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BLACKAMERICA'S LEADING NEWSMAGAZINE d Ellen kin Star py Thriller m vie, INSIDEf V d Company' Survey Says Some Mothers Still Believe That Spanking Good Is Discipline Tliedownpaymentw(utheproblem. Withkid^iftherew(u*notUichthingod extramoney.BothwereuttoScouting. Am) we were living with everything from in^iect collectionti to model igloo**. Still, we dreamed ofsomething better than a two- bedroom apartment. Then we heardaboutHUDHometi. We found out thatfor very little down andabout wliat we werepaying in rentwecouldhaveourown hou*ie. CALL 1-800-767-iHUD It's Your Turn To Own A PieceEOQPUPAOLORHTOUUNSfIITNYG America. HUD HOMESARE NOTAVAILABLE IN ALLAREAS. CALLA REAL ESTATEAGENTFORACURRENT LISTOF PROPERTIESAVAILABLE. Qopyrightedma:i CONTENTS AJOHNSONPUBLICATION JAN. 30, 1995 • VOL. 87, NO. (ISSN0021-5996) LAURENCE FISHBURNE and Ellen Barkin light up the screen in action-packed spy thrillerBadCompanyONPAGE32. CoverphofobyAlanZenuk BLACK HISTORY CELEBRITIES 51 If ' CHILDREN 14 COVERSTORY EDUCATION ENTERTAINMENT FAMILY 36 M JET'STOP 20 HEALTH JET BEAUTYOF THE WEEK 43 JET^STOP 20 ALBUMS 62 ^ MOVINGSOON? AixM Burmu pPrleesaesnetlaetddurseksnsolwabbeelfforroemyyoouugroc.opSyenofdtthhee SOCIETYWORLD 28 JmEaTga,zPi.nOe.,BaOloXng53w8it,hCyhoiucragnoe,wIaldldirnoeisss,60to6:90 SPORTS SO A2PD1v0u2eC0b7.l00,i6osA.CfhfhvLieiecodcensa.wugeAe1oen7.okg5!leI0LyliLhPe.beesynA6onJm0fsfeo6yirh0cli5nevc..saao3nsNn6i,e0aPwN0uAebvWYlwioeiirssYkhhoNiiorn.rfkgefWiCBcNoleY.vW.ad.at.s.iR1nhocL0i.co0n,Ks2ge80tf2A.oen0niWgi.Saee.slrDheMCisiCencnghCttiaeohgrfna...n oS$9fu40fb02is1cc00en0s.;ptfSCioeoorcpneoyisrng.ind,g-Uhc$tl4Sa61s.A9s090,4D,$ob3sWy6teaJ0go0cehaonpnnsanieoodntyaebptauerCb:hlrieiCsscafpanuogannodgs,aiC,bIoLlLPe.,aIfnonacr.nAudmnesarodlidicicatii,toendal THEWEEK'SBEST material.Member.AuditBureauofCirculationPostmaster:For changeofaddress,sendstenciledaddressfromrecentissueand CnaenwaaddidarnesQsStTo8N2o0.SRou1t2h4M4i1c1h3i8g0anAvenue.Chicago,ILL60605 04L9-F9D-5HWL NATIONAL REPORT PUBUSHER,CHAIRMANandCEO JOHNH.JOHNSON PRESIDENTANDCHIEFOPERATINGOFFICER LINDAJOHNSONRICE SECRETARY-TREASURERANDDIREQOR OFEBONYFASHIONFAIR EUNICEW.JOHNSON •" AssociatePublisherandExecutiveEditor RobertE.Johnson SeniorEditor SylviaP.Flanagan . MMaanlcaoglimngR.EdWietosrt J^, FeatureEditorTrudyS.Moore AssociateEditorClarenceWaldron AssistantEditors DobleHolland BechettaJackson StaffPhotographers VandellCobb •^V:'.-' MMJoaanumereitscaMeiSStloecrehrteelJlrll. ^X7. V^f-.' FredWatkins vi- ^'.:-y?- ': AssociLaetweisArEt.DLiereectoK^i' RaymondA.Thomas ^SystemsAdministrator/ArtDiredor CathyReedy >-;• SLclaonydneVr.ORpeedrwaitnogr ' • J. :>:'. :i• Washington {. SimeonBooker,BureauChief RichetteL.Haywood,AssociateEdi_tor 't..' President Bill Clinton WestCoast ''(i AldoreD.Collier,BureauOtier Proclaims Federal ; IsaacSutton,Chi«Photographer .,Vy-AdmiPnaiBmsaetsirlRlaaetPsihCievalealsriAhpcsshsM,ieDMsnettzapoinatetrostD,lemileLbinirabatrrLa.iraPinaalnmer HRoelmiedamybFeorrDHra*tKiionnsTo DirectorofAdvertisingProductionTammyE.Rolle AdvertisingProductionCoordinatorShirleyM.Lucas President Clinton issued a pro- ^- VicePresidentandGeneralCounsel clamationdesignatingJanary 16, r;" AssociateCoJuunnseelA.ChRrhiisnteohpahretrD.Benson 1995, the 'TVIartin Luther King, Jr. Vice-Presidents Federal Holiday," as the nation paid WJiallmieesMEi.leBseiBfuursnss