— forcing banks to do the one and only thing they are here for—financial intermediation.” —Christophe Chamley, Professor of Economics, Boston University “If the Crash caused you to fear for your job, your retirement, and for the future of your children, read this book. You will be led by one of America’s most eminent economists through a blow-by-blow account of what happened and why, and there will be times you will feel like running to the window to shout out your outrage and call for change. Kotlikoff’s proposal for Limited Purpose Banking calls for the most radical overhaul of banking legislation since the Great Depression.” —Uri Dadush, Senior Associate and Director of International Economics, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; former Director of International Trade and Director of Economic Policy, World Bank “Forget narrow banking concepts. Professor Kotlikoff forces us to con- sider Limited Purpose finance, and does so with humor and enlighten- ment.” —Robert R. Bench, Senior Fellow at Boston University School of Law; former Deputy U.S. Comptroller of Currency “Larry Kotlikoff has written a fascinating book. It is a must read for everyone who wants to understand the current financial crisis and what we can do about it.” —John C. Goodman, President and CEO, National Center for Policy Analysis E P1:OTE/PGN P2:OTE JWBT229-fm JWBT229/Kotlikoff January27,2010 7:43 PrinterName:CourierWestford,Westford,MA “Larry Kotlikoff has written a provocative, entertaining, and well- written book, analyzing how our financial crisis arose and how to fix it permanently. In some ways the last 20 years seem like a return to the 1800s, with financial instability driving the busi- ness cycle. Professor Kotlikoff tells us why and how to fix it. Any- one interested in finance, options, long-term contracting, banking, and financial and macroeconomic policy must read this book, and it is a good read for the individual investor as well. His Limited Purpose Banking financial fix is critically important to our future prosperity.” —R. Preston McAfee, Vice President and Research Fellow, Yahoo! Research; former J. Stanley Johnson Professor of Business Economics and Management, California Institute of Technology “This is an entertaining romp that explains our recent not-so- entertaining financial calamity. Whether or not you agree with Kot- likoff’s policy prescription, you must admit that it’s provocative.” —Rudolph G. Penner, Institute Fellow, Urban Institute; former Director of the Congressional Budget Office “Kotlikoff lays bare the fault lines of traditional banking and makes a compelling case why ‘Limited Purpose Banking’ should be part of the reform discussion.” —Professor Cornelius Hurley, Director of the Morin Center for Banking and Financial Law at Boston University; former Assistant General Counsel to the Federal Reserve Board “Kotlikoff is a distinguished scholar with a passion for addressing the big issues. His previous books for the general public dealt with tax reform, Social Security, health care, federal deficits, and intergenera- tional equity. In each case he demonstrates analytical clarity, political independence, and a lively and entertaining writing style. Now he has turned his attention to the financial crisis and once again offers fresh insights and sensible proposals. I recommend this book to inde- pendent thinkers of good conscience, no matter what their political affiliation.” —Zvi Bodie, Norman and Adele Barron Professor of Management, Boston University F P1:OTE/PGN P2:OTE JWBT229-fm JWBT229/Kotlikoff January27,2010 7:43 PrinterName:CourierWestford,Westford,MA “Kotlikoff makes a strong case for Limited Purpose Banking as the best protection against the next financial crisis. I worry most about his proposal for replacing all current federal and state financial regulatory agencies with one massive federal financial authority; this authority, I suggest,wouldincreasethescopeofregulatorymistakesandtheprospect and capability of the federal government to allocate credit for political objectives.Iencouragereadersofthisbooktomakeyourownjudgment abouttheregulatoryenvironmentthatwouldbestcomplementLimited Purpose Banking.” —William A. Niskanen, Chairman Emeritus of the Cato Institute; former Acting Chairman and Member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers “This is a must read for everyone who wants to know not only what wentwrong,buthowtofixit.Kotlikoffhasbrilliantanswerstothemost important questions in economics today.” —Anna Bernasek, economic journalist and author of The Economics of Integrity “LaurenceKotlikoffhasproducedanentertainingandinsightfulanalysis of the great credit crisis and the ailments of the U.S. financial system. This sets the stage for some radical proposals to change the structure of the financial intermediation. In his view triage is not enough— what is required is radical reconstructive surgery. Whether you view his recommendations for Limited Purpose Banking as politically viable or not, his analysis goes to the heart of the important flaws that have to be confrontedifwearetoreducethelikelihoodofcrisesinthefuture.This book is essential reading for those interested in the perils of financial intermediation in the modern world.” —Thomas F. Cooley, Dean and Paganelli-Bull Professor of Economics, New York University Stern School of Business “Kotlikoffunderstandsmarketsandmarketmakers.Andheunderstands economics.Hevividlydiagnosesthefinancialplague,andhearguesthat, as is, the system is unsafe at any speed. His remarkably simple cure does not rely on a dying breed—honest bankers like Jimmy Stewart (a.k.a. George Bailey), but on limiting banking to its only honest purpose— financial intermediation.” —Herakles Polemarchakis, Professor of Economics, University of Warwick G P1:OTE/PGN P2:OTE JWBT229-fm JWBT229/Kotlikoff January27,2010 7:43 PrinterName:CourierWestford,Westford,MA “Larry Kotlikoff provides a poignant, accessible, and engaging account of how distorted incentives, leverage, and risk played a major role in the financial crisis. He also confronts us with a scary account of the government deficits that will come to haunt us or our descendants. Kotlikoff’s ideas for how to change the banking system are thought- provoking. This book forces us to step back and think about the basic purpose of financial institutions, and whether there is a better way to organize them.” —Anat Admati, George C.G. Parker Professor of Finance and Economics, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University “Many doubt whether proposed regulatory reforms regarding capital requirements will be effective in reducing the excessive risks taken by banks and other financial institutions. Larry Kotlikoff offers a more fundamental solution called Limited Purpose Banking (LPB), in which banks connect borrowers to lenders and savers to investors without taking on risk. This radical idea, challenging the existing structure of all financial institutions, deserves to be at the center of the post-crisis debate. Economists and practitioners alike will find this a compelling book.” —Eytan Sheshinski, Sir Isaac Wolfson Professor of Public Finance, Department of Economics, The Hebrew University H

Discover how the global financial plague is poised to return, and what can be done to stop itThis is not your father's financial system. Jimmy Stewart, the trustworthy, honest banker in the movie, It's a Wonderful Life, is dead.?And so is his small-town bank, Bailey Savings & Loan. Instead, we're wa
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