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EdmundH usserl's OrigionfG eometry: An Introduction JacquesD errida TRANSLATED,W ITH A PREFACE AND AFTERWORD, BY JOHN P.L EAVEY,J R. UniverosfNi etbyr aPsrkeas s LincoalnndL ondon Copyri©g 1h9t6 b2y t hPer esUsneisv ersidteFa riarnecse Translcaotpiyorn©i g 1h9t7b 8y J ohPn.L eavey, Jr. Afterwcoorpdy ri©g 1h9t8b 9y t hUen iverosfNi etbyr aPsrkeas s Alrli ghrtess erved Contenst Manufactiuntr heUedn itSetda toefAs m erica FirBsits oBno opkr int1i9n8g9: Acknowledgments v Mosrte cent printibnytg h fieir nsddtii gcbiaettl eodw : PrefaUcned:e cidaabnldOe lsd N amesb,yJ ohPn.L evaey 4 5 6 7 81 0 9 UndecidabalnedsD ecosntruction 1 DerridIan'st rodiounct toT heO rigoijnG eometry 7 LibroafrC yo ngrCeastsa loging-inD-aPtubal ication Deconstrucatnidto hne S cienocfeO ldN ames 18 Derr,iJ daacques. TrasnlatoNro'tse 20 EdmunHdu ss'eOsrr li goifgn e ometarniy n:t rodu/Jc atciqouDnee sr rida; translwaittaehp d r,e faancdae f teorr,wdb yJ ohPn.L eav,eJ yr. IntrodutcotT ihoOenr igoifG ne ometry 23 p. cm. *1.T he SenosfSe e nse-InvestiRgeastpioonns:i bility. "FirBsits oBno opkr inting"v-eTr.spo.. Consciouss.na ensdE xistence 27 II. TheH istoriRceadlu ctiaonnd t heN ecessiftoyr RepriOnrti.g inpaulbllyi sShteodnB:yr ooNk.,Y .N:.H ays1,9 78. ReturInn qui(rRyi ickJirnaR geea)c tivation 34 Incluidnedse x. III.T heE goa sF undamenatn dt heR eductioofn ISB0N- 8032-6(5a8l0pk-a.8p er) Factuality 51 1 H.u sseErdlm,u n1d8,5 9-19D3i8eF. r agnea cdhe m UrspdreuGrne go ­ IV. ObjectivHiitsyt.o riacnidtI yn.t entionality 62 metraileis n tentional-Phriosbtlo2er.mPi .hs ecnhoemse noIl.To tiglye.. V. Languagteh,e P ossibiolfiT trya nscendental Historicity 66 QA447.D4711938 9 VI. TheH ow ofI dealitthyeE: a rtahn dt heL iving 142.7' - dc1 9 CIP8 8-38638 Present 76 VII.T heH ow ofI deality: aWnrdiU tniinlg' .o acsi ty Reprinbtyae rdr angewmietPnhrt e sUsneisv ersidteFa riarneacsne dJ ohPn. theT eloso fR eactivation 87 Leav,eJ yrT.r anslfartoetmdh re e viesdeidt oifoI nnt roducat i"oLn' Origine VIII.H orizotnh:eA bsoluotfeH istorayn.dI maginary Variation 107 del ag eomerridee"H usserl. IX. TheS uspensioofIn d ealiStcyi:e ntS(tfiucd oyf theL ifWeo-rl(dL enbsewelt) 117 Thep apeirnt hibsoo mke ettshm ei nimurme quireomfAe mnetsr icNaant ional X. GeographIyn,ji nitizaatnidto hne,I deai nt he Standfaorrd InfoSremravtiicoenes r-mPaneonfPc aep efroP rr inLtiebdr ary KantiaSne nse 122 MateriAaNlSsIZ, 3 9.48-1984. XI. TheH istoriocfit thyeI deaD:i fference, Delay, Originasn.dt heT ranscendental 141 AppendiTxh:e O rigoifGn e ometbryEy d,m undH usserl, tranDsa.v iCda rr 155 Codac:o ntrapunacntdtu rsa nslatbiyJo onh,P n. L eavey 181 Indeoxf P assagCeist efdr omH usserl 193 Index 197 * Thseeh eadiandgdse,fd o r ctohnev enioeftn hcere e a,dd eorn ota ppeianrt he Frenecdhii ot.n Acknowledgemnst The1 794s econdr,e visFerde ncehd itioofnE DMUND HUSSERL'S L'ORINGEID EL AG EOMERTIEt.r aducteitio nnt roductpiaorJn A C­ QUES DERRIDA,i nE pimetheEes,s aiPsh ilosioqpuhesC,o llection fondepea rJ eaHny ppolictoep,y rig©h 1t 692b yP resss eUn iversitaires de France1,80 ,Bo ulevaSradi nt-GermPaairni,is s,t hes ourcoef t his Englitshr anslation. We areg ratetfout lh eP RESSESU NIVERSITAIREDSE FRANCE fort heir authortiozp arteisoetnnh ti tse xitn English. HUSSERL'SO RIGIONF G EOMERTYi sh erer eprinftreodm T HE CRISIOSF EUROPEANS CEINCESA ND TRANSCENDENTAL PHENOMENOLOGbYy E DMUND HUSSERL,t ranslabtyeD da vid Carr. Copy©r i1g7h9t0b y NorthwesUtneirvne rsPirteys Esv,a nston. Pp.3 5-37.8 We area lsgor ateftuoNl O RTHW ESTERN UNIVERSITYP RESS fort heiaru thorizattoir oenp riHnuts srel'tse xitn f ull. Prfeace Undecidablsea nd Old Names UNDECIDABLEASN D DECONSTRUCTION Tympaniseprh-illao sophie. Marges Ont hpers eeFnrte intncehlu llas ecnceett,ha evd eanntdd ei msoef strauilcshtmaua vrcceo mpwahnhaiatbes ed ce anlt lhbeeood ks 'uespr ­ sedutrhteee. Tx bhtyFe r epnhcoihpl hoaesncrdr JicatqiuDcee sr rida I issti uteaadtt h jneuc toutfrh ee, t thweo abnodo xktth h;ewe rt siet e abotuhoteir g,id neslaanyddsi ,ff epraetanthtth sc e riors .sH riosa ds "emhtoidts"h" eed councst"toi rtfoh vneei redyoa f wrtinig. Txetocscu froD re rorniildwnyar i,t wiarn igutdnienrdgs tnioonot thoer disnneesab,ru aytts h pel aracteu roeafw-l atsyih onecmp lete eraosrsu acrctreh ionuogtWf estmeeprthnacy .ssT:!ih beo oaksa n 1S e,ef oerx mapleE,u egniDoo na,t" oStructurTahleAi ftsemr:m ,a"tShu b-Stance, NO.7( Fa1l79l3 )9,- 2;P6 hilliSpoplel "ePrrso,mg mrea,i"nh iLso giq(uPesa: rS iesiu,l 1698),pp .9 -1;4o rJ ulKirai stSeevmae,i 6Rteickhee:r pcohueursne s emaynsae(l Paris: Seiu,l1 699)as;w elals a nnyu mboefwr o rkbsy RoBlaarntdoh reD esr rhimidsae .l f � "Likael tlh neo tionsu sIi niabgtme , l otnogt shh esi otroyf m etaphyswiecc san and onluyse iutnd ere rarseu[ suosr atuer (addbeydt .r),]"J aqcueDse rirdaOf, Grammaotlogtyf,G. a yatSrpiivk a (Blatim:oT rheeJ ohnHsop kiUnsni evrsiPtryes s, 1797)p,.60 .S intchseti ransl,wa ittiahone nxcellpernetf bayct eh ter anslaaptpoera,r ed aftetrh per esweonrtwk a sc omlepte,d wIa su nabtloce o mpatrrea nslatcioonnssi sf­or tenocfyt ermin(oaslI od gdiyw ithA llni'stsor ansloafSt pieoenac nhd P henomennoar) , wasI a blteoc ommeonntM rs.S pivkas'P raecf.eH owev,e hrIae va dderdee frenicne s the ntootr eesl evsaenictot nosfh