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Johannes Zschocke Matthias Baumgartner Eva Morava Marc Patterson Shamima Rahman Verena Peters Editors JIMD Repor ts Volume 22 JIMD Reports Volume 22 . Johannes Zschocke Editor-in-Chief Matthias Baumgartner Eva Morava (cid:129) (cid:129) Marc Patterson Shamima Rahman (cid:129) Editors Verena Peters Managing Editor JIMD Reports Volume 22 Editor-in-Chief Editor JohannesZschocke MarcPatterson DivisionofHumanGenetics DivisionofChildandAdolescent MedicalUniversityInnsbruck Neurology Innsbruck MayoClinic Austria Rochester Minnesota Editor USA MatthiasBaumgartner DivisionofMetabolismandChildren’sResearchCentre Editor UniversityChildren’sHospitalZurich ShamimaRahman Zurich ClinicalandMolecularGeneticsUnit Switzerland UCLInstituteofChildHealth London Editor UK EvaMorava TulaneUniversityMedicalSchool ManagingEditor NewOrleans VerenaPeters Louisiana CenterforChildandAdolescent USA Medicine HeidelbergUniversityHospital Heidelberg Germany ISSN2192-8304 ISSN2192-8312 (electronic) JIMDReports ISBN978-3-662-47452-5 ISBN978-3-662-47453-2 (eBook) DOI10.1007/978-3-662-47453-2 SpringerHeidelbergNewYorkDordrechtLondon #SSIEMandSpringer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2015 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnot imply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsand regulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthorsandtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbookarebelieved tobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty, expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeen made. Printedonacid-freepaper Springer-VerlagGmbHBerlinHeidelbergispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) Contents InnateandAdaptiveImmuneResponseinFabryDisease ...................... 1 WladimirMauhin,OlivierLidove,ElisaMasat,FedericoMingozzi, KuberakaMariampillai,Jean-MarcZiza,andOlivierBenveniste AsparagineSynthetaseDeficiency:NewInbornErrorsofMetabolism ........... 11 MajidAlfadhel,MuhammadTalalAlrifai,DanielTrujillano,HeshamAlshaalan, AliAlOthaim,ShathaAlRasheed,HussamAssiri,AbdulrhmanA.Alqahtani, ManalAlaamery,ArndtRolfs,andWafaaEyaid OccurrenceofMalignantTumoursintheAcuteHepaticPorphyrias ............ 17 Estefan´ıaLang,MartinScha¨fer,HolgerSchwender,NorbertJ.Neumann, andJorgeFrank ImprovementinBoneMineralDensityandArchitectureinaPatientwith GaucherDiseaseUsingTeriparatide...................................... 23 AnealKhan,DavidA.Hanley,ColleenMcNeil,andStevenBoyd NetworkingAcrossBordersforIndividualswithOrganicAciduriasand UreaCycleDisorders:TheE-IMDConsortium ............................. 29 StefanKo¨lker,DriesDobbelaere,JohannesHa¨berle,PeterBurgard,FlorianGleich, MarshallL.Summar,StevenHannigan,SamanthaParker,AnupamChakrapani, andMatthiasR.BaumgartneronBehalfoftheE-IMDConsortium TwoNovelMutationsintheSLC25A4GeneinaPatientwithMitochondrial Myopathy ........................................................... 39 I.M.L.W.Ko¨rver-Keularts,M.deVisser,H.D.Bakker,R.J.A.Wanders,F.Vansenne, H.R.Scholte,L.Dorland,G.A.F.Nicolaes,L.M.J.Spaapen,H.J.M.Smeets, A.T.M.Hendrickx,andB.J.C.vandenBosch CombinedSepiapterinReductaseandMethylmalonyl-CoAEpimeraseDeficiency inaSecondPatient:CerebrospinalFluidPolyunsaturatedFattyAcidLeveland Follow-UpUnderL-DOPA,5-HTPandBH4Trials .......................... 47 MichelMazzuca,Marie-AnneMaubert,Le´naDamaj,FabienneClot, Maryle`neCadoudal,ChristeleDubourg,SylvieOdent,JeanFranc¸oisBenoit, NadiaBahi-Buisson,LaurenceChrista,andPascaledeLonlay AuditoftheUseofRegularHaemArginateInfusionsinPatientswithAcute PorphyriatoPreventRecurrentSymptoms ................................ 57 JoanneT.Marsden,SimonGuppy,PenelopeStein,TimothyM.Cox, MichaelBadminton,TriciaGardiner,JulianH.Barth,M.FelicityStewart, andDavidC.Rees v vi Contents NormalCerebrospinalFluidPyridoxal50-PhosphateLevelinaPNPO-Deficient PatientwithNeonatal-OnsetEpilepticEncephalopathy ....................... 67 AlinaLevtova,StephaneCamuzeaux,Anne-MarieLaberge,PierreAllard, CatherineBrunel-Guitton, PaolaDiadori,ElsaRossignol,KeithHyland, PeterT.Clayton,PhilippaB.Mills,andGrantA.Mitchell BladderandBowelDysfunctionIsCommoninBothMenandWomenwith MutationoftheABCD1GeneforX-LinkedAdrenoleukodystrophy............. 