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JET PHYSICS AT LEP AND WORLD SUMMARY OF αs 1 ee Annihilation Data Over the past few ... PDF

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Preview JET PHYSICS AT LEP AND WORLD SUMMARY OF αs 1 ee Annihilation Data Over the past few ...

JET PHYSICS AT LEP AND WORLD SUMMARY OF αs a S. BETHKE III. Physikalisches Institut, RWTH D - 52056 Aachen, Germany e-mail: [email protected] Recent results on jet physics and tests of QCD from hadronic final states in e+e− annihilation at PETRA and at LEP are reviewed, with special emphasis on hadronic event shapes, charged particle production rates, properties of quark andgluonjetsanddeterminationsofαs. Thedataintheentireenergyrangefrom PETRA to LEP-2 arein broad agreement withthe QCD predictions. The world summary of measurements of αs is updated and a detailed discussion of various methods to determine the overall error of αs(MZ0) is presented. The new world averageisαs(MZ0)=0.119±0.004. Thesizeoftheerrordependsonthetreatment ofcorrelateduncertainties. 1 e+e− Annihilation Data Overthe pastfewyears,palargeamountofe+e− annihilationdatainthe c.m. energy range from Q (cid:17) s = 10 to 189 GeV was accumulated at the CESR, PETRA, PEP, Tristan, LEP and SLC accelerators. The large data samples at LEP-1, which amount to about 4 million hadronic events around the Z0 resonance for each of the four LEP experiments, and the most recent data at thehighestenergiesofLEP-2(afewthousandeventsperexperiment),together with reanalysed PETRA data at lower c.m. energies (about 50.000 hadronic events), provide powerful tools for precise tests of perturbative QCD. At energies below or at the Z0 resonance, respectively at PETRA and at LEP-1, the study of e+e− annihilation events is rather \easy" and straight forward: apart from two-photon processes, the energy and quantum numbers ofthe hardscatteringarewellde(cid:12)nedanddi(cid:11)erentprocessescanbe identi(cid:12)ed and selected with only very little backgrounds or biases. At LEP-2, i.e. at energies above the Z0 pole, the situation is more complicated: (cid:15) The annihilation cross section is orders of magnitude lower than at the Z0 pole; see Figure 1b. (cid:15) Initialstatephpotonradiationreducestheavailableenergyofthehadronic c.m. system, s0, see Figure 1a, and causes, together with the resonant aPresentedattheIVth Int. Symp. onRadiativeCorrections,Barcelona,Sept. 8-12,1998. 1 25 (a) hadrons OPAL(cid:13) OPAL (c) 3 R 10 (preliminary) Preliminary (cid:214) s = 189 GeV 20 s t Inclusive n e Born v E ‰(cid:13) fi(cid:13) 15 2 10 10 5 PEP/PETRA TRISTAN TOPAZ 95 50 100 150 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 (cid:214)(cid:13) s¢(cid:13) /GeV (cid:214)(cid:13) s /GeV (b) OPAL preliminary 104 pb e+e-fi(cid:13) hadrons n / e+e-fi(cid:13) hadrons; s¢(cid:13)/s>0.7225 o oss-secti103 cr 102 s¢(cid:13)/s>0.7225 10 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 (cid:214)(cid:13) s / GeV Figure 1: Hadronic cross sections and available data in e+e− annihilation (for details see text); R:=σ(e+e−→qq)/σ(e+e−→µ+µ−). crosssectionaroundtheZ0mass,alarge\return-to-the-Z"e(cid:11)ect. Radia- tivpe evepnts can be suppressed requiring a minimum reconstructed ratio of s0/ s and other kinematic constraints. (cid:15) Other processes like e+e− ! W+W− and e+e− ! Z0Z0 emerge above therespectiveenergythresholds,seetheshadedareainFigure1c,causing a certain irreducable background for QCD studies. p In the following sectiopns, recent QCD tests from LEP-1 ( s (cid:24) 91 GeV; Section 2), from LEP-2 ( s (cid:24) 130 GeVpto 189 GeV; Section 3) and from a combination of PETRA and LEP data ( s(cid:24)14 GeV to 172 GeV; Section 4) are presented. The world summary of αs is updated in Section 5. 2 2 QCD Tests at LEP-1 2.1 αs from Event Shapes using Optimised O(α2s) QCD DELPHI DELPHI EEC EEC AEEC [(cid:79)(a s2); (cid:13) AEEC [xm =1] JCEF JCEF 1-Thr xm fitted] 1-Thr O O C C B B Max Max B B Sum Sum r r H H r r S S r r D D DE0 DE0 2 2 DP0 DP0 2 2 DP DP 2 2 DJade DJade 2 2 DDurham DDurham 2 2 DGeneva DCambridge 2 2 DCambridge 2 unw. average : a (M 2) = 0.1165 unw. average : a (M 2) = 0.1243 S Z S Z r.m.s. = 0.0026(cid:13) r.m.s. = 0.0080(cid:13) c 2/n = 9.2 / 17 c 2/n = 40 / 16 df df 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 a (M2) a (M2) S Z S Z Figure 2: Measurements of αs from hadronic event shapes at LEP-1 using O(α2s) QCD predictionswith(left)andwithout(right)optimisedrenormalisationscalesµ. The DELPHI collaboration contributed a new measurement of αs from orientedeventshapedistributionsatLEP-11. 