Jet- and Wind-Driven Ionized Outflows in the Superbubble and Star-Forming Disk of NGC 30791 Gerald Cecil2 Dept. ofPhysics&Astronomy,UniversityofN.Carolina,ChapelHill,NC27599-3255 [email protected] 1 0 0 JossBland-Hawthorn 2 Anglo-AustralianObservatory,Epping,NSW,Australia n a [email protected] J 1 SylvainVeilleux3 1 Dept.ofAstronomy,UniversityofMaryland,CollegePark,MD20742 v [email protected] 0 1 and 0 1 0 AlexeiV. Filippenko 1 Dept.ofAstronomy,UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,CA94720-3411 0 / [email protected] h p - o r t s ABSTRACT a : HST WFPC2imagesarepresentedthatspantheinner 19kpcdiameteroftheedge-ongalaxyNGC v ∼ i 3079; they are combined with optical, emission-line imaging spectrophotometry and VLA images of X radiopolarizationvectorsandrotationmeasures. Ionizedgasfilamentswithin9-kpcdiameterprojectup r to 3 kpc above the disk, with the brightest forming the 1 kpc diameter superbubble. They are often a ≈ resolvedintostrands 0.′′3(25pc)wide,whichemergefromthenuclearCOringasfivedistinctstreams withlargevelocitiesa≈ndvelocitydispersions(FWHM 450kms- 1). Thebrighteststreamemits 10% ≈ ≈ of the superbubble Hα flux and extends for 250 pc along the axis of the VLBI radio jet to one corner of the base of the superbubble. The other four streams are not connected to the jet, instead curving up to the vertical 0.6 kpc above the galaxy disk, then dispersing as a spray of droplets each with 103√fM ofio≈nizedgas(thevolumefillingfactor f >3 10- 3). Shreddedclumpsofdiskgasforma ≈ J × similarstructureinhydrodynamicalmodelsofagalaxy-scalewind.Thepatternofmagneticfieldsandthe gaseouskinematicsalsosuggestthatawindofmechanicalluminosityL 1043ergss- 1hasstagnatedin w ≈ thegalaxydiskataradiusof 800pc,hasflaredtolargerradiiwithincreasingheightasthebalancing ∼ ISM pressure reducesabove the disk, and has entrained dense clouds into a “mushroomvortex” above thedisk. Hαemissivityofthefilamentslimitsdensitieston >4.3f- 1/2cm- 3,hencekineticenergyand e momentumto(0.4- 5) 1055√f ergsand(1.6- 6) 1047√f dynes,respectively;therangesresultfrom × × uncertainspacevelocities. A prominentstar-formingcomplexelsewherein the galaxyshowsa striking sprayoflinearfilamentsthatextendforhundredsofparsecstoendinunresolved“bullets.” Subjectheadings: galaxies: individual(NGC3079)—galaxies: active—galaxies:jets—galaxies:kinematicsand dynamics—galaxies:ISM—galaxies:magneticfields 1 1. INTRODUCTION Paper II) we used Fabry-Perot spectrophotometry to maptheionizedsuperbubble,showingthatitspattern Anenergeticoutflowcaninflatea“superbubble”to ofradialvelocitiesisconsistentwithanoutflowwhose a size that exceeds the scale height of the interstellar spacevelocitiesincreasefromthenucleus. medium (ISM). If the bubble ruptures, ejecta can al- Because of its considerableextinction (Ptak 1997; ter chemical abundances across the galaxy. The su- Sofueetal2000),thenuclearpowersourcemanifests perbubbleis comprisedofvariousshockfrontsin the itself primarily by reprocessed radiation. How the ISMandtheoutflowejecta. TheISMandejectahave superbubble filaments are powered is thus uncertain. severalphaseswithdifferentdensity,temperature,em- Their total ionized mass and kinetic energy (KE) are beddedmagneticfields,anddustdistributions,andthe scaled by gas densities whose values are poorly con- shocks have different properties depending upon the strained due to blending in ground-based spectra (of phase through which they are propagating. The flow thered[SII]doubletfluxratio)andimages(toestab- must therefore be observed across many wavebands lishtheemittingvolume).DSmodeledtheradiostruc- from the radio to hard X-rays, but is often seen most ture as a wind-blown bubble from the active galactic clearlybyimagingspectrophotometryofopticalemis- nucleus(AGN),andHawardenetal.(1995)concluded sionlines. Spatialresolutionsandsensitivitiesofcur- that an AGN wind is responsible largely because hot rentinstrumentssufficetodiagnosegaseousconditions dustcharacteristicofastarburstisabsent;Israeletal. for only the nearest and brightest superbubbles (e.g. (1998)subsequentlyfoundhotdustoutto a radiusof M82, Shopbell & Bland-Hawthorn 1998; NGC 253, 300 pc. The structure appears to be in a “breakout” Forbesetal. 2000;NGC4438,Kenney&Yale2000; stage, with the driving wind expanding freely into a Kenney et al. 1995) where the angular scale is large haloofdiffuseX-rayemission(Pietsch,Trinchieri,& enoughtoconstraindynamicalmodels. Vogler 1998, hereafterPTV). An AGN in NGC 3079 One of the clearest examples is the superbubble opensthepossibilityofamorecollimatedoutflow,and emerging from the disk of the edge-on SB-pec (de indeedajethasbeenproposed(Irwin&Seaquist1988; Vaucouleurs et al. 1991) galaxy NGC 3079; galaxy Trotter et al. 1998; Sawada-Satoh et al. 2000) to ex- propertiesare summarizedin Table 1. The X-shaped plain several aligned, VLBI-scale radio knots along radiostructureonthenucleusdiscoveredbydeBruyn withthemaserkinematics(Sawada-Satohetal.2000). (1977)was subsequentlyresolvedinto a figure-8pat- Irwin & Seaquist (1988) argued that a jet alone may tern by Duric & Seaquist (1988, hereafterDS) in the inflatethesuperbubble. radio continuum, and by Ford et al. (1986)in optical If the wind arises from an optically extinguished lineemission.Thenucleuscontainsthemostluminous AGN, it provides a nearby laboratory for study of known H O megamaser (Henkel et al. 