eprr aecfeH.er d issciuosonfr atuorcec uornsp p. xiixi-xI.tf o rmtsh bea ckdfroohrpe lre ngdtihsysc suioofnDe rrdias'" acknowledged 'rpecurrss'No-ietz,sF crhedeu,H eidegHgueserslr,, p"p x.x i-.Il nihv itsr ansloaft ion "La' ideffraen,c''c'o ntaiinDn eerddr asi'S peeacnhPd h enomeAnnadO: t heEsrs aoyns Huss'esrTl heooryf S ign(sE vnastoNno:r thweUstnieevrrns iPtryes s,1 793),p .1 43, DaviAdl linsotoen:s " Derridoaft ebnr ackoer't rcso ssoeustc 'e rtkaeityne rsmt aken fromme taphyasnidlc osg, ia cndi nd ointgh, ih sef olloHweisd ergg'uess agienZ ur SeifnrasgeT.h et erimnsq uestniolo onn ghearv e ftulhle inmrie natgh,en yol onghearv e thset atofu spa u resliyg nicfioentdoe fne tx persosni-nloo ngtehra,,ta fittsehrde e cno­ strucotfim oentp ahycssiG.e neraotueotdf t hpel aoyfd iffer,et nhceey rsettiaali ln vestitgriaacolef s en,s heowevre,a trace thsaitm pcblaeyng noottta erno und (inconteo)"u. r abl 1 2 3 Preface Preface archiveosf m etaphysiicnaslc rtiiopnass,t hee ncyclopeodfik an owl­ � prefacaessm ,a rgincaolm mentwsr ittiennt hem arginosfo thebro oks edgort hec ompleptree senocfet h es ignifi(etdr acnesndentoran lo t)i,s ort exts." foreItgonD erridan'esw " concepotf"w ritinlg',ie tcur.Dr eerrideax ­ Thep refacDee,r risdaay si,s" af ourttehx tS.i mulattihnepg o stface, plain"sI:fI d istingtuhiets ehx ftr omt heb ookI,s halbles ayintgh atth e � ther ecapitulaantdit ohner. e curraenntti cipatthieao unt,o -movetmo ef desutcrtioonft heb ooka,s i ti sn ow under iwnaa lydl o maindse,n udes � : thec oncepitti, s a ne ntiroetlhye dri,ff eretnetx t, bttu hte s am tIme, thes urfaocfet het ext. That nevcieoslseanrrceyes pontdosa violence , as' discouorfas ses istanictie st, h'e ' doubloefw' h atI te xceeds7 T.h e thawta sn o lensesce ssray". Theb ook'osw nv iolenicte"s,p roteocnt i �. � fourtthe xta,s t exti,s " theb eyond everythingi n[swohfiaacrIht] of heoolgya ndof logocentraigsami ntshte d isruptoifow nr iting, . . . . withstaanldols n tol.o. g i.ys n ota primummoe vnsH.ow everI,tI m­ agamsItt asp honsteince r,ga ynd. ..a gaindsitff erenicnge e neral,"3 part[si mprtiome vee]r yth.in..g mao vemenotf fi ctio".n8D. e rridafic­ forcetsh ep resent-vdiaoyl ednits tincotfit ohneb ooka ndt het ext, in tiozneaWsle istertnr adit,i aonn actioinn,p arto,f t eanndgo wno r ordefro r" writintgob" e u nderstood. apardte,c onstrucotrdi enmgo lish.i9 ng Ratuarnedt het exotfD erriwdhae reiiton c curasr et hemselcvreoss sed . . How doesD erridfiac tionalIinzo et?h ewro rdsw,h atI St hefi ctIonal outo rs omehows uspendiendh ist houghta, t-th oughste emingtloyo motion thhiaspt r efaciemsp reosnse verythiAnsgt ?h ef ourtthex ti,ti s absrtactH.i sm ethodo fc riticidsemc,o nsttriuocnc,o ulbde s eena,s dsiesminaiton,1 0de construcItId iionff,e raI:!n ce: Ricoeusra ysa,s " consistiinln agy inwga stteo m etaphysidciaslc ourse bya poria"5-ia.sea . k,i ndo fm entagly mnastiTchsi.sc ommon,b ut H "Allt hetseesx .t .n.od o utb atrheie n etrminparbaelcfeet o a nottheexrt th at I importacnrti,t icoifDs emr riadcat ualsltyr ikaets thheea rotfh ise nter­ woulodn e ldiatkyoe h avet hset rentogw trhi, to rea gatihnee pi gratpoah n otr[h t��te?]f prisHei.s c ontinuianls isteonnc teh ef ailuorfem etaphysaisco sn to­ whicIwh o ulnde vrhe avhea d atuhdea ctiowt ryi .t.e ". (Posi[tPiao:nMn slsn Ult, theo-Iosgeye mst os upporRti coeurc'rsi ticiDsemr.r idsat iwlrli tes 1792,]p .1 )4.O nm arngail,i tsyDeaev iAdl li"soDenr,r� 'isCd� itioqfuH eu ss:eT rhle "boo�k" int heo rdinasreyn sea,n da ltlh ew ordso fh ist exatr eb,y PhilosoofPp rheyns ce,e"D is.T sheP ennsnyilSavt aaUtmev resl,1t 7y94p,. 1 77. necesSIntoyte, r aseIdn.f actd,e constirouncs teemst ob et hev iolent 7 JcaquDeesr riLdaDa i,s semtiion(naP a:rS ieusi,1l 79)2p, p3.3 -35. misintreertpatioofnW esternt hought. Howevearb,o vect hriet icism �I bidp..6, 5: m ye mphaosnifisc tion. alsmoi ssetsh ep oinotr,p referatbhleyn ,o n-poionftD ,e rridaw'osr k, �T) hiusnb uildatit nigm seeesm sc lotsoe tnheeg atmiovmee notf taesns igtnoe dt he allo fw hichc oulbde c onsideraesod u tsiodfeb ooksh,o rse-,la si vr crevaeti imagtiin.oaS neeR ayH arUtn,fi nishMeadna ndt hIem agiinoan(t NeYwo r:k Herde16r98,) p,p 2.47 -49. :Ol fG rammatolpo.1g 8y.. 10" Dissemtiionunali tmtaelhyan so m eanianncgda nnboect h anendie nlot dae fiinoi.nt .. I.f niotpt o isss tiobs luem mardisizseen mait,i otnsheem idniaffle r,a niisctcn eo n�c­e wtrh� "eiwfrIttwo eihou neulgbwrldb eeede rp oerfndn rooulpai eycgyend .rrW, cee e tw,paodp tiu,urienl berpo edepenw erraamitsetreba tedubeta tniondfi ol raltiaib.ihBtyn twui[ygyotnf i uagllcp bpiduoeertr n reeaBc, cate oehipdrdn;todu iJeno.nsgn o dhtouoaertnlsieo. z natooli. nlrt.i Do, btiw ei.ss cstes a obleut efmrhs ifeeeornd. cau.aeetcbn iieh.yfdopdte o tnr rdroo a oum p f cir tiaedsnn si ooguesfn spntr -itifim obnnprnouile rbmtaetieek hogr rfis Do neiust mgsh(a.heseLn e meatffim Ienaccan tttsiI,oc n , noetx ti[ smye mpha]s:wie sa rwer itotnelnby yw rit.in..gb yt hiesn tanwciheti uns LaD oubSleea ncLeaM. y tholBolgainec aherpe r actriec-aslt aogfai ltnlegh f sa lssteas r,t whicahl waaylsr egaodvye rpnesr ce,pb teii otint nrenaolre xetrnaTlh.e' usjbceto'f beginsn,iic nniigpt,ts ist,elx eregeusfi,c titpiroeuts,ee xctt.ds:e c�at�api�nso)rt oa ne �­ writdionegs enxsoitit fw em ena byt hat