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Japan's Foreign Policy in the 1990s From Economic Superpower to What Power? Reinhard Drifte ST ANTONY'S SERlES General Editors: Archie Browli (1978-85), Rosemary Thorp (1985-92), alld Alex Pravda (1992- ). oll Fellows 0/ Sr Alltony's Colfege, Oxford Reetll' rirles illclude Mark D. Alleyne INTERNATIONAL POWER AND INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION Daniel Bell, David Brown, Kanishka Jayasuryia and David Martin Jones TQWARDS ILLIBERAL DEMOCRACY IN PACIFIC ASfA ludith M. Brown and Ros~mary Foot (editors) MIGRATION: The Asian Experience Sir Akc Caimcross MANAGING THE BRITISH ECONOMY IN THE 19605: A Treasury Peupeclive Alex Danchev and Thomas Halverson (editors) INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTlVES ON THE YUGOSLAV CONFLICT Anne Deighlon (editor) BUILDING POSTWAR EUROPE: National Decision-maJcers and Europcan Institutions, 1948-63 Simon Duke THE NEW EUROPEAN SECURITY DISORDER Y Hakan Erdern SLAVERY IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND ITS DEMISE, 1800-1909 10110 Carslo Espada SOCIAL CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS: A Critiquc o( FA Hayek and Raymond Plant ChrislOph Gasscnschmidt lEWISH LIBERAL POLiTICS IN TSARIST RUSSIA, 1900-14: The Modemization oC Russian Jewry Amit7.ur Han THE ORIGIN OF THE ARAB-ISRAELI ARMS RACE: Anns, Embargo, Military Power and Decision in the 1948 Palcstine War Hiroshi Ishida SOCIAL MOBILITY IN CONTEMPORARY JAPAN Auslen Ivereigh CATHOUCISM AND POLITICS IN ARGENTINA, 1910-60 Leroy Jin MONETARY POLICY AND THE DESIGN OF FlNANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN CHINA, 1978-90 MaUhew Jones BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND THE MEDITERRANEAN WAR, 1942-44 Anthony Kirk-Greene and Daniel Bach (edirors) STATE AND SOCffiTY IN FRANCOPHONE AFRICA SINCB INDEPENDENCE Jaroslav Krejt{ and Pavel Machonin CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1919-92: A Laboratory for Socia! Change Leslie McLoughlin IBN SAUO: Founder of a Kingdom Rosalind Marsh HISTORY AND LITERATURE IN CONTEMPORARY RUSSIA David Nichol1s THE PLURALIST STATE, 2nd edition: The Political Ideas of IN. Figgis and his Contemporaries 1.1. Porket UNEMPLOYMENT IN CAPITALlST, COMMUNIST AND POST COMMUNIST ECONOMIES CharIes Powell JUAN CARLQS OF SPAIN: Self-made Monarch Neil Renwick JAPAN'S ALLIANCE POLmCS AND DEFENCE PRODUCTION William 1. Tompson KHRUSHCHEV: A Political Life -Chrislopher Tremewan THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF SOCIAL CONTROL IN SINGAPORE Jennifer M. Welsh EDMUND BURKE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: The Commonwealth of Europe aod the Crusade against the French Revolution Japan's Foreign Policy in the 1990s From Economic Superpower to What Power? Reinhard Drifte I'ro/enor a/rd Chu;r 0/J apallcse Stur/ies tll1d DireCfor 0/ thc Ncwcostle Eall Asia Cen/re VniverS;I)' 0/ NCII'CQSlle in association with Palgrave Macmillan @ Reinhard Dri fie 1996 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1996 978-0-333-63991-7 All rights reserved. No reproduction, wpy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with th~ provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the tem1s of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Courc Road, London WI P 9HE. Any person who docs any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. First published 1996 by MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, llampshire RG2l 6XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world This title is published in the St Antony's Series General F..diwr: Alex Pravda ISBN 978-0-333-73960-0 ISBN 978-0-230-37236-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9780230372368 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 05 04 03 02 OJ 00 99 98 97 96 Published in the United States of America 1996 by ST. MARTIN'S PRESS. INC., Scholarly and Reference Division 175 Fifth Avenue, New York. N.Y. 10010 ISBN 978-0-312-15977-1 To Collette People in the future will probabty speak of Japan as a counlry thai once enjoyed a strange, transient prosperily. in Kosaka, Masalaka, 'Keizai pawa no jidai no genso' (The principles of the economic power era). BUllgei Shunju (November 1990) 94-104. Translaled in Japan Echo, vol. XVIII. no. 1 (1991), p. 13. The point we need 10 make 10 our Japanese friends is thai their counlry is being asked 10 change and bring under mutual mies only Ihose prac tices that paJpably impinge on olhers in a globally interdependent age - what Jobn Stuart Mill would have called 'olher-regarding' bchaviour not to overtum their enlire herilage. in Hall. Ivan P .. 