1984) which 2 processes thought to have operated in dust-shrouded Trotter et al. (1998) resolved spatially, and has large proto-quasars. If the wind is associated with a star- extinction, so conditions there have been established burst, the processes operating in IR ultra-luminous, fromIRemissionlinesandradio-frequencyspectra(Ir- distant galaxies can be studied in detail. To address win & Seaquist 1988; Irwin & Sofue 1992; Baan & theseissues,in§2wepresentHubbleSpaceTelescope Irwin1995)whichshowoutflowsignatures. (HST) WFPC2 and unpublished VLA4 radio contin- Heckman,Armus, &Miley (1990)andFilippenko uumimagesofthegalaxydiskandsuperbubble.In§3 & Sargent (1992, hereafter Paper I) obtained long- wederivepropertiesofthemagneticfields, andshow slit spectra of the ionized gas associated with the that ionized filaments are often resolved transversely superbubble, and found large velocity gradients and so that we can constrain their gas densities and fill- emission-line widths in the patterns expected for an ingfactorfromrecombinationfluxes. Somefilaments expandingstructure.InVeilleuxetal.(1994,hereafter with large velocity dispersions align with the VLBI- scaleaxis,extendingthedirectlydetectedinfluenceof 2SOARTelescopeProject,NOAO,TucsonAZ85726-6732 thejetto250pcradius.In§4wediscussthedynamical 1Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble stateandpowersourceofthesuperbubble.Weoutline SpaceTelescope,obtainedattheSpaceTelescopeScienceInstitute, whichisoperatedbytheAssociationofUniversitiesforResearchin Astronomy,Inc.,underNASAcontractNAS5-26555. Theseobser- 4TheVLAisafacility oftheNational RadioAstronomyObserva- vationsareassociatedwithproposalIDGO-6674. tory.TheNationalRadioAstronomyObservatoryisafacilityofthe 3CottrellScholaroftheResearchCorporation NationalScienceFoundationoperatedundercooperativeagreement byAssociatedUniversities,Inc. 2 some future observations in §5, then summarize our flux scale, we used the color term for an SBc galaxy resultsandconclusionsin§6. given in Table 6.2 of the WFPC2 Instrument Hand- book.5 2. OBSERVATIONSANDREDUCTIONS We obtained additional images from the HST archive(P.I. H. Falcke), see Table 2. Signal/noise ra- 2.1. HSTWFPC2Images tios are smaller than those of our imagesbecause the Forsharpestimagesinexposuresofreasonabledu- galaxynucleuswasplacedonthePCCCDandshorter ration, we spanned the inner parts of the galaxywith exposureswereused.However,theI-bandarchiveim- two chips of the WFC but “dithered" the exposures agehasslightlyhigherresolutiononthenucleusthan between two points separated by 2.′′50 (confirmed to our dithered WFC images, and places the N half of 0.′′02 by cross-correlating image pairs); see Table galaxyononeoftheWFCCCD’s,complementingour 2±. We imaged the galaxy on two rather than three coverage.CompositeimagesareshowninFig.1. WFCdetectorstomaximizecoverageperpendicularto IntheF658N- F814Wimage,thefluxcontributions — rather than along — the plane of the galaxy disk. of the three emission-lines [N II]λλ6548,6583+Hα ThePC chipcoveredtheoutskirtsof NGC3079,and passed bythe narrowerfilter varyacrossthedisk and did not obtain useful data. Our filters passed the I- especially across the superbubble. In Veilleux, Ce- band (F814W) and [N II]λλ6548,6583+Hα (F658N) cil,&Bland-Hawthorn(1995,hereafterPaperIII)and emission-line complex. The two I-band exposures Veilleuxetal.(1999,hereafterPaperIV)wepresented were sufficiently short that we did not need to ob- fluxmapsandvelocityfields,respectively,forionized tainmultipleimagestoidentifycosmic-rayhits. Four gas outside the superbubble. We showed in Paper II narrow-band F658N images were made, two at each thatgasintheinterval1.R.2.5kpchasaverageline ditherposition. widths of 150 km s- 1, droppingto 100 km s- 1 far- ≈ “Warm pixels" were treated using the appropriate therout.Weusedthesevaluestoreconstructemission- dark frame that became available several weeks af- lineprofilesofthe[NII]λλ6548,6583+Hαcomplexat ter our exposures. The dithered frame gave us infor- ground-basedresolution(1′′ FWHM),andthenmulti- mation at these locations, so we interpolated linearly plied the result by the F658N filter profile to find the each frame to the position of its partner then patched averagefluxfractioncontributedbyHαateachpoint. intheaffectedpixels. Thehandfulofresidualcosmic Velocitygradientsacrossthesuperbubblearelargeand rays and warm pixels in the combined dither images vary in a complex fashion, see Fig. 2. In Paper I we wereremovedmanually.Becauseonlyasinglecontin- haddecomposedtheprofileofeachspectrallineofthe uumimagewasobtainedateachditherposition, cos- [NII]λλ6548,6583+Hαcomplexinto3Gaussiansub- mic rays were removed by first interpolating linearly systems within rectangular regions 0.′′57 high 2.′′3 × eachframetothepositionofitspartner,thenselecting wide. Using this decomposition, we synthesized the theminimumpixelvalueateachpointfromthisimage complexes,multipliedthembytheF658Nprofile,and anditsuninterpolatedpartner. Sixcountswereadded inserted the resulting Hα weights into our weighted to the uninterpolatedframe (an offset that was deter- image. Fig.3showsthedistributionofweights. Cor- minedempirically)sothattheinterpolatedframecon- rections exceed those for the disk: at the base of the tributed onlyat the locationsof cosmic rays or warm bubbleonly25%ofthelinefluxthroughfilterF658N pixelsintheuninterpolatedframe. Lessthan0.1%of comesfromHα(thespikeatleftinFig.3). the pixels in each frame were in this state, very few Next, we used the WFPC2 Exposure Calcula- acrossthesuperbubble. tor6 to find the Hα fluxes of H II regions whose After cleaning artifacts and scaling to a common [N II]λ6583/Hα flux ratios were measured in our total exposure, we interleaved the frames at the two ground-based data. From the sum of counts at these dither positions onto a grid of 0.