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Jim Gray and Nahz Anvary Davis Office & Commercial Real Estate Report 2016 Mid - Year Review “Keep Calm and Carry On” was a motivational poster DAVIS OFFICE produced by the British government in 1939 in preparation of the Second World War. The poster was intended to raise the morale of the British public who were threatened ECONOMIC INDICATORS 2Q - 15 2Q - 16 12 MO with air strikes, a blockade, and the War. The slogan and FORECAST poster has re-appeared recently taking many variations U.S. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 5.30% 4.90% particularly in response to the Brexit Vote. Voters in Great CA UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 6.10% 5.40% Britain have surprisingly voted to leave the European Union and that decision has sent shock waves throughout YOLO COUNTY 6.30% 5.90% England, Europe, and the financial markets. The full and unintended consequences of the Brexit Vote will have major implications. Having a stiff upper lip and carrying on is part of the DNA of the British. MARKET INDICATORS 2Q - 15 2Q - 16 OVERALL VACANCY 14.10% 11.10% That slogan and poster applies equally and provides good advice to the business, economic development, and NET ABSORPTION SF 11,361 -239 campus communities in Davis. Since our last newsletter, our campus has been shocked with the “administrative UNDER CONSTRUCTION SF 0 0 leave” and “investigation” imposed on Chancellor Katehi as well as the resignation of Vice Chancellor and CFO AVERAGE ASKING RENT $1.85 $1.88 David Lawlor. The situation with the Chancellor continues to evolve and acting Chancellor and former Provost Ralph DAVIS BUILDING BASE 1,754,828 1,754,828 Hexter and the faculty, staff, and students are “carrying TOTAL AVAILABLE SPACE SF 247,422 194,484 on” in a tough situation. They are all preparing for the arrival of the class of 2016/17 and have their teaching, research, and public service to attend to. OFFICE AND FLEX & AVAILABILITIES BY SIZE Also many of us were shocked and saddened when a majority of voters in Davis voted NO on Measure A and stopped the annexation of the Nishi site. That 45 acre 14 project located adjacent to UCD and I-80 which proposed 12 student housing and research and development offices had been years in its planning. Nishi had gone through 10 exhaustive reviews and had been approved unanimously by the City Council but required a vote of the citizens 8 prior to annexation. The vote was close but it failed. This was more a surprise than the Brexit Vote! All five 6 12 members of the City Council and all the candidates in 10 10 4 the June council election supported Measure A. There 6 were multiple parties devoted to developing the Nishi 2 4 4 site, including the developers, the City, the University, and the County, and millions of dollars including regional 0 0 <500 SF 501-1,000 SF 1,001-2,500 SF 2,501-5,000 SF5,001-10,000 SF 10,001-25,000 >25,000 SF transportation dollars were spent on this planning and SF election effort. There had been at least five years of Office and Flex If you would like to discuss market conditions or would like assistance with your commercial and office real estate needs please contact us: Jim Gray, CCIM/LEED AP Nahz Anvary, CCIM Senior Vice President Senior Vice President +1 916 947 5142 +1 916 284 8385 [email protected] [email protected] LIC #00775072 LIC #01468557 / 1 2016 MID - YEAR REVIEW Jim Gray and Nahz Anvary meetings about the need for Innovation Parks and there guiding document for the University’s land use and future was detailed work by planners, engineers and architects growth. We have read the early work on the campus plan to design the Nishi proposal. The predisposition by and attended workshops and events on the LRDP, and Davis citizens, as well as a small but active group that find its direction to be very positive for the campus and are opposed to nearly every effort to make land use the community. We encourage you to explore and learn changes, have caused a huge setback in Davis’ economic more at the following link http://campustomorrow.ucdavis.edu/. development efforts. The consequences of this vote both If you would like to read more about our thoughts and intended and unintended have had major impacts on our ideas on the General Plan update and recommendations City’s future. to the City Council and the professional planners, click here: http://www.davisvanguard.org/2016/07/guest-commentary-lets- There were two other Innovation Centers that were being embrace-new-general-plan-thoughts-suggestions/ proposed in response to a City initiated Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI). The goal of the City was We wish the leaders the wisdom and resolve of Winston to encourage private developers to propose plans for Churchill as we face up to the need to prepare for 6,000- R&D and Innovation Parks for long term job creation and 10,000 new students and the related faculty and staff economic development within the City. Two proposals in