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Preview JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 1994: Vol 272 Index

Subject [Ce Xx The name of the first author follows each entry in brackets. In general the subject heading authority is the National Library of Medicine’s Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), Alphabetical list, 1994. Articles from PULSE: The Medical Student Section of JAMA are also indexed. Issue dates are given for JAMA 100 Years Ago, Poetry and Medicine, and Resident Forum. A A ratory Reduction of fever and streptococcal bacteremia in Permissive hypercapnia in acute respiratory failure granulocytopenic patients with cancer: a trial of Abdominal Decomprseee Loswesr Biodoy Nneg a- (Bidani] 957 oral —s V or placebo combined with pefloxa- tive Pressure Acquired Immui Syndrome cin {International Antimicrobial Therapy Coopera- Abnormalities AIDS —— minorities—US, 1993, from tive Group of the European Organization for Re- Birth outcomes following zidovudine therapy in preg- CDC, 11 search and Treatment of Cancer] 1183 nant women, from CDC, 17; addendum, 349 Duration of zidovudine benefit in persons with as- Vaccinia-based immunization may be on the way Cardiac function in fetuses with congenital diaphrag- ymptomatic HIV infection: prolonged evaluation of [Marwick] 1810 matic hernia (letter) [Karamanoukian] on rotocol 019 of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Administration, Topical [Harrison] 29 ———— 437 Cost analysis of topical drug regimens for dermato- Neurodevelopment after in utero exposure to pheny- Efficacy of zidovudine is time limited (letters) [Moore, phyte infections [Chren] 1922 toin and ———— (letters) (Jeret, Loring] Berman] 1001 (reply) [Lundgren] 1001 A doliescence 850 (reply) [Koren] 851 Female-to-female sexual contact and HIV transmis- Firehrm-related years of potential life lost before Transesophageal echocardiography of the aorta sion (letter) [Chu] 433 6{| years—United States, 1980-1991, from CDC, [Blane 546 Graying of America stimulates more research on aging- 1316 Abortion associated factors [Gunby] 1561 Honticides among 15-19-year-old males—United Fetal loss and caffeine intake (letters) [Wei, Kline, Human rights as critical as condoms against HIV States, 1963-1991, from CDC, 1572 Parazzini] 27, 28 (reply) [Infante-Rivard] 28 [Cotton] 758 Minors’ access to cigarette vending machines—Texas, Methotrexate and misoprostol vs misoprostol alone Kaposi’s sarcoma, vascular permeability, and scien- from CDC, 1402 for early abortion: a randomized controlled trial tific integrity (letters) [Gallo, Nakamura, Ensoli, Optimal calcium intake [NIH Consensus Develop- [Creinin] 1190 Sakurada, Albini, Markham, Bryant, Koshland, ment Panel on Optimal Calcium Intake] 1942 Tim(eSt eiton ausetra]n d 13u7p 8 for abortion providers, PULSE [RWeiitchtlei]n ]9 2921 6, 917, 918, 919, 920, 921, 922 (reply) Prevaloefn ovcerweeig ht among adolescents-—United AAFubbloslrt trpiauocbntl,ii ncagSt pioaonnn dt oafnI nerdoeesuuxslit nsg s eieni tAiablolry tiopnre sented in ab- TMNhaeenw y l iAtctIllDue eSsp ,i csftpeurrwee a dc[,o nGceollludms aiinos]ns su e4s1o 7n s uArIfaDcSe [[CCoottttoonn]] 471593 Pub[SltDiaect eChseo,a clk1t]9h 8 84i-8m11p9 l9i1c,a tionsfr om oCfDC ,A IDS1 7r3e7s earch in Africa stracts: a meta-analysis [Scherer] 158; correction, Only a phone call away: educating health care pro- Respiratory illness associated with inhalation of mush- Aca14d1e0m ic Medical Centers —1 about HIV/AIDS, from HRSA [Sumaya] Updraotoem: stproerndess —iWni sAcIoDnSs in,d ia1gn9o9s4i,s farnodm rCepDoCr,t in5g0 8 un- Community-academic health center partnerships for Public health implications of AIDS research in Africa der the expanded surveillance definition for ado- Accua innddaeetnritso enarPlv reedcvr iesnmiits nioo[rLnie tvyi nep]o pu3l0a9t ions: one solution to Qui{[cVDkoe e ulCpkoteacrkk]e] s .1.45.86 18 December 1, 1994—World AIDS Diy AdolCelDseCcs,ecn tes1n 8t1 a5n Bde haavdiuolrt s—United States, 1993, from FDA proposes special labeling and packaging to pre- Regulating syringe exchange programs: a cautionary Changes in the cigarette brand preferences of ado- vent childhood iron poisoning, from FDA note (letter) [Des Jarlais] 431 lescent smokers—United States, 1989-1993, from [Nightingale] 1488 —" cessation in patients with HIV [Chaisson] CDC, 848 Injury prevention: a new oa {Martinez} 1541 Cigarette smoking among women of reproductive Medical-care spending—United States, from CDC, Transmission of zidovudine-resistant HIV during a age—United States, 1987-1992, from , 1649 764 bloody fight (letter) [Ippolito] 433 Firearm violence and public health (letters) —_ uptakes...making children safe [Voelker] 259 US, French AIDS test patent rights renegotiated {Blackman, Ching, AF eocall Reed, Nellsch, eports of problems with use of liquid-dosing de- [Marwick] 420 McKay] 1406, 1407, 1408 (reply) [Barondess] 1409 vices, from FDA [Nightingale] 995 US sticks head in the sand on AIDS prevention Health and behavioral consequences of binge drink- Accidents [Cotton] 756 ing in college: a national survey of students at 140 Health and behavioral consequences of binge drink- Activities of Daily Living campuses [Wechsler] 1672 ing in college: a national survey of students at 140 Arthritis prevalence and activity limitations—United Reasons for tobacco use and symptoms of nicotine campuses [Wechsler] 1672 States, 1990, from CDC, 346 withdrawal among adolescent and young adult to- Accidents, Home Critical appraisal of the quality of quality-of-life mea- bacco users—United States, 1993, ?n s DC, 1648 Carbon monoxide poisoning—Weld County, Colorado, surements [Gill] 619 Risky a among teenagers—Gwinnett 1993, from CDE, 1489 Health status, quality of life, and the individual County, Georgia, 1993, from CDC, 844 ' Accidents, Traffic [Guyatt} 630 Seroprevalence of HIV and risk behaviors among Effect of the 1992 California motorcycle helmet use Physical activity and risk of severe gastrointestinal oung homosexual and bisexual men: the San law on motorcycle crash fatalities and injuries hemorrhage in older persons [Pahor} 595 F1s. c isco/Berkeley Young Men’s Survey [Lemp] [Kraus] 1506 Prevalence of disabilities and associated health con- Head injuries associated with motorcycle use—Wis- ditions—United States, 1991-1992, from CDC, 1735 US sticks head in the sand on AIDS prevention consin, 1991, from CDC, 845 Serum albumin level and gman disability as pre- [Cotton] 756 Helmets and preventing motorcycle- and bicycle-re- dictors of mortality in older persons [Corti] 1036 Adolescent Health Services lated injuries [American Medical Association Coun- Smoking, alcohol, and neuromuscular and physical ‘Catch-up’ hepatitis protection for adolescents cil on Scientific Affairs] 1535 — of older women ‘or 1825 [Marwick] 1130 Injury prevention: a new perspective [Martinez] 1541 Adaptation, Genetic testing for children and adolescents: who de- Risky driving behaviors among teenagers—Gwinnett Denial in the medical interview: recognition and man- cides? [Wertz] 875 UpdCSatoatutene:ts y,, s1d9e8c2h-Ge1aor9gli9a , 3o,c t1ef9tr93oe,md ftCrrDaofCmf ,ic C D1C8f9,a1t a8l4i4t ies—United Yeruskefeuls m entpr iinm[ aNteeso sps]ht tuhd1ia7el7s7m oylioeglyd,i ng bcleihnaivcailo rfarlu it, srceiseunlctes HepLaotuiitsiisa naB, vaancdc iOnraetgioonn , o1f9 9a2d-o1l9e9s4c,e nftrso—mC aClDiCfo,r n1i0a9,6 Workplace-related homicide among health care work- {Skolnick] 909 Impact of college prematriculation immunization ers in the United States, 1980 through 1990 Addictive Behavior see Behavior, Addictive requirements on risk for measles outbreaks Ac[cGoomomdomdaant]i o1n6,86 Ocular AChdainpgoesse Tiins saudei posity associated with pre cy Ado[lBeasuscent cgehnmta n]P sy11c2h7o; lcoogryr ection, 1822 —— visual symptoms in an older woman [Mohr] (letters) [Donnelly, Thacker] (reply) [Smith] 1820 Genetic testing for children and adolescents: who de- Administration, Inhalation cides? [Wertz] 875 Accreditation Safety and potential efficacy of an aerosolized sur- Adoption Educational programs in US medical schools, 1993- factant in human sepsis-induced adult respiratory Genetic testing for children and adolescents: who de- 1994 [Jonas] 694 distress syndrome ] 1433 cides? [Wertz] 875 or of committees on education (as of July 1, Administration, Intravaginal Adrenal Cortex Hormones ), Intentional overdose by intravaginal insertion of Serum antibody to inner ear proteins in patients with Acetami lithium carbonate (letter) [Temie] 1723 progressive hearing loss: correlation with disease Acetaminophen hepatotoxicity: the effects of fasting Methctrexate and misoprostol vs misoprostol alone activity and response to corticosteroid treatment and ethanol use itcomb] 1 for early abortion: a randomized controlled trial [Moscicki] 611 Adverse reactions to over-the-counter analgesics [Creinin] 1190 Adrenergic B Blockaders taken for therapeutic purposes [Strom] 1 Administration, Oral Diagnosis and treatment of heart failure due to left Rational use of over-the-counter medications in young Intentional overdose by intravaginal insertion of ventricular dysfunction (letter) [Mehra] 1324 (re- children [Gadomski] 1063 lithium carbonate (letter) [Temte] 1723 ply) [Gaasch] 1825 1962 JAMA, December 28, 1994—Vol 272, No. 24 Subject Index Subject [Ce Xx The name of the first author follows each entry in brackets. In general the subject heading authority is the National Library of Medicine’s Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), Alphabetical list, 1994. Articles from PULSE: The Medical Student Section of JAMA are also indexed. Issue dates are given for JAMA 100 Years Ago, Poetry and Medicine, and Resident Forum. A A ratory Reduction of fever and streptococcal bacteremia in Permissive hypercapnia in acute respiratory failure granulocytopenic patients with cancer: a trial of Abdominal Decomprseee Loswesr Biodoy Nneg a- (Bidani] 957 oral —s V or placebo combined with pefloxa- tive Pressure Acquired Immui Syndrome cin {International Antimicrobial Therapy Coopera- Abnormalities AIDS —— minorities—US, 1993, from tive Group of the European Organization for Re- Birth outcomes following zidovudine therapy in preg- CDC, 11 search and Treatment of Cancer] 1183 nant women, from CDC, 17; addendum, 349 Duration of zidovudine benefit in persons with as- Vaccinia-based immunization may be on the way Cardiac function in fetuses with congenital diaphrag- ymptomatic HIV infection: prolonged evaluation of [Marwick] 1810 matic hernia (letter) [Karamanoukian] on rotocol 019 of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Administration, Topical [Harrison] 29 ———— 437 Cost analysis of topical drug regimens for dermato- Neurodevelopment after in utero exposure to pheny- Efficacy of zidovudine is time limited (letters) [Moore, phyte infections [Chren] 1922 toin and ———— (letters) (Jeret, Loring] Berman] 1001 (reply) [Lundgren] 1001 A doliescence 850 (reply) [Koren] 851 Female-to-female sexual contact and HIV transmis- Firehrm-related years of potential life lost before Transesophageal echocardiography of the aorta sion (letter) [Chu] 433 6{| years—United States, 1980-1991, from CDC, [Blane 546 Graying of America stimulates more research on aging- 1316 Abortion associated factors [Gunby] 1561 Honticides among 15-19-year-old males—United Fetal loss and caffeine intake (letters) [Wei, Kline, Human rights as critical as condoms against HIV States, 1963-1991, from CDC, 1572 Parazzini] 27, 28 (reply) [Infante-Rivard] 28 [Cotton] 758 Minors’ access to cigarette vending machines—Texas, Methotrexate and misoprostol vs misoprostol alone Kaposi’s sarcoma, vascular permeability, and scien- from CDC, 1402 for early abortion: a randomized controlled trial tific integrity (letters) [Gallo, Nakamura, Ensoli, Optimal calcium intake [NIH Consensus Develop- [Creinin] 1190 Sakurada, Albini, Markham, Bryant, Koshland, ment Panel on Optimal Calcium Intake] 1942 Tim(eSt eiton ausetra]n d 13u7p 8 for abortion providers, PULSE [RWeiitchtlei]n ]9 2921 6, 917, 918, 919, 920, 921, 922 (reply) Prevaloefn ovcerweeig ht among adolescents-—United AAFubbloslrt trpiauocbntl,ii ncagSt pioaonnn dt oafnI nerdoeesuuxslit nsg s eieni tAiablolry tiopnre sented in ab- TMNhaeenw y l iAtctIllDue eSsp ,i csftpeurrwee a dc[,o nGceollludms aiinos]ns su e4s1o 7n s uArIfaDcSe [[CCoottttoonn]] 471593 Pub[SltDiaect eChseo,a clk1t]9h 8 84i-8m11p9 l9i1c,a tionsfr om oCfDC ,A IDS1 7r3e7s earch in Africa stracts: a meta-analysis [Scherer] 158; correction, Only a phone call away: educating health care pro- Respiratory illness associated with inhalation of mush- Aca14d1e0m ic Medical Centers —1 about HIV/AIDS, from HRSA [Sumaya] Updraotoem: stproerndess —iWni sAcIoDnSs in,d ia1gn9o9s4i,s farnodm rCepDoCr,t in5g0 8 un- Community-academic health center partnerships for Public health implications of AIDS research in Africa der the expanded surveillance definition for ado- Accua innddaeetnritso enarPlv reedcvr iesnmiits nioo[rLnie tvyi nep]o pu3l0a9t ions: one solution to Qui{[cVDkoe e ulCpkoteacrkk]e] s .1.45.86 18 December 1, 1994—World AIDS Diy AdolCelDseCcs,ecn tes1n 8t1 a5n Bde haavdiuolrt s—United States, 1993, from