• ·s '-"'s • s ac o ·s o e e '-"'s a e © r 9b y9J J.5u lSicuosJt rt., PublibsyhB eadkA ecra demic ad isviioonfB akPeurlb ishGirnogu p P.OB.o6x 28G7r,a nRda pdisM,I 4 9 561-6287 bakerac.ac doemm ic www . Previopuusbllyib syhB eadk Beoro Hko usaesC ustaonmCdso ntroversies: lntertejsetwaBimsacehkn gutrnaodolfst hNee wT estament Ebooekd itciroena 2t0e1d2 Alrli ghrtess erNvope adr.ot f tphuibsl icmaatybi eor ne prodsutcoerde,d in rae triseyvsatloe rm ,t ransmaintyftor emod r b iyan n ym eansfor exapmlee,l ectrpohnoitco,cr oepcyo,r dwiintgh otuhtep riworri tten permisosfti hopenu blisThheeo rn.le yx cepitsib orni ef quotations in prinrteevwdis e. 978--5r88535o-r-o ISBN LibroafrC yo ngrCeastsa loging-inD-aPtiuasb lfoilincea a ttt hiLeoi n braorfCy o negsrWsa,s hingDtCo.n , Unless oitnhdeircwaailtsbleei d b,la incadap lo cryqpuhoatolan tasir tea k enf ormt hNee wR evsieSdt andard oVfte hrBesi iboclnoe p,y r1i9g8ht9 , DivisoifCo hnr isEtdiuacna otfito hnNe a tioCnoauln ocfit lhC eh urches ofC hriisntt h Uen itSetda otfe sA meUrsiecbdayp . e rmisAslirloi ng.h ts reserTvheeod t.h veerr sicointaser dte h Kei nJga meVser s(ioKnJt Vh)e, NewA mericSatna ndard( NBABiS)bt,lh eeN ewI nternaVteirosniaoln (NI,Va n)tdh Ree viSsteadn dard (VReS.rV s)ion Pseudepigrqaupohitioactnaasrlf e or mO lTdse tamPesnetpu idgehraae,pd . JameHs.C harles2w vorotl(hsGa,.r deCnti yN,Y. .:D ouble1d89a3y,, 1 9 8Q5u)o.t atfioromnJ so sepahrufeors m J osepWhourskt,sr ,a Hns.S. t . J .Th ackeRraalypM,ha cuAsl,l Weink gnr,ae ndL ouiHs.F eldm9a n, volsL.o,e Cbl saiscLailb r(aarCmyb ridMgases,H. a:r vaUrndi versity Pres1s9,2- 665 )Q.u otatfioromnP sh ialrofe or mP hilWoo,r ktrsna,sF .. H .C olsGo.nH ,.W hitaaknedRr a,l pMha rucs1,0v olwsi.tt hw os uppl.s, LoeCbl saiscLailb r(aarCmyb ri,dM gasesH.a:r vaUrndi verPsrietsys , 1 9 2-962 )M.i shnmaaitce riisfoar lmT hMei shntarahHn,es r.b ert Danby (OfxordO:x ofrUdn iverPsriets1ys9 ,3.F 3 o)trh Dee aSde Sac roIlh lasv e useTdh Dee aSde Sac rionlE lnlsgi tsrha,nG se.zV ae rmse,3 de d(.N ew YorkV:i kiPnegn gu1i9n9),0. WitLho vaen Adp preciation tot htew oM rsJ.J. u lSicuost ts InM emoroyf LaVerne whob ormee and For Florence whob eawristm he CONTENTS Cover TitPlaeg e CopyrPiagghet Dedication Illustrations Praecfe Abbreviations IntroduacntdDie ofnio nnist i PartT hBea ckgraonSuden tdot fli nntge rtejsutdaamiesnmt al 1. SourocfIe nsf ormation I. TheG eograopfth hyLe a nodfI srael 2. 