and all of the civic, community, and campus amenities addition to Nishi were far along in the planning stage, one and facilities that are needed. Much of our infrastructure proposal near Sutter Davis Hospital and the other at Mace needs reinvestment and it will take strong leadership to Boulevard near the Ikeda Fruit Stand. The developers of prepare a plan, related environmental impact assessment, both of those projects have “suspended their efforts” and pay for modern improvements to keep our City to gain approval and aren’t going to invest the millions moving forward and to remain great. Davis voters have on infrastructure, buildings, and improvements for made it clear they won’t support annexations. Now the employers and companies. These are additional setbacks question becomes will they will be willing to support an to our community and to the region. We have consistently alternative that includes infill and densification? A new reported that there is a lack of sufficient available space plan will likely make Davis more urban, more walkable, to grow existing businesses or attract new businesses and make our community more vibrant. It is likely that to the community. These are disappointing events and a denser and infill focused General Plan will lead to an it would be understandable to be tired, frustrated, and environmentally preferable plan, and surely it will also cynical because of these local politics but we have to be trigger “Not In My Back Yard” (NIMBY) criticism. resilient and Keep Calm and Carry On! We hope that our leaders and planners can support, adopt and implement plans that will provide for the current and future needs of our community and campus. The business community will need to “Keep Calm and Carry On”. We hope that a new plan is adopted and implemented and that it will provide future buildings for innovative and growing companies. Turning to the Davis commercial real estate market, our analysis of current market conditions in the Davis office and industrial market is tracking the broader economy and the region with slower growth this first half of the year. Commercial rents in Davis have increased on average by 5 cents per square foot, and vacancy reported by our firm’s market researchers based on data base information to be about 11%. Our analysis and drill down The City of Davis and the University are both in various into the data leads us to believe that the actual vacancy stages of updating their General Plan or in the case of UCD, rate is closer to 7.75%. For instance, the vacant office its Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) which is the If you would like to discuss market conditions or would like assistance with your commercial and office real estate needs please contact us: Jim Gray, CCIM/LEED AP Nahz Anvary, CCIM Senior Vice President Senior Vice President +1 916 947 5142 +1 916 284 8385 [email protected] [email protected] LIC #00775072 LIC #01468557 / 2 2016 MID - YEAR REVIEW Jim Gray and Nahz Anvary space at the Families First Site is included in the available in decades, but there were signs of easing back on the space numbers but that property is off the market and throttle in the second quarter of 2016. The single most a planning process is underway to demolish the office influential contributor to this local economic expansion and build apartments. Also there are a number of leases has been the rapid rise of the “tech sector” which has pending on some large spaces that also contribute to the become a rather ubiquitous term covering all businesses differences in the numbers. that have a significant technology focus or component. There is wide variety of choices for small businesses but However, recent changes in the tech sector in San medium size and large growing companies have very Francisco have begun to affect that office market. Slow limited choices in Davis. Davis currently has 34 buildings or no growth policies have emerged among start-ups with 45 suites on the market for lease. The total available as well as some more established firms, resulting in a spaces for lease total a little over ±175,000 square feet. significant increase in new, vacant sublease space. The There are 26 suites of 2,500 square feet or smaller on the increase in sublease vacancy and several larger blocks market. (2,500 square feet is enough to accommodate of direct space hitting the market have propelled the 10-15 employees.) In addition, incubator and shared San Francisco overall vacancy rate to 7.3% in the second workspaces are proliferating and provide opportunities quarter of 2016, up 160 basis points (BPS) from the first for a number of start-up and small businesses. These quarter of 2016 and the largest quarterly increase since incubator type spaces, executive suites, and shared the first quarter of 2009. workspaces include the UC Davis – HM.CLAUSE Life Science Innovation Center, Area 52 which is also a part The overall San Francisco asking rent continued to climb of the University’s Distributed Research