FDA proposes special labeling and packaging to pre- Regulating syringe exchange programs: a cautionary Changes in the cigarette brand preferences of ado- vent childhood iron poisoning, from FDA note (letter) [Des Jarlais] 431 lescent smokers—United States, 1989-1993, from [Nightingale] 1488 —" cessation in patients with HIV [Chaisson] CDC, 848 Injury prevention: a new oa {Martinez} 1541 Cigarette smoking among women of reproductive Medical-care spending—United States, from CDC, Transmission of zidovudine-resistant HIV during a age—United States, 1987-1992, from , 1649 764 bloody fight (letter) [Ippolito] 433 Firearm violence and public health (letters) —_ uptakes...making children safe [Voelker] 259 US, French AIDS test patent rights renegotiated {Blackman, Ching, AF eocall Reed, Nellsch, eports of problems with use of liquid-dosing de- [Marwick] 420 McKay] 1406, 1407, 1408 (reply) [Barondess] 1409 vices, from FDA [Nightingale] 995 US sticks head in the sand on AIDS prevention Health and behavioral consequences of binge drink- Accidents [Cotton] 756 ing in college: a national survey of students at 140 Health and behavioral consequences of binge drink- Activities of Daily Living campuses [Wechsler] 1672 ing in college: a national survey of students at 140 Arthritis prevalence and activity limitations—United Reasons for tobacco use and symptoms of nicotine campuses [Wechsler] 1672 States, 1990, from CDC, 346 withdrawal among adolescent and young adult to- Accidents, Home Critical appraisal of the quality of quality-of-life mea- bacco users—United States, 1993, ?n s DC, 1648 Carbon monoxide poisoning—Weld County, Colorado, surements [Gill] 619 Risky a among teenagers—Gwinnett 1993, from CDE, 1489 Health status, quality of life, and the individual County, Georgia, 1993, from CDC, 844 ' Accidents, Traffic [Guyatt} 630 Seroprevalence of HIV and risk behaviors among Effect of the 1992 California motorcycle helmet use Physical activity and risk of severe gastrointestinal oung homosexual and bisexual men: the San law on motorcycle crash fatalities and injuries hemorrhage in older persons [Pahor} 595 F1s. c isco/Berkeley Young Men’s Survey [Lemp] [Kraus] 1506 Prevalence of disabilities and associated health con- Head injuries associated with motorcycle use—Wis- ditions—United States, 1991-1992, from CDC, 1735 US sticks head in the sand on AIDS prevention consin, 1991, from CDC, 845 Serum albumin level and gman disability as pre- [Cotton] 756 Helmets and preventing motorcycle- and bicycle-re- dictors of mortality in older persons [Corti] 1036 Adolescent Health Services lated injuries [American Medical Association Coun- Smoking, alcohol, and neuromuscular and physical ‘Catch-up’ hepatitis protection for adolescents cil on Scientific Affairs] 1535 — of older women ‘or 1825 [Marwick] 1130 Injury prevention: a new perspective [Martinez] 1541 Adaptation, Genetic testing for children and adolescents: who de- Risky driving behaviors among teenagers—Gwinnett Denial in the medical interview: recognition and man- cides? [Wertz] 875 UpdCSatoatutene:ts y,, s1d9e8c2h-Ge1aor9gli9a , 3o,c t1ef9tr93oe,md ftCrrDaofCmf ,ic C D1C8f9,a1t a8l4i4t ies—United Yeruskefeuls m entpr iinm[ aNteeso sps]ht tuhd1ia7el7s7m oylioeglyd,i ng bcleihnaivcailo rfarlu it, srceiseunlctes HepLaotuiitsiisa naB, vaancdc iOnraetgioonn , o1f9 9a2d-o1l9e9s4c,e nftrso—mC aClDiCfo,r n1i0a9,6 Workplace-related homicide among health care work- {Skolnick] 909 Impact of college prematriculation immunization ers in the United States, 1980 through 1990 Addictive Behavior see Behavior, Addictive requirements on risk for measles outbreaks Ac[cGoomomdomdaant]i o1n6,86 Ocular AChdainpgoesse Tiins saudei posity associated with pre cy Ado[lBeasuscent cgehnmta n]P sy11c2h7o; lcoogryr ection, 1822 —— visual symptoms in an older woman [Mohr] (letters) [Donnelly, Thacker] (reply) [Smith] 1820 Genetic testing for children and adolescents: who de- Administration, Inhalation cides? [Wertz] 875 Accreditation Safety and potential efficacy of an aerosolized sur- Adoption Educational programs in US medical schools, 1993- factant in human sepsis-induced adult respiratory Genetic testing for children and adolescents: who de- 1994 [Jonas] 694 distress syndrome ] 1433 cides? [Wertz] 875 or of committees on education (as of July 1, Administration, Intravaginal Adrenal Cortex Hormones ), Intentional overdose by intravaginal insertion of Serum antibody to inner ear proteins in patients with Acetami lithium carbonate (letter) [Temie] 1723 progressive hearing loss: correlation with disease Acetaminophen hepatotoxicity: the effects of fasting Methctrexate and misoprostol vs misoprostol alone activity and response to corticosteroid treatment and ethanol use itcomb] 1 for early abortion: a randomized controlled trial [Moscicki] 611 Adverse reactions to over-the-counter analgesics [Creinin] 1190 Adrenergic B Blockaders taken for therapeutic purposes [Strom] 1 Administration, Oral Diagnosis and treatment of heart failure due to left Rational use of over-the-counter medications in young Intentional overdose by intravaginal insertion of ventricular dysfunction (letter) [Mehra] 1324 (re- children [Gadomski] 1063 lithium carbonate (letter) [Temte] 1723 ply) [Gaasch] 1825 1962 JAMA, December 28, 1994—Vol 272, No. 24 Subject Index Advance Directives Invasive procedures in acute myocardial infarction: Air Quality, Indoor see Air Poliution, Indoor Interview with Dax Cowart, PULSE [Rosenberg] are they beneficial? [Gould] 891 Aircraft 744 Lack of association between cholesterol and coronary Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis associ- Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Systems heart disease mortality and morbidity and all-cause ated with air travel [Driver] 1031 Adverse drug reactions: getting informabtacik ofrno m —~ in persons older than 70 years [Krumholz] Airway Obstruction MEDWATCH (letter) [Vogt] 590 (replies) Acute epiglottitis in adults: analysis of 129 cases [Nightingale, Siegfried] 590, 591 The last of August [Fisher] 1310 [Frantz] 1358 Examining product risk in context: the case of zome- Left ventricular mass and risk of stroke in an elderly Alanine Aminotransferase pirac (letters) [Spielberg, Musa] 1252 (replies) cohort: the Framingham Heart Study [Bikkina] 33 Outbreak of hepatitis C associated with intravenous [Gibson, Ross-Degnan] 1252 Lifestyle changes, low-dose diuretics should be first immunoglobulin admininstration—United States, New rules to strengthen reporting of safety prob- choice for treating hypertension in the elderly, from October 1993-June 1994, from CDC, 424 lems, from FDA [Nightingale] 1814 NIB [Lenfant] 842 Albert, Daniel M. Quick uptakes...reporting bad news [Voelker] 259 Limited value of routine laboratory assessments in Daniel M. Albert becomes editor of AMA’s Archives Advertising severely impaired nursing home residents [Kim] of Ophthalmology in its 125th year [Gunby] 9 Announcements in the press: New Orleans, Oct. 13, 1447 Albuterol 1894, 1622; physician advertising [Martensen] 1623 Moist eyes in the elderly [Roth] 1234 Salmeterol xinafoate vs albuterol in asthma: was Antioxidants, pro-oxidants, and their effects (letter) Optimal calcium intake [NIH Consensus Develop- race a factor? (letter) ([Olopade] (reply) [Herbert] 1659 (reply) [Schalch] 1660 ment Panel on Optimal Calcium Intake] 1942 [D’Alonzo] 1576 Changes in the cigarette brand preferences of ado- Outcomes of older patients receiving chronic dialysis Alcohol Drinking lescent smokers—United States, 1989-1998, from (letters) [Stanton, Chertow, Kutner, Lundin, Association of moderate alcohol consumption and CDC, 843 Brogan] 274, 275 (replies) [Byrne, Blagg] 276 plasma concentration of endogenous tissue-type Cigarette smoking among women of reproductive Physical activity and risk of severe gastrointestinal plasminogen activator [Ridker] 929 age—United States, 1987-1992, from , 1649 hemorrhage in older persons [Pahor] 595 Fetal loss and caffeine intake (letters) [Wei, Kline, Examining product risk in context: the case of zome- Randomized controlled trial of influenza vaccine in Parazzini] 27, 28 (reply) [Infante-Rivard]j 28 irac (letters) [Spielberg, Musa] 1252 (replies) the elderly: scientific scrutiny and ethical respon- Health and behavioral consequences of binge drink- [Gibson, Ross-Degnan] 1252 sibility [Patriarca] 1700 ing in college: a national survey of students at 140 Pharmaceutical promotion and fe cram requests to Serum albumin level and — disability as pre- campuses [Wechsler] 1672 — formularies (letter) [Rubin] (reply) [Chren] dictors of mortality in older persons [Corti] 1036 Management of heart failure: II. counseling, educa- Smoking, alcohol, and neuromuscular and physical tion, and lifestyle modifications [Dracup] 1442 Aerobic Exercise see Exercise function of older women [Nelson] 1825 Quick uptakes...new driving force [Voelker] 912 Aerosols Suboptimal medication use in the elderly: the tip of Smoking, alcohol, and neuromuscular and physical Legionndiaseaiser asesoscia’te d with cooling towers— the iceberg [Gurwitz] 316 function of older women [Nelson] 1825 Massachusetts, Michigan, and Rhode ad 1998, Tetanus immunization in adults (letter) [Balestra] 1900, Update: alcohol-related traffic fatalities—United from CDC, 426 (reply) [Bisgard] 1901 States, 1982-1993, from CDC, 1891 A4ffec,t suicidal ideation in general medical pa- Cho1l3e72s t8e0r oaln iannd Othvee re lderly: is it important? [Hulley] Whaclti nitcoia na’dsv icsoe nupantdireunmts [aPbeoaurts odnr] in9k6i7n g alcohol: the tients [Cooper-Patrick] 1757 Alcohol, Ethyl Legitimacy of neurasthenia (letter) [Trautman] (re- Aggression Acetaminophen hepatotoxicity: the effects of fasting ly) [Martensen] 1719 Yerkes primate studies yielding clinical fruit, results and ethanol use itcomb] 1845 Affective Disorders use in ophthalmology, behavioral science Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium Utility of a new procedure for diagnosing mental [Skolnick] 909 Individualized treatment for alcoho} withdrawai: a disorders in primary care: the PRIME-MD 1000 Aging randomized double-blind controlled trial [Saitz] Study [Spitzer] 1749 Control of food intake in older men [Roberts] 1601 519 Afghanistan Dietary carotenoids, vitamins A, C, and E, and ad- Refining the treatment of alcohol withdrawal [Fuller} Mortality rates, causes of death, and health status vanced age-related macular degeneration [Seddon] 557 among displaced and resident populations of Kabul, 1413 Alcoholism Afghanistan [Gessner] 382 Graying of America stimulates more research on aging- Adverse reactions to over-the-counter analgesics Africa associated factors [Gunby] 1561 taken for therapeutic purposes [Strom] 1866 Human rights as critical as condoms against HIV Quick uptakes...caring for the underserved...and ag- Alcoholism [Martensen] 1895 [Cotton] 758 ing Americans [Voelker] 1241 Cocaine and HIV prevalence in an alcohol treatment Africa South of the Sahara Zinc and deficiencies of taste and smell [Alpers] 1233 center (letter) [Epstein] (reply) [Avins] 435 Public health implications of AIDS research in Africa Agranulocytosis Does this patient have an alcoho: problem? [Kitchens] [De Cock] 481 Reduction of fever and streptococcal bacteremia in 1782 Age Factors granulocytopenic patients with cancer: a trial of Unraveling the brain chemistry behind alcohol abuse, Casweh enfo r gocaosde -ampipxl esa dljouoskt mbeandt [Sian lperma-cStcihcaet zp]r of8i7l1i ng: tocirivanel aG[rInotuerp n atoifo Vnta hleo r A Enputliramcoiepcberoao nbc ioamOlir bgiTanhneeidzr aawtpiiyto hn — Cfooorp e Rrea-- Utidflirisotoymr doNefrT sHa inn[e Gwopr rdiipmsra]or cy1e 7d3cu3arr ee : ftohre dPiaRgInMosEi-ngM Dm en1t0a0l0 - in the elderly: is it important? [Hulley] search and Treatment of Cancer] 1183 Study [Spitzer] 1749 Agriculture What to advise patients about drinking alcohol: the Education, occupation, and Alzheimer’s disease (let- Epidemiology of failed tobacco control legislation clinician’s conundrum [Pearson] 967 ters) [Devitt, Cohen, Powell] 1405 (reply) [Stern] Alleles 1406 outt rek. 0o!f - tosporiddiois is from frefsrhes-hp-prree:s sed Apolipoprotein E alleles, dyslipidemia, and coronary Educational attainment in long-term survivors of child- ae cider [Millard] 1592 heart di : the Framing Offspring Study Epidoeomdi oalcuotgey loyfm pthuobbelracsutliocsi s leiunk etmhiea U[nHiatuepdt ]S t1a4t2es7, UAnItDilS tsheee pAecpqpueirrse d[ PaIumlmsuhnocokd]e f8i3c6i ency Syndrome All[eWriglesonn ]i m1m6u66n otherapy see Desensitization, Im- Fir1e9a8r5m -trherloautgehd 1y9e9a2r s[ Caonft wpeoltle]n ti5a3l5 life lost before ASuIrDvSi-vRael laantde dd isOepapsoer otuniostic Infaeccctioorndsi ngt og ender Allmiuedn oHleoalgthi c Occupations e 65 years—United States, 1980-1991, from of patients with HIV infection: the Terry Beirn Membership of committees on education (as of July 1, iC, 1246 pomep nd for Clinical Research on 1994), 737 Graying of America stimulates more research on aging- AIDS [Melnick] 1915 Nurse practitioner redux revisited (letters) [Ferazzi, associated factors [Gunby] 1561 Update: trends in AIDS diagnosis and reporting un- LePage, Fightlin, Handsfield] 591, 592 (reply) HIV and tuberculosis infection in San Francisco’s der the expanded surveillance definition for ado- [DeAngelis] 592 homeless adults: prevalence and risk factors in a lescents and adults—United States, 1993, from Allograft see Transplantation, Homologous representative sample [Zolopa] 455 Alteplase Multiple blinded reviews of the same two manuscripts: AIDS Serocoi nversiio n see HIV Seropositivity Association of moderate aleoho! consumption and effects of referee characteristics and publication AIDS Serodiagnosis plasma concentration of endogenous tissue-type language [Nylenna] 149 Cost-effectiveness of voluntary counseling and test- plasminogen activator (Ridker} 929 Rationing intensive care (letters) [Baker, Moskop] ing of hospital inpatients for HIV infection [Lurie] Alternative Medicine f 1480, 1481 (reply) [Danis] 1481 1832 Advisory group insists on ‘alternative’ voice [Marwick] Aged HIV testing, counseling, and prophylaxis after sexual 1239 Access and outcomes of elderly patients enrolled in assault (letter) [Herbert] reply) [Gostin] 1577 Time for new head, new approach at OAM [Marwick] managed care [Clement] 271:1487; correction, 272: Potential cost of screening surgeons for HIV (letter) 1806 276 [Roizen] (reply) [Phillips] 434 ; , Aluminum Blood usage reviews [Dzik] 896 Public health implications of AIDS research in Africa Aluminum toxicity [Ambre] 242 Cholesterol in the elderly: is it important? [Hulley] [De Cock] 481 Alzheimer’s Disease 1372 Update: trends in AIDS diagnosis and reporting un- Alzheimer’s/Apo E link grows stronger [Cotton] A conversation with my mother [Eddy] 179 der the expanded surveillance definition for ado- 1483 Does more intensive treatment of acute myocardial lescents and adults—United States, 1993, from Education, occupation, and Alzheimer’s disease (let- infarction in the elderly reduce mortality? analysis CDC, 1815 ters) [Devitt, Cohen, Powell] 1405 (reply) [Stern] using instrumental variables [McClellan] 859 US, French AIDS test patent rights renegotiated 1406 Efficacy of influenza vaccination in elderly individu- Marwick] 420 Tacrine for Alzheimer’s disease (letters) [Wolferman, als: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled AIDS Vaccines Luqman, Riesenberg, Temianka] 1896 (replies) trial [(Govaert] 1661 AIDS vaccines: are we ready for human efficacy tri- [Knapp, Winker] 1897 Elderly urged to get Medicare-paid flu shots; agen- als? [Mascola] 488 Users’ guides to the medical literature: V. how to use cies try for improved awareness, accessibility HIV infection in vaccinated volunteers (letter) [Belshe] an article about prognosis [Laupacis] 234 [Marwick] 1640 431 Ambulatory Car> Hypertension in the elderly: implications and gener- International disunity on HIV vaccine efficacy trials Access and outcomes of elderly patients enrolled in izability of anbenialt rials[ Mulrow] 1982 [Cotton] 1090 managed care [Clement] 271:1487; correction, 272: —— drug prescribing for the community- Neutralizing antibodies to HIV-1 in seronegative vol- 276 welling elderly [Willcox] 292 unteers immunized with recombinant gp120 from Cost-quality relationship: do we always get what we Initiation of antihypertensive treatment during non- the MN strain of HIV-1 [Belshe] 475 pay for? [Wagner] 1951 — anti-i tory drug therapy [Gurwitz] Air Pollution, indoor Costs vs quality in different types of primary care Healing by design [Voelker] 1885 settings [Starfield] 1903 JAMA, December 28, 1994—Vol 272, No. 24 Subject index 1963 Directly observed therapy for tuberculosis in New Angina Pectoris — (letters) [Jeret, Loring] York City (letter) [Klein] 4355 G eply) [Bloch] 436 By the numbers: how much angina a gam- $50 0G ent) [Koren] Until the peppers [Pauishock8]3 6 bler quit? yop Heei e pi)( Gresnpola] 593 American of Famiiy Physicians Management of the role of revas- Discontinuation of manufacture of isocarboxazid (let- Clinical policies: conflicts of interest explicit cularization in coyp i a of patients with mod- ter) [Lieb] (reply) [Medd] 1722 (letter) [Phillips] 1479 erate or severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction itimacy of a (letter) [Trautman] (re- American Association of Physicians for Human [Baker] 1528 ply) [Martensen}1 7 Rights see Gay and Lesbian Medical Associa- Lako fe onciation fapele, Tricyclic of association between cholesterol and coronary Apparent intrauterine fetal withdrawal from clomi- American Board of Family Practice heart disease mortality and morbidity and all-cause pramine hydrochloride (letter) [Bromiker] 1722 Pediatricians are —— too (letter) [DeWitt] (re- — in persons older than 70 years [Krumholz]} Toxicity and dose of desipramine hydrochloride (let- ply) [Kimball] 1 ter) [Amitai] 1719 (reply) [Mann] 1720 American Board of internal Medicine Angioedema ——— rotic Edema Antidiarrheals Pediatricians are __ too (letter) [DeWitt] (re- Over-the-counter medication use among US preschool- ply) eee Angioneurotic Edema age children [Kogan] 1025 AmericaHne a rtA ssociation Use of fresh-frozen plasma in hereditary leptic Agents see Anticonvulsants First AHA statement on tobacco and children (letter) [Lieberman] (reply) [Cooper] 51 Antifungal A [Skolnick] 841 Cost analysis of topical drug regimens for dermato- American Heart Journal Management of heart failure: ITI. the role of revas- phyte infections [Chren] 1922 lEpviapmlusub alhtilie enohmgede dg9ne t trhiiisenann d bqtqtcceuuhhoooaaeeddll mm iipp osttpaayyfrrp o eeooCdffdd a aar rrdjatwwtioiiiiwccuotalltrhleeen hossna g ly pptth[h[uuee RRbbqqoolluucciiaahhssllohhoiieennttdd]y]y iinnoo 11jjff00oo 88tuut rhrhnonoassaleel ACClan“ipgcee[entiruBniotoalaocptttakaureeerelig rnir l os)z],ri”ah nt sb1-iel5aCovo2oneo8n rid vne e gt rluhat(ieie}ifP d tan1aet g0vlrnr 0eieEm5nn,a tietnres mi:zyeac nn]uydtdl o am1erd3os ei7f as4 ptyb hsaetettIoi inlcechi noictnbo siedk typbwoshoirfortsukoh n p camhttoiahdovy-ne AECfanfpttgiteiylconpgheaipteyeccrta pyinel rleBsl),yr o tf[b[e SldSnairouswniogiaifdacctv yetkeadii] v]p ia rAte1:1sen1 s0d2u0 2fr5 e v,la cuacntiedny epn dei ziaAnb eaatpnir dce vwneeenlptlhi-nrmgoa ptacathntehidy- Sr~elub altilisenhmgeea ndtt hiesen atchoue m|eppa reeofda o rjwtoiiuctrinhea nl ut[heb Rlqoiucashlhoientdy] ino 1jf0o 8ut rhnoasle Arnitmmeasnlt [RtBiagkehetr so] hh1e 3a6r1t failure: I. pharmacologic treat- HInyappp erarbotspeirnlisiatityoe on f i dnr ratunhdgGeo ’o emlmdiaersc] yi taa 8fa o[rrM uettilh oreno sw c]ao nmdm1 u93gn2ei nteyr-- aPseenartae r riemcveaidneicw Ja oli us ramnnaa nleuf sfecocrtfii pSvteu sr sgce[rrAeybe bnyi]n g 1p0r5o cess to evalu- ANenuimrmaotaselc sie rnetseiasrtc/hp sycchenitaetrr is[tS ktoalkneicsk ]h el9m0 7 at flagship pri- Inisttiieanrtoilioldnan lgo f ap natniet-ii h ypertielnlsetioovxr]ey 2dt9rr2ue ga ttmheenrta pdyu r[iGnugrw intozn-] American Medical Association Current ethical issues in organ procurement and trans- Association of American Medical Colleges and Ameri- plantation, PULSE [Caplan] 1708 Lifestyle changes, low-dose diuretics should be first can Medical Association Joint Statement on Phy- Animals, Domestic choice for treating hypertension in the elderly, from sician Workforce Planning and Graduate Medical The last of August [Fisher] 1310 NIH [Lenfant] 842 Education Reform Policies [Cohen] 712 Animals, Transgenic Suboptimal medication use in the elderly: the tip of House of Delegates 1994 Interim Meeting: official Uses of molecular biology in transplantation, PULSE the iceberg [Gurwitz] 316 call, 1007; members, 1008; ex officio members, 1016; [Pierson] 1706 Anti-infective Agents, Fluoroquinolone officials of the American Medical Association, 1017; Ankle Injuries Reduction of fever and streptococcal bacteremia in reference committees, 1018 les aera of fias is ankle rules (letter) ae. patients with cancer: a trial of JAMA editorial position and US health system re- wrt (rep) [coStinelle) 518 a V or placebo combined with pefloxa- form (letters) (Schilling, Jacoby, Bild, Stanley, ternational Antimicrobial Therapy Coopera- Wendt] 1655, 1656 (reply) [Lundberg] 1656 Dep oe a r oe rel agree on manuscript fivea an of the European Organization for Re- oe of committees on education (as of July 1, uality? [Justice] 117 search and Treatment of Cancer] 1183 1934),7 3 Effects of peer review and editing on the readability Anti-inflammatory Agents, Non-steroidal Road less traveled: a conversation with my son of articles published in Annals of Internal Medi- Adverse reactions to over-the-counter ics [McAfee] 627 cine [Roberts] 119 taken for therapeutic purposes [Strom] i. American Medical Association Alliance Initiation of antihypertensive treatment during non- State of the Medical Alliance, 1993-1994 [Hanson]} Antibiotics to prevent acute otitis media and to treat _ anti-inflammatory drug therapy [Gurwitz] AM1A0 19C ouncil Report see COUNCIL REPORT potietis m e[dWiilal iwaimtsh] _204 (letter) [Cantekin] 203 Over-1t he-counter medicautsei aomonng US preschool- American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics eee trial of Saccharomy- age children [Kogan] 1025 Topics go from aiding suicide to reporting news as ces boulardii in combination with standard antibi- Rational use of over-the-counter medications in young — groups hold first ‘mega-meeting’ [Skolnick] otics for Clostridium difficile disease [McFarland] children [Gadomski] 1063 271:1913; correction, 272:518 Suboptimal medication use in the elderly: the tip of ane bodies the iceberg [Gurwitz] 316 Toxicity and dose of desipramine hydrochloride (let- Determination of measles, mumps, and rubella im- Antilipemic Agents ter) fAmitail1 719 (reply) [Mann] 1720 munization status using oral fluid samples [Thieme] Proof arrives: antilipids save lives [Goldsmith] 1637 Amitriptyl 219 Antioxidants TAmeotxexeril)c iAllmaiintm Tai a]m 1 71o9f d(ersepilpyr)a m[iMnaen nh y1d7ro2c0hl oride (let- Serapcrutomig vriaetnsyts iibavondedy rhetesoa prioinnnngse er l oestasor: cpcoorrrotrtieeclioanststi eorinon ipdwa ittither netdasit smweeainstteh AAlnlt1i L oxgid angtlsi,tt eprrs o-iosx indoatn tsb,e taa ndc artohteiern ee ff[eHcatsn ki(lnestotner]) Helicobacter pylori in —_ ulcer disease [NIH Con- PR so ny 611 ({Herbert] 1659 (reply) (Schalch] 1660 sensus Development Panel on Helicobacter pylori ntibodies, ipin Dietary carotenoids, vitamins A, C, and E, and ad- Amipnh ePetpatmici nUelsee r Disease] 65 tASnietrtiuebm go odeaisne tsio,bn o,dA ynP tUitLnoSu icEnln eear[ rDe oanro vparont]e in1s3 79in patients with —1413 age-related macular degeneration [Seddon] Obesity drug renews toxicity debate [Voelker] 1087 progressive hearing loss: correlation with disease Serum carotenoids and coronary heart disease: the AMemdpiuctaal tianodn social consequences of land mines in Cam- a{cMtoisvciitcyk i]a nd6 11r esponse to corticosteroid treatment tLiiopni dT rRieals eaarndc h FoCllilnoiwc-s upC orSotnuadryy [PMrorirmiasr]y 1P4r8e9v en- bodia [Stover] 331 Antibody _” Agents see Tranquilizing Agents, Analgesia AIDS vaccines: are we ready for human efficacy tri- Ethnicity and estimates of pain by physicians (let- als? [Mascola] 488 Antipyretics see Anti-inflammatory Agents, Non- ters) [Howell, Young] 1168, 1169 (reply) [Todd] a of carrierw epr etela priming on antibody responses steroidal sed 1169 us inf type b conjugate vac- Antisocial Personality Disorder Quick uptakes...listing sources of pain control...and aaa in infants [Granoff] 1116 — disorders: current perspectives [Oldham] barriers to pain relief [Voelker] 912 we of inactivated vaccine in preventing anti- Analgesics drifted influenza type A and well-matched Pe. Agents Adverse reactions to over-the-counter analgesics SeeB BiIsS ag aya] 1122 Combination tuberculosis drug aptr oved; ible taken for therapeutic purposes [Strom] a Immunogenicity of hepatitis B vaccines (letters) [Koff, electromagnetic interference problems with wheel- Over-the-counter medication use among US preschool- Needles, Germanaud] 201, 202 chairs and other medical devices; FDA to sponsor age children [Kogan] 1025 Neutralizing antibodies to HIV-1 in seronegative vol- workshop on HIV detection during ‘window’ pe- Anaphylaxis unteers immunized with recombinant gp120 from Poy in donor screening, from FDA [Nightingale] Examining product risk in context: the case of zome- the MN strain of HIV-1 [Belshe] 475 irac (letters) [Spielberg, Musa] 1252 (replies) Antibody-Dependent Cell Cytotoxicity Directly observed therapy for tuberculosis in New Gibson, Ross-Degnan] 1252 Treatment of metastatic melanoma and renal cell car- York City (letter) [Klein] 435 (reply) [Bloch] 436 Anatomy cinoma with interleukin-2 (letter) [Manson] 1327 Antiviral Agents Sex and gender bias in anatomy and — diag- Anticardiolipin Antibodies see Antibodies, Anti- Brightest x-rays ever give researchers brand-new nosis text illustrations [Mendelsohn}1 cardiolipin view of biological aie [Skolnick] 837 ncylostoma ae Agents see Parasympatholytics Anxiety Omega yes, alpha no [von Lichtenberg] 1412 A nticoagula Factors related to long-term traumatic stress re- Androgens inane licating dee} — in survivors of torture in Turkey [Basogiu] Hormone combination treats women’s bone loss venous thrombosis (letters) [Girard, Blebea] 51 [Marwick] 1487 (reply) [Moser] 517 Anxiety Disorders Anemia, Aplastic ment of heart failure: IV. anticoagulation for Common mental disorders and disability across cul- Recommendation to immediately withdraw patients patients with heart failure due to left ventricular tures: results from the WHO Collaborative Study from treatment with felbamate, from FDA systolic dysfunction [Baker} 1614 on Psychological Problems in General Health Care (Nightingale) 995 Anticonvulsants [Ormel] 1741 Efficacy of divalproex vs lithium and placebo in mania Utility ofb e— procedure for diagnosin; mental Current ethical issues in organ procurement and trans- (letter) [Kravitz] 1005 (reply) [Bowden] 1006 disord care: the PRIME- D 1000 plantation, PULSE [Caplan] 1708 Neurodevelopment after in utero exposure to pheny- Study [Spitzer] 174! 