For James M. Robinson Jesuasf tTewro T housanYde ars What he really said and did Gerd Ludemann With contributions by Frank Schleritt and Martina Janssen SCM PRESS TranslabtyJe odh nB owdefnr otmh eG ermaJn esnuas2c0 h00 JahrWeanes.wr i rkslaiguctntheda ptu,bl is2h0e0db0 y z uK lampen VerlaLgii,n eburg © zuK lampe2n00 0 Transla©tJioohnn B owde2n0 00 Alrli ghrtesse rveNdo. p arotft hipsu blicamtaiyob ner eproduced, storienda r etriseyvsatle omrt, r ansmititnae ndyf, o romr b ya ny means, elecmtercohnainci,pc haolt,o copoyrio ntgh erwwiisteh,o ut thep riopre rmissioofnt hpeu blisShCeMr ,P ress. 03 34027746 Thiesd itifiornsp tu blis2h0e0db0 y SCM Press 9-71S tA lbanPsl acLeo ndoNnI o NX SCM Presissa d ivisoifo n SCM-CanterbPurreysL st d TypesbeytR egenTty pesettLionngd,o n PrintienGd r eaBtr itabiyn BiddiLetsd G,u ilfdo radn dK ingL'ysn n Contents Preface IX IntroducPtrieosnu:p posiMteitohnosad,n dI nterests I I TheG ospeolfM ark 7 II TheG ospeolfM atthew 117 IIIT heG ospeolfL uke 257 IV TheG ospeolfJ ohn 416 (byF ranSkc hleritt) v TheG ospeolfT homas VI ApocrypJheasluT sr aditions (byM artiJnaan ssen) VIIA ShorLti foefJ esus 686 IndeoxfA ltlh eA uthenStaiyci nagnsdA ctioonfJs e sus Preface This sbeotoousktt o f ialg la ipn t heololgiitcearTlah tiugsra ieps p. a rticularly evidteotn hto wsheo a rceo ncewrintethdh ceh uracnhdC hristcilaenrigtyy,: teacohfre erlsi agniadob noa vltelh i en crenausmibnoegfpr e opwlheaor ien terested inJ esAulsol.ft heamrb ee iunngs etbtyal nae bdu ndoafcn ocnef lbiocotakibsno gu t Jesiunms o detrinm aensad,l sboyt hceo nflpiiccttiounfJrg ee ssiu nts h Nee w Testaimtesn.Bet el tfwuesean n d NtehwTe e stalmietenw te ncteyn tuirnwi heisc h peopleu nhdasevtreoJ oeds iunsq uidtieeff rewnaty Tsh.e h istorical-critical reseianrJtceohs wuhsi hcahbs e edne velforoap reod u2n5yd0e amrashy a vbee come thset andfroas rcdh olairts ,hh aabrsudb tle yea nb lteoc ommaang de necroanl sensMuosr.e otvhelera dsetc apdaer,t iciuntl haEern lgyl ish-wsoprelhadak,si ng experiaef nlcoooefsdd c holaanprdol pyu lliatre raabtoJuuertse Iu tsss.o urce seems tob ei nexhaaunsidtft il bolwtesh meio nsv ta rdiierde ctions. Consequuenniittnliyra etaeddge etrths ie m pressrieosne iatusrhn caphtl anned, fluolf c ontradaincidts gi ooinnnsog,w atdhse emi tthoes ri nikn to resigonrat tohi oolendv en fmiorrtmeoal f yia twhh iicashb ohviteso rqiuceals tions. Yente itrheesri gnnaoutrni ioonnrf mefidat mha ksee n-scee rtanoiitnna l nya ge whiche nhcaosu rtahdgeie sdpo lfaa nuy n imagwienaelodtfk h n owlaendwdgh ei ch att hsea mtei mael modsatir leym iunsdo sft hmeo rmeo depsots iotfhi uomna n beinignts h ceo smSoosi .ts eemsm ett hoaa ht i stosrtioccaklto afck riintgi cal concweirttnhh c ee ntprearlso ofCn h ristJieasnouifNst