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r e d n u d e tt studies in i m r e p s contemporary e s u r ai jewry f t p e c x e , r e h s i l b u p e h t m o r f n o i s s i m r e p t u o h t i w m r o f y n a n i d e c u d o r p e r e b t o n y a M . d e v r e s e r s t h g i r l l A . s s e r P y t © 2015. Oxford Universiplicable copyright law. p ta h gr io r y. pS o. CU EBSCO Publishing : eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 12/19/2016 1:11 AM via HEBREW UNIV OF JERUSALEM AN: 1070543 ; Helman, Anat.; Jews and Their Foodways Account: s5122861 r e d n u d e t t mi The publication of r e p Studies in Contemporary Jewry s e us has been made possible through the generous assistance r i of the Samuel and Althea Stroum Philanthropic Fund, a f t Seattle, Washington p e c x e , r e h s i l b u p e h t m o r f n o i s s i m r e p t u o h t i w m r o f y n a n i d e c u d o r p e r e b t o n y a M . d e v r e s e r s t h g i r l l A . s s e r P y t © 2015. Oxford Universiplicable copyright law. p ta h gr io r y. pS o. CU EBSCO Publishing : eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 12/19/2016 1:11 AM via HEBREW UNIV OF JERUSALEM AN: 1070543 ; Helman, Anat.; Jews and Their Foodways Account: s5122861 r e d n u d e t t THE AVRAHAM HARMAN INSTITUTE OF i m r e p s CONTEMPORARY JEWRY e s u r ai THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM f t p e c x e , r e h s i l b JEWS ANd THEIR FOOdWAYS u p e h t m o r f n STUdIES IN o i s s i rm CONTEMPORARY e p t u ho JEWRY t i w m or AN ANNUAL f y n a XXVIII n i d e c u d o r p e r e b t o n y a 2015 M . d e v r se Edited by Anat Helman e r s t h g i r l l A . s s e r P y t © 2015. Oxford Universiplicable copyright law. Publ1ished for the Institute by p ta h gr io r y. pS o. CU EBSCO Publishing : eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 12/19/2016 1:11 AM via HEBREW UNIV OF JERUSALEM AN: 1070543 ; Helman, Anat.; Jews and Their Foodways Account: s5122861 r e d n u 1 d e t t i m r e p Oxford University Press is a department of the es University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective s u of excellence in research, scholarship, and education r ai by publishing worldwide. f pt Oxford New York e c Auckland Cape Town dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi x e Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi , er New delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto h s li With offices in b pu Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece he Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore t South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam m o fr Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press on in the UK and certain other countries. i s is Published in the United States of America by m er Oxford University Press p t 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 u o h it © Oxford University Press 2015 w m or All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, f y stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, n a without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, n i or as expressly permitted by law, by license, or under terms agreed with ed the appropriate reproduction rights organization. Inquiries concerning c du reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the o pr Rights department, Oxford University Press, at the address above. e r e You must not circulate this work in any other form b and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer. t o n Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data y Ma Jews and their foodways / edited by Anat Helman. d. pages cm. — (Studies in Contemporary Jewry, an annual, e rv ISSN 0740-8625 ; 28) ISBN 978-0-19-026542-7 (cloth : alk. paper) e es 1. Food—Religious aspects—Judaism. 2. Jews—Food—History. 