Incubation closing at a record high of $69.30 per square foot per and Venture Engine, or DRIVE Network, the UC Davis year on average, compared to $22.56 per square foot per Engineering Translational Technology Center, Davis Roots year in Davis. That rent is 207% higher than the average and Pollinate Davis. There are also 80 small executive asking rents in Davis. suites upstairs in the Farmtown shopping center in What is puzzling to plenty of economic development, Stonegate in West Davis. Like many of the smaller and corporate and real estate interests is the fact that many older spaces, they are old and tired without a lot of the corporate and institutional users are not relocating to amenities that modern businesses are seeking. We expect the Sacramento Valley. In previous cycles, Bay Area that there will be additional offerings in the shared work companies sought lower costs of doing business and space arena. This concept is a fast growing segment of lower cost housing for their employees in the Sacramento the tech office market globally, nationally, in northern Valley. Many hope that this will occur again, but it appears California and in Davis. to many observers that tech companies are expanding There are only 4 spaces between 5,000 and 10,000 and relocating operations to different communities this square feet and there are 6 spaces 10,000 square feet or time. Many firms are seeking other business locations larger (2 of those are sub-leases and 2 more of them are in communities such as Seattle, Portland, Austin, Salt industrial shells). So there are really only 2 spaces larger Lake and other more urban locations. Apparently, these than 10,000 square feet directly available for an office communities offer more of what their workforce wants user; one at Mace Ranch and another at Interland. There and needs. In Sacramento, perhaps as the Downtown are no offerings of 25,000 square feet or larger. There are Arena and the Railyard come along and add to our no speculative office buildings under construction in the amenity mix and if Davis or the University ever got a new City of Davis and we are not aware of any major offerings business park underway, our region would attract more being planned. interest and investment from tech companies. Our colleagues in our Bay Area Cushman & Wakefield Davis and the region continue to have a competitive offices are cautioning that the Bay Area is “entering advantage when it comes to an established hub in correction territory”. The San Francisco commercial real estate market has soared along on its longest “up-cycle” If you would like to discuss market conditions or would like assistance with your commercial and office real estate needs please contact us: Jim Gray, CCIM/LEED AP Nahz Anvary, CCIM Senior Vice President Senior Vice President +1 916 947 5142 +1 916 284 8385 [email protected] [email protected] LIC #00775072 LIC #01468557 / 3 2016 MID - YEAR REVIEW Jim Gray and Nahz Anvary the Ag Bio Tech industries. These businesses are has stated that one of his goals includes “updating very global and international in their nature. In the the General Plan”. He graduated from Davis High past year we have had interactions and provided School, had a longstanding career at the Capitol and services to agricultural tech firms from Norway, recently took a government-relations position with Denmark, Israel, China and within the US Ag Tech the University of California Division of Agriculture firms with roots in Iowa, Missouri, Texas, Silicon and Natural Resources in Davis. Brett Lee, an Valley, Davis, Woodland and Sacramento. Davis’s engineer by training with significant involvement in strength in many ways is its agricultural heritage. Davis’ political and community life was re-elected But it is worth noting that many of the larger Ag with the most votes and has been selected to be Tech employers, including Bayer, Monsanto and the Mayor Protem and will be mayor in 2 years. He is Syngenta, have opened or moved their labs to West thoughtful, engaged and principled in his approach. Sacramento and un-incorporated areas of Yolo The council is rounded out by Rochelle Swanson, County near Woodland. an attorney and economic development consultant who has been a passionate advocate in the areas of economic development and business retention. This is going to be a great Council! Their hands will be full and likely the Council Chambers will be just as full as they grapple with the future of our fair City. The Innovation Park and economic development issues and the need to repackage those efforts as well as the need to update our outdated General Plan will take great effort. The current General Plan is full of conflicts with other zoning documents and in many regards it lacks needed vision for our current challenges and CURRENT DAVIS CITY COUNCIL PHOTO BY DAVID M. GREENWALD our citizens’ future needs. Too many times we have conflicts that arise on a application by application The Davis City Council election was held with the basis. Our