1964 JAMA, December 28, 1994—Vol 272, No. 24 Subject Index Computed mcamate tee valuate chronic sinusitis Reduction of fever and streptococcal bacteremia in eee [Ferguson, Metson] 851, 852 (reply) [Platts- granulocytopenic patients with cancer: a trial of orale nnic illin V or placebo combined with pefloxa- Deaths associated with allergenic extracts, from FDA ternational Antimicrobial Therapy Coopera- a echocardiography of the aorta ay le] 1488 pa Group of the European Organization for Re- Lun; t—h disappointment and triumph search and Treatment of Cancer] 1183 Aortic Rupture [ Sone 1539 Bacterial Infections Transesophageal echocardiography of the aorta Occupational exposure and asthma mortality (letter) Contrasting effects of dopamine and norepinephrine {Blanc 546 [DeMers] 1575 on systemic and splanchnic a utilization in APACHE Ill Pertussis vaccination and asthma: is there a link? hyperdynamic sepsis [Marik]1 — sepsis (letter) [Knaus] (reply) [Abraham] (letter) [Odent] 592 — sepsis (letter) [Knaus] reply) [Abraham] Salmeterol xinafoate in asthma (letter) [Palmer] (re- Apolipoproteins A oh? [Bone] 1575 Recombinant human interleukin 1 receptor antago- pm oe lea mutation [Voelker] 1568 eterol xinafoate vs albuterol in asthma: was race nist in the treatment of patients with sepsis syn- ins a factor? (letter) [Olopade] (reply) [D’Alonzo] 1576 drome: results from a randomized, double-blind, eimer’s/Apo E link grows stronger [Cotton] Astrocytes ‘ placebo-controlled trial [Fisher] 271:1 836; correc- 1483 —— % link grows stronger [Cotton] 1483 tion, 272:1170 Apolipoprotein E dyslipidemia, and coronary ja Safety and potential efficacy of an aerosolized sur- heart disease: the Framing! Offspring Study Treatment of intention tremor [Levy] 1823 factant in human sepsis-induced adult respiratory [Wilson] 1666 Atheroma see Atherosclerosis perm— (Weg 1433 Appetite Atherosclerosis Comfort care for terminally ill patients: the a. Left ventricular mass and stroke: what is the con- aeannso f bacteriuria andp cranberry — use of nutrition and hydration [McCann] nection? [Devereux] 71 juice (letters) [Hamilton-Miller, iend, Hop. Low-density — densi ity and atherosclerosis: — Haverkorn58]8 , 589, 590( reply) [Avorn] ite Depressants unraveling t: seen lyper] 305 Obesity drug renews toxicity debate [Voelker] 1087 Transesop! 2 nar of the aorta Balances ee Equilibrium Appetite Suppressants see A Depressants [Blan Itimore intments and Schedules Atomic Warfare see Nuclear Warfare aus of America stimulates more research on aging- Eleven worthy aims for clinical leadership of health Attitude of Health Personnel associated factors [Gunby] 1561 system reform [Berwick] 797 Children with disabilities—-my patients [Kaminer] 652 Impact of missed opportunities to vaccinate preschool- Arbovirus Infections Ethnicity and estimates of pain by physicians (let- aged children on vaccination coverage levels—se- = disease—U nited States, 1993, from CDC, — [Howell, Young] 1168, 1169 (reply) [Todd] lected US sites, 1991-1992, from CDC, 1317 Bandages Architectural Accessibility Health system reform: physicians’ views on the criti- Management of patients with deep venous thrombo- Prevalence of disabilities and associated health con- cal choices [Blendon] 1546 sis (letter) [Partsch] (reply) [Francis] 593 ditions—United States, 1991-1992, from CDC, 1735 Hospice care (letter) [Rousseau] 767 Bangladesh ARCHIVES OF OPHTHALMOLOGY National Health Service Corps experience for rural US military forces and emergency international hu- Daniel M. Albert becomes editor of AMA’s Archives physicians in the late 1980s [Pathman] 1341 manitarian assistance: observations and recommen- of Ophthalmology in its 125th year [Gunby] 9 Physician-patient communication: a key to malprac- dations from three recent missions [Sharp] 386 Arenavirus Infections tice prevention [Levinson] 1619 Belt Architectural see Architectural Accessi- — infection—Connecticut, 1994, from CDC, Withdrawing the critical but not the care (letter) [Orr] (rep y)[ Lee] 1826 Baseball Argentina Attitude to Bobby Brown, MD, PULSE [Varma] 1383 _ is walking south [Masana Wilson] 1226 Crying in stairwells: how should we | cae for dying Basidiomycetes rm patients? (letter) [Siegei] (reply) [Schultz] 659 Respiratory illness associated with inhalation of mush- Treatment of intention tremor [Levy] 1823 Hospice care (letter) [Rousseau] 767 room spores—Wisconsin, 1994, from CDC, 508 Armed Forces Personnel see Military Personnel Attitude to Health Bats see Chiroptera Arousal Cancer: beliefs and attitudes of migrant Latinos (let- BCG Vaccine Biology enters repressed memory fray [Cotton] 1725 ter) [Lantz] 31 (reply) [Pérez-Stable] 32 Efficacy of BCG vaccine (letters) [Bellin, Wheeler, Arrhythmia Life goes on, PULSE [Donovan] 1379 a 765, 766 (reply) [Colditz] 766 New cardiac ablation device approved, from FDA Authorship a [Nightingale] 1814 Authors’ criteria for selecting journals [Frank] 163 Mane el of patients with deep venous thrombo- rt Citation analysis of the impact of blinded peer review — [Partsch] (reply) [Francis] 593 Exhibit explores link between art and epilepsy [Laband] 147 [Cotton] 1887 Effects of blinding on acceptance of research papers Ouch uptakes...too many beds [Voelker] 1889 Arthritis by peer review [Fisher] 143 Behavior Arthritis prevalence and activity limitations—United How well does a journal’s peer review process Regional brain abnormalities in schizophrenia mea- States, poe! from CDC, function? a survey of authors’ opinions sured with magnetic resonance imaging Ascorbic Acid [Sweitzer] 152 [Andreasen] 1763 All that< a is not beta carotene [Hankinson] 1455 Is there a case for an international medical scientific Behavior, Addictive Antioxidants, pro-oxidants, and their effects (letter) press council? [Altman] 166 Caffeine dependence: what are the implications? [Herbert] 1659 (reply) [Schalch] 1660 More conflicts of interest: review articles sponsored [Glass] 1065 Die=tary caargoet-erneoliadtse,d vmiatcaumlianrs dAeg,e nCe,r aantdi onE ,[ Saenddd oand]- b12y5 3t h(er epphliaersm)a c[eBuetaircya,l Wiitntd]u st12r5y4 (letter) [Nahata] B—ehav iorarli maStcei esntcuedise s yielding clinical fruit, results 1 Multiple blinded reviews of the same two manuscripts: in ophthaimology, behavioral science ipoprotein(a) risk in women and ese of ascor- effects of referee characteristics and publication [Skolnick] 909 aa ate (letter) [Bostom] (reply) [Gurewich] 1169 language [Nylenna] 149 ja Perri Klass, MD, PULSE [Varma] 747 Benzodiazepines Human rights as critical as condoms against HIV Scientific misconduct in environmental science and Individualized treatment for alcohol withdrawal: a [Cotton] 758 toxicology [Nigg] 168 randomized double-blind controlled trial [Saitz] New ‘jccbdaaee old issues surface [Cotton] 419 Autoimmune Diseases 519 Sydenham’s chorea: a model for childhood autoim- — the treatment of alcohol withdrawal [Fuller] Borni in the USA: infant health paradox [Voelker] mune neuropsychiatric disorders [Swedo] 1788 7 id $ among atomic bom) survivors in Relationship of postoperative delirium with psycho- Asian Americans active medications (Marcantonio] 1518 = one racial/ethnic minorities—US, 1993, from Bernstein, Theresa (1890- ) JAMA cover of September 28, Girlhood by Theresa Homicideiinn NNe w York City: cocaine use and firearms QRuiisckky durpitvaiknegs .b.e.hnaevwi ordsr ivaimnogn gf ortceee n[aVgoeelrkse—rG] wi9n1n2 ett Bernstein [Southgate] 905 County, Georgia, 1998, from CDC, 844 Berries see Fruit Petree: on the National Board of Medical Ex- Autonomic Nervous a Adrenergic see Adrenergic 8 Recep- aminers Part I examination » men and women of Effects of music on iovascular reactivity among tor Blockaders different race and ethnicity [Dawson] 674 surgeons [Allen] 882; correction, 1724 Beta carotene see Carotene Aspartame —, Beverages — e and memory loss [Moser] 1543 A ‘novel’ idea? [Campman] 990 Outbreak of omen e a from fresh-pressed in Avery, Milton echo apple cider [ Over-the-counter medication use among US preschool- JAMA cover of October 12, Girl Writing, by Milton Bhutan age children [Kogan] 1025 Avery [Southgate] 1083 Infectious disease surveillance during emergency re- Rational use of over-the-counter medications in young Azathioprine lief to Bhutanese refugees in Nepal [Marfin] 377 children [Gadomski] 1063 Early days of transplantation, PULSE [Starzl] 1705 Bibliography of Medicine Assassination of Government Officials see Gov- cee yes, alpha no [von Lichtenberg] 1412 ernment Bicycling Assisted Suicide see Suicide, Assisted — and preventing motorcycle- and bicycle-re- Association of American Medical Colleges Back Pain juries [American Medical Association Coun- Association of American Medical Colleges and Ameri- Effectiveness of four interventions for the prevention Poosn Scientific Affairs] 1535 : can Medical Association Joint Statement on Phy- of low back pain [Lahad] 1286 Injury prevention: a new perspective {Martinez] 1541 sician Workforce Planning and Graduate Medical Bacteremia Bioethics Education Reform Policies [Cohen] 712 Nosocomiai bloodstream infections in the critically ill Bioethics in Washington: yes, but how? (letter) [Ca- Asthma (letter) [Heiselman] 1819 (reply) [Pittet] 1820" plan] 1823 Chronic sinusitis: relationship of computed tomo- Recombinant human interleukin 1 receptor antago- Current ethical issues in organ procurement and trans- Shia findings to allergy, asthma, and eosino- nist in the treatment of patients with sepsis syn- plantation, PULSE [Caplan] 1708 [Newman] 271:363; correction, 272:852 drome: results from a randomized, double-blind, Topics go from aiding suicide to reporting news as Clinical policies: making conflicts of interest explicit placebo-controlled trial [Fisher] 271:1836; correc- bioethics groups hold first ‘mega-meeting’ [Skolnick] (lettes) |[P hillips] 1479 tion, 272:1170 1642 JAMA, December 28, 1994—Vol 272, No. 24 Subject !ndex 1965 Biological Markers for lead screening (letter) [Rainey] (reply) [Schien- Acierro LJ: The History of Cardiology [Hurst] 1222 Immunclogical and virol ical clues for mother-to- ker] 1482 Aird RB: Foundations of Modern Neurology: A Cen- child transmission of H -1 and HIV-2 [Douglas] Lack of association between cholesterol and coronary tury of Progress [Poser] 75 487 heart disease mortality and morbidity and all-cause American yy Association: Diagnostic Crite- New AIDS <r old issues surface [Cotton] 419 = in persons older than 70 years [Krumholz] ria From DSM-IV [Bell] 828 Relationship between bone lead and hemoglobin [Hu] American Psychiatric Association: DSM-IV: Diag- 1512 — between bone lead and hemoglobin (Hu] nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Biologica! Warfare i [Bell] Persian Gulf experience and health [NIH] 391 Serum carotenoids and coronary heart disease: the Annis ER: Code Blue: Health Care in Crisis [Arnett] Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Pri Preven- 74 Biology enters repressed memory fray [Cotton] 1725 tion Trial and Follow-up Study [Morris] 1439 Arias IM, ed: The Liver: Biology and Pathobiology, Needle Use and clinical importance of a substrate-specific 3rd ed [Tber] 1627 Mammography, needle biopsy, and tumor spread electrode for rapid determination of blood ite Astrup P, Bie P, Engell HC: Salt and Water in Cul- [Stockdale] 895 a a multiexperiment study [Aduen] ture and Medicine [Sterns] 1300 New data suggest needle biopsies could replace sur- Barondess JA, Carpenter CCJ: Differential Diagno- ical aw ‘ord iagnosing breast cancer [Skolnick] Blood Donors sis [Kirkland] 318 71:172A; correction, 272:11 Combination tuberculosis drug aj roved; possible Barr JT: Clinical Effectiveness in Allied Health Prac- Biosensors electro: etic interferencpreo blems with wheel- tices [Hedrick] 1300 Use and clinical importance of « substrate-specific chairs and other medical devices; FDA to sponsor Barrett S, Jarvis WT, eds: Health Robbers: A Close electrode for rapid determination of blood te workshop on HIV detection during ‘window’ pe- Look at Quackery in America [Einspruch] 829 concentrations: a multiexperiment study [Aduen] riod in donor screening, from FDA [Nightingale] Baum GL, Wolinsky E, eds: Textbook of Pulmonary 1678 344 Diseases, vols 1 & 2, 5th ed [Cugell] 1143 Biotechnology Lead levels in blood donors (letter) [Wu] 1328 Bennett AH, ed: Impotence: Diagnosis and Manage- Internists eye sophisticated