a yz,a rwehtihhc,ah bs e en thbeu sinsecshso floroatf rw hsou ndarnefddi fyteyai rlsso ,no gv erdue. Is halplr ensotethn eitis t thheerm atoiric naac lolmyp rehaecncsoiouvftne ht e resuolftt hrsee seoafor tchhse crh oalsad riAsdl, b eSrcthi wtezienhr iQ sue tso ft eh HitsroicJaeslu (so f wthhifiecr hs t cotmrpalnestliean ttEiono gnl iissb he ing publishaettd h seoa nmtleiy m aest hviosl uamneld)a tWearl tPe.Wr e av(eTrh e HitsroicJeauslsi n Ttwheteni eCtethnu ryI9 oo-I9159909,f) ro t hfier shtao lfft he twentcieentthIum esmop hatshitazhteii nsso atl eio ffJe suso nblauynt analoyfts himeso sitm porwtoarnadtns ad c tiooJfne ssa usasp resuppoofasl ieit fion of]ewshuisic nsho yte pto ss(ibbsuletete h aet tempt iVnI IMC)yh.p al paittnseo r offeanr e twr ansolfta htei oimnmo psotr etxatntatrn atd iatbioJouentssi u nts h fei rst twcoe nturitehset noi a nnvde stthieghiairts et ocrriecdailib nis luicatwh yat,yh at edutcelada pye optloeco,a,f n lo ltohwe argument. Prfaece vii ThJee sSuesm ifnuoanrd beydR obeWr.Ft u nakn d vtohleu TmheeF si vGoes epls (1993a)n dTh eA csto fJ esu(s19 98h)a vbee eanni mporsttainmtut ols uusca hn undertIantk hienvsgoe.l utmhedese groefhe i stoorfti hcweio tryad nsad c tioofn s Jesaursie n cdaitbeydd i effrecnotl oBuuratsl .t hforous gehv eyreaaIlrh sa vbee ean fleloowft hJee sSuesm inaancrdo, n cur gwoioatlfdh e tietrsm tihnweio nragdn sd actiooftn hshe i stoJreiscIupa srl,ee rtf od ispewintscheo loumraerdk ionfag nsy atIdh avieni dcabtyeia dtl itchsop saes swahgiebcseh y odnodu dbetr ive formt hpea rtiecvualnagre listst.h eRierc orgenwdioazricikastn n igeo cneasls ary stetpo warredcso nsttrhutecr taidnitgth ieeov nasn greelciestitsvh eed ;ta hnidr d finsatle pt oii dse yn tthisefa yianngdas c tioofJn ess wuhsi carhpe r esumably authentic. Thimse thionwd h,i scohm ettihmfeei str wssott agecso maprleie ntt heseda me sectsihoonw,sv ailptuaser ticiuntl hcaear oslefty h owsrei ttihnfegi sn al oafu thors whiwcehd on oktn obwyn ame t(ittohlftee h sfeuo rN ewT estaGmoesnptde altse onlfyor mt hsee cocnedn tutrhyo)ut,gh hec ya bne i dentaisaf uitehdoo ftr hse writwihnigcasrh ae s socwiiatthe do tnht ehmbe a soifcs l ecahra ractoefr istics langaunacdgo en tBeync to.m partihsiosn o,mfp o rdoec eidnsuo rated visiantb hlee casoeft hGeo spoefTl h omaansd stahyeia nngadsc tioofJne ss us hwahvbieec ehn handdeodwi nni solastiinhocenert, eh c eo ndiotfti roannss mairses eidroei(nnffo ftr thdee tsaeitelh sie n trodtuoc twtirhoient sii nqn ugess tion). Thec ritferotr hiias iantviaeorsnet miteghteh doedvse liontp hecedr itsitcuadly oft hBei bolveet rhl ea 2ss toy eaarnsad,r e valniedaw n buden ttmtieeltr h toadkse thepilra ce. Becaoufts heae b undoafnt ceext tobs ed iscuasnsde cdto hnes eqnueeefndrot