′′0707 pixels. In the regions,we placedHαfluxesinourinterleaved,line- continuum image 90% of a star’s light is encircled only frame on an absolute scale. The major change within 0.′′38 diameter (0.′′226 0.′′003 FWHM Mof- overFig. 1b is to darkenthe lower half of the bubble fatfunction),asexpectedfora±two-pointditheronthe where[NII]λ6583/Hα>1(PaperI);seeFig.4a. WFC chipsatthiswavelength. We scaledthe contin- uumimage fluxesto ensurea “line”-onlyimage after subtraction. ToplacetheI-bandimageonanabsolute 3 2.2. VLA Flux, Polarization, and Rotation Mea- Sdc,I/Sbg,I =x+(1- x)e- τI where τI approximates the sureImages maximum extinction optical depth through the dust. We ignored light forward scattered along our line of Radio emission traces the outflow on all observed sight,andalsoassumedthatdusthassmalldepthcom- scales, and many images have been made following paredtostarssoitactsasanexternalscreen.Weaver- the discovery of minor-axis radio lobes by Duric et aged 5-pixelwide intensity cuts througha prominent al. (1983). Using VLA images at 1.4 and 4.9 GHz, dustarcinFig.4aattheedgeofthesuperbubble. theyconstrainedtherotationmeasuretotheEbubble, 50<R <300 rad m- 2. But polarizationstudies are A single color cannot constrain tightly both x and m τ . By bounding x (0.4 < x < 0.8), we found that tough at 1.4 GHz because the 30% polarization seen I 0.27<A <1.6mag. (0.48<A <2.8mag,assum- at4.9GHzhasbeenreducedto<3%byFaradayrota- I V ing R=3 for the ratio of absolute to relative extinc- tion.FromthemanydatasetsofNGC3079intheVLA tion). Multiplying N =1.7 1021A cm- 2 by 1.37 archive, we therefore extracted unpublished datasets H × V to convert H to total mass (He + typical metal frac- madebyDr. S. Caganoffand collaboratorswhich are tion), andtreating the dustarc as a cylinderof radius centeredat8.1and4.4GHz(Fig.5andFig.6a). De- 0.′′3 and length 3′′, we found that the total mass is tailsoftheobservationsaregiveninTable2. (1- 4.7) 105M ,largerifdustwasdestroyedduring Standard procedures under AIPS reduced the data × J cloud acceleration. Despite this high mass, the dusty at four frequencies. We then fit χ(ν) =χ(0)+λ2R m featureshowsnolineemission,underscoringtheneed toeachpixeltomapthetransverseelectricfield(E ) ⊥ tomaptheoutflowinmanyISMphases. χ(0) and the R . Uniform weights produceda beam m of 1.65′′ 1.59′′ (HPBW) along PA = 13.3◦. Figs. 5 × 3.2. Dereddening and6areinsensitivetofeatures>30′′. Fig.6bshows that the 3.8 cm radio emission is < 3.4 10- 5 Jan- TheJ-KcolormapofIsraeletal.(1998)showsen- skyarcsec- 2insidethesuperbubble. × hanced reddeningW of the nucleus. This is also ap- parentin Fig. 1b as an oversubtraction of the I-band 3. EMPIRICALRESULTS imagefromtheF658Nexposure,whichformsthedark zoneatthebaseofthesuperbubble.Fig.4ashowsthat 3.1. Dust Plumes and the Pattern of Scattered theionizedfilamentsofthesuperbubbleoriginatefrom LightintheGalaxyBulge anellipticalregion 7′′ 3′′inextent,withpatchyob- ≈ × scuration. On this scale there is a ring between1.′′25 Much of the “peanut bulge” discussed in Paper (Sofue&Irwin1992,fromCO)and3.′′5(Meaburnet IV may arise from scattered nuclear or inner-disk al.1998,frommolecularHandradiocontinuum)radii starlight. Israel et al. (1998) argue from their near- thatisrotatingat 330kms- 1(Israeletal.1998).Is- IRbroad-bandimagesthat20–30%ofthebulgelight ≈ rael et al. (1998) find H (v=1 0)S(1) emission of must be scattered. The pattern we see in the I-band 2 → 107 L to a heightof 100pc and outto 300 pc image(Fig.1a)isbilobalandstraddlesthe superbub- ≈ J ≈ nearthegalaxydiskplane. ble. The outflow appears to have depleted the cen- tral cylinderof dust, and indeed, several dust plumes InPaperIIweusedlong-slitspectraoftheHαand arch out from the bottom half of the superbubble to Hβ lines (corrected for Balmer absorption) to deter- fall back onto the galaxy disk. The increased dust mineanaveragereddeningopticaldepthofτ(Hα) 5 ≈ loadinthepresumedtoroidallobeenhancesscattered atthenucleus, 1inthebottomthirdofthesuperbub- ≈ starlight. Scatteringintheforegroundhaloalsoseems ble,andzerobeyond;thevalueonthenucleusagrees to “soften” the appearance of dust filaments near the withthatfoundbyIsraeletal.(1998)acrosstheinner nucleus and in the background disk to produce the 6′′ 2′′. Accordingly, to deredden the filaments, we × strikingimpressionof“depth”ine.g.Fig.4a. bracketed the extinction gradients with height by us- ing two linear trends such that A =2.75 at the base We quantified dust extinction by comparing the I- V of the bubble, declining to A = 1.75 at heights be- band surface brightness measured toward a dust fea- V tween3and4′′,andtonoreddeningby8′′ and10.5′′ tureS withitslocalbackgroundS (e.g.Howk& dc,I bg,I height, respectively. The superbubbleis projected on Savage 1997). Foreground starlight reduces absorp- tion by A = - 2.5log(S /S ). Defining x as the diffuse, ionized emission which is a mixture of true I dc,I bg,I vertical structure and the outskirts of the background fraction of starlight emitted in front of the feature, 4 galaxydisk. Aswesummedthefluxofeachfilament, themassoftheirouterionizedsheath. we therefore subtracted the average vertical gradient outsidethesuperbubble. 