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JavaScript PDF

1 Pages·2009·0.442 MB·English
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Methods DOM Methods Object JavaScript Document toString clear toLocaleString createDocument valueOf createDocumentFragment hasOwnProperty createElement isPrototypeOf createEvent XMLHttpRequest REGULAR EXPRESSIONS - FORMAT propertyIsEnumerable createEventObject createRange Safari, Mozilla, Opera: Regular expressions in JavaScript take String createTextNode charAt var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); the form: getElementsByTagName charCodeAt Internet Explorer: var RegEx = /pattern/modifiers; getElementById fromCharCode var req = new write concat ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); REGULAR EXPRESSIONS - MODIFIERS indexOf Node lastIndexOf addEventListener localeCompare XMLHttpRequest Object Methods /g Global matching appendChild match /i Case insensitive attachEvent replace cloneNode abort() /s Single line mode search createTextRange slice getAllResponseHeaders() /m Multi line mode detachEvent split getResponseHeader(header) dispatchEvent substring open(method, URL) REGULAR EXPRESSIONS - PATTERNS fireEvent substr getAttributeNS send(body) toLowerCase getAttributeNode toUpperCase setRequestHeader(header, value) ^ Start of string hasChildNodes toLocaleLowerCase $ End of string hasAttribute toLocaleUpperCase XMLHttpRequest Object Properties . Any single character hasAttributes insertBefore (a|b) a or b RegEx removeChild test onreadystatechange (...) Group section removeEventListener match readyState [abc] Item in range (a or b or c) replaceChild exec responseText [^abc] Not in range (not a or b or c) scrollIntoView responseXML a? Zero or one of a Array Form concat status a* Zero or more of a submit join statusText a+ One or more of a push a{3} Exactly 3 of a DOM Collections pop item XMLHttpRequest readyState Values a{3,} 3 or more of a reverse shift a{3,6} Between 3 and 6 of a Range slice 0 Uninitiated !(pattern) "Not" prefix. Apply rule when collapse sort 1 Loading URL does not match pattern. createContextualFragment splice moveEnd 2 Loaded unshift moveStart 3 Interactive EVENT HANDLERS parentElement Number 4 Complete select toFixed onAbort onMouseDown setStartBefore toExponential JAVASCRIPT IN HTML onBlur onMouseMove toPrecision Style onChange onMouseOut External JavaScript File getPropertyValue Date onClick onMouseOver setProperty <script type="text/javascript" parse onDblClick onMouseUp src="javascript.js"></script> toDateString Event toTimeString Inline JavaScript onDragDrop onMove initEvent getDate <script type="text/javascript"> onError onReset preventDefault getDay <!-- onFocus onResize stopPropagation getFullYear // JavaScript Here onKeyDown onSelect getHours XMLSerializer //--> onKeyPress onSubmit getMilliseconds serializeToString </script> onKeyUp onUnload getMinutes getMonth onLoad XMLHTTP getSeconds open Functions getTime send getTimezoneOffset FUNCTIONS AND METHODS Window Built In getYear XMLDOM alert eval A method is a type of function, associated setDate loadXML setHours blur parseInt with an object. A normal function is not clearTimeout parseFloat setMilliseconds associated with an object. DOMParser close isNaN setMinutes parseFromString focus isFinite setMonth open decodeURI Available free from setSeconds setYear print decodeURIComponent AddedBytes.com setTimeout encodeURI toLocaleTimeString encodeURIComponent escape unescape

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