ssoomvee rseoilgni touftd heae u thTohre. chatolopgerisnceca.el mIatr kasni rdrueicblaengd e neramtuitlvJepl !t.tTy chesl Ilpep­ subjoefc tiw trgi insa s ystoemfr elatbieotnwses etnr aotfta h:Me ytsiPca do,f t he mena!n tdh teu rbuloefn ccae er tlaaicbnkr edaokw tnh lemi iotf ttheexe txm,ep tI. ft�r m psyc,oh fes oci,e ttoyhfwe o rlWdi.ti hnth astec nteeh p ucntuasli mpiltiytc hocefl assical exhaustainvdee n clofsoiranmilgzt aioonra tl eapsrtoi hbais ta turtaatxionngoo fmI syt sujbecist tnobo etf ou.nI dno rdteodr e srcibteh asrttu tcruei,t n oietsn outgorh e ctahlalt tehmeosf,is ts iigfine, diostfi tnendmeeda ngi( onvuloir-dire). onael wawyrsi tfeossro meoannetd;h oep posisteino-dneerscr eric,vo ede-mgeees,cts .a, "Hree awrepe l ay,io nfcg our,us peotnh feo urititosur esemb,lu aponnct ehpeu rely remaeixnt recmoealryis ntesr muent.sW e woulsde artchh'e p ub'il nivc aifnot rh fier st siumlatkiivnes bheitpw eseemne a nds emen.T hye arei nn ow ay interconbnye cted readiee.r.t:,h fi er satu thoofarw orAkn.d 'ts hoecioolflo igtye riabstl uirtneotd' h e war meanngiA.n dy et,i nt hisd isgnka inddt hipusr eelxyt elcrn oaulslio�nh�,ce c diendote s anrdu ses-wshtoaskaeer se otrhiego iftn h weo rk-bettwheaeeu nt horr ewahadons d prdoucaes orotfs emanmtirigace t:h dee ivanocfte h ietn endmeeda �n,t�I trse f.lectlve­ thfier srte adwehrod icetsaT.th es ociaolfiw tryin tgai sd ramrae quiarnee nst irely effe(cetff et-rienwfl rietti)sn egta p sr ocienms ost i.o"Tna ken �frO!oS/ImO npsp,6. 1 6-2: differdeicnsitnp el"( iJacqDueersr i"dFraeu,de tl as d:dneeIe 'c ri,t"iu nhr ieLs'E c riture ET:" Posintsi,Do"i acri2t,iN cos.4, ( Wint1e79r2, )3 7. SSPeIekV aPsr efa.IcnOef etl ad fifere[nPcaerS iesu:i1 6l97,,] p .3 35E;T :" Freuadn dt hSec een oWfr iitn"g t,r. Grammatolpopgl.vyx -,l xvi. JeffrMeeyh lm,ai nnY alFer enScthu diNeos.4, 8 F:r enFcrhe u[d91 72]1,31- 41.) 11 Alsloiinn h iTsr ans'lasItn otrrodtuocS pteieoacnnh d Phenonmoetsne:"a Th et erm 5L aM eraphovriev (eP a:rS iesui17l95,,) 3p6.5 . 'edconstr(udcetcioonns't rwuhcitplieeor nh)au,p nusus a,ls houplrde sneond ti fficulties 5 4 Preafce Prfaece Thtieusxla t (car oitfsh lieis,o n tfeh lneioe f w)rt,iha tiddisiinn ot g Disesminoandt isiplacthetesh roefoe n to-otghyae coc-dolirntgoa n crisis angolfea c ertbaeinnd incgk.- cbAra iosfvis erstuhsems:ae r knso oft hfeo utretrhm o-fiftc thi-ao"tnm ust biev oecfidot n nr ecmes otthheaarasn c aullocumrse cchosacf nh io.i Iconet whoesrra,d longaelrl tohwe msetlobv ere ess umoer'd d eciidne dt'h oeft htew o "14 binaorypo psitnioosrnu bla[treedl ientv heterh ]ro efse p eculative necwa llsuct,uh oadftffi reanocdre ie smnsiat,i noieense,d sd itnhcee dilaect.i ct.sh ed.ye sttrhtoery i nihtoazrroiinTa.hn e tye xltluya croitfsh itesei xnsto b tr oaubgohbutypt oy elsmoytr h oeev rabun­ desotyir tt:h eayr teh mea rkofsd iesmsitniao(na nndo otfp olysemy) danocfe m,eb aurntai tbnhytge hre ivbnieiatrtlydyo e ecm iendaing. becatuhseedy on oatl ltohwe msealtav nepyso itnobt e p inndeodw n Non-ccernh usto higrhotouD ueiradsr't xet.I snt ur"cuStr,Se gi,n byt hceo nctoe rpc ontoefan s tgi nifiTehde.'y a dtdh'e trheme o roer anPdl iany Dstihcreoso ueft hHeu nmS aeccnie"sc ,ornncitenhge lesofsa f ourtthe r.:m1l "wtoi nterporfite netraptrietothnwaashtt ii "crodehnma ,s" d oef­ cpihnegrt"ih e ootrrr uiatgnthidhw n ah ti" ac ffihrfmersep alnatidyre s tposa bsye omnadn haunnmida" sD me,rsryaihsdde ao s ne obtlev iee herIest. i gnaip firejose coftc rittihcoaulwg hhots e itsa lstokoc aatned't akaep artth'o se conceptss ewrhavistec h ahe x oimso rr ulfeosarp eriotdh ooufgt hhtoc,so en cewphitcsh "htatto dtahyei arsne qy us oetnoi cfh oos"i1nO5g r.a gai"nhT,e in commatnhdue n folodfai nne gn teiproeco fhm etaphy'seDiccosn.s triussco tmieownh'a t EnodMfsa ,n"t hiers"e is npmola enu dnq uiceh"o biectewt eweon lesnse gattihnvat eh Hee dieggerioarNn i etzsctheeram'ensdts ructoir'o ernv're s'ai;lt foromfsc odsnuetcirto,en tihHeeri drse'd gegceuotcnoisnot for nto­ suggestcse rttfhaoaiutnn datcioonncaeolpf mt est aphwyislinlcee svrb ee ntierilemliy­ thoe-gIybo ym eaonfis to swl na nggeou tra hset ruicswttauy r-ably nateedve,ni tfh eiimpro rtamnacyse e etmob ee ffectilvyde imini.T shheeridnseo s imple "ffiarmgai sbnolruutpeat nuddri effc e.er""e Ann ewwrt niigm uts 'voercomionfgm 'e taphyosrti hcels a nguoafgm ee taphsy.Ds eircrirdeac ognizes, nonethtehlaettshs sey, s toefWm e stern tihfison uigithtet ; ah fi ansi ntuem ebro fa xoims weaavniedtn ertthwei ntef.w "s1 oT6 hmlioosogt nfiio chn o-iicsc et he anadfi nintuem boefrp ermtuitoatnhsaw ti cloln titnowu oer tkh meselvoeusit na g vien vrey nfdoa,uit tfih oienosrn ,eoe Dfe irdsrea n'ptre.ir sIetn oitsi otnh e periooftd i maesp artimcoumleanrwt ist hint ritathdiiesog. n,., paasr ticular schools or of utnhdee cidab,l e-tDheartsr yasiw-dhcaia cbnhen ot bya noagl,y movemeonftp sh iolpohs.yI nt hsi sensDee,r riadlass op eaokfst h'eo cmpletoifo n' deicd.Be yda nableoscg,eaya u Ssa rKafohm naone tsu,n ddbeaitclyi i metpahycssit,h tee rmipnoailon ft' l cos'u( rcelotfuortreh )se y st.eB mutth weo rk of haasr efetrodec enibcditeayl i,r efae trhemanustcbt ee " rcsoesd deconstrduocetnsio otcn o nsiinss ti mpployi ntoiuntg stther uctluirmsa ioltf metaphsyR.sa itchienbr r,e akdionwgan n dd isassetmhbgelr ionuognft d h tirsa diittiso