3. Jewish cooking—History. r I. Helman, Anat, editor. s ht BM729.F66J49 2015 g ri 641.30089'924—dc23 2015022384 l l A . s s e r P y t © 2015. Oxford Universipplicable copyright law. Ty1p e3s e5t i7n T9i m8e s6 L4T s2td ta ghr Printed in the United States of America io r on acid-free paper y. pS o. CU EBSCO Publishing : eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 12/19/2016 1:11 AM via HEBREW UNIV OF JERUSALEM AN: 1070543 ; Helman, Anat.; Jews and Their Foodways Account: s5122861 r e d n u d e t t STUdIES IN CONTEMPORARY JEWRY i m r e p s e s u Founding Editors r i a f Jonathan Frankel (1935–2008) t p ce Peter Y. Medding x e , Ezra Mendelsohn (1940–2015) r e h s i bl Editors u p e th Richard I. Cohen m o Anat Helman r f n Eli Lederhendler o i ss Uzi Rebhun i m r e p t Institute Editorial Board u o h t wi Michel Abitbol, Mordechai Altshuler, Haim Avni, Yehuda Bauer, daniel Blatman, m r Jonathan dekel-Chen, Sergio dellaPergola, Sidra deKoven Ezrahi, Amos Goldberg, o f y Hagit Lavsky, Pnina Morag-Talmon, dalia Ofer, Gideon Shimoni, dimitry Shumsky, n a n Yfaat Weiss i d e c du Managing Editors o r p e r Laurie E. Fialkoff e b Hannah Levinsky-Koevary t o n y a M . d e v r e s e r s t h g i r l l A . s s e r P y t © 2015. Oxford Universiplicable copyright law. p ta h gr io r y. pS o. CU EBSCO Publishing : eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 12/19/2016 1:11 AM via HEBREW UNIV OF JERUSALEM AN: 1070543 ; Helman, Anat.; Jews and Their Foodways Account: s5122861 r e d n u d e t t i m r e p s e s u r i a f t p e c x e , r e h s i l b u p e h t m o r f n o i s s i m r e p t u o h t i w m r o f y n a n i d e c u d o r p e r e b t o n y a M . d e v r e s e r s t h g i r l l A . s s e r P y t © 2015. Oxford Universiplicable copyright law. p ta h gr io r y. pS o. CU EBSCO Publishing : eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 12/19/2016 1:11 AM via HEBREW UNIV OF JERUSALEM AN: 1070543 ; Helman, Anat.; Jews and Their Foodways Account: s5122861 r e d n u d e t it Preface m r e p s e s u r i a f t p e c x e Volume XXVIII of Studies in Contemporary Jewry is dedicated to the topic of food. , er As a repetitive daily practice, eating might seem banal, but as Sidney Mintz notes, h s li “no other fundamental aspect of our behavior as a species except sexuality is so b u p encumbered by ideas as eating.”1 Furthermore, “few ethnic groups have issues of e th identity, of membership, and of food practices cast in so clear and formalized terms m ro as the Jews.”2 It should be noted that this interdisciplinary volume is about Jews and f on their foodways rather than about Judaism and food. The following essays cover a i s s wide range of historical, sociological, and anthropological issues related to food and i m er eating among Jews, not solely those that are tied to Judaic religion, tradition, and p ut thought. For both modern Jews who maintain kashrut (either in its Orthodox form or o h t in other guises) and for those who do not, food choices play a considerable role in i w m their self-definition. Food also outlines the limits of their groups and sub-groups, r o f whether these are defined in religious, ethnic, cultural, or national terms. As the y n a essays in this volume reveal, “Jewish food” is a dynamic and porous hybrid, con- n i stantly evolving not just according to what Jews eat in different places during dif- d e uc ferent times, but also in relation to the shifting meanings of the very term “Jewish” in d o pr contemporary societies. e r It is a pleasant duty to thank the Nachum Ben-Eli Honig Fund, the Samuel and e b t Althea Stroum Fund, and the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, whose continuous gen- o n y erosity to Studies makes the publication of this volume possible. Special thanks are a M due to Laurie Fialkoff and Hannah Levinsky-Koevary, whose talent, professionalism, . d