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NONEQUILIBRIUM LINEAR BEHAVIOR OF BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS EXISTENCE OF ENZYME-MEDIATED MULTIDIMENSIONAL INFLECTION POINTS K. J. ROTHSCHILD,S.A. ELLIAS,A. ESsIG,ANDH.E.STANLEY, Centerfor PolymerStudies, DepartmentofPhysics, Boston UniversityandDepartment ofPhysiology, BostonUniversitySchoolofMedicine, Boston, Massachusetts 02118 U.S.A. ABSTRACT The linear phenomenological equations of nonequilibrium thermodynamics are limited theoretically to near equilibrium although a number ofbiological systems have been shown to exhibit a "linear" relationship between steady-state flows and conjugate thermody- namic forces outside the range ofequilibrium. We have found a multidimensional inflection point which can exist well outside the range ofequilibrium around which enzyme-catalyzed reactions exhibit "linear" behavior between the logarithm of reactant concentrations and enzymecatalyzedflows.Asetofsufficientconditionshasbeenderivedwhichcanbeappliedto anyenzyme mechanism todetermine whether a multidimensional inflection pointexists. The conditions do not appearoverly restrictive and may be satisfied by a largevariety ofcoupled enzymereactions. Itisthuspossiblethatthelinearityobservedinsomebiologicalsystemsmay beexplained intermsofenzymesoperatingnearthismultidimensional inflectionpoint. INTRODUCTION A number of biological systems have been found to exhibit a linear relationship between steady-state flows and conjugate thermodynamic forces outside the range ofequilibrium (1). Examples include the systems carrying out oxidative-phosphorylation in mitochondria (2, 3), sodium transport in frog skin, toad bladder (4) and toad skin (5), and hydrogen iontransport in turtle bladder (6). Linearity has also been noted ina synthetic membrane exhibiting active transport (7). (Linearity as used in these papers and here implies the flow, J, is related tothe force, A1, by an affine relation, e.g. J = LYA + C, where C and L are constants. Hence, a doubling ofthe forceonly impliesadoubling ofthe flow when C= 0). These examples suggest that the function of complex systems (outside the range of equilibrium) can under some circumstances be described by sets oflinear phenomenological equations. N Ji= E Lij-Aj i= 1,...N (la) j-I whereJi is the ith flow in the system, and .i its conjugate thermodynamic force, and theL4's Dr.ElliasispresentlyaffiliatedwiththeUniversityofPennsylvania MedicalSchool. BIOPHYS.J.© BiophysicalSociety * 0006-3495/80/05/209/22 $1.00 209 Volume30 May 1980 209-230 are (constant) phenomenological coefficients. However, only for a system sufflciently close to equilibrium (viz. A << RT, where A is the chemical affinity for a reaction, R is the gas constant and Tthe absolute temperature) has it been demonstrated theoretically (8, 9) that Eq. la will bea valid description ofthe system and that the phenomenological coefficients Lii obeytheOnsager reciprocal relations (9) Lii = Lii (1b) Outside the restricted range there is no theoretical guarantee that Eq. 1 should be valid, although these equations are widely used in nonequilibrium thermodynamics (10-12) and especially in the treatment ofsteady-state membranesystems (13-16). Rottenberg (2) has pointed out that those specific enzyme-catalyzed reactions which obey approximately the Michaelis-Menten rate equation (17) Ax B + x() (where x is the activity ofa substrate ofthe reaction and A and B are independent ofx) can exhibit a high degree of linearity in the chemical affinity for certain values of substrate concentrations. He also showed that for certain conditions the rate of the reaction J can be approximated byJ = LA (whereLisaconstant independentofA),evenoutsidetherangeof equilibrium. Toseewhether Rottenberg'sapproachcan beexpanded toexplaintheexperimental finding ofextended regions oflinearity in coupled biological systems, it is necessary to treat multiple enzyme-coupled reactions whichdependon morethanonereactant. Inthispaperweestablish a set of