n, ou."t 17 tasiksb otthoe xhibtihtseo urocfpe a radaonxdc ontradwiictthtiihosnensy tewmi,t hin Thuen cdibedlateka!eHis n itetfolts ihs hncoo,eian -swce altslh e thvee rayx iotmehsm eslvaenstd,o s efto rtthhpe o ssibfiolarni etwki neidso fm editation, figuortfeh e el ilDsie.pr ssryaiisd"n aoF rm Maennai"dn: g one lnoon gfeoru ndetdh meoe nt aphoyfsp ircess en(cppe.x" x xxixix-ii)i. I�T hea o fd ffieranicen scrtihbaeet os n cesnsoe fd ifferainnddg e ferirndi ineffgr ance Theries t,h epnr,o byan bocl hoitcobe em adbee tewetnw loi noefs (thFer envcehr dbi fferhearbs o tshi gnifictaodt iiffoentrsod ,:e foerrd el;ae ytymologi­ thougohuttra; s iksr athteorfl ree cto nt hcei rculwahrimictyha ketsh e caltlhyEe n glwiosrhd" sdi ffearn"d" defesrt"e fmr otmh sea mreo o)Dt.e rreixdlpaa ins in" La dinffce,er"ta ransilanStp eeedac nhd P henonmaep,. 1 73:" htew or'did effren'c e (wiatneh ) c ounledv reerf teodr i fferitnegm paosr aolrti ozd iinffger aesnp coel em[otso 14 "Freuedt la dselc 'eencer ,i"pt .3u 0r;2eE Tp .8 1. differendciesv iioaonsrs pac.i nigItst]h lioss osfs enset htweho artdd i effran(cwiet ahn I.";I nL' Ecriettfua dr ieff eenrcpep,4 .2 78-;E2 Ti: nTh eS tructuCroanltirsotv Teher sy: a)w ilhla vteos chmeaticcaolmlpye nfsoarDt.ie ff era.n.cree. f etro[s i twsho]l ceo m­ LanguaogfCe rsi tiacnidst mhS ec ienocfMe asn ( BlatimTohreJe o:h Hnsop kiPnresss , pleoxfm eaningosn lwnyho etin it ss puporbtyea dl anguoarig net eertpicrvoen t(elxitk e 1790,)p p2.6 5-66. anys igninfi,)cb autitiat ol redaodeysos s omehoofiw t sOerla ftl. e aisdtto essom ore IH" TheE ndosfM an,"Ph ilosaonpPdhh ye nomenolRoegsieccahar3,l 0 N,o .1( 9169,) easbiyli yt stehladfnoe sa nyo thweorr dh:e rteh ae c omemso riem medifartoetmlh ye 56. A Fvreernsocifhto hnsai rtiwcalspe u bliisnDh eeridrd saM 'argedsel ap hiLosophie prespeanrtt i[cifdifeprlae(n atd dbeytd .r ])a nbd rinugscs l otsoet rha ec tioof'n id effring' (ParMiisn:u 1i79t2,.)T hea bovceia ttiooncsc ounrp p.1 26-63. thaitsi np rogr.e..ssB. u wth iblrei nguisn gc lotsheiern fittnioiva ned a ctiveo fc ore differ'idnigff,e 'rw aintachnea n eturalwihzaettsh i en fivniedt einoatse ss iamciptlviyen , 17S araKho fma"nU,n philos'onuphihemel ,i''ci'hnE carQtusa:t Erses aaip sr opos thsea mwea yt ha'tap rla'nd coeenso sti gynt ihfsei mpflaeco tfs peakoifsn pge,ia nktgo deJ acquDeesr ri(dPaa rFiasyr:ad, 1 793,)p .1 84,n .1 T.h ew holeesa syo fK ofmains orbe ings pokteo.n . .He.rie nt hues aogfeo ulra nguwaegm eu tsc onsitdheatrth e inlvuaabflo"eru nderstanDdeirnrgi"d a. endi-nagn ciesu ndecibdeetdw eaecnt iavnedp assvieA.n dw es halsle weh yw haits IH" tIw asn ecestsoaa rnyazl ey,p utttoo w orikn,t htee xoft thhies toofpr hiyl osophy designbay't ideffde ra'in nsce eitshiemrpa lcvyt eni or sipmapslesyt,i hv aiattn nounocre s asw elalsi nt hseo -ca'ltlleierdat reyx.'t c.e r.tm aairnk. s w.h i.Ic c ha lblyea dn alogy rathreerc aslolmse tlhiitknhegme i ddvloei, ct ehaitst pe akosfa no perawthiiocinhns o t (eI mphastihziuesn )d ecbildeiaes.,.s m,iu altiuvnei, 't afslsvee'r bnaolm,i onras le mantic ano peratwihcoihnc ,a nnboett h ouogfhe tih tears a p assoiroa nsa na ctioofan s ubjcet propteirewsh,i ch escape firnot mh peh iinlcolsuos(pibhoinin caoarplyp )o siatnido n upoanno bjceta,ss tarftrionamgn a geonrtf r oamp atioerno ntt ,h bea soifso, ri nv iwe whcihn onethienlheasibsti ,t redsiissotnr iegazi antbd,u w ti thoutc oenvsetri att uhtiirndg ofa,n yo ft hetseers m." ter,wm itheovuetor c casiao snoilnugt iinto hnfe o romf s epculadtiiavlee c(tPioc­s" 1:L1a D issemtii,nop an.3 2. sitipo.n5 s8:,E Tp .3 6). 6 7 Prfaece Prfaece onpea sisn ttoho et hienrfid neitAenldyb,.ys trircpetelayt tihnigs mucas hut curatrlinso,att an t aehsi swtea lsal sk t eohrfi snctaerh2de2, ciricnil toesw nh isrtilocp aossibwieal lilttoyhw,pe r odtuicoofns ome ansie etrhC.h oniecneeodbst e m adhee,i r fneat cc,a nbneo t!m ade ellicphtaincogafse li twei,t htihdneif efrenicnev olvrepedet ioitnnit; h is discpelmaeinsnt od oudbfietc iebnuttw ,i tahd fiecientchyai stn oyte t, or ailsr yen aodl ongaebrs,e nnceeg,a tinvointyb,el iancgsk,in, lc e.e DERRIDA'ISN TRODIUOCNTT O THEO RIGIONF GEOMETRY Neitmhaetrt neofrror m,i itsn othtiahntag n pyh iloseompeh, it,sh at "Tod econstruct" pwhoiull.od s.ob peht. yo t hintkh e andyi laecthiocw,e vdeerte ramtiecna,cn a ptuIrtie sa. ne lliopfs is structguerneeda loofgi ytc so nceipntt sh meo sfta iftuholr botmhe anianndgfo rmi;it sn eitphleern saprye encohpr e ifeyc tl intermiaonrn ebru,ta tt hes amtei mietw ouldb et od etermine circru.Ml oaraen dl esnse,i tmhoerrne o lre ssi-si tp erhaps an froamc ertaoiunt siudneq ualifiaobrul nen maeablbey entireelryeq nudteif osfnt1.9i philosiotpshweylh fat th ihsi stcooruyl ddi ssemobrpl reo hibit, becomihnigs ttohrryo ugthh isso mewheirnet erested Thuedn eicda'lbsol igetsih coat fth e eils pliotfsh ceil readc ,eo frmed, suprpession. Positions dececncitl.reA erleodn tgh crewic i,tlt shelh io ogfi cut nhddeeal cbei, Dersryaisdi,tas h "ese asyIv lauteh e odfffie rca,eun nihnstg hepeio ,nln ti,ea dns pcaaen tdi tmhmeees vlse: Speecahn dP henonma,e mo.s2 tI3"tn ih wso hreqk u soetni"sht epi rivleoe tfgh e [vsocp]ihe cee anpdhn oecwt riiitrnie nlgta aotl ilWo enso htf eiorsr,sntyu ac�t�h i s . difefranacleera yds uggeams otdsoe f w rit(iencgr itwuirteh)o