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Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft 1965-1966 PDF

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In addition to optical work, Barr & Stroud have extensive facilities for precision engineering and electronics, and a large development staff able to tackle a variety of problems in many fields. Made in Scotland by BARR & STROUD LTD Engineers and Instrument Makers Anniesland, Glasgow W.3 Telephone: Jordanhill 9601 Telex: 778114 London Office: I, Pall Mall East, S.W.I Telephone: Whitehall IS4I. Telex: 261877 adv. I !MJLATE §1 KjU^o CjLsW&l^-JL/ rci- THE liH SHORTEST DISTANCE AND LEAST TIME BETWEEN YOU AND A NEEDED PART Wherever you are, Anglo American supplies your needs for aircraft and missile parts and raw materials fast. Our direct contact with the hundreds of manufacturers of detail parts, components, standard parts and raw material as purchased by U.S. MILITARY and AIRCRAFT COMPANIES, assures you of fast, dependable service. When your aircraft or manufacturing program needs parts, tools, raw materials, or components, here are 4 good reasons for contacting Anglo American. 1. Our encyclopedic knowledge of aircraft requirements. (Our library contains thousands of parts catalogs, stock lists and specifications, to enable us to immediately locate, identify and inspect your requirements). 2. Rigid quality inspection of all items prior to shipment. 3. Packaging in our own facilities for safe arrival. 4. License and export documentation, plus use of best and fastest routing of shipments. Send your request for quote or write for detailed information about our ability to serve all your aircraft requirements. V /[nGLO/[mERICAN/[viATION CO. v P.O. Box 13, Burbank, California 91503, USA. Telex 67390 • CableAmtrade • Phone (213) 849-3304 • TWX: (910) 498-2201 2 adv. — Aircraft and space systems now being designed and manufactured GHT —the Concord and its U.S. rival .... the Kestrel and the TFX .... the Appollo spacecraft and its gigantic Saturn Launcher — promise the most exciting period yet in the history of aero and astronautics. Detailed developments and long-term plans alike are International most readily assessed through the authorative reports and tech- — nical descriptions in Flight International only British weekly covering the entire field (including, once-monthly, Air THE COMPLETE AVIATION Cushion Vehicles). MAGAZINE Thursday 1s. 6d. 3 adv. 1 FERRAIMTI LEADERS THE FIELD IN OF... The scope of Ferranti activities in the field of advanced aviationelectronicscoversresearch,design,devel- opmentand production ofawide rangeofsystems, equipments and components for military and civil aircraft. The extensive experience of Ferranti in a variety of techniques has resulted in an accumulation of specialist knowledge, thus enabling the Company to develop and produce fully integrated systems of advanced design. I Airborne Radars for Strike, Interception and Terrain following I Fire Control Computers I Sighting Systems I Moving Map Navigation Display and other advanced display techniques I Airborne Digital Computers I Stall-warning and Angle-of-Attack Indicator Systems 9 High quality Inertial Navigation Systems 9 Helicopter and V.T.O.L. Flight Instrument Systems H Stability Augmentation Systems H Ground Radars for Missile Guidance and Control H FERRANTI Guidance, Control and Data Processing Systems for Guided Weapons H Aircraft Instruments First into the Future Ferranti Ltd. has over 1 9,000 employees in modern factories, laboratories and officesat London, Hollinwood, Moston, West Gorton, Oldham, Chadderton, Wythenshawe and Bracknell in England; at Edinburgh, Dundee and Dalkeith in Scotland; at Adelaide in Australia;atToronto,St.Catharines andTrois-Rivieresin Canadaandat NewYork,U.S.A. / FERRANTI LIMITED HEAD OFFICE HOLLINWOOD LANCASHIRE ENGLAND FG 46 4 adv. powered by engines tested on HEENAN AERO ENGINE TEST PLANT HEENAN & FROUDE unrivalled since 1881 for all ranges of Wengine test equipment HEENAN & FROUDE LTD ENGINEERS WORCESTER ENGLAND BHHIff// 5 ad\ JANE'S ALL THE WORLD'S AIRCRAFT W. Edited by John R. Taylor F.R. Hist.S., A.R.Ae.S Order of Contents World Sales Distribution Alphabetical list of advertisers Classified list of advertisers North, Central and South America List of Editorial Contents McGraw-Hill Book Company, 330 West 42nd Street, Preface New York, N.Y. 10036 Airplanes and 330 Progress Avenue, Drones Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. Airships Sailplanes Europe, Asia, Africa Rocket Missiles and Space Vehicles and Australasia Sampson Low, Marston Aero Engines & Co. Ltd., Potter Row, Great Missenden, Air Cushion Vehicles