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Preview Jharkhand Gazette, 2017-01-17, No. 89

झारख(cid:5)ड गजट असाधारण अंक झारख(cid:5)ड सरकार (cid:17)वारा (cid:19)का(cid:20)शत 20 पौष, 1938 (श०) सं(cid:18)य ा- 89 राचँ ी, मंगलवार, 10 जनवर , 2017 (ई०) नगर (cid:25)वकास एवं आवास (cid:25)वभाग -------- संक$प 30 %दस'बर, 2016 (cid:25)वषयः- राँची शहर के राजभवन से हरमू नद) तथा कांटाटोल) चौक पर /लाई ओवर 2नमा3ण हेतु पथ 2नमा3ण (cid:25)वभाग, झारख(cid:5)ड (cid:17)वारा अनुमो5दत मानक 2न(cid:25)वदा द6तावेज (Standard Bidding Document) के आधार पर अलग-अलग 2न(cid:25)वदा आमं9:त करने क; 6वीकृ2त के संबंध म> । सं@या-जुडको/कांटाटोल) ए(cid:5)ड रातू रोड़//लाई ओवर/956/2016-7154-- नगर )वकास एवं आवास )वभाग, के संक$प सं० 4007 एवं 4009 %दनांक 22 जुलाई, 2016 /वारा 0मशः राजभवन से हरम ू नद एवं काँटा टोल चौक पर दो अदद 7लाई ओवर 9नमा:ण काय : का दा9य<व जुडको >ल० को स?पा गया है । दोनB कायC कD Eशास9नक Fवीकृ9त कD रा>श 0मशः I० 192,18,99,000/- (एक सौ बानवे करोड़ अKारह लाख 9नMयानवे हजार I० माN) एवं I० 330,07,41,000/-(तीन सौ तीस करोड़ सात लाख इPताल स हजार I० माN) है । 2. दोनB योजनाओं कD )वशेषताएँ 9न'न Eकार हQ:- 2 झारखSड गजट (असाधारण) मंगलवार, 10 जनवर , 2017 2.1 काँटा टोल चौक एवं राजभवन, स1े 8ह नरमवू 'बनरद, 2त0क16 EFता)वत दोनB 7लाई ओवर का )वFततृ पVरयोजना E9तवदे न (DPR) मेकॉन >ल० /वारा तैयार Xकया गया है । 2.2 मेकॉन /वारा सम)पत: डी० पी० आर० के EाPकलनB का तकनीकD अनुमोदन, मु(cid:18)य अ>भयंता, केMY य Iपांकण संगठन, पथ 9नमा:ण )वभाग, झारखSड सरकार /वारा अEैल-2015 से लागू अनुसू]चत दर के आधार पर %दया गया है । 3. रांची शहर झारखSड रा^य कD राजधानी है एवं दोनB 7लाई ओवर शहर के मु(cid:18)य माग : पर अविFथत हQ, फलतः इसका 9नमा:ण अ<यंत ह मह<वपूण : है । इस काय : हेतु उbच Fतर य गुणव<ता वां9छत रहने के कारण इसका काया:Mवयन, देश कD सशPत संरचना 9नमा:ण कंपनी के माdयम से कराने का 9नणय: >लया गया । सशPत संरचना 9नमा:ण एजeसी के माdयम से काय : कराने के >लए दोनB कायाf को एक ह 9न)वदा मe शा>मल करते हुए 9न)वदा आमंgNत करने कD आवhयकता थी । साथ ह , 9न)वदा मe भाग लेन े के >लए Eligibility Criteria को भी पुनर ijत करना अपेijत था । 4. उPत के आलोक मe रा^य सरकार /वारा स'यक )वचारोपरांत दोनB कायC कD रा>श को एक ह 9न)वदा मe शा>मल करते हुए मानक 9न)वदा दFतावेज (SBD) तैयार Xकया गया । 9न)वदा कD कुल रा>श लगभग I० 157,70,00,000/- (एक सौ संतावन करोड़ स<तर लाख) है । सशPत संरचना 9नमा:ण एजेMसी के चयन हेतु पथ 9नमा:ण )वभाग, झारखSड /वारा अनुमो%दत मानक 9न)वदा दFतावेज (SBD) मe क9तपय पVरव<तन: Xकये गये ताXक सjम, अनुभवी, E9तिkठत एवं सशPत संरचना 9नमा:ण एजeMसी को इस अ<यंत E9तिkठत काय : हेत ु चय9नत Xकया जा सके। पVरव9तत: मानक 9न)वदा दFतावेज (SBD) कD Fवीकृ9त मंgNपVरषद कD बैठक %दनांक 19 >सत'बर, 2016 के मद सं(cid:18)या 15 के Iप मe Eाlत कD गई एवं )वभागीय संक$प सं(cid:18)या 5909 %दनांक 26 अPटूबर, 2016 9नगत: Xकया गया । 5. Fवीकृत 9न)वदा दFतावेज के आधार पर जुडको >ल० के /वारा राजभवन से हरमू तक एवं कांटा टोल चौक पर EFता)वत दो अm 7लाई ओवर के 9नमा:ण हेत ु %दनांक 2 >सत'बर, 2016 को 9न)वदा आमंgNत कD गई । आमंgNत 9न)वदा मe 9न'न>लnखत तीन अदद 9न)वदादाताओं ने भाग >लयाः- (1) M/s JMC Projects (India) Ltd. (2) M/s NCC Ltd. (3) M/s S.P. Singla construction Pvt. Ltd. %दनांक 5 अPटूबर, 2016 को तीन अदद 9न)वदादाताओं कD तकनीकD बीड खोल गई एव ं तकनीकD बीड के मू$यांकन के आधार पर 9न)वदा स>म9त कD %दनांक 5 अPटूबर, 2016 को आयोिजत बैठक मe तीनB 9न)वदा दाताओं