ut qutoeinls eitetslbs fed e piitcnht hseeiot dro ymf e atpshIyacnsdI tS III preseanncadeb sence-whisitthocryoa,uu ts aerc,h oer,t elos-which mosmto d,ec rrni,at nivdcgi ainlltfra omH:u eslrs'tsr annstcaeln de wouolvde rtauldrlin a letchtleioocgt,ye ,ll eoogayn,od n tolTohgimyso. d e phenloyomg.2e4I n c"tona b ec odnees,rdiD erfresiead,lsa l oann oegt ofw ritwionugel xdc eeevde rytthhatithnh egi stoofm rye atpyhsihcass . conceiintv hefedor mo ft hAeri stotgeralmimeat:nh peo intthl,ei ne, the tOof G ram mlaotg,oyb ut a hnsato htfieer stt"h niap ctlal aS acISeC phoiplihaoccrs theiucrteO,.rh "es y as, cnab e circalswe e,la lst imaen sdpa cteh emesse20.l v Speecahn Pdh �eomena cosneirdaes"dh t eo thsei(rdf ero obrnc atk yaowsusi ho)f another essa,py uibhsleidn1 6 9,2a sa nIt nordtunict ooH uses'rsO1 �gionf Thliosog "fiid cff eer"iaw snh caaintmt easfia,nl ,l yetrahlteye o xft Thetrhpeer ombscl oencwerriinnwtigena rrgleae dypa lec Geome.t ry III ' Dertrrisatdlneaahd e, hr ieInst rodutcHotu isosens Or rligoifGne om­e ass uacnhcd no needtc ot itrhcrbeeiel sd turuocf'dt iuffreireine rt 's try.I Onf G ramamotolgyD,e rsraiwydhsaca atan l bseso a oitfdih s rletaointscon o sicoussspnr,see ecnes,cc i,ehe tinosarntydh h seit oofr y Introdu"cteHiroanese: e lwsehr,te op otshepe r obilne mto efr ms scci,ete hndeip spaaeraondrcle yeaig o ntfh eg i,aon nrsdioo .n 25" chco,eti oolb gieor b etelovo ien efo slbeeildtgao sn wiebtrya or yes not,c oo nvcoeaef pi puratasean nll aenngcocienrea o nappausr tenance2 2E .D onato" Striunc turTahleAi fstme:r mapt.2h 5,s,"e eOsJG rmamatoloaglyo,n g pilsanp kei,ain tsgco o fsnuvee driyff elree,vpn eatl,ta s hnssdte .ysI ln witFhou catu'Tlsh e OrodjTe hri n,ga ss" thoen lqyu efsottr i emp asatn td iemr egained thdee consotftr huec [thatierpoc rnho] eto, on -e dmoaeksae not thaatf undameantthael[iImsyyet mphaespiiss]t emolcoognificgaulrm aitgiohofften r ." cho.iE"cv emeonir pemo rtfrao npotuu srrep iosts hl eij nutbe se fore Alos see tohniM sie klD ufrnene",P ouurn ep hloisoipenh ont helooguieq,i"nh iL�se Poeqtuie2,n drve sieadn de nlaregde(.dP arPirse:s Usnevise rsitdaeiF rrnaeces, 1 79), tih.Ds ersraiydsa: "Thaitsw hya t ohugohftt hter a[cdei ffe pp7.- 5O7n.D erriadnad stahecedr, s eHee nMreis chon,Ln eSi icgenetI ep oem(eP raIs: rancceajn nom orber ewaikt aht ranscenpdheennotmaeolng oytl ahnb er educed Gallmiar,d1 795),pp 4.01 9-2. toi ."t21 2:P1o sit,ip o.1n 3s. Iont whoedrrsD ,e rirasis d ama pu hcehn oolgmoiaessnt ,i n asos t H Ibid. 2.I> biDde.r ridaan e hveanes a rleisesroa nyH usse,rg linva eta c onferien1n 5c99e , 1"� LaF ormeetI ev oulo-idrinroets:eu lrap henomendoull oagngige,ea"i nMa rgeps., enti"t 'lGeedneestse t rucettlu rapeh 'e nomoegnioeIl.wt"a sr epriinnLtE 'ec dr iteutr e 207E:T Sipne eacnhd P henom,ep n.1a 82. Lad ieffrenicn1e 6 97,b ufitr satp peairn1e 6d95 i Enn tretsiuelrne nsso tidoeng se ne:ste des tructeud.rM ea,u ridceGe a dnialcl aIe.t( ParMiosu:t ,o1 n695,)p p2.4 3-T60h.I S, �""Ouisa gerta mmneo:t seu re nuontdeeS eiunn dZ ei,t"i nM agresp,.7 8E;T : thne,i sb otbhe foarneda tfetrh weo rokn t hOer igihnai,vn ogb ivosuluyn dergone 'OusainaGd r amem'A: N otet oa F ootnoBteei naignn dT iem,t"r E.d waSrd.C asey, .. changbeyst htemi eo fis tr peringi tnLi'Encrit(utrhuees o eft hceo ncdeifpeftranocnep . inP henomenoilnPo egrys pecetdiF.v.J e .S, m iht( ThHeag u:eN jihoff17,90 ,)p .9 3. 23i9st hcel reeasatn ds impleexmsaptl oeft hicsha en)gT.h ea triclvee riyps f hufelol r �1P . 62. understDaenrdriinIdgna t'rsot diu.oc n 8 9 Praefce Praefce Int hecsoem mDeenrtprsri edsau eswnt ithas no tpi.oA nsh e phoihpliolcs a (tlhiiemto sr" marsg"oi fpn hiplyho)as,bo out pers e sugsgetwsec, ol ud take as rteehvreos hfei s wirt,oi irnggainnhdssi t ,oa rndydffie arcne. Speecahn dP henomena whibcehce otsmh oebe vr,ts hereit og prhr oper Morerot,vh peeh enomDeeinrdoerlaxmo naigseay n adre gwsuti ihs Introduction, (recto) si.Id lngei htt hcoeof me mnatbvsoet ,h e wolutdh betenh e th"peh enomoesfni oiglcnoa.i"gt8 f2Syi u otbnlt"eniIdt rodttuohc et ion Introduction essaDye rvraieldtduah m eo sOtrt,.h iiitsgsfo ot ofroaa, ts h ree verse PorbloefmS iginns s sHIseu' Prhenom,e"n ology Speceh and (roi pmrospie,Ddr ee)r 'sr ida isst tiobl ehlg il hpyzr eid ldesato ctnochlieuo: "sn hTenreevw eaarsn 'yep rcep­ Introduction Phenomena (ainssdbo yD err)si,cid einait 2ts 6h e whhoalvseae lM.wuor hei ch ti.'o"2 9nF uerrt":hnA d cotnowt hrpaahtre yn omenology-which is pevreerl,tsy hiemo pprseir,ad tetabcyik tvirsenyi gp m roptrhiee ty alwpahyesn omoefn opleorhgcaytese rp dtit oi omnab-kevele i,ue s prospi,e"d rusep plmee"nt thvsela uoetf h seeoc nedsy s,a conttwroha oarutydrs e icraenf niatolbot te e miptntboeei dlei vng, Speeacnhd the In otpht,tii hsoe n ibso ptrho (ipscneerw aist Bsaeodnt he Pheonmen.a Introduction thiintgs aellwfa eyssc a.p" aeo s "absolwuitle-l h-teoar­ wrifitrt,ise 1ntn9 6 1s,iy xer abse ftohpreuec b altoiiSfpoe enca hn d ones-peselfa"k31, p ehnomoyeg mnoulsawtla syf ialm,ut sa lways anidmo ppr(eiscrnie it ts hr ee voetfreh ss eec eosyns.)da delaeyri--ffeddenietrtafe evtehnae sb otlfeuuo ndation Pheonmen)a thteh iintgs elf, Thaeb ocvoeme tmnsta,kf rmeHo nne ir sR'eo ns iwniDtteehrr ­view fosrmo u cothfo 'dtasohy uhgtie,..s e,-lc sfoicnosun.eW shsarte mains riid1na9 6 7a,n do