sufficient conditions which guarantee that an enzyme mechanism will exhibit a multidimensional inflection point around which a set oflinear equations will be valid over an extended range outside ofequilibrium. Theseconditions do not appear to beoverly restrictive and maybesatisfied bya largevarietyofcoupled enzymesystems. Further, weshow thatina specificcasewhich isbiologically reasonable reciprocal relations (identical tothosedefinedby Onsager near equilibrium) are obtained. Hence, the linearity observed in many biological systems may in some cases beexplained in termsofenzymes operating around a multidimen- sional inflection point. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. A SingleFlowas aFunction ofOneReactant Concentration Each enzyme kinetic mechanism can be described by a transition diagram (18, 19), sometimes known as a Hill diagram. The simplest type ofdiagram corresponds to a series of enzyme catalyzed reactions without branching. In Fig. la we show one such example for a three-state enzyme El + XI E2- E3 El + X2 (3) At steady state, the net flows between any two states in such a diagram must all be equal for otherwise theconcentration ofeach enzymestatewould notbeconstant. Thus, thesystemcan 210 BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL VOLUME 30 1980 X2 a)) b0 b) ~~~~~~~c3-.l 2 + * *0 0 X2 H20 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 1 (a) A three-state transition diagram describing an enzyme mechanism which catalyzes a single flow reaction at steady state. Each node represents a possible enzyme state and each arrow a possible transition between states. a,b,c,d,e,andSfarerateconstants. Thereactantvariablesxlandx2 enter into transitions 1 2 and 1 .3, reJsp(ecxt=iv1elA)y1.x,(b)+ABthre4e-state enzyme mechanism where the reactantvariablesenterthetransitions 1 -2and2 3. FIGURE 2 A four-state transition diagram describing an enzyme mechanism which catalyzes two independent flow reactionsatsteady-state. ThereactantsX,,X2,enterintothetransitionsasshown. This diagram could represent a simple active transport model (dotted arrows) where X, = Na0+ and X'2 = ADP. be characterized by a single flow which will depend on the concentration of each of the reactants. (We shall ignore thedistinction between activities and concentrations.) In a more complex enzyme mechanism where branches occur, more than one flow is found (cf. Fig. 2). If, however, we restrict our attention to one particular flow J, then we can show (cf. Appendix A) that for an important class ofreactions the dependence ofthe steady-state velocity Jon any reactant concentration xiis ofthe form JX)=C,x + D, (4) where Ai, B,, C,, D, are independent ofx;but maydepend on any concentration xiwithj + i ROTHSCHILD ET AL. Nonequilibrium LinearBehavior 211 and where Ci, D,, > 0. This result holds for any species xi that satisfies the following conditions. Condition Ia: The reactant affects the transition rates for leaving only one ofthe enzyme states. Condition Ib: The kinetics are offirstorder with respect tothe reactant. (Condition lb can begeneralized (cf. Appendix A)) The existence of a general expression, Eq. 4, for the dependence of the flow on the concentration of any particular reactant xi which obeys conditions I allows us to show that there will exista special pointxoaround which theflow expression can bewritten as J=Jo+ b n(4n ) I+[n(x)] (5) (Here and henceforth in this section we drop the subscript isince there is only one reactant.) The notationO3[ln (x/xo)] denotesthecorrection term in a Taylorseries.Thecorrectionsare oforderIn3 (x/xo) andhigher. AplotofJvs.x(cf. Eq.4) forvaluesofthecoefflcientA,B, C, and Dwhere AD> BCand C, D> 0 is monotonically increasing with decreasing slope (e.g. cf. Fig. 3 A). Ifhowever,Jisplottedvs. Q = In (x) (cf. Fig. 3 B) thereisan inflectionpointat x = D/C. Inordertoseethis notethat dJ 9Jox x(AD-BC) (6) OQ dxOQ (Cx + D)2 becauseAD> BCand J -8 x FIGURE3 (A)PlotofthefunctionJ(x) = (x-2)/(3x + 2)wherethescaleonthex-axis0 - 5isused. (B)JisreplottedasafunctionofQ= Inx,whereInxvariesfrom -10to10.Aninflectionpointisfound atx = Y3 (Q = -0.405). (C) Theslopeofcurve Bisplotted asa functionofQ. Amaximum is foundat Q= InD/CwhereD= 2andC= 3. 