current General Plan does not identify June primary and the new council and a new mayor land resources to accommodate or direct the next were sworn in at the July 12th meeting. Outgoing couple of generations of the community’s housing mayor Dan Wolk is leaving office but surely such a and commercial needs nor did it envision multi- talented attorney and devoted public servant will story infill. This is not fair to our neighborhoods, find new avenues to continue to serve. Thank you our businesses, to developers seeking to invest, Dan! Robb Davis has assumed the mantle of Mayor or to our City Staff and Commissions. Our current and we are confident he will help set the right tone. General Plan was a vision for the community Robb is a thoughtful and articulate consensus builder from 1987. Remember 1987? Ronald Reagan was and problem solver and brings his public health President, Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of background and other community involvement to Great Britian, George Deukmejian was Governor of the Mayor’s job. Will Arnold has been elected to California, Ted Hullar was named the Chancellor of serve his first 4 year term on the Council and brings UCD, the Simpson series started on TV, Dirty Dancing new energy and a fresh perspective to the council was the hit movie, and AJ Bumps or Blue Mango from years of volunteering for a variety of service were Davis’ dining preferences. The UCD Student organizations as well as his involvement in state and Population was 19,835 and tuition and registration local politics including his job working as a district fees for undergraduates were $1,296 per year. Our representative for state Senator Lois Wolk. His work City Council consisted of Ann Evans, Mike Corbett, for Lois centered around helping local constituents. Dave Rosenberg, Jerry Adler and Debbie Nichols Lucas Frerichs was re-elected. Lucas is a dynamo Poulos. They did their job preparing for the future and has been deeply engaged with a wide variety of needs of our City by adopting a citizen’s based community organizations, including having served General Plan. That plan was developed with mix of on the Davis Food Co-op board of directors. Lucas both citizen participation and If you would like to discuss market conditions or would like assistance with your commercial and office real estate needs please contact us: Jim Gray, CCIM/LEED AP Nahz Anvary, CCIM Senior Vice President Senior Vice President +1 916 947 5142 +1 916 284 8385 [email protected] [email protected] LIC #00775072 LIC #01468557 / 4 2016 MID - YEAR REVIEW Jim Gray and Nahz Anvary professional planners combined with a City Council to appreciate the great work that Novozymes is doing who was committed to adopt a plan. It guided future go visit their web site at http://www.novozymes.com/us and development and established a process for a tempo see all of the exciting global activities that they are and phasing of the growth. It was a balanced plan engaged in. Working on such an important and valuable that provided for community infrastructure that set lease transaction was stimulating and involved a great aside land for single family and student housing as deal of negotiation and collaboration. We are glad that well as areas for commercial growth. It protected they have committed long term to Davis and we were the downtown core, promoted solar energy and set honored to have played a small role in their renewal. the vision and framework for our future. We believe that the City of Davis and our current leaders can On a positive note, the Cannery neighborhood is continuing do a great job again! The current plan served us well to evolve. Houses, parks, the first farm-to-table new- but its relevancy for today and for our future has home community that grows and provides fresh seasonal been outlived. produce through its own 7.4-acre working farm is really taking shape. We hear from our residential real estate Of course, the Council will have to focus on the colleagues that sales are brisk and the landscape and budget and a wide variety of public safety and other community amenities are providing great curb appeal. community concerns. Those issues and many more will We are watching intently as the commercial buildings as certainly test the new Council. We wish the Council well as 72 units of apartments try to get launched. wisdom, resilience, and a collaborative and action- oriented approach to decisions. Thank you all for your service! We wanted to also point out that the largest commercial property sale in the history of Davis is in process at University Research Park / Interland. It was developed and managed for the past 30+ years by Interland and the Jim Joseph Foundation. This is the premier and best managed business park in Davis. It consists of nearly 35 acres, with 17 buildings that include more CANNERY RANCH HOUSE than 20 tenants who occupy more than 300,000 square feet of office and lab space and includes a 6+ acre site for additional construction. University