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Preview Jesus taught it. The apostles lived it. What are we doing with it?

Vol. 109-2 Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. — Jude 3 Jesus taught it. The apostles lived it. What are we doing with it? m o c e. m msti a e Dr a | n oti b b u S © VIEWPOINT IN A RECENT Portland sermon, the text was taken from Romans 1:16 where Paul declared himself, “not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.” Writing this column on the anniversary of my March 17, 1974 conversion, the “unashamed” aspect of that message remains on my mind. Darrel D. Lee Upon invitation, I entered our Roseburg, Oregon church service forty-two Superintendent years ago as an unchurched, unsaved, barely interested college student. The General words “saved,” “salvation,” “born again,” and other terminology we routinely use in our services were completely foreign to me. My reaction to hearing the Gospel for the first time was fairly simple: These people believed what they were declaring and expressed it in an unashamed manner. Though I could not have imagined it when I walked into the church that Sunday morning, that very night I experienced a dramatic conversion. For several weeks afterward, I did not return to church, being away at college. During that time, my learning Unashamed of the Gospel was more spiritual than academic. For one thing, I dropped my human sexuality class because the professor clearly was advocating behavior that con- flicted with the encounter I had just experienced with God. I added a geography class though I had already passed the same class the term before. However, the grade given me was the result of cheating, so I confessed that and asked the pro- fessor permission to retake the class in order to earn my grade. Before ever hearing of the Bible doctrine of restitution, I began making past wrongs right. Douglas County received my letter of restitution for taking their road detour signs. The Roseburg U.S. Plywood personnel manager received my apology letter and a check for safety gloves I had used and not paid for. After writing that letter, I remembered I had taken a week off from my job at that mill to attend a major league baseball playoff series, saying my grandmother had died. So my second letter to the same man admitted my grandmothers had both died before I was born, and that I had lied to obtain a week off. Jesus changed my life. The examples above, and many more, took place before returning to the Apostolic Faith Church and learning of “the faith” described in this magazine. The church did not change me: the power of God did. Along with Paul and many others, I am unashamed of the Gospel. Our prayer is that you will read, embrace, and experience what is described in this issue of Higher Way, and encounter the power of God that will leave you unashamed also. Table of Contents The Faith ................................................ 3 Day to Day ............ 9 A Witness of God’s Faithfulness .................6 Evidence ..............14 Petitioning Providence .............................11 Today’s Youth ......17 Suddenly Obedient ................................ 16 Highlighting our Voice Recognition ................................. 19 Heritage ............. 21 Higher Way (ISSN #1084-9807) is published quarterly by the Apostolic Faith Church, 6615 SE 52nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97206, U.S.A. and is subscription free. Periodicals postage is paid at Portland, Oregon. Postmaster: Please send address changes to Higher Way, Apostolic Faith Church, 6615 SE 52nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97206, U.S.A. April—June 2016 2 Higher Way Jesus taught it. The apostles lived it. What are we doing with it? From a sermon by Darrel Lee Jude wrote to Early Church believers, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3). What did Jude mean by “the faith”? Typically when we consider faith, we think of believing—of trust, assurance, and confidence in God. However, there is a difference between “believing faith” and “the faith,” and it is important to distinguish between the two. In the Word of God we find numerous examples of believing faith. We think of the Roman centurion whose servant at home was grievously afflicted. The centurion came to the Lord, asking Him to heal his servant, and Jesus responded that He would go to the centurion’s home to do so. However, the centurion said that was not necessary—Jesus could just speak the word right where He was and the servant would be healed. When Jesus heard that, He marveled, and said “Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel” (Matthew 8:10). The centurion believed and His servant was healed. In Mark 2 we read of four men who came to Jesus bring- ing one who was sick of the palsy. When the crowd around the Lord prevented the four from reaching Him, they broke Higher Way 3 The faith is the Christian way of life the faith (1 Timothy 5:8). At