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Preview JamesGover SB1437 DA Brief (Solano DA Motion)

KRISHNA | ABRAMS Distt rerney of Selmi County By: Bric M. Chew, #215164 fy Dine. Atomics BFF Texas St, Suite 4500, Faliielt, California 94533 ‘Telephone: C7!) 784-0800 Allurmey foe the People SUPERIOR COURT OF JHE STATR OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SOLANO (OP THE STATE OF CASA NO, VOR ZEAHSE TH PROF 2 CALTIEGRNIA, ) ) PEOPLE'S OPPOSITION TO Pact, ) DEFENDANT'S MOTION To Dismiss ) BASED ON THE ) UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF SENATE _ ) BILL IA7 ) AMES ANTHONY GOVER IR, —) } parevang Detoadont, ) TIME: 9.00 ) DERE 15 INTRODUCTION In 1978, fenstared with inefToctive centencitg lows tor wmmedee and a weak and inreflective Legislature, che people of the state nf California put farth and overwhelmingly passed Propesivins 7, knawn as the Prigys Tnitistive, to “turn back the tide of vielent ‘ceed aml Tengthy prison fern for first and ecw! rine in Calitarsia by inyeosing in heuer dian 71% of voters! the degree yourier, Foniy years late, bellowing ile the will of the posgle oy elawing back tbe lw of mune Jegis:aum> dramatically ape an its sentencing in vielatinn af the Calforn:s constitution: 2018, Governor Brown signed into Jew Senate Bill 1437 {n September 40, unending Penal Cade seotion 184. The law elsrranstes decades t9 century old nduesal:y recaguived legal consurvetions sh rpule ee neice necessery for enundes ana peso based on his ur her paciclpstion in erie, Ie sls ansends Penal Code sectinn LH Lo ___" bupssfrepositeny.achnastinus.ednges_ballol props8aG PROPLT'S OPPOSITION 10 DE¥FADANTS MOTION TD DISMISS 38D ON ITE OSCUNSTTTULIONALITY OF SENATE BILL 1237 Tnail hese wi.0 wan be proseeuled (ie first dog-ve Felony muri, and adding Penal Code scction 1170.95 providing for resentericing of snyene prrvionsly hirfuliy annwieted at fitsc or secona degret-inusder bur who could not be eansieted for amcor under the tow, In early 2018, the California Avweimbly ackvowledged io AB, 3104, its own similar version of SB, 1437, that any’ changes to Pestal Cade sections 188, 190 or 196.2 required 1 2/3 vote of both houses to pass borause such legislative action would ainend Proposition 115? http:tleginfo Legistaute.ca,gowfaces/billNevClientchtm(%hil_id~201720180A83104.) Subsequettly, the Lopislative Counsel's office advised tbat he propeved urmendinentst0 Penal Code wootiens 288 and 139 encornpossed in S.B. 1437 affecting accomplivs Atile I, section 10 of the California Liabiiey woald require voor approval ual he S978 Briggs Initiative by chonging the scope ant! [Constitution because they atteet effect of tet initislive. (Seu Fxhibit A [Logilative Counsel Bureau opinion letter dated June 20, 2U18)) The Legislature chose to ignore that legal auvice and passed $8. 1437 withort voter aparoval and by Jess than 2/3 vote in both houses, thereby anaeping the will Che electors of both Propositiams 7 and 115 and violating the sate constitution “The purpase of Califumi's evesttutional imitation oa the legislature's power ta mend iitinive states is ro “protect the #cople’s nitive powers by precluding the vir Fre undoing what Uke pecpie lave dons, without the cleetorale’s consent.” legis | Giuening v Ee (1901) 231 Calg sclunovileéges! by the Catifornin assembly, the Fardhee seasons cated by the Legislative 11 766, 781.) Hor the reasons originisly Counsel's Office, ome additional zoasors set ford) below, S.B. 1457 amending Penal seta 1170.95 mast be sek and 189 and adding Penal Ce code sections 1% iu‘ieas) entire as neo al 2 Nally, A.B, 3104 made ro cation of the requzement of zaier approval 2k | espite eearls anendig Penal Code seotions -90 nt JP 2, wich sere the subset of | Proposition 7 any amendment to whieh requised PEOPLES OPPOSITION TG DETENDANT'S MOWTON TO DISMISS 3810 ON [HT-INCANSLILLTIGNAELLY OF SENATE BILL 1437 POINTS AND AUSHORTTLES AND ARGEMENT I ‘TIE LHGISLATURE MAY AMEND OR REPEAL INITIATIVE STATUTES ONLY AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE INUYIATIVE OR WITH APPROVAL OF THE ELECTORS Despite the