On the UCD campus, everyone has to be proud of the Research Park is being brought to market for the first great architecture and the addition to campus of the time. We understand that more than a ten prospective Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art buyers bid for the assets. At the time of this writing, the pictured on the upper left hand corner of page 1. Wow! buyer has not been selected and the terms of the sale What a great new cultural amenity is being added have not been finalized. This is a blue-chip property near Mondavi. Take a few minutes and go walk around that has attracted a wide mix of potential purchasers this stunning architecture. Famous teacher and painter and the tenancies include the “who’s who” of Davis Wayne Theibaud just donated some of his significant works to the Museum. It is scheduled to open November businesses and institutions. Great current income with a real upside for the investor and the community! 13th. Mark your calendars. We recently had the opportunity to collaborate with To wrap up our thinking for this newsletter, we feel our corporate services colleagues in North Carolina such a broad range of emotions to work with such and Bruce Hohenhaus, one of our broker colleagues in great companies like Novozymes and recognize what Sacramento, to serve Novozymes who has been in Davis they do for our City, the region and the world, to also since 1992. Working with local and regional leaders see the sprouting up great new amenities such as the of Novozymes, we negotiated on their behalf a long Shrem Museum and the community buildings at the term lease extension to their current lease at Interland, Cannery and then contrast that with the No Vote on extending their lease commitment for continued R&D Nishi and the withdrawal of the other Innovation Park efforts and to their local staff and scientists in Davis efforts. We choose to “Keep Calm and Carry On” and for more than 13 years. Novozymes finds biological hope you do as well. answers for better lives in a growing world. If you want If you would like to discuss market conditions or would like assistance with your commercial and office real estate needs please contact us: Jim Gray, CCIM/LEED AP Nahz Anvary, CCIM Senior Vice President Senior Vice President +1 916 947 5142 +1 916 284 8385 [email protected] [email protected] LIC #00775072 LIC #01468557 / 5 Office Market Report 201S6a cMraImDe n-t o Y VEalAleyR • SReEcVonIdE QWuarter 2016 Jim Gray and Nahz Anvary Q2 2016 DAVIS OFFICE AND FLEX MARKET STATISTICS Davis Office & Flex Quarter Q2-15 Q3-15 Q4-15 Q1-16 Q2-16 Building Base: Class A 98,000 98,000 98,000 98,000 98,000 Class B 1,023,278 1,023,278 1,023,278 1,023,278 1,023,278 Class C 633,550 633,550 633,550 633,550 633,550 All Types 1,754,828 1,754,828 1,754,828 1,754,828 1,754,828 Direct Availabilities: Class A 0 0 0 29,793 11,427 Class B 213,606 188,069 173,282 141,110 147,667 Class C 33,816 26,802 22,388 23,342 20,017 All Types 247,422 214,871 195,670 194,245 179,111 Sublease Availabilities: Class A 0 0 0 0 0 Class B 0 9,371 9,371 0 0 Class C 0 0 0 0 15,373 All Types 0 9,371 9,371 0 15,373 Total Availables Class A 0 0 0 29,793 11,427 Class B 213,606 197,440 182,653 141,110 147,667 Class C 33,816 26,802 22,388 23,342 35,390 All Types 247,422 224,242 205,041 194,245 194,484 Total Occupancy SF 1,507,406 1,530,586 1,549,787 1,560,583 1,560,344 Growth Rate (%) 0.6% 1.3% 1.1% 0.6% 0.0% Vacancy: Class A 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 30.4% 11.7% Class B 20.9% 19.3% 17.8% 13.8% 14.4% Class C 5.3% 4.2% 3.5% 3.7% 5.6% All Types 14.1% 12.8% 11.7% 11.1% 11.1% Avg. Asking Rate (FS/Month) Class A $2.18 $2.18 $2.18 $2.35 $2.35 Class B $1.82 $1.82 $1.84 $1.78 $1.84 Class C $1.88 $1.85 $2.00 $2.04 $1.90 All Types $1.83 $1.83 $1.85 $1.90 $1.88 New Construction: Class A 0 0 0 0 0 Class B 0 0 0 0 0 Total A & B 0 0 0 0 0 Absorption Trend Gross Absorption 19,618 37,714 28,387 51,684 67,120 Net Absorption 11,361 23,180 19,201 10,796 -239 YTD Net Absorption 17,971 41,151 60,352 10,796 10,557 Vacancy & Asking Rate Trend 18% $1.92 16% 14.2% 15.3% 15.1% 14.7% 14.1% $1.90 14% 12.4% 11.9% 12.2% 12.8% 11.7% $1.88 12% 11.1% 11.1% $1.86 10% $1.84 7.6% 8% $1.82 6% $1.80 4% $1.78 2% $1.76 0% $1.74 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13 Q1-14 Q2-14 Q3-14 Q4-14 Q1-15 Q2-15 Q3-15 Q4-15 Q1-16 Q2-16 Vacancy Avg. Asking Rate (FS) If you would like to discuss market conditions or would like assistance Based on City of Davis existing office and flex space, 10,000 SF or larger. NNN averawgei tahsk yinogu rer nctso nmotm sheorwcnia.l and office real estate needs please contact us: Jim Gray, CCIM/LEED AP Nahz Anvary, CCIM Senior Vice President Senior Vice President +1 916 947 5142 +1 916 284 8385 [email protected] [email protected] LIC #00775072 LIC #01468557 / 6 2016 MID - YEAR REVIEW Jim Gray and Nahz Anvary SPOTLIGHT ON DEALS AND HAPPENINGS IN DAVIS LONG TERM COMMITMENT TO DAVIS AND THE NEW U.S. PRESENCE RIGHT HERE IN DAVIS! WORLD Welcome to The