के )व<तीय बीड खोलने का 9नणय: >लया गया । तदनुसार, %दनांक 7 अPटूबर, 2016 को तीनB 9न)वदादाताओं कD )व<तीय बीड खोल गई । )व<तीय बीडB कD तुलना<मक )ववरणी 9न'न Eकार पायी गयीः G० 2न(cid:25)वदादाता का (cid:19)ाक(cid:20)लत रा(cid:20)श 2न(cid:25)व5दत रा(cid:20)श (cid:19)2तशत 2न(cid:25)वदादाता सं० नाम ि6थ2त क; ि6थ2त M/s JMC Projects Rs. 49.79% 1- 157.69 Crore L1 (India) Ltd. 236,20,23,614.14/- Above 2- M/s NCC Ltd. 157.69 Crore Rs. 54.17% L2 झारखSड गजट (असाधारण) मंगलवार, 10 जनवर , 2017 3 243,11,31,883.43/- Above M/s S.P. Singla Rs. 57.94% 3- Construction Pvt. 157.69 Crore L3 249,04,88,240.00/- Above Ltd. 5.1 उपयुP: त ता>लका से Fपkट हुआ Xक Mयूनतम दरदाता कD दर, )वभागीय दर से 49.79% अ]धक पायी गयी । तदनुसार 9न)वदा स>म9त /वारा %दनांक 14 अPटूबर, 2016 को दर वा<ता: हेतु Mयूनतम दरदाता M/s JMC Projects (India) Ltd. को आमंgNत Xकया गया । परMतु Mयूनतम 9न)व%ददाता एजेMसी /वारा दरवा<ता: नह ं करने और टालमटोल कD नी9त अपनाने के कारण तथा Eथम बार आमंgNत 9न)वदा मe संवेदक /वारा अXं कत अ<य]धक दर होने के कारण 9न)वदा रm करते हुए पुन9न): वदा आमंgNत करने कD अनुशंसा कD गई । 5.2 उ$लेखनीय है Xक Eथम बार आमंgNत 9न)वदा 9नkपादन के दौरान Pre-Bid Meeting मe Right of way कD िFथ9त एवं land Acquisition मe आने वाल क%ठनाईयB पर पbृ छायe कD गई थी। Pre-Bid कD पbृ छायe उ]चत जान पड़ती है । )व%दत हो Xक Land Acquisition EX0या को शीp करने हेतु आवhयक था Xक दोनB 7लाई ओवर के 9नमा:ण हेत ु अलग-अलग संवेदक चय9नत Xकये जाएँ । अतः काय%: हत मe दोनB 7लाई ओवर के 9नमा:ण काय : हेतु अलग-अलग 0 9न)वदायe आमंgNत करने हेतु जुडको >ल के EFताव का अनुमोदन Eदान Xकया गया । 5.3 %दनांक 29 अPटूबर, 2016 को राजभवन से हरमू तक एवं कांटा टोल चौक पर EFता)वत दो अदद 7लाई ओवर के 9नमा:ण हेतु अलग-अलग 9न)वदा आमंgNत कD गई । परMतु दोनB 7लाई ओवर कD आमंgNत 9न)वदा मe Xकसी भी 9न)वदादाताओं ने भाग नह ं >लया । 6. पूव : मe 7लाई ओवरB के 9नमा:ण हेतु )वभागीय सकं $प सं(cid:18)या 5909 %दनांक 26 अPटूबर, 2016 /वारा Fवीकृत SBD के Eावधान एवं Eसंगाधीन पथ 9नमा:ण )वभाग, झारखSड /वारा अनुमो%दत मानक 9न)वदा दFतावेज (SBD) कD तुलना<मक )ववरणी 9न'नवत ् है : SI. Clause No. Eligibility criteria revised as per Eligibility criteria proposed NO. Resolution No 5909 dated to be revised as per SBD of 26 October, 2016 RCD 1. 3 (Appendix (a) The applicant should have a minimum The applicant should have a to ITB) average annual turnover not less than 1.5 minimum average annual times the estimated cost of the proposed turnover not less than 1.5 project during last five financial years. times the estimated cost of (b) The Bidder should be financially sound the proposed project during and should not have applied for Corporate last five financial years. Debt Restructuring (CDR) during the last 5 years. Undertaking on stamp paper and CA certificate certifying the same shall be enclosed. 2. 