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Warfare Prayer Portions God's Purposes vs. The Jezebel Spirit "Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory ofthe Lord rises upon you. See darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you. Nations will come to the brightness ofyour light, and kings to the brightness ofyour dawn (Isa. 60: I - 3)." God is speaking to the church - are we listening? When God's glory is on the church, when the church is as full ofthe glory of God as He wants us to be, the glory of God will sweep multitudes into the kingdom in a day, or days, or weeks. When His glory is visibly demonstrated, the enemy will flee from those people he is blinding and holding captive, because he cannot stand in the presence ofthe glory of Go d (Eph. 3: I 0- l2). This is God's intent for the church, according to John 17:23-26. Jesus said that He is giving us the same glory that He has, so that the world will know that the Father sent the Son and encounter the truth of John 3: 16. The ultimate end ofprayer is not getting God to fill our shopping list ofneeds. The goal ofprayer is for the glory of God to fill the whole world. This is one ofthe most extraordinary times ofthe power and glory of God. In the first months of 1991 alone,6l12mlllionRussiansheardthegospelinSovietUnionthoughthewitnessofoneChristianministry. Those who will see the fullness of it will be God-conscious, God-oriented, and committed to being where He is moving. Jesus lived His life that way. He said, "I do only what I see the Father doing." He lived onlyto bring gloryto His Father. His glory is all ofwho God is, the reflection ofall His essential attributes, made evident in dailylife. It is time for the church to show the presence of God, to reveal the person of Jesus Christ, and to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, so that God will impact the world. This is our personal assignment. It is time for all believers to reflect the glory ofGod, to live the presence of God, the person ofJesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Then God through us will impact our worlds-our families, our churches, our cities. God wants to capture the hearts ofpeople for Jesus. People live in cities, so the purpose ofthe church is to take cities. Jesus wept over a city. He did not weep over the temple. He sent His disciples into the cities. He is sending His present-day disciples to intercede and to stand in the gap for their cities. What is the gap? It is the distance between the way things should be (that God's glory be seen) and the way things really are (sin-sick, weighed down, defiled, oppressed by the enemy, etc.). The essential commission ofthe church is to seek God's ultimate purpose and to take hold with Him to bring His glory into the world. Therefore, it is the ultimate assignment ofthe intercessor. Enter into the heart ofGod,loving, weeping, and pleading so that acity ofpeople who need the Lord will not miss God's invitation to eternal life in Jesus. The enemy uses various means and strongholds to hinder the move of God's Spirit. The enemy has placed certain thrones or principalities over certain geographic regions, cities, or countries (Dan. 10: I 3). These principalities exercise specific roles of deception and warfare to oppose the salvation ofthe lost. One tactic of the enemy stands out as particularly devastating to the cause of Christ. It is the spirit of Jezebel. This is the one ofthe greatestthreats to God's maximum use ofchurches, ministries, ministers, and Christian leaders. This is a spiritual warfare issue of paramount importance in the church. The spirit of Jezebel is one of the dominant evil authorities over our nation and our cities. 144 Prayer Portions O 1991, 1992,1995, Sylvia Gunter, P.O. Box 380333, Birmingham, AL 35238 USA. All Rights Reserved. Prayer Portions Warfure To understand the nature ofthe spiritual battle, we must see the behavior ofthe Biblical Jezebelagainst the prophet Elij ah. Elij ah had a word for idolatrous Israel in that day. Ehl ah challenged the people, "Why hesitate between two opinions? If God is God, serve Him onlyl" Elijah was attacked by Jezebel. So present-day Elij ahs will also be attacked for calling the church to faithfulness. The spirit ofJezebel attempts to neutralize the purposes of God's kingdom, but ultimately God cannot be kept from watching over His purposes to accomplish them in His strategic time. In the nation, the Jezebel factor is the spiritual driving force behind the high divorce rate, the feminist movement, sexual permissiveness, abortion on demand, and the prominent place ofwomen in the New Age and the occult. To see where we are as a nation, simply read Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Amos. One of the last letters