times we as distinguished from a non-Christian observe those who are reprobate, or way of life. Those in the faith take God troublemakers, concerning the faith into account every moment of every (2 Timothy 3:8). Jude was aware of day. Those who are not in the faith these possibilities, and so he exhorted ignore God or merely give Him casual the brethren to “earnestly contend for notice; they rarely take Him the faith which was once delivered into account in any sit- unto the saints,” stressing the need for uation. Those in the the saints to defend continually and faith have the goal uphold vigorously the truth which of Heaven always had been given them. in view. Those Contending for the faith is neces- who are not in the sary because of the natural tendency faith are focused toward deterioration. If we neglect on things of this world. our cars, our gardens, our lawns, There is a difference. or our houses, their conditions will We come to the faith when we worsen. That downward tendency through the roof of the house where get saved. In Acts 6:7 we read, “And is like gravity—it is a natural law. If Jesus was, and let down before Jesus the word of God increased; and the we do not “earnestly contend for the the bed on which the sick man lay. faith,” we will leave little for the next When Jesus saw their faith, He healed generation to stand for. the man! Further along in this epistle, Jude “The faith” includes Mark 5 tells of a woman who had referred to the teachings and lifestyle an issue of blood for twelve years. She the entire scope of of the apostles, who were the del- pressed her way through the crowd egates or ambassadors of the Gospel, Biblical doctrine—all around Jesus and touched His gar- having been commissioned and sent ment, believing that “If I may touch the teachings and forth by God. In verse 17 we read, but his clothes, I shall be whole.” Jesus “But, beloved, remember ye the turned and asked, “Who touched my practices given to words which were spoken before of clothes?” The woman was fearful, but the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ.” the Church through Jesus told her, “Daughter, thy faith hath “The faith” that Jude admonished the made thee whole; go in peace, and be the inspiration of saints to contend for was what had whole of thy plague” (Mark 5:34). She been expounded and practiced by the the Holy Spirit. believed, and she was made whole! apostles. In Matthew 17:20 we read that Jesus The name of our church, The Apos- told the disciples, “If ye have faith as tolic Faith, refers to that same faith a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say number of the disciples multiplied in which was expounded and practiced unto this mountain, Remove hence to Jerusalem greatly; and a great com- by the apostles. Actually, the name yonder place; and it shall remove; and pany of the priests were obedient to “The Apostolic Faith” was used before nothing shall be impossible unto you.” the faith.” After salvation, we are to Florence Crawford came to Portland There is power in believing faith! continue in the faith (Acts 14:22). We to establish this work, and even before While “the faith” certainly includes can be established in the faith (Acts she arrived at the Azusa Street revival believing faith, it is more encompass- 16:5), and are instructed to stand fast where she experienced entire sancti- ing. “The faith” includes the entire in the faith (1 Corinthians 16:13). fication and the baptism of the Holy scope of Biblical doctrine—all the After Paul’s conversion, the churches Spirit. It had been in use for a number teachings and practices given to the in Judea marveled that he preached of years by religious groups who were Church through the inspiration of the faith he had once sought to striving to experience and revive the Holy Spirit. Some assume that destroy (see Galatians 1:23). However, teachings that reflected the faith of the word “doctrine” refers to salva- the apostle persevered, and at the end the apostles. The phrase “apostolic tion, sanctification, being filled with of his life he declared, “I have fought a faith” was not initially intended to be the Holy Ghost, restitution, marriage good fight, I have finished my course, the name of a denomination; rather, it for life, the second coming of Jesus, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7). referred to the doctrines and practices tithing, and other similar teachings. Scripture indicates that some are taught in the Early Church. These are Bible doctrines, but the faith weak in the faith (Romans 14:1), and In the early 1900s, groups of people includes much more. It encompasses warns that it is possible to depart around the country who were saved every teaching and practice that the from the faith (1 Timothy 4:1). Some and sanctified wondered if God apostles and other writers of Scripture err or blunder concerning the faith would pour out His Spirit in the same were inspired to write and teach. (1 Timothy 