4 (Appendix Value of work is Rs………………… Value of work is to ITB) (a) Technical Eligibility Criteria for Particular Rs………………… Construction Experience [C1.4.5A (b)] (a) Technical Eligibility (i) Bidder should have successfully Criteria for Particular 4 झारखSड गजट (असाधारण) मंगलवार, 10 जनवर , 2017 SI. Clause No. Eligibility criteri,a r1e8vi sनeवd' aबsर p, e2r0 16 Eligibility criteria proposed NO. Resolution No 5909 dated to be revised as per SBD of 26 October, 2016 RCD constructed and completed at least 2 Construction Experience No. of 4 Lane Flyovers with length of [C1.4.5A (b)] Flyover not less than 50% length of the (i) Satisfactorily proposed longer flyover with pile/open completed (not less foundations and PSC super structure in than 90% of URBAN Areas in India during last Seven contract value), as a years. prime contractor (or AND as a nominated subcontractor, (ii) Bidder should have successfully where the constructed and completed at least 1 subcontract number of Flyover with multiple involved execution continuous spans equal to longest span of all main items of of the proposed flyover during flyover work described in during last Seven years. the bid document, AND provided further that all other (iii) Bidder should have successfully qualification criteria constructed and completed Flyover are satisfied at least with illumination. Documentary one similar work of evidence to this effect shall be value not less than submitted. amount indicated in AND Appendix (usually not less than 50% of (iv) The Bidder should have executed estimated value of within last 5 financial years ending 31st contract of last five March 2016 pile foundations of length years); not less than 50% of the estimated AND quantity in a single project. AND (ii) The bidder should have completed the (v) The bidder should have successfully following quantities executed at least one similar work -50% of the flyover in urban areas in India with estimated quantity traffic management plan during in any one year in construction of the project. the past 5 years. AND a. RCC /PSC/PQC concrete- 50 % of (vi) The bidder should have completed the the estimated following quantities in one quantity. financial/calendar year in the past 5 b. Mastic Asphalt – years in single flyover contract. 50% of the a. RCC /PSC concrete- 50 % of the estimated estimated quantity. quantity. b. Only PSC concrete –50% of the c. RE wall including estimated quantity earthwork - 50% c. Mastic Asphalt –50% of the of the estimated झारखSड गजट (असाधारण) मंगलवार, 10 जनवर , 2017 5 SI. Clause No. Eligibility criteria revised as per Eligibility criteria proposed NO. Resolution No 5909 dated to be revised as per SBD of 26 October, 2016 RCD estimated quantity. quantity. d. RE wall including earthwork - 50% of the estimated quantity. e. Pavement Quality Concrete – 50% of the estimated quantity. 3. 8 (appendix Liquid assets and/or availability of credit Liquid assets and/or to ITB) facilities should be 50% of the project value. availability of credit facilities should be 10% of the project value. 4. 4 All bidders shall provide in Section2, Forms All bidders shall provide in Qualification of Bid and Qualification Information, a Section2, Forms of Bid and of the preliminary description of the proposed Qualification Information, a Bidder 4.1. work method and schedule, including preliminary description of drawing and charts, as necessary. The the proposed work method proposed methodology should include and schedule, including programme of construction backed with drawing and charts, as equipment planning and deployment duly necessary. The proposed supported