to the churches strongly addressed the subject of toleratingthe Jezebel spirit. Revelation 2:20-23 gives a clear picture that Jezebel leads God's servants astray into wrong teachings or sexual immorality. Jesus in Revelation gives a strong warning ofjudgment on the Jezebel spirit. He also gives strong promises to the church which deals with Jezebel according to the discernment that God gives. No war is ever won by ignorance of the troop movements of the enemy. Without proper "military intelligence," ignorance of the Jezebel spirit will open us to its operation and may be fatal. God does not want us to be ignor ant (1 Cor. 2:1 1). Pastors and Christian leaders ignore the spirit of Jezebel at their own peril. Jezebel has picked off and neutralized unsuspecting leaders and ministries through sexual immorality. ihysical sickness, debilitating fear, failure, discouragement, and depression (which we call burnout, the "stress disease") have taken their toll on other Christian leaders. In this present conflict between Jezebel and Elijah, the church in these last days can expect increasing assault by this spirit. But God is raising up anew generation of spiritual leaders who will be overcomers in their own revived lives, muster the army of the Lord, and prepare the church for the return of the Son. This is radical stuff. Intercessors share a sense of urgency in calling the fragmented, separated parts ofthe church in our cities to uni$r in this spiritual battle. Since 1990 as never before, segments ofthe prayer movement are cooperating and coming together to add the power of agreement to our cries for revival. We have shared and prayed for churches and ministries that have a burden for a move ofGod. As intercessors, we stand for our cities. To win the battle for our cities, we must win the battle for the church. To win the battle for the church, we must win the battle of our individual minds, hearts, and wills. God is moving in the hearts of His people! Are we ready to let God fill us with Himself and a life-changing sense ofHis presence and purity? Has He taken over your life with His saving presence? Have you come to the crisis of absolute surrender to Him in fullest measure, so that the Holy Spirit will validate anew His continuing intimate and powerful presence? Be committed to say what Jesus said, "Satan has nothing in me." The enemy must have no sympathetic base of operations. Let God reveal His holiness and glory to you in deeper ways. Let Him minister His Father-heart in new healing power and affirmations oflove. Let Him grace you as never before to minister His heart to His needy children. God is still saying, "If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn irom their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2 Chron. 7: l4) ." That is the classic revival scripture. Revival God's way is a new beginning of a sense ofHis holiness, healing, restoration, and glory in individual lives. When Christians ur. o, track personally toward revival, then the church corporately will be a force to be reckoned with in the gates of hell. prayer porrions O 1991, 1992, 1995, Sylvia Gunter, P.O. Box 380333, Birmingham, AL 35238 USA. All Rights Resen'ed. 145 Warfare Prayer Portions Jezebel Bible Study Notes The Jezebel spirit exercises a major role in the power of evil over our nation today. It is in the church and in your family. The spirit ofJezebel seeks to destroytrue worship, the family, morality, and the God- ordainedroleofmaleauthority. Itmisleadsandcorruptsthechurchandseekstoneutralizethelifeof prophets,pastors,andothermaleauthorites. ThespiritofEldahwhichresteduponJohntheBaptistwas the forerunner to the first coming of Jesus (Luke I : I 7) . Likewise, the spirit of Elij ah in the end time will prepare His church for His second coming (Mal. 4:5-6, Mat. I7: 10-12). Therefore, one of Satan's end- times strategies is to stir up the spirit ofJezebel, Elijah's arch enemy. This spirit is genderless but seems to work very effectively through women and sensitive male personalities. The only answer for the Jezebel spiritistrue discernment, complete "rug-eating" repentance, andvictoryin spiritualwarfare. This is an entrance-level introduction to the operation of the Jezebel spirit from the Scriptures: I Kings l6:31, l8:4, l9; l9:l-4, 2l:5-14, 25-27; 2 Kings 9:7-14, 22-36; Rev. 2:18-29. Read the entire story from your Bible, and then read this with your Bible open. The indented parts marked by . are my own observations. Ask God what else He wants to show you as you meditate on these portions of His word. 1 Kings 16:31 Ahab not only considered it trivial to commit the sins of Jeroboam, he maried Jezebel daughter of Ethbaal and began to serve Baal and worship him. . Jezebel was the daughter of a "religious" father, named after his god. . Jezebel was religious and converted Ahab. Baal worship included child sacrifice, licentious worship, and both heterosexual and homosexual fertility rites. . Jezebel's religion is idolatry: worship of false gods, worship of the work of one's own hands. It appears "religious" and has a form of religion without power. . Ahab married her contrary to God's command. 