6:21), and others deny manner which they read about in the 4 Higher Way Acts of the Apostles. They gathered faith. The Spirit of God goes through Jude mentioned some who chose to to tarry and pray for revival. God a congregation searching hearts and disobey. In verses 11-12 we read that answered those prayers, and people prompting us to measure up to the Cain chose an alternative to sacrific- began receiving the baptism of the faith we represent. ing in the way he knew God required. Holy Spirit, with the evidence of As we continue on in Jude’s epis- He became jealous of his brother Abel, speaking in tongues. tle, we see references to the doctrinal whose sacrifice was accepted, and One of the largest Pentecostal reviv- teachings of the apostles; he wrote to killed him. Jude referred to Balaam, als in this country occurred in Los those who had been called (saved) and who was covetous. He was willing to Angeles in a building on Azusa Street. sanctified (verse 1), and challenged sell out his integrity for economic When Florence Crawford went to them to pray in the Holy Ghost (verse gain, and even threw stumbling blocks investigate what was happening there, 20). He mentioned the coming of the in the way of the Children of Israel the name “Apostolic Faith” was being Lord, judgment upon the ungodly, whom he should have loved. Core used. The verse, “Earnestly contend and rewards to the faithful (verses (Korah), who challenged God’s order for the faith which was once delivered 14-15). He also alluded to obedience, and refused to subordinate himself unto the saints” had been taken as a integrity, and contentment, and spoke to Moses, is named. All of these indi- motto because it had been the motto of order and subordination. These are viduals suffered the consequences for of the group in Houston, Texas, where all part of the faith. their decision to be disobedient. William Seymour, one of revival lead- Jude also gave examples illustrating Jude urged the saints of his day to ers, had first come in contact with the the consequences for wrongdoing. In contend for the faith because certain Latter Rain Gospel. That group had ungodly men had “crept in unawares” used “Apostolic Faith” in their name. and were subverting the apostolic doc- So William Seymour and Florence trine by “denying the only Lord God, None of us would Crawford did not create the name. and our Lord Jesus Christ” (verse 4). Our church sprang from that boast of how well He instructed the saints regarding how Azusa Street revival. In time, Florence to stay established in the faith, telling we measure up Crawford moved to Portland. When them in Jude 1:20, “But ye, beloved, legal requirements necessitated that to the faith of the building up yourselves on your most we organize and incorporate, “The holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.” Apostolic Faith Mission of Portland, apostles, but we The Lord meets with us when we pray! Oregon” was adopted as the formal Verse 21 continues, “Keep yourselves should not mind name of our organization. We grasp in the love of God.” If we are deter- the importance of the phrase “apos- being challenged mined to be kept, we will be kept. We tolic faith” when we understand what cannot go through life in a spiritually to strive for it. it stands for. lackadaisical manner and succeed. We We do not want to drift away from must “earnestly contend for the faith.” the faith of the apostles—the apos- We must fight to preserve it in our tolic faith. That phrase challenges Jude 1:5-7 he referred to the Children own hearts, and also to preserve it us! None of us would boast of how of Israel who were disobedient even corporately as a body of believers. well we measure up to the faith of though they had been delivered from When we do our part, God will help the apostles, but we should not mind bondage. We read, “I will therefore put us. In verse 24 we read that God “is being challenged to strive for it. May you in remembrance, though ye once able to keep you from falling, and to God help us to embrace the challenge knew this, how that the Lord, having present you faultless before the pres- and live up to the standard set forth by saved the people out of the land of ence of his glory with exceeding joy.” those teachings. We do not want just Egypt, afterward destroyed them The faith is a way of victory! Though to come to the faith, but we want to that believed not.” He mentioned it is a challenging way, it is a way of joy live according to the faith. the angels which “kept not their first and contentment. This challenge applies to every- estate, but left their own habitation,” Have you embraced the faith that one. Contending for the faith is not relating that they were “reserved in was once delivered to the saints? Are just for the ministry or church work- everlasting chains under darkness you contending for it? If you have ers who represent this organization; unto the judgment of the great day” never come to the faith, come