with broad calculations and methodology should include quality assurance procedures proposed to be programme of construction adopted justifying their capability of backed with equipment execution and completion of work as per planning and deployment technical specifications, within stipulated duly supported with broad period of completion. Further, the calculations and quality department reserves the right to verify the assurance procedures particulars furnished by the bidder proposed to be adopted independently. The department also reserves justifying their capability of the right to physically verify the performance execution and completion of of the ongoing/ completed works of any work as per technical applicants. If any information furnished by specifications, within the bidder is found incorrect at later stage, he stipulated period of shall be liable to be rejected from this bid and completion. further debarred from tendering/ taking up works in government of Jharkhand. 5. ITB Even though the bidders meet the above Even though the bidders 4.8 qualifying criteria, they are subject to be meet the above qualifying disqualified if they have: criteria, they are subject to be - By any Department of the govt. of disqualified if they have : Jharkhand/Govt. of India/Any state - made misleading or Government department including false representations Municipal corporation, Development in the forms, Authority, corporation of Society has, statements and in consequences of some penal action, attachments in proof 6 झारखSड गजट (असाधारण) मंगलवार, 10 जनवर , 2017 SI. Clause No. Eligibility criteri,a r1e8vi sनeवd' aबsर p, e2r0 16 Eligibility criteria proposed NO. Resolution No 5909 dated to be revised as per SBD of 26 October, 2016 RCD during last 5(five) years been. of the qualification - Cancelled or suspended the requirements; and/or registration of the firm. - record of poor - Black listed the Contractor. performance such as - Debarred the Contractor for abandoning the works, participating in future tendering. not properly - Termination of contract due to default completing the of contractor. contract, inordinate - Forfeiting of full or partial SD for poor delays in completion, performance. litigation history, or - Made misleading or false financial failures etc.; representations in the forms, and/or statements and attachments in proof - participated in the of the qualification requirements; previous bidding for and/or the same work and - Record of poor performance such as had quoted abandoning the works, not properly unreasonably high bid completing the contract, inordinate prices and could not delays in completion, litigation furnish rational history, or financial failures etc; justification to the and/or employer. - Participated in the previous bidding for the same work and had quoted unreasonably high bid prices and could not furnish rational justification to the employer. - The bidder shall not have involved in any major accident at any project site and received any penalty having such history of even single count shall be liable for disqualification. 6. 