1 Kings 18:4 While Jezebel was killing off the Lord's prophets... . Jezebel murdered and hated the word of God. . Today she kills off God's prophets or cuts off the influence of the true prophet. . She attacks relationships, finances, health, and reputation. 1 Kings 18:19 Four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and the four hundred prophets of Asherah ate at Jezebel'stable. . Jezebel was a very prominent supporter of "religious" work. 1 Kings 19:1-2 Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and howhe had killed all the prophets with the sword. Jezebel sent a messenger to Elij ah, "May the gods deal with me, ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them." . The abdicating nature of Ahab makes Jezebel effective. . Jezebel resists and opposes godly authority. . She desires to control and exercise power over everyone. . She sets herself against the "Elijahs" in particular. . The "Elijah spirit" of the end times will stir up and expose Jezebels. . She works through others. . She speaks negatively, words of cursing, threat, and intimidation. . She makes an Elijah leave his appointed, God-ordained position where he belongs. 146 Prayer Portions @ 1991, 1992, 1995, Sylvia Gunter, P.O. Box 380333, Birmingham, AL 35238 USA. AII Rights Reserved Prayer Portions Wadare l Kings 19:3-4Elljahwas afraidandranforhislife. WhenhecametoBeershebainJudah,helefthis servantthere, whilehehimselfwentaday'sjoumeyintothedesert. Hecametoabroomtree,satdownunderitandprayed thathemightdie. "Ihavehadenough,Lord,"hesaid. "Takemylife;Iamnobetterthanmyancestors." . Jezebel causesfear, debilitatingdiscouragement, depression, andimmobilization. 1 Kings 21 : 5-7 Ahab' swife Jezebel came in and asked him, "Why are you so sullen? Why won't you eat?" "' He answered her, "Because Naboth said, 'I will not give you my vineyard. Jezebelhis wife said, "Is this how you act as king over Israel? Get up and eat! Cheer up. I'll get you the vineyard ofNaboth the Jezreelite." . Jezebel controls by scorn and sarcasm. . She takes maffers into her own hands. I Kings 21:8-10 She wrote letters in Ahab's name, placed his seal on them, and sent them to the elders and nobles who lived in Naboth's city. She wrote: "Proclaim a day of fasting and seat Naboth in a prominent place among the people. But seat two scoundrels opposite him and have them testiff that he cursed both God and the king. Then take him out and stone him to death." . Jezebelusurps her husband's or her leader's authority and may act in his name. ' She manipulates and controls men in leadership. . She goes after the position of leadership as a base to work from. ' She uses power plays (also l8:4),lies, accuses, and manipulates. ' She will even use a "religious" occasion to do her dirty work. 'She accuses others ofwhat she has done. lKings2l:11-14 TheeldersandnobleswholivedinNaboth'scitydidasJezebeldirected. Theyproclaimed a fast and seated Naboth in a prominent place. Then two scoundrels came and brought charges against Naboth before the people, saying, 'Naboth has cursed both God and the king." So theytook him outside the city and stoned him to death. Then they sent word to Jezebel: 'Naboth has been stoned and is dead." ' Jezebel gets others to do the dirty work. . She believes that the endjustifies the means. She condones sin, even murder, to get what she wants. or what she believes is right. . She takes away the vineyards (ministry or fruitfulness) of good men, removes or neutralizes them, and kills their spiritual or physical sons (2 Kings 9:26) . I Kings 21:25-26 [There was] never amanlike Ahab, who sold himselfto do evil in the eyes ofthe Lord, urged on by Jezebelhis wife. He behaved in the vilest manner by going after idols. 'Jezebel urged her husband to do all kinds of evil. 2 Kings 9:7-10 You are to destroy the house of Ahab your master, and I will avenge the blood of my ThewholehouseofAhab servantstheprophetsandthebloodofalltheLord'sservantsshedbyJezebel. will perish. I will cut off from Ahab every last male in Israel-slave or free. As for Jezebel, dogs will devour her, and no one will bury her. . She destroys families. Her whole household was cut off. She will be judged. ' God avenges the blood of His servants shed by Jezebel. 