"MORIEL" GOD IS MY TEACHER March 2009 Tevet/Shvat/Adar 5769 No. 37 J e h u od’s by Jacob Prasch March 2009 • Moriel Quarterly Thank You from the Administrator MORIeL MINISTRIeS INTeRNATIONAL "MORIEL" GOD IS MY TEACHER From the Office of the Administrator Dear Friends: David Royle Greetings in Jesus name. I can’t thank you all enough for your prayers and support. New Antichrist Book by Jacob Coming We have been working on Jacob’s newest book this year and we had hoped to have Shadows of The Beast, A Messianic Understanding of The Antichrist out for his upcoming tour in late January through mid March, but it looks like it is going to be late summer before this comes out. Jacob has written some new chapters and updated some of the ma- terial he had already written. Please pray we can get this together and finish this book. I think this is going to be a great book for understanding what the Bible informs us about the Antichrist. Jacob wanted it to be as comprehensive as possible on the subject. We are also hoping to finish work on The Dilemma of Laodicea. These two books should really help equip Christians for the times we live in. TABLe OF CONTeNTS Upcoming Tour to Israel Jehu: GOD’S ASSAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The tour is filling up fast so if you are considering coming with us to Israel make your reservations soon. There are about 4 or 5 spots left and PeRTINeNT FACTOID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 with the British pound down against the dollar, this is a bargain right now. You can find comprehensive information on the tour at the web- FALSe PROPheTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 site. Going to Israel is a trip and a half with Jacob. It is always fun and informative. The ShACk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Tax Receipts – Gone out already BezALeeL RePORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Tax receipts for your offerings and gifts have been sent already. If you have moved or have not received your tax receipts please contact me at RAMBLING ROSe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 412-321-6154 and we will get it out to you straight away. I have already gotten 10 people’s forms back because of bad addresses. AuSTRALIAN RePORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Prayer Requests: MORIeL SOuTh AFRICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 We are opening up Moriel Japan/Asia please pray the translations will reach the Japanese people. Also, we are considering trying to start some FRANCe ADMITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 sort of program for helping the homeless and reaching them with the love of Christ and the gospel of Christ. NeSSIM’S MuSe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Pastor Geoff (Moriel Japan) needs prayer for his wife as she goes through ISRAeL uPDATe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 a difficult pregnancy and has to remain in the hospital till at least June. Please pray for him as he has to work as well as take care of the other IMMANueL NeWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 kids and the house. NeWS ALeRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Please pray as there might be some openings for Moriel to do some work in Laos and Vietnam later this year, and also the upcoming mission trip YOuR LeTTeR & COMMeNTS . . . . . . . . . . 31 to the Mormons in June. DAVID’S CORNeR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 In Peace, JACOB’S TOuR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 David DARk DAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2 March 2009 • Moriel Quarterly Jacob Prasch Feature Article J e h u od’s by Jacob Prasch Almost doesn’t count! him two-thirds of the way. super athletic. He was really, really good. There were some people standing on a The next person made it two thirds of He was different than all the rest. His leap cliff above a deep chasm. They were des- the way; the one after him, three quarters was unbelievable. He actually hit the cliff perate to get to the other side. of the way. on the other side and grabbed on. But just Each person attempted to leap the All made valiant efforts, and some pulling himself up to go the full way he chasm, the first managing to make it only succeeded in going farther than others, but lost his nerve. He panicked, lost his grip, a quarter of the way across before falling they all wound up equally dead. and he, too, ended up just as dead as the to his death. These were daring leaps; they were others. The next person’s leap took him a all brave; they all seemed determined. But It didn’t matter that he was better than third of the way across and he, too, fell to none of them made it. The one who made the others; he’s just as dead. It doesn’t his death. it three quarters of the way was just as dead matter that he had more nerve or that he Another made it half way, but he also as the one who made it only one quarter of was more athletic, better trained, better fell short and perished. the way. prepared, and more determined. It doesn’t Yet another tried, and his effort took But along came someone who was matter that he outperformed the others by a March 2009 • Moriel Quarterly 3 Feature Article – Continued long shot. In the end, he lost his nerve and Judah). most doesn’t count. They chickened out at is just as dead. The second thing the Reformers would the last moment, like that cliff jumper. The real tragedy is that he could have have had to abolish was paedo-baptism or As I’ve pointed out a number of times, made it. If he had just gone the extra inch infant baptism. Jesus’ kingdom was not of in the late 1960s two things happened. he could have pulled it off. But he didn’t! this world, but with the marriage of church There emerged two neo-religious, meta- Almost doesn’t count. No matter how and state under Constantine, it was de- physical movements as society would have good the last person was, he wasn’t good clared, “Oh, yes it is! Just as the Hebrews defined them, as the sociologists would enough. circumcise their babies, we’ll sprinkle have seen it. Both said they were going There are a number of lessons here, them so they will be Christians,” even to spiritually transform and revolutionize one of which is about spiritual salvation. though they weren’t. western society. One was the charismatic People cannot save themselves. Nobody is Third thing to abolish was where the movement which said it was going to re- going to make it across the chasm of death church first began to go astray: Patristic store biblical Christianity, Christian ethics, to eternal salvation. Only the Lord Jesus authority. and moral values to western society. It be- Christ was able to leap the chasm of death. It’s not that everything the pre-Nicene gan in the late 60s. The only way any of us can make it prelates said was wrong. Most of what Jus- The other movement came in 1968, across that chasm is by way of the cross— tin Martyr, Irenaeus, and the others said when I was a teenager. The Maharishi Ma- on His back. was right in their defense of the faith when hesh Yogi arrived from India and gave a se- The greatest man who ever lived by hu- attacked by Gnosticism and other heresies. ries of lectures at the Hilton Hotel in Park man effort, who tried by human effort to be Most of what went