fegistatura's decleration in $.B, 1437 that "[flbo power to define eximes and fx panties is vested exclosively in the Legislative branch” (8.8, 2437, § 1 soba. (9), in adopting its remsttution the peuple of the State of California chase not yest the sole acd exclusive right to enact stan in the legislature, Specifically, stile Ty, section one slates, “The legislative power of this Slnle is vested jn hie California Legitutore which consists of the Senete unt Assembly, but the poopte reserve to added.) Thost reserved, themselves the powers of initiative and referenun.” (Hmph [powers of bw peaple ere contsined in article 1, seu‘ious eight aud ning, which sespectively instruct: “Ihe initiative isthe power af te electors to propose statutes amd amendments lo ke Constiition and to adopt or reject there,” and “fie reference isthe ‘power of the electors to approve or reject statutes or purs of slamtes except urgency” statutes, stanttes elfing elections, and statutes providing for hus levies or appropriations ve yower, article U, alaacing the poaple’y For usual current expenses bf the State.” section ten provides that tbe Legislanwe “may amend or ropeal a relitendum statute, 7 Lsgistanure say aniennd av repre an iriiative stoture by another serous Bust hecnmes || egective unty when approved ty dhe electors waless the initiative statue pert amendnert or repead without the electors’ anproval.” (kanphiasis ade’) The to “peotcet ‘he people's initiative powers by prociuding the Fegtslanare dion unpose of liming the Legislaae’s poorer la atacud a initiate starmte doing sca the people have done, withotl the elescosate’s conser.” *” (Cine of Save Diogo v lc 12 Wi. 6037872 48) Se Smportuitis the peeptes? pavier chat: mmimission ant State Mars Statutes and eanstitetional provisienss adopted By the voters “must be congue! iberilly in favor ef he soople's ight lo exercise fhe resecved PROPLE'S DP2OSTTION TO NEFENDANTS MOvION TO THE UNCONST:TITIONALLLY OF SENATE BIT. 11 ferenchum, The initiative and referendum are net ‘power|s] reserved by them. Declaring it peers of initiative and Fighis “gaa, -he people, bat 2 “ihe euty of the courts to jealously guard this right ol the people [eitaton 7 the courls have described the initiative and referenda x8 activulating “one of the musl previvus rights af our democtatic prozess” feitation), [I] bas. 4 Tag, been ot judicial policy to apply a liberal construction to this power 5 wherever it s challenged in order tha fhe righ! cat be improperly anoulied. 5 double yearonahly be revolved in favor af the use af his reserve 6 power, ccurts wi preserve .”* [Citations J” Ross! v_ Brown (199519 Cad 688, 691-605, 38 Cal Rptr-24363, 889 P2457.) In fact, “Ue peoples reserved power of initiative is greater Quan the power of the 5 legislative body. The later muy not bind furure Legislatires eitation), but 5 fy constitution wad charter mandate, uoless au initiative measure expressly provides otherwise, an initstive measure may be amended or lo reptaled ooly by the sleetorate, Thus, tough exercise of the initiative jpunver the peogle may bina! lutars lesislaive bodies ote than the people n themselves,” (i at pp. 715-716, 38 Cal Rpt, 20 163, 889 P.2d $57.) 2 1p [Shaw Beant or ret Chime (2009) (Shor 173 Calpe A577, 596) “ 1 15 | SENATE LIL 1437 ENCONSTLOTIONALLY AMENDS PROPOSITION 7 Is ‘Yoo analysis necessary to delermine whether an aetis vr iy not an emendment to a 17 [| prior statute is deveribed as foltows: whether am act ig amendatory of existing faw fs determined mot hy ble alone, or by declarations in Ine new act shal i purporis fo amend existing 1B Jaw. Oa the vonteary, itis de by an evaminvlion amd emnparison of its provisions svi existing ew, [its alm ja te clacify or correct tuncertainties which azose from the entovoemont af the existing hry, ur to a reach simations which sere not covered by the orgznal stalus, the xe is Amendsicry, even Fey da ite woraing & does not puuport to amend the langage of the prior act bas Covye(1978) (Carp) 80 Cal. App Sal 772, 77, [las i original he “eupe ar fleet” A legisinl’ve states ames an initiative stele iP changes 28 I