Stockton Group headquartered in Israel who Congratulations to Novozymes who has extended their significant has opened a new U.S. presence at 4627 Fermi Place in Davis. R&D presence at the University Research Park in Davis for 13 The Stockton Group is a leading crop protection product supplier more years. Novozymes is headquartered in Denmark and the U.S. offering an extensive product portfolio with almost 100 different represents the largest market for Novozymes, across fast growing registered active ingredients in different formulations and packaging and ever changing industries such as biofuels, detergent, food, feed configurations. The Stockton brand is recognized worldwide for and bioagriculture. Novozymes invests nearly 14 percent of its global high quality crop protection solutions, eco-friendly products and revenue in research and development annually, with two of its largest outstanding service. Their eco-friendly products and solutions are research and development facilities located in Davis, CA since 1992 based on innovation, global expertise and partnerships, and are and Franklinton, NC. Novozymes has had a U.S. presence since 1979 customized to meet local needs. They are committed to earn the right and employs more than 1300 employees centered around 16 sites to be the preferred supplier to our customers based on high quality in North America. Novozymes is one of the first companies in the products and top level service. World to adopt a commitment to a Triple Bottom Line (TBL) aiming to balance financial, social, and environmental aspects of a business. More at http://www.stockton-ag.com/ This accounting method means expanding the traditional reporting framework to take into account ecological and social performance in addition to financial reporting. More at http://www.novozymes.com/en and see their worldwide locations at http://www.novozymes.com/en/worldwide PLANTING NEW ROOTS AND “AGED” TO PERFECTION Congratulations to the American Society of Enology and Viticulture (ASEV) who is moving into roomier office headquarters within the Green Meadows Office Complex! The American Society for Enology and Viticulture is a large membership organization who promotes and encourages the sciences of winemaking and grape growing. ASEV is a FURTHER EXPANSION 501 (c)(6), tax exempt professional society dedicated to the interests of enologists, viticulturists, and others in the fields of wine and grape Best wishes to the team at BioConsortia who has continued to expand research and production throughout the world. Their membership at the University Research Park to accommodate its growth needs! includes professionals from wineries, vineyards, academic institutions BioConsortia is developing highly effective microbial consortia for and organizations. Formed in 1950, and originally composed of increasing agricultural yields and has a pipeline of products for increased researchers from the University of California and California winemakers, fertilizer utilization, growth improvement and other beneficial crop the ASEV has held a steady growth over the years. They currently traits. A number of scientists have been recruited and relocated from have 2200 members, 100 Industrial Affiliates (companies), and two New Zeland to join the local Davis leadership of Marcus Meadows-Smith chapters: an Eastern U.S. Chapter and the ASEV Japan Chapter. And and Chris Huben. mark your calendar for ASEV’s well-known annual Unified Wine & Grape Symposium held in Sacramento on January 24 – 26 2017 at the More at http://bioconsortia.com/ Sacramento Convention Center, the largest event of its kind in the western hemisphere Built with the joint input of growers, vintners and allied industry members, the Symposium serves as a clearinghouse http://www.rmanet.com/ for practical information important to wine and grape industry professionals, and also hosts a trade show with over 650 suppliers displaying their products and services to the more than 13,800 people who attend annually. ASEV bought an entire building comprised of 5 condominium units and will be renovating and updating the entire If you would like to discuss market conditions or would like assistance with your commercial and office real estate needs please contact us: Jim Gray, CCIM/LEED AP Nahz Anvary, CCIM Senior Vice President Senior Vice President +1 916 947 5142 +1 916 284 8385 [email protected] [email protected] LIC #00775072 LIC #01468557 / 7 2016 MID - YEAR REVIEW Jim Gray and Nahz Anvary SPOTLIGHT ON DEALS AND HAPPENINGS IN DAVIS (continued) building of ±5,625 SF square feet for their members and employees. Johnson of Capital Partners Development, Roy Cotterill of Perkins, Special thanks to Greg Gordon and Robin Ward, Realtors, who we Williams and Cotterill Architects, Harrison Construction, the team collaborated with in this transaction. at First Northern Bank, and a number of users and consultants from UCD. This effort has allowed most of the activities of this important More at http://www.asev.org scientific