breviintt yh,i s accoduinstp eIwn ishteeahdxv pel diicsictu osfss ieocno ndary literaanthdua rvoeen loyc casimoennatlilioynnb erda ctkheneta sm eosf scholars formw homp artiicnutlearrp rdeetraitHvieeori.nest s e emteomd e t hatti tolfe s boodkisnd o t ntoeb eemd e nteidoT.nh esya y nottolh apiyen ogp lsep eacnida lists knotwh eamn ywOacyc.a suinodrnelailn wiinmlgalsk i eet a stioge erit n tthote e xt. Somceo mmeonntt hsse t rucotftu hbrioeso k: TheI ntrodiuncidtciaiottneps sr esuppoasndidet vieolntoshmp eos d eosfp ro ceduarntedh mee thod. ChapItc eorn taat irnasn salnaadtn iaolnoy fts hieesa rliestth oaGfMtoa srpke.l , Thiisfslo lowienCd h aptIeaIrn IsdI bIya t ransalnaadtn iaolnoy fts hiGeso spels ofM atthaenwLd u ke, whiocnth h Gebo usipolefMdl a rikn depenodfee ancthl y other. ChapItVet,rh ter ansalnaadtn iaolnoy fts hiGeso spoefJl o hhna,bs e ewnr itten byF raSnckh leritt. ChapVtc eorn ttahitenr sa nsalnaadtn iaolnoy fts hiGeso spoefTlh omas. InC hapVtIeM,ra rtJiannas tsreann salnacdto emsm eonntt shr ee osftt h Jee sus tradwihtiihcoahnbs e epnr esefrorvmte hdfe i trwscote nturies. Jesuasfe trT woT housaYneadr s Vlll ChapVteIroIff erass holreit of fJ esuHser.Ie a ttemsptta,rf torimnt gh e histoarsiscuamrlaeltdye troid aelp,i clteia fntfdhta eeo J fe soufNs a zarReetahd.i ng thfiinsac lh apmtaeyr r beec ommeansadw eaidyn tthobe o oka w ahso le. Theb ooekn dwsi tahni ndoefax l la utthhee snatyiiacnn gadsc tiooJfne ss us. Ia mg rautlte ofa ltlh ose,a nndfera a,wr h oo vetrh lea fswet y ears have encourmaetg oce odn triensueeia nrCtchohr istian oruingeirnrsai,nn dgd liyr ectly, withcooumtp roamnitdsh eut,som akaec ontritbotu htei oqnfuro te hstetr uIt h. amg rautlteo Sf ilRkoet hmkyes ,e creotfma arnyy yferoha errrse ,p etaytpeaidn ndg correocftt himeoa nn uscFrriapSntck.h lhearasil tsto t ost ehteeen c hnoircgaaln iza tioonf saul cahrw goer k,o vaetnrhdl e a fswet y eahrasas l wasytsob oydm ea sa relicaoblllea bWoirtaht ovrto.hli usmm yef ,ir enDdrJ ohBno wdheanas l ready transmlyna tienbdto hoi kn Etnog lIiw sihal.ll w bayeis n dheibastl t,lh m eo rsei nce thantkohs i SmC MP reistssh oen lpyu blihsohuiwsnhegi hcahas l wabyesel no yal tom eI.a ma lgsroa utlte omf yf irenadnN da shvnielilgeh bourT eESuefglroel nee readtihnrgo tuhgEehn gltirsahn salnamdta ikoinn gu lcu osmemfeJnitRmso .b inson haasl lomweet dod edaittceh bioso tkoh imH.a rdalnyy oenles em ahdaaems o re lastcionngt ritbotu htqeiu oens tth heoi ofsr tiJceasltu hsah neh aasn,nd o o neel se hadso nmeo rteom editahtbeee osftG ermtahne olsocghioclaatlrot shEheni gpl ish speawkoilrndTg.h ibso oikas s matlolk oefgn r autdieIt.wt i blelp ubliisnth heed UnitSetda tbeyPs r ometBhoeoukassn di sa ni mprosveecdoe nddi toifto hne Germoarni