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Jesus of Nazareth: Jew from Galilee, Savior of the World PDF

326 Pages·2014·1.823 MB·English
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JESUS o f N a z a r e t h JEW FROM GALILEE, SAVIOR OF THE WORLD SCHRÖTER jens Wayne Coppins translated by Jesus of Nazareth This page intentionally left blank Jesus of Nazareth Jew from Galilee, savior of the World JeNs schröter translated by Wayne coppins and s. Brian Pounds Baylor University Press © 2014 by Baylor University Press Waco, Texas 76798-7363 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, elec- tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of Baylor University Press. Cover Design by Savanah Landerholm and Steve Kress Authorized English translation of Jesus von Nazaret. Jude aus Galiläa— Retter der Welt. Fourth Edition. Biblische Gestalten 15. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2012. © Negotiated by Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig. eISBN: 978-1-4813-0200-5 (ePDF) This E-book was converted from the original source file by a third-party vendor. Readers who encounter any issues with formatting, text, link- ing, or readability are encouraged to notify the publisher at BUP_Pro- duction@baylor.edu. Some font characters may not display on all e-readers. To inquire about permission to use selections from this text, please contact Baylor University Press, One Bear Place, #97363, Waco, Texas 76798. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Schröter, Jens, 1961– [Jesus von Nazaret. English] Jesus of Nazareth : Jew from Galilee, savior of the world / Jens Schr?ter ; translated by Wayne Coppins and S. Brian Pounds. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ISBN 978-1-4813-0199-2 (hardback : alk. paper) 1. Jesus Christ—Historicity. I. Title. BT303.2.S28713 2014 232.9’08—dc23 2014002704 to My father This page intentionally left blank contents translators’ Preface ix Preface to the english edition xiii Preface to the first edition xv Preface to the second edition xix Part I INtroDuctIoN 1 The “historical” and the “remembered” Jesus; or, how It “really” Was 3 2 a Glance at the history of research 11 3 The historical Material: remains and sources 19 Part II a PortrayaL of Jesus 4 a Jew from Galilee: The Nazarene 43 5 a Jew from Galilee: The Galilean 49 6 a Jew from Galilee: The Jew 65 7 The reign of God Begins: Jesus’ encounter with John 85 vii viii contents 8 The reign of God Begins: Beginnings in Galilee 89 9 The reign of God in the Proclamation of Jesus 121 10 Life in Light of the reign of God: The ethos of Jesus 139 11 representative of God or savior of Israel? The self-understanding of Jesus and the Judgment of his contemporaries 161 12 The Jerusalem events 179 13 Jesus and the Beginnings of christian faith 201 14 spotlights on the Wirkungsgeschichte of Jesus 219 appendix: Maps and figures 249 Notes 259 Bibliography 279 Index of scripture and ancient sources 291 Index of Modern authors 303 translators’ Preface Jens schröter, Professor of New testament and ancient christian apocrypha at humboldt university of Berlin, is one of the most prominent scholars of early christianity in Germany today. his key position in the field of biblical studies is evident, inter alia, from his role as coeditor of numerous leading journals and monograph series (e.g., Early Christianity, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, and The reception of Jesus in the first Three centuries monograph series), his authorial and editorial responsibilities in producing new editions of multiple landmark works in German scholarship (e.g., Antike christliche Apok- ryphen in deutscher Übersetzung, with c. Markschies, and Arbeitsbuch zum Neuen Testament, with a. Lindemann), and above all from the great quality and quantity of his own publications in both German and english (see my website, German for Neutestamentler, for a bibli- ography of his english publications). Jesus von Nazaret. Jude aus Galiläa—Retter der Welt or Jesus of Naz- areth—Jew from Galilee, Savior of the World holds a special significance in schröter’s work for at least two reasons. first, it can be seen as a high point in an intensive phase of research that reaches from his habilitation thesis, Erinnerung an Jesu Worte (1997), through the stud- ies collected in Jesus und die Anfänge der Christologie (2001) and Von ix

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