octhe snitintive. (Proponition 263 Prfercemient rogers y Clhavies Quuckersbust (998) Tc oaeiteninsh) $4 Cal. Apo dt 1173, 1483.) ln Grecokenbust a peopke's iniiatve stitute on Iason as Propisiticn 103 yeleing *o insurance pecroium rallbuckss enetet statutes PROPLE'S OPPOSTTION TO DEFENDANT'S MOLION 10 DISMISS ASTD ON TWH: UNCONSTIFUIONALL ¥ OF STINA Te BULL 44 providing for, among ather things, exeess premivms pa"d ta insurers ta be rofumded to policyholders after promiuin salbscks were applied. The iniliaive reserved to the 2 Picts be poner amc ee provisos of rp. 103 aly 9 ner eae {|| uose ofthe iiiative, and den by wither 23 vole jn both aes or vate approval 5 || st. 1475) Subsequently, the egsstre pasted s seprnie sale that ditected the ¢ issuance commissioner edt erin expense nce by inner from tot 4 | premium income, whiuh had the offevt of :edueing an insurer's overall rollback 4 |oblisation (at pp, 1479-80, te prone of Prop. 103 sel oe injunctive est 5 | ereuineti lewis taut ete nm ythoried amendmen to Frp, (03 [becouse itetorively educed he wnat oF find cw piieyodes aerzlbec, x) ty izse doing ie amendment ano seve Ie purpsc ofthe nitive lat, 1478) Tao Ip [insane somsicsioner amped tt he tae passed by he etre was ot t, [ett nny roision Prin 103, atone ter changing he ope 1 effet for ushnrovicon by vting or snbunting someting em i." (ot. 4) Citing Com, he Quackenbush court hegau with the definition of an amendment 16 fond noted ieas: 7 LAlny chenge of te scope cr ellect of an existing statute, whether by sddition, omission, cr substitalion af provision which does wol wholly " lennuate its existence, wsther by au act purporting Wo amend, cepes), 19 ise oe supplement, dr by au acs indspordose and exiginnl in fore... A a tule hich als lo or takes aveay Team an cxisting slalule iy considered. fan umendorcat, . [An auiensdancat [is] 4 Legislative to change 2 Some griar ot existing law hy aéding or takiey thean it some patiewar - provision.” 25 |euscsentysh, supra, 64 Capp dul at p. 1185, ‘efurt ea eocogniveil that in determining weether a M4 ‘he covert fa Quester 25 || par:ieolae action comslitates av: amendment [1 is the duy ot the courts to 25 ||juakeusty gue [Phe people's initiative and referendum power]... [ches long, ta epply a feral eoasiruetion lp his power wherever itis Treen: eur jesticial pol 28 | challenged i orde= Prat Ths tight Inealinstative ov referenstura| he woe PEOPLE'S GPPOSITIGIN TO DTFESDANT'S MOTION LG LIS MISS BASED CS TE INGONSZITL HONATITY OF SENATH BILL. 1437 inapeoperly anvalted.” (Querkentush, supra, at p. 1485, [intemal citations omitted) Furlte, the court stated, “Any doukls should be resolved in favor ef the iniiotive and referendum powea, ond amendunets whick aay conflfet wilh the seasures mus! be accomplished by popalur vate, az sujeet water of iii he original initiutive does aot opposed to legislatively snveted axtinances, ve provide otiervisn.” (i. at p, 1486 [italics ta viginel] ) ‘Utiouataly the court held that the Segislarere could not “iniectly | zecomplish vin the ennotmenk nC statue whiel essecially annended a forma dopte to implement an faitiative’s purpose, whit it enpnot accomplish ditectiy hoy coneling a stamte which amends the intitive’s statutory provisions.” Hen, quoting our supreme cout in Sheeiy ». Shinn (1894) 103 Cal, 325, 340, Ibe eourt stated, “To vive effect tothe constitution, itis ms much che duty ofthe courts to see that its not evaded as that itis mor directiy violated.” (Quackenbush, supra, at p. 1487} Hinding the independent staunle was an simentmtent of Prop. 13, the court found the lepislative slatule “coustitoGonully invalid as an wet in excess of che ogisdaure's powers." (fF) Sientaely, 2x Mobilepark West Homemaners Assit v. Escondidn Mubilepark fest (hfobllepurk), the Court of Appoal examined whether a city oninanse | scoking “clr alloged urbiguris ina iy vedieance relating In control oF i mobile home space cent inureases passed hy vetes intiat've — Progesition K— by efining the term “tenant use in the faitivive to expand Hs mesoing, wad fy aicing add:tionml reguircnsents te the original