ptthtieho penryse psrvedoinet fjuuirisftcthaetri on i"sf ourst so p eatkmo, a kev ioeocrsue rs otnohaurhtgoeu t the cor­ foacr lodsigeo nDfre erasrfi irdsjatro'p b umlaiesssha,hey ids ridionr sot romda ekurep tfhboerar ek oufpp r ec,sei eonnr der to Intro­ ducttioTonh eO rigionfG eometIryt. ains iacnlottsntirot o oh wdeou rk spupletmhieepmn atoco ften s'p rec.se"a2 e n oDfe rrgiednaae nfridruan nl i asb shaipecaso r tfth f aerm ewfoohrrik s Der'sr iwdtoadora rktme eia ns adn of insitdhseiaf ilurnee etdos peak larpt,re ewsoe.rn kt hefrreea wmkos rhlodu phenogmyAe.shn seoh l,oop whsenombernseuo aplnkoo rgtohkyoce f Thabta sfirmcae wrok-and possibbecl hya inmgemideea dlttyso e otpf r eomsbo,lp ,tm iectdih,fo pre;si eit"ns asc uebjoefc ttioo nso esfees inent ghts,eoe onfse sense altlhe te essrw menroet aildnreaetqateuwdo ayh tw a ea rgeo itnog shi,tgs inscesenei ng eneirsia nfl a tchtce o ncoefep vte ry conesr-iisd Hwoeevra,sw ibleolcm cel ,et ahre phenomefni.o:e"lY3loe:d"gt3eboi frctaeihl"bs r eau,kpi itnenh m gi dst phenomenology. phenomieqnnu soetliionsogo tnytht r ajecetbeyMd ci ehFlo ucianu lt of wihte,Dr eeir sr ikdsPa.r tiwotoo hrmre ea tphclyac silismat hat hiFso retwoto hrEdegn liesdohino t fi a phenomeexrniecosalenowsdgi ytt hhpiesoin sb iitoalyfd ceosntructive TheO rdeorf Things, phenom"ehwnciohgvl ieoasgsb yot lpeur itootrh ioestb veynir gs u­b reveorfs ahtlih eer oafrs cihgayhn tsd e ,ns sientechyea re jewchtia,ct htt reacis nob suuttiretontltaoe an t cw,hc iphl sai cotenws unddeacbileiw-sht ehfrarietutH fususle wrolcriakan nd n obeTe.h e pooivfnei twa t th oer iogafihl slnit orihcci,hii snth y,ol- rewttaaod s porbloemfme twhioittdnhh ele miistiwssh twa e swediveell elo piend transcceosnnocdsuieensn"7st2W .ah laIw t si thco l ma isbya ytihtn ag Der'sr ida Intrcotdi.uo n Der'rfsir edawamoiprshk e nomeinnsoo ttlhh oaiegtHs i us scearollr i an Heideg,go erer viieadnlsn eiotar e sxtie,no trti hhaailtms eh toids phenom.eR naot,lhw oeaIgrtn isotcu g ageltshtDa etr hraifusdod nai n The to isln ogae ,tx enessisvaey and precwihseperhleey n omfeianl(osi.lw .,ohe geyr e it IntroducTthieOo ring ionfG eometry att hlei mits cornnecwdei ats hh iodnretp efnrdaegnimtnde cne,latd uc cotrod ing becsot mhmeeo rd,nee xelmarpreyc apiotfWu elsatteairn­o nm et HusesIr'prso bianb,tal esaenn A t ppetnod ix phsysi)acf retgirloefu oncrdtu ilvqautseitsnia gob notuhnteo n- TheC risofiE su rpoean 2HS ePea uRli coe"uNerg,a vttiiya ndP rimaAffirrym at,i"io nhn iHsi staorynd Truth, 26 Derroifdtae n troea fnedsr usm martihzees sur sleo tbtained in htsilh aitse rs tudy in trC.ha rlAe.sK elb(lEevyna st:oN northweUsntievrenr Psreists1y,69 5,)p .3 21. workS.e e, exfmaoprel S, peeacnhd P henomepnpa8.,0 -18o;rL 'E criteutlr aed iffer­ encpep,2 .2 a nd2 4.8 29p .1 03Al.os s ee ctohmem enotfNs ew toGna rvienhr i Psr eftaoct eh wiosr ,kx xiii­ xxiavsw, e lalsN ot4ea bove. 27T heO rderT hoifn gAsnA: r chaeoolfto hgey Human S(cNieeYwno cr:ekV si ntage Bokos1,79 3)p,. xIci avn.n roets ciiistntFg ou cualsts 'ttaemetnott eh " Englipseha-ksing 30I bdi.p,. 1 40. readecro"n cernhisinr egl attoit ohonet hhearlo fft hpeh enomenologicdael­-structural 31I bdi.,p .1 20. bat"enI: F ranccee,r thaai-lnwf it'tceodm menrtspa'et rosiinls ateb lgl miena 'struc­ :12I bidp..1, 40 a ndx xiv-iixixx. tura'.l ihIsa tvbee eunna blteog eti tniott eh itri nmyin dst haIht aveu sendo noeft he methocdosn,c eoprtk se,tye rtmhsa cth aractsetrriuzcaetn uarlayl(s ixivs)". 31:" Foramn Md eani,n"ig nMa rgeps.1, 88 ;ET i Snp eeacnhPd h enomepnpa1.,80 -09. 10 11 Prfaece Prfeace ScienacnedTsr n ascendPehnetnaolm enoTlhomegaoy j.tr h rgeiuad�di n her.iI etdlaao gjbceetasrw eht aa lognuea r"ahtnepts oeislebti iyo f Hussler'rse floencstt hiien i tsh qeu ieosonbft e giinongornsn ­ htiosr,ii c.,ti ehat.ely wsi anytjeervcsectu oibinossuncseoshf s iotr"y Origin giwnisth ihsitaonnryt dhi sere .nD seer'srI nitdroadu�ecptsieoHcn� st­s (29I)o.n t whroedrsh s,it coiirtasiyl sw aseayn se-hIiostetp orryao. tne s sler'msan onpfer reo ndcgiet hree.Hi incso mtmaerntye-rmpretatIotnh lveee olsf e snaen dr eiltsato th peerbd ol eomlfsa a ng,gie udleiaty, floltohwoers od qfeu rte isgon natdih pnere ombrslsa eibdyH sus,ae nrdl turt,ah nhdmu nakdii innLt visni gP rnets-estohueora fcls eel an nsde wtihtihnsi tsr uDcetruerrblieoad rasaa ntedecl uitdeas-fianl�yna d hsit.o ry "uspplmeetnsw"h-tHa ussewrrlsiI .twn eh falotl ohwosw�r,eI,w v Ill AccortdoDie nrgtr hiedrae naesrqenue cestt wihtovsoe i wcfr oo noptr eodcs eor igso.lIr yoneudsaI,tw ielulldca ittheae r chItecturaHluse s.rF lirHsustses,ri lni'yqrb uaktc ot hoer i(gitinhcn ia )ss eof "occnepothfs"i t o(reisncsisiett-oyahr ntydhr)� le� t eadr eoqfa use s­ gemoeyt arinis n yq utiitonhr see nsoero-ygfeh oimtscreialtt trhusi,n to tioinetin intllagsa :n, gw uirnat,ggii edie,tta yhlLVeI�Ig � ees:n t,dta hne thoer iagntidnrn sa mnio sgfes oimrceoiatil doejbacelti itovioreb csjt es, trans.cT ehsnecedo emnmtweainblltels u peuwdrl stDhemdr asna t­ ainq niuyrt haotn blcaeya" e nsn svese-ttiiing(oaasnH "us seuresltdh e temtpuotn r dsettahintende ropfle anpyoh m(es.