212 BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL VOLUME 30 1980 cl2J x(D - Cx)(AD - BC) = 0 (7) =Q2 (Cx + D)3 x-(D/C) (If BC > AD, an inflection point is again found at x = D/C but now J decreases with increasing x.) Ifwe expand J(x) in a Taylor series with respect to Q = Inx about the point Q° = Inx°, wherex° = D/C, then J(Q) AVJ(Q0) + ) (Q - (QO0Q)) ) 2 + higherorder terms (8) From Eq. 7 (02J/8Q2) = 0 at Q = Q Iin (D/C). Therefore from Eqs. 4, 6, and 8, again expressingJasa function ofx, wehave J(x) = 2DC + 4DC In ( + e(x5), (9) wherexie (Q1, Q2) ande(x) istheerrortermobtained bytruncatingtheTaylorseriesatsecond order. For Q, <x <Q2, thiserrortermcan beshown toobey (20) the inequality leI-< 1/|Ma3x! 3J(x) 1 (92). (10) Xf(Qi,Q92) 0Q3 _ R therefore Eq. 5 hasbeen demonstrated. Theaffinityofthegeneral single flow reaction E+XI +X2... Xn;= E + X Xn+2 ..x. mis defined by (10) .A=RTlnK ( X,X2... Xn ) (11) Xn+IXn+2 Xm ... Ifall thereactantconcentrations areheldconstant exceptxthen .A(x) = RTln (x) + c (12) where cis independent ofx. Therefore, from Eq. 9 and 12 wecan write, withincorrections of third order: J(x) = LA + constant where L is theslope (1/RT) (Q0) (RT) 4-DC (13) Thetwocases treated by Rottenberg areincluded in theaboveresults. II. ASingleFlowasaFunctionofTwoReactant Concentrations In this section weshall consider thecase oftwo reactant concentrations which are allowed to vary. Webeginbynotingthatifbothxi andX2obeyconditions I thenwehavefromAppendix A AxI) CAxl + D' (14a) = ROTHSCHILD ET AL. Nonequilibrium LinearBehavior 213 A2x2+ J(X2) = D. (14b) C2X2 + D2 Thegeneral formofthe flowequation fortworeactantsobeying conditions I istherefore: J(x1,,X2) = ;f2X1X2 +fJ;XI +f2X2 +f' (15) f12X1X2 +f1X1 f2X2 f + + where thefandf' coefficients are independent ofxl and x2. Comparing Eqs. 14 and 15 we have C, =f12X2 +fl C2 =f12X1 + 2 DI =f2X2 +f D2 =fSXl +f (16) BecauseJ(x,) andJ(x2) havetheformofEq. 5 nearxi = DI/C, andx2 = D2/C2respectively, we havetwosimultaneous conditions to be satisfied inorder forJ(x1, x2) tobeapproximately linear in both the ln (x,) and In (x2). From Eq. 16 and the requirement that at the inflection pointx, = DI/C, andx2 = D2/C2, wehave x= C = (f2x2 +f)/(fl2X2 +f1) (17) C' x2 = = (flxl +f)/(fl2x +±f2). (18) -C2 Eqs. 17 and 18 admit only one physically feasible set ofvalues ofx,, x2 providedf, f2 and XI =XI= @ X2=x=2. (19) Theaboveconstraintsonthef'sareanexampleofmoregeneralconditionstobeconsidered in section III below. We can now expand J(x,, x2) around the point x4 = D,/C,, x° = D2/C2 in a Taylor series taking into account the fact that a2j(x)/a(lnx,)2 = 92J(x2)/a(lnx2)2 = 0 at the point (x, x4). Wethen have Jo ( 1x9X2)'( x, A(+I(x,X2)\( X2\ J(x, x2) = A(x, X2) + nlnxJ(, ) + in n + (I()(tn x)) ln I) (In x) + ' (In x° in4). (20) Hence, we have shown that for the case oftwo reactants varied an operating point can exist around which the enzyme-mediated flow will depend linearly on both Inx, and Inx2. The existence ofthis point isguaranteed iff,jf2Jf2 0 andconditions I are satisfied. In analogy = with Eq. 5, thegeneral formofJ(x,, x2) can bewritten: 214 BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL VOLUME 30 1980 J(x, x2) = J° + a, In (x) + a2 In (x) + a12 In (X) In (X2) I XO) (X2) wherethelast term includes all third orderand higherordercorrections. In the general case of two varied reactants it would be desirable to know when the two linear termsf,xI,f2x2 and the cross termf12x x2 will appear in the denominator ofthe flow equation, thusassuringtheexistenceofaninflection point. Thiscouldintheorybedetermined byderiving the flow equation for each enzyme mechanism in question. However, it is simpler toverifytheexistenceoftheseterms bymerely inspecting thedirectional diagramsassociated with the Hill diagram ofa given mechanism. This is true because each directional diagram corresponds to a term in the denominator ofthe flow equation (all terms being positive) (cf. references 18, 19 and 29). Hence by verifying that those directional diagrams which correspond to thefx,f2x2 andfU2x x2 terms appear in the Hill diagram, one is guaranteed thatf,f2,fJ12 . 