initiative ordlusnee Was an improper ilative araendinent a en insiulive nicasure whieh did wat reserve amendatory | autwority ta the City. Chivedlepart, syzra, (194) 85 Cal. 8 pp.dth 32, 52-40) | est he oan estat cha. iL wis a Ba» Cory, ling on Fronchise wal p. Ady, Next, siting inition oP"amendmenl (Mobi | semre. ree a | teria woe oF Maya (1995) Cun 76, 78. the cone engi that that such prrvisions (lection Code seins 9217 ee rp \* " pre xe Corsttctign, have their moots D DISMISS BASEL ON || ane 92.25, whe’ mieror article I, ace: PROPTS OPPOSITION 12 DEFTNDANL'S MOTION 7 THE URCONSTITSITIONA TY OF SENATE BILL 1257 inthe constitutional right ofthe electorate to initiative, ensurmg thal sx initiatives vill no! be urdane by vobsequeat hostile bounls of supervisors.” 4 || @debitepars arp. 41.) Finally, the cosn exsmined the changes made bythe city to 1 | tte wot itetve and found Met to Ue amesdoory wits the meuning ory and aot clarifying of any’ ambiguities within te initiative, thus improper ant 4 cy ova, ap. 43) a) In rgjecling the City’s primary argument che court stated, “(The Cily'al "J ominance gees toyota! sere of opstionK hy adic oie f | estson of nan ated by teintive, an by equi one fe 1b erst opine ctilosues bfine xem ses oy beste” Ant, 2 J -esestion isnt an asses casi int definition t be * essere ty these nen once (ot ning respects). Nor 2 Teeny mgs ae hy hts of Prpeton Ke te eg fe "cen no et cocobaeenglese ha he Cs nde adds "Tay, een ej te ips oti his sw separate * Tena fosieh ees net pp ann [Proponent tat Tl ccty tyson na rkett ht tng te, holdings insted that “bec £7 T repsion estohisies comme eal coar: vets 0 coveinas athe omiitions ier sich aren enol exempt ase my be 19 1 tered into are at movely a esloled area but rahe go to che Beat ofthe eomeruee 20 | rahe naw mensar(Mfdienart at pp A243) a lla. Senate Bill 1437 Created Penal Code Section 1171.95, Amending Proposition 7 acon asthe Kuiggs lnilalive (hcssinagler “rap, 5, The purssse of Ge initeause vas 1 Sturn back the ising tals of wivlen! exime that threatens eaeh ar] every [Calieuniaa]” by promalgubny; hniger sentences For frst-clegree and asec egress muncer and creating & oveh ard effective death punaly law, (Ses: Murder, Peaa.ty Ci ifvatia Propessition 7 (1972), nupvtrenast-ory-vchostiegs educa ellot_prons sngsiliam 7 amended PEOPLT S OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS MO LGN TO DISMISS BASED ON HT VNCONSTITUTIOMALLEY OF SENA JE. 8111. 1407 Penal Code section 191 set the salninsnm erm for fist-dogree unarer a 25~ileamd to nerense the punishmen! fur sexerc-dogtee murder Tamu a dcte:inate tos aad to 15- lion 1170.95 amends Prop. 7 by life, Senale Rill 1437°s newly-created Penal Code 3 ei il | authorizing the trial courc to resentonre delendants previously lawully eomvie | proposition? by perning cous to fnpose centeucss on those eon For frs-and 8 second-degree munler to something other than the searences authorized by thy velens " YVote’s are deemed aware of laws in existence at the time of appreving an " initiative, mnchuding the GeSuition of rhe crime tor which they arc imposing a yentenee. ~ (Profissiunad Lagineers m California Government v. Kempton (2001) (Rempron) 1 x bndy dered aware of existing laws and jud:cia’ constructions in effect at time 2 i dm ve Renace HF, (1988) 97 Ca BHC 877,890, fu.11 [principle applies Togilaiom is enac’ iniintive]) Purthes, “TIL is ¢ wel oes re cule a co legisla esuected by m4 | consttuetion Itt aluerthe courts huve constoned the reaping af amy partiular word, or 25 | cxpresciun, and Ihe legislamnre subsequently tadestakes tase thage exeel words in the 28) sarce connection, he prencaption is almost ieeelstte that i see tse 3 the ay ‘which is noL in controversy Here, iN Prop, Tse ar eloe Peal Cole sexton “902, PEOPLE'S OPPOSITION 10 EFTNIVANL'S MOTION TO DISMISS BASE | JSP (CONE FUL IONALITY OF SENATS. BIT. 1157 | sd technical sense which had boon placed upon theta by the eouns" (City gfLong 2 || tec». ne 1995) 3 Calas 284, 19) )The grosmaption i eqnally appli to 4 | measures aloptet fy popular vote, (Pong, oan (1949) 34 Cal.20 89, 983 See abo, He 1 || ve Aeamiee.D. (£980) 28 Cal 3d 2:9, 216.) 