Jay Bonner Islamic Geometric Patterns Their Historical Development and Traditional Methods of Construction Foreword by Sir Roger Penrose Islamic Geometric Patterns Jay Bonner Islamic Geometric Patterns Their Historical Development and Traditional Methods of Construction with a chapter on the use of computer algorithms to generate Islamic geometric patterns by Craig Kaplan JayBonner BonnerDesignConsultancy SantaFe,NewMexico,USA Withcontributionsby CraigKaplan UniversityofWaterloo Waterloo,Ontario,Canada ISBN978-1-4419-0216-0 ISBN978-1-4419-0217-7 (eBook) DOI10.1007/978-1-4419-0217-7 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2017936979 #JayBonner2017 Chapter4ispublishedwithkindpermissionof#CraigKaplan2017.AllRightsReserved. Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnot imply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsand regulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthorsandtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbookarebelieved tobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty, expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeen made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Coverphotograph:#TheTrusteesoftheChesterBeattyLibrary,Dublin:CBLIs1431,ff.7b-8a Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerScience+BusinessMediaLLC Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:233SpringStreet,NewYork,NY10013,U.S.A. For my wife, Shireen, without whose support this book would never have seen the light of day. Jay Bonner For Reza Sarhangi, who convinced me to cross a bridge and never look back. Craig Kaplan Foreword Foroverelevencenturies,Islamicartistsandarchitecturaldesignershavedevelopedextraor- dinaryskillstoproducemanyamazingformsofdecoration.Thissuperblyillustratedbook,by JayBonner(withafinalchapterbyCraigKaplan),isawonderfullycomprehensiveanddeeply thoughtfulaccountofthesehighlydistinctivedesigns.Ifeelsurethatthisbookwillrepresenta landmarkinthestudyofIslamicdesign. These remarkable artworks take various forms, but they are almost always of an entirely nonrepresentational character, only a very few showing indications of recognizable natural objects, such as leaves or flowers. Yet there is a distinctive beauty in these designs, most of these patterns being of a particular geometrical character, demonstrating a keen and subtle knowledge and interest in geometry and a profound skill in using geometrical motifs to produce some incredibly intricate patterns. These would normally be repetitive, in a planar arrangement,thoughsometimesbenttocoveracurvedsurface,suchasforadomeorceiling. They gain some of their beauty from the intricacy and ingenuity of the designs, which frequently involve sophisticated geometrical ideas in unexpected ways. These artists had clearly developed some significant understanding of mathematical notions that were not properly developed by professional mathematicians until the early twentieth century, when the plane Euclidean symmetry groups (“wallpaper symmetries”) were finally classified into 17 distinct types. Representations of these different symmetries are copiously exhibited in Islamicpatternsand,remarkably,all17aretobefoundinthesinglelocationoftheAlhambra PalaceinGranada,Spain,constructedmorethanhalfamillenniumearlierthanthetimethat these different symmetries were explicitly distinguished by mathematicians. In the early 1930s, these Alhambra designs had a seminal inspirational influence on the extraordinary workofthewell-knownDutchartistM.C.Escher. Yet, there is much more than the illustration of different Euclidean symmetries in the ingeniousandintricateuseofgeometryintheseIslamicdesigns.Thereisnodoubtaboutthe skill and artistry that have gone into the production of these creations. There is much, also, which is of mathematical interest in the local symmetries that have been frequently incorporated in this way, where we find symmetrical star-shaped regions of all sorts of improbable-seeming symmetry, such as combinations of stellar shapes with 13-fold and 9-foldsymmetry,whicharequiteruledoutasoverallsymmetriesofcrystal-likearrangements, forwhichonly2-fold,3-fold,4-fold,and6-foldsymmetriesareallowed. The question has sometimes been raised, as to whether these ancient Islamic geometers mighthavediscoveredandmadeuseofquasisymmetricalfeatures,suchasthefivefoldones that I found myself in the mid-1970s. These would give rise to patterns that “almost” (in a technicalsense)repeat,butwhichneverquitedoso,andthefivefoldsymmetryislikewisea featurethat“almost”holdsbutnotquite.WhenIfoundsuchdesignsthatarisenaturallyasthe only arrangements in which one can assemble a pair of “jig-saw” shapes, I was particularly struck by the simplicity of these particular shapes, which could