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Jan/Feb 1984 PDF

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Preview Jan/Feb 1984

MORETHAN ONE HUNDRED MIL LION CARTRIDGESwere reloaded on DILLON machineslastyear. That may be moreammo than was reloaded on all other progressive loaderscombined! So if itis volume loading you'reafter- - get a DILLON. The DILLON RL-450 is the leastexpen sive, fastest-selling progressive reloader on the markettoday. The RL-450 is changing the way shooters reload. In the past, only the professional reloader could afford a progressive machine, Now the DILLON RL-450 puts efficient, progressive reloading of both rifle and pistol calibers in reach of most shooters. Production rate of the RL-450 is in excess of400 rounds per hour. If you hate to waste time reloading, the DILLON RL-450 isthe machine for you. Comes complete for one caliber, with powder measureand large and small primerfeed, (except dies). $365.00 "The reloading machine for shooters who HATE to ©TheBianchiCupInternationalPistolTournament,1983 Allrightsreserved.Internationalcopyrightsecured. This ad madepossible by American Handgunner. AMERICAN HANDGUNNER•JANUARYIFEBRUARY1984 3 JANUARYI FEBRUARY, 1984, Vol. 9, No. 44 F RES ODI'S VIKING II .45 AUTO, Mason Williams 30 Has Seecamp DA conversion COVER: S&W M686 .357 Magnum engraved by JockJones, generalmanageroftheKen HurstFire arm Engraving Company. Grips by Guy Hogue. BERETTA'S M84 AND M85 .380 AUTOS, Masaad Ayoob 33 Photo by Nick Karras ofSon Diego, California. Author favors the M84 DO-IT-YOURSELF PISTOLSMITHING, Russ Gaertner ...... 34 STAFF Many new tools are described GEORGEE,vonROSEN, Publisher THE 1983 IPSC NATIONALS, Jon Winokur 37 JEROME RAKUSAN, EdltoriatDirector LEN DAVIS, Editor Rob Leatham tokes top honors SYDNEYBARKER, ArtDirector TOM HOLLANDER, Circulation Director THE 1983 SECOND CHANCE SHOOT, Jon Winokur 42 Combat match emulates "street" scenes NATIONAL ADV. OFFICE: 591 Camino de la Reina, SUite 200, San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 297-8520 KENNETH E. JOHNSON: CUSTOM 'SMITH, Len Davis 43 WESTCOASTREPS.:MediaSalesASSOCiates, He has accurized nearly 8,500 autos 23232 Peralta Drive (Suite218), Laguna Hills, CA92653(714)859-4440 CUSTOM PISTOLSMITH SURVEY, Len Davis 44 EASTCOASTADV.REPS.:BuchmayrAssoci ates, 980 Post Rd, Darien, CT 06820 (203) Most respondents give 'smiths high marks 6t>t>-1639 THE 1984 CUSTOM PISTOLSMITH DIRECTORY 45 AMERICANHANDGUNNER(ISN0145-4250)is publtshedbl-monthlybyPubltshersDevelopmentCorp. 591CaminodelaReina,SanDiego.CA92108.Second classpostagepaidatSanDiego.CA92108.andataddi tionalmailingoffices.Subscriptions:Oneyear(6Issues) $11.95 Singlemonthlycopies$2.00(inCanada$2.50j. ChangeofAddress:Fourweeks'noticerequiredonall changes.Sendoldaddressaswellasnew.Contributors submj~tingmanuscripts,photographsordrawingsdoso HANDGUN MARKET DOWN, BUT NOT OUT, Jerry Rakusan 16 at their own risk. Matenal cannot be returned unless accompaniedbysufficientpostage Paymentwillbe NEW SILHOUETTE TARGETS, Len Davis 20 made:,-' JtescurrentattimeofpublIcationandwill cove, reproduction In any or all AMERICAN HAND GUNNERMagazineeditions. AdvertiSing ratesfur nishedonrequest.ReproductIonoruseofanyportion ofthismagazineinanymanner,WithoutwrittenpermIS sion,ISprohibited Allrightsreserved.Titletothispub licationpassestosubSCriberonlyondeliverytohiSad dress. SUBSCRIPTION PROBLEMS: For rmmed,ate actronWilletoAMERICANHANDGUNNER,Attention ChristiMcCombs-591CaminodelaReina,SUIte200. SanDiego.CA92108orcall(619)297-8524. Askfor COP TALK, Massad Ayoob . 6 ChristiMcCombsorTomHollander e HANDGUN LEATHER, AI Pickles 9 SILUETAS, Philip C. Briggs 10 HANDLOADING, Dan Cotterman . 12 PISTOLSMITHING, John G. Lawson . 15 COMBAT SHOOTING, Mickey Fowler . 18 SPEAK OUT 21 WHAT'S NEW 48 HANDGUN MARKET . 