17di(cid:11)erenteventshapeobserv- ables are measured as a function of the polar angle of the thrust axis, and αs is determined from (cid:12)ts to O(α2) QCD calculations. As already reported ear- s lier2,3,4, good agreement between theory and data can be obtained if both αs and the renormalisation scale µ are determined simultaneously; see Figure 2. With optimisedrenormalisationscalesandallowingforscaleuncertainties between0.5(cid:2)µexp and2(cid:2)µexp, consistentresultsofαs(MZ0)emerge,leading to a combined average of αs(MZ0) = 0.117(cid:6)0.003. Both the average and the error,which includes theoretical uncertainties from scale changes as given above, are smaller than those obtained from resummed O(α2) QCD (cid:12)ts. This s 3 is basically due to the choice of the averagingprocedure and error de(cid:12)nition.b The broad consistency between data and optimised O(α2) QCD justi(cid:12)es this s procedureandsuggeststoreconsideroptimised(cid:12)xedorderperturbationtheory as an alternative to resummation which was preferred in the past. 2.2 Differences between Quark- and Gluon-Jets 0.15 OPAL g jets incl. |y| £(cid:13) 2 uds jets 0.1 Jetset 7.4 ) h. Herwig 5.9 c n Ariadne 4.08 ( P 0.05 Ariadne 4.08 (reconnected) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 n ch. Figure 3: Charged particle multiplicites in gluon-inclusive and in light (uds) quark jets in thecentralrapidity(|y|<2)range. Di(cid:11)erences between quark- and gluon-jets were studied quite intensively during the past few years. The aim is to test the basic QCD prediction that hadrons coming from gluon jets should exhibit a softer energy spectrum and a wider transverse momentum distribution than those originating from quark jets, due to the larger colour charge of the gluon. In particular, the ratio R qg of the averagemultiplicities of hadrons in gluon jets and in quark jets should, for in(cid:12)nite jet energies and in leading order QCD, be (cid:25) C /C = 3/(4/3)= A F 9/4=2.25. Experimental procedures to separate quark- from gluon-jets are usually based on vertex tagging of primary b-quark decays. In short, 3-jet like events bNotethat,forinstance,apreviousstudy4basedon13observablesandusingadifferentpro- cedure to average results and determine the overall error obtained αs(MZ0)=0.122+−00..000065 which, if the same procedure as used in the DELPHI analysis is applied, converts to αs(MZ0)=0.116±0.003. 4 >h c DELPHI N < 12 _ qqg events 11 Quark Gluon 10 QCD Fit 9 8 7 6 k r ua 2.25 q n/ 2 o Ratio of slopes o glu 11.7.55 Ratio of multiplicities Rati 1.25 OPAL CLEO 10 k [GeV] Figure 4: Charged particle multiplicities in anti-tagged gluon and light quark jets as a functionoftheenergyscaleκ. areselectedinwhichoneofthetwolowerenergeticjetsistaggedasab-quark, while the other low energy jet is then taken to be the gluon jet. From (cid:12)rst analysesofthis type it wasfound5 that, after correctionfor misidenti(cid:12)ed jets, R = 1.27(cid:6)0.07. No QCD calculation for this particular type of analysis qg exists, such that a direct comparisonof this resultwith theory is not possible. Theoretical predictions only exist for colour singlet qq and gg (cid:12)nal states, where however the latter state is not experimentally accessible. In order to perform an analysis closer to theory, OPAL followed a new strategy in which events with a high-energetic gluon-jet recoiling against a (vertex-tagged) qq system6 were selected. Such events are relatively rare, leading to about 550 selected gluon jets from OPAL’s LEP-1 data sample. Acomparisonofthechargedhadronmultiplicitydistributionofsuchgluon hemispheres with those of ordinary light quark event hemispheres is shown in Figure 3, where a signi(cid:12)cant di(cid:11)erence between quark- and gluon-jets is seen. 5 For a central rapidity range, the hadron multiplicity ratio R is found to be qg 1.87(cid:6)0.13; the remaining di(cid:11)erence to the QCD expectation of 2.25 is likely to be explained by (cid:12)nite jet energy e(cid:11)ects. DELPHI has studied the scale dependence of particle multiplicities in quark-andgluon-jets7. Here,gluon-jets andlightquark-jetsare(anti-)tagged in3-jet events,andajet energyscale ofκ=E sin(θ/2), where θ is the angle jet between the two lowest energetic jets, is de(cid:12)ned. The charged hadron multi- plicities for quark-and gluon-jets, as a function of κ, are diplayedin Figure 4. Alsoshownistheratioofmultiplicitiesandtheratioofslopes;thelatterbeing close to the QCD prediction of 2.25. From these measurements DELPHI determines the ratio C /C to be A F 2.27(cid:6)0.012which is ingoodagreementwith QCD,andinparticularwith the expected colour charge of the gluon. 