indeed force such fivefold quasisymmetric patterns. I thought it not unlikely that things of this nature might well have been made use of by the Islamic geometric artists of antiquity. Indeed, various later researchers have claimed that there is indeed evidence that some ancient Islamic buildings vii viii Foreword mightwellemploysuchquasisymmetricfeatures.Inthisbook,JayBonnerarguesotherwise, findingstrongindicationsthatthedesireforexactperiodicitywasanoverridingdrivingmotive fortheIslamicpatterns,andthatthereisnoevidencethatquasisymmetricfeatureswereever madeuseof. Itis,ofcourse,stillpossiblethatconvincingevidencemighteventuallycometolightthat theideasofquasisymmetrydidplayaroleforsomeoftheancientIslamicdesigners.However, IaminclinedtoagreewithJayBonnerthatstrictperiodicityseemstohaveplayedsuchakey rolefortheseancientgeometricartiststhatquasisymmetricconsiderationswouldbeunlikely. It is, to me, quite extraordinary how some of these Islamic designers were able to fit such improbablesymmetriesas13-foldsymmetricstarscombinedwith9-foldonessoastocreatea design with such a natural-looking elegance, and a periodicity that appears at a distance not muchgreaterthantheextentofthesestellarshapesthemselves.Mathematicalquasisymmetric patterns with, say 11-fold or 13-fold quasisymmetry, can now be produced in computer- generatedpictures,butitwouldonlybeatextremelyremoteplaceswherelocalregionswith thissymmetrywouldbeevident.Ifoneislookingforbeautyofdesign,withsuchregionsof, say,11-foldor13-foldsymmetry,thentheancientIslamicdesignswinhandsdown! RogerPenrose EmeritusRouseBallProfessorofMathematics MathematicalInstitute UniversityofOxford Preface and Acknowledgements More than with any other cultural heritage, the work of Muslim artists over the centuries revealsthevisualbeautythatisinherenttogeometry.Drawinginspirationfromgeometryled toanabundanceofaestheticinnovationswithinthetraditionofIslamicgeometricdesignthat were inexorably associated with methodological practices. Of particular importance was the discoverythatgeometricpatternscouldbeextractedfromunderlyingpolygonaltessellations, herein referred to as the polygonal technique. Over time, and in the hands of skilled and dedicated practitioners, this design methodology engendered the extraordinary breadth of diversity that characterizes this artistic tradition. As architectural ornament, Quranic illumi- nation, and its more limited use within the applied arts, geometric designs were enthusiasti- cally embraced by succeeding Muslim cultures, and along with calligraphy and the floral idiom,becameanintegralaspectofIslamicaesthetics.Assuch,itsrolewithinIslamicartasa wholeisparamount.Yetscholarshipofthisvastsubjectremainsunderrepresentedintwokey areas: historical development and design methodology. Related to this relative lack of attentionisthesurprisingabsence ofacomprehensive approachtocategorizing therangeof patterns within this tradition. Additionally, while the exceptional achievements of past geometric artists serve as a source of inspiration for many contemporary artists, designers, craftspeople,andarchitects,thelossofmethodologicalknowledgeassociatedwiththisartistic tradition has substantially thwarted those with an interest in incorporating such designs into theirwork.Inconsiderationofthesegapsthisbookhasseveralintentions:toprovideagreater understandingofthedevelopmentalhistoryofthisremarkableartistictradition;toemphasize a more nuanced attribution of the geometric and design diversity that is a hallmark of this distinctive form ofart; and toprovidea detailed elucidation of the methodological practices thatareresponsibleforthediversity,beauty,andlongevityofthisartisticdiscipline.Whatis more, it is my hope that the focus upon design methodology, including the use of computer algorithms,willempowerthosewithasincereanddedicatedinterestinapplyingthecreative processesofthepasttotheirownoriginalworks. Thecombinedfocusuponhistoricaldevelopmentanddesignmethodologywithinthiswork requiresanapproachtothesubjectofIslamicgeometricpatternsthatisbothchronologicaland analytical. As such, there is an inevitable repetition of information concerning geometric characteristics and the dates and location of specific examples when bridging between these twoapproaches.Thisisnecessarytoclarifyhistorical,geometric,andmethodologicalcontext throughout the book, and I request the reader’s patience and indulgence when encountering such repetition. As a practical consideration, all dates accord with the Gregorian calendar rather than either the Islamic or Persian calendars. In organizing the terminology employed throughoutthisworkIhaveerredonthesideofclarityandsimplicityandhavegenerallytried toavoidbeingoverlytechnical.Whereverapplicable,unlessthereisacompellingreasontodo