science [Voelker] 257 Blood Pressure ment of Erectile Dysfunction [Milam] 1626 Bisexuality Captopril, blood pressure, and diabetic nephropathy Brant WE, Helms CA, eds: Fundamentals of Diag- HIV and tuberculosis infection in San Francisco’s fetter) [Sawicki] 1005 nostic Radiology (Harrison] 319 homeless adults: prevalence and risk factors in a Left ventricular mass and stroke: what is tiie con- Broder S, Merigan TC Jr, Bolognesi D, eds: Textbook representative sample [Zolopa] 455 nection? [Devereux] 71 of AIDS Medicine [Smilack] 490 Seroprevalence of HIV and risk behaviors among Biood Proteins — VL: Science in the Bedroom: A History of young homosexual and bisexual men: the San Fran- Serum antibody to inner ear proteins in patients with Sex Research (Sadock] 1712 i rkeley Young Men’s Survey [Lemp] 449 progressive hearing loss: correlation with disease Burtis CA, Ashwood ER: Tietz Textbook of Clinical Bismuth activity and response to corticosteroid treatment Chemistry, 2nd ed [Chou] 644 Helicobacter pylori in peptic ulcer disease [NIH Con- [Moscicki] 611 Carnegie Task Force on Meeting the Needs of Young sensus Development. Panel on Helicobacter pylori Biood Children: Starting Points: Meeting the Needs of in Peptic Ulcer Disease] 65 Comparability of capillary and venous blood samples Our Youngest Children [Neuspiel] 1301 for lead screening (letter) [Rainey] (reply) [Schlen- Carter KC, Carter BR: Childbed Fever: A Scien- Adequacy of well-child care and immunizations in US ker] 1482 - J Biography of Ignaz Semmelweis [Edwards] infants born in 1988 [Mustin] 1111 Blood Transfusion 1 AIDS among racial/ethnic minorities—US, 1993, from Blood = reviews [Dzik] 896 Casto RM, Julia MC, Platt LJ: fessional Care Gamegneisni na e adiposity associated ted with with pre a et- Pub[lDiec hCeoaclkt]h 4i8m1p lications of AIDS research in Africa Chiavnida n CoEl,l aMbcoCraaltliyv e M,P rHacut iHc,e H[aHiendersi cAk,] ed7s4:0 Criticai ters) (Donnelly,T hacker] 1820 (reply) (Smith 1820 Safety and cost-effectiveness of ae Condition: Human Health and the Environment, Cigarette smoking among women of reproductive treated plasma: in search of a zero-risk blood sup- A Report by Physicians for Social Responsibility age—United States, 1987-1992, from CDC, 1649 ply [AuBuchon] 1210 [Cullen] 405 Eleven worthy aims for clinical leadership of health Body Mass Index Cowdrey AE: Fighting for Life: American Military HIVsh yosmteaelnmed s srt eufbadoeurrlcmtu sl:[o sBipesrr ewviiacnlkfe]en cct7ie9o 7n anidn rSiasnk fFarcatnocriss cion’ sa Inct—rheea _sNiantg i opnr1ae9lv6 a0l Hetenoac le1t 9ho9 f1 oavn[edKr uwcNezuimtgarhritst kiaiomn] o n2Eg0x 5a UmSin aadtuilotsn: CoxMT eedcJihDnc,ii qneuede :, i MnRo esssu’Wlo trslRd,a di7taWhtar i eoIdnT [(OCGnoutcnlonal]ro ]g y1:3 84R ationale, representative sample [Zolopa] 455 Crick F: The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific HHoImaVsi scatieusdltetin g,i( nl ecNtoteuenwrs) e lY[ioHnrge,kr beCarittny]d: c(porrecopaplihyny)el a[uxGsioess taiannfd]t efr1i 5rs7ee7ax rumasl CFhatitae tnregsne)is n( gSDi oneon fna eAlam dliepyor,sii tcy a ass[koPceiira-t]eS du 1tne8yde 2rw]0ir t !e withp a m ithc]y 1(8l(2 le0t- DalSaeensadsr icoOh t hDfeJor,r HtShieela bdeS rosuPtlae ii(nn ,S cS6Dht,hu meedads n:[ B5Wao6nl7af !f 's1 0H76e adache PInevra[aarTfmseaio irnrdvtemiehrfa efsn]yp c reP4ob a3ecrn eotedn f uiIrct eiehaxsela ?mN iiann[t Gaiaotocuinulatodlen] mBb8yyo9 oa1c rmader nd oifaa lnMd e diwnifocaamrlec tniE oxno:-f IPPnrrcitSSrlhtueeoearact vvsaeeNisiyaa,nnst ge,li -1 opi9oenrn81faed89nl vuo-6 vac10cele9r Hwde9eete n1ioag,c hml et1e t 9hto9 hf1 eoafarmvomn[m eoodKCrDg nuCw,lcg Nezo uimbtgairahrind1tste7o ki3lmaoi7eimn] sa o c—n2eEWg0xni 5ats UmscSi—o nUnaansdtiuiitlnoets,nd: DD’aA=cwnhetos ot nhTieRoorlM al: pM yo: fH oAABuutmiseolremti i ccooa nf’ H sCaM aryrvNtdeushsc:t l :e{ PaLHsrewya icnAshfr}oos lreo1dng4a 6yla5 n ad[n Gdot fhemP asLnye]-- Racdief faenredn ta ccreascse aton de reytthhnriocpiotiye tin [Dbayws opna]t i6e7n4t s on he- o1r993, frcoamr boChDyCd,r at1e4 03 intake in NIDDM (letters) DeEGxoawmiinn aRtLi,o ne,d : 6Dteh Geodw i[nS ti&ll mDaenG]o w8i9n9’ s Diagnostic modialysis [Sadler] (letter) 1818 , (reply) [Held] Delaporte F, ed: Vital Rationalist: Selected Writings Rac1i8a1l9 differences in cardiac procedure use (letters) BolS1i8v1 i8ha e nck, Ratner, McCarthy] 1817 (reply) [Garg] DeLFereo mJ CG,e oDrrgeezs DC aJrn,g eudisl: hOermt ho(pLeaveidni]c 3S2p1o rts Medi- Rac(siuZalultc sk deiorff, f tehrHeeu ndcNgeaistn isoi]nn a sl1u 2r5Cv1ia vnac(lre erp flryIo)nm s t[biPrteuettaeesr ts bolcnaa]nc cke/1r2w:5h 1i rtee- CB—hoonlee raa ndis wBaolbnkeeitsnwg e enso ubtohn e[ Mlaeasda naan d Whielmsoong]l ob1i2n26 [Hu} Donealdd1s oPnr inMcSip,l eLs oharn d KNPr,a cteidsc:e , Hevoallst h1 &Da t2a [Simni tthh]e Salcmaentceerro ls uxrivniavaflo atset uvdsy al[bEulteeyr]o l9 4i7n asthma: was race Bone1 Densit, I[Cnofrotrémsa]t i1o5n5 1 Age: Use, Disclosure, and Privacy SBMieeadrcaysi ooitcufps naarcgcloeI t n/vojaBarhune?lrodr eim kn(eeoslcsolese cteei tyxae lruo )faY c loo[ HunOIaslnVnoegdpq audbaMeeinens]dnce ’exs(sur r aielsoSpk ful ymrl)ebav nnee:[dhy D a ’mvt ihi[AneoLl ereoSssnma zpnoi] an] mFCr4o1aa45nmn97g-- 6 EFHfaofctd[retioSmcpomotlorwisesne z erreoi sdafs] f k f hcceifo1ocgam0ntch0btit-3rinoi ognrnl astlt ebeinfodoso nnrie t t royis amttlar seesto[asprNt oeesrnl (ogslttoewihntoct ]me rtef)r1nr a9’ai0[csn9Rt i iuncrgoeb s]o: no ne( a r emrplualolnys--)s DDEluosfrroltfieffeecy msrAt a imJLon:eAni rFB,v iE,ri:cn o1 ga6mKT 2n uh8 WezH i nMutCeemh-tdo Wsir ocCsiraNnd nJe:c:t, eo rTMA2 eenMed[dnAiM acee gaydele Gr r[us]SSi h cdaeie1lnel2lndi2ec ny0eeT] :sh e A1if2 ro1H 9riF saA;tm dcoioorr--y- Blobcokd,i a G[eSotrovgeer ] E3d3w1a rd (1926-1994) Thy(rMoairdw ichko]r mo1n4e87 use and bone mineral density (let- dleastcieonnts Parnedv enRtaitvieo naSleerv i[cAesl der(mGaAnP]S) :9 80R ecommen- GBeloorogde Edward Block, MD (obituary) [Gewertz] 1624 Botneer) M[aKrrarkoawu erT]r an(sreppllayn)t a[tSicohnne ider] 1822 Ethtihcasl mCoolomgmyi:t tTehee Eotfh itchea l AOmperhitchaanl moAlcoagdiesmty: AoP fr iOmpehr- Blood lead levels in the US population: phase I of the Reduction of fever and streptococcal bacteremia in [Urban] 1869 third National Health and Nutrition Examination granulocytopenie patients with cancer: a trial of Ferri FF: The Internal Medicine Companion Survey (NHANES III, 1988 to 1991) [Brody] 277 oral penicillin V or placebu combined with pefloxa- [Bernicker] 642 Childhood lead poisoning in 1994 [Goldman] 315 cin [International Antimicrobial Therapy Coopera- Fleisher GR, Ludwig S, eds: Teatbook of Pediatric Decline in blood lead levels in the United States: the tive Group of the European ization for Re- Emergency Medicine, 3rd ed [Nelson] 900 National Health and Nutrition Examination Sur- search and Treatment of Cancer] 1183 Frankel MS, Teich AH, eds: Genetic Frontier: Ethics, veys (NHANES) [Pirkle] 284 Bone Mineral Density see Bone Density Law, and Policy [Ryan] 1076 Transmission of zidovudine-resistant HIV during a Bone las Ginzberg E, Ostow M: The Road to Reform: The bloody fight (letter) [Ippolito] 433 ee omy with breast cancer (letters) [Coe- Future of Health Care in America [Levinsky] 566 Blood CellC ount coni, , Yun Ryo] 1657, 1658 (replies) [Fossati, Hackel E, AuBuchon JP, eds: Advances in Trans- Measurement of CD4* percentage (letter) [Olson] 434 Rosselli Del Turco] 1658, 1659 plantation [Pierce] 1077 Blood Cells = ment of cancer metastatic to bone [Aaron] Harris JE: Deadly Choices: Coping With Health Risks Features of HIV-1 that could influence maternal- 1 in Everyday Life [Bergman] 568 child traasmission [Kliks] 467 Bone Resorption Hellerstein D: A Family of Doctors [Paulshock] 1872 Blood Chemical Analysis Optimal calcium intake [NIH Consensus Develop- Holliday MA, Barratt TM, Avner ED, Kogan BA: Adult blood lead epidemiology and surveillance, from ment Panel on Optimal Calcium Intake] 1942 Pediatric Nephrology, 3rd ed [Moel] 246 CDC, 1571 Thyroid hormone use and bone mineral density (let- Humber JM, eder RF, Kasting GA, eds: Physi- Adult blood lead epidemiology and surveillance— ter) [Krakauer] (reply) [Schneider] 1822 cian-Assisted Death [Veatch] 981 United States, 1992-1994, from CDC, 429 BOOK REVIEWS see also JOURNAL REVIEWS; Hurst JW, Alpert JS, eds: Diagnostic Atlas of the Approach to a low vitamin By, level [Carmel] 1233 SOFTWARE REVIEWS Heart [Zoneraich] 644 we levels—United States, 1988-1991, from Abernathy CM, Hamin RM: Surgical Scripts: Master — r JA, Mosteller F, Thibodeau LA, Ware 999 Surgeons Think Aloud About 43 Common Surgi- 4 tostatistics in Clinical Medicine [Mitchell] Cholesterol in the elderly: is it important? [Hulley] cal Problems [Abel] 1553 1372 Ablow KR: The Strange Case of Dr Kappler: The Iserson KV: Death to Dust: What Happens to Dead Comparability of capillary and venous blood samples Doctor Who Became a Killer |Chodoff] 1796 Bodies? [Root] 899 1966 JAMA, December 28, 1994—Vol 272, No. 24 Subject Index Iserson KV: Getting Into a Residency: A Guide for Conventional Instruments: The Next Phase in Factors ecg bone mass (letter) [Rico] (reply) Medical forming 3rd ed [Page] 739 Minimally Invasive Surgery 2AT7, correct publisher, [Sowers] 1003 isselbacher KJ, Martin JB, Sennnneld E, Fauci AS, 570 [Carey] Scleroedsopehagrealm daiselasei inkc hieldr en breast- Wilson JD,; KasperD L, eds: Harrison’s : Principles Smolin G, ThottR A, eds: The Cornea: Scientific Fown- fed by mothers with silicone breast implants [Le- of Internal Medicine, 13th ed [Karnad] 642 dations and Clinical Practice, 3rd ed [John] 1714 vine] 271:213; correction, 272:770 Janssen HF: Bucket Diagrams: A Problem Solving Speert H: Obstetrics and Gynecology:A md Sclerodermalike esop! disease in children of Approach to Renal Physiology [Dumler] 1712 — Revised Second Edition of mothers with aan breast implants (letters) Kissick WL: Medicine’s Dilemmas: Infinite Needs ron tatrica [Campbell] 1955 (Bartel, Cook, Epstein, Placik, Levine, Liau, Brody] Versus Finite Resources [Andersen] 1870 Speroff , Kase NG: Clinical a 767, 768, 769, 770 (replies) [Levine, Flick] 769, 730 Knobil E, Neill JD, eds: The Physiology 9of Repro- aotarmale and Infertility, 5th ed [Thompson] Breast Neoplasms duction, vols 1 & 2 2nd ed [Penzias] 1552 1303 Breast cancer and om therapy (letter) [Blair] Kraut AM: Silent Travelers: Germs, Genes, and the Spitzer RL, Gibbon M, Skodol AE, Williams JBW, (reply) [Steinberg] 1004 ‘Immigrant Menace’, [McNeill] 406 First MB, eds: DSM-IV Casebook: A Learning Breast cancer prevention trial: a correction (letter) La Puma J, Schiedermayer D: Ethics Consultation: Companion te the Diagnostic and Statistical [Atkins] 1328 A Practical Guide [Troup] 1553 Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed [Bell] 1794 Breast cancer: treatment differences and survival (let- Langone MD, ed: Recovery From Cults: Help for Stamatoyannopoulos G, Nienhuis AW, Majerus PW, ters) [Amster, Wishart, Williamson, Corley] 1165, Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse Varmus H: The Molecular Basis of lood Dis- 1166, 1167 (reply) [Lee-Feldstein] 1166 allace]9 79 eases, 2nd ed [Baron] 1385 Estrogen replacement thera} be breast cancer sur- Lee PR, Estes CL, eds: The Nation’s Health, 4th ed Stanitski CL, DeLee JC, Drez D Jr, eds: Pediatric vivors: a 9 for change Cobleigh] 540 [Rosenblatt] 1551 and Adolescent Sports Medicine [Smith] 1301 Follow-up of patients with breast cancer (letters) Lewis JH, ed: Pharmacological A h to Gas- = JH, ed: Internal Medicine, 4th ed [Bernicker] {Cocconi, eat Yun Ryo] 1657, 1658 (replies) trointestinal Disorders [Berman] 320 [Fossati, Rosselli Del Turco] 1658, 1659 Luke B, Johnson TRB, Petrie RH: Clinical Maternal- Strandness DE Jr, van Breda A, eds: Vascular Dis- Mammogra) oen eedle biopsy, and tumor spread Fetal Nutrition [Witter] 898 eases: Surgical and Interventional Therapy, vols 1 [Stockdale] 895 Marion R: Was George Washington Really the Father Mishandling misconduct: the NSABP lumpectomy of Our Country? A Clinical Geneticist Looks at / ] logy: Principles and trial (letters) [Lerner, Dickersin] 1167, 1168 rand World History [Francis] 569 ‘ be olsb ee FP ed op raree de [Rennie] 1168 Mastroianni AC, Faden R, Federman D, eds: Women wartz ext of Physical Diagnosis: His New data suggest needle bio— could replace sur- = Health Research: Ethical and Legal Issues and Examination, 2nd ed [Locke] 1870 _ gical biopsy for diagnosing breast cancer [Skolnick] i Women in Clinical Studies, vols 1 & Taylor RB, ed: Family Medicine: Principles and Prac- 271:1724; correction, 272:11 2 sms 9 ] 1467 tice, 4th ed [Ganiats] 245 Racial differences in survival from breast cancer: re- Mattox KL, ed: Complications of Trawma Terry RD, KatzmanR, Bick KL, eds: Alzheimer Dis- sults of the National Cancer Institute black/white [Braunschneider] 1626 ease [Bird] 1797 cancer survival study [Eley] 947 Matzen RN, Lang RS: Clinical Preventive Medicine Tobin MJ, ed: Principles and Practice of Mechanical Rationing resources while i— - quality: how to [Davis] 1142 Ventilation [Weaver] 1956 get more for less [Eddy] 817 Moore WS, ed: Vascular Surgery: A Comprehensive Topol EJ, ed: Textbook of.a e Cardiology, Socioeconomic disparities in preventive care persist Review, 4th ed [Brener] 1468 vols 1 & 2,2 nd ed [Schwartz]1 7 despite universal coverage: breast and cervical can- Nance ST, ed: Alloimmunity: 1993 and Beyond bay hese A: My Own Counmtriy.r A DoctorsS tory cer screening in Ontario and the United States [Pierce] 077 a Town and Its People in the Age of AID. [Katz] 530 Narins RG, ed: Maxwell & Kleeman’s Clinical Dis- (Paneer! 