tributetothecivilrightsgreat. LJy.dLiaanDcaeviCslaErakdey The proclamation came on the LTarDeokraisOwFoesntesr eve of the national celebration BarbRaarjaSWh.ahSmith whichrecognizesthemanwhodedi- r: Vice-President,AdvertisingDirector $ .v cated his life to ending the oppres- MidwestErArdovlerGrtiifsfiinthgsDirector sionofracism. LilianB.Cartwright Dr. Kingwas assassinated ashe DirectorofSubscriptionSoles KennethC.Brooks Cri In his statement, Clinton said, "...With anentiregenerationofvot- ingAmericans who did not witness firsthandthegreatcivilrightsvicto- ries ofthe 1960s, it is more impor- tantthanevertoremindthenation about Dr. Kingandhis inestimable giftstothiscountry,sothatallofus cancontinuetogrowinourcommit- menttojusticeandequality." In honor of the King birthday, Clinton also urged "the citizens of thisgreatcountrytoreflectuponDr. King'steachingsandtotakepositive andlife-affirmingactioninhismem- ory." Chicaso Poll Reveals WhitesThinkMinorities Are Hardworidns Arecent poll ofChicagoresidents found that most Whites believe that minorities are hardworking and are depictednegativelybythemedia. Thesurveyrevealedthatthemedia "sometimes fosters stereotypes," said Paul J. Lavrakas, director ofNorth- western University Survey Labora- tory,whichconductedthestudyforthe Himian Relations Foundation ofChi- cago,intheChicagoSun-Times. Thesurveyexaminedracialdiffer- ences and attitudes in Chicago and Cook,DuPageandLakecounties. The1994telephonesurveyof1,111 stoodonthebalconyoftheLorrgiine English-speaking adults also found MotelinMemphisin 1968. Tocom- that about three-fourths of Whites memorate his legacy, a number of owntheirownhome,whilenearlyhalf eventsandcommunityserviceswere ofHisp£inicsdo,butonlytwo-fifthsof heldthroughoutthecountry. Blacks. 5 * Cl: iterial ThelateMalcolmX wasacharismaticleader whowasslainin1965. Malcolm X's Daushter indicted i In Allesed Plot To Kill Louis Farrakhan QubilahShabazz, daughterofthelate MalcolmX,leavesthe MinneapolisFederal Buildingafterherinitial courtappearance.She hasbeenchargedwith tryingtohireahitmanto killLouisFarrakhan, leaderoftheNationof Islam. Copyrigl' NATIONALREPORT A daughter of slain leader Malcolm X was recently indictedandchargedwithtry- ing to hire a hit man to kill Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Qubilah Shabazz, 34, was with her father when he was murderednearly30yearsago. She faces charges of using the telephone and crossing statelinesinthecourseoftry- ing to hire the hit man to kill Farrakhan,U.S.AttorneyDavid Lillehaugsaid. The nine-count indictment against her follows a seven- month FBI investigation. If convicted, she could be sen- tenced to 90 years in prison andfined$2.25million. BecauseMs. Shabazz has a LouisFarrakhan,theleaderoftheNationof been cooperating with authori- Islam,saysattemptstolinkhimtotheassassina- tes,prosecutorshadnoplansto ofMalcolmXarepartofacontinualconspiracy todiscreditBlackleaders. ^ LeonardF.Muhammad, LouisFarrakhanschiefofstaff, saysFarrakhan's"heartgoesoutto theShabazzfamily"atnewscon- ferenceheldoutsideofFarrakhan's houseinChicago. 