77 JohannHofereiter,MatthewD.Smith,JaiSeth,KatarinaIvanaTudor,ZoeFox, AntonEmmanuel,ElaineMurphy,RobinH.Lachmann,andJaleshPanicker ExtremeContrastofPostprandialRemnant-LikeParticlesFormedin AbetalipoproteinemiaandHomozygousFamilialHypobetalipoproteinemia....... 85 Masa-akiKawashiri,HayatoTada,MarowaHashimoto,MatsuoTaniyama, TakamitsuNakano,KatsuyukiNakajima,TakeshiInoue,MikaMori, ChiakiNakanishi,TetsuoKonno,KenshiHayashi,AtsushiNohara,AkihiroInazu, JunjiKoizumi,HirotakaIshihara,JunjiKobayashi,TsutomuHirano,HiroshiMabuchi, andMasakazuYamagishi GirlswithSeizuresDuetothec.320A>GVariantinALG13DoNotShow AbnormalGlycosylationPatternonStandardTesting........................ 95 BethannySmith-Packard,ScottM.Myers,andMarcS.Williams MonitoringofTherapyforMucopolysaccharidosisTypeIUsing DysmorphometricFacialPhenotypicSignatures............................. 99 StefanieKung,MarkWalters,PeterClaes,PeterLeSouef,JackGoldblatt, AndrewMartin,ShantiBalasubramaniam,andGarethBaynam AgeatFirstCardiacSymptomsinFabryDisease:AssociationwithaChinese HotspotFabryMutation(IVS4+919G>A),ClassicalFabryMutations,andSex inaTaiwanesePopulationfromtheFabryOutcomeSurvey(FOS) ............. 107 Hao-ChuanLiu,AmandinePerrin,Ting-RongHsu,Chia-FengYang,Hsiang-YuLin, Wen-ChungYu,andDau-MingNiu MitochondrialComplexIIIDeficiencyCausedbyTTC19Defects:Report ofaNovelMutationandReviewofLiterature ............................. 115 AnnaArdissone,TizianaGranata,AndreaLegati,DariaDiodato,LauraMelchionda, EleonoraLamantea,BarbaraGaravaglia,DanieleGhezzi,andIsabellaMoroni JIMDReports DOI10.1007/8904_2014_371 RESEARCH REPORT Innate and Adaptive Immune Response in Fabry Disease Wladimir Mauhin(cid:129)Olivier Lidove(cid:129)Elisa Masat(cid:129) Federico Mingozzi(cid:129)Kuberaka Mariampillai(cid:129) Jean-Marc Ziza(cid:129)Olivier Benveniste Received:05May2014/Revised:18September2014/Accepted:30September2014/Publishedonline:18February2015 #SSIEMandSpringer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2015 Abstract Fabry disease is an X-linked lysosomal storage immune responses observed in the treatment of naive disease in which mutations of the gene (GLA) cause a patients and during enzyme replacement therapy with deficiency of the lysosomal hydrolase a-galactosidase A agalsidase. We propose a comprehensive review of the (a-Gal). This defect results in an accumulation of glyco- available literature concerning both innate and adaptive sphingolipids, primarily globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) responses observed in Fabry disease. We particularly whichcausesamultisystemicvasculopathy.Availablesince highlight the probable role of the toll-like receptor 4 2001 in Europe, enzyme replacement therapy consists in (TLR4) and CD1d pathways triggered by Gb3 accumula- the administration of agalsidase, a recombinant form of tioninthedevelopmentoflocalandsystemicinflammation a-galactosidaseA.Enzymereplacementtherapywasshown that could lead to irreversible organ damages. We propose toimprovetheglobalprognosisbutallowedpartialsuccess an immunological point of view of Fabry disease patho- in preventing critical events such as strokes and cardiac genesis involving immune cells notably the invariant arrests. As in most lysosomal storage diseases, frequent natural killer T cells. We finally review anti-agalsidase immune reactions have been described in naive Fabry antibodies, their development and impact on outcomes. disease patients. Humoral immune responses following enzyme replacement therapy have also been described, with unclear consequences on the progression of the disease. While cost-effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapy in Fabry disease begins to be questioned and new Introduction therapeutic strategies arise such as chaperone or gene therapy, it appears necessary to better understand the First described in 1898, Fabry disease (FD) is the second most common lysosomal storage disease (LSD) after Gaucher disease, with a worldwide incidence estimated between 1/40,000 and 1/117,000 live births (Meikle et al. Communicatedby:VerenaPeters 1999; Fuller et al. 2006). This figure is probably under- estimated since late-onset variants have been described, Competinginterests:Declared : with an expected incidence of late-onset disease as high as W.Mauhin O.Benveniste InternalMedicineDepartment,LaPitié-SalpêtrièreHospital,47-83 1/3,100 births (Spada et al. 2006). FD is a lysosomal boulevarddel'hôpital,75013Paris,France storage disease caused by the reduction or absence of : O.Lidove(*) J.