491 Surgeons try immune therapy for breast cancer On oSf.aF lsu id and Electrolyte Metabolism, 5th ed Walton J, ed: Brain’s pe oy of the Nervous Sys- [Chi-Lum] 1485 tim) 245 tem, 10th ed [Aminoff] 1627 Thirty years later [Wark] 497 Neel JV: Physician to the Gene Pool: Genetic Lessons West 8,D ranov P: a aero Hoax (Charles] 244 = of malignant pericardial effusion [Vaitkus] and Other Stories [Bearn] 407 Westberg J, JasonH : Teaching Creatively With Video: Nicogossian AE, Huntoon CL, Pool SL, eds: Space Fostering Reflection, Communication and Other Bricher, Alfred Thompson (1837-1908) Physio Noo and Medicine, 3rde d [Mirkin] 405 Clinical Skills [Gewertz] 739 JAMA cover of Septembe2r1 , The Hudson Rivera t Normand J, Lempert RO, O’Brien CP, eds: Under the Widiger TA, Frances AJ, Pincus HA, First MB, Ross West Point by Alfred Thompson Bricher Influ ence? Drugs and the American Work Force pe avis W, eds: DSM-IV Sourcebook, vol 1 [Bell] Py, 835 (dereciitne g]1 467 OlesenJ , Tfelt- a Welch KMA, eds: The Head- Wilkie T: Perilous Knowledge: The Human Genome Tine to stand up for abortion providers PULSE aches Bana] 1 Project and Its pee [Ryan] 1076 Leer re 1378 . Olsen EA, ed: Vacrtine of Hair Growth: Diagnosis Winokur G, Clayton PJ, eds: The Medical Basis of ronchial Hyperreactivity and Treatment [Johnson] 1385 Psychiatry, Od ed [Jefferson] 1954 lg i Study: disappointment and triumph Orlans FB: In the Name of Science: Issues in Re- WolfS, Bruhn JG: The Powerof Clan: The Influence Gross sponsible Animal Experimentation [McGuire] aH uman Relationships on Heart Disease [Eliot} Bronchodilator Agents v5) i Effects of smoking intervention and the use of an Orleans CT, Slade J, eds: Nicotine Addiction: Prin- WoodM S, ed: Reference and Information Services in inhaled anticholinergic bronchodilator on the rate CPW andad M anagement [DuPont] 1221 HealthS ciences Libraries [Weller] 1957 Hofe rdeecl ine of FE ;} the Lung Health Study Pa ed: Fundamental Immunology, 3rd ed Zacks R: History Laid Bare: Love, Sex, and Perver- onisen] 1497 [Anderson] 320 sity From the Ancient Etruscans to Warren G. Health status, quality of life, and the individual Pellegrino ED, Thomasma DC: The Virtwes in Medi- Harding [Renshaw] 568 [Guyatt] 630 cal Practice [Adelson] 1303 = C, ed: Occupational Medicine, 3rd ed [Andonian} Lung Health Study: disappointment and triumph Perloff JK: The Clinical Recognition of Congenital [Gross] 1539 Heart Disease, 4th ed [Thilenius] 1222 Borderline Personality Disorder Salmeterol xinafoate in asthma (letter) [Palmer] (re- Philipson TJ, Posner RA: Private Choices and Public = disorders: current perspectives [Oldham] ply) [Bone] 1575 Health: The AIDS Epidemic in an Economic Per- 177 Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia spective [Wachter] 490 Borrelia burgdorferi Individualized developmental care: an emerging new Pizzo PA, Wilfert CM, eds: Pediatric AIDS: The Chal- Identification of Borrelia burgdorferi in diffuse fas- standard for neonatal intensive care units? lenge of HIV Infection in Infants, Children, and ciitis with peripheral eosinophilia: borrelial fasciitis [Merenstein] 890 Adolescents, 2nd ed [Weintraub] 492 [Granter] 1283 Individualized developmental care for the very low- Prottas J: The Most Useful Gift: Altruism and the Lyme disease—United States, 1993, from CDC, 1164 birth-f a preterm infant: medical and neuro- = Policy of Organ Transplants [McCabe] ina functional effects [Als] 853 Medical evacuations from the former Yugoslavia (let- Brown, Bobby RiHdekalytJ h, SCheenltdeorn MoGdFe: l M[ Galetr, el 897A.ca d. Medtiecr)a l[ Wteeeakme rsse]e k3s5 1t o identify human remains from BBroobwbny, BrJoowhnn, GMeDor gPeU L(S18E3 1-[1V9a1r3m)a ] 1383 Robertson JA: Children of Choice: Freedom and the mass graves of war in former Yugoslavia [Gunby] JAMA cover of July 20, Picnic Party in the Woods by New Reproductive Tec. nologies [Abrams] 1956 1804 John George Brown [Southgate] 175 Rogers D: Motor Disorder in Psychiatry: Towards a US military medical teams begin third year of Bubonic Plague see Plague Neuro Psychiatry [Somerfeld- Ziskind] 244 United Nations support in war-torn Balkans Bulletin ofE nviron Contaminatioannd Toxi- Rothman SM: Living in the Shadow of Death: Tu- [Gunby] 1398 ent losis and the Social Experience of Iliness in Varied health risks confront physicians in former Yu- Scientific misconduct in environmental science and American ste ee Hee 1143 —_— embattled areas [Gunby] 337 toxicology [Nigg] 168 Rutter M, Taylor Hersov L, eds: Child and xin Bullets see Foreign Bodies dolescent Psychiatry: Modern Approaches Let’s - ab oxing in the Olympics and the US military Burns [Somerfeld-Ziskind] 1465 (letters) [Haines, Enzenauer] 1821 Interview with Dax Cowart, PULSE [Rosenberg] Sacher RA, Brecher ME, eds: Obstetric Transfusion Brain 744 Practice [Pierce] 1077 Left ventricular mass and stroke: what is the con- Nicotine scores again: in-hospital withdrawal (letter) Sadler JZ, Wiggins OP, Schwartz MA, eds: Philo- nection? [Devereux] 71 [Zabaneh] 1576 hical Perspectives on Psychiatric Diagnostic Regional brain abnormalities in schizophrenia mea- Update on burn therapy, PULSE [Malani] 745 sification [Bell] 1794 sured with magnetic resonance imaging Schreter RK, Scharfstein SS, Schreter CA: Allies [Andreasen] 1763 and Adversaries: The Impact ofM anaged Care on Brain Chemistry c Mental Health Services [Kocsis] 1797 Cera eberanin a behind alcohe! abuse, — SI, ed: Principles of Surgery, 6th ed [Brandt] from N 1733 Cadaver P Brazil Medical team seeks to identify human remains from siete SI, ed: Principles of Surgery Companion Ocular toxoplasmosis (letters) [Frenkel, Abter] 356 mass graves of war in former Yugoslavia [Gunby] Handbook, 6th ed [Brandt] 74 Breast 1804 Shi: matsu I,I to C, KamadaN , AkiyzmaM ,S asaki Silicone gel breast yO (letters) [Agnew, Brody, Strategies for cadaveric organ procurement: man- : A-Bomb Radiation Effects Digest [Caldwell] (Cake Baines, Kent, Wise] 271, 272 (replies) dated choice and presumed consent [American] 1302 mS Terral 273 809 = FJ, McCune SK, Summers RW: Gross Anatomy Feeding Caffeine int he Practice of Medicine (Skandalakis] 982 Chaoatal ‘ity associated with regnane (let- Caffeine dependence syndrome: evidence from case Smith RS, Organ CH: Gasless Laparoscopy With. ters) [Donnelly, Thacker] 1820 (reply) [Smit yh histories and experimental evaluations [Strain] 1043 JAMA, December 28, 1994—Voi 272, No. 24 Subject Index 1967 Caffeine dependence: what are the implications? Carbon Monoxide Poisoni ing Case Mix see Diagnosis-Related Groups [Glass] 1065 Carbon timc County, Colorado, Catheter Abiation Fetal loss and caffeine intake (letters) [Wei, Kline, 1993, froi New cardiac ablation device approved, from FDA Parazzini] 27, 28 (reply) [Infante-Rivard] 28 icA ntigen [Nightingale] 1814 Caillebotte, Gustave (1848-1894 CEA to detect recurrence of colon cancer (letter) Catheterization JAMA cover of December 28, On the Europe Bridge [Northover] 31 Device-specific risk of needlestick injury in Italian by Gustave Caillebotte [Pace] 1883 Carcinoma, Renal Cell health care workers [Ippolito] 607 Caicium Treatment of metastatic melanoma and renal cell car- Catheters, Indwelling calcium intake [NIH Consensus Develop- cinoma with interleukin-2 (letter) [Manson] 1327 ~— hilia Foundation recommends prophylactiucs e ment Panel on Optimal Calcium Intake] 1942 Cardiac Arrest — factors [Skolnick] 1153 Thyroid hormone use and bone mineral density (let- Active compression-decompression CPR (letter) ter) [Krakauer] (reply) [Schneider] 1822 (Mazziotti] 1825 (reply) [Lurie] 1326 | ar infection in the domestic cat (letter) Calcium Channel Blockers Compression-decoma CPR: the biomotor (let- [Nowotny] 1100 Diagnosis and treatment of heart failure due to left ter) [Lerman] 1477 (replies) [Olson, Lurie} 1477 The last of August [Fisher] 1310 ventricular dysfunction (letter) [Mehra] 1324 (re- Emergency medical services: factors associated with Cause of Death ply) [Gaasch] 1325 poor survival (letter) [Bickell] (reply) [Lombardi] Mortality rates, causes of death, and health status California 1573 among displaced and resident populations of Kabul, Breast cancer: treatment differences and survival (let- Cardiom , Congestive Afghanistan [Gessner3]8 2 ters) [Amster, Wishart, Williamson, Corley] 1165, Management of heart failure: I. pharmacologic treat- CD4-CD8 Ratio 1166, 1167 (reply) [Lee-Feldstein] 1166 ment [Baker] 1361 High-tech assault on HIV: gene therapy [Cotton] Californians will vote on single. — system in up- iomyopathy, ic 1235 coming referendum [Voe er}& Diagnosis and treatment of heart failure due to left CD4 Lym Effect of the 1992 California motorcycle helmet use ventricular dysfunction (letter) (Mehra} 1324 (re- Many clues, few conclusions on AIDS [Cotton] 753 law on motorcycle crash fatalities and injuries ply) [Gaasch] 1325 New AIDS spread, old issues surface (Cotton] 419 [Kraus] 1506 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CD4-Positive Lymphocytes see T4 Lymphocytes Hepatitis B vaccination of adolescents—California, Active compression-decompression CPR (letter) cDNA see DNA, Comp! uisiana, and Oregon, 1992-1994, from CDC, 1096 (Mazzottil 1325( reply) [Lurie] 1326 Cell-Mediated Immunity see Immunity, Cellular Human rabies—California, 1994, from CDC, 347 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and rib fractures in Cells, Cultured Inappropriate and appropriate selection of ‘peers’ in infants: a —_— radiologic-pathologic study Use of cell culture and a rapid diagnostic assay for grant review [Glantz] 114 {Spevak]6 1 Chlamydia trachomatis screening [Hook] 867 Quick uptakes...costly trend; finding the goodi ng uide- Compression-decompression CPR: the biomotor (let- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US) lines; classifying pediatric HIV infection; too many ter) [Lerman] 77 (replies) [Olson, Lurie] 1477 Vaccines for Children program may get late start beds; = computers; landmark celebration Emergency medical services: iactors associated with [Marwick] 576 [Voelker]1 ee survival (letter) [Bickell] (reply) [Lombardi] Central America PR no aano f HIV and risk behaviors among 15 Certification of poliomyelitis eradication—the Ameri- oung homosexual and bisexual men: the San Cardiovascular Diseases cas, 1994, from CDC, 1319 FrancscoBerkeley Young Men’s Survey [Lemp] Decreased cardiovasculard isease and increasing can- Cholera is walking south [Masana Wilson] 1226 cer (letters) [Lemon, Maher] 199 (reply) [Davis] 199 Central Nervous System Tobacco industry campaign contributions are affect- — spending—United States, from CDC, Permissive hypercapnia in acute respiratory failure ing tobacco control policymaking in California [Bidani] 957 [Glantz] 1176 Cardiovascular System Cerebelium Update: oe i_ nfeeziizccsies 1991-1993, Effects of music on cardiovascular reactivity among from CDC, 585 surgeons [Allen] 882; correction, 1724 TCerreeabtrmaeln t Heo f intention tremor [Levy] 1823 Caloric Intake Career Choice — Foundation recommends prophylactic use V g carbohydrate intake in NIDDM (letters) Association of American Medical Colleges and Ameri- of clotting factors [Skolnick] 1153 [ vay Ratner, McCarthy] 1817 (reply) [Garg] can Medical Association Joint Statement on Phy- 1818 sician Workforce Planning and Graduate Medical Cerebral Ischemia CMeadmibcoald iaan d social consequences of land mines in Cam- MedEidcuacla tsicohno olR eafnodr ms tuPdoelnitc iecsh ar[aCcotheerni]s ti7c1s2 that influ- QCueircekb raulp taIksecsh..e.mhieaa,l inTgr anvseineonmt? [Voelker] 1241 Cabmopdaiai g[nS toCvoenrt]r i3b3u1 tions see Politics Nateinocnea lc hHoeoaslitnhg aS egrevniecrea lCisotr pcsa reexepre r[iMeanrctei nif]o r 66ru1r al Lefcto hvoretn:t ritchuel aFrr ammaissn ghanadm riHseka rotf sSttroukdey i[nB iaknk ienlad]e rl3y3 Canada physicians in the late 1980s [Pathman] 1341 Life goes on, PULSE [Donovan] 1379 Comparison of the appropriateness of coronary an- Road less traveled: a conversation with my son Cerebrospinal Fluid giorgyr aphyb etawenedn coCraonnaadray aarntde ry Nbeywp assY orgkra ftS tsautre- See[kMicnAgf eea ]b a6l2a7n ced physician workforce for the 21st Regsiuorneadl brwaiitnh abnomramganleittiice s inr esscohniaznocpeh reniiam amgeian-g Healthc Glsyynsnt] em9 34r eform: the case for a sing’ ted Carceegntiuvreyr s [Cooper] 680 Cer[eAnbdrroevaassecnu]l a1r7 63D isorders aRpeipdr,o achT ho(lmeptsteorns), (BrSitcekefliee]l d, 1H1o01w,a rd,1 102 rehpnleyr,} Imp[aCcotvi nsokfy ] se1r8i3o9u s illness on patients’ families Ant[iHoexribdearntt]s , 16p5r9o -o(xreipdlayn)t s,[S cahnadl cht]h ei1r6 6e0f fects (letter) [McDermott] 1103 Caribbean Region Left ventricular mass and risk of stroke in an Medical schools in Canada, 723 Rescuers of migrants require