today. the Bible is written to all of us! Once (verse 6). He related that Sodom and Look Heaven’s way, and you will find God calls us and puts us in a place Gomorrah, and the cities about them that God will hear from Heaven and where we represent the faith, we bear who gave themselves over to evil prac- answer! a great deal of responsibility. People tices, were “suffering the vengeance of have every right to examine our lives eternal fire” (verse 7). Darrel Lee is Superintendent General and have certain expectations of us. To be in the faith is not only being of the Apostolic Faith work, and pastor If we claim to be of the faith, we can obedient in seeking to be saved, but of the headquarters church in Portland, be expected to live according to the also being obedient throughout life. Oregon. Higher Way 5 A Witness of God’s Faithfulness Hooping Harbor, Newfoundland G rowing up in the remote fishing village of Hooping Harbor, Newfoundland, made for challenging times, particularly during the winter. There was no transportation other than dog teams, no medical assistance, and a shortage of certain foods. However, our family was blessed to attend a small Apostolic Faith Church, which was heated by a wood-burning A retired stove and illuminated by oil lamps. Our entire family walked three quarters of a mile twice each Sunday to attend. Newfoundland pastor My blessings began when I was just one month old, when my mother was saved. Shortly after that, my dad was saved as well, so from my earliest remem- describes how God’s brance, my upbringing was Christian oriented. Nevertheless, like every person, hand has been over I was born with a sinful nature. As I grew to the age of accountability, I began to do things I knew were not right. his life from his One night when I was eight years old, as I was sitting in a Gospel meeting, the earliest childhood. Lord began dealing with my heart. I did not know what the word “conviction” meant, but I knew that a drawing force was urging me to pray. At the same time, though, another voice said, “If you pray, the other boys will laugh at you.” This created a war in my heart. When that service was over and I went outside, the drawing force seemed to leave. I felt all right again, but that did not last long. By Rene Cassell A few months later, a disease came upon my face, gradually spreading to other parts of my head and hands. Eventually I had to be taken out of school and iso- lated to a degree, because it was not certain whether or not my condition was contagious. As time went by, the affliction grew worse. The only part of my face that looked natural was my eyes. On Christmas night, after I had been out of school for several weeks, my par- ents wrapped me warmly and brought me to the church to be anointed and prayed for. As I sat on a chair placed in the center aisle, the pastor anointed my head with oil according to the instructions in the Word of God. As the people of God gathered around and prayed for me, it was like they were taking me to Cal- vary. And while they were praying, in a childlike way, I gave my heart to the Lord. The next morning, instead of using medications, my mother said she would use only clean water to wash my face. As I was washed, it became apparent that the Lord had touched and healed me. After the Christmas recess, I was able to go back to school, with my face clear of that disease, and it never came back. 6 Higher Way From then on, something registered in my heart that I the mayor of our community, operated a retail store, was wanted to serve God. I knew what it was like to feel the president of a company, and chaired a roads committee. By presence of the Lord, and my heart was blessed many times going to Portland I was able to leave all those aspects of my during my school years. When I was eleven years old, I life behind and concentrate on seeking for the baptism of was asked to play a twelve-bass piano accordion in church the Holy Ghost. services. I had no knowledge of how to read music notes, As I spent time in prayer at the camp meeting, the Lord but God gave me an ear for it. As time went by, playing the showed me what He required. He gave me a picture of accordion led to playing an organ, and then to helping with an empty pulpit and the unsaved people of my commu- the choir. nity, many of whom I recognized. On the other side of The Lord helped me through high school and on to teach- the pulpit, He was holding out a white garment. The mes- ing school for three years. At the age of twenty-one, I went sage was that to wear that garment, I had to be willing to to the capital city of our province, St. John’s, to help with help those unsaved people. I knew He was calling me to the music in the Apostolic Faith Church the ministry, and my first response was, there, and began seeking employment. “I cannot do that.” I tried to bargain One day, after putting resumes at vari- He gave me a with God, telling Him I would do a lot ous locations, I received