69 INDUSTRY INSIDER, Jerry Rakusan 78 4 AN OFFER YOU CAN'T REFUSEI When you place $2,000 in a6 year Certificate of Deposit with Central Bank & Trust you will receive a set of Smith & Wesson Pistols in a handsomewalnut presentation case. And, asa bonus we will include a Limited ,Edition Shooter's Knife from Smith & Wesson. To Reserve Your Set, fill out the coupon and send it in with your check or give us a call at 307-332-4730 and talk to Mike Brown. Hewill be happy to fill you in on this unique oppor tunity, or one of our other packages, which include: A ColtJohnWaynel"Duke"Commemorative22 LR $1,250for6 years B.Colt Python357 Mag&ColtDiamondback22 LR $3,100for6years(includes:Nickelfinish,Rosewood grips, Walnut case) C. Colt"GoldCup"45 ACT&Colt"Ace" 22 LRAuto Model 29 44 magnum, Model 17 22 L.R. Both with TargetStocks,Trigger&Hammerand Limitedaddition $2,750 for6 years. Shooters Knife in walnut presentation case. D. Colt"SilverSnake" Python-Limited Edition $2,650 for6 years(only250 made) • All deposits insured by FDIC • No early withdrawls allowed • All State & Federal firearm Regulations adhered to • Guns transferred through Lander Ace Hardware • Merchandise in lieu of interest The Bank With Imagination CENTRAL BANK & TRUST P.O. BOX 69 - 285 Main LANDER, WYOMING 82520 Phone (307) 332-4730 Founded in 1890 Member FDIC Assets 34 million -------------------------- 1 Mail to: Central Bank & Trust Enclose signed copy of your dealer's License 1 P.O. Box 69 to speed up delivery. Normal delivery 4-6 1 285 Main St. weeks. LANDER, WY 82520 1 My check for is enclosed. Name 1 for D Smith & Wesson Package Address 1 D A City State I D B Phone Zip g . I ~ S,pply limited. Teem, "bjeettoehaoge. 1 ---------------------- lawsformed apoliticalactiongroupcalled COPTAUC ABATE to fight laws that dictated their headwear. Theirsloganwas, "Letthose who ride decide." In police sidearmsas MASSAD AYOOB well, that'sacryIcanrallyto: letthemen and women in blue decidefor themselves what handgun they'll trust theirlifeto, as theyrideonpatrolontoday'smeanstreets. 'LET THOSE WHO RIDE DECIDE' Itissaidthatpoliceworkisparamilitary, WHAT TYPE HANDGUNS TO CARRY and that rigid military disciplineanduni formityarethereforenecessary.Isaythat's acrock. True, we who wearthe badgeare as accountable to the governmental body Devolversvs.autosforpoliceserviceisa .l'.continuingdebate, withfirepoweron one side and reliability on the other. Iseecopswhowereforcedtocarryauto maticstheydidn'tfeelcomfortablewithto the day theytook their20-yearretirement because they feared jamming and just didn'tlikethecomplexityofthegun.Ialso knowcopswillingtomarshaltheforces of the union and sue over having to carry wheelguns that they feel would dan gerously handicap them in shootout situations. AlthoughI'vebeenidentifiedasastrong supporterofautoloadersforpolice,I'mac tuallyinthemiddle.Idon'tliketheautoas ageneralissuegun,butI'mallinfavorofit inthehandsofagoodcoptrainedincom bat pistolcraft. Motorcyclists who didn't dig helmet Author,left, discussesreportswithDeerfield(N.H.) Police ChiefPaulDewey. OWN THE THAT OFFICIALLY GU Model 92SB 9mm Parabellum Double ActionSemi-Auto 1S-RoundStaggered Magazine Calltoll-freefornearestBeretta Dealer. MondaythroughFriday.8AMto4,30PM.EasternTime. Marylandresidents.call301-283-2191. thatemploys us as anysoldiereverwasto Poly-Choke has vent Federal adds new .41 his; but there's a fundamental difference. rib for Ruger autos Mag load to its line We don't function in platoonor battalion strength;we'reouttheredoingthejobvir The Poly-Choke Co., Inc. hascome Federal Cartridge Corporation has tuallyalone,oneortwoatatime."Oursis out with another ventilated rib-this one added a new .41 Remington Magnum nottoreasonwhy,oursisbuttodoordie" for Ruger MK 1and MK 11 bull barrel cartridge to itsline. is a philosophy that may have served sol autos. It's loaded with 21O-grain semi diers in the time of Kipling, but has no jacketed hollowpoint bulletto fill the relevance to policemen