3.4. SuperbubbleFilaments Isolated in this fashion, the superbubble Hα flux Fig.4showsthatfourprominentbundlesofionized sumsto 10- 13ergss- 1cm- 2withcompactfilaments filaments emergefrom the CO ring, and appearto be ≈ emitting slightly more than half, the jet (§3.10)10%, spaced 90◦apartinazimuth.Theyareclosetogether anddiffuseemission1/3,ofthetotal. WefoundanHα ≈ in (perhaps intertwined?) bundles until they reach a luminosityofthefilamentsof(3.5- 3.9) 1039ergss- 1 heightof550pc,atwhichpointeachbundleseparates × (dependingonthereddening),comparabletowhatwe and the strands, otherwise unchanged in appearance, derivedfromtheground-basedspectra(PapersI&II). make sharp angleson the sky while still trendingup- ward. Fig.6bshowsthatatgreaterheightsstrandsare 3.3. ConstraintsonIonizedDensitiesandMasses replacedbyasprayofloopsandarchesthatappearto Fig. 8 shows the Hα luminosity function of fila- “drip”towardthegalaxydisk;theapparentconnection mentslabeledinFig.7,assumingthesmallerredden- between knots and arches may be spurious because ingdiscussedabove.Weestimatedaminimumvolume of limited spatial resolution. Fig. 4b shows that the of each filament by assuming a cylinder with depth soft X-ray emission peaks along the drips. Beyond, equal to its thinnest dimension(measured at the con- isolated small clouds are evident >1.5 kpc above the tour of 50% peak emission) on the sky; many fila- galaxydisk.Beyondtheclouds,radioemissioncontin- mentsarebarelyresolvedinonedimension— 0.′′25 uesoutwardasa“cap”to28′′(2.3kpc)radius.Atstill FWHM thick after accounting for instrumentb≈lur — largerradii,softX-rayemissionfadesintotheROSAT andmostatthetopofthesuperbubbleareunresolved. background(PTV). Assuming Case-B recombinationconditionsat 104 K and n 0.9n , the electron density is n = 1.8 3.5. ConstraintsontheMagneticField p e e ≈ × 1012pLHα/Vf cm- 3 for gaseous filling factor f and Fig. 5c shows that the E radio lobe has a well- emittingvolumeV. Theflux-averaged,ionizeddensity orderedmagneticfield, indicatedbothbyits highpo- ofthesuperbubblefilamentsisne=5.7f- 1/2cm- 3;Fig. larization(20- 30%at6and3.8cmwavelengths)and 8showsthepopulationdistributionandthedistribution by the trend in rotation measure R . While R is m m ofionizedmasswhichsumsto1.4 106√f M . We nearly constant along the polar axis, perpendicular it × J usedMonteCarlotechniquestoquantifytheuncertain- changes sign from +50 rad m- 2 on the inside to tiesofthesederivedparameters. Weassumedthatthe - 50rad- 2towar∼dtheouteredge.Theline-of-sight Hαluminosityisknownto 25%(halfofthisuncer- c∼omponentofthemagneticfield(B )reversesdramat- ± k taintycomesfromthereddeningambiguity,halffrom ically whereas the transverse field B (= E +π/2) ⊥ ⊥ the distance to NGC 3079) and the volume to 50% alignswiththeoutflow,particularlyalongtheNedge. ± (whichencompassestherangeoffilamentwidthsthat The E lobe appears as a loop or limb-brightened areresolvedintheHαimage). Table3listsmeanand shell;similarradiostructuresareseeninotherinclined extreme values of the density and mass of each fila- galaxies (e.g. NGC 2992, Wehrle & Morris 1987). ment under these assumptions, and whether the fila- Whether it forms part of a shell, closed or open loop mentisresolved. orbubble,anchoredorotherwisetothecentraldiskis InPaperIIwefoundnoevidencefromthered[SII] an important clue to its origin. Unfortunately, Fig. 5 doublet flux ratios that the ionized gas exceeds the shows that we have informationonly for the sides of low-densitylimitne&100cm- 3 acrossthesuperbub- the radio lobe. The connection with the disk and the ble. Thisand ournew HST resultsnow constrainthe capoftheradiolobe(Fig.5a)istoofainttoderivepo- gaseousfillingfactor f to>0.3%ofthegasvolume.A larizedintensities. However,theR inversion- inside m typicalfilamentthereforehasionizedmass&300M ; tooutside- iscompellingand,toourknowledge,has J filaments near the top of the superbubble are smaller neverbeforebeenobserved. andfainter,andwe findhaveionizedmass&60M . J The form of Rm excludes a field centered on the If filaments are fragments of molecular clouds lofted lobe because the projected field would integrate to fromthe galaxydisk (see e.g. the modelsof Schiano zero. Our fits to R follow a λ2 dependenceclosely, m 1986;Suchkov et al. 1994), then this constrains only all but ruling out a Faraday-rotating medium within 5 the synchrotron source (Sokoloff et al. 1998). Be- istheirtendencyto“blisteropen”attheirtops,seees- cause polarizations are sometimes close to the max- peciallytheouterringintheright-handhalfofFig.1b. imum possible value (75%, Burn 1966), little depo- HIarc“C”ofIrwin&Seaquist(1990)liesabovethis larization can have occurred. Indeed, the slow spa- region. As discussed in §4.4of Paper III,such struc- tial/spectral behaviour of R compared to the beam turessuggestverticalmotionofgasup“galacticchim- m rules out beamwidth/bandwidth effects. Thus, the neys”whichalsoallowphotonstoescapefromthedisk Faradayscreenliespredominantlyinfrontofthesyn- toenergizetheprominentdiffuseionizedmedium. chrotron source and is partly resolved. The mean Astrikingactiveregionismarkedneartheleft-hand Rm 50radm- 2iseasilygeneratedandconstrainsthe side of Fig. 1b, where Fig. 1a shows a high density ≈ densityofthescreen.Duricetal.