a call offering of other things in the church, but I did picture of an empty me a job. However, when I went to the not want to be a minister. My job and place, I found the position was with the pulpit and the the benefits it brought were important Newfoundland Board of Liquor to me, and I loved the work I was doing. unsaved people of Control. I refused the job because I However, I found that God would not felt that it conflicted with my religious bargain with me. my community, principles. The man became upset and The struggle that ensued went on for told me he would place my name at the many of whom I over two years, and I did not make any bottom of the list. Since there were about further progress in the Gospel. Some- recognized. forty other people seeking employment, times I would seek earnestly and feel it would be months before my name that I was close to receiving the baptism would come up again. I just thanked him of the Holy Spirit. At times I said yes for his help and left his office. I knew that God could still with my lips, but there were still reservations in my heart provide employment for me. and God knew it. However, in October of 1980, my des- I went back to the home where I was staying and prayed, peration grew to the point where I felt that whatever the asking the Lord to provide employment for me if it were Lord required of me, I was willing to give. He showed me His will for me to stay in St. John’s at that time. The next the same vision of the empty pulpit and the unsaved people day the same gentleman called me back and said he had as He had shown me in Portland, and this time I said yes to another job for me in a different department. However, God without reservation. My heart opened, and He poured before I had an opportunity to accept, I had a call from an in His Spirit. It was about 9:30 that night when I went to insurance company. They, too, were prepared to hire me. pray, and it was about 2:00 the next morning when we left So as a result of refusing a position that was not of God, the church. When I realized what was happening, I was the Lord provided two job offers for me within twenty-four praising God but not in my native language. The power of hours! I ended up accepting the position as an insurance God that flooded through me had such effect that I was adjuster, and I stayed in that field until God called me into incapable of driving my car home. Many times since then the ministry. I have looked back on that night as a source of encourage- God gave me a Christian wife and blessed us with three ment and strength as I have striven to fulfill God’s calling. brilliant sons. The Gospel work was the main focal point I had not revealed to anyone the call that God had placed in our home. I kept active in church duties, assisting with upon my life, but the following Wednesday, the District the music and Sunday school. I really enjoyed salvation Overseer for our church asked me to come to her office. and became somewhat relaxed about what I had spiritu- Having sensed that the Lord was calling me to the ministry, ally. However, one night while attending special meetings she inquired if I had felt the call of God. I acknowledged at our Birchy Bay church, my heart was stirred by a sermon, that I had, and she asked me to preach that Sunday night— and I realized my need for the experience of sanctification. just one week after I had received my baptism. I went forward to the altar of prayer with my three-year-old For the next couple of years, I assisted with the preaching son sleeping in my arms, and as I consecrated my life to the in Bide Arm, and then I was asked to take on the pastor’s Lord, He sanctified me. responsibilities there. My first response was that it would This experience enhanced my Christian walk, but I failed take about six months for me to taper off from my job, but to go on and seek for the baptism of the Holy Ghost until I found it to be otherwise. One week later, I felt the urge 1978 when I decided to attend the church’s annual camp to resign at once from my position. From that day to this, meeting in Portland, Oregon—a trip that would take me I have had no more love for that job, nor any intention of away from all the activities I was involved in. In addition going back. I want to continue doing what the Lord has to my church responsibilities and a full time job, I was also called me to do. Higher Way 7 Throughout the years, the Holy Spirit has been my Fredericton, New Brunswick. The Lord laid the burden on Helper. In addition to preaching in Newfoundland and me to do whatever possible to spread the Gospel westward across Canada, I have been blessed to help share the Gospel across Canada. Today with the help of the ministry, prayers, in some of the eastern and western states of the United and support of the saints and the leading of the Holy Spirit, States, Norway, Nigeria, Zambia, South Africa, and the U.S. we now have churches in six of the ten Canadian provinces. Virgin