today; we must needs ofhandgun hunters and metallic reason why, or we'll become robots, and silhouette shooters. maybe dead robots at that. The 21O-grainbulletisofstraightogive design, which maximizes the bearing ENTERUNIFORMITY surface for greatly enhanced long-range Uniformityisoverdone.Therearethree accuracy. statepoliceagenciesinthecountrytoday The lOO-yard energyis495 foot WashingtonStatePatrol,IowaStatePa pounds. trol, and Michigan State Police-that The large, tapered hollowpointyields require left-handed men to carry their substantial mushrooming, while the long guns in right-handed holsters for the sake bearingsurface keeps the core intact for of"uniformity." Thisisthesamementality driving penetration and high weight thatinsistsallofficersmustcarrythesame retention. gun. Muzzle velocity from a four-inch Where does that uniformity stop? vented barrel is1,300fps. Shouldallcopsbesix-feet-twowitheyesof Formore information write to Bill blue, and have an IQ of exactly 11O? Siems at the company, 2700 Foshay ShouldthosewithanIQof130haveshock Tower(Dept. AH), Minneapolis, MN treatmentsuntiltheycomedowntoanac All ribs are available in a do-it 55402. ceptable level? yourselfkit, which enables the shooterto INFO 'QUICKIE' We can get into some complex issues mount the rib in but a few minutes with here. Illinois State Police found, when it professional results, without machining The American Handgunner maga issued its officers 9mm S&W automatics, or fitting. zineisalwayslookingfornewcontribu thatscoreswentuponthe averageandup Suggested retail price: $24.95. tors to itseditorialcolumns. Drop usa significantly among previous poor For more information, write to the line ifyou feel you have a storyidea shooters; butscoresalsowentdownamong company at 150 Park,Avenue worth publishing. Continuedonpage66 (Dept. AH), East Hartford, CT 06108. HANDGUN lARDS CONNECTICUl: TheConnecticutStatePolice puttheBeretta 92SBthroughtheThird Degreebeforeselecting itasthefirearmtoprotectitsofficers. Gruelling testsforfirepower, reliability, safety, accuracy and reloadabilitygotitonthejob. And switching lawenforcementhandgunsisn'tdonecasually. This 15-round9mm semi-automaticprovesout justplainbetterthan itscompetition. Askafriend inlawenforcement.where theirlivesareonthelinedayin. dayout. Ortrot downtoyourBerettadealer. Thesuperb.affordable Beretta92SB. Nowa lawuntoitself. * * It's the only magazine that gives you regularly featured articles on: * Pistolsmithing * Reloading * Handgun Hunting * Self Defense * Ifyouowna handgun, youneed AMERICAN Combat Course Shooting HANDGUNNER magazine. It's written for * the competitor, sportsman, collector, hunter Customizing * or lawman. If you're one of these, or just Conversion Tips enjoy fine handguns, you can share in the * knowledge and expertise of men who excel Siluetas * in writing about them in the AMERICAN Cop Talk HANDGUNNER magazine. , * •••••••••••••••••••• Competitive Shooting * SUBSCRIBE NOW Test Reports It'sbi-monthly. ******************** It's the only magazine that CALL TOLL FREE! Toorderyoursubscription gives you the opportunity to win NOWcall800/824-7888, Operator40. a one-of-a-kind Customized FromCaliforniaonlycall800/852-7777,Operator40. handgun each issue, with its Your name, address and BAC/Visa or MasterCard numberand expirationdate isall ittakes. Orwe'llbill Custom Gun Giveaway Contest. youlater. r---(A-bov-e8-00-nu-mb-er-sfo-rs-ubs-cri-ptio-n-ord-eri-ng-onl-y.)------- GUARANTEE: You'll enjoy AMERICAN American Handgunner I Dept. 120 HANDGUNNER. If you don't agree, we'll refund the unused portion of your subscription in full, at II P.O. Box 16439 San Diego. CA 92116 I any time. Yes, pleasesendmethesubscriptionorderedbelow. Iunderstand I that Iwill receive the American Handgunner 1st Patch FREE for . I my paid subscription. 1 0 1year $11.95 0 2 years $19.95 0 3 years $27.95 II Amount enclosed $__ 0 Bill me. Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Foreign subscribers add $6.00peryear. I Credit Card charge: 0 BAC/Visa 0 MasterCard FREE! I No. Expiration date _ I Name ------------------- This all-fabric American Hand I Address _ gunner 1st Patch with each paid I subscription. City State Zip ---.,.-- upside-down, to a shoulderrig sporting a HANDGUN UArHER pair ofholsters for Smith & Wesson N frame revolvers: Who, you might ask, would want to carry two .44 Magnumsin shoulder holsters? Well, there have been AL PICKLES timeswhen Iwished Ihadapairofforty fours, ifonlyfor balance. ACTIVE LEATHER CO. LISTS NYCPD Putting remote possibilities aside,' however,handgunhuntersontheprowl AS ONE OF ITS BEnER CUSTOMERS fordangerousgameoftencarryaback-up gun. Ask Larry Kelly, president of Mag na-port and handgun hunter supreme, if hecarriesasecondgunwhenhegoesafter Every time Ireview the cutrentstateof Alaskabrownbear.Thepointis,whenyou the gun leather industry I marvel at aresuretheremaybetrouble,goprepared. <tsabilityto keep coming upwithinnova Active's horizontal upside-down rig, tions. Just how many ways are there to dubbedtheModel3,istheonlyoneIcan't holster a handgun? getthehangofThisis,ofcourse,absolute Active Leather Inc. ofNew York is a proofofits value. It undoubtedly suits newcompany, butonlyin thesensethatit someonejust perfectly; none of us is ex has gone commercial. The owner, Bob actly alike. Angell,hasbeenintoleatherrigsforyears TheActiveLeatherholstersarebeing but his operation was primarily one of marketed by SILEDistributorsInc.,Dept custom designing holsters and carry sys AH, 7 Centre Market Place, New York, tems for plain clothes law enforcement NY 10013. peoplewhohadspecialproblemsorneeds. In his"area ofoperation the demand was THE9MMAUTO quite high. Although Iam not enraptured bythe He offers a number ofholster styles, ideaofa9mmLuger(9xI9)becomingour mostlyshoulderrigs;someareconvertible armed service handgun caliber, oreven a to belt carry. Their uniqueness lies in the police cartridge, I do know that common fact that there is no stitching. senseandpoliticsarenotnecessarilycom TheActiveLeatherrigs,atleasttheones patibleandwewillprobablyendupwitha I have examined, are made ofone-piece 9mm handgun. qualityleatherthatisfolded andmoulded With that qualification up front, I am to the shape ofthe particular gun, then Conhnuedonpoge65 held closed with snaps which do double dutyas fasteners for the nylonwebshoul der straps. In some models, there are enough snaps available to alter the carry mode: horizontal, vertical or, in some cases, upside-down. After'confirming for myself that the leatherwas, indeed,goodquality, Ispecu latedthatsincenoheavymachinestitching is involved in the manufacturing process, thenthemanufacturingcostsandreflected pricesmustbelower.Notso,saysAngell.It seems the price ofthe high-quality Dot Brandsnaps-somecompleterigsusenine or more-offsets any savings on machine stitching. Angell also indicated that the time involved in properly affixing the snaps may even exceed sewing time. UNDERCOVERCARRY The Active rigs are unlined and Angell wants tokeepthem thatway, unlessacus tomerwantsaspecialorder.Hisreasoning issoundforundercovercarry.Liningadds tobulkandwidthofaholster;itisalready hard enough to conceal a pistol while dressedinlightsummerclothing.While autoloaders are easier to conceal than re volvers, most ofhis customers have been NYCPD detectives who are generally not (>eSantismanufacfuresacompleteuneofholstersahd allowedtocarryautoloaders.Whencarry acce!>sorles,creativelydeSignedtofillthespecific ..•.... , ing a revolver, you need all the help you £ neeld,Sbfgunenthusiastsandlawenforcementpersonnel. Av?ilableatyourfavoriteFirearmsorSportingGoodsStore, can get. 51£ ~ ormail$2forcatalog. DealerinquiriesinVited. Active holsterscovertherangeofpopu ,...