health protection sk = the Framingham Heart Study Socdieosepictoen oumniicv erdsiaslp acriotvieersa gein: pbrreevaesntt iavned ccearrvei caple rsciasn-t aa[G unby] F4O2R2 THE UNINSURED AND UNDERIN- Left ventricular mass and stroke: what is the con- cer screening in Ontario and the United States nection? [Devereux] 71 [Katz] 530 Better-quality alternative: apres national health Life goes on, PULSE [Donovan] 1379 Candy system reform [Schiff] 803 Management of heart failure: IV. anticoagulation for Quick uptakes...risky business; healing venom? burn- Community-academic health center partnerships for patients with heart failure due to left ventricular ing the pain away; caring for the underserved...and underserved minority — one solution to systolic dysfunction [Baker] 1614 aging Americans [Voelker] 1241 a national crisis [Levine] 309 Quick uptakes...healing venom? [Voelker] 1241 Capillaries Job loss due to health insurance mandates [Klerman] Certification Comparability of capillary and venous blood samples Examining the examinations for licensure and certi- for lead screening (letter) [Rainey] (reply) [Schlen- —— is the health in health system reform? [Fielding] fication in medicine [Norcini] 713 ker] 1482 1 Cervix Neoplasms Multiple —- failure syndrome (letter) [Zikria] 202 Carotene Socioeconomic disparities in preventive care persist Pe [Cerra] 203 All that glitters is not beta carotene [Hankinson] 1455 despite universal coverage: breast and cervical can- Capillary Permeability Antioxidants, tpros-o xidants, and their effects (letter) cer screening in Ontario and the United States Kaposi’s sarcoma, vascular permeability, and scien- (Herbert] 1659 (reply) (Scale 1660 [Katz] 530 tific integrity (letters) (Gallo, Nakamura, Ensoli, Dietary carotenoids, vitamins A, C, and E, and ad- Cesarean Section Sakurada, Albini, Markham, Bryant, Koshland, Re- = age-related macular degeneration [Seddon] Eleven worthy aims for clinical— — of health — 920, 921, 922 (reply) [Witte] system reform [Berwick]7 9 Serum carotenoids and coronary heart disease: the Cesarean Section, Repeat Capital Punishment Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Preven- Reducing the rate of cesarean deliveries: an obtain- Ruling on physician role in prisoner executions tion Trial and Follow-up Study [Morris] 1439 able but elusive goal [Hale] 558 (Skolnick] 1888 Carotenoids Cézanne, Paul (1839-1906) Capitation Fee All that glitters is not beta carotene [Hankinson] 1455 JAMA cover of October 19, Man in a Blue Smock by — physicians and hospitals [Bodenheimer] Dietary carotenoids, vitamins A, C, and E, and ad- Paul Cézanne (Southgate] 1151 1 vanced age-related macular degeneration [Seddon] _ Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon (1699-1779) Capsaicin 1413 JAMA cover of September 7, Young Student Draw- Conan-t .burning the pain away [Voelker] 1241 Serum carotenoids and coronary heart disease: the ingb y Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin [Southgate] Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Preven- Canm s blood ioe and diabetic nephropathy tion Trial and Follow-up Study [Morris] 1439 Chemica! Warfare etter) {Sawicki} CarotidA rteries Military declassifies some Gulf War documents Car Seats see ore_ Left ventricular mass and stroke: what is the con- [Cotton] 341 Carbamazepine nection? [Devereux] 71 Persian Gulf experience and health [NIH] 391 Neurodevelopment after in utero exposure to pheny- Carrier Proteins —— Hazarsede Hoazuardsous Substances toin and = (letters) (Jeret, Loring] Effect ofc arrieir e satp riming on antibody responses ouwt ne i [Koren] He type b conjugate vac- oeromvi ng health care for thea (etters) [Milloy, ydrates cines in infants (Granoff] 1116 eddy, Grand, Vallbona, Williams] 351, 352, 353 Varip oe drate intake in NIDDM (letters) Case-Control Studies (reply) [Ginzberg] 353 — Reiner, McCarthy] 1817 (reply) [Garg] Oral contraceptives and complications from diabetes Occupational exposure and asthma mortality (letter) (letter) [Roseman] 1104 [DeMers] 1575 1968 JAMA, December 28, 1994—Vol 272, No. 24 Subject Index — Soup see Food Vaccination coverage of g2- a children—United Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease see Lung States, 1993, fromC Diseases, Obstructive Blood lead levels in the US population: phase I of the Vaccines ar Chien Poca S094,f rom CDC, 1316 Cicatrix third National Health and Nutrition Examination Vaccines for Children program may get late ‘start ee on burn therapy, PULSE [Malani] 745 Survey (NHANES III, 1988 to 1991) [Brody] 277 BC ealee vels—United States, 1988-1991, from Viae ccsitneisn g for "Chiem n Program oo!f f and running Tacrine forA lzheimer’s disease (letters) [Wolferman, [Marwick]1 1 Luqman, Riesenberg, Temianka] 1896 (replies) Childhood lead ae in 1994 [Goldman] 315 Child, H ized [Knapp, Winker} 1897 Comparability of capi and venous bl The little picture [Gelman] 417 Civili Rights a for lead screening (letter) [Rainey] (reply) Child, Preschool Firearm violence and public health (letters) [Black- lenker] 1482 Assessment of undervaccinated children following a man, Ching, Beckmann, Reed, Neilsch, McKay] Pe crs = -term survivors ofc hild- Cpe, — campaign—Kansas, 1993, from 1406, 1407,= 408( reply) {Barondess] 1409 hood acute lymphoblastic leukemia [Haupt] 1427 Effect of a recent previous visit to a physician on Crossing the divide from vaccine technology to vac- orG ) h utc Lo, eJr bi(o bituary) [Gu[Gunnbyb] y] 1793 — after childhood bacterial meningitis [Kallio] cine delivery: the critical role of providers Classification . [Orenstein] 1138 Brief history of chronic fatigue syndrome, PULSE Efficacy of inactivated vaccine in preventing anti- Early intervention in low-birth-weight premature in- [Kim] 1070 — drifted influenza typAe an d well-matched fants: results through age 5 years from the Infant — sepsis (letter) [Knaus] (reply) [Abraham] B [Suga fa] 1122 bro~ and Development Program [Brooks-Gunn] Ep, abd on.of invasive childhood pneumococcal in- Does this dizzyp orn have a serious form of vertigo? — in Israel [Dagan] 268:3328; correction, 272: wane of missed opportuntiov taciciensat e preschoo!- comment and correction (letters) (Warr, Lindow] I aged children on vaccination coverage levels—se- 1328, 1324 (reply) [Froehling] 1324 Epidemiology of tuberculosis in the United States, lected US sites, 1991-1992, from CDC, 1317 Homosexuality ii n the International Classification of FDA propones speciei eclnng anc peck Overcoming ii mmunization barriers, from 1OM [Durch] Diseases: a clarification (letter) [van Drimmelen- proposes s} ig and pac! ig to 1092 vent childhood iron poisoning, from EDA Over-the-counter medicatiouns e among US preschooi- [Nightingale] 1488 Postal Mieny otk cpap ing (Oe Examining the examinations for licensure and certi- First statement on tobacco and children ‘aren istory and myopia: the long view fication in medicine [Norcini] 713 [Skolnick] 841 a [Chew, Wallman] 1255 Greply) (adn CLINICAL DECISION MAKING: FROM THEORY TO Helmets and preventing motorcycle- and bicycle-re- PRACTICE lated injuries [American Medical Association Coun- Rationalu se of over-the-counter medications in young Health system reform: will controlling costs require cil on Scientific Affairs} 1535 children [Gadomski] 1063 rationing services? [Eddy] 324 Hemophilia Foundation recommends prophylactiucs e Vaccination coverage of 2-S eeear,- tolrdao cne ae Rationing resources while improving quality: how to of clotting factors [Skolnick] 1153 States, third quarter, 1 rmeosre for less [Eddy] 817 Infectious disease surveillance during emergency re- Child Psychology Clinical Investigators see Research Personnel lief to Bhutanese refugees in Nepal [Marfin] 377 Biology enters repressed memory fray [Cotton] 1725 Clinical Practice Variations see Physician’s Prac- Mortality rates, causes of death, and health status Genetic testing for children and adolescents: who de- tice Patterns among displaced and resident populations of Kabul, cides? [Wertz] 875 Clinical Trial Overviews see Meta-analysis Afghanistan [Gessner] 382 Chimpanzee Clinical Trials Optimal calcium intake [NIH Consensus Develop- AIDS vaccines: are we ready for human efficacy tri- AIDS vaccines: are we ready for human efficacy tri- ment Panel on Optimal Calcium Intake] 1942 als? [Mascola] 488 als? [Mascola] 488 Parental history and myopia: taking the long view China All that glitters is not beta me [Hankinson] 1455 — [Chew, Wallman] 1255 (reply) (adn pm uptakes... persecuted scientists [Voelker] 1568 Conference on FDA-re; a and preg- nant women, from FDA [Nightingale] 1160 Prospective comparison of mother-to-child transmis- Human rabies—California, 1994, from CDC, 347 Effects of smoking intervention and the use of an sion of HIV-1 and HIV-2 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast Chlamydia Infections inhaled anticholinergic bronchodilator on the rate [Adjorlolo-Johnson] 462; correction, 1482 Use of cell culture and a rapid diagnostic assay for of decline of FEV;: the Lung Health Study a Oak iamsplti cations of AIDS research in Africa Chlamydia trachomatis screening [Hook] 867 [Anthonisen] 1497 Chlamydia trachomatis FDA proposes to require financial disclosure by clini- Quick uptakes.. ule pediatric HIV infection Use of cell cuiture and a rapid diagnostic assay for cal investigators, from FDA [Nightingale] 1160 [Voelker] 1889 Chlamydia trachomatis screening [Hook] 867 Follow-up 0: patients with breast cancer (letters) Quick uptakes...making children safe [Voelker] 259 Chioral Hydrate [Cocconi, Klaff, Yun Ryo] 1657, bee (replies) [Fos- Reports of problems with use of liquid-dosing de- Sclerodermalike esophageal disease in children of sati, Rosselli Del Turco] 1658 vices, from FDA [Nightingale] 995 mothers with silicone breast implants (letters) Full publication of results intislly ~p ae in ab- Sclerodermalikees ophageal disease in children breast- (Bartel, Cook, Epstein, Placik, Levine, Liau, Brody] stracts: a meta-analysis [Scherer] 158; correction, fed by mothers with silicone breast implants [Le- 767, 768, 769, 770 (replies) [Levine, Flick] 769, 770 1410 vine] 271:213; correction, 272:770 Chlordiazepoxide High-tech assault on HIV: gene therapy [Cotton] Sclerodermalike esophageal disease in children of Individualized treatment for alcchol withdrawal: a 1235 mothers with silicone breast implants (letters) randomized double-blind controlled trial [Saitz}519 International disunity on HIV vaccine efficacy trials [Bartel, Cook, Epstein, Placik, Levine, Liau, Brody] Refining the treatment of alcohol withdrawal [Fuller] [Cotton] 1090 767, 768, 769, 770 (replies) (Levine, Flick] 769, 710 557 Italian pertussis vaccine trial: ethical issues (letter) Sydenham’s chorea: a model for childhood autoim- Cholera [Greco] 1898 (rree ply) [Marwick] 1899 mune neuropsychiatric disorders [Swedo] 1788 Cholera is walking south [Masana Wilson] 1226 Lung eget Study: disappointment and triumph Child Abuse Diagnosis and treatment of cholera in the United [Gross] 1539 Biology enters repressed memory fray [Cotton] 1725 States: are we prepared? [Besser] 1203 Many clues, few conclusions on AIDS [Cotton] 753 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and rib fractures in Infectious disease surveillance during emergency re- Modeling the severity of illness of ICU patients: a infants: a postmortem radiologic-pathologic study lief to Bhutanese refugees in Nepal [Marfin] 377 systems update [Lemeshow] 1049 [Spevak] 617 Relief agencies face crisis of a lifetime [Voelker] 575 Proposal for structured reporting of randomized con- Child Development Cholesterol trolled trials [Standards of Reporting Trials Group] Children with disabilities—my patients [Kaminer] 652 = in the elderly: is it important? [Hulley] 1926 Early intervention in low-birth-weight premature in- 1 Safety and side effects of sustained-release niacin fants: results through age 5 years from the Infant Lack of association between cholesterol and coronary (letters) [Keenan, Lavie, Weiner, Shields] 513, 514 — and Development Program [Brooks-Gunn] heart disease mortality and morbidity and all-cause (reply) [McKenney] 514 1257 mortality in persons older than 70 years [Krumholz] Users’ guidteos th e medical literature: VI. hotwou se Individualized developmental care: an emerging new 1335 an overview — “saad standard for neonatal intensive care units? Proof arrives: antilipids save lives [Goldsmith] 1637 Clinical Trials, PhaseI l [Merenstein] 890 Rationing resources while improving quality: how to — sepsis (letter) (Knaus] (reply) [Abraham] Individualized developmental care for the very low- get more for less [Eddy] 817 1 birth-— preterm infant: medical and neuro- Cholestyramine Clomipramine functional effects [Als] 853 Serum carotenoids and coronary heart disease: the Apparent intrauterine fetal withdrawal from clomi- Child Development Disorders Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Preven- pramine hydrochloride (letter) [Bromiker] 1722 et ee after in utero exposure ores tion Trial and — Study [Morris] 1439 Clostridium difficile and yay (letters) [Jeret, Loring] Cholestyramine Resin see C! mine Randomized placebo-controlled trial of