ve and dedication are tireless engines that turn the wheels of this prestigious annual har- r e es moniously as well as efficiently. For their valuable help and sound advice, I am also r s grateful to my colleagues Richard I. Cohen, Eli Lederhendler, and Uzi Rebhun. t h ig This volume is dedicated to the memory of Ezra Mendelsohn, our illustrious col- r ll league and dear friend, who was a founding editor of Studies in Contemporary Jewry. A s. Ezra died just as this volume was going to press, and a few lines cannot begin to do s re justice to his life and work. In our next volume, we plan to include a proper tribute. P y t © 2015. Oxford Universiplicable copyright law. the12 P.. aASstin d(dnBreeoyws tW oBn. :uM 1ck9ins9te6zr),, ,T “8aK.steienpgi nFgo oKd,o Tshaestri:Nn gEo aFttrienesegd oanmd: ESxoccuiarls ioIdnesn itnittyo Eamatoinngg, Cthuel tuJerewA, sa. Hnodf. p ht a denmark,” Ethnology 38, no. 3 (1999), 206. gr io r y. pS o. CU vii EBSCO Publishing : eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 12/19/2016 1:11 AM via HEBREW UNIV OF JERUSALEM AN: 1070543 ; Helman, Anat.; Jews and Their Foodways Account: s5122861 r e d n u d e t t i m r e p s e s u r i a f t p e c x e , r e h s i l b u p e h t m o r f n o i s s i m r e p t u o h t i w m r o f y n a n i d e c u d o r p e r e b t o n y a M . d e v r e s e r s t h g i r l l A . s s e r P y t © 2015. Oxford Universiplicable copyright law. p ta h gr io r y. pS o. CU EBSCO Publishing : eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 12/19/2016 1:11 AM via HEBREW UNIV OF JERUSALEM AN: 1070543 ; Helman, Anat.; Jews and Their Foodways Account: s5122861 r e d n u d e t t i Contents m r e p s e s u r i a f t p e c x e Symposium , r e h s li Jews and Their Foodways b u p e th Sidney Mintz, Introduction 3 m o r f Anna Shternshis, Salo on Challah: Soviet Jews’ Experience of Food in the n o si 1920s–1950s 10 s i m er Hagit Lavsky, In the Wake of Starvation: Jewish Displaced Persons p ut and Food in Post-Holocaust Germany 28 o h t wi Ofra Tene, “The New Immigrant Must Not Only Learn, He Must Also m or Forget”: The Making of Eretz Israeli Ashkenazi Cuisine 46 f y n a Orit Rozin, Craving Meat during Israel’s Austerity Period, 1947–1953 65 n i ed Esther Meir-Glitzenstein, Longing for the Aromas of Baghdad: Food, c u od Emigration, and Transformation in the Lives of Iraqi Jews in r p e Israel in the 1950s 89 r e b t Hagar Salamon, Cutting into the Flesh of the Community: Ritual Slaughter, o n y Meat Consumption, and the Transition from Ethiopia to Israel 110 a M d. Liora Gvion, Two Narratives of Israeli Food: “Jewish” versus “Ethnic” 126 e v r e es Nir Avieli, Size Matters: Israeli Chefs Cooking Up a Nation 142 r s ht Paulette Kershenovich Schuster, A Tapestry of Tastes: Jewish Women g i r of Syrian Descent and Their Cooking in Mexico and Israel 160 l l A s. Shaul Stampfer, Bagel and Falafel: Two Iconic Jewish Foods and s re One Modern Jewish Identity 177 P y t © 2015. Oxford Universiplicable copyright law. ASRaincndhdraeerNorad f Lo MWar. ntoGhi lsI kiAtml,,m m aTPagehanereri, a icCJndaeo o:twn hxAsteee s aRmS oneepfdcp o oJoFrenraawtdr tf s:yAr oTaJgmnheewdo ot uihTfsg ehhBh e FitFiosiro el tooFloddgow( yosMa d) r osd v ae mHeinstto irny 222013481 p ta h gr io r y. pS o. CU iiixxx EBSCO Publishing : eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 12/19/2016 1:11 AM via HEBREW UNIV OF JERUSALEM AN: 1070543 ; Helman, Anat.; Jews and Their Foodways Account: s5122861

Bringing together contributions from a diverse group of scholars, Volume XXVIII of Studies in Contemporary Jewry presents a multifaceted view of the subtle and intricate relations between Jews and their foodways. The symposium covers Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and North America from the 20th c
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