0. Directional diagrams can also be used to give a mechanistic significance to Eqs. 19, which rearranged give: f1xI =f2X2 f12x1x2 =f. (22) From Eqs. 22 it can be seen that the conditions for a two-dimensional inflection point are simply that (a) the sum ofall directional diagrams involving xi orx2 is equivalent to the sum of all directional diagrams not involving xl or x2, (b) the sum of all directional diagrams involving only xl is equivalent to the sum of all directional diagrams involving only x2. Because thesedirectional diagrams aredirectly related tothefluxes through specificcycles in the Hill diagram (29) the rules for a two-dimensional inflection point have a mechanistic significance. An extension tohigherdimensions is made insection III and Appendix B. Application toa Three-State Model Toillustrate thetheoryofthe preceding section weconsidera three-state modelofan enzyme catalyzed reaction. We consider two cases, one satisfying, the other not satisfying, the constraintson Eqs. 19. In Fig. 1 a is shown the Hilldiagram for a model wherethetworeactants tobeconsidered, XI and X2,act assubstrates in theindividual reactions: a E1 + XI E2 b (23) e El + X2 E3. At steady state, the dependence ofthe flow rate Jon the different kinetic rate constants and reactantconcentrations isgiven by: ROTHSCHILD ET AL. NonequilibriumLinearBehavior 215 Eo(acIx1 - bedx2) I=f (24) (ac + ad + a9 )xI + (eb + ec + ed)x2+ bd + b±+ c(24 where Eo represents total enzyme concentration (for a derivation see reference 19). Compar- ing this expression to Eq. 15 we find thatl2 = 0 and therefore the inflection point (x4,X0) cannot becomputed using Eqs. 19. In Fig. 1 bisshown asecondexample: a E1 + XI E2 b (25) C E2 + X2 E3. d It should be noted that although no products are shown in this cycle, they exist (e.g. X2 + E2 E3 + Y) but arelumped intotherateconstants sincetheirconcentrations will not bevaried. Thesteady-state flowrate forthisexampleisgivenby: EO(ac5x1x2- bde) I=f acxlx2 + (aO + ad)x1 + (ce +c5 )X2 + ed + db + be + b (26) Bycomparing Eq. 26with Eq. 15 wefind: f= ed + db + be + 5b f12= ac f, = a9I + ad f2= ce + 5Ic (27) Substituting thesevalues into Eqs. 19 wehave: x=17 (2 17 d ) (28) a (d+~ X2 c (e±+ I) Around this inflection point the flow expressions will reduce to Eq. 21. Toverify this, we plot in Fig. 4AthefamilyofcurvesJvs. Inxl and in Fig. 4 BJvs. lnx2forspecificvaluesofa, b, c, d, e, and 9r. In thiscase a two-dimensional inflection point exists atx4, xocorresponding to anaffinityof -4.37RT. Avariationinthelnxl or Inx2of2.5RTawayfromthispointcauses an approximately linearchangeinJoveranextended region. It is possible for the equilibrium point to coincide with the inflection point if the rate constantsareconstrained. Thecondition forequilibrium isgiven by xIX2ac5 1 (29) Ifthe inflection point conditions (Eqs. 28) are substituted into Eq. 29 we obtain the relation f= bde/lJ. In Fig. 4 C, D we plot the family ofcurves Jvs. In xl and In x2, respectively, for rate constants chosen to satisfy this condition. As is seen, the inflection point now coincides with equilibrium. Under these conditions the two In terms in the Taylor series, Eq. 21, will groupintotheaffinity Aaln (xlx2ac5f )/(bde). Thiscanbeverifiedbycalculatinga, anda2, 216 BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL VOLUME 30 1980 -) FIGURE4 (A,B)PlotsofEq. 26fortherateconstantsa = 1,b = 3,c = 1,d= 5,e = 1,7 =0.1. (A)J plotted as a function of Inxi = InX for constant values of Inx2 = In Y. Starting from the upper curve In Y = 4.63, 3.87, 3.11, 2.34, 1.57, 0.81, 0.04, -0.73, -1.49, -2.26. The dot denotes the two-dimensional inflectionpointatInX=0.81,InY= 2.34.(B)JplottedasafunctionofInX2= In Yfor constantvaluesofInX(sameasabove)(C,D)PlotsofEq.