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J6SVS OF KIA^ARGTH MILU^ARIAK! PROPHtt D ale C. A llison Fortress Press M in n ea po lis JESUS OF NAZARETH Mil IENARLAN PROPHET Copyright © 1998 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Except for bncf quota­ tions in critical articles or reviews, no pan of tais book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Augsburg Fortress, P.O. Box 1209, Minneapolis, MN 55440. Biblical quotations from the New Revised Standard Version Bible are copyright O 1989 by die Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of Amcrica. Used by permission. Biblical quotations from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible arc copyright ID 1946, 1952, and 1971 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Used by permission. Book and cover design by Joseph Bonyata. Cover art: Cristo Benedicettte. Martini, Simone (1284-1344). Pinacoteca, Vati­ can Museums, Vatican State. Courtesy of SEF/Art Resource, N.Y. Used by per­ mission. l ibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-PubUcanon Allison, Dale C. Jesus of Nazareth : millenarian prophet / Dale C Allison, p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-8006-3144-7 (alk. paper) 1. Jesus Christ—Prophetic officc. 2. Millenn:alism—Palestine—History 3. Jesus Christ—Historicity. I. Title. BT252.A44 1998 O'NEILL LIBRARY' 232.9'08 dc2i BOSTON COLLEGE* 98 21602 CIP ©The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of Ameri­ can National Standard for Information Science*—Permanence of Paper for Printed library Materials ANSI 21329.4-1984 Manufactured in the U.S.A. AF1-3144 02 01 00 99 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 For JOF.L urrrz rrnjy nj'DO mm n il orrra un raamtf a*® C0KII£K1IS Preface.................................he Abbreviations.................................xi 1. The Jesus Tradition and the Jesus of History: How to Find a Millenarian Prophet.................................1 Introduction.................................1 An Imaginary Case Study.................................7 The Method of John Dominic Crossan....................... Quandaries, Alternatives, Paradigms.......................... The Best Research Program.................................39 Themes and Rhetorical Strategies............................... Running the Gauntlet....................................51 Some Results.................................58 Speculations on the Evolution of the Tradition.......... Unscientific Postscript...................................75 Dctachcd Note Some Common Features of Millenarianism................. 2. The Fscharology of Jesus: Still Ratios after All These Years.................................95 Introduction.................................95 Marcus Borg against E. P. Sanders........................... The Case against Marcus Borg.................................113 The Case against Stephen Patterson................................. Some Particulars.................................129 vin • Jesus of Nazareth The Final Judgment.................................131 The Resurrection of the Dead...................................136 The Restoration of Israel.................................141 The Great Tribulation.................................145 Imminence...................................147 The Language of Millenarian Eschatology.........................152 Concluding Observations.................................169 3. Jesus as Millenarian Ascetic: Deleting a Consensus.................................172 Current Opinion....................................172 Sexual Desire in the Jesus Tradition.................................175 The Origin of the Complexes.................................182 Renunciation and Eschatology.................................188 The Functions of Jesus’ Eschatological Asceticism...................................197 Final Remarks.................................211 Epilogue.................................217 Index of Ancient Sources....................................221 Index of Modem Authors 247 PREFACE I ustu to tell friends that 1 wanted to write a book on the histori­ cal Jesus, but that I would not know enough or be wise enough to do so until I was in my fifties. Well, I am still in my forties, and here is a book on Jesus. The reason is not that 1 have gained sufficient knowledge and wisdom but rather the opposite. The years have bestowed some humility and taught me that, partly because of an inability to make up my mind about so many things, I shall never be able to write the sort of thorough tome I once envisaged. I shall instead always be limited to seeing and wnring about only fleering glimpses of the past—and to making guesses about all too much. These three chapters, then, are fragments that have fallen from the ruins of a project that the builder has abandoned. Chapter 1 sets out to discover how we might come to knowledge of the historical Jesus and ends up concluding that the tradition about him is best understood on the supposition that he was, among other things, what sociologists and anthropologists call a millenarian prophet. Chap­ ter 2 considers what we can know about Jesus’ millenarian vision and how his cschatological language should be interpreted. Chapter 3 argues that Jesus was, despite so much written to the contrary, a sort of mil­ lenarian ascetic whose words and behavior are illuminated through com­ parative materials. As a whole, this book functions as a belated prologue to my earlier contribution. The F.nd of the Ages Has Come: An F^rty Interpretation of the Passion and Resurrection ofJ esus (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1985; Edin­ burgh: T. & T. Clark, 1987). In that volume I sought an explanation for the so-called realized eschatology of rhe New Testament. During gradu­ ate days the study of millenarian movements persuaded me that the early Christian interpretation of the death and vindication of Jesus in cschato- IX x ♦ Jesus of Nazareth logical categories was due in the first placc to a post-Easter reinterpreta- tion o! Jesus’ own eschatological prophecies. Of that I remain persuaded. But the book’s reception h3s disappointed. The problem is not that it has gone unnoticed bur that, when it has been referred to, the cause has been for almost everything except the main thesis and the comparative materi­ als on which it is based. It is my hope that the present volume will be more persuasive than its predecessor and encourage other students of Jesus and early Christianity to pay more attention to worldwide millenarian move­ ments and comparative messianism. All three chapters appear here for the first time. The opening chapter, however, grows out of two panel discussions, both moderated by Amy- Jill Levine. Ihe first was held at the SECSOR meeting in Macon, Geor­ gia, in March 1997, the second at the annual AAR/SBI meeting in San Francisco in November of the same year. On both occasions I enjoyed profitable encounters with John Dominic Crossan and Gcrd I.udcmann. Quotations from the Bible are most often from the RSV and NRSV, bur 1 have sometimes offered my own translations. I should like to thank John Barclay, John J. Collins, W. L). Davies, and Amy-Jill Irvine for commenting on portions of the manuscript. The whole was read by Joel Marcus, and to him I dedicate this book. His en­ couragement first led me to think 1 should write it. His learned criticism much unproved the final product. And his good humor and friendship made life easier during a most difficult and confusing time. ABBREVIATIONS AGJU Arbcrtcn zur Geschichte des antikcn Judenturns und des Urchristenrums ALGHJ Arbciten zur Litcratur und Geschichte des helienistischen Judenrums ATR Anglican Theological Review BBB Bonner biblische Bcirragc BETL Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium Bib Bihlica BR Bible Review BIB Biblical Theology Bulletin BZ Biblische Zeitschrift B7NW Bcihcftc zur Zeitschrift fur die ncutestamentlichc Wissenschaft CENT Conicctanca Biblica, New Testament Scries CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly q j Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum CR1NT Compendia Rerum ludaicarum ad Novum Tesramenrum DSD Dea Sea Discoveries EB Echter Bibel EKK Evangclisch-katholischer Kommentar £77. F.phemerides theologicae bovanienses ExpT Expository Times FRLANT Forschungcn zur Religion und I.itcratur des Alten und Neuen Testamenrs HeyJ Heythrop Journal IITKNT Herders Theologischcr Kommentar zum Neuen Testament HTR Haward Theological Review IBS Irish Biblical Studies XI

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