·n' orpli�lonogecaf il l teorfgm e)om e3t6Dry .e rasr asiy doautbth" ioTsm :e diotnoai rtn sev­ e prcpiilsnea"n idtfi snia nls t:ti htieun t�taiey':Ior tnpchomIn osSunCses tigtahsteee (nb sesei nonofer ni)ini gasstt h sea tmieetm :om aoknese elf otfh deei fittniehnp grs eeinpnte rasntodhnm e fin eII tedaa anal sa��s resp(ovnesraonirtbtweflnoet) r hs ee (nSsienon sf)i c eanncdei l­pohso defeTlreroesd. wDaentrtoursd ni edrasp thaenndo maesInI toS l ogy ph,by rtihnsigees tn tosh cel aorifit' utsfl[y fim tle,]an'n do npeuistne lf .s,tr etbcheetdtw ehjineein ti czionngus sncsoei ifsopt rsiru: iap�dlte he ap oistoirfoe snp onsfiobtirhls iietsysn tsaefr ortmtie htn ogst eaonlfs e injineiniltdtyiecz fioneiingrno sisr untcsceseosod f n fibtinueaitatnwnlsls tastt yiei ,otI.Vt n udhE�eedns�I ittftru� Sneumg tl �dfiIa­ve othueserxses itnoecehf" es(n i 3t1cSo)yi.er, tni vosbleneituys-tght tiia rrnopoeneluv trsgehscrah seoeo oip nnnitsadbfiiloitoaa rlynnn sdd III vlaeu.T hdeli caetoiftc h etoswp,eh eennoaomnnId �da I,w S�a t rseopn.s e "34 Dedrsare ietfmoees il pm cliigtuliHydu seesrdihl nir flsece tIoOnhSn I­s Sceolnytd,hoie r goiifnd oejbaetlcsa os,r ing,ri aeifsso Hrue srtslh e tioicrtayna,ds tuodfD ye rrciomdmean'trsave areslyw hhapatp ens probolfe etmnh idenuihgrre g r,eit thiaterdr tiani.oo tIhwneo drrsi ,f .. whtehnie mscpeaol tniaisrm ea edpexl ICIt. idloe jbaeacrtteslr o uyir gailn parnidm, ho orcwda tinhya be le recog­ nizoerd k.Wn hoapwtln atcheieshnms i otriyts hi er "essefn-tchee--o thier thyde on ootcu ,crH uesrssylas i,an jirsmt-e"t, i Ertsmlagikeit; Historicity acquainwtitahHn ecied egsBg eeirna'gn dT iem:" tI hiasr dtloby e e xpect,he odweevr, tFrioaHtrsdusio sifo,hed nl oiroe jbslraietit(cacGytnet ssdcrcht ,hali kidicetithi)ict3su5soie n enoldrcnftse httrieboong eb aosio on drntd sh ntgihha,ttp riaaostw b e lwr,eieo mtwre hh ive cnhHh au svseeeni rtssle op hr ersiet odhc icnugk cpfrioimonue ahldnavd o e uo tcscsriuoedrtudeor h ciuemoc-v hase sr ­ thper sooscf he ainnddgo wannt dhe en dnucorefta hpircsoe ,s sa HedieggeBre'isnagn dTmi e( withc hiatpsot neG re schtilcikhceihtw)h,i cHhus sesreJe ms to hsatvued ciaerudel flfyot,rh fier stmtie i,n 1 392.W ei ntetnosd oh wi, nf atct,h atth e � concoefph ti stohraiisct ist yri onro etflse ctoinvo anrsi souujbse scg toibnagc aksf aars sfre:H,orJ 2t mlandh cte eqxed uD(t.eeP rprsaadirr saPseiI r,:snse e otsbsndreU etunlceivoatdeewni rtTo dts rn hipa eutdad caegFtri eriedr aofeeeLnnen s',ccer1 O e7s9wr4 i.i)Tbl gdrelieCaf .s n Inalget ?1 aen0tot dswlmh � itieelxeet dl tweH� i tkub.hen­sem t to1oftt9 ,ra1a ak3onoiendtifn t ht shpais oestt eu c wmgurhehfl cirtoihug ra. elmii"Cntmnt aca hreCtrerf ree eo riflrcsiyHtsiest h,us sh e ,esen ffe Gsterna oocIedf ta'wia en amnr sct's cruuoppmdotuuroltcpat a thnhitoiecdspifon o o ononsn mfli euitneniono lcnoe g y parenssti.Fhoe r qtuhoi:ts( e 318.) � hsiT rutahn dM ethotd.r,e d.G arrBeatrtd aenndJ ohCnum min(gN we YorkS:ea bury MApRia:rlot•.,h1t reIbty ohftt it suHre ihnhg,eottrineshoh uhe d oaut gEbregenhvlH.henmre gsgiedno o ierwtl o hunn oeiBt t drveserieiefdtaacrnroa hlGnGieg,rnedttested Thshyls oimoc atcabafeHuhethtsoh ,ir gi§eo tsiiH mchc7r§htde hh i2s oe7ttd -rrgi7lIlesi'gh"s:it iwg ceaT a cmhcgoarevnhtohelefkmedkHek siroJt,pe ruett lsour oiimi ylshsart tt.Moenatenu a.y amwrndh sels caleld neGl qda� I e yatucy t�ns tIh,heltoecT i�aue�nr hlutgelrdrdstesse hE�!sI ,.e mkasrcldrD trgemtlmh..lwa�benh e�oat, ,ir­r,I n. ed r anbaPaopetremtStpt s;co ielesa1wtonmie7,tet9itnlsp-5i loovfei tipo)b faodhnAssnn.,y2 r sftiu t v em i t 1hli:erdd"B5ea g heebaT tatiaaBbheptosstteeew oiA s h selsissohtei :etBipn a n tete,tnphici poeurnaatoifrmnooLog tisnntiegfabtf d dsT stn, nlhe i eht clge eermch esoatum ,bil ntahscaH usesegai Htnduttasreethus T osy n - seeraars cGic[rrnieeheec!psecraon orl a!dar.cneal Slg"ecc(t ewts eeNibnh aedorneheyiyisneYiwaer ssoo dn mdirx pt g ankloO n :aroxy miitottf incihrhhnissdeedt r y ] might sopegIpsnyn6.aae 6ad nds-rdi t,6de th 7i ,fiePDf teo raHnhrnovut.easbaiC tslsdaD lee re'rmHwcrrs iho,r soon titfI crdo ne(waartrEi'nvyhrnstsa o Hlnodtasunpuhstts ercNeheoslort oordnlb'iCut :dlmsroh aei fwh,kms� erIec ei xnssls Uptt e:Od�loa:, lIsear.rnd rIy �o sII taPiSn�.n ht e seysfen rs 1oo,79mhm 4�eI, n So l­ 2cUr5oen.v)vai elearirnszyc'Pdia arr tbtneesyei csp,1 orr7 9naee5 eapc)"ltpi:fTyirs ehve bcleehuot eito mnsn fpie s ltlaipefsrioeiet lnnmp-eye of ts tso(ieirrpvg bamtrrlsoidpape s easo c e rfoa a nt psxehco,tri rsae itycsnashsoecmn eta ep ec)lwmt,ehda (tositpes­i. ez e" l , . 13 12 Prfaece Prfaece isno hmeev aeynl laolcea,nt dhn d esecetnod the hidhdsioetrnifi ceaaltlsdh )ne ar toeutf h fieei ltd(s aetslhp efos sibility e"otap.roRos tau rht,oaihs,n "die oerjbaelac rt"restd a iiotonjbacelt asn,td"h p eoys sess osfo migenl teihr keacnt)(i"5v1 )a.t io hsitcoiratisoy n oeft h"eieiedrtc imocp otn"se( 4n.8T )haunsay t ­ So wfeha arv e sheioesrntii ccstio htnayctw e ihrt tnhoeegrdn iia nd temtpgote a ttt h "ero i"go itfnh iedsloee jb acetasynh, i st"oerr­ical tradoiifet daioljob enc FtoHsru. es rtslh e nloat,tti htooaeniftr d l e a duico,tnw"o dub le"r eiavcattainnngd o e,ta"in icdwt o duh latvoe ojbecrqetuesie,srx natamiioobfno otjbhcev tiiatniyded a.lF iittryhset work ftrhperheoa un(gtihgam isanyva arryi.)H a wotveieoartns,r a di­ proobtflh efremom ert,hl eta htetne r. idle jaoebhcatavsce c r(eacntnodeitu dnte do o ssemode)in tations Oriagribenen sgnn igiosfs m oethnie;naw gss u,ct hhreayti hsee tiin,o n