otherwise,Ihaveadoptedpriorterminology.Theglossaryprovidesbriefdefinitionsofmany of the terms used throughout this work, including those that are of foreign origin (Arabic, Persian,Urdu,Turkish,orSpanish),thosethataretechnicalandassociatedwiththescienceof tiling and geometry, and those that pertain specifically to design methodology. In this latter category,muchofthenomenclatureisofmyowninvention.Thisisduetothefactthatmany ix x PrefaceandAcknowledgements significant features of this artistic discipline have not been previously identified as such and are therefore without name or title. I argue that the polygonal technique was the principle designmethodologyemployedbyMuslimgeometricartists.Thistechniquehasbeenreferred tovariouslyastheHankinmethod(indeferencetoErnestHanburyHankinwhofirstidentified thehistoricaluseofthismethodology),orthePICmethod(polygons-in-contact).Ipreferthe termpolygonaltechniqueforitssimplicityanddescriptiveaccuracy.Inpreviouspublications I have referred to the polygonal mechanism that characterizes the polygonal technique as subgrids.However,intheinterestsofdescriptiveclarity,inthisbookIrefertothisimportant methodological feature as the underlying generative tessellation, or alternatively as the underlying polygonal tessellation. The polygonal technique was employed in two very different modalities: systematically and nonsystematically. My identification of patterns as beingeithersystematicornonsystematicresultsfromtherebeingnosuchpreviousdifferenti- ationbypriorscholars.Mydescriptivetitlesforthefivehistoricaldesignsystemsthatemploy repetitivemodules tocreate geometricdesigns stemfrom their nothavingbeen identifiedas systems, per se, by other specialists prior to my work. I have titled these as the system of regular polygons, the fourfold system A, the fourfold system B, the fivefold system, and the sevenfold system. My classification of the four historical varieties of dual-level design has changedslightlyfrommy2003accountofthisdiscipline(inwhichIhadonlyidentifiedthree types)andresultsfromtherebeingnopreviousdifferentiationwithinthepublishedliterature. RatherthanemployingadescriptivetitleIhavesimplyusedthemoreprosaictermsTypeA, TypeB,TypeC,andTypeD.Similarly,mynamesforthefourprinciplepatternfamiliesthat areubiquitoustothistraditionstemfromtheabsenceofprioridentifyingclassificationsfrom previous sources in the English language. These are descriptively named the acute, median, obtuse, and two-point pattern families. In writing about a tradition that encompasses many distinct cultures with separate languages and artistic terms, I have chosen to refrain from employing terms that are specific to select Muslim cultures in writing about this discipline more generally. For example, despite being in common usage, I do not use the Farsi word girih, meaning “knot,” when referring to geometric designs. I have sought to keep my geometric terminology as nontechnical as possible, while following convention to maintain clarity. For the most part my terminology corresponds with Craig Kaplan’s in Chap. 4. He prefers the term translational unit for what I typically refer to as repeat unit. Similarly, he employs the phrase template tiling for what I refer to as the underlying generative tessellation,oralternativelyastheunderlyingpolygonaltessellation. Chapter1chroniclesthehistoricaldevelopmentofIslamicgeometricpatternsfrominitial influences and early manifestations through to full maturity. In identifying broad stylistic trends, geometric characteristics, and diverse varieties of design, I have referenced multiple individualpatternexamplesfromsuccessiveMuslimcultures.Mychoiceofexamplesreflects thechronologicaldevelopmentfromsimplicitytocomplexityandwillfrequentlybuildupon thefamiliartointroducethelesswellknown.Thischoiceofhistoricalexamplescannothelp butbesubjective,buteveryattempthasbeenmadeinaligningmyaestheticpreferencesand value judgments with impartial historical significance. Similarly, the many photographs includedwithinthischapterprovideasenseofthebroadaestheticdiversitycontainedwithin this tradition. In discussing the contributions of successive Muslim dynasties, the general structure within each section flows from the more basic patterns to more complex designs. Emphasisisalwaysplaceduponinnovationsthatoccurredduringagivenepoch,asthesewere primary vehicles for the advancement of this ornamental tradition. Considerable attention is giventothedevelopmentofdual-leveldesignswithself-similarcharacteristics.Thiswasthe last great outpouring of creative innovation, and despite the relatively small number of examples,theirbeautyandgeometricingenuityplacethemintoahighlysignificantcategory oftheirown.Attentionisalsogiventotheapplicationofgeometricpatternstonon-Euclidean surfaces