3 ·A Survoefty h Oel Tde stament 4·O lTde stamIedneatan sdI ntsitnusti o 5 ·A Survoefty h Hei stoofrI yn tertestaanmdNe enwTt easlt ament Ju daism Pa2r.t T hCer iasneRdse p sonosfIe nst ertejsutdaamiesnmt al 6.C risofet shS ei xatnhFd o urCtehn turies 7.T heG eneRreaslp oonfIs net ertesJtuadmaeitnost maCt lrh ei ses 8 .I ntertesAttatmeemntptoRta eslc onsTtrraudcnitat (liO olTdes tament) Instittiuons ScriabneTdsr a dition 9. Apocalyptic I .o DiivsioSnesc,,at n sdPa rties II. CommoLni fienF irsetnt-uCIrsyr ael I2. Pa3r·tT hRee loiuTgshi ouogfIh ntt ertejsutdaam:Aie Bsnamtcakulgn frdoro Christiaann CdCo unsttroomvse rsies 1.3 ReligTihoouusgo hfIt n tertesJtuadmaeinstma l 14. TheF inAagle 15.T heK ingdoofGm o d 1 6T.h eM essiaHnoipce 1.7 CovenaanndLt a wi nt hFei nAagle 18I.n tertesJteawmieAsntihttt auldt eosw aGredn tiles Epilog Appensdi xe A.T heA pocryopfth haOe l Tde stament B. TheP seudepiBgoroakpsh al C. Tractaotfte hsMe i shnTaahl,m uadn,Td o sephta D. Cruicxiifon E .T heJ ewiDsahiP lrya yaenrtd h Eex csliuoonfJ ewiCshhr istians F. ApocalLyiptteircaa ntIdun riserp eSdc ripture G. InterpArpeotcianlgLy iptteirca ture H. HowS cholaWrosrhkisp Bibliography IndoefxS cripatnudJr eew iWsrhi tings SubjIencdte x AboutthA eu thor Notes BacCko ver ILLUSTRATIONS Figures rC.r osesc-tSiPornio lfoefts h Lea nodfI srael TheB asPilcao nfH er'oTsde mple 2. 3T.i mLei noeft hHei stoofIrr sya el 4·H erotdhG er eaantdH iDse csendants 5R·u leorfPs a lestine 6.T heP hasoefWso rlHdi story Maps rT.op ograpFheiactauolrf Ie ssr ael TheL anodfI srael 2. 3.J erusalem 4·T heA nciWeonrtl d Tables rT.h eI ntertesCtaalmeennadtnaadFrle stivals MajDoirv isiinFo inrsse tnt-uCIrsyr ael 2. PREFACE DuritnhgCe h ristsmeaasso of1n 69 3I w asi nm yf risyte aorf college teachMiynb gr.o tDhaevri dde,v oatu hto,u ghCthfruilsb tuisainn essman, accompamneiw ehdeI ng avaeb riseufr voefy "JTehwei Bsahc kgrounds ofC hristtmoaa S su"n dsacyh ocolslas L.a theera ske"dW,h iy snt'hta t typei noofrfm ataivoani ltaolb alyesp oenrsT?h"us swoawsin nm ym ind thes eefdor m y " Davibdo okD.a"v imda y naoltw abyesp leawsietdh whaftol lowistm ;a ys eeamb itto toe chnIia cmac lo.mo frtwehde nI remembtehrah tet ogoe tasb itte chnwihceaenlx plaihnibisun sgi ness; thiissI f, ea ri,n eviitnea vbelarery e a. In1 96I3d id tneomltyl b rotthhearIta ctuhaaldliy nh andb rai ef complmeatneu scornit phtes ubtj.e wcaIn tteodf leistoh u tS.u bse quentthleyhr aebs e eanne xploosfbi ootndh i scoavnewdrr yi taibnogu t IntertestJaumdeaniStsiamnl.1c e9 6n3e wt ranslaantdie odintsi oofn s the AphoacP,rs uyedpepigraanpdDh eaa,Sd e Sac rohlalvasep peaIrne d. additsieovnem,ra ajlos re consdoaurryhc aevsbe e coamvea illeIa. b erre f epsecitaotl hlneye we ditoifEo mni Slc hiri'grsre eat TwhoHeri ks,t oof ry thjeei wsPhe oipntl heAe g oefj esCuhsr tihsmeta ,s simvuel,t ivoCloumme pendRiear uImu daicaadNr ouvmu