Islands. Despite the pressure and responsibility, it is Many times I have marveled at how the Lord helps. I realize always rewarding to see people respond to the Gospel call. that I do not have the personal knowledge or wisdom to In the midst of those blessings, there were also trying deal with many of the situations that arise in a work of this times. Frequently the burdens as a pastor have not been size, but when we wait upon God, He supplies every need. light, but the Lord has been there. Often God has been with me in personal chal- my faith has been tested, but I am so lenges as well. After a busy 1993, which thankful that God does not call us to Often my faith has included the fiftieth anniversary celebra- work for Him and then forsake us. tion of the Roddickton church, special been tested, but One of my greatest trials began in meetings at different locations, plus 1986 when my assistant minister became I am so thankful the duties of District Superintendent, I ill. After only a few weeks, the Lord developed a mental tiredness. Dictating a took her home. A short time later, our that God does not letter became a struggle; even hearing the seven-year-old son was diagnosed phone ring bothered me. After preach- call us to work for with diabetes. Later that same year, my ing one Sunday night, I knelt before God, brother, who was a musician and Sunday Him and then feeling drained of any strength. Then school teacher, was accidentally electro- my attention was drawn to a sister who forsake us. cuted while on the job. That night after needed prayer because of a health prob- sharing the sad news with his family and lem. In my weakness, I anointed her with mine, I lay awake going over the incident oil as the saints gathered around to pray. in my mind. The enemy tackled me with the thought that I With my eyes closed, it seemed I saw Jesus coming toward should not have accepted the pastor role, but stayed in my us. After saying the words, “Sister, hold on, Jesus is coming!” position as an insurance adjuster. For a few hours my ner- I became lost in prayer and was led by the Spirit to another vous system was shattered. part of the sanctuary. Sometime later, I realized the Holy The next morning at daybreak, I found myself on my Spirit was speaking through me in a language unknown to knees in my study, but with no words to pray. I knew God me. The sister was moving around the church praising the had promised never to give us more than we could bear, Lord—she had been healed of her infirmity. The next day I and I felt I could not bear any more. I reached for my Bible felt up to whatever the challenge might be. God had healed on the desk, and it fell open to Isaiah 40. The first word me as well. How I thank God for His faithfulness! I saw was “comfort,” and I realized that I needed to read In the sixty years since my first encounter with Jesus, I on. As I did so, strength began coming back into my body. have proven that He is the same, yesterday, today, and for- When I came to the latter part of the chapter, it said, “He ever. Late in 2014, I was diagnosed with cancer. The news giveth strength to the faint.” When reading the verse, “But brought me no concern or worry because my hope was in they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,” God. The best that could happen would be that I would die Heaven opened and the Lord took my heavy load. and go to Heaven. Many years ago I consecrated everything How grateful I am to the Lord for the many times to the Lord, including my future. The year of 2015 proved He has helped our family. I recall one year when our to be a time of recalling that consecration, resting in God, two-and-one-half-year-old son was supposed to do the wel- exercising patience, and taking the step of courage. Thank come greeting in our church Christmas program. Two days God that I had the Prince of Peace living within! With the before, he became very ill and was unable to get his breath. prayers and encouragement of saints far and near, support We took him to the hospital at Roddickton, and they sent of my family, efforts of medical professionals, and the sup- him by ambulance to a bigger hospital where he was put porting hand of God, I recently was told that I am presently into the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). We were told later that cancer free. My heart is filled with gratitude and praise as I the medical staff was unsure if he would pull through, but take one day at a time. I give Him many people were praying. On the Sunday morning of the the honor, and I want to serve Him program, after examining our son, the doctor marveled at the rest of my days. the change that had occurred. He said to us, “You may take him home. He is okay to perform in the program.” He was Rene Cassell is the retired Dis- actually discharged directly from the ICU, which the doctor trict Superintendent of Canada for told us they normally do not do. We took our son home, the Apostolic Faith work. He and and that night he played his part in the Christmas program. his wife currently live in Bide Arm, In 1988, when I was asked to assume the responsibility Newfoundland, where he assists on of District Superintendent for Canada, we had just one the ministerial staff of the Apostolic church in Eastern Canada outside of Newfoundland: in Faith Church. 