of domes and domical niche hoods. There are two varieties of this form of Islamic geometric ornament: those that utilize radial gore segments as their repetitive schema and PrefaceandAcknowledgements xi those that employ polyhedra as their repetitive device. The latter are far less common, and almost all of the significant historical examples are included within this study. To a very limited extent, each new dynasty is placed into a brief historical context that primarily describes their rise to power, and what set them apart from their predecessors. This will be redundant to historians, but many readers may benefit from the placement of the geometric idiomwithinabroaderculturalandpoliticalmilieu—howeverbrieflyoutlined.Attentionhas been given to the relatively few examples of Islamic geometric design that were created for non-Muslim clients and in some cases by non-Muslim artists. The influence of Islamic art uponnon-Muslimculturesisbeyondthescopeofthisstudy,buttheexamplescitedareworthy of inclusion due to their geometric character as well as their historical circumstance. This opening chapter tracks the history of Islamic geometric patterns through to achieving full maturityandforthemostpartleavesthelater,morederivativemanifestationofthistradition forfutureconsideration. Chapter 2 explores the varied discrete features that characterize this multifaceted disci- pline. Previous works have concentrated primarily on the variety of star types and regular polygons within specific patterns when categorizing geometric designs, and more recent studies have classified patterns according to their crystallographic plane symmetry group. Yet there are many more distinguishing characteristics that help to broaden an overall understanding and appreciation of this artistic tradition. Emphasis is given to the variety of repetitive stratagems employed by Muslim geometric artists. Of course the simple square, equilateraltriangle,andregularhexagonwerecommonlyemployedasrepeatunits,andmany verycomplexpatternsemploythesewellunderstoodstructures.Fromasearlyastheeleventh century patterns with alternative repetitive structures entered the artist’s repertoire. These included rectangular, rhombic, and irregular hexagonal repeats, as well as designs with rotationalsymmetry.Therepetitivestratagemsincludedinthischapteralsoincludeoscillating square designs and rotating kite designs. These are essentially orthogonal, but by incorporatingalternatingrhombiandsquaresintheformer,andalternatingkitesandsquares in the latter, it ispossible to produce designs with seemingly incompatible regions of n-fold local symmetry into an otherwise fourfold structure. Considering the early period of origin, and the fact that there was no historical precedent that these Muslim geometric artistscould have borrowed from, their familiarity with these diverse repetitive structures is surprisingly sophisticated and predates analogous repetitive structures from other cultures by many centuries. The intrinsic relationship between the n-fold symmetry of a given pattern and the proportionsofitsrepeatunitareexaminedindetail.Aspatternsbecameincreasinglycomplex, withmultipleregionsoflocalsymmetryincorporatedintoapatternmatrixthatwasbasedon neither a square nor a triangular repeat, these regions of local symmetry were critical proportional determinants of the overall repetitive structure: be it rectangular, rhombic, or irregular hexagonal. This chapter also differentiates between patterns according to their numeric qualities and postulates an abbreviated descriptive nomenclature that is based upon rather basic geometric and numeric analysis. In discussing Islamic geometric patterns it is sometimes difficult to express concisely and with precision the qualities of a given pattern. This is especially true of the more complex designs. The approach to identifying the salient featuresofagivendesignthatisadvocatedinthischapterisintendedtopromotebothcogency indialogueandclarityinunderstanding.Onceagain,thissectionmovesfromthesimpletothe complex, beginning with examples that employ single star forms or regular polygons into simple orthogonal or isometric repetitive structures, and ending with complex designs with multiple star forms within a single pattern matrix that repeat upon the less common grids mentioned above. In classifying these more complex structures, I have identified the conventions for including added regions of local n-fold symmetry of the primary stars. These are placed at key locations within the repetitive structure, such as the vertices of the repetitive grid, the vertices of the dual grid, upon the midpoints of the repetitive edges, and occasionally upon lines of radius within the field of the pattern matrix. Another category of