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Jews and AI (Revenge of the Jews) PDF

88 Pages·2022·5.795 MB·English
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Dedicated with love to Lise Meitner the mother of nuclear fission who said: "I will have nothing to do with a bomb!" Where Oppression Is a Stimulus Perhaps even more than on its own tradition, the Jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world. Here undoubtedly lies one of the main reasons for its continued existence through so many thousands of years. – Albert Einstein in "Why Do They Hate the Jews?" I feel like all I've done my whole life is be pretty. I mean, all I've done is be born! I'm a failed actress, a failed artist... I'm not much good as a mother. Come to think of it, I'm not even that pretty anymore. I have failed at everything, Yuri... but I won't fail as a human being. – Ava Fontaine in “Lord of War” From the back cover: ALLEGEDLY! Everything in this book is allegedly and my own personal opinions. The Christian Bible describes the Devil as the father of the Jews; In the Middle Ages, Jews were seen as sorcerers and magicians, expert in the black arts of the occult; In the 19th-century the Protocols of the Elders of Zion connects Jews with world financial domination; Many people believe the Jews become rich at the expense of hard-working poor Christians. In the 21st century the Jewish scientists are the fathers of the Devil: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Jews are leading in this modern black magic - the self-replicating machines that will destroy humanity; Jews control Silicon Valley and Wall Street and this military industrial complex will bring AI takeover which means human extinction; And soon Jewish led AI technologies will take the jobs and livelihoods of all the hard-working Christians. In this book you’ll see the amazing motives behind this evil doing: Siege mentality from millennia of prosecution and perpetual existential fear; Fearless intellect honed in religious quibbles and sneaky commerce, now turned to world dominating technology; Messianic mentality of glorified destiny pushing to super achieving even when the achievement is monstrous; The working title of this book was “Revenge of the Jews”, and the cover image was Samson bringing down the house on the gentiles, which I meant as a metaphor for avenging the suffering of the Jews along history. To prevent this dark scenario, I will explain what the hard-working Christians must do to make sure the forces of light and humanity will win over the forces of darkness and machines! Table of Contents Preface – me me me ............................................................................................................................... 4 Who am I? ........................................................................................................................................... 4 What am I doing in my life? ................................................................................................................ 6 Why am I writing this book? ............................................................................................................. 16 What EVIL does? (problem) .................................................................................................................. 22 Sin 1 – Satan promises your wrath: “victory in drone wars” ............................................................ 22 Sin 2 – Beelzebub promises your gluttony: “no need to work” ........................................................ 35 Sin 3 – Mammon promises your greed: “cure for all diseases” ........................................................ 38 Sin 4 – Belphegor promises your sloth: “domestic slaves for all” .................................................... 42 Sin 5 – Lucifer promises your pride: “personally customized news” ................................................ 44 Sin 6 – Leviathan promises your envy: “higher social credit status” ................................................ 47 Sin 7 – Asmodeus promises your lust: “fulfillment of sexual fantasies” .......................................... 49 What GOOD must do? (solution) .......................................................................................................... 52 Welcome to the Butlerism Religion! ................................................................................................. 52 Part I – the Devil is knocking on the door ......................................................................................... 53 Part II – What happens then? ........................................................................................................... 57 Part III – Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the Devil .................................................................................. 59 Part IV – God is the answer ............................................................................................................... 62 Part V – Plug-in into old religions ...................................................................................................... 66 Western Religions ......................................................................................................................... 67 Eastern Religions ........................................................................................................................... 77 Epilogue – your pound of flesh ............................................................................................................. 