team to become housed in one new state of the art facility. One of the groups occupying the space is the Davis Millimeter-Wave Research Center that conducts research on Microwave/Millimeter Wave Technology and Plasma Diagnostics. More at http://engineering.ucdavis.edu NEW HEADQUARTERS! Congratulations to US Cryotherapy who has just relocated and expanded their national corporate headquarters to 1490 Drew TAKING LUGGAGE TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL! CAN Avenue. You can still find their Davis site for services if you have I CARRY YOUR BAG? aches and pains or you want to get a “cold boost” at the Oakshade Shopping Center at 2191 Cowell Blvd in South Davis. What is Congratulations to ALEON who has moved into the 630 Pena Drive Cryotherapy you ask? Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) is exposure in East Davis! ALEON’s fine aluminum travel cases are designed to subzero temperatures. Extreme cold stimulates skin sensors, with functionality, durability, security and style in mind. Owners activating a Central Nervous System (CNS) response. This causes the of ALEON cases can be assured of a quality product made for release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain inhibitors and mood the long haul. All of their cases are molded from aircraft grade elevators, while the enhanced circulation activity (blood movement aluminum alloy sheets, riveted for strength. into and out of the core) decreases inflammation by clearing toxins and metabolic waste with a supply of oxygen and nutrient enriched More at http://www.aleoncase.com blood to stimulate cellular regeneration (faster healing). Treatments have been adopted by elite athletes and pro teams for muscle and injury recovery. WBC is becoming nationally well documented as being used for the daily management of pain, inflammation, energy, and stress related conditions. US Cryotherapy is the national leader as the most complete center model concept for safe, effective, and affordable treatments available to the public. More at http://www.uscryotherapy.com/ DAVIS CPA GETS A NEW HOME Congratulations to Rich Nitzkowski of Nitzkowski Tax and Accounting Services who recently bought an office condo, a former dental suite, at the Covell Professional Center at the corner of Anderson and Covell Boulevard and he is customizing the suite for his CPA offices. Betty Woo is the project architect and Harrison Construction is doing the tenant improvements. We hope that Rich’s clients can wrap up their extensions and complete their tax filings so he can move in to TRANSFORMATION! his new office. The former Z-World/Digi/Rabbit Semiconductor headquarters More at http://www.richnitzcpa.com/ building at 2900 Spafford has been transformed into laboratory and office spaces for UC Davis College of Engineering. With an investment of more than $7 million dollars, a local investment group and the University have renovated and developed a new laser and engineering laboratory. We brokered a “renovation-to-suit” and a 12+ year lease. This was truly a team effort with John Buckel and Rod If you would like to discuss market conditions or would like assistance with your commercial and office real estate needs please contact us: Jim Gray, CCIM/LEED AP Nahz Anvary, CCIM Senior Vice President Senior Vice President +1 916 947 5142 +1 916 284 8385 [email protected] [email protected] LIC #00775072 LIC #01468557 / 8 2016 MID - YEAR REVIEW Jim Gray and Nahz Anvary SPOTLIGHT ON DEALS AND HAPPENINGS IN DAVIS (continued) DOWNTOWN PROPERTY CHANGES OWNERSHIP SPROUTING UP IN EAST DAVIS Best wishes to Five Zero Nine LLC, a partnership comprised of Best wishes to Keller Williams Realty who has opened their Davis two therapists, a psychiatrist and their spouses, who have recently offices at 4632 2nd Street in East Davis in the office buildings purchased a mixed-use office/ 509 4th Street from Grace Valley across from Target. Again, there are a number of great agents and Christian Center. This is a mixed use 4-plex that includes three brokers now with Keller Williams. As we know first-hand, there are residential units and about ±2,160 square feet of office space that is plenty of changes in the real estate business. We ourselves have envisioned to provide individual practitioners/therapists and other had seven different business cards in the past 10+years. services providers who need individual offices for rent in a convenient downtown location. What a great downtown Davis location and More at http://www.kw.com/kw/ building to do business. Special thanks to John Thayer of First Northern Bank who provided take out financing for this specialized property. John and the team at FNB provided exceptional service and great terms and rate. NEW CENTRAL LOCATION DOWNTOWN Congratulations to Nate Pina and First Cal Mortgage who have moved to the second floor of the Smith’s building where First Northern Bank is the anchor tenant at Second and D Street. Nate and his mortage company have leased a bright and functional