(1983)deriveamean of resolved stars and dust filaments. This complex fieldof20µGfortheElobe. Wederivealowerlimit lies well beyond the maximum radius of the stellar onBk byequating Rm 50radm- 2withthelimiton bar, is a local flux peak in the 245 GHz continuum Hαemissionmeasu|re|in≈thelobe(Em 1cm- 6pc). If (8mJyover11′′ diameter),liesbelowHI arc“D” of ≤ thedepthoftheFaradayscreenisL 10pc,because Irwin&Seaquist(1990)whichrequiresformationen- ∼ Rm=0.81BkneL,wederiveBk&15µG.Therequired ergies(0.5- 2) 1054 ergs, andhas X-rayluminosity gasdensityisne.0.3cm- 3. 5.4 1038erg×ss- 1 intheROSAT HRIband(source ≈ × Atthewindspeedpostulatedin§4.2.1,itisunlikely H14ofPTV).Fig.9showsthatoveradiameterof15′′, that magnetic energy density dominates the thermo- roughlyadozenlinearfilamentsprotrudefor0.6kpc. kinetic energy of the flow. The wind may simply They have broad line widths ( 200km s- 1 corrected ≈ carryalongthemagneticfield(Klein, Wielebinski,& forinstrumentalresolution),butmeanvelocitiesequal Morsi 1988). Unless the compressed field is much to that of the rotating galaxy (Paper IV for the ion- higher than implied by minimum energy arguments, ized gas, and Irwin & Seaquist (1991)for the H I) at the above numbers are fairly restrictive and suggest their projected radius. Fig. 9 also shows unresolved thattheradiolobebeyondthesuperbubbleshouldemit knotsoflineemissionattheendsofmanyofthesefila- detectableHαemissionatafluxof10- 18ergscm- 2s- 1 ments.ThethreebrightestknotshaveHαluminosities arcsec- 2, 20%ofourcurrent2σthreshold(PaperII). of (1.5 0.1) 1037 ergss- 1 assumingnoreddening. ≈ ± × Inlightoftheopticaldata,we suspectthatthepo- Two features labeled “?” in the figure have velocity larizedemissionarisesfromalimb-brightenedincom- FWHM 200kms- 1 inourFabry-Perotspectra(Fig. ≈ pleteshell(partialbubble)thatistilted slightlyto the 4c of Paper III),and sharp edgeson the side directed line of sight. The radio bubble is expanding into a away from the source of the linear filaments. These magnetized, hot (PTV), low-density halo. The radio structuresresemblesuperficiallyGalacticHerbig-Haro continuum is presumably limb-brightened where the objects,butarefarmoreenergetic. field is highly compressed. In §4.2.3 we provide a qualitativemodeltoexplaintheR inversion. 3.8. VelocityFieldofIonizedFilamentsintheSu- m perbubble 3.6. OpticalEmissionfromtheCounterbubble 3.8.1. PreviousResults InFig.11ofPaperIIwetracedlineemissionfrom As mentioned in §3.2, emission line profiles in high-velocity gas between projected radii of 10′′ and Fig. 2 have a componentfrom gasin the background 15′′ (panels c & d) W of the nucleus. Here Fig. 1b galaxy that is separable from energetic gas in the su- shows line-emitting regions with [NII]λ653/Hα flux perbubble by its modest deviation from the galaxy ratios like those in the E superbubble. Spectra of IR systemic velocity 7 and by the small values of its recombination-linefluxratioswouldconstrainthered- [N II]λ6583/Hα flux ratios (which are typical of H dening,henceenergeticsoftheionizedcounterbubble. II regions, see Fig. 3 of Paper II). The spectral pro- filefroma0.′′57high 2.′′3wideboxoftenspanssev- 3.7. MorphologyofDiskHIIRegions × Properties of the star-forming, large-scale galaxy 7Asdiscussedin§3.2.1ofPaperIV,thesystemicvelocity ofNGC 3079 depends on the waveband of observation. Values 1150 25 diskwillbeconsideredinalaterpaper.However,ener- km s- 1 result from the combined effects ofa disk bar and po±ssi- getic,non-planarmotionsareofimmediaterelevance. blewarp,anddifferencesinopticaldepthandorientationtovarious AnotablefeatureoftheHIIregionsinNGC3079 galaxycomponents.Weusevsys=1150kms- 1. 6 eralhundredkms- 1,arisingfrom“turbulent”motions 3.9. Bulk Energies and Momenta of the Ionized within a filament or gradients that are unresolved at Filaments ground resolution. An example is at the bottom left- Table3listsmaximumandminimumspaceveloc- hand corner of the superbubble, where filaments 45, 49, & 61 have opposite velocities ( 150km s- 1) de- ities of each filament as derived from the projections ± of Paper II and §3.8.2, respectively. Total KE and spitebeingadjacentonthesky. momentum of ionized gas in the superbubble sum to InPaperII we showedthatthe superbubbleveloc- (2.9- 0.26) 1055√f ergsand(3.4- 0.74) 1047√f ityfieldisapartial“Dopplerellipsoid,”withthecen- × × dynes, respectively;valuesforeachfilamentarealso troidsofemission-linecomponentsspanningradialve- shownin Table 3. We retain ourestimate fromPaper locities-1050to+550kms- 1 relativetov ,andhav- sys II of “turbulent”energy—3.1 1054/n ergsfor the ing maximumvelocitysplitting 1250km s- 1 near the × e blue-wingcomponent. Thisisnowanupperlimit,be- mid-axisof the superbubble. Velocitiesdo not return causewenowresolvesomeofthelinebroadeninginto to small values at the top of the superbubble as they discretefilamentseachwithabulkKE. do in spatially resolved spectra of planetary nebulae; instead,lineemissionfadesawayasvelocitiesreduce 3.10. JetEmissionNeartheNucleus modestlyfromextremevalues. InPaperIIweshowed thatthispatternis quitewellreproducedbya nuclear Fig. 11 shows that the brightest stream of ionized outflowwhereinfilamentspacevelocitiesaccelerateto filaments projects near the S