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2/8/12/ WRITERSANDTHEIRWORK ISOBELARMSTRONG GeneralEditor JEAN RHYS 2/8/12/ 2/8/12/ JEAN RHYS Helen Carr Second Edition 2/8/12/ #Copyright1996and2012byHelenCarr Firstpublishedin1996byNorthcoteHousePublishersLtd,Horndon,Tavistock, Devon,PL199NQ,UnitedKingdom. Tel:+44(0)1822810066 Fax:+44(0)1822810034. Secondedition2012 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisworkmaybereproducedorstoredinan informationretrievalsystem(otherthanshortextractsforthepurposesofreview) withouttheexpresspermissionofthePublishersgiveninwriting. BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN978-0-7463-1163-9 TypesetbyPDQTypesetting,Newcastle-under-Lyme PrintedandboundintheUnitedKingdom 2/8/12/ Contents Acknowledgements vii Biographical Outline viii Abbreviations and References xi Note on Ellipses xii Introduction xiii 1 Jean Rhys and Her Critics 1 2 Feminist Approaches to Jean Rhys 11 3 The Caribbean Question 17 4 Writing in the Margins 26 5 Autobiography and Ambivalence 32 6 ‘The Day They Burned the Books’ 39 7 Fort Comme La Mort: the French Connection 45 8 The Politics of Good Morning, Midnight 51 9 The Huge Machine of Law, Order and Respectability 58 10 Resisting the Machine 63 11 The Enemy Within 71 12 Goodnight, Day 78 13 Intemperate and Unchaste 82 v 2/8/12/ CONTENTS 14 The Other Side 94 15 The Struggle for the Sign 106 Notes 120 Select Bibliography 140 Index 149 vi 2/8/12/ Acknowledegments Many thanks to Laura Marcus and Peter Hulme for reading the original version of this book, and to Brian Hulme for his patience in waiting for the second edition. The author and publisher gratefully acknowledge Penguin Books Limited for permission to quote from the Penguin editions of Jean Rhys. vii 2/8/12/ Biographical Outline 1890 Born Ella Gwendoline Rees Williams on 24 August in Roseau,Dominica,WestIndies, to aCreolemotherof Scottish and Irish descent, and to a Welsh doctor father. 1907 Comes to England, to the Perse School for Girls in Cambridge. 1909 Two terms at the Academyof Dramatic Art: leavesto become a chorus-girl, under the names, at various times, of Vivien, Emma or Ella Gray. 1910 First affair with Lancelot Hugh Smith, twenty years her senior. 1912 Hugh Smith breaks off the affair. 1919 Goes to Holland to marry Jean Lenglet, a Dutch- French poet and journalist. They move to Paris. 1922 Her son William dies at the age of threeweeks. They move to Vienna. 1922 They return to Paris. Her daughter Maryvonne is born. 1924 Meets Ford Madox Ford, who encourages her writ- ing.Lenglet isimprisonedforcurrency irregularities. She becomes Ford’s mistress. ‘Vienne’, her first published story appears in the transatlantic review, edited by Ford, under the name Jean Rhys. 1927 The Left Bank and Other Stories published in Britain and the USA. Leslie Tilden Smith becomes her literary agent. 1928 Postures (i.e. Quartet) published in Britain. She and Tilden Smith start living together in London. 1929 Quartet published in the USA. 1930 After Leaving Mr Mackenzie published in Britain. 1931 After Leaving Mr Mackenzie published in the USA. viii 2/8/12/ BIOGRAPHICALOUTLINE 1933 Rhys and Lenglet are divorced. 1934 Voyage in the Dark published in Britain. She and Tilden Smith marry. 1935 Voyage in the Dark published in the USA. 1936 Visits Dominicawith Tilden Smith. 1937 Pays the visit to Paris on which she begins Good Morning, Midnight. 1939 Good Morning, Midnight published in Britain. 1945 Leslie Tilden Smith dies. Daughter Maryvonne, who had worked with the Dutch Resistance during the war, marries. 1946 Rhys and Max Hamer start living together. They move to Hamer’s house in Beckenham. Short stories rejected by Constable. 1947 She and Hamer marry. 1948 Maryvonne has a baby girl, Ruth Ellen. 1949 Rhys spends about five days in Holloway Prison. ‘Rediscovered’ by Selma Vaz Dias through an adver- tisement in the New Statesman. 1950 Hamer imprisoned for minor fraud. 1951–2 Rhys lives by herself for about nine months near Maidstone at the Ropemakers Arms. Part of the diary she kept there was later published in Smile Please. 1952 Hamer released. 1955 They move to Cornwall. 1957 Adaptation of Good Morning, Midnight broadcast by the BBC. Rhys signs a contract with Andre´ Deutsch for the novel which wasto become Wide Sargasso Sea. From now on she has much more encouragement and friendship, particularly from Diana Athill of Andre´ Deutsch, Francis Wyndham and Diana Melly. 1960 They move to Cheriton Fitzpaine in Devon. ‘Till September, Petronella’ and ‘The Day They Burned the Books’ published in the London Magazine. 1966 Hamer dies. Wide Sargasso Sea published in Britain, winning the W. H. Smith Prize. 1967 Voyage in the Dark and Good Morning, Midnight reissued in Britain. Wide Sargasso Sea published in the USA. 1968 Tigers are Better-Looking (collection of short stories including some from The Left Bank) published in ix 2/8/12/ BIOGRAPHICALOUTLINE Britain. Voyage in the Dark reissued in the USA. 1969 ‘Temps Perdi’ and ‘I Spy a Stranger’ published in Penguin Modern Stories. Quartet and After Leaving Mr Mackenzie reissued in Britain. 1970 Good Morning, Midnight published in the USA. 1971 Quartet reissued in the USA. 1972 After Leaving Mr Mackenzie reissued in the USA. 1974 Tigers are Better-Looking published in the USA. 1975 MyDay,acollectionofthreeautobiographicalpieces, published in the USA. 1976 Sleep It Off Lady (short stories) published in Britain and the USA. 1979 Jean Rhys dies. Smile Please (autobiography) pub- lished posthumously in Britain and the USA. x

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