2 Kings 9:22 "How can there be peace," Jehu replied, "as long as all the idolatry and witchcraft of your \'j mother Jezebel abound?" . Jehu (his name means "Yahweh is God") knows the roots: witchcraft and idolatry. "Rebellion is as the sin ofwitch craft., andiurogance (stubbornness, insubordination) is as iniquity and idolatry (I Sam. l5:23)." prayer portions @ 1991, tgg2,lgg5, Sylvia Gunter, P.O. Box 380333, Birmingham, AL 35238 USA. All fughts Reserved 147 2 Kings 9:30-31 Then Jehu went to Jezreel. When Jezebel heard about it, she painted her eyes, arranged her hair and looked out of a window. As Jehu entered the gate, she asked, "Have you come in peace, you murderer ofyour master?" ' Jezebel uses seduction, womanly wiles, or sexual means to control men. 'When that does not work, she uses shame, sarcasm, scorn, arrogance. She was arrogant and sarcastic to the very end of her life. 2 Kings 9:32-33 He looked up at the window and called out, "Who is on my side?" (Compare I Kings I 8 : 2 I : Ehj ah said, "How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.") "Throw her down!" Jehu said. So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered the wall and the horses as they trampled her underfoot. . Jehu confronts without fear. He knows his authority. . Jezebel was thrown down and completely destroyed. 2 Kings 9:34-37 "Take care of that cursed woman and bury her," Jehu said. When they went out to bury her, they found nothing except her skull, her feet and her hands. They told Jehu, who said, This is the word of the Lord that he spoke through his servant Elijah: On the plot of grou nd at Jezreel dogs will devour Jezebel's flesh. Jezebel's body will be like refuse, so that no one will be able to say, "This is Jezebel." ' Jezebel's destruction was so complete that she was unreco gnizable. Rev. 2:18-20 To the angel ofthe church in Thyatirawrite: These are the words ofthe Son ofGod. I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first. Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel,who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. 'We can be tolerating"Jezebel spirit" in the midst of good deeds, love, faith, service, perseverance, and being busier for God than we have ever been. ' Jezebel claims to be inspired, to have a word from God, to be a prophet or prophetess. . She beguiles into sexual vice. She is an immoral woman. ' She beguiles into pagan practices (ways of the world) alongside the things of God. Rev. 2:21-23 lhave given her time to repent ofher immorality, but she is unwilling. So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am He who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds. . Jezebel is unwilling to repent. ' As a result of her sin, Jezebel will suffer, others will suffer, children will die. . Jesus judges the heart and mind of His people, His church. Rev. 2:24-28 Now I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, to you who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned Satan's so-called deep secrets (I will not impose any other burden on you): Only hold on to what you have until I come. To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations- He will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery- just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give him the morning star. ' What is at stake is authority over the nations, the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ into all the world. 148 Prayer Portions O 1991, 1992,1995, Sylvia Gunter, P.O. Box 380333, Birmingham, AL 35238 USA. All Rights Reserved. Prayer Portions Warfare The Elijah Ministry The church must see the work ofElij ah and the opposition ofJezebel against him to understand the nature of one oftoday's fiercest spiritual battles. Jesus came the first time for redemption. The spirit of Elij ah rested upon John the Baptist who was the forerunner to the first coming of Jesus (Luke I : I 7) . Jesus is coming again for judgment, the great and dreadful day. Likewise, the spirit ofElij ah in the end time must prepare His church for His second coming (Mal. 4:5-6, Mat. I7: l0-12). Itwill restore families (Mal. 4:4- 6), turninghearts of fathers and children. It will restore God's loving order to the church (Luke I : 17), turningthe disobedienttothe wisdom ofthe righteous-to make ready apeople prepared forthe Lord. ElijahwasoneofmostpowerfulmeninBible. HehadawordfromGodforidolatrouslsraelinthat day. He challengedthe people, "Whyhesitate betweentwo opinions? If God is God, serve Him only!" The spirit of Jezebel will oppose modern-day Elijahs who are preparing the way ofthe Lord. Therefore, one of Satan's end-times strategies is to stir up the spirit ofJezebel to challenge the spirit of Elijah and to robthechurchoftheworkofElijah. ThechurchcanexpectincreasingassaultbythespiritofJezebel. Jezebel attacked and demoralizedElijah; so present-dayElijahs will alsobe attacked for callingthe church to faithfulness. God is preparing a new generation of spiritual leaders to challenge the prophets of Baal in our society and in the church. These Elij ahs will be overcomers in their own revived lives, muster the army ofthe Lord, and prepare the church for the return ofthe Son. How did God operate through Elijah? 