boundary of the super- 3700 km s- 1 at r=1 kpc as v(r) rα, with α 2.5, bubble base, and coincides with the axis of the pu- while motion vectors swing towa∝rd the sky pla∼ne as tative VLBI-scale jet mapped at 8 GHz by Trotter et thebubblecapisapproached. Themaindeficiencyis al. (1998) and Sawada-Satoh et al. (2000). In the intheNhalfofthesuperbubble,wherethemodelpre- magnified inserts in Fig. 1 this feature has Hα sur- dictsredshiftsfromv of550kms- 1 vs.200kms- 1 facebrightness 5 10- 15ergss- 1 cm- 2arcsec- 2co- observedforthepresusmysedbacksidegas. incident with a≈narr×ow plume of I=16 mag arcsec- 2 continuumlight thatpointsto the nucleus. Using the 3.8.2. RefinementMotivatedbyPresentData HST line-only image Fig. 1b to define a mask of the jet emission, we summed spectra from our ground- The HST line image shows that the filaments are basedFabry-Perotdatacubetomapvelocities(seeFig. organizedintofourwell-definedverticalbundles,each 11b),thenaveragedspectraattwo intervalsalongthe fortuitouslyspanningthe1′′ resolutionofourground- jet (Fig. 11c); the mean velocity of the two summed based spectra. Although we cannot assign an unam- spectra is redshifted by 125 km s- 1 relative to v . sys biguous value to a filament, we can bound velocities Elsewhere the corrected FWHM is 200 km s- 1 and in each bundle with the radial velocities mapped in [NII]/Hα 1.2. In the two summedspectra we sub- Fig. 4 of Paper II. We find that most filaments have ≈ tractedthiscomponenttoisolateabroaderjet-specific blueshiftedmotionsrelativetov ,withlargestradial sys featurewhoseHαfluxwethendeblendedfromthead- velocitiesinthesprayofarchedfilamentsnearthetop jacent [N II]λλ6548,6563 doublet. This component of the bubble. Anticipating the dynamics to be dis- hascentroidblueshifted125kms- 1relativetov . Fit sys cussed in §4.2, it is plausible that these are “mush- resultsarereportedinTable4;theKEisalowerlimit rooming”outof the bubblewith a substantialmotion assumingthatthebroaderfeaturearisesentirelyfrom alongoursightline.SowerefinedthefieldusedinPa- expansionaroundthejetthatprojectsallmotiononto perII,nowassumingexpansionmostlyparalleltothe our line of sight. Actually, gas kinematicsconstrains disk plane at set height in the bubble (Fig. 10), with jet orientation and space velocity poorly because gas spacevelocitycomparabletotheobservedvelocityof isionizedatradiativeshockswithinthethermallyun- thebluewingalongthemid-axisofthebubble.Atleft stablecocoon/ISMinterface. in Fig. 7 we show the adopted space velocityat each height. The expansion velocity that we infer at the 4. DISCUSSION baseofthebubbleisconsistentwiththevaluesderived there by Hawarden et al. (1995) from H2 transitions 4.1. NuclearJet and mappedby Israelet al. (1998)(see also Fig. 11). Irwin & Seaquist (1988) suggested that the super- Together,thismodelandthenucleus-centeredpattern bubblecouldhavebeenblownbyaprecessingVLBI- usedinPaperIIshouldbracketthetruemotions. 7 scalejet;Baan&Irwin(1995)elaboratedonthissce- Rossi et al. (2000) showed by numerical simula- nario. Irwin & Sofue (1992) interpreted extensions tion that a jet propagating through the ISM in a spi- ofCO(J=1-0)-emittinggasintothe baseof thesuper- ralgalaxyradiatesonaverage 0.1- 0.5%ofitsKE ≈ bubble as resulting from a jet/ISM cloud interaction. as ionizing photonsat each interaction site, with ion- Using pressure confinement argumentsand the mini- izingluminosity 15L overawiderangeofjetve- Hβ ≈ mummomentumflow,theyestimatedthattheputative locitiesandISMdensities. FromTable3theionizing jet has velocity >104 km s- 1 and power >4 1040 luminosity1.7 1039 ergss- 1 canthereforeinjectthe ergss- 1,respectively. Overthe 1 Myrdynamic×alage KE 5 1052×/0.005=1055 ergs of the superbubble ≈ × ofthesuperbubble(PaperII)theKEexceeds1054ergs, overitsdynamicalageifthejethasoperatedwithhigh whichsufficestopowertheCOoutflow. enoughdutycycle. Irwin&Seaquist(1988)resolvedthenuclearemis- We canconstraintheageoftheradiobubbleinde- sion into a flat-spectrum radio core with parsec-scale pendentoftheopticaloutflow.Ifweassumethebubble collimationalongP.A.120◦. Trotteretal.(1998)fur- wasinflatedbythejetbutthenliftedbybuoyancy,the therresolvedthisstructureintofourclumpswithradio buoyancytimescale isTb 2Rpr/GM(R)wherer is ∼ spectra invertedbetween 5 and 8 GHz, and steep be- thecavityradiusandRisthedistancetothecenterof tween8and22GHz;inthissensethenuclearsources thegalaxy. Thisassumesthatthesurroundinggashas resemblealow-poweranalogofpowerfulradiogalax- to fall around the cavity at speed v pGM(R)r/R2 ∼ ies. Sawada-Satohetal.(2000)foundthatthespectral and that the cavity must move 2r beforegas needs ∼ indices and fluxes of several of these knots changed tobereplaced. Ourpictureisofalightbubblewhich considerablyin22monthsandthatknotmotionswere is temporarily overpressured relative to its surround- consistent with expansion from the nucleus at an ap- ingsandthusrisesandexpandsastheambientdensity parentvelocityof 0.16c.Thefourclumpsalignpre- dropped. The timescale for buoyant rise always ex- ∼ cisely(see§3.10andFig.11)withthebrighteststream ceedsthatforreachinglocalpressureequilibrium. offilamentsatthebaseofthe superbubble. Threere- Wetakethecavityas1kpcdiameterat5kpcfrom sultssuggestthattheelongated,ionizedfeatureisen- nucleus.WederiveM(R)fromtheGalaxymassmodel, ergetic(notambientgasphotoionizedbytheAGN): M(R) 1010R (V /220)2M such that