(26)fortherateconstantsa= 1,b=0.114,c= 1,d= 5,e= 1,Y =0.1.InthiscaseIn Y(C)orInX(D)hastheconstantvaluesstartingfromtheupper curve of 3.11, 2.35, 1.63, 0.85, 0.10, -0.66, -1.41, -2.16, -2.91, -3.66. The dot marks the two-dimensionalinflectionpointatInX=0.10andIn Y= 1.63.Inthiscasetherateconstantswerechosen sothatX°, Y°coincideswithequilibrium. which are equal in this case. The constant term Jo is also zero, as expected. Finally, for this particular model a12 = 0 when the inflection point coincides with equilibrium. Hence, the enzyme will obey this simple relation J = L.A over an extended range both near equilibrium and outside therangeofequilibrium. That is, in thiscase all secondorder termsin theTaylor seriesexpansion around equilibrium arezero. III. MFlowsasaFunctionofNReactants The extension of the analysis in Section II to M flows as a function of N reactants is straightforward and developed in Appendix B. The major result is that an N-dimensional inflection pointwill existaroundwhich all Mflowsarelinearlyrelatedtothelogarithmofthe N reactants provided this set of reactants satisfies both conditions I and a second set of conditions II: Foreach possiblecombination ofreactantsconsidered theremustbeatleastonedirectional graphofthe Hill diagramcontaining onlythatcombination ofreactants and noothers. ROTHSCHILD ET AL. Nonequilibrium LinearBehavior 217 B One Reactant LiXI (Xi) (X2) (X3) Two Reactants A 64 txCL) L x Ii 12 (XI,X2) (X,,X3) (X2.x3) Three Reactants ~~~IUX3l, l& L IL ,-I X2 X2 (X1,X2.X3) FIGURE5 (A) Illustratesasix-stateHilldiagramforanenzyme.Outofallthepossiblereactantswhich can affect the enzyme transitions, three reactant variables are chosen (xI, X2, X3) to see if they obey conditions I and II. Because each variable affects the rate of transitions for leaving only one state, conditions Iareobeyedseparatelyforeachvariable. (B) Eachfigurerepresentsapossibledirectedgraph intheHilldiagram.Adirectedgraphisformedbyasetoftransitionalarrowswhichconnecteverystatein the Hilldiagram butdonot formanyclosed cycles. Eacharrow labeledbyaparticularvariabledenotes theunidirectionaltransitionforwhichthatreactantvariableisinvolved.Alltransitionalarrowsmustflow towardsasinglestateinthe Hilldiagram. Thus,twotransitional arrowscannotleavefromasinglestate inside a directed graph. Each directed graph represents a term in thedenominator ofthe enzyme flow expression which is formed by the product ofall the kinetic rate coefficients for each transition in the directed graph. Examples ofdirected graphs are shown which involve one reactant, two reactants and threereactants. Hence,condition IIisobeyedforthissetofreactantvariables. Fig. 5 illustrates the Hill diagram for an enzyme mechanism with three reactants which meet conditions I and In particular, Fig. 5 B lists graphically all the classes ofdirectional II. diagrams necessary to satisfy condition II. It should be noted that although X1, X2, and X3 obey conditions I and II, there could beother reactants entering into the enzyme mechanism which do not fulfill these conditions. This would not affect the overall existence of an inflection pointwith respect toxI, X2,X3. Because condition I and condition II are sufficient to guarantee the existence of a multidimensional inflection point, x°, we can in analogy with the two variable cases express thedependence ofJk (the kth flow) ontheNreactants near theinflection pointxoby N (°Ian kXi akijIn X In (-Xj Jk + +E k l (X) (Xj) ' 0 where Jo, aki, and akijare independent ofall xiand the last sum includes all third and higher order corrections. 218 BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL VOLUME 30 1980

Appendix A) that for an important class of reactions the dependence of the steady- x = D/C. In order to see this note that . taking into account the fact that a2j(x)/a(lnx,)2 = 92J(x2)/a(lnx2)2 = 0 at the point (x, .. Rottenberg and Gutman (34) on reverse electron transport in submitochondrial par
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