ttnrhmsaeiiiso,rtsn hiderev leytir toh peers eandnft tu u.Tr heey have preomob rfle nciozgia.tHb yusislaenrsrlbws ys e aytihttna hge re must pciekdu pl ataenlrdaa tslet nrwtahi tctahh set ohrrieidcuamclut sito n bes omojbeet civitinht oeyr iogafin ien da tlfyrio t hied etabole i ty fianllrye edi unoc rdteorr e abcahca dnkg rpat shoerii sgno f the regcnobil.zeaTa7hsm i enasD,e rsryaistd,hat a h"tee ss net hocefo n- .s tiatucttoi lnncbygae d n ei cpehrietndh weeo btf h ceos ntuitotebd­ iedlaeiutsni ddseiucris nos. Sniect hoeri iinqgn u ieohsneti rase phneonlooomgne,iies trc eaal c- jetAc.n tdih nsce seistinyso atne xetrfntaaeblt,u a ne stsienaneeslc ­ tiivoeantnt aair lesti qunury(in Rr ufcrakgeT).ih isqn iurayla wysst arts siotfiyn teitnyTt.hip eorim noardlsieaslnoe ef v eirnyt eanctitis o nal owitrigahtin ohi nrqenn iiu 'tgrirsiyas ed ,ikwt sitihieoroncnme ghua isc.tntIt u onibrt vernwhda e roeutdr,cestt etordh a erdi yisv t eion ownyodl irsofitn,bsa jsl i ee,t,cni ye ts.,a.ite vhccoenooif strun ntertintieoioa ltlafnoi,na fot rj tobeycceeist( n "64t nI)e.loant nit yth­ieor essenttboio attlhhi e n yqb uaitcraokdn t hree actoiafvno a rt.ii goinn thperl oebomfr c eoginyli-zitatbobeg a rspfiertdsh tr iotufisgnl ha Riucdlkfterig.yaYae it eas,Hs q u stuseshletrne'tiig eso nsr bugmtashge rcttoksuth qgr,ihaus dsieitt otionro inoe tinrsihggpotne ofo n ds aplrclofotdtotwu:hrhcos e jeob ieniitcsvtouttoayftjbpc eertSdi.o m soqetsrus,nheadet eniii g ansoiola lnrns r i-edr,answ:o sih wtenae ce aanl rreceavedeimydes gsteaht attrhaedh niadtoseiv. roR encat ivation thceo nodnist jioevfcti atyori tbeh oohfsi es ittoyr?i c is htunhmc eaa paoacrbi yitt ylro ie tawtahpkemre oinr sdeitnahslae t Tihbsir gnsu s tpor otbohlflene a gmgu ,eta hbayt wsheincshe semdetine(dt raditcioovonevarAelsfi r) n. ai sntmedeen tdsceiea a pac­ ietlsf-roarte hxeepsrsri,mv enena i,gl giuncim setagi--onbitnaiistn s i,tr yeactmiuvwsarottkt i horneo quvugcoihal la ngtuora eggaea in iedaojlbe vcti.ty ihIicnsom metnsDe,dr earl iabtohrdraeetegeseer so f primsoer.nd isiIaesatc,l c otrDode rirainV,dge rn atwortaunnBdge s in­ idoejbacelti itivyml ipiitcHn u eslrsa'ansli .yFs ssittrh,e rleve eoilfs the three awaaknbeden iirnnenggss plifoebo trhp er imsoerend sial thweod r'iesdao jlbet iic.tv ywToh"reidl no" ,f oisrnnt caiers,e czo­gni ntuhn,ag te qvtucohiatelr adcnioctlsieA.oas nfi nei tamneidda (t.iee ., abwliets heivlnea ranagsglbe,u ui bts on udtt oh loasanegsg ie uwnh ich trad)it,th aieibo yln iarttleoa csteincvsaabentel e o, s ptialg thahtt thweo iredtlm sfka esses neS.en dclotyh,ie tsrhl eee ovtfeh wleo rd's Huesrfsllegt a rviets toeh c er iipnsh iooisspl whhyci hc haracterizesde. nT shieen tecnodnetsdei ngatnt ioiotfiforhc wn eo rido in"as"avl il­ modteirsmnA.e n yde Htu,es rcsnlot eidnr,ue aicotaniasc v aaiptyta c abtlome a nlnyag gueafsoe,rx a,mL epolL,oe welo,i ,ns ucht hteh at ohfu mainnk igncedan nie nribfiatenlti hzretodhiu egdl zhenii agpo wer idesanilfiigidet thryeey ib fsr · 'erefo amlf lat culnaiglsu tsiiujcbet civ­ ogfe eotm.r y it(y71"T) .hd il,try hietsrhe le e ovafeb ls oilduejtaceelvt ii,sot ubych The otrfor laedi Hintu sise'sort nolh ugbhetc ocmlreee,Dsar re drai potiosnu wth,ew nen ottihtcareta doipteiraoannta elssolt gytoo h ue .17D oriCoanni rsi,nh sir veie-wabstorfHa ucsste 'rs"lD eiF ragnea cdhe mU rsprung "dalie"oc fit nitcteirnmoaenli-s osnccuetshsae,l edocipftr ioct entiond eGre ometarsli inet entionalP-rhoibslt(eo"Imrq"inu syicC rhoensc erniOnrgi gotifhn e anrde tewtniihttnih Loveinn i Pgr see.Tn hthesi tosreiidmceannlot fa tio GeometarP yr:o bloefIm tn entiHoisntaoylr" ')P hilosaonphdPy h enomenolRoeg­ical sesnien tewrihpt tlhcaeryt esioa onfnw e s enwsihiettn h heo roifz on siesaa brscIth,Nr, oaf .c1r(t o9t1im4hn 0Gegpe) .1r, 0m 0,atanr c acnusrcaprtFrieeiplsnptyekHui n ubssotlshnsliee i'rdants n h ssewa temojtre ohi upsrr inon1ab 3ll9(9) eh:me pressneeesnA.tl o lfw hicphos sifibroslH eue s,rws les hsaelbele, ­ "Ourm athemsa,ht oiwceveexirs,at ssa na ge-laodnvga nfcreoam c quistioat ciqouni si­ cauolsfae n ,gp uaargteiwcruilltaatnreg(lnu8y .Ta7 uhg)sehs, iot criity ti.oT nheroerfie mtu tsh avbee eanm orpeir mitsievnets hea t wfiarsps rjtoce teadn d bemcesop obselts hirhro eurntig uniqrauynr de vaact,tai idnyo enbto th appeairnet dhe evi denocfae s uccessfuelxc eutioBnu.tt h peh arsies r edunntdE.av ­i arpeos sioblnlbyee scteah uiearsnoe i r gaidntn r adoiiftd loie boa­n dence mtehgaern as spoifan b ge gii nnt hceo nisuocnsesosf oirtisg 'iinlta-fselt hesrsen.e' jce,tb sescteah uiehsrsi etc oi.rTt ihyciis,rD celreerxiapdislian,ws h at Aobnjdge ircnatsd picicotnavhgteeo er tsswht a eaogcry rtb aseis sotpir sdiiiengmsapp lleiSyrte sceneer-p.f teoiigrvn.Tmewh a hestso eiesnonesna est uimoritefes ta ont th e cocneHrnusss :"e rhwtlas eemtsbo eo u ft miopmsotr ttaHonu crsels e exisatss ujbectliypv reoducresedu tlsa r'eg rpaes'do riginianlbi etiepnrrgd o uecd.S uc­ iassm ucahno per(arteiaioconitsen til avfsta hateibi lttyoo pne a cessufllryea liazp irjnoegci tse vdien;ci ent hree laziingth,ee ffe citst hearse' its·e"l f.

Edmund Husserl's Origin of Geometry: An Introduction Jacques Derrida TRANSLATED, WITH A PREFACE AND AFTERWORD, BY JOHN P. LEAVEY, JR. University of Nebraska Press
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