Saccharomy- $50( reply) [Koren] Chorea ces boularest ii n combination with standard antibi- Child Health Services Chorea [Lands] 1636 otics for Clostridiwm difficile disease [McFarland] Adequacy of well-child care and immunizations in US Sydenham’s chorea: a model for childhood autoim- = correction, 272:518 ants born in 1988 [Mustin] 1111 mune neuropsychiatric disorders [Swedo] 1788 ine ‘Catch-up’ hepatitis protection for adolescents Choroid Cocaine and HIV prevalence in an alcohol treatment {Marwick} 1730 Visual hallucinaitn ipaotinensts with choroidal neovas- center (letter) [Epstein] (reply) [Avins] 435 Childhood immunizations to be reconciled in 1995 cularization [Loewenstein] 243 Hindsight and new data converge on drug policy [Marwick] 1157 Chromosome Abnormalities [Cotton] 992 Clinical application of the Ottawa ankle rules (letter) Fetal loss and caffeine intake (letters) [Wei, Kline, Homicide a York City: cocaine use and firearms [McCarter] (reply) [Stiell] 518 Parazzini] 27, 28 (reply) [Infante-Rivard] 28 ‘ardiff] ; Genetic testing for children and adolescents: who de- Chromosome Mapping Influence “— use on cigarette smoking (letter) cides? [Wertz] 875 Ambition fuels human genome research [Voelker] [Higgins Italian pertussis vaccine trial: ethical issues (letter) 1394 Yerkesp wrhiS rcinaienn n clinical fruit, results [Greco] 1898 (reply) [Marwick] 1899 Chronic Disease in ophthalm ology, behavioral science Limitations and withdrawals of medical intervention apr sinusitis: relationship of computed tomo- {Skolnick] 909 in pediatric critical care [Levetown] 1271 Le ic findings to allergy, asthma, and eosino- Coccid is Pediatricians are — too (letter) [De Witt} (re- [Newman] 271:363; correction, 272:852 Update: coccidioidomycosis—California, 1991-1993, ply) [Kimball] 660 Commpahed ag hee valuate chronic sinusitis from ee em Use of perinatal and infant health services by Mexican- ne letson] 851, 852 (reply) [Platts- Coenzyme American Medicaid enrollees [Moore] 297 Proof arrives: antilipids save lives [Goldsmith] 1637 JAMA, December 28, 1994—Vol 272, No. 24 Subject Index 1969 Coffee Compulsive Personality Disorder a of the appropriateness of coronary an- Cot daepkeend ence: what are the implications? Personality disorders: current perspectives [Oldham] peraphy and coronary artery bypass graft sur- [Glass 1770 tween Canada pie New York State Fetal loss oe caffeine intake (letters) [Wei, Kline, Computer Communication Networks McGlynn] 934 Parazzini] 27, 28 (reply) [Infante-Rivard] 28 Computer networks as a medical resource (letter) Coronary Artery Bypass Grafti ing Cogan’s S [Goldwein] (reply) [Glowniak] 1898 Appropraienes of coro! nary Pp!r ocedures in Sweden Serum antibody to inner ear proteins in patients with Computer Network see Computer (letter) [Bernstein] 1254 (reply) [Bengtson] 1255 progressive hearing loss: correlation with disease Communication — of 7 a a of coronary an- activity and response to corticosteroid treatment Computer Programs see Software giography and coronary artery bypass graft sur (Moscicki] 611 Formation faSa yer,a at Canada ma New York State Cognition Regional brain abnormalities in schizophrenia Common mental disorders and disability across cul- measured with magnetic resonance imaging sae oth eart failure: III. the role of revas- tures: results from the WHO Collaborative Study [Andreasen] 1763 cularization in the treatment of patients with mod- on Psychological Problems in General Health Care CONCEPTS IN EMERGENCY AND CRITICAL CARE erate or severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction {Ormel] 1741 (Bone RC, ed) [Baker] 1528 Early intervention in low-birth-weight premature in- Modeling the severity of illness of ICU patients: a yr ae |D isease fants: results through age 5 years from the Infant systems update [Lemeshow] 1049 All that glitters is not beta carotene [Hankinson] 1455 — and Development Program [Brooks-Gunn] Permissive hypercapnia in acute respiratory failure Apolipoprotein E alleles, dyslipidemia, and coronary 1 7 [Bidani] 957 heart disease: the Framin; Offspring Study Rote learning in medical school. PULSE [Regan- Use and clinical importance of a substrate-s; [Wilson] 1666 Smith] 1380 electrode for rapid determination of blood Association of moderate alcohol consumption and Cognition Disorders concentrations: a multiexperiment study [Aduen] plasma concentration of endo; ~~ tissue-type Limited value of routine laboratory assessments in 1678 plasminogen activator [Ridker] 929 severely impaired nursing home residents [Kim] Condoms Cholesterol in the elderly: is it important? [Hulley] 1447 HIV infection in Thailand: the use of condoms (letter) Cohort Studies {VanLandinghan] (reply) [Nelson] 1478 Graying of America stimulates more research on aging- Oral contraceptives and complications from diabetes Limited effects of HIV poe:w er ar testing for associated factors [Gunby] 1561 women: a prospective study of vioral and psy- Hemochromatosis, multio: hemosiderosis, and Coi(lnesttuerr)a n[cReo sseemea n]D ed1u1c0t4 ibles and Coinsurance chological consequences [Ickovics] 443 coronary artery disease [Miller] 231 Cold, Common see Common Cold Public health implications of AIDS research in Africa Influence of cocaine use on cigarette smoking (letter) [De Cock] 481 (Higgins] 1724 Colitis US sticks head in the sand on AIDS prevention Invasive procedures in acute myocardial infarction: RandomizedA pe ane ny trial of Saccharomy- [Cotton] 756 are they beneficial? [Gould] 891 ces boulardii in combination with standard antibi- Confidential Lack of association between cholesterol and coronary otics for Clostridium difficile disease [McFarland] Better-quality alternative: pereases health heart disease mortality and morbidity and all-cause 271:1913; correction, 272:518 system reform [Schiff] 803 — in persons older than 70 years [Krumholz] Colleges, see Universities Finding effective treatment for impaired physicians CCoElAo nitco Ndeetoepctl asrmecsu rrence of colon cancer (letter) Gen[eVtoiecl kteers]t i1n2g3 8f or children and adolescents: who de- Lipn - T(lett er) r[Biosskt ion m]w om(reenpl y)a n[dG uerffeiw ich] of1 1a6s9c or- {Northover] 31 cides? [Wertz] 875 Low-density lipoprotein density and atherosclerosis: Cc How ‘definitive’ is new sex survey? answers vary unraveling the connection [Slyper] 305 Screening for colorectal cancer: which test is best? [Cotton] 1727 Proof arrives: antilipids save ry [Goldsmith] 1637 (letters) [Pickover, Mandel, Sakamoto] 1099, 1100 Presidential disability and the Twenty-fifth Amend- Quick uptakes...benevolent mutation [Voelker] 1568 (reply) [Lang] 1100 ment: a president’s perspective [Carter] 1698 Racial differences in cardiac procedure use (letters) Colorado Protecting privacy of computerized patient informa- Page. — 1251 ous [Peterson] 1251 Carbon monoxide poisoning—Weld County, Colorado, tion may lie in the cards [Skolnick} 187 Serum carotenoids and coronary heart disease: the 1993, from CDC, 1489 Conflict of Interest Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Preven- Interstate measles transmission from a ski resort— Clinical policies: making conflicts of interest explicit tion Trial and Follow-up Study [Morris] 1439 Colorado, 1994, from CDC, 1097 (letter) [[ Phillips] 1479 Users’ guides to the medical literature: VI. how to use Colorectal Neoplasms More conflicts of interest: review articles sponsored an overview [Oxman] 1367 Screening for colorectal cancer: which test is best? by the pharmaceutical industry (letter) [Nahata] What to advise patients about drinking alcohol: the (letters) [Pickover, Mandel, Sakamoto] 1099, 1100 1253 (replies) [Beary, Witt] 1254 clinician’s conundrum [Pearson] 967 (reply) [Lang] 1100 Tacrine for Alzheimer’s disease (letters) [Wolferman, Coroners and Medical Examiners Commerce Luqman, Riesenberg, Temianka] 1896 (replies) Impact of medical examiner/coroner practices on Internists eye sophisticated science [Voelker] 257 [Knapp, Winker] 1897 oy recovery in the United States [Shafer] Primary care in transition [Alper] 1523 Conjugate Vaccines see Immunotoxins Common Cold Connecticut CORRECTIONS Common cold: the effect of hot humid air on the nasal — infection—Connecticut, 1994, from CDC, Access and outcomes of elderly patients enrolled in mucosa (letters) [Katzman, Rosner] 1103, 1104 (re- —— care [Clement] 271:1487; correction, 272: plies) [Hendley, Monto] 1104 Consciousness Computed tomography to evaluate chronic sinusitis Exhibit explores link between art and epilepsy — sinusitis: relationship of computed tomo- (letters) [Ferguson, Metson] 851,852 (reply) [Platts- [Cotton] 1887 ee ic findings to allergy, asthma, and eosino- Mills] 852 Consensus Development Conferences, NIH [Newman] 271:363; correction, 272:852 Over-the-counter medication use among US preschooi- Acid test: making clinical sense of the consensus con- DN A diagnosis of neurofibromatosis 2: altered coding age children [Kogan] 1025 ference on Helicobacter pylori [Feldman] 71 sequence of the merlin tumor suppressor in an Rational use of over-the-counter medications in young Helicobacter pylori in peptic ulcer disease [NIH Con- — pedigree [MacCollin}270:2316; correction, children [Gadomski] 1063 sensus Development Panel on Helicobacter pylori Communicable Disease Contact Tracing see Con- in Peptic Ulcer Disease]6 5 Effects of music on cardiovascular reactivity among tact Tracing Optimal calcium intake [NIH Consensus Develop- surgeons [Allen] 882; correction, 1724 Communicable Diseases ment Pane! on Optimal Calcium Intake] 1942 Environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer in non- Infectious disease surveillance during emergency re- Consultants smoking women: a multicenter study [Fontham] — and letters (letter) [Leej 1479 (reply) [Davis] 271:1752; correction, 272:1578 mlioef to Bhduisteaanseesse inr ceofmupgeetietsi ivne Nseppoarlt s [(Mlaertfteirn)] [3D7o7r- Epidemiology of invasive childhood pneumococcal in- man oummne Participation fections in Israel [Dagan] 268:3328; correction, 272: Consumer Information Strategy, from HCFA 1006 Moratmaolnitgy dirsatpelsa,c edc auasneds reosfi ddeenatt hp,o paunlda tihoenasl tohf Ksatbautlus, [Vladeck] 196 Flaws documented, reforms debated at congress on CPhoymAsfmiguchinaainnci-saptatatinio enn[t G ecssonmemru]n ic3a8t2 ion: a key to malprac- CTCrooanaanntttseaidmcn itusw osiTuitrhosa n c aQiiournif ag tl Mriyeatcvyeo lb Maa[cDntraeivrgeierum]m e n1t0t3u 1b esreceu loTsoitsa l asQsuoacli-- Ful—slt rapc1u t1bsl :i cpaae temiroe nt rae-ovafin aerlewsy us[litCsso tt[ioSnncit]hie arl2el7ry0] : 27p17r55e8;s; e ncctooerrdrr eeccittnii ooannb,,- Cotmimceu npiretvye ntHieoanl th[ LeCveinntseonr]s 1619 Co Agents, Female Gra1d4u1a0 te medical education reform: service provi- Cost-quality relationship: do we always get what we Oral contraceptives and complications from diabetes = transition costs [Stoddard] 58; correction, pay for? [Wagner] 1951 (letter) [Roseman] 1104 Costs vs quality in different types of primary care ives, Oral Impact of college prematriculation immunization settings [Starfield] 1903 Oral contraceptives and complications from diabetes requirements on risk for measles outbreaks Community Health Services (letter) [Roseman] 1104 [Baughman] 1127; correction, 1822 Community-academic health center partnerships for Media JAMA cover of August 10, St. George and the Dragon, underserved minority populations: one solution to Rationing resources while improving quality: how to artist unknown [Southgate] 414; correction, 1328 a national crisis [Levine] 309 get more for less [Eddy] 817 New data suggest needle biopsies could replace sur- Health reform and the health of the public: forging Con , Ocular gical biopsy for diagnosing breast cancer [Skolnick] community health partnerships [Baker] 1276 — visual symptoms in an older woman [Mohr] 271:1724; correction, 272:11 Physician involvement with Medicaid’s home- and Ocular toxoplasmosis: an old disease revisited cHoCmFmuAn it[yVl-abdaescekd] 1s5e6r9v ices waiver program, from CCooookkienrgy with salmonella (Doyie} 895 Pro[sNpuescsteinvbel atcto]m pa2r71i:s3o0n4 ; ofc omrortehcetri-ont,o -c2h7i2l:d3 56t ransmis- Where is the health in health system reform? [Fielding] Cooking and Eating Utensi sion of HIV-1 and HIV-2 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast 1292 Aluminum toxicity [Ambre] 242 [Adjorlolo-Johnson] 462; correction, 1482 Community-Iinstitutional Relations Coping — see Adaptation, Psychological Randomizedd pl acebo-controlled trial of Saccharomy- Health reform and the health of the public: forging ces boulardii in combination with standard antibi- community health partnerships [Baker] 1276 Options for multiple sclerosis therapy [Cotton] 1393 otics for Clostridium di disease [McFarland] Complement Activation Coronary Angiography 271:1913; correction, 272:518 Uses of molecular biology in transplantation, PULSE Appropriateness of coronary procedures in Sweden Recombinant human interleukin 1 receptor antago- [Pierson] 1706 detter) [Bernstein] 1254 deals) [Bengtson] 1255 nist in the treatment of patients with sepsis syn- 1970 JAMA, December 28, 1994—Vol 272, No. 24 Subject index

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