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Jet ABLE (Automatic Bottom Loading Equipment) Installation PDF

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Jet ABLE (Automatic Bottom Loading Equipment) Installation, operation and maintenance manual Publication ref TP0006 Issue 3 September 2002 Avery-Hardoll Whittaker Controls Holland Way 12838 Saticoy St Blandford Forum North Hollywood Dorset DT11 7BJ California 91605-3505 UK USA Tel: +44 (0) 1258 486600 Tel: +1 818 765 8160 Fax: +44 (0) 1258 486601 Fax: +1 818 759 2194 www.meggittfuelling.com www.wkr.com The information contained herein is the property of Avery Hardoll www.meggitt.com a division of Meggitt (UK) Ltd. No part may be reproduced or used except as authorised by contract or other written permission. The Company reserves the right to alter without notice the specification, design or conditions of supply of any product or service. TP0006 Page(ii) TP0006 AMENDMENT RECORD AMENDMENT PAGE DESCRIPTION DATE NO. Page (iii)/(iv) TP0006 Page(iv) TP0006 Avery--Hardoll It istheaimofAvery--Hardolltomaintain apolicyofcontinuous progressandfor this reasonreservethe righttomodify specifications without notice. This manualprovidestheinformation requiredtoinstall, serviceandoverhaultheequipment. Although everyeffort hasbeenmadetoensureabsoluteaccuracy, Avery--Hardolldoesnotholditself responsiblefor anyinaccuraciesthat may befound. HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK ACT 1974 REFERENCE: CHAPTER 37, PART 1, SECTION 6 Avery--Hardolltakeeverycaretoensurethat, inaccordancewiththeaboveAct, ourproducts, asfar asis reasonablypracticalinanindustrialenvironment, arewhenoperatedandmaintained inaccordancewith theappropriatemanual, safewithout risktohealth. PRODUCT SAFETY Intheinterest ofsafety itisstrongly recommended byAvery--Hardollthat thefollowingdetails receive strict attention. For thePurposeofDefinition, thewordPRODUCT appliestoanyproductsoldbyAvery--Hardoll. 1 TheProduct isusedonlywithfluids stated asacceptablebyAvery--Hardoll. 2 TheProduct, whilstinservice,must notbesubjectedtopressuresgreater thantheMaximum WorkingPressureortested topressuresgreater thantheTestPressureasspecifiedinthemanual. 3 TheProduct must onlybecoupled/connected toequipment consideredacceptablebyAvery--Hardoll. 4 TheProduct must behandledusingthelifting handleswherefitted, orinaccordancewiththe manual. 5 TheProduct must notbemisusedorhandledinanywayliabletocausedamage. 6 TheProduct must beinspectedfor anysignsofdamagepriortousee.g. cracks,damagedseals, seizedortight operatingmechanisms. 7 TheProduct must besubjectedtoaregularmaintenance programme, either inaccordancewiththe manualorasagreedwithAvery--Hardoll. 8 Only technically competent personnelshouldrepairormaintain theProduct andonlyparts supplied byAvery--Hardollmay beused. 9 Products coveredbywarranty may notbemodified inanywaywithout priorwritten permissionof Avery--Hardoll. 10 Products notinservice,must bestoredinacleanarea,andshouldnotbesubjectedtoexcessive temperature, humidity,sunlight, orstrongartificial light. Products shouldbeprotected toprevent damageortheingressofforeignmatter. 11 Whereapplicable,attention shouldbedrawntodangersresultingfrom thegenerationofstatic electricity inproductflow lines. Westrongly recommend accountistakenofBS5958 parts 1and2.x 12 This equipment isnotsuitablefor usewithLiquidPetroleum Gas (L.P.G). Page (v)/(vi) TP0006 Page(vi) TP0006 WARNINGS IF ANYOF THIS EQUIPMENT IS INVOLVED INAFIRE THE FOLLOWING WARNINGS SHOULD BEOBSERVED. DO NOT HANDLE O-RING SEALS IF THEIR MATERIAL APPEARS CHARRED, GUMMY OR STICKY. USE TWEEZERS AND WEAR NEOPRENE OR PVC GLOVES. DO NOT TOUCH ADJACENT PARTS WITH UNPROTECTED HANDS. NEUTRALIZE ADJACENT PARTS WITH A SOLUTION OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE. IF THE DEGRADED MATERIAL OR ADJACENT PARTS TOUCH THE SKIN, DO NOT WASH OFF WITH WATER, SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL AID FOR POSSIBLE CONTAMINATION WITH HYDROFLUORIC ACID. HYDROFLUORIC ACID IN CONTACT WITH SKIN HAS DELAYED SYMPTOMS OF CONTAMINATION. IT IS EXTREMELY TOXIC. DO NOT EXCEED PRESSURES AND TEMPERATURES QUOTED OR SERIOUS INJURY AND COMPONENT FAILURE MAY OCCUR. PRIOR TO OPERATING THE EQUIPMENT, ENSURE THAT ALL AIRPORT/LOCAL PROCEDURES HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH. NO SOLVENTS, CLEANING AGENTS, GREASES OR OTHER MATERIALS ARE TO BE USED ON INTERNAL SURFACES IN CONTACT WITH FUEL. CLEANING IS TO BE CARRIED OUT USING CLEAN AVIATION FUEL ONLY. WORK MUST BE CARRIED OUT ONLY BY SUITABLY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK, ENSURE THAT ALL AIRPORT/COMPANY SAFETY PROCEDURES HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH. HIGH PRESSURE AIR IS DANGEROUS. HIGH PRESSURE SOURCES MUST NOT BE DIRECTED TOWARDS ANY PART OF THE HUMAN BODY. Page (vii)/(viii) TP0006 Page(viii) TP0006 CONTENTS Preliminary material Title page Amendment record Health and safety at work act Product safety Warnings Contents (this page) Chapters 1 Introduction 2 Technical description 3 Specification 4 Installation, Operation and Maintenance 5 Servicing 6 Test procedures 7 Fault finding 8 Spare parts Page (ix)/(x) TP0006 Page(x)

The Jet Automatic Bottom Loading Equipment (Jet ABLE) provides a simple, reliable, manifold can be achieved without the danger of off-loading previously
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