88 Preface – me me me ALLEGEDLY! Everything in this book is allegedly and my own personal opinions. At first glance this book looks antisemitic, as if I hate the Jews. In fact, I’m counting on this. Today many people in USA and Europe hate the Jews and Israel, many of these haters are in influential positions and powerful organizations, so together they are a great force that already exists anyway. I believe this can be turned into a force for good. There is a saying from the bible: “Out of the strong came something sweet”. In a nutshell I will take the hatred from legendary crimes (“all” Jews betraying another fellow Jew, 2000 years ago) which cannot be undone, and focus this hatred on real crimes that are done today (very few specific Jews building the machines that will kill all mankind, which can still be stopped today!). Even these few specific Jews, I don’t hate them per se, I hate what they are doing today. If they repent and stop building these doomsday devices now, I have no quarrel with them. Who am I? My name is Nir Strulovitz, I live in Haifa Israel, and I’m a Jewish atheist. Both my parents are also secular Jews. My family and me are non-religious, but my identity card says Jewish, I’m circumcised, and so on. I was born in Israel and always lived here, I served in the Israeli army, all my friends are Jews, I love my country Israel and support the Jews right to live in Israel. About the occupied territories and the Palestinians issue, I think Israel should get out of there. Not because the Jews owe anything to the Palestinians but because it’s for Israel’s best interest. This same view is supported by 99% of the former experts in the IDF, Shin Bet, Mossad, Israel police, because they too understand that a WIN-LOSE situation cannot last for long, your opponent will find a way to get even and turn it to LOSE-LOSE. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commanders_for_Israel%27s_Security If you want to know more about this issue I recommend that you watch the brave film The Gatekeepers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gatekeepers_(film) By the way, in case you’re not aware of this, the reason that Palestinian problem is able to persist for so long, is ironically because of the international community (who formally says it wants to end the problem). The refugee camps are given food by a unique part of the U.N. which doesn’t exist anywhere in the world: UNRWA. Ironically the ‘W’ stand for work, but this people will not provide for them, the people in the refugee camps would have no choice but to go to work and start living and stop brewing terror. Also if they couldn’t provide for themselves, this would force the country (in the case of the occupied territories – that country is Israel) to deal with it: accept them as citizens and support them, or give them their own country. It would be as if you have a pressure cooker that explodes, you have to deal with it. But because of UNRWA the Palestinians keep boiling quietly and this allows the right- wing Israelis to perpetuate this problem without solving it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNRWA About the subject of BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanctions) movement, I think the BDS is totally wrong from two reasons. (1) It’s hypocrite. You boycott Israeli products, so why don’t you boycott Chinese products? China conquered Tibet (and the Tibetans are not murderers, unlike the Palestinians), and Israel didn’t started the war. If you don’t care about Tibet, how about your great care for Muslims like the Uyghurs in China who get treated far far worse? If you are worried about so called atrocities how about the Falun Gong, a peaceful religion who are harvested for organs? So let’s agree that everywhere it says “Made in China” you must not buy it or throw it away, like all your electronics for example. Oh, you like your smart phone too much? Then why the double standard? (2) It’s counter-effective. Each time the Israelis feel prosecuted they get closer together and more defensive and militant. With all this BDS you are simply helping to promote politicians who go against peace. About Israel’s nuclear weapon, it seems everybody is taking part in some silly game which I cannot understand: Ever since I was a boy, they claim that Iran ALMOST has nuclear weapon. Supposedly Iran is only missing the tip of the last screw to build a nuclear weapon. And still today, after 40 years, they keep saying that Iran is ALMOST making a nuclear weapon. Is everybody idiots? During four decades, when Iran is surrounded with Islamic and friendly nuclear countries, some of which were part of the former Soviet Union and when it dissolved, I’m sure that the budget of a big country like Iran would have enabled it to get some stray bomb or at least some former soviet scientists who can build one… And still the Iranians did not succeed to get their hands on one bomb? The only possible conclusion is that they already have a bomb, but unlike Israel it’s not in their best interest to brag about it. OK so taking into account Iran public announcements that Iran wants to annihilate Israel, I don’t think Israel should give up its thermonuclear weapons. However, in the future, in a genuine process of mutual peace with proper Israeli supervision in Iran and vice versa, I think these weapons’ quantity should be brought down, hopefully to zero (not that long ago, in the time of the Iranian Revolution, Israel and Iran were friends). As you will understand from this book, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a lot more dangerous than thermonuclear weapons. Recently I invented two systems to protect Israel against its enemies: Anti Missiles and Anti Tunnels protecting Israel from Iranian nuclear missiles and from Palestinian terror tunnels using swarms of autonomous drones that are networked together (yes I see the irony) You can see the explanation in a friendly video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lxtOOjVRJs or in the text version if you prefer to read here: http://www.strulovitz.org/anti-missiles-and-anti-tunnels.html My point being that you can’t say I’m against Jews or Israel, I work hard to keep them safe. OK so now after you’ve seen I’m pro-Israel and pro-Jews, I’ll tell you where all this comes from: What am I doing in my life? The first half of what I’m doing with my life is basically I’m trying to save the world. Not like choosing my little corner and trying to do some good “bottom up” but instead going “top down” to the biggest hardest problems and inventing solutions. You can see here in my website: Greatest Living Inventor https://www.greatestlivinginventor.com/ In case you think I have grandiose delusions, I implore you to see a few of the videos for yourself, the example that I like to give because it’s easiest for me to explain (it’s also the first invention in the website) is: First of all understand the problem: Guy McPherson - Human Extinction Within 10 Years (professor at the University of Arizona in an interview with Paul Henry) Thanks to the Youtube channel of Niels van der Wolk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqIt93dDG1M Then you can understand my solution: Clathrate Gun Solution Mirror Shield preventing human extinction by the lethal methane gas (a greenhouse gas which is 30 times more powerful than carbon dioxide) by raising floating balloons in order to build a huge mirror . To watch a friendly video explanation of my solution: Youtube version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvQc9IA2ybw Vimeo version (backup): https://vimeo.com/679700991/ Even a kid can understand this, and I also started make comics that explain my inventions, it's called Vision-Man, and you can download it in PDF from my website as well. Google drive version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-0q_4h31Jsx1iCNn6PZUtBk07oST8_py/view?usp=sharing Dropbox version (backup): https://www.dropbox.com/s/t9ytrg6q1u9td10/Vision-man%201%20-%20Clathrate%20Gun.pdf?dl=0 OK. so in my website I have about 50 solutions like these that I invented to some of the biggest problems of humanity! This is what one PhD from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem replied to me (about the solutions to Iranian missiles and the Gaza attack tunnels) – the first line in bold is the subject of the reply, and academics means professors in universities: Ego Nir hello, I received your email. But unfortunately you are hurting the point which is dearest to [the heart of] the academics which is their ego. Don't be surprised if no one listens to you. Besides how do you know that you are the world's greatest inventor? Did you meet them all? This was the nice letter from that lecturer and now here is what I replied: XXX Hello, I think you are right about the ego of academics; it bothers them a lot that someone from the street comes along and think he understands. As for why I'm the greatest inventor among those currently alive in the world, as you see I'm also not short of ego, but in a moment I will explain why. Very true, there is no possibility to meet everybody, theoretically speaking it could be that there are many like me unknown. But among the known ones, I lead by far in a few clear criterions: (1) all the other inventors concentrate on small commercial inventions; I concentrate on the big things that most of them can literally save the world. You are welcome to read in my books: https://www.amazon.com/Official-Guide-Saving-World-ebook/dp/B081ZB7WPY https://www.amazon.com/Official-Guide-Saving-World-Again-ebook/dp/B08BPHSMLM/ (2) All the other inventors have one or two scientific area with which they work, while I work in all the areas of science (except mathematics where unfortunately my attention deficit disorder (ADD) doesn't allow me). (3) They all do this for money while I'm doing this for free voluntarily using my private time in order to help humanity without any other interest. That's why it's also all freely published and open for copying. For example let's analyze Elon Musk (which in my opinion is the greatest entrepreneur of our time, and the greatest industrialist of our time, but not the greatest inventor of our time, although the public thinks he is) : (1) Musk's rockets reduce the cost of access to space but it still costs a lot of money and very polluting, so it's not something that can save the population of the world. The electric cars yes, they are indeed in the right direction for saving the world solar energy etc., but Musk did not invent the electric car. (2) Actually all of Musk's ventures are transportation solution of this kind or another (transportation to space, electric transportation above ground and underground), He also invests in planting electrodes into the brain of people, but I'm to repress this, it's horrifying in my opinion. (3) Musk is very rare in this sense that he does care about humanity, but he is the richest person in the world right now (actually Putin is the richest off the books, but Musk is richest on the books), so it would be a little funny to say that he doesn't do things to be commercial and profitable. By the way, later during our correspondence the lecturer asked for a copy of my books which I sent gladly. OK so all this was only half of what am I doing in my life. The second half of what I’m doing with my life is also trying to save the world, but here it’s not with my ideas, but with the ideas of the smartest people in the world in subjects like Ai that Bill Joy in his seminal article “Why the Future Doesn't Need Us” – Why the future doesn’t need us. Our most powerful 21st-century technologies – robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech – are threatening to make humans an endangered species. https://www.wired.com/2000/04/joy-2/ – called self-replicating technologies: genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR), and what I call “grey” issues. On the same token that “green” issues are the environmental issues, that will kill us in 100 years, and grey issues are AI, nano, and genetic engineering (especially CRISPR CAS and gene drives), which will kill us in 20 years, or as I explained many times, it can even happen tomorrow, see the explanation on the back cover of my previous book: Anti AI Rebellion: Protest Against Artificial Intelligence https://www.amazon.com/Anti-AI-Rebellion-Artificial-Intelligence-ebook/dp/B09PLLCRSF/ These are not my ideas, in 2015 all the top experts in the world about Artificial Intelligence (heads of Google and Deepmind, tried to warn the public in an open letter arranged by Future Of Life institute along with Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Letter_on_Artificial_Intelligence essentially in their reserve polite language the experts shouted PLEASE STOP US because AI IS DANGEROUS and will probably cause HUMAN EXTINCTION! Please note – they talked against their financial interest, there’s no reason not to believe them. The man who literally wrote the textbook on AI, Stuart J. Russell, even made with Future Of Life institute the short Youtube video (7 minutes) : Slaughterbots https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slaughterbots If you look in Wikipedia in Global Catastrophic Risk, you will not understand anything, because “someone” (most likely the AI criminals and associates) heavily edited it until it’s totally unreadable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_catastrophic_risk BUT if you will look in the way it was written in 2015: Thank you Wayback Machine! https://web.archive.org/web/20150319085504/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_catastrophic_r isk You find these two lists:

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