-M.Ziza hydrolase a-galactosidase A (a-GalA) activity in lyso- InternalMedicineandRheumatologyDepartment,LaCroixSaint somes, causing a systemic intracellular accumulation of SimonHospital,125rued'Avron,75020Paris,France neutral glycosphingolipids (GSL), most notably of globo- e-mail:[email protected] : : : : : triaosylceramide (Gb3). More than 600 mutations have W.Mauhin O.Lidove E.Masat F.Mingozzi K.Mariampillai been identified in the galactosidase alpha (GLA) gene O.Benveniste (Xq21.3-q22) (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim; Sakur- InsermUMRS974,UniversityPierreandMarieCurie,47-83 boulevarddel'hôpital,75013Paris,France aba database http://fabry-database.org/mutants). A wide 2 JIMDReports spectrum of clinical symptoms usually begins in the early tion in vitro (Thomaidis et al. 2009). Evidence-based childhood of FD patients and progressively enriches all management of FD is therefore limited by the lack of alongtheevolutionofthedisease.Thesesymptomsinclude standardized and reliable biomarkers. ® acroparaesthesia, gastrointestinal disorders, angiokerato- Concerning the treatment, agalsidase alfa (Replagal , ® mas, heat intolerance, hearing impairment, ophthalmologic Shire HGT Inc.) and agalsidase beta (Fabrazyme , abnormalities but also proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis Genzyme Corp.), two recombinant a-GalA, bimonthly leading to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), cardiac hyper- infused, have been shown to reduce Gb3 plasma levels trophy and arrhythmia and cerebrovascular disease includ- (Schiffmann et al. 2001; Eng et al. 2001). Results on ing transient ischemic attacks and strokes (Mehta et al. urinary Gb3 levels were less prominent (Schiffmann et al. 2010). Although X-linked, FD also affects females due to 2001; Eng et al. 2001). Overall under these enzyme thelyonizationprocessthatinactivatesoneX-chromosome. replacement therapies (ERT) and in the short term (from Affected women present mild to severe phenotype which 20 to 25 weeks of treatment), sustained clinical benefits usually appears around 5 years later than in males (Beck were observed such as reduction of left ventricle mass, 2006). Before enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), life stabilization of renal functionand reductionof pain with in expectancy in FD patients was 58.2 years in males and parallel a reduction of Gb3 contents in kidney, heart and 75.4 years in females (Waldek et al. 2009). Death was skin (Schiffmann et al. 2001; Eng et al. 2001). Neverthe- mostly caused by cardiovasculardisease(MacDermotetal. less, long-term effects (median follow-up of 6.0 years) 2001a,b;Waldeketal.2009).Inmales,FDisdiagnosedby appear more unobvious with the description of a persistent demonstrating a deficiency of a-GalA in plasma or progression of cardiac fibrosis and renal failure and no leukocytes (Winchester and Young 2006). In heterozygous significant benefit on cardiac death, renal death and stroke females, the gold standard is the genetic analysis since (Weidemannetal.2013).Tworecentreviewsevenreported enzymatic assays fail to detect one third of the patients no evidence for the use of ERT (El Dib et al. 2013) and because of the residual enzyme activity (Linthorst et al. only benefits in reducing left ventricular mass but limited 2010; Wang et al. 2007; Wilcox et al. 2012). Whereas renal effects (Rombach et al. 2014). Both reviews only “classical FD” consists in a multi-organ pathology, single considered six studies. One mechanism suspected in the organ variants are more and more evoked, following incomplete long-term response to ERT is the development