1. Restoration of power and authority to challenge Satan's hosts E1j ah challenged Baal the rain god, the god ofAhab. "As the Lord the God oflsrael lives, whom I serve, therewillbeneitherdewnorraininthenextfewyears,exceptatmyword (1Kings17:1)." Todaythe authority of spiritual confrontation is needed. God wants to restore the authority ofthe church to look Satan in the eye and say, "Thus saith the Lord, you shall not have dominion here, because God is God." 2. Restoration of miraculous provision of bread This speaks of restoration oftotal dependence on Jehovah Jireh. Elijah was fed by awidowwho had l7). nothing but a little flour and oil which she was willing to give God (1 Kings The flour was not used up and the oil did not run out in keeping with the word of the Lord. Today prosperity has cursed us in this country. We no longer see God as provider' 3. Restoration of healing and revived life The widow's son stopped breathing, and Elij ah took the boy and cried out to the Lord. God heard, the boy was revived. Today much of the church has stopped breathing. We need divine CPR - we need revival. prayer portions O 1991, 1gg2, lgg5,Sylvia Gunter, P.O. Box 380333, Birmingham, AL 35238 USA. All Rights Reserved 149 Wadare Prayer Portions Restoration of God's presence and judgment on sin by fire This also represents the restoration of repentance and true worship in the people. Baal was also the god offire. His prophets frenzied themselves all day trying to stir up their god toaction. Elijah prayed two heaven-rending sentences, "Let it be known that You are God, and I am Your obedient servant. Answer so that these people will know that You are God and You are turning their hearts back to You (IKingsl8:37-39)."ThisshowsthequietauthorityofagenuinemanofGod. Godspoke,andhe said what God said. The church needs to see holy God when He manifests Himself in presence and holiness, not in hoopla and entertainment. Restoration of men who understand God's seasons and pray "Elijah" prayers The prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5: l6). Elijah was no different from you and me; yetwhenheprayed,Godanswered. HeprayedGod'sprayers,includingoneforaseasonofdrought. God answered by sending drought as a sign of His judgment and power. Restoration of refreshing and revival in the land Elijah prayed, and the rain came to wash and renew (1 Kings 18:41-45). Oh for the church to pray until it rains! Revival is a new beginning of a sense of His healing, restoration, holiness, and glory in individual lives. When Christians are on track personally toward revival, then the church corporately will be a force with which to be reckoned in the gates of hell. This is what God wants to do in our day. 150 Prayer Portions @ 1991, 1992, 1995, Sylvia Gunter, P.O. Box 380333, BirminSham, AL 35238 USA. All Rights Reserved Prayer Portions Wadure The Jezebel Controlling Spirit The spirit of Jezebel is one of the dominant evil authorities over our nation. It is in the church and in your family. Our society, the church, families, and individuals personally have been attacked, infiltrated, sabotaged, and robbed by Jezebel. She is no respecter of persons. This spirit is genderless butseemstoworkveryeffectivelythroughwomenandsensitivemalepersonalitytypes. Thereareonly two classes of people - Jezebels and those who have been"Jezebelled." One ofthe last letters to the churches strongly addressed the subject of tolerating the Jezebel spirit. Revelation2'.20-23gives aclearpicturethatitleadsastraythebestofservantsintowrongteachingsor sexual immorality. Jesus, through John in the Revelation, gives a strong warning ofjudgment on the Jezebel spirit. Jezebel seeks to destroy true worship. It misleads and corrupts the church and seeks to neutralize the life of prophets, pastors, and other male authority, by any means enticement, -sexual physical illness, financial misconduct, debilitating discouragement which we call burnout. Jezebel is out to destroythe family, morality, and God-ordained authority. It is the spirit behind disorder in churches and families, feminism, sexually immoral lifestyles, and abortion on demand. Ten Characteristics Of Jezebel 1. Jezebel's ultimate goal is always control. The Jezebel spirit is always motivated by its own agendaandrelentlessly pursues it. It is intent on getting what it wants. There may be one in every ministry of the church and in every family, trying to dominate, arrafige, and fix everybody. 