ginal. GotgteiInnJ,A p r2ioloo IntroducPtrieosnu:p positions, Methoadn dI nterests Thep resbeonostku bjaellct thse Jtersaudsif torimto hnfesi trwsctoe ntutroi easn analaynsidin sv easttteihsge aiurt henlthtia cbsie tewynr. ititnte hcneo nvitchtaito n Chrismtuiseatnn tsie nrat c or edriebllaet itooJn esshuistp,h aabltoul tt hm eerna nd womeinnt hceu ltaurresaatl a mpetdhC ehb ryi sWteissathn o uallbdse oe nabtloe d assutrhee mseolfv hetishs et orroiooctfaCs lh ristiinta hnpeie tryso ofJn e soufs NazarFeotbrho .t ghr outphsqi,us e stoifco onp ing wiotwhnh iosntaeon'rdsy shaptihnfetug u irvesi tiamlployr tant. Todaiiytgs e nerallyt rhneauctmo egrnwoiouzrsead dnsa d c tiwoenraset tributed tJo esounsla yft heidrse aHtehr.te ob egwiinta hrj esu ttw eox amples: (aT)h e' aIm s'a yiinntg hsGe o spoefl] owhhni,mc ahk e Jeosfhu ism ssieanly f thfier psetr stohna t thhreee siusr rheec ttihilseoi ngo,hft t hw eo rhledi ,ts h vei ne, etcce.r,t daoin nogltoyb actkJo e sbuuswt e rpeuo tnh ilsi opnsla ytal atsetrai gne , ordteoer x prtehfseias t ohfa l atgeern eroafCt hiroins tians. (bT)h es amiets r ouefm o sotft h mei rasctloerT ioedsan.yoo ne searcicoeupstlsy thJaets iunfsca tw alketdh seoe nsa t,i als lteodrm mu,l tibprleitaeuddr, n weadt er intwoi naen rda itshedede aRda.t htehre,as cet iwoenrisen venfrotJ eeds ounsl y aftheidrse aotrhh i ssu pposed rienosr udrterohre e citgihhoitinsem n p ortance. Thebseet itnesri wghhitwcseh,r fi er wsotr koeudbt yh iosrticcrailt idconi ostm , alttehfreca tth tahtee a rClhyr isrteigaanarsldt elhad is as u thewnittithchif enar me worokft hcea noniozfat thbieoo onok fst hBei bCloen.s equfeornmtt hleyon,n inauthseanytiainncgad sc tiooJfne ssh uasv e pbaeorefttn h ceo roefh olsyc ripture. Theorreoefn caeg awiemn u srti gorsoeuecskll ayar biotauyltt lh t er adiotJfie osnuss ine arClhyr istwihainpciohts ysa ec slsat ioam u thenatnicdcl iaytrw yih,faJ te sus reaslalaiynd dd i wdh,a rte ahlalpyp etnheeadnn w dh awta csl eaardldlyea dt er. Sucaph r ocehdauisrtf esuo ndatiinto hinens t elhliescttooufWrae yls tceurlnt ure ansdh ounlobdted enriagtaesEd u ropeetahnn oceFnotqrru iicatipetaf yror.tmt he fcatt hatthc er itmiectahlo db ehcaosem set abliinas lahlre edoa fts h nea tural scienceesx paesr imamoned noetfp a rlo ceadnucdra epn o itnoat m azsiuncgc esses, itssi sitnte hrde i sciopftl hihenu emsa nitthpiehe isl,o lhoiogsriticmcaealtl h hoads, letdoa c omplneetvwei leoyw ft h pea sTth.eq uesotfwi hoanwt a rse aanlwd h awta s 2 Jeussaft erT woT housaYneda rs onlays sehratiser dr evobceacboalmneye l emienn to url ivotewhsnaw ett akfroe grantedo.n meTa hyeu vses np eoafak moroaftl hiotuywg hhitnc ohot n ly works ouwth aitrs i gahntwd r ontgr,ua tnhfd la sehbouowtdh ,i mcahk desie ffrentiating