English ‘An introduction to the practice of English language teaching Jeremy Harmer Ine Gompbe Soop 2 en Por Tans - Contents 1 Howe ocd eae 1 Reet 819 fe ee sexing yo Lockira shea 2 How sa bea good eamer FM ie dadts Cae go oi? estima Se nce el Leg Fougiednocet RE ig ea pee age Het tach anguape 2 “Bo seil ai sir 1 Hl nl nace oie egg locking snes ‘A tele 1 Who ete pips ble eek 8 ead? DSU enllgute a Hower esang snes EOE weno snl 1 Hos abedl ase ies Teor pedi ond ts Leck“ ahesa Pelle ase dim ot Peeieidnenyece oa 1 Sipe ctoak ord GR Te lene like SWlaeid ae ne serge {SH Ten by bo en? + Bl Ct as Cont nde he Paring pe Setter grape onsh l tade t Append ecequinmactia the deseo ‘pana nese on teen pnd Phor ee sma artnet ‘tee re cokhoreton~ whetstone. Tee tapeay gel Bod Rasa as set ene pemee wey kA mt ie mug Casini tcp cteceniak Hannon ne a ching: ob ie pesto deste des Wels Longe 2 To ey Ded Sr sine ands ete et Sl en of Loe Resco batts abet sam ot de bake Mage Hor | Doses eat mss teat scaess Der Pe a Te Teavetee nk lof pend get a hota a Joare sree