'Samurai legacies, American illusions', in Natiollal Interest (Summer 1992), p. 16. If the Japanese cannot begin 10 see tess fllzzily where a1l Ihis is Hable 10 lead, nobody else seems likely 10 offer more dcpendable guidance. in Sydney Giffard in a crilique of 'Visions of Japan' during the Japan Festival in London 1991, The Pacific Review, vol. 5, no. 1 (1992), p.79. Contents list o[ Tabfes viii Preface ix List o[ Abbreviations x Introductlon J The PoJitical and EconomJc Framework of Japan" Foreign Policy 15 Introduction 15 The Actars 16 Ideologieal and Behavioural Factors 25 Thc Importance of Being Rieh 29 Is the Japancse 'System' CompatibJe with Olher Countries7 39 Conclusions 48 2 The International Environment and Japan's Hard Power 49 Introduction 49 Changes in the Strategie Environment 49 Japan's Military Power 72 Conclusions 84 3 The Use of Soft Power In Japan's Forelgn Rel.lloos 87 Introduclion 87 Influencing the Rules of International Economic InteraClions 88 From Foreign Investor 10 Economic Model 97 Aid Giving: Tbc Japanese Way 110 Japan in International Organizations 128 Conclusions 143 4 Japan as a CulturaI Supe:rpower? 144 Introduction 144 Cultural Diplomacy 145 Is Japan becoming Asian or Asia becorning Japanese or Both becoming Western? 151 Conclusions 160 Conclusions 162 Notes 169 Index 193 vii List of Tables 1.I International comparison of staff in ministries of foreign affairs 23 3.1 Japanese manufacturers' direct overseas investment (in $ million) 102 3.2 UN and PKO contribution!> 135 viii Preface This book has been planned since 1987 when the Volkswagen Foundation gave me a Visiting Fellow scholarship al SI Antony's College in Oxford. First Ihanks have therefore 10 go 10 thc two institutions for their support. Due 10 private and professional circumSlAnces, the outcome of the fellowship was not the 'big' book I had planned but a smaller volume for the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London. As Professor of Japanese Studies al the University of Newcastle and concurrently Director of the East Asia Centre I faund it very difficull 10 find time for research, but sabbatical leaves in 1992 aod in 1995 finally allowed me 10 finish the project. For the 1992 sabbaticalleave, tbanks have 10 go 10 the lapanese-Gennan Center in Berlin which gave me a three-month scholarship for research in Japan and 10 my host institution, the Institute of International Relations of Sophia University in Tokyo. I am particularly indebted 10 Professor Royama Michio, then Direclor of the Institute, for taking me on as Visiting Fellow and ror giving me valuable comments. The Department of Politics of the University of Newcastle gave me special leave in 1995 10 finish the book although university maUers kept infringing on my time and concentration while the deadline imposed by the 'Research Assessment Exercise' eame eloser. I am graleful to Simon Brackenbury, a posl-graduale student of the Department, ror having helped me with the notes and the bibliography, and 10 Anita Tibbs, my secretary, for help with photocopying and getting books. Dr James Babb, Lecturer for Japanese Politics in the Departmenl, gave rne some valuable advice about the structuring of the book. Thanks has also to go 10 Professor Tanaka Akihiko of Tokyo UniversilY for commenling on an earlier draft. Last but by no means least, thanks to my wife who proofread the final draft aod pUl up with the antics of a writing husband. RI!INHARD DRIFTE

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