betwtehetenw aop ubtlaisck . Nowo ccasitohcneha alrilmgsyae daeg aisnuscathnu ndertianrk eisnegia nrtcoh Jestuhsa t: (ai)ot v erestiitmsa ptooewssns iboifdl iisttiiensgb ueitswhaeiuentngh entic and inauth(ebn)tc ioicmt;et sog rietfh feoca ntt hastc holvaerrldyoi ncw thsai ts authentwihcai tsia nnadu thseonmteitcdi imveeswr igdee (lciy)dt; o enso tta ke sufficiaecnctoo uftn htfec a tt htahtse p iorJfie ts us bceco ounltdai inin neadu thentic Jesus tr(add)li etiaiatvos enisrsd e;ec ephtiisotwnoh riysc,hh o awnsi nflueonftc hee bibltircaadlia tbioJouentss iu nsd epenodfte hnqetu leyso tfai uotnh enitnti hcaitt y, milloifpo enospi lnte hp ea asnttd h per esheanvbtee enno uribsyth heedam n;(d e ) iftro getthsta htqe u esotfwi ohne twhoerrod rsa ctiaoraneus t heonrit niacu thentic iisr relteofv ataihsn,it n ocneae n tdh sea mLeo ridss p eaiknit nhhgei stoJreiscuasl anidnt hrei sCehnr ist. On( aI)d :on outn derstthoaibnsjd e cetsipoencs,ii anilcctlea y n nboedt e nitehda t inauthseanytioinJfcge ssa ursce e rtainlyi ntc hoBeni tbBaluieitn.nt e hdca atts eh e attempitn dcemaeunds, bt e,m adteow oroku atu thesnatyiiacnn gadsc tioofn s Jesus. On( bT)h:ed ieffrernetc onstorfut chsteai yoinansnga dsc tiooftn hshe i storical Jeswuhsi dcohi ndeeexdia srnteo argaugmaeisnnuts cathnu ndertaam kuilntgi: pliocfio tpyi ndiooennssor te liuesv teoho feb ligtaoat pipornoh aicsht orreiaclailt y witthhg eo oalft hger eatesto bpjoescstiibvliet y. On( cT)h:ic sa nnboedt i sputiendo ,r dtbeoiur dt e ynt thisefp iorfJi ets iuts is firnsetc essmaarkye tioct l eqauri trweeh ceorgena iuztahbeJlneyts tiurcsa ditions are co.n tained On( dD)o:e tsh ien flueonftc eexs tusffi tcoem akgeo otdh ecilra Iinmm ?yv iew thiinsso hto wo ngee ttost hbeo ttooftm h inI,gff sroe. x ampJlesedu,is nd o rti se histortihceoannl cela yn,nr oets tchupeer imiCthirviess ttiaatne wmheincctlhsa im thbiysr e fleocntt hieo nrse hciespttnoiomro aynt, th eorwp owertfheueffl e ocftt h is proclammaayht aivobene eann tdoh owm any piehtoa pgsli evc eonm fort. On( eO)n:ec acno mbaanthy i stowroirwckia tlh tthheiosla orggiucmaAle nt. hiosrtiacpaplr oacshet eh wreiee lfrle ntcote hr ei sCehnr aisst ths ep eaokfwe orr ds simpalsly y ionugt siitcdsoe m petHeonwic iteps .o sstiodb elmeo nstrate with argu menwthsi ccahbn e f lolowtehdat th' eR isOennes' a ido rtt hhiaostre , v edni d partitchuilnIagnors t ?hw eorr disnt, hs ipsh enroet haitan lgl b ecga ani ndeidr ectly froh istocrriisctmaiB.lcu iitmt a yb ea skwehde tthheoirrst hwaotr odft hRei sen Oneg oebsa ctkot hhei osrtical Jesus. weAc nadcn hceowcnhkve etrhseerl y worodfst hRei sOenne h avneo bte emna dien twoo rodsft hhei osrtiJceaslu s. Shoutlhldea tbtete hre tchaesaneu ,t omatweiw coaulhlladyv t eoj uedt ghat they