Tmet samenRtoubme,Kr rta afntd GeorNgiec kbeulrsgE 'asrj ludya iasnmId t Mso deIrnnt erpanrdLe etsetresr, Grabbtew'os- vojluudmaef irosmCm y rtuoHs a drIih aanvg.ea inmeudc h helfpor ma rtlieicsnG erhaKridt atnedlG erhaFrrdi edrTihceho'lso gical Dictiooftn hNaeer wyT es tamAestn htis.st uddrye two wairtcdso nucslion, thAe nchBoirbD liec tiboencaaramyve a ilIah balveoe;f tceonn suiltt ed with mpurcohfA ictk.n owledignmn eontcteassn nboetg tioni n dimcya te debttot heasnend u merooutshs etriu eds. Oneo ft hmea joprl easoufcr oemsp leatp irnogj seucctah st hiisst o acknowlaenddtg hea nmka nyo ft hotsoew homt hwer itiesir n debted. Althotuhgilhsi i sslt o nigti sn octo mplFeotuemr.e ntiohneerader neo longweirtu hsb ,u itn t hper eseonfhc iemw hoi sno w tRheewiarr der. Myi nteirneI sntt ertesJtuadmaeinstmfa liw rasst bkyim nymd oltehd ert hroualg iht btoloeok n custtohmbesi bolfi caDlu rwiomnrygld do.c torsatlu adtty h Uen iverosfMi atnyc heiswtta esfran neidn tafo ri eb yF . F. BrAurcneoA,l. dT . E hrhaarnddet s,p ecRioablelAry.Kt r ta f (noofw theU niverosfPi etnyn syl)vE.an ntihausfiorat shmes ubjheacsbte en kepatl iavned ghraosw bny tihnet eorfes sttu dewnhtohs a vset udiite d with mBee lahtaC voelnl (eJgaec kMsisosnW.,e) s,t eKrenn tuUcnkiyv er sittyh,We h eatCoonl lGergaed uSactheo aonldt, h Ee CWA Theological Semin(aErvya ngCehluircocafhlW eAsfrti cIag baa,Nji gae.)r i Ih aveeno jyetdh een couragoefam nedon ptp tournittoy ttahlrko ugh isswuietssh u ccho lleaagsNu oersm aEn.H a rper,N .AJ koehrJnsK. ,n ox ChamblEi.Mn a,r gaHroewteR ,o naAl.Vd e enker,A .WE allwteHelerlr , berMt.W olCf.,H assBeullll ockN,e wT aesntda meanrtc haeoJloohgni st R.M cRaIyh .a vfeer quenttulrynf eorda sstianswciet bho tcho ntaenndt editomraitattleo mr ysg oofdir enRdo beDr.Ct a rlson. Fatro moa nyy eaargsAo l lan Fnioswdh ierre,co tfpo urb lincsaa tti o B akerB ooHko usbee,g atno progde nmttelo gy e ste riaobuosut th is projHeicstfir .e ndsahnidpp e rtseinestn couragheamvenene tv er wa vereedv,ei nnt hfeac eo fm yw ell-prparcotcircaesdt inWaetaivoenr., Jim ediotfoar c adeamnirdce ferweonrckaestB akaenrad k indsrpeidwr iitth me tihnae p precoifab tliuoesngsm r uasihca,s baep elne asaanndht e lp fulp erswointw hh omt o woWrhko.l ehetahratneakdns da dmiragtoi on toR ayW ierssmean,i eodri toofar c adeamnidc refbeoroeknfsocr,e his worokn t hmea nuscrHiipspta .t imeentti,c su,al nodue xpewrotr hka s gonfea bre yownhda mto stth ionfk tahste a sokfa ne ditOotrh.ei rns the BakBeoro Hko usoer ganizdaetsieboronvt ech r eadnidtp raiTsoee a.c h I sa"yT,h aynokul ,o! t"s Althotuhgrho utghhye e artsr itIeo wd o rokn t hipsr ojiencs tp are