4.4 (ITB) Bids from Joint Ventures are not accepted Bids from Joint Ventures are accepted 7. Annexure- The clause can be modified as per the project The clause can be modified as 1[Reference requirements. per the project requirements. C1.4.5 (B) (a)] - List of Key Plant & Equipment to be deployed on Contract work झारखSड गजट (असाधारण) मंगलवार, 10 जनवर , 2017 7 SI. Clause No. Eligibility criteria revised as per Eligibility criteria proposed NO. Resolution No 5909 dated to be revised as per SBD of 26 October, 2016 RCD 8. Annexure II The clause can be modified as per the project The clause can be modified as [Reference requirements. per the project requirements. C.I.4.5(B)(b) - List of Key Personal to be deployed on Contract Work 9. Cl. 48.3 of On completion of the whole works, the During the execution of Conditions contractor may substitute retention money work, the contractor may of Contract with an “on demand” Bank guarantee. substitute retention money with an “on demand” Bank guarantee 10. Clause No. The following percentage will govern the The following percentage 26 of price adjustment for the entire contract: will govern the price Section 5- 1. Cement-PC 5% adjustment for the entire Contract 2. Steel – Ps 5% contract: Data 3. Bitumen – Pb 10% 1. Cement-PC 20% 4. Other materials- Pm 45% 2. Steel – Ps 25% 5. Labour – PI 25% 3. Bitumen – Pb 2% Total 90%" 4. Other materials- Pm 18% Annexure- Ownership and the Age Certificate of the Ownership/Lease/ hire the 1[Reference construction equipment certifying that the Age Certificate of the C1.4.5 (B) age of the equipment is not more than 5 construction equipment (a)] years. certifying that the age of the equipment is not more than 5 years. 7. उपयुP: त वnणत: दो 9न)वदाओं कD असफलता के आलोक मe स'यक् )वचारोपराMत सरकार /वारा 9न'नांXकत 9नणय: >लये गये हQ :- 7.1 9न)वदा मe भागीदार बढ़ाने एवं 9न)वदा का सफल संपादन करने हेतु )वभागीय संक$प सं(cid:18)या 5909 %दनांक 26 अPटूबर, 2016 /वारा Fवीकृत SBD मe अ9तVरPत अह:<ता Eावधान को >श]थल करते हुए पथ 9नमा:ण )वभाग, झारखSड /वारा अनुमो%दत मानक 9न)वदा दFतावेज (SBD) के आधार पर दोनB 7लाई ओवर कD अलग-अलग 9न)वदा आमंgNत करने कD Fवीकृ9त Eदान कD जाती है । 7.2 इन दोनB 7लाई ओवर कD संरचना का Iपांकण मेसस : मेकॉन >ल०, राँची /वारा Xकया गया है । चँXू क यह संरचना अ<य]धक मह<वपूण : है, अतः इसके Iपांकण कD तकनीकD जांच, 8 झारखSड गजट (असाधारण) मंगलवार, 10 जनवर , 2017 भारतीय Eौ/यौ]गकD संFथान (IIT)/(B, IT 1),8 मनेसवर'ाब/Nर,I T2, 0ज16ैस ी E9तिkठत संFथाओं से उनकD सु)वधानुसार करायी जाएगी, ताXक यह काय : शीpा9तशीp संपMन Xकया जा सके । 7.3 मेकॉन >ल>मटेड के /वारा 9न>मत: डी०पी०आर० पर EFता)वत Eligibility से कोई E9तकूल Eभाव नह ं पड़गे ा । 7.4 उPत 7लाई ओवरB का 9नमा:ण यथाशीp पूरा Xकया जायेगा । 7.5 आवhयकतानुसार भू>म अ]धuहण कD सुगमता का पूव : आकलन कर >लया जायेगा, ताXक भ)वkय मe EाPकलन के पुनर jण का भार नह ं पड़ े । 8. इस पर मंgNपVरषद कD बैठक %दनांक 28 %दस'बर, 2016 के मद सं(cid:18)या-31 के Iप मe Fवीकृ9त Eाlत है । Eधान स]चव के /वारा मौnखक Iप से अनुमो%दत । झारखSड रा^यपाल के आदेश से, बी०पी०एल० दास, सरकार के )वशषे स]चव । ------------ झझााररखखSSडड ररााजजककDDयय ममुYुYणणााललयय,, ररााँचँचीी //ववाारराा EEककाा>>शशतत एएववं ं ममु%ु%YYतत,, झझााररखखSSडड गगजजटट ((अअससााधधााररणण)) 8899----5500

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