5 ‘when the people passed Prop. 7 ander was defined as “ihe ontawtat Wing fa ¢ [naan being with tice aZnetnought and vided ita fst and seeend aoe mordee 7 | Altmnurder not sett theft deyre ws dfined in seven 589, was murder Be 4 fseorme-desse. (Pen, Code, $9 187, 189.) Firs-cepee fetony murder, oryinally codified g | 0m thceornmon tw rae fn Cat tnvia in 1850, ws ened ws a ling commited in 1g [fhe Petresation of oratemptso perpetrate, arson, raps bbe. hurary, mashes er 11 [one secrunisable under Secon 28." (Pen Code, § 18S: eopley Dion (1983) tp [Pain as cats 1,472 n In addition tothe stulotory definitions af frst and second-degree murder in Ja | esses at ee ce Prop. 7 os paso, ots were preted are tat Celio fy | sorts tatteerconstue the moder tarts Ia apply to defendants where he mao fe asses for miner wa impudent ~ ihe ere perpetator of te killing or hi or her uevounplice — ised oly on hi or her putieipation ita cries ord (1964 (Ford 60 Cal 24-71, 295 f*Uloeicide hal 0 direct comsal sesu:t of the Tl commission of» ion fftvouty dangerous to Eman lif (other than the x feo 29) uanersted in Pon. Coe, § 189) constitutes at Jeat serene-degree mae." Pat, 21) ccnspiratoeHabiity at the natueat and prohabie consequences doctrine #5 upped 7? \ outer was tse fuse weeagnized to 1907. Peozte Kexfinan (L907) (Sapien) 2 Ve ce V8, 14 [% [here sevesal paris consgice ar combine togetir to comm: 79 | soy aad at. each i exitninally espoasitle fbr The acts af his associates at 2 | ccntoderntes cxnumitied in furtherance 0 aay prosecution otc eon desiga for 76 | auch taoy esmbsing ln Sentcaspluton of law te ret nf cme is tee ace af a. Hae is sesponsitte fv ever hing. cone by bis eunfedscates, which fli ineigentalty in tke 28 |e sccaioa af he eormucn de 4.15 peobuble ar nulural eonseqacces, oxen | PEOPLES GePosis10N 7 DRELNDANTS MOTION TO DISMISS B4SLD ON VHS LINCORSLILOTTONAL TY GF SENATH SILL 1482 xcugh it vaus uel inteuded as a part vl the original design or commaum plan." And so called “provocative net murder" was reengaized by our Supreme Count as warly 25 1965 ‘Tims, when the volers passed Peop. Txereining he pecaley for defendants convicted of either Brst ot sccond/-iegree murder as it wns ther defined ana Jong recognized by California courts, tho ieiiuive applied to all duly convicted marer defendants chat 818.1439 now week to allow o be resentenced to tens far botow chat ‘Our consrtution xoiuires Gi such xetfon be which was mandated by the poop! approve by tae voters. Senate Bill 1437 Amended Penal Cuile Section 184 Eliminating Imputed Malice Murder Constractivas, and Penal Crile Section 189, Requiring ‘Additional Conduct to be Held [iable for Firs-Degrec FeJony Murder, Both ‘of Which Amend Proposition 7 by Narrowing its Scope ‘The parallels and appticability of Quachenbrist aud Mobitepan ta 8.8. 1437 is competing and supports the invalidation oF $18. 1437. Senate BiNL 437 arnends the scope of btoposirion ? by Sniiting who eam be convicted and punished for fist and sevond-degtoe murder by adding requirctnents foe murder lability not previously required by elitoinating imputed maliee and by adding new affiunative roguisements for felumy-rmutder lisaility Senate Bilt 143) amencs Penal Code section 188 nox-substontively by remnizing it and breaking the section doin inia sepatate subdivisions. It amends svotiva 188 substancively by adding subdivision (3), whieh says, “Licept as stated in ‘cipal in a crieac subdtvision (e) of Section 189, jn arder to be env cieul of under, a shall et will: alive afoccahonght, Malice shall not be jmypulel te a person bas orc his o¢ hor pusivipation in s crime.” (Senate Bill No. 1497, $2.) solely ‘he bil kevsise unis Peral Crile scocton 189 nom-substinkively hy breaking Ihat section down ina sandivislons ao:l incorgoreting saocifx: starry definitions Cord Jers used within it It neruds section 189 substantively by adding subdivision (c). hich reads: OPPOSITION TO DH ENDANTS MOTION Tl) DISMISS RAS=1D ON DIR UINCONSTILUTICNATIY OF SENATE IME. 127

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