7 Ci. NATIONALREPORT ^ Inearly1960sfile photo,youngQubilah Shabazzenjoystime withherfamous father, MalcolmX. Ms.Shabazzandher fivesisterswere raisedbytheirmother BettyShabazzafter theirfatherwasmur- deredin1965. Qubilahwasabout fiveyearsoldandin theaudiencewhenher fatherwasassassi- natedduringaspeech inNewYorkCity. insistthatshebehelduntiltrial. protectionprogram. "Wehavebeenincontactwithher Theallegedhitmanwhoworked and her attorneys this week," Lille- withfederalauthoritiestomakethe haug said at press time. "She has case against Ms. Shabazz was a voluntarily checked into the court- childhood friend, said Scott Tilsen, house each day. She surrendered hercourt-appointedlawyer. voluntarilytoday." "This case is about enticing, lur- Ms. Shabazz's lawyer says she ingandseducingherintothe plot," was lured into a plot to kill Louis Tilsen said. "Her friendship and Farrakhan by a childhood friend, trustinhimwasused." reportedly living underthe witness Tilsenwouldnotidentifytheman Copyrightedmaterial NATIONALREPORT otherthantosayheisWhite,inhis killingwastooccurinIllinois,where 30sandagovernmentemployee. Farrakhanlives. Shabazz, formerly of New York At a news conference, U.S.At- City, haslivedinMinneapolis since torney Lillehaug said the would-be September. hitman was not believed to be a The indictment said eight phone member ofthe Nation ofIslam. He conversations occurred in July and saidthepersoniscooperatingandis August, and that Shabazz traveled expectedtobeatrialwitness. Lille- from New Yorkto Minnesota. After haugsaidotherinformation,includ- arriving,shemadeapartialpayment ingShabazz's allegedmotive,would tothepersonshehiredtokillthe61- notbereleasedbeforethetrial. year-old Farrakhan, the indictment MalcolmX was shot to death on said. The indictment also said the Feb.21, 1965,ashegaveaspeechto T BettyShabazzisovercomewithgriefassherushestotheaidofherdyinghusband MalcolmXwhowasshotduringaspeechattheAudubonBallroominNewYorkCity in1965. 9 NATIONALREPORT ^ DavidLillehaug, U.S.Attorneyforthe DistrictofMinnesota, announcesatapress conferencein Minneapolisthat QubilahShabazz, daughterofslain leaderMalcolmX,is chargedwithtrying tohireahitmanto killLouis Farrakhan,leaderof theNationofIslam. followers at the Audubon Ballroom 20-yearsentences. inNewYorkCity's Harlem section. The third man, Thomas Hagan, Ms. Shabazz and hermother, Betty testifiedthatAziz and Islamhadn't Shabazz, who was pregnant with participated in the assassination. twins, were in the crowd. Qubilah Hagan, who was sentenced to 20 wasaboutfiveatthetime. yearstolife,hasbeendeniedparole Malcolm X, who had been the fourtimes. Butsincethelate 1980s, voice ofthe Nation ofIslam under hehasbeeninaprisonwork-release ElijahMuhammad, wasexiledfrom program that allows him to spend thegroupin 1963. He subsequently most ofhis time outside prison and cameunderverbalattackfromother Uve withhis family. He hasworked members. asayouthcounselorandmanagerof Farrakhan has said attempts to ahomelessshelter. link him to Malcolm X's assassina- Uponhearingoftherecentcharge tion are partofacontinualconspir- against Ms. Shabazz, a spokesman acytodiscreditBlackleaders. for Farrakhan issued a statement AyearafterMalcolmX'sslaying, saying Farrakhan's "heart goes out two Nation of Islam members and tothe Shabazz family."Farrakhan's another man were convicted in the chief of st£ifF Leonard Farrakhan murder. Two ofthem, Muhammed Muhammad added, "We're waiting Abdul Aziz and Kalil Islam, were for the full story to come out. We paroled in 1985 and 1987, respec- hopethegovernmentwillreleasethe tively, after servingtheir minimum fiiUdetails." 10 Cl

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