£zr larrevolversandautoloaders; itsstyles,or &4, , IY II:: models run from adjustable mode, I. HOLSTER &LEATHERGOODS Dept.AH-1 ~ .iii shoulder/belt convertible, horizontal 155JERICHOTURNPIKE·MINEOLA,NY11501·516-742·7900 AMERICAN HANDGUNNER•JANUARYIFEBRUARY1984 9 leftachoice;itwasfeltthatinthestanding .'LUErAS position it was the shooter, not the pistol, that made the difference. The revolvers had already begun to changeundertheforced draftofthesport. PHILIP C.BRIGGS Some of it was evolutionary-such as longer barrelsand bettersights-butsome new revolvers appeared as both competi REVOLVER SILHOUETTE SHooTING tors and manufacturersalikefound that designs that had, until then, stood the test IS CHALLENGING, LOTS OF FUN of time weren't up to a steady diet of magnum loads. THE .357 SUPER MAG H andgun silhouette shooting started the funny guns, and establish classes for TheSuperBlackhawksproutedalonger with revolvers, and although the out-of-the-box, stock-as-a-stove produc tube, as did a couple oflook-alike single sporthasgoneontocreateandpopularize tion guns. I say fortunately, because it is action revolvers (with bull barrels and specialized single-shot pistols ofawesome these classes,~tandingand production target sights). The brand new Ruger Red capability,therevolverstillaccountsfor hawk and Dan Wesson .44 Magnums the bulk ofthe competition. appearedandbegantoworktheirwayinto The revolverinusenowhasevolvedtre the winners circle. mendously in the past few years, but But the new class focused development beyond that it has remained popularfor a on the revolver, and brought forth even myriad ofgood and sufficient reasons, in more change. A new cartridge, the .357 cluding more grins per grain ofpowder Super Mag (developed by IHMSA presi than any other pistol. . dent Elgin Gates), was adapted to the The second National Match in EI Paso, revolver-first by Ruger, then by United in the fall of1976, markedthe appearance freestyle,thatkepttherevolverinthesport Sporting Arms and Dan Wesson. The ofthe first funny gun: specialized, cus as it grew. Blackhawk SRM and the Seville sport tomizedsingle-shots,designedtowin.The The superiorityofthe rapidly refined special frames, 10Vz inch bull barrels and seeds ofchange had been sown, but for T/C Contender was not to be denied target sights; Dan Wesson's already sub tunately, the members and leadership of though and, in 1981, IHMSA created a stantial .44 frame was lengthened, but in the just-formed IHMSA (International separate production class for revolvers. the process gained so much weight that Handgun Silhouette Association) had the Althoughthefreestylecompetitionwasdi only eight-inch barrels (with ventilated foresight to establish a separate class for vided, thestandingpositionshooterswere shrouds) will make the required weight. THE HANDGUN THAT ALTERED THE GAME! CONTENDER PistolShobtin'wasonceaclose-upthing.Waydownrangewasfiftyyardsandmost handguncartridgeshad.losttheir"zap"bythetimetheymadethejourney.Designed specificallyforhunting,Contenderhastbtallyalteredthehistoryofhandgunnlng. Its superb'accuracy, coupled with its unique interchangeable barrel system and wideselectionofmeaningfulcalibershasextendedtherange.ofthehuntinghand gun to over 200yards. Whitetails, Mule Deer, Antelope, Gnzzly, Elk, you na~e theNorthAmericanbiggameanimalandContenderhasthetrophytoshowforIt. Thefirst"outofthebox"production pistoltoshootaperfectscorein Metallic Silhouette,ContenderIsnowavailableIn.357Rem.Maximum. IFYOU'RESERIOUSABOUTHANDGUNNING writeforournew free,34pagecatalog.OneglancethroughtheContendersectionandyou'll -.i/r!!t. seewhyContenderisthe leaderin down rangeperformance. ' M'PSO'N/CENTER ARMS THO FarmingtonRoad, PO.Box2426, Dept.TAH-1 Rochester, New Hampshire03867 10 AMERICAN HANDGUNNER·JANUARYIFEBRUARY1984

progressive reloading of both rifle and pistol calibers in CUSTOM PISTOLSMITH SURVEY, Len Davis The .357 Magnum tunnel-point ammo.
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