systematic investigations in specific medical conditions of immune responses against agalsidase. Actually, immune suchashypertrophiccardiomyopathies,cryptogenicstrokes reactions are described in both treatment-naive and agalsi- orisolatedrenaldisease(Nakaoetal.2003;Chimentietal. dase-treated FD patients (Rozenfeld et al. 2009; De 2004; Rolfs et al. 2005). Such screenings with molecular Francesco et al. 2013). Antibodies against agalsidase are testing are thus limited by the existence of variants of notably well described, but their role remains unclear unknown significance in terms of pathogenicity and (Linthorst et al. 2004; Bénichou et al. 2009; Wilcox et al. penetrance (Lukas et al. 2013; Thomas and Mehta 2013). 2012). In this review we present the spectrum of the AnotherdifficultyinthemanagementofFDcomesfrom immunological reactions, both innate and adaptive, the lack of reliable biomarkers. Historically, Gb3 levels in observedinthenaturalhistoryofFDanddevelopedagainst plasma, urine and organs, especially increased in Fabry agalsidase therapy, and their impact on outcome in FD. males, have been used as potential biomarkers of the disease(Schiffmannetal.2010).ButGb3plasmalevelsare Proinflammatory Pattern in Naive-Treatment FD Patients normal in the majority of Fabry females; therefore, clinical correlation appears difficult (Vedder et al. 2007). Most of 1. Innate immunity response: the role of invariant natural the therapeutic trials have been monitored with Gb3 levels. killer Tcells, CD1d/TLR4 pathway and Gb3 deposit. Lyso(Gb3), the deacylated form of Gb3, is taking over this Fabry disease is characterized by a lack of a-GalA roleofbiomarkerasitwasshowntobehighlyincreasedin causing an accumulation of GSL in the late endocytic the plasma ofbothmaleand femalepatients witha relative and lysosomal compartments. Self-GSL is recognized elevation exceeding markedly that of Gb3 (Aerts et al. as an antigen by the invariant natural killer T cells 2008). Moreover plasma lyso(Gb3) was shown to be an (iNKTs).Indeed,iNKTscharacterizedbytheirVa24-Ja independent risk factor for white-matter lesions in males T-cell receptor(TCR)-alphachain rearrangementrepre- andleftventricular hypertrophy infemales (Rombachetal. sent a subset of natural killer T cells. The iNKTs 2010a). Another technique was attempted using flow recognize as an antigen self-GSL presented by the cytometry: as the membrane antigen CD77 corresponds to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-like Gb3, the quantification of CD77 expression on peripheral molecule CD1d of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was shown to be (Spada et al. 1998). Human iNKTs are divided into correlatedwithGb3accumulationanda-GalAdownregula- threesubsetsaccordingtotheCD4andCD8expression JIMDReports 3 with a different inflammatory profile: positive only for patients revealed a trend towards higher basal levels of CD4 (CD4 iNKTs), positive only for CD8 (CD8 IL-1b (p ¼ 0.095) and TNF-a (p ¼ 0.049) secretion iNKTs) and double negative for CD4 and CD8 (DN than controls. This production was abolished in vitro iNKTs) (Gumperz et al. 2002). Numerous quantitative when using a toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) blocking and qualitative defects have been implicated in antibody. TLRs are innate immune receptors that antimicrobial response defects, antitumor immunity recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns and autoimmunity (Sugita et al. 2004; Chuang et al. (PAMPs) of microorganisms. Via TLRs, DCs link 2012; Hunn and Hermans 2013). The recognition of innate and adaptive immunity (Iwasaki and Medzhitov GSL induces the release of various proinflammatory 2004). TLR4 enhances DC maturation in a proinflam- cytokines such as interferon-gamma (IFN-g) and matory way inducing the secretion of IL-12 and IFN-g tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), interleukin 4 but the inhibition of IL-4 (Caielli et al. 2010). It also (IL-4), IL-5, IL-9, IL-10, IL-13 and IL-17 (Gumperz triggers iNKT activation by inducing presentation of et al. 2002). It also upregulates CD40l inducing IL-10 endogenous