Bucks., England. Indexes EDITORIAL OFFICES : All communications should be addressed to : The Editor, Jane's All The World's Aircraft, Potter Row, Great Missenden, Bucks., England Telephone: Great Missenden 2272 ADVERTISEMENT OFFICES : All communications in regard to advertising in this book should be addressed to : Inside U.S.A. Outside U.S.A. Jane's Aircraft Advertising Department Jane's Aircraft Advertising Department 275 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich, Conn. 06830 Potter Row, Great Missenden, Bucks., England Telephone: Area Code 203, TOwnsend 9-5446 Telephone: Great Missenden 2435 6 adv. What Airstrip? airstrip? The P1127 strikes from 45 of rough ground ft, A strike reconnaissance aircraft flying fast and A Bristol Siddeley Pegasus vectored thrust low. A familiar subject -but with an important engine provides the power for the P1127 which difference. The aircraft is a Hawker Siddeley is now under development for the R.A.F. P1127 that has taken off vertically from a small HawkerSiddeleyalsomaketheBuccaneerstrikeaircraft, the Gnat advanced trainer, the Andover military patch of unprepared ground. It can land in a freighter,the125businessjet,the 748prop-jetpassenger similar space wherever tactics dictate. aircraft, the Trident three-jet airliner, and the Argosy I O U O 1 o medium range cargo freighter. J 7 adv. HAWKER i^ Hawker Siddeley Aviation, 32 Duke Street, St.James's, London,S.W.1.The largest aviation company in Europe. Other Hawker Siddeley companies supply missiles, rockets, aerospace equipment, electronics, electrical power generation and distribution, locomotives, marine and industrial diesel engines, gyros and platforms for sea, land and air navigation, light alloys,agriculturalequipment,tankersandrefuellers,andothergeneralengineeringproducts. 8 adv. . , ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS. 1965/66 EDITION. Adwest Engineering, Ltd. Edo Corporation Reading, Berkshire. England . . . . 42 adv. 15-35, 129th Street, College Point 1135(5. Xew York Aero Commander Division U.S.A. 38 & 54 adv. RockwellStandard Corporation.Bethany,Oklahoma, U.S.A. 48 „ Edwards Ltd., F. J. . . . . . . Edwards House, London, N.W.I., England. 31 Airmed Ltd. Harlow. Essex, England. . . . . . . . . 38 ,, Anglo American Aviation Company P.O. Box 13, Burbank, California 91503, U.S.A. 2 Ferranti Ltd. Hollinwood, Lanes., England. . . . . . . 4 Balding Engineering Ltd. Fiat, S.p.A. Sweet Briar Road, Norwich, Nor. 42C. . . 55 Corso Giovanni Angelli 200, Turin, Italy . . 28 Barr & Stroud Ltd. Flight International Anniesland, Glasgow W.3. Scotland Inside front cover AssociatedIliffePress, StamfordSt.,London,S.E.I. England. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Boeing Company, Aero-Space Division Seattle 24, Washington, U.S.A . . 12 adv; FlWiigmhbtorRneef,ueDlolrisnetg,LEtndg.land. 01 . . . . . . The Boeing Company, Vertol Division Flying Revue International Morton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 50 . . . . GulfHouse,2PortmanStreet,LondonW.l,England 42 B.P. Trading Limited Britannic House, Finsbury Circus, London, E.C.2., Fokker, N.V. Koninklijke Nederlandse Vliegtuigenfabriek England. 73 . . . . . . . . . . Schiphol-Zuid, Holland 05 Bristol Siddeley Engines MercuryHouse, 195Knightsbridge, London, S.W.7., England 77 British Aircraft Corporation 100 Pall Mall, London, S.W.I., England. . . 60 G. Q. Parachute Co. Ltd. Portugal Road, Woking, Surrey, England 68 British Aviation Insurance . . 3-4 Lime Street, London, E.C.3., England. . . 24 GaLrorsetAtngeCloerspo4r5a,tCiaolnifornia, U.S.A. . . 47 Butlers Ltd. GrangeRoad, SmallHeath, Birmingham 10, England 39 General Precision Systems Ltd. Bicester Road, Aylesbury, Bucks., England. 66 . . Goodyear Aviation Products Bushbury, Wolverhampton, England. 20 . . Collins Radio Company, Inc. Graviner (Colnbrook) Ltd. Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. 78 10 Church Street, Staines, Middlesex, England. . . 62 Coventry Climax Engines Ltd. Widdrington Road Works, Coventry, England. 44 . . Curran Ltd., John H P.O. Box 72, GPO, Cardiff, Wales. . . . . 49 H.M.L. (Engineering) Ltd. Harper's Yard, St. John's Road, Isleworth, Middlesex, England. 45 . . . . . . Dassault, Electrique Marcel Handley Page Ltd. 55 quai Carnot, Saint-Cloud (Seine-ct-Oise), France 58 Cricklewood, London, N.W.2., England. . . 75 Dornieii-Werke G.m.b.H. Hawker Siddeley Aviation Division Friedrichshafen a.B., Germany. 22 18 St.James's Square, London, S.W.I., England. 7 & 8 Douglas Aircraft Company Inc. Heenan & Froude Ltd. Santa Monica, California, U.S.A. 50 Worcester, England. .... 5 . . . . . 9 adv.

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