2. The Jezebel spirit attacks, controls, dominates, or manipulates, especially male authorities husband, pastoro boss). Queen Jezebel usurped political (earthly) authority ofthe kingdom. Jezebel in the church at Thyatira usurped spiritual authority. The ultimate goal is to conquer or neutralizethe prophet, because a discerning pastor, prophet, or Christian leader is Jezebel's greatest enemy. Jezebels hate and/or distrust men and always question male authorities. Jezebels cause them to doubt their decisions, capability,manhood,worth,etc. JezebelswillnotsubmittoGod'sdelegatedauthority. Theycontrol with scorn, sarcasm, sharp tongue, public humiliation, emotional outbursts, nagging, and endless demands (nothing is ever enough). Jezebels are not always brash, overt, aggressive, or bossy. They may be more subtle, outwardly gracious, but just as determined to have their own way. Jezebels may resort to control by tears, fear, rejection, guilt, pouting, silence, sickness, or self-pity. 3. Jezebels cause fear, flight, and discouragement. They often cause a spiritual leader to flee his appointed place, as Elij ah did. Jezebels are responsible for hundreds of resignations of pastors and spiritual leaders a year. Some effects of being "Jezebelled" are debilitating discouragement, confusion, depression,loss ofvision, despair, disori- entation, withdrawal, worthlessness, defeat, burnout, physical illness, financial insufficiency, and an infinite variety of other fiery darts, including death or at least a death wish. The Jezebel spirit cuts off the life of spiritual leadership. A reputation or ministry may be taken by character assassination or enticement into sexual immorality. Prayer Portions @ 1991, 1992,1gg5, Sylvia Gunter, P.O. Box 380333, Birmingham, AL 35238 USA. All Rights Reserved. 151 Warfare Prayer Portions 4. Jezebels are natural leaders, although often covertly. Jezebels seek out people of influence to win their ear, gain credibility, and win endorsement. They try to ally with them, influence them, or establish a bond with them. They seek out places of leadership, areself-promoting,andproclaimthemselvestobeprophets. Theyprovideinsideinformationandgain a following, and thus lead people to take their eyes offthe Lord. There is always an overt or subtle threat to leave and take their "loyal followers" with them. This is the blackmailing spirit that operates with Jezebel. The blackmailing spirit also says, "You owe me. You need me. Ifyou don't do what I want, Iwill..." 5. Jezebels are insecure and wounded with pronounced ego needs. They are trying to fill a love deficit. They seek continual affirmation and stroking of ego through position, being on the platform, occupying the spotlight, singing solos, holding key chairmanships, etc. Jezebels need to be popular, please people, be accepted and approved, be needed, be on the inside, or make others dependent on them. They seek security in the good opinion by others of what they do. They operate on performance-based acceptance. They are striving to prove something to themselves and others-to prove theirworth, to gettheir emotional needs met, to feel good based on whatthey do. They are perfectionistic and legalistic. Jezebels always have deep, unhealed wounds from one or more sources: . Rejection early in life, abandonment or emotional remoteness by father or mother (perhaps by illness, addiction or premature death), neglect because of birth order, loneliness, isolation, or rejection by significant others (for example, because ofphysical appearance). . Resistance to authority because of bad relationships or bad experience with authority figures in school, government, church, or family-correction done in the wrong way or abuse. . Fear, insecurity, and self-preservation. Fear is the principal entry for the Jezebel spirit to vulnerable, threatened people. Jezebels seek to control in order to feel secure. . Bitterness that gets into these wounds, especially against men because of abandonment or abuse. The spirit of Jezebel often takes up residence in a person after a wound from the past, usually rejection or insecurity in some form. 6. Jezebels are tremendously subtle and deceptive. They intend to get what they want at all costs, but this intention can be cleverly disguised. Jezebels use flattery, saying what you want to hear, to win you over to their domination. Jezebels are masters of manipulationbyguilt, gifts, innuendo, insinuation, undermining influence, ordiscrediting. Theymay exhibit false humility or submission, while they feed their own pride and seek to get their way. They may dominate, control, and manipulate to gain their own agenda. This mocks God's ordained order, because it is not true heart submission, just pretense. Jezebels use flirtation and womanly wiles. They are extremely jealous of anyone they perceive to be a threat or who gets close enough to influence someone they want to control. They can emit jealousy into a room, as they play one person against another. They are divisive and send separation and strife into the strongest relationships. 