wrong with the Lane in London, followed by seminars in as righteous as somebody could be was John churches to this day dates back to the pa- Bangor, Wales, at the University attended the Baptist Jesus said that there was no one tristic writers. Certainly many errors may by the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, various born who was greater than John the Baptist, be traced to Augustine and Hippo and Hollywood film stars and the pop icons of yet in and of himself he couldn’t make it. those who influenced them—particularly my generation. With these appearances the Of course, John was saved because of his (Cyprian of Carthage the sacramentalist) New Age movement was born. faith in Jesus, but not by his own efforts. and Ambrose of Milan, the Erastian. These Both of these movements came at the Jesus further said, “He who is least in things had to be abolished in order to go same time. They exploded onto the scene the kingdom is greater than John.” That is back to a pure apostolic authority instead even in the same year. They had earlier because the one who is least in the kingdom of a patristic. The reformers almost made roots, but that’s when they really took off has the righteousness of Jesus imputed to it, but they fell short. and became popular. Both of these move- him. John had only the righteousness of Almost doesn’t count. ments said they were going to spiritually the Law, before which he lived as perfectly Now there were people who did make transform society—one for Christ and one as any man. Even so, John was saved not it. They were called Anabaptists, and were for the cosmic christ as it were. Looking through his own efforts in keeping the Law, much more biblical than the mainstream back, from 1968 to 2009 is a long time— but by trusting in the Messiah of Israel Protestants. But unfortunately, even among 41 years. That’s nearly half a person’s who came to die for the sins of the world. the Anabaptists there were some who went lifespan, certainly more than a third of a Almost doesn’t count in salvation. off into a hyper-charismatic direction. But person’s lifespan. Neither does almost count in revival! most of the Anabaptists just went back to After all this time, which of these two There have been attempts by Chris- the New Testament. movements have spiritually transformed tians throughout history to bring revival. Now, if you’re from a Pentecostal society? Is society more Christian now, The Protestant Reformation was one such background, or a Baptist background, or a As Michael Harper said that it would be? attempt. Coming in the aftermath of the Plymouth Brethren background, or an Inde- Michael Harper departed from biblical humanist scholarship that emerged out of pendent Evangelical background of some Christianity altogether and became Greek The Renaissance, Luther realized the truth description, by historical definition you’re Orthodox. He was one of the leaders of the of Sola Scriptura (only Scripture is our not a Protestant. During and immediately charismatic movement. He produced a lot spiritual authority). He realized Sola Fida after the Reformation you would not have of silly talk then, and his present actions (only by faith can one be saved). He real- been called a Protestant. You would have prove it. Now he’s into icon veneration. ized that faith comes Sola Gratia (only by been called an Anabaptist. If you believe in These things came to absolutely noth- grace). believer’s baptism, if you believe in bibli- ing. Not only is society worse off than it Luther and the Reformers, having re- cal authority rather than patristic authority, was when the charismatic movement be- alized those things, almost made it across, and if you don’t believe in a state church, gan, there’s now more divorce, more rac- but in the end they fell short of biblical you would have been called an Anabaptist. ism, more substance abuse, more pornog- Christianity. You would have been persecuted, even raphy in the media, more homosexuality In order to restore biblical Christian- murdered, by the Protestants as quickly overtaking one field after another. These ity, the first thing necessary would be to as you would have been by the Catholics. things are even taking over the churches. break the unscriptural marriage of church The followers of John Zwingli actually Mainstream Protestant denominations are and state. The Reformers would have had cut holes in the ice on the Lamont River ordaining homosexuals. to abolish Erastianism—the idea that the in Zurich and drowned them. Followers of However, the New Age movement has state has the authority to administer the Calvin would kill these people; Lutherans gone from strength to strength. This is the dictates of the “Church.” would persecute them. Again, if you’re a third time in history when eastern pagan Jesus said that His kingdom is not of Mennonite or a Baptist or a Pentecostal religion has successfully invaded western this world. The idea of an earthly Kingdom or a Plymouth Brethren you wouldn’t be Christendom. Even in the Old Testament of God was an Old Testament motif based a Protestant. Protestant denominations are Isaiah warned “my people are filled with on the idea that one day the nation of Israel Reformed Churches—Presbyterians, An- influences from the east.” Oriental Gnos- would be restored (which it will be when glicans, Lutherans. ticism is ancient; it comes from Babylon Christ returns as the Lion of the tribe of The Reformers almost made it, but al- originally. But we saw that with the pa- March 2009 • Moriel Quarterly Feature Article – Continued tristic era Alexandria became the center of have to atone for your own sins in Pur- about revival; who almost brought about eastern religion invading the churches. gatory. That it’s okay to pray to the dead, reformation; who almost brought about The second time was when the Cru- committing the sin of necromancy. That restoration. He came within an inch, the saders, anxious to capture the trade routes it’s ok to practice the idolatory and canni- way Luther did. In some sense, he was a that were important for revolutionizing the balism of the mass and transubstantiation. Martin Luther of the Old Testament. His economy of agricultural Europe, brought These were things over which Christians name was King Jehu. the influences of Hinduism and Islam back in the 16th century were martyred. Re- If you were to read the original nov- into medieval Europe. The counting of member, the Reformers were not perfect els of the late Ian Fleming, the original prayers on beads, and the Vishnu, and the and they made a lot of mistakes. They got James Bond as created and envisioned flagellation rituals that took place in mon- a lot of things very wrong but most of them by Ian Fleming was very different from asteries and convents, were copied from were Roman Catholic priests who read the that brought to life on the silver screen by Shia Islam and Hinduism. That was the Scriptures and realized that the church of Pinewood studios in London and by Hol- second time eastern religion invaded west- Rome was false. Not only were the Re- lywood. The original James Bond was not ern Christendom. The third time is now, formers from the Roman Catholic Church, a womanizer. He thought that women were through the New Age movement. they were from among the intelligentsia of potential femme fatales who could obstruct We