8 Higher Way DAY TO DAY A tall security fence became a vivid reminder to . . . Trust God m o c a. oli ot ch | f By Jodie Hinkle a © ts When my daughter, Catey, trusted with everything. I did not even Heaven and “took upon him the form was in her second year of realize, though, to what extent the Lord of a servant,” to live among us. Then college, she made plans to had answered until my trip to Mexico He, “being found in fashion as a man, spend four months of her junior year to visit Catey. As we approached the humbled himself, and became obedi- in Mexico as an exchange student. house where she was staying, the ent unto death, even the death of the Though I had misgivings about her fence caught my attention. I don’t cross” (Philippians 2:6-8). living so far away from home, there know what I was expecting—maybe a Jesus spent the three years prior to was comfort in knowing I could take picket fence or a four-foot-high chain His crucifixion ministering to others. my concerns to God and He would go link fence, though my hope was for a He healed the sick, cast out devils, with her. I told the Lord I was wor- six-foot privacy fence. What I saw was raised the dead, and preached the ried she would be placed with people a nine-foot-high concrete wall topped kingdom of Heaven. When news of opposed to the Gospel, and that she by steel bars, with an equally formi- His miracles spread, and He was inun- would not have a private place to pray. dable locked gate! We joked about it at dated by large crowds, He never turned In addition, I feared someone in the the time, but now in looking back, that anyone away. Instead, He continually household might try to harm her, or wall serves as a vivid reminder that we set aside His own needs to meet the that the house would not be secure from can trust God. He is more than will- needs of every person who came to intruders. Another concern was that she ing and able to help with any situation Him. One time, when He went to a sol- would get homesick. I hoped some of that causes us concern. itary place to pray and received word the food would be familiar to her. It is never easy, when we are anx- that “all men seek for thee,” He left On her first day in Mexico, Catey ious about something, to forfeit con- off praying in order to preach (Mark called and told me about her new trol to another. However, whether our 1:35-37). Another time, when He went accommodations. She had been placed concerns relate to our children or our “into a desert place apart” after the with a single woman who had con- relationships, health problems or fear death of John the Baptist, and a great verted to Christianity three years ear- for our safety, tight finances or an multitude followed, He turned and lier, and she had been given her own uncertain future, we can safely place healed their sick (Matthew 14:13-14). space—a bedroom and bathroom. In our trust in God. In fact, there are Twice, when He “could not so much as addition, the house was surrounded by many reasons why it is best to do so. eat bread” for the multitude that had a fence, and for her first breakfast, she Here are just a few. gathered, it appears that He left off was served oatmeal, fruit, and eggs— God loves us. The Bible tells us in eating to teach (Mark 3:20; 6:31). exactly what she ate at home! 1 Peter 5:7 to cast all our care upon How do we know it was love that I was so grateful to the Lord for God, because He cares for us. How compelled Jesus to minister for three answering each of my concerns spe- much God cares can be seen in the life years and then lay down His life for cifically. It showed just how much He of Christ Jesus, “who being in the form us? Many times He was moved by cares, and confirmed that He could be of God,” voluntarily left the glories of the plight of the people around Him. Higher Way 9 When Martha cried at her brother’s but when it was time for him to come death, He groaned within Himself, and in, he was nowhere to be found. Our upon approaching the tomb, He wept guests helped us search the yard, and It is best to trust (John 11:33, 35). At other times, He then the shed, the garage, the nearby sighed (Mark 7:34), and He had com- our concerns about park, and once again in the house. passion (Matthew 9:36). In the case of Then we went door-to-door, and the the unknown to a leper who came beseeching Him, “If neighbors came out to help. We can- thou wilt, thou canst make me clean,” God who can see vassed the area, going up and down the the Bible tells us Jesus was moved with street, calling his name. I was not overly compassion and answered, “I will; be what lies ahead. worried