7. Jezebels are proud, independent, and rebellious. Rebellion is as the sin of witch craft (l Sam. I 5 : 2 3), which is control or knowledge through any other means than the Holy Spirit. Rebellion and independent spirit says, "I will not do it God's way. I will 152 Prayer Portions @ 1991, 1.992, 1995, Sylvia Gunter, P.O. Box 380333, Birmingham, AL 35238 USA. All Rights Reserved Prayer Portions Warfore do it my way. I will get what I want." Jezebels exalt their own will above God or their God-given authority by emotional pressure or soul power. Failure to submit to God's control ends up in power not ofthe Holy Spirit to obtain their ends, which is witchcraft. Iftheir intercession is motivated by a controlling spirit, it is witchcraft. Stubbornness, insubordination, or arrogance is like iniquity and idolatry Q Sam. I 5 :2 3). When they flee from accountability, this is idolatry of self and pride. "I will ascend and have influence. I am more important than you are. I am the center of attention and conversation." Pride also resists correction from anybody, because ofits insecurity in identity. The self is too fragile to receive correction even in love, so they put up walls of separation, which are inevitably walls of deception. They use various devious means to avoid correction, like tears or discrediting the corrector. Much male-female rivalry is rooted in the control issue ofthe Jezebel spirit. Rather than believe God to give their husbands wisdom to lead the family in his God-given position, they take matters in their own hands by constant manipulation. In trying to get around God's order, they open the whole familyup to satanic attack. There is a maturation process in the Jezebel syndrome, because it is an addiction to power or control. If confronted early on, there is more hope for repentance. If it is fully matured and well-entrenched, Jezebels typically refuse to see this about themselves, and without acknowledgment, there is no repentance. Jezebels often lack true repentance, which is confession and willingness for God to change what is revealed. In Thyatira, Jezebelwas given time to repent, but she would not. Pray for the church to deal with wounds with grace and truth. Pray for the church to have the courage and discernmentto confrontthis spiritual issue head on and call forrepentance. Both healing and direct confrontation will be necessary to enforce the defeat of this spirit. 8. It takes an Ahab to let Jezebels be effective and operate unchallenged. Jezebels do not operate without an Ahab to enable them. Every Jezebel problem is an Ahab problem. What did Ahab do wrong? He should not have abdicated spiritual leadership nor his responsibility as head of his house and his nation, because his family and the nation were destroyed. The leader who will stand against Jezebel must have keen discernment in identitring spirits, a strong commitment to rightly divide the word of God, and a strong sense of submission to his or her own accountability. God removed Ahab and replaced him with Jehu, who dealt with Jezebel. Pray for Ahabs to be healed and strong and released into the fullness of God's purposes for their lives. 9. Jezebel is always a religious spirit. Both Jezebel of the Old Testament and of Revelation operated under the cover of religion, but that religionwas"toxicfaith." Jezebelsappeartobereligious,cantalkthetalk,andhaveaformofgodliness. Their religious deeds are done for all to see. Often they claim to pray more, study the Bible more, or know more about worship, ministry, intercession, or missions. They often target the prayer ministry, prophetic ministry, or worship ministry for ambition and control. "A word from God" is their crowbar forleverage. Checkthefruit. TruespiritualgiftsattractpeopletoJesus,nottothemselves. Counterfeit gifts emphasize personality. Is there self-promotion or seeking a following? John 16'.13-14 says the one who speaks from himself seeks his own glory or worship. Jezebels claim discernment, but is it really? False discemment is based on mistrust, fear, suspicion, fault-finding, hidden agenda, coldness, no love, criticism, judgment, anger, ambition, bitterness, and stining up strife, all fitting the description of demonic inspiration, according to James 3:13-16. Prayer Portions O 1991, 1992, lgg5, Sylvia Gunter, P.O. Box 380333, Birmingham, AL 35238 USA. All Rights Reserved ts3

The abdicating nature of Ahab makes Jezebel effective Jezebel . This speaks of restoration oftotal dependence on Jehovah Jireh. Elijah was fed by
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