have shown videos of the Airport the Roman Catholic Church. his focus and cause him to fail on his mis- Vineyard church in Toronto Canada, and Roman Catholic doctrine has not sion. He wouldn’t fool around with women of Rodney Howard Browne, to people who changed one bit. Although the charismatic during assignments, only afterwards. He are evangelists to Hindus, and who are for- movement went into compromise through was reluctant to get involved with women mer Hindus themselves, and they have all experiential theology instead of biblical when he was working unless he had to do told us the same thing: “This is Kundalini theology and a combination of psychology it as part of the mission. Yoga; it’s what we were saved out of.” and mysticism, it has not brought revival. Also, the original James Bond in the We’ve shown these videos to Romani These things may have begun rightl; they books, although a professional killer, al- gypsy pastors in England. (There’s quite a may have been spurred on by a genuine though a trained assassin, would become move of God among gypsies in Britain and move of the Holy Spirit, but they degener- nauseated, particularly after he killed peo- Europe.) These Romani gypsy pastors said ated. To begin with, they compromised. ple in a violent manner. When he would do Toronto and Pensacola is “duckering”—a Luther compromised in the end. They things that were very violent and kill peo- Romani gyspy term. When we asked what went into other sources of authority other ple in a very violent way it would bother “duckering” means they said, “They are us- than Scripture. Be it patristic, be it subjec- him. The Pinewood Studios, Hollywood ing the occult to get money out of people!” tive revelation, Gnosticism. It didn’t work. James Bond was quite different. He was This is the third time that eastern religion To understand this we have to look to the rather nonchalant about it. It just didn’t has invaded western Christendom. Word of God. Look at 1 Corinthians 10:5 mean anything to him. He would walk in Now in no sense is this meant to deny where Paul recounts the Exodus and the and see his girlfriend murdered and then he or denigrate biblical Pentecostalism or the failures of Israel: would take the person who murdered her gifts of the Spirit. I believe in those things “Nevertheless with most of them God and throw him into a bath with water in it, understood and practiced biblically. But was not well pleased for they were laid low kick an electric heater off the wall and cook what you see today is basically New Age: in the wilderness. These things happened the person alive and screaming with elec- visualization binding with psychology. as examples for us so that we would not tric sparks flying out of the bath. Then he Eastern religion has invaded. The New Age crave evil things as they also craved. Do would light up a cigarette and say “shock- movement has not only taken over much not be idolaters as some of them were.” ing, positively shocking!” He would then of society, it’s taken over many churches. The history of ancient Israel was writ- drink a glass of whiskey and go on to the The immorality that would be thrown back ten so that we would be cautioned not to next woman, the next assignment. in a genuine revival is triumphing even make the same mistakes. Remember the King Jehu was very much God’s assas- in the churches with homosexual ordina- Old Testament was the only Bible the sin. He was a killer; he had a license to kill. tion. There is much secret homosexuality Apostles and early Christians initially had. But his license to kill was not issued ficti- and pedophilia not only among the Roman We read the same thing in Romans 15:4: tiously by Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Catholic clergy, but also among the Prot- “For whatever was written in earlier It was not issued by MI5 or MI6. His li- estant, Pentecostal and charismatic clergy. times was written for our instruction, so cense to kill was issued by God Almighty. I am from a Pentecostal background and I that through perseverance and the encour- He was literally given a license to kill—a know about this. agement of the Scriptures we might have commission to kill. He was told to assas- So we see, “almost” doesn’t count. The hope.” sinate, and he was not like Ian Fleming’s charismatic movement has singularly failed The Old Testament (more than two- James Bond. He was like the motion pic- to bring the promised revival. It couldn’t thirds of the Bible) was written to teach us ture James Bond. He was totally noncha- deliver the goods; it failed. The New Age what to do and what not to do. We are to lant about it. It didn’t bother him, it didn’t movement has been successful while the learn from the mistakes of Old Testament faze him, it didn’t trouble him. This man charismatic movement and its promises Israel. But do we? Let’s look at a man in could kill, kill, and kill in the most un- have come to nothing. The only thing more the Old Testament who almost made it. speakable ways without even blinking an dismal than the failure of the charismatic Many of the kings of Judah (the south- eye. He was absolutely ruthless. He had a movement has been its leaders. No revival ern kingdom encompassing the tribes of mission; that was it. He was programmed has come from any of these things. Right Judah, Benjamin, and part of the Levites) for a certain thing. from the onset, the charismatic movement were backslidden, but every king of Israel In desperate times God will raise up was based on compromise, not radicalism. (the ten northern tribes) was a backslider, people who are of the same kind in their It’s proponents were telling people it’s with one partial exception. There was only thinking but of a different kind in heart okay to stay in the Roman Catholic Church one among all the kings of Israel who al- from their opponents. God told Ezekiel, and believe the different gospel that you most got it right—who almost brought “I’m going to make your forehead as hard March 2009 • Moriel Quarterly 5 Feature Article – Continued as theirs, maybe harder. You are up against den, depraved state, God does not say they mon among major denominations like the Ahab, Jezebel and their collaborators. I’m are not His people. Presbyterians, Anglicans, United Reformed going to send somebody who just doesn’t The story continues: “‘You shall strike Church, and other such spiritually perverted care. If they can kill Naboth in his vine- the house of Ahab your master that I may entities. It is because of sin and infidelity! yard, I’m going to get someone who can avenge the blood of my servants the proph- Before we can take on the growth of Is- kill them without even thinking about it, ets and the blood of all the servants of the lam, Freemasonry, ecumenism, homosexu- not even trouble his conscience one bit. Lord at the hand of Jezebel. For the whole ality, child pornography, the whole agenda I’m going to get a King Jehu.” house of Ahab shall perish, and I will cut of Satan, we have to understand the reason Jehu had been a medium-rank chari- off from Ahab every male person both bond we have not been able to do so until now: oteer—a chariot commander in Ahab’s and free in Israel. I will make the house of sin in God’s own camp, and failed and cor- army—and he rode behind Ahab. He was Ahab like the house of Jeroboam the son of rupt leaders. Until