as we searched, because there thou clean” (Mark 1:40-42). Jesus did was always one more place he might not heal this man because He had to; be. Finally, though, we had exhausted He did it because He wanted to. every possibility, and the reality set in It is clear that our Lord is compelled and felt a strong urge to return to a that he was really gone. My heart sank by love. We can take every concern store already visited. In the software and my knees buckled. to Him, having assurance that He aisle, I put my head down, prayed, and In that moment, my thoughts turned wants to hear our prayers and help us, then opened my eyes to see a program to One who I knew could be trusted because He loves us. that had fallen to the bottom shelf. It with an urgent need because He had God can see everything. Some of had the feature I was looking for, and a been faithful in so many other situ- my neighbors have become part of price tag of only $20.00. ations. I looked to the only One who the “prepper” movement. Collectively We can never fully plan for the could see everything, do anything, and they purchase food and survival sup- unexpected, so it is best to trust our who loved my son even more than I plies in preparation for a catastrophic concerns about the unknown to God did. I prayed, “Lord, You know where disaster. I was invited to join them, but who can see what lies ahead. my son is. Show me so we can go get declined, because years ago an experi- God can do anything. When my him.” A name came to my mind, and ence taught me it is best to trust God son, Cameron, was eight years old, he my husband went to make a phone with an uncertain future. left his prized hand-held video game call. Thankfully, that person knew When the year 2000 was approach- player, a Gameboy, at the park during where our son was and shortly we were ing, there was speculation that the Little League try-outs. When we dis- reunited with him. world’s computers would crash. When covered it was missing, we went back In times of crisis, it is important newspapers began reporting that every- to the park and scoured the area, but to be able to turn to a reliable source thing from utility companies to banks didn’t find it. Upon returning home, quickly, so it is best to have our trust in could shut down, I started stocking up Cameron told me he would pray and God who has an established record of on canned goods, flashlights, and other ask God to bring his Gameboy back. faithfulness. survival essentials. Then I took an This seemed an impossible request We all face situations in life that inventory and sat down to review my because his name was not on the cause anxiety, and with each one, we progress. While going over the list, this device and there had been several must decide to either trust God with thought intruded: I hope you thought hundred people at the try-outs. Even the matter or handle it ourselves. When of everything. I paused to consider this, if someone honest had picked up his we choose to rely on our own means, and realized that to rely on myself and Gameboy, that person would not know we soon find they are limited and fail not on God, I would need to think of how to return it. However, Cameron’s to fully alleviate worry. For real peace, everything. However, only God could focus was not on the facts, but on the it is best to trust God. When concerns see into the future and know just what One who could do the impossible. He arise about our future, we can remem- would happen. I decided it would be prayed, and two weeks later there was ber that He sees what lies ahead of us; better to just trust Him. a knock on our front door. When we in impossible situations, we have the When the New Year rolled in, none opened it, a man was standing there assurance that He is infinitely capable; of the anticipated disasters material- holding out the Gameboy. and in matters of urgency, we can look ized. However, even with the required Many situations are beyond our back to His proven record. Y2K patch, my own accounting soft- capabilities, so it is best to trust God God loves you, cares about your ware crashed. Because clients were who has unlimited ability. needs, and wants to help. Won’t you waiting, I immediately began search- God is faithful. One time my hus- turn to Him today? ing for a replacement, but could only band and I were hosting a large party find very expensive programs—all in our home and our son, who was Jodie Hinkle is on the editorial staff at missing one particular feature that I seven at the time, asked if he could go the Apostolic Faith Headquarters office wanted. I asked the Lord what to do outside and play. Permission was given, in Portland, Oregon. 10 Higher Way

IN A RECENT Portland sermon, the text was taken from Romans 1:16 where. Paul declared himself writing that letter, I remembered I had taken a week off from my job at that mill to attend a major By Jodie Hinkle. © tsach | foto.
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