GSL by CD1d molecules. (Caielli et al. and IL-12 secretion by dendritic cells (O’Reilly et al. 2010).PathologicalinvolvementsofTLR4pathwayare 2011). A quantitative reduction of iNKTs has been reported throughan endogenous ligand-mediated signal reported in murine models of different LSDs including inanantibody-inducedarthritis(Kimetal.2012).TLRs FD (Gadola et al. 2006; Macedo et al. 2012). In Fabry also recognize endogenous ligands. Accumulated gan- knockout(KO)mice,anage-associatedincreaseinGb3 gliosides in GM1 and GM2 gangliosidosis were storage was reported (Macedo et al. 2012). Concomi- reported to act as an endogenous ligand for TLR4 tantly, a progressive decrease in iNKT rates was (Jou etal.2006).Hence,Gb3isquestionedtoactasan observed, which differs depending on the organs with endogenousligandtoTLR4(DeFrancescoetal.2013). amoresignificantreductioninthespleen(around75%) Infact,theGb3accumulationappearstobethestarting andaffectingprimarilytheCD4iNKTssubset.ERTwas point of an innate immunity reaction, involving CD1d shown to prevent the progression of this splenic iNKT and TLR4 pathways which would induce a dysregula- deficiency in mouse (Macedo et al. 2012). In FD tion of one of the iNKT subsets and DCs, source of a patients, under ERT for most of them, the quantitative pathological proinflammatory state with secretion of reduction in the iNKT pool was not found in PBMCs specific proinflammatory cytokines. We tried to sum- (Balreiraetal.2008).ThisabsenceofdisorderiniNKTs marize in Fig. 1 the interrelations between Gb3 has been thought to result from the differences in accumulation, innate immunity cells and cytokines. intracellular trafficking of mouse and human CD1d As previously mentioned, ERT could have a benefi- molecules or the role of ERT. More recently, Pereira cialimpactoninnateimmuneresponseinFDintermsof etal.reported a decrease inCD4 iNKTs, an increase of iNKT cell counts (Macedo et al. 2012; Pereira et al. DN iNKTs and a reduction in the IL-4 production, 2013).Butnodedicatedprospectiveandcontrolledstudy without significant difference between ERT-treated and has been done to evaluate the impact of ERTon innate untreated patients (Pereira et al. 2013). Of note, only 4 immune response as an endpoint in human. Besides, patients were treated among the 15 included, limiting other therapeutic keyscould arise fromspecific research theimpactofERT.Interestingly,RozenfeldandBalreira on innate immunity. For example, lysosomal phospholi- showedalowlevelofCD1dthatcouldcorrespondtoan paseA2was reportedtoplaya roleinthe generationof increase of internalization and an increase in the CD1dcomplexesandcouldthereforebecomeapossible expression of MHC class II in monocytes from Fabry target like in coronary diseases (Paduraru et al. 2013; patients (Balreira et al. 2008; Rozenfeld et al. 2009). The STABILITY Investigators 2014). Therefore it seems that the GSL accumulation in FD But TLRs are not only expressed by immune cells. induces disturbances in iNKT distribution and plays a Endothelial cells, podocytes and kidney tubular epithe- proinflammatory role via CD1d pathway. lial cells also expressed TLR4 (Anders et al. 2004; TheproinflammatorypatterninFDiswelldescribed Banas et al. 2008). Interestingly, Ma et al. recently with an increase of inflammatory cytokines (De reported the role of TLR4 activation in diabetic Francesco et al. 2013). Urinary Gb3 levels were found nephropathy (Ma et al. 2014). TLR4(cid:2)/(cid:2) diabetic mice to be highly correlated with increased IL-6 plasma had significantly attenuated albuminuria, reduced kid- levels (r ¼ 0.971, p < 0.01) in 14 FD patients (Bian- ney hypertrophy and glomerular injury. They were also cini et al. 2012). The supernatant of PBMC samples protected from fibrosis and tubular injury. First from 29 Fabry patientsshowed a significantincreasein observed in hepatic fibrosis, TLR4 seems to drive a secreted IL-6 and IL-1b compared to 15 healthy fibrogenic response through the TGF-b signalling controls,anddendriticcells(DCs)fromthesameFabry pathwayindiabeticnephropathy(Sekietal.2007;Qian

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