the corrupt leaders are known for his furious style of fighting Nebat and like the house of Baasha the son purged from the churches there is no pos- from a chariot, and for driving a chariot of Ahijah, all who came under the judg- sible way to stand against the infidel, the furiously while fighting. A prophecy was ment of God. The dogs shall eat Jezebel on unbeliever, the pagan, the homosexuals, given going back to Elijah after the atroc- the territory of Jezreel and none shall bury the Islamists. No way! ity involving Naboth’s vineyard transpired. her’ then he opened the door and fled.” Why can’t we win? Why can’t we Those who Elijah doesn’t kill, Jehu will, In the book of Revelation Jesus warns win against abortion? Why can’t we win from the times of the sons of the proph- the assembly at Thyatira, “You tolerate against child pornography on the internet? ets. It was years later, however, before this the woman Jezebel.” The historical figure Why can’t we win against Darwinism in prophecy came to pass. They find them- Queen Jezebel, the Phoenician queen who the schools? Why? It’s the backslidden selves in a situation where they are losing married Ahab and brought paganism into state of the churches, and the backslidden a war against a pagan nation because of the Israel, is a metaphor for the spirit of false leadership, that’s bringing the defeat. Just infidelity of their leadership, the house of religions; she’s a seductress. There is much read the book of Joshua. They have to go Ahab and Jezebel. Look at 2 Kings 9: we can say about her for she represents first, then you’ll get somewhere. “Now Elisha the prophet called one of spiritual seduction, the false religion. She Now remember, God calls Jehu much the sons of the prophets and said to him, is like the wicked woman in Proverbs, the earlier. Not in the days of Elisha, but in the ‘Gird up your loins and take the flask of seductress. “You tolerate the woman Jeze- days of Elijah his predecessor. Because oil in your hand and go to Ramat Gilead. bel who beguiles my servants.” God calls somebody to a ministry does not When you arrive there search out Jehu the The judgment that comes on Jezebel mean it’s time for it to happen. From the son of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshi, and is a metaphor or a type, a foreshadowing day of Paul being miraculously knocked to go in and bid him arise from among his of the judgment on the wicked woman, the the ground and turning to Christ, God told brothers and bring him to an inner room. harlot in the book of Revelation. What hap- him, “I’m going to make you the apostle Then take the flask of oil and pour it on his pened historically foreshadows what will to the Gentiles.” It wasn’t until years later head and say, “Thus says the Lord: I have transpire eschatologically. Ahab is dead, that the Holy Spirit set out to meet Barna- anointed you king of Israel.” Then open but his house still survives and Queen Je- bus and Saul. It had to be confirmed to, and the door and flee and do not wait.’” zebel is still ruling above her son. through, the body. The crowning of a king was the reserve “Now Jehu came to the servants of his Now notice about Jehu: “What did that of the Messiah, the Moshiach, the Jew’s master and one said to him, ‘Is all well? crazy prophet say to you?” anointed kings. The Messiah was of “the” Why did this mad fellow come to you?’ “Ah you know him!” Anointed One, but the crown was his. “As And he said to them, ‘You know very well Notice that Jehu didn’t particularly soon as you anoint him, get away from the man and his talk.’ And they said, ‘It is want the job. He tried to shrug it off. Any- him, run away from him.” Now remember a lie. Tell us now.’ And he said, ‘Thus and body who wants the job of being an assas- the prophecy was given by Elijah, years thus he said to me: “Thus says the Lord: sin won’t get it. Anybody who wants to earlier. “Don’t wait, this guy’s dangerous, ‘I’ve anointed you king over Israel.’”’ pick up the sword against his own brother just get away from him!” Then they hurried and each man took his will not get that assignment. “So the young man, the servant of the garment and placed it under him on the I don’t mind picking up the sword prophet, went to Ramat Gilead, and when bare steps and blew the trumpets saying against the Freemason or the Muslim or he came, behold the captains of the army Jehu was king.” the militant homosexual, but to have to were sitting and he said, ‘I have a word for King Jehoram, Ahab’s son, was wound- pick up the sword against people who say you O captain.’ And Jehu said, ‘for which ed in battle. The battle was not going well; they are born again? one of us?’ And he said, ‘For you, O cap- the war was not going well. God’s people Yes, we live under grace not law, but tain.’ And he arose and went into the house, were not getting the victory. Everyone was the principles are the same. We don’t kill and he poured the oil on his head and said concerned about the invader. The reason them with the literal sword but we do pick to him, ‘Thus says the Lord the God of Is- they were not getting victory is because up the sword of truth as the New Testament rael: I have anointed you as king over the of their sin and infidelity, and the sin and defines the Word of God. If anybody wants people of the Lord even over Israel’” infidelity of their leaders. Whenever God’s to pick up the sword and go after their own Now notice something: they were in a people failed to get victory it was because leaders, their own brethren, they aren’t wor- terribly backslidden state, they were in a of some kind of sin in their own camp. thy to do so. If you like fighting with other mess, but God did not yet say “They are When God’s people don’t get the vic- Christians you’ve got a problem. It’s when not My people.” A time would come when tory it is because of sin and infidelity and you’re forced to do it that God can use you. God would say, “Lo ami - they are not corrupt leadership. Why is homosexual- The book of Judges is a book of wars My people.” In fact, the time would come ity in control of the education agenda and from beginning to end, but the worst war when God would tell Jeremiah, “Don’t so much of the media? Why does it have was the last one. Judges always gives the even pray for these people!” But at this growing influence in the government? casualty figures, the battle statistics. How point, even though they were in a backslid- Now ordination of homosexuals is com- many fell, how many were killed. The ug- 6 March 2009 • Moriel Quarterly Feature Article – Continued liest, bloodiest, cruelest war was the last you to do with peace? Turn after me.’ Those corrupt leaders must be removed; one because the last war was not Hebrew “And the watchman reported. He came they must be eliminated with the sword and fighting against Philistine, or Hebrew even to them and he did not return. And the with the arrow. The arrows are of course fighting against Canaanite. The last one driving is like the driving of Jehu, the son words – the Word of God, the sword is the was Hebrew fighting against Hebrew. The of Nimshe who drives furiously.” Bible, the Scriptures. worst wars will be when you have to go to They knew his style as a charioteer, as Kill them! Kill them! He kills his own war against those who are supposedly your a chariot commander. Just like James Bond leader. Look what he says: “Is there peace? own brethren. But when there’s no choice, in his Aston Martin going to assassinate How can there be peace given the witch- there’s no choice. Goldfinger. Nothing is going to stop him craft and harlotries of Jezebel!?” Jehu didn’t want the job but he got it when he’s on his mission. He has a license “You tolerate the woman Jezebel”. anyway. If somebody wants that job, if to kill and he’s going to kill. No, there can be no peace when you somebody wants some kind of a discern- “Then Jehoram said, ‘Get ready.’ And are in bed with the ecumenical movement ment ministry, then they’ve got a problem. they made his chariot ready, and Jehoram and Rome. No, there can be no peace when What they really are is cantankerous, di- king of Israel and Ahaziah king of Judah you are bringing people into deceptions visive people who are usually using the went out each in his chariot. And they like Toronto and Pensacola. No, there can cause of discernment to amplify their own went out to meet Jehu and found him in the be no peace when you are psychologizing ambitions. Watch out for leaders who blow property of Naboth the Jezreelite.” the churches. These things are harlotries, their own horns. Keep away from people Again, the atrocity took place under witchcraft. No, there is no peace. like that. They are usually a babbling igno- Jezebel and Ahab. I can have no peace with the Elim ramus anyway. They are almost certainly “And when Jehoram saw Jehu he movement. I can have no peace with the drunk on their own pride. “God has shown said, ‘Is it peace Jehu?’ And he answered leaders of the Assemblies of God in Great me I’m this.” “God has shown me I’m go- ‘What peace? So long as the harlotries of Britain or Australia or New Zealand. I ing to do that.” “The Lord has called me to your mother Jezebel and her witchcraft are can have no peace with Rodney Howard- this!” If God has called you to that, others so many.’ Browne. I can have no peace with Ken- are going to see it and confirm it. You don’t “So Jehoram reined about and fled, and neth Copeland or Benny Hinn or the pas- have to blow your own horn. If somebody said to Ahaziah ‘There’s treachery O Aha- tors who promote them. There’s no peace. blows their own horn, keep away from him. ziah!’ And Jehu drew his bow with all his They tolerate the woman Jezebel. Harlotry, Pay no attention to him. Let’s continue. full strength and shot Jehoram between his witchcraft, seduction, sorcery. No peace! They blow the trumpets saying Jehu arms and the arrow went through his heart There can’t be any peace. is king. Verse 14: “So Jehu the son of Je- and he sank in the chariot. Then Jehu said But now there’s another problem. King hoshaphat the son of Nimshe conspired to Bidkar his officer, ‘Take him up and cast Ahaziah, the king of Judah is with Jehu. against Jehoram. Now Jehoram with all him into the property of the field of Naboth The people of Judah thought of themselves, Israel was defending Ramat Gilead against the Jezreelite for I remember when you and “Oh we’re the faithful ones. It’s the people Heziel King of Aram but Jehoram had re- I were riding together after Ahab his father up north who get into all of that witch- turned to Jezreel to be healed of the wounds that the Lord laid this oracle against him: craft. They’re the ones who have taken on which the Arameans had inflicted on him “Surely I have seen yesterday the blood of the pagan influences of Baal worship. when he fought with Heziel King of Aram. Naboth,” says the Lord, “and I will repay We’re alright!” So Jehu said, ‘If this is your mind then let you in this property.” The Bible does not teach guilt by asso- no one escape or leave this city to go tell “‘Now then take and cast him into ciation. If it did then Jesus Himself would it in Jezreel.’ Then Jehu rode in a chariot the property according to the word of have been found guilty because he ate and and went to Jezreel, for Jehoram was ly- the Lord.’” drank with tax gatherers and harlots and ing there. Ahaziah king of Judah had come Notice the reaction. “You turn against so forth. The Bible doesn’t teach guilt by down to see Jehoram.” your own king; he was wounded fighting association. What the Bible does teach is Notice that the king of Judah, the one the cause against the king of Aram and guilt by cooperation. from the throne of David, was in league now you’re going to go assassinate your I’ve turned down TV programs of my with the king of Israel. Now you have own leader. Why don’t you go fight the own both in America and in Europe. Why? something here that from a literary per- king of Aram?” Because I didn’t want it to be Benny Hinn spective in the Greek Septuagint bears a Why don’t you take on the Muslims or 7:30-8:00, Kenneth Copeland 8:00-8:30, resemblance to the horsemen of the apoca- the Freemasons? Why don’t you take on Jacob Prasch 8:30-9:00. I just don’t want lypse in Revelation. the homosexuals or the pornographers or to be on TV with those heretics. I don’t “Now the watchmen were standing on the Darwinists? Why do you want to attack want people identifying me with them. I the tower in Jezreel and he saw the com- other believers? You’re treacherous!” don’t want to ride in Ahab’s chariot. pany of Jehu and he came and he said, ‘I Backslidden leaders will always call In India just a few years ago, millions see a company.’ And Jehoram said, ‘take a you treacherous when you challenge them. of people were present, while tens of mil- horseman and send him to meet them and They won’t deal with the issue of their own lions of people saw on television, a Hindu let him say, “Is it peace?”’ treachery. They won’t deal with the fact Brahman high priestess with Pope John “So a horseman went to meet him and that the reason you’re in defeat is because Paul II. He smiled as he took on from her said, ‘Thus says the king: “Is it peace?”’ of them and the sin in which they lead upon his forehead the anointing of Shiva And Jehu said, ‘What have you to do with the nation, the blasphemy in which they the Hindu god of death. peace? Turn after me.’ lead the nation. We’ve had “kings” like I’ve been to India. I recall walking “And the watchman reported. The Jehoram who’ve led us into blasphemies, through the streets of Bombay and seeing messenger came to them but did not return. counterfeits and deceptions, be it Pen- a mound of unbelievably smelly garbage Then he sent out a second horseman, who sacola, Toronto, or Kansas City. These are crawling with vermin. On top of the gar- came to them and said, ‘Thus says the king: blasphemous deceptions. They don’t bring bage was a little boy, severely malnour- “Is it peace?”’ and Jehu said, ‘What have in the revival; they mislead the churches. ished and tubercular. Just up the road they March 2009 • Moriel Quarterly 7 Feature Article – Continued were feeding cows sacks of wheat. The life ‘Shoot him too in the chariot!’ So they cursed, says the Lord. Kill them, too. of a cow was worth more than the life of a shot him at the ascent of Gur which is at Pat Robertson signed “Evangelicals baby. Yet the pope was given over to the Ibleam, but he fled to Megiddo and died and Catholics Together.” Kill him too! god of death, Shiva. there. Then his servants carried him in a The Church of the Nazarene signed Moses calls other gods “devils”; Paul chariot to Jerusalem and buried him in his “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” calls other gods “demons,” using the Greek grave with his fathers in the city of David. through their Dr. Kent. Kill him, too! word, daimonion. “Now on the eleventh year of Jehoram No, I don’t believe in guilt by asso- The basis of the Law of God is the Ten the son of Ahab, Ahaziah became king ciation but guilt by cooperation. You get Commandments, the first of which in the over Judah.” in bed with the pope; he gets in bed with Decalogue: “I am the Lord your God; you “What do we do with king Ahaziah the Dali Lama. He called the Dali Lama will have no other gods before me.” from the throne of David in Jerusalem? He a great spiritual leader. But the Dali Lama Other gods are demons—devils. Shiva was up here collaborating with the king of says there’s no God, no Creator. He’s a Ti- is a demon. Yet there was the pope tak- Israel?” “Kill him too!” That wasn’t asso- betan Buddhist. Yet he allows himself to ing the anointing of a demon god on his ciation. That was cooperation. “Well, okay, be worshipped as the reincarnation of the forehead. Yes, Pope John Paul II according the pope worshipped demons, the pope Buddha. The Pope calls him a great leader. to the Word of God is a demon worship- kissed the Koran, a book that says God Even men like Billy Graham call the pope per. But we are told by Chuck Colson and has no son, that’s antichrist, we can’t argue a great leader. I used to respect Billy Gra- Nicky Gumbel that he’s a Christian. Either with that. But what about Nicky Gumbel; ham. Once you go away from this book the author of the Bible is a liar, or Chuck what about Chuck Colson?” “Kill him too!” (the Bible) you’ve lost my respect because Colson and Nicky Gumbel are liars. Either No, we are under grace not law. We you’ve lost God’s respect. the author of the Bible is a deceiver, or don’t kill them with the sword; we kill Verse 30: “When Jehu came to Jez- Chuck Colson and Nicky Gumbel are de- them with this sword (the Bible). Kill them reel, Jezebel heard of it. She painted her ceivers. This book says pope John Paul II too! You want a revival? Get rid of Colson, eyes and adorned her head and looked out was a demon worshipper. Evangelicals and Catholics together. the window...” We are told in 1 John 4, “That which My mother is on her way to hell be- Again very much resembling the se- denies the Father Son relationship is cause she trusts in a scapular instead of in ductress in the book of Proverbs. antichrist”. the blood of Jesus for her salvation. That’s “..and as Jehu entered the gate she said, The Koran says, “God is not begotten my mother on her way to hell. My fam- ‘Is it well Zimri your master’s murderer?’ neither does he beget.” ily is a combination of Jewish and Roman Then he lifted up his face to the window The inscription, “God has no son,” is Catholic. I grew up seeing two false reli- and said, ‘Who is on my side, who?’ And found in the Koran and on the periphery of gions in my life. One is a total corruption two or three officials looked down at him...” the Dome of the Rock on the temple mount of the Old Covenant that denies its own Notice he calls for a division; he calls in Jerusalem. Messiah and the other a total corruption of for a division! In some limited sense, the abomina- the New Covenant. 1 Cor 11:19: “There must be factions tion of desolations is already up there. This Kill them, too. Either the blood of among you to prove which is true.” is antichrist. Christ cleanses from all sin or you atone Heresy is meant to bring division. The Koran is the basis of a legal sys- in Purgatory for your own sins. Either the Who’s the factious man? The one who tem called “Sharia an deen” that bequeaths Bible is true and praying to the dead is departs from the tradition of the apostles’ capital execution either by hanging or de- the sin of necromancy or it’s okay to bow teachings. capitation for somebody who accepts Jesus down to a graven image. Either there’s one The Reformation was a division. The Christ as Savior. People are having their intercessor between God and man—Jesus early Jewish Christians, the Messianics, heads chopped off because of that book. the righteous—or Mary is co-mediatrix. were forced out of the synagogues because And there was the image of Pope John Who do I believe? If Mary says “My they wouldn’t compromise the truth. Paul II in an act of religious reverence, soul rejoices in God my savior,” I believe There are Godly divisions and un- closing his eyes and kissing the Koran. As Mary. She needed a savior; she had to be godly divisions. When churches split over you see in the photograph, he is taking it saved from sin. personality conflicts and over church poli- from a sheik--a man who is a leader of a Rome is a lie and Colson is a lie. That tics and theocratic nonsense, that’s wrong. regime that cuts off peoples heads for be- is not biblical Christianity. J.I. Packer is a When churches split over upholding the coming Christian. The Pope takes the book lie. Nicky Gumbel is a lie. doctrines of Scripture and morality and that says, “God has no son”—the book that If you want to know what Roman Ca- ethics, that’s right. is the foundation of a religion that com- tholicism is, talk to people saved out of The Holy Spirit is the spirit of holiness. mands one’s head chopped off if one ac- it. Don’t believe deceivers like Packer, How can you be part of a denomination cepts Jesus Christ—and he kisses it. Yet Colson and Gumbel, talk to ex-Catholics. that ordains homosexuals or allows saved I’m told by Colson that he’s a Christian; Every one will tell you the truth. It’s the Christians to get divorced and remarried I’m told by Gumbel that he’s a Christian. whore of Babylon and a Christian masqua- and remain in the pulpit. You can’t have I’m told by J.I. Packer that we should have rade. It is a child-molesting, pedophile re- unity of the Spirit when that kind of immo- “Evangelicals and Catholics Together.” ligion that has nothing to do with the true rality is tolerated in God’s house. Verse 27: “When Ahaziah the king of Gospel of Jesus Christ. He’s also the Spirit of truth. If some- Judah saw this he fled by way of the garden His blood cleanses from all sin; you body believes another gospel or has anoth- house…” don’t atone for your own in Purgatory. er basis of doctrinal conviction other than “Oh it was only King Jehoram from Salvation is by grace through faith; it’s the Scripture there can be no unity with him. the house of Ahab who was bad! Ahaziah? new birth. It doesn’t come about through In His high priestly prayer, when Jesus He’s our brother; he’s from the throne of rituals called “sacraments.” prayed we would be one, He prefaced that David” If an angel of God comes with another prayer by saying, “Father, sanctify them in “…and Jehu pursued him and said, gospel don’t believe it. Let him be ac- the truth. Thy Word is truth.” March 2009 • Moriel Quarterly Feature Article – Continued If there is no truth, there is no unity of enough. You’ve got to get rid of their depu- But for the second time he calls for a the Spirit; there is the road to Babylon. ties, their heirs, those who follow them. division. He says, “Okay, we’re coming, He calls for a division. The best thing If you got rid of a Rodney Howard- get ready, get in your chariots, you’re go- that can happen to the Assemblies of Browne or a Kenneth Copeland, that would ing to fight for the house of Ahab tomor- God? Split! be a good beginning. But you would have row. Let’s fight!” The best thing that can happen to the to eliminate every pastor, every vicar who “Oh we don’t want to fight against Church of England? Split! misled the congregation into following you!” The Elim movement should not that kind of seduction and blasphemy. Get “Then you fight with me!” split because there aren’t enough decent rid of all their heirs. So what happens next? They had two choices “you fight people left in it to even come out. The You get rid of the whole house of Ahab against me or you fight for me, but one others should split. not just Ahab. way or another, you’re going to fight!” He calls for a division. “...Now Ahab had seventy sons in Sa- He forces the division. Watch out for He said, “Throw her down!” He doesn’t maria and Jehu wrote letters and sent them fence-sitters; watch out for people who simply ask for lip service—“Do you agree to Samaria to the rulers at Jezreel, the el- give lip service! “Oh I agree with Dave with me?”