the mass kpc max ⊙ ∼ goes as R (in kpc) beyond 3 kpc (Freeman 1996) as- 1. Fig. 4b shows that X-rays peak off-nucleus. suming a spherical potential. The last term involves ROSAT waspointedto 2′′ accuracyonthis V whichisthedeprojectedrotationvelocityonthe ≈± max galaxy(PTV),aboutthedisplacementfromthe flat part of the rotation. curve. In Paper IV we nucleusintheFigure. Ptak(1997)modelledthe find for NGC 3079 thatV =250 km s- 1 such that max ASCA+ROSATPSPCspectrumtoshowthatthe M(5kpc) 6 1010M ,soT 1 107yrs. ⊙ b nucleusisquiteobscured((1- 2.3) 1021cm- 2), ∼ × ∼ × Toformthewholesuperbubble,thejetwouldhave × sothejetmaybegeneratingtheseX-rays. hadtoprecessfromitscurrentorientationattheScor- ner. However, the four vertical bundles of filaments 2. Velocitiesofbothionized(§3.10)andmolecular thatconstitutethesuperbubbleandwhichallbreakat gas(Israeletal.1998)peakinthisextranuclear region. Velocities of orderV =400 km s- 1 the same height above the disk are not explained by s,400 jetprecessionorbouyancy.Toinflatethisstructurewe willproduceshockemissionL(Hα) =1.5 shock 1034n AV3 ergs s- 1 (A is the shock surfac×e nowexamineawide-anglewindasproposedbyDS. 0 s,400 area in pc2 in an ambient ISM of density n 0 4.2. DynamicsoftheWind-BlownSuperbubble cm- 3). Theluminosityoffilament#3inTable3 arisesfrompureshockionizationifn 4cm- 3. As an outflow inflates a superbubble, the various 0 ∼ gas phases organize into a characteristic pattern of 3. Hereopticalemission-lineprofilesarebroad( shockandionizationfronts,asdescribedbye.g.Schi- 440km s- 1 FWHM, §4.1),aswe wouldexpe∼ct ano (1985, 1986) and simulated by e.g. Strickland & fromgasshock-heatedasajetimpactstheinner Stevens(2000):fromlargesttosmallestradiiinama- boundaryofthemolecularcavityinthedisk.In- ture superbubble there is undisturbedISM, perhapsa deed,Israeletal.(1998)seebrightH emission 2 photoionized precursor, a dense shell of compressed andhotdustT 900 100Knearby. ISM that forms a standing “ring" shock, the con- ≈ ± 8 tactdiscontinuitybetweenthetwofluids,hotshocked galaxyplaneREP=aΩ=0.9pL43/v9.3P- 10kpc,where wind, a wind shock, and free-blowing wind near the Ω2 = L /(2πP v a2), a combination of wind and w ISM w sitesofenergyinjection. Severalsuchstructuresmay ISM parameters. At blowout, Schiano (1985)has ar- be evident, depending on the density structure of the gued that the contact discontinuity between shocked galaxy ISM and on the detailed history of the power wind and ambient ISM lies near the ISM ring shock, source. The hot, shocked wind cools by lateral ex- aconjecturesupportedbysimulations(e.g.Strickland pansion and by mixing with the ambient ISM at the &Stevens2000). Pressurebalancethensetstheangle Rayleigh-Taylor(RT)-andKelvin-Helmholtz-unstable ψ between the radialwind direction R=√r2+z2 and interfacesbetweenthetwofluids. thesurfacenormaltothecontactdiscontinuity Ifthewindissufficientlyenergeticorlong-livedto x2+y2 “breakout”,thenitsflowbecomesastrongfunctionof cos2ψ(x,y)= h(x,y), Ω2 polar angle seen from the nucleus: free flow up to a criticalanglewhereinitsram pressurebecomescom- wherex=r/a,y=z/a,andh(x,y)isthepressuredistri- parable to the thermalpressure in the diffuse compo- bution. Theshapeofthecontactdiscontinuityfollows nentoftheISM;atlargeranglesastandingbowshock bysolvingthequadraticequation inthegalaxydiskdeceleratesanddeflectswindaround a region of undisturbed ISM gas. The wind subse- (x2+y2)h(x,y) (x2+y2)f(x,y) (y′)2[x2- ]- 2xyy′+[y2- ]=0 quently reaccelerates into the halo. In the following Ω2 Ω2 subsections,wewillidentifymanyofthesestructures inourdata.Table5listsdynamicalparametersderived fory′ dy/dxandthennumericallyintegratinganΩ- ≡ inPaperII,scalingswewillusein§4.3. parameterizedmodelfromtheinitialvalueinthedisk- planey(x=R )=0. EP 4.2.1. ISM“Ring"Shock We considered several forms for h(x,y): exponen- tialsinbothxandy,exponentialonlyinx(yconstant Exceptforthevolumeoccupiedbythesuperbubble over the height of the superbubble), and power-law filaments, the concave bowl of a pre-blowout super- onlyinx(again,yconstant).Fig.12scalestheseforms bubblemustbefilledlargelywithshockedwind(zone to match the observed shape of the outer shock. The BinthenomenclatureofWeaveretal.1977).Thefree- HIanddiffuseionizedgasscale-heightsofNGC3079 wind zone A is on a much smaller scale, presumably areuncertainbutmaybe 0.5kpc(Irwin& Seaquist withinthecavityofthemolecularringinNGC3079. ≈ 1991, §3.1of paper II,respectively)to 1 kpc, where- If the wind has not encountered enough background uponthefilamentsextendtoy/a=4- 2.Evidentlythe gastohaltitsfreeexpansion,itblowsoutandthenthe calculationisnotveryconstrained,butthesimulations shockedwindisfoundonlyneartheouter(ISM)shock of Suchkov et al. (1994) to be discussed shortly do inaringnearthegalaxydisk. matchourimageswithanexponentialdiskandspher- We can infer from Fig. 11b that the wind must icaldensitiesforthestellarspheroidandhalo. have a high enough luminosity to have pushed the ring (ISM) shock to 8′′ = 900 pc radius near the 4.2.2. ComparisontoHydrodynamicalModels ≈ disk plane. The models of Schiano (1985) show that this occurs when L &1042 ergs s- 1 for reason- TheHST imagesstrengthenourassertionin Paper w able ISM properties for NGC 3079, and the result- II thatthe superbubblehas“blownout”ofthe galaxy ing flow can reach the galaxy halo if it persists. The disk: thelinearX-filamentsdiscussedinPapersIIand