3 QCD Tests at LEP-2 3.1 Hadronic Event Shapes and Running of αs 103 ALEPH preliminary O(a s2 ) + NLLA Ecm=183 GeV 102 dT Ecm=172 GeV / sd10 s1/ Ecm=161 GeV 1 Ecm=133 GeV 10–1 Ecm=91.2 GeV 10–2 10–3 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 T 1 Figure5: Thrust-distributionsmeasuredbyALEPHatvarious c.m. energies,andcommon fittoanalyticQCDcalculations inresummednext-to-leadingorderperturbationtheory. At each new energy point of LEP-2, all four LEP experiments have ex- tensively studied hadronic event shape distributions and compared the new measurements with the predictions of QCD Monte Carlo models, as well as with analytic QCD calculations. In all cases,up to andincluding the most re- 6 L3 Reduced (cid:214)(cid:13) s¢(cid:13) (cid:214)(cid:13) s =91.2 GeV 0.16 (cid:214)(cid:13) s = 133 GeV (cid:214)(cid:13) s = 161 GeV (cid:214)(cid:13) s = 172 GeV (cid:214)(cid:13) s = 183 GeV 0.14 (cid:214)(cid:13) s = 189 GeV s QCD Evolution Constant a a s 0.12 0.1 50 100 150 200 (cid:214)(cid:13) s (GeV) Figure6: Runningofαs asmeasuredbyL3. p centdataat s=189GeV,goodagreementofdataandtheorywasfound,and no signi(cid:12)cantdeviation from the standardexpectation was seen. As an exam- ple, Figure 5 shows the thrust-distributions measured by ALEPH8 at LEP-1 and at four energy points of LEP-2, together with a (cid:12)t to resummed O(α2) s QCD calculations which is in good agreement with the data at all energies. The L3 collaboration has summarised their measurements9 of αs from various event shape distributions, at LEP-1, at all LEP-2 energy points, and at hadronic c.m. energies below the Z0 pole, from an analysis of radiative events recorded at LEP-1. The data, which are displayed in Figure 6, apre in very good agreement with the QCD prediction of a running coupling αs( s). 3.2 Energy Dependence of Charged Particle Production Theenergydependenceofparticleproductionwas,similarlyashadronicevent shapes, continuously monitored by all LEP experiments. The variation of such observables with energy is found to be in good agreement with QCD predictions, and also with the \standard" QCD plus hadronisation models. The energy dependence of the average charged hadron multiplicity and of the peak position ξ(cid:3) of the ξ =ln(1/x) distribution (x=p/E )9 are shown in beam Figure 7. 7 JETSET 7.4 PS 5.0 30 HERWIG 5.8 x * L3 QCD MLLA ARIADNE 4.06 TASSO QCD DLA 4.5 COJETS 6.23 ALEPH 25 JETSET 7.4 ME DELPHI 4.0 OPAL > n ch20 TASSO 3.5 < JADE TOPAZ 15 AMY 3.0 OPAL ALEPH DELPHI 2.5 10 L3 2.0 50 100 150 200 0 50 1(cid:214)(cid:13)00s (GeV15)0 200 250 (cid:214)(cid:13) s (GeV) Figure 7: Average charged particle multiplicities and peak position ξ(cid:3) of the ξ = ln(1/x) distribution(compilationbyL3). 4 Power Corrections and Energy Dependence of Event Shapes The energy dependence of mean values of event shape observables can be parametrised by the O(α2) perturbative QCD prediction10 plus a term in- s cluding the improved two-loop calculations (the \Milan factor") of power- suppressed 1/Q non-perturbative contributions11, the so-called \power cor- rections". The latter contains the moment α0 of an e(cid:11)ective coupling below an infrared scale µ , which is expected to be universal for all applicable event I shape observables. Acompilationofavailabledataonthemeanvalueof(1-thrust)andofthe C-parameter is shown in Figure 8, which is taken from a recent re-analysis of JADE data at PETRA energies12. Perturbative QCD plus power corrections is found to give a very good description of the data, with αs(MZ0) = 0.118(cid:6) 0.002(cid:6)0.004 as determined from these data. However, universality of α0 is only found to be satis(cid:12)ed at a level of 30%. Fordifferentialeventshapedistributions,thepowercorrectionsaresimply a shift of the perturbative (O(α2)) spectra, and these were also studied in a s wide c.m. energy range, including the most recent PETRA and LEP data for a total of four event shape observables13. A (cid:12)t to these data, with αs(MZ0) andα0 asfreeparametersforeachobservable,leadsto theresultsdisplayedin Figure 9. Agreement in both αs(MZ0) and α0 is obtained, to a good level of accuracy, for two of the observables. However, the jet broadening parameters Bw and Bt deviate signi(cid:12)cantly13 in both αs(MZ0) and α0. 