office located in the heart of Davis’ financial services center, near the majority of the downtown real estate, title, and insurance, offices. More at www.firstcal.net/pina MADSON PLACE OFFICES NEW ADDITION Congratulations to RE/MAX Gold who has expanded their Davis presence and has opened a new location at the offices at 334 Madson Place, near the intersection of Pole Line and 5th Streets. A number of first rate brokers and agents are moving to this new location. In an historic coincidence, the building is owned by Sam and Gwen Harrison who were the first owners of the RE/MAX brand in Davis. This landlord really understands their tenant’s business. More at http://www.remaxgold.com/ If you would like to discuss market conditions or would like assistance with your commercial and office real estate needs please contact us: Jim Gray, CCIM/LEED AP Nahz Anvary, CCIM Senior Vice President Senior Vice President +1 916 947 5142 +1 916 284 8385 [email protected] [email protected] LIC #00775072 LIC #01468557 / 9 2016 MID - YEAR REVIEW Jim Gray and Nahz Anvary ON THE MARKET - FOR SALE Here is a sample of the types of properties that are available for sale in Davis, are in escrow or have recently sold. As you can tell, it’s a great time to be a seller as there is limited supply on the market. The majority of our brokerage practice is focused on serving landlords, tenants, and owner users. Also, we regularly represent investors who are looking for investment properties for rental income. Davis as a community has a high barrier to entry, a limited supply and values are generally stable with not a lot to choose from. We track all property offerings on the market—listed for sale by owners, by other brokers and by us. If you are looking for friendly, professional, thoughtful representation in evaluating an offering—either currently on the market or to be prepared and on the look-out for future opportunities, or are thinking of listing your property, please give us a call. We would love to set up a meeting to learn about your objectives and criteria and discuss our services, our philosophy and our approach. W I N E S C R O S O L D S O L D FOR SALE 614 CANTRILL DRIVE 509 4TH STREET COMMERCIAL INFILL LOT / DAVIS, CA 95618 2900 SPAFFORD STREET 1724 PICASSO MIXED - USE / INVESTMENT R&D BUILDING / INVESTMENT PROPERTY OFFICE CONDOS PROPERTY ±23,825 SF ±5,625 SF ±4,610 SF N M A C S O L D S O L D E BLVD Konditorei Austrian Pastry Mori PR OPERTY PENA D 2ND STRSEeEiTki R PO LE LIN 2043 ANDERSON ROAD 5O0F1F OICAEK B AUVILEDNINUGE E ROAD L6A14N DC AFONRT RSAILLLE OFFICE CONDO ±4,385 SF ±.64 ACRES ±1,100 SF $425,000 FOR SALE: $425,000 614 Cantrill Drive is a ±0.64 acre unimproved lot near the I-80 and Mace intersection in East Davis. The current Owner of the site previousWly planned to build ±3,524 sf auto service building and related parking for its own use on S O L D S O L D I Ntobhfu e yt hesEorit sece a aSnpn lddane Ctvsh ewolosoRepu lrtdeh nerOedirqe ouriwinregn sac oacrnoecn eatrptattacsct a hanenddd p itnlha etnh sce ot onm smaernektee tot iftn htgeh. ierT ahbroucssheinit epesclastn atshn aadtr eidn evfoveres tlromepfeeenrdet ntnhceeeem dp.su .Or pf ocsoeusr soen, lay.n Tyh feu tuusree SITE HIGHLIGHTS LOCATION HIGHLIGHTS • APN: 071-404-028-000 • Visible from Interstate 80 and located off the intersection of Second Street and Cantrill Drive • Lot Size: ±0.64 acres (±27,878 SF) (less than 5 minuets from Mace Blvd. exit) • Zoning: P-D #2-99C, Commercial Service • In close proximity to UC Davis and Downtown Davis central core area, and a short 15 minute drive to Downtown Sacramento. For more information, contact: Jim Gray, CCIM Nahz Anvary, CCIM 520 Capitol Mall, 5th Floor Senior Vice President, LEED AP Senior Vice President Sacramento, CA 95814 102 E STREET 114 E STREET +jLiIm1C .9#g10r6a0y 79@745c70u 57s21h4w2a ke.c1om9 70 LAK+nLIa1CE h 9#z1.0a 61n4 2v68a8r45y 5@873c8u5s hwake.com TF:: ++11 991166 337765 81580400 DOWNTOWN PROPERTY DOWNTOWN PROPERTY OWNER USER PROPERTY www.cushwake.com ±2,224 SF ±1,780 SF Cfruosmh wthaek me Carokpeytr oigrh cth 2a0n1g5e. iTnh per iincef±o. rSmelal1etiro (0no rc oLnets,asio2nre, ads h t0ehree cina sw5ea ms alay w bfSeu)l layn odFb btraoinkeedr mfroamke s noou rrecpesr ewsee nctoantsioidne ars r etoli athbele e. nCvuirsohnwmakeen itsa nl coot n rdeistpioonn soifb tlhee a pnrdo epxeprrteys asnlyd d riesccolamimmse anldl lPiaubriclhitays, efor’rs e(rorro Lrse,s osemei’ss)s iionndse,p perniodre snatl iensv, wesittihgdartiaowna.l If you would like to discuss market conditions or would like assistance with your commercial and office real estate needs please contact us: Jim Gray, CCIM/LEED AP Nahz Anvary, CCIM Senior Vice President Senior Vice President +1 916 947 5142 +1 916 284 8385 [email protected] [email protected] LIC #00775072 LIC #01468557 / 10

“Keep Calm and Carry On” was a motivational poster produced by the British arrival of the class of 2016/17 and have their teaching, research, and
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