smallest wind luminosity for blowout occurs when III are now shown to join the galaxy disk at radii of the diffuse ISM (i.e., neglecting dense clouds) swept 8′′, forming the “concave bowl” that we attribute ≈ up by the wind becomes comparable to the wind tothestandoffouterdiskshock/contact-discontinuity. mass, at time t∗ by Schiano (1985). For an expo- Otherfeaturesalsosuggestadiskshock: nential variation of ambient gas density e- R/a, we whaivthevawtt∗he=sacawlehehneLigwh=t i6n.2k×pc1,04n3-a1kptchne- 1gva39serdgesnss-it1y, 1. Sthcehiwaninod(-1d9ri8v5e)necstoimmpatleedx,thseeeevhoilsviFnigg.sh8a.peFoofr in 0.1 cm- 3, and v9 the wind velocity in 109 cm s- 1. wind parameters logLw = 43,logvw = 9, and The equal-pressure stagnation/stand-off radius in the logPISM =- 10 (cgs units and values similar to thoseinferredbyDSexceptforbeingtwicetheir 9 wind velocity), the inner (wind) shock lies at tioninthegalaxydiskthatpredatedthesuperbubble. twoscaleheightradiiwhereweseethefilamen- However, with current X-ray data we can say that taryshell,whiletheouter(ISM)ringshocksits the HST emission-lineimage more closely resembles at 3scaleheightsinthediskwhereweseethe thepredictionsofSuchkovetal. modelB1ratherthan ≈ edgesoftheconcavebowl. B2. B1 has lower disk gas density than B2 (n =2 0 vs. 12cm- 3),ishotter(T =6 104 vs. 1 104 K), 2. Thestructurehasalarge[NII]/Hαfluxratiothat disk × × andhastentimesthehalodensityhenceahigherdisk iscorrelatedwithlinewidthsof100-250kms- 1 vertical scale-height (160 vs. 60 pc). The hotter gas (PaperIII),consistentwithshockemission. disk inB1 seems moreappropriatefora star-forming 3. Forcentralgasdensity100cm- 3andwindspeed systemlikeNGC3079. ThehalodensityofB2istoo v =108.7 cm s- 1, the wind model of DS has a tenuous to confine the wind. B1 produces a conical w central cavity at 0.5 kpc radius which expands “nozzle”withlength/diameterratiocomparabletothat at300kms- 1.Theradiusisabouthalfwhatwe of the concave bowl in NGC 3079. In contrast, the observeupthe bubble(butsimilar tothe bright tenuoushaloofB2ismuchlesscollimating. greenregionatitsbaseinFig.4),whiletheex- Peak velocities derived for disk-gas filaments en- pansionrate they expectis comparableto what trainedinthewindare 1300kms- 1forB1vs. 700 in§3.8.2weattributedtothatofthebackwallof kms- 1forB2(Suchkov∼etal.1994);thesestradd≈leob- the bowl. Thatgasreaches550km s- 1 relative served values in the superbubble (Paper II). Fig. 13c to v . Hawarden et al. (1995) rescale the pa- shows velocities of B1 during breakout at 3.2 Myr sys rametersoftheDSmodeltothehigherdensities (older than the superbubble in NGC 3079). At this expectedinthemoleculardiskataradiusof50 stageofthemodeloutflow,muchofthespacevelocity pc,andobtainreasonableagreementwithshock near the top of the bubble is projected along our line velocitiesinferredfromtheirH spectra. ofsight. TheHSTimagesdonotsuggestvorticesuntil 2 radii of 10′′. The models predict that the vortices ≈ Suchkov et al. (1994) and Strickland & Stevens willeventuallypropagatedownthewallsandgrowto (2000) simulated the appearances at X-ray and opti- disruptthesuperbubblecompletely. caltemperaturesofasuperbubbleatvariousstagesof Another feature of model B1 resembles the HST itswind-drivenevolution.Theyparameterizedmodels structures: because the halo is so tenuous, entrained by temperatures, scale heights, masses, and densities disk material tends to shatter into individual fila- ofthegalaxydiskandisothermalhalo. Suchkovetal. ments. Each cloud impedesthe wind flow separately didnotincludeastellardiskbecausethebulgegravity via a stand-off bowshock upstream in the wind. The dominates; their modelinjectsenergywithina radius shockedwindactstoconfinehencepreservethecloud of 150 pc, comparableto the molecular disk in NGC during its acceleration. Such behaviour persists in 3079(Fig.11). Theydiscussedthetimeevolutionsof three-dimensional numerical simulations (e.g. Stone thetemperatureanddensitydistributions. & Norman 1992). Overall, the B models reproduce ToconstrainparametersofNGC3079weusedthe manyobservedcharacteristicsofthisoutflow. X-ray results from PTV, who inferred from the spa- tial variation of ROSAT PSPC spectra (and the HRI 4.2.3. WindCompressionoftheMagneticField image) of NGC 3079 a hot halo with density n 7 10- 4f- 1/2 cm- 3; depending on the average vaelu∼e Theradiodataalso supporta blowoutvortex. The of×f intheionizedfilaments,thisn isconsistentwith dramatic discontinuity in Rm, high polarization lev- e els, and alignedfield may arise from the strongcom- either of the Suchkovet al. “B”-models. In contrast, pressional shock of the wind. Models (Brandenburg, the “A" models have a large halo mass, and lead to Moss, & Shukurov 1995, hereafter BMS) show that flowsthatdifferdramaticallyfromwhatisobservedin outflows are expected to entrain disk material and NGC 3079, viz. the relatively large mass above the frozen-inmagneticfield. Whileinitiallyhighlyturbu- disk causes the wind to breakout laterally across the lent,thefieldbecomesstretchedandcompressedalong disk, notwhat we observe. Mappingthe putative hot the flow. Here we associate the positive R regions haloawaitstheincreasedsensitivityoftheNewtonX- m withtheupdraftmaterial,seeFig.14b. rayObservatory(XMM);thesedatamayprovideevi- BMS show that as the entrained material cools, it dencethatthe halo resultsfromextensivestar forma- 10