8 Æ(cid:13)1-Tæ(cid:13) Æ(cid:13)Cæ(cid:13) JADE JADE 0.18 Mark J 0.35 TASSO ALEPH 0.16 DMEaLrkC IOI DL3ELPHI AMY 0.3 OPAL 0.14 DELPHI SLD L3 0.12 AOLPAEPLH 0.25 SLD perturbative QC(cid:13)D(cid:13) 0.1 0.2 + improved power corrections 0.08 0.15 0.06 0.1 0.04 (cid:13) power corrections(cid:13) omitted 0.05 0.02 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 (cid:214)(cid:13) --s [GeV] (cid:214)(cid:13) --s [GeV] Figure8: Energydependence ofmeanvaluesof(1-Thrust)andoftheC-parameter. Most recently,the reasonfor these deviations was identi(cid:12)ed and tracedto the theoretical predictions14; a cure of this problem should soon be available. 5 World Summary of αs Signi(cid:12)cant determinations of the strong coupling strength, αs, remain to be a demanding and interesting topic in experimental as well as theoretical study projects in high energy physics. In the following subsections, previous sum- maries of αs measurements 15,16 will be updated and a new world average αs(MZ0) will be determined. Instead of a complete reference to all available measurements, only the newest results are briefly introduced, and more em- phasis is spent on a detailed discussion of the overall uncertainty of αs(MZ0), (cid:1)αs. 5.1 Updates and New Results The results of all signi(cid:12)cant determinations of αs, i.e. of all those which are based on QCD calculations which are complete - at least - to next-to-leading order perturbation theory, are summarised in Table 2. The following entries were added or updated since summer 199716 (underlined in Table 2): (cid:15) The most recent determination of αs from the GLS sum rules, based on new data from ν −N scattering17 is included, replacing the previous 9 0(cid:13) .7(cid:13) a(cid:13) B(cid:13) W(cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13) preliminary(cid:13) 0(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) 95 % C.L. Contours(cid:13) 0(cid:13) .65(cid:13) (cid:13) B(cid:13) (cid:13) T(cid:13) (cid:13) 0(cid:13) .6(cid:13) 0(cid:13) .55(cid:13) 1-T(cid:13) 0(cid:13) .5(cid:13) C(cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13) 0.45(cid:13) (cid:13) 0(cid:13) .0 0.09 0.10 0.11a ( M ) (cid:13) 0.12(cid:13) s(cid:13) Z(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Figure 9: Fit results for α0 and αs(MZ0) for several differential event shape distributions measuredinthec.m. energyrangefrom35to183GeV. result from Chyla and Kataev18. (cid:15) New measurementsofαs fromhighstatisticsstudies ofvectorandaxial- vectorspectralfunctionsofhadronicτ-decaysareavailablefromALEPH19 and OPAL20. As the most complete and precise studies of τ decays to date, these results are combined and taken to replace earlier results21. (cid:15) H1 has contributed new determinations of αs from (2+1)-jet event rates at HERA22, replacing a previous measurement23. A combination of these new results with aformer onefromZEUS24 is updated inTable 2. (cid:15) A new determination of αs from (cid:7)-decays25 replaces earlier results26. (cid:15) A recent determination of αs from the total e+e− hadronic cross section measured by CLEO at E =10.52 GeV27 is added. cm (cid:15) Determinations of αs from JADE data, at Ecm = 35 and 44 GeV, were updated12 by the inclusion of another observable, the C-parameter. (cid:15) αs from the most recent LEP result on Rl = ΓΓ((ZZ00!!hleapdtroonnss)) was up- dated28 (these results are still preliminary). (cid:15) LEP results on αs from event shapes measured at Ecm = 183 and 189 GeV29 are combined and added to the list (some of these results are still preliminary). 10

Physikalisches Institut, RWTH. D - 52056 Aachen, Germany e-mail: [email protected]. Recent results on jet physics and tests of QCD from hadronic Underlined entries are new or updated since summer 1997 (DIS = deep inelastic scattering; GLS-SR = Gross-Llewellyn-Smith sum rules; Bj-SR
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