—he makes people prove their ders and to the guardians of the children of Hunt, I agree with Bill Randles, I agree actions. “Throw her out the window!” Ahab saying, ‘Now when this letter comes with Philip Powell.” “…so they threw her down and some to you since your master’s sons are with I know cowardly ministers in the As- of her blood was sprinkled on the wall and you as well as the chariots and horses and semblies of God and in the Baptist Union on the horses…” the weapons and the fortified city, select who privately admit they agree with the Her blood is on the wall and on the the best and fittest of your master’s sons aforementioned, but publicly they won’t horses and he tramples her underfoot. and set him on your master’s throne and take a stand. They’re hirelings, they’re not “…when he came in he ate and drank and fight for your master’s house.’ But they shepherds. They’re concerned about their said, ‘See now to this cursed woman and feared greatly and said, ‘Behold, the two job, their status, their pension, their build- bury her for she’s a king’s daughter.’ They kings did not stand before him, how then ing, everything except the welfare of the went to bury her but found nothing more can we stand?’ And the one that was over sheep and the truth of the Word. of her than a skull and feet and the palms the household, and he who was over the Jehu calls for a division and forces of her hands. Therefore they returned and city, the elders and the guardian of the chil- them to take a stand. So he eliminates all told him and he said, ‘This is the Word of dren sent word to the children saying, ‘We of them, pointing back to the prophecy of the Lord which he spoke through his ser- are your servants; all that you say to us we Elijah. None of God’s Words shall fail. vant Eliyahu ha tishbi (Elijah the Tishbite) will do. We will not make any man king. I heard that quoted in a video by Paul saying in the property of Jezreel the dogs Do what’s good in your sight.’ Cain, the Kansas City false prophet when shall eat the flesh of Jezebel and the corpse Then he wrote a letter to them a second he came with John Wimber, Bob Jones of Jezebel will be as dung on the face of time saying, ‘If you are on my side and you (who was found in immorality) and Mike the field and the property of Jezreel so they will listen to my voice, take the heads of Bickle, making their false prophetic pre- cannot say this is Jezebel. For the atrocity the men your master’s sons and come to dictions for revival in Britain in Octo- was committed against Naboth is where me at Jezreel tomorrow about this time.’ ber of 1990. He said that none of God’s the judgment fell on the house of Ahab Now the king’s sons, seventy persons, words will fail. Well, every one of “God’s” and on Jezebel.’” were with the great men of the city who words failed; no revival came in 1990 to What a scene. A puddle of blood with a were bringing them up and when the letter Britain. More mosques have been built in skull, two feet and two palms of hands, and came to them they took the king’s sons and England since. Yet they were promoted dogs lapping up the blood. Quite a scene slaughtered them, seventy persons, and put by R.T. Kendall and one conniving pulpit that must have been! their heads in baskets and sent them to him politician after another. “Throw her out the window!” They at Jezreel. And when the messenger came God’s words don’t fail, Paul Cain’s throw her out the window and her blood is and told him, saying, ‘They have brought did! They followed false prophets. True splattered on the wall. He mounts up on his the heads of the king’s sons,’ he said, ‘Put prophets don’t get it wrong, they get it steed and he uses the hoofs of the horses to them in two heaps at the entrance of the right. When people prophesy things in the kick her brains out. gate until morning.’ name of the Lord and they fail to come “Throw her out the window!” and then Now in the morning he went out and to pass we are commanded to keep away he kicks her brains out with the hoofs of the stood, and said to all the people, ‘You from those people. That’s what the Jeho- horses, and then it says he ate and drank. are innocent. Behold, I conspired against vah Witnesses are, that’s what the Kansas “Bring me a vodka martini, shaken not my master and killed him, but who killed City false prophets are. Those who follow stirred!” Grilled lobster with quail lobster. all these? Know then that there shall fall them and those who lead others to follow This was a real James Bond, this was Hol- to earth nothing of the Word of the Lord them are in rebellion against God and they lywood comes to the Bible. James Bond which the Lord spoke concerning the will give account. People like R.T. Kend- was fictitious; this guy was real. He really house of Ahab, for the Lord has done what all, who continues to sanction proven false did this; this is what he was really like. Just he spoke through his servant Elijah.’ prophets. Dangerous! Kill him too! totally nonchalant about it. It didn’t bother So Jehu killed all who remained of the When Jesus came, people had to de- him, it didn’t faze him; he didn’t bat an house of Ahab and Jezreel and all his great cide. When John the Baptist came, people eye-”bring me a drink!” It didn’t matter men and acquaintances and his priests until had to decide. When God raises up a true to him. It didn’t disturb his dinner or give he left him without a survivor.” prophetic voice, people have to decide. him indigestion. Perfect with him. This He kills the king of Israel, he kills the They’re forced to. So the story goes on. guy was for real. king of Judah, he kills Jezebel and then Verse 11: “So Jehu killed all who re- So he kills the king of Israel, then he he kills all the potential heirs. We’ll make mained in the house of Ahab in Jezreel and kills the king of Judah, then he kills Jeze- sure there are no more Benny Hinns. Gets all of his great men and his acquaintances bel the seductress. But that wasn’t good rid of all of them. and his priests until he left him without a March 2009 • Moriel Quarterly 9 Feature Article – Continued survivor. Then he arose and departed and might destroy the worshippers of Baal. is a name for God, but it’s also a term for went to Samaria and on the way while he And Jehu said, ‘Sanctify a solemn as- the Arabian moon god. You could translate was at Beth Eked [which means the house sembly for Baal.’ And they proclaimed it Elohim as Allah the God of the Jews, but of being bound or the house of binding or then Jehu sent throughout Israel and all it’s not the same God. those who are being bound]. While he was the worshippers of Baal came so that there Jesus said, “Many will come in My at Beth Eked of the shepherds Jehu met the was not a man left who did not come. And name.” relatives of Ahaziah king of Judah and said, when they went into the house of Baal the That’s what Baal worship was like. It ‘Who are you?’ And they said, ‘We are the house of Baal was filled from one end to became confused with Yahweh worship, relatives of Ahaziah and we’ve come down the other. And he said to the one who was much like Mormonism can be confused to greet the sons of the king and the sons of in charge of the wardrobe, ‘Bring out the with Christianity. Some people imagine that the queen mother.” garments for all the worshippers of Baal.’ somehow being a monotheistic religion, Now remember, this is the house of Ju- So he brought out garments for them, and Islam somehow worships the same God as dah, supposedly the good guys. Jehu went into the house of Baal with Je- the Christians and Jews, which it does not. “Where are you going?” “To see Queen honadab the son of Rechab. And he said to It is easy for people to slip into this. Jezebel!’ the worshippers of Baal, ‘Search and see You get away from the Torah, you’ll slip “Where are you going?” “To see Cindy that there is here with you none of the ser- into it. One of the reasons there is so much Jacobs, to see Marilyn Hickey, we’re going vants of the Lord, but only the worshippers detail in the Torah’s sacrificial system is on TBN, to see Jan Crouch, oh we’re going of Baal.’ Then they went in to offer sacri- that the pagans had holidays, holy days, on to see Benny and Kenny.” fices and burnt offerings. the same days of the year. They followed “And he said, “Take them alive. So “Now Jehu had stationed for himself the same agricultural cycle except that in- they took them alive and killed them at eighty men outside, and he said, ‘The one stead of giving the true God thanks for the the pit of Beth Eked, forty men, and he left who permits any of the men whom I shall rain and the sun and the harvest, they were none of them.” bring into your hands to escape shall give thanking other gods. The real problem with these wolves is up his life in exchange.’ I saw a temple in Egypt. You have an not the wolves; it’s the hireling shepherds “Then it came about as soon as he had outer court, a holy place, and a holy of ho- who compromise with them. There have finished offering the burnt offering that lies, where only the high priest went once always been false prophets, but the heart Jehu said to the guards and to the royal of- a year. The outward things look very much of Jeremiah’s polemic against false proph- ficers, ‘Go in and kill them. Let none of the same as in the Bible. ets begins with Oi le voy le roim (Woe them come out.’ Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, to the shepherds). And they killed them with the edge of Greek Orthodoxy, they try to look like bib- “Now when he departed from there he the sword. And the guards and the royal of- lical Christianity. Talmudic Judaism tries met Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming ficers threw them out and went into the in- to look like Mosaic Judaism from the To- to meet him and he greeted him and said to ner room of the house of Baal. They brought rah. But it isn’t; it’s different. him, ‘Is your heart right as my heart is with out the sacred pillars of the house of Baal False religion will always try to mimic, your heart?’ And Jehonadab answered, ‘It and burned them. They also broke down counterfeit—make you think it’s the same. is.’ And Jehu said, ‘If it is, give me your the sacred pillar of Baal and broke down That is the danger in Baal worship, it uses hand.’ And he took him by his hand and the house of Baal and made it into a latrine. the same name. pulled him up into the chariot and he said, Thus Jehu eradicated Baal out of Israel.” So it continues. Jehu has the priests of ‘Come with me and see my zeal for the Once, when I was in Hong Kong, I Baal put on vestments to mock them, and Lord.’ So he made him ride in his chariot.” read the book, The Art of War, by the Chi- again he says, “If you let any escape you A good king, Jehoshaphat, made the nese military philosopher Sun Tzu. Sun are a collaborator.” foolish mistake of riding in king Ahab’s Tzu rightly said that war is waged by de- He calls for a division, and a decision, chariot and was mistaken for Ahab. When ception. The outcome of the battle is deter- and he makes people prove their loyalty for good men align themselves with bad ones mined before it is fought. He was correct, a third time. He continually makes people they make themselves targets. “See my but I did not need Sun Tzu to tell me that. prove their loyalty. zeal for the Lord” The Bible tells me that. This is crucial. With the five sons of “When he came to Samaria he killed Jehu made them think, “Oh, it’s going the priest in Maccabees, two of them were all who remained to Ahab in Samaria until to be business as usual. He just wants pow- betrayed from within. Always make peo- he destroyed him according to the Word of er for himself; he’s going to let us continue ple prove their loyalty when you’re in this the Lord which He spoke to Elijah.” to worship Baal!” kind of situation. Make them consistently All, he killed all. Things like the Elim Now you have to understand the nature prove their loyalty. Just because people movement have to be totally destroyed; of Baal worship. Baal is the Hebrew word say they are against what you’re against, they are beyond any hope of redemption. for husband as in “Your husband is your doesn’t mean they’re for what you’re for. Churches that ordain homosexuals—the maker,” in Isaiah and in the book of Ho- We’re told in the book of Daniel that many Presbyterians, Anglicans—these things sea. Husband, master, owner. Israel’s Baal will join with them in hypocrisy. have to be totally destroyed. They are be- was Yahweh. However, the Canaanites Never kill an honest man; never kill yond any hope of redemption. had another Baal. an honest woman. Never use the sword “Then Jehu gathered all the people and It is sort of like the Mormons whose Je- against an honest person. Mark your tar- said to them, ‘Ahab served Baal a little, sus Christ is not the one in the Bible. Their gets. Jehu knew who he was going after. Jehu will serve him much. Now summon Jesus Christ is the half brother of Satan. Make sure you don’t kill any of the ser- all the prophets of Baal and all his wor- The Bible says that Jesus is the only begot- vants of the Lord. He marks them; he sends shippers and all his priests. Let no one be ten by the Father, but people confuse the them in and kills every one of them. missing for I have a great sacrifice for Baal. Mormon Jesus Christ with the real one. “They broke down the sacred pillar of Whoever is missing shall not live.’ So, too, there are two main generic Baal, and broke down the house of Baal “But Jehu did it in cunning so that he Arabic terms for God: El and Allah. Allah and made it a Latrine to this day.” 0 March 2009 • Moriel Quarterly