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SETHE NIGH COURT oF wusTIEE AML NO: Hestenatsa IANGERY vivisiON. ernie: BEN JACKSON sat (7 Mews GROUP NEWSPAPERS LiNATED (2) GLENN MICHAEL RILLCAIRE etondants STATEMENT Ih OBEN COURT Solicay dvorate for ne Chimmant 2. te thls scion for mviuss ef pekate Infurmatian, brege> of confidence ane harassment, ¢ appear forthe Chisns, My Tearaae frond, MicheelSiveseat Ge, appeacs tur Lie Hest Daten ane 2. The Simons the perioral osstant tothe actor le La, te also the company sccrecaty WM Lat fenc0- 5. Tae Sst Oefentont vas the aublster of the News cf the World nowspsper wih he 3 sonsdecablo wnvetsh in Us jrsdelon and hi h also publishes ws eastent 04 it wats Wnysnamsattneyorldcom, The Second Daterdont as Date vstigetarergayee bythe Hest Defendant tocar aut varlous hwcatgate atlas. Hit sneha od the binging of ife-metion oom moti phone ‘esnpnies ard chat oe andthe urtontul interception of vekeniet messages 4 From around sary 2508 an ot fast 20, shove emte a twmaer of aries pablened iv cu Nuns oF the World =kove A a, whieh contain Inrsive od pratt lafermation, Altnough these ales coxsined a let of inane Yorn atin, tne aMtiees yeneraly Cental at fest 9 prin af tith which the Garant and th caw dd not wrow Me source of 8 8 ansequeece, the Calmant Fg aw eo not unde-stand aoe Ne Beate infomtioh was e°€lng up ‘Be pubic canals. D5 cle, whe ay pablaed 2003, aven tefetred to hone ells thar Ute Gaimact nate gnarl toon @ art 95 © consequence ofthese atkla, the Cima en Me Lay satel tu Lecome ‘orcemod out ine secu ty of heir meble telen%ones 2rd the vosenunications yada te this, er te seams Dera the CIN and MY aw serine ‘nial acy on their mabe ahanes ncaa hag uo ea fs ane new meseaase Saeanny a5 od mestipss A muewer of sel ene and lam also exoetiensed the Calant and Or gw e'su narcee ener Jowalets endfor photegraphers ‘geared Lo ow in advance whace they wera golng ta bw, Th’ meso that whe Wey nied UD aL nmetings oF a okineed randaavaxs, there were often botopraphers 4 jouralistsarzncy see Inthe Uist ofa these concen, tne Canact arauge for both he cn Me Law te shange ther mabilepenes an aso to pu see mobic phoves in aiat-er name Thay ako aired socurny consultants to untertshe sgens of Mr Law's hoave sd fa order tw essure thar 20 buss had een Hnetalee, Bessie sll th brecestons secs: st appear in the haves ef the Worle aed othe payer Tks ‘sed fortver dst. and suspicion, bette the Cainsnt acd PAF Law ane these 'h fane 2010, the Clinger cseavered shat nf mobile qumiber ane reek se fuimier spnearee ‘mths extunew chet Senso Mller hid obtained tun che 20. Metropattan Poze sususnt io he dsc ose onde" made by Wr lustee Suwecey {602 June 2029. in action to UNS, che Ciimant submenwenty uicovered fiom Vodafone ne motte plore prover, tet there hadloeensuspizieus activity 09s ecoutt wr te tlevant pet a tnt samenve ha trad te ascent the otal Forthennore in eerly 2021, fer the eommercamedt of Ogeritan ‘ootlag, tie liane ane Her Law ota bush spprezcyed by the Metropoitzn pce and were sown evidence tha thet eiceme messages had Been itercepted as wel as ‘het ure nformavon, tn aban to Cis oth the Colmar and 2 Lave 5 yous apy 0» wore played a ruber ol recrdosryeszages that they had let ae {fe wotoomat sence oF Nr a's ides eat, Jade Sebel. wa lea from the evidence shown ta the by the Poet Ecnsceratle nied of ine, fom atleast 2603-2006 they hed oth been mpeted over a ‘The Claimant fsued proctet ngs against tke Fest and second Defendants ‘inte af praca infnnstian,tveuen 2 eadencs an barmsariet. The Calan seved dota ed Pertcnls of Claim whch howe subsequently bess amended ter futher evlgerce cane tight Noun Delonte indeste thst Intention 1 eens ‘he ence cas and have se-ved Delevcus tits Defenee, she Fist Defondort mee @ urbe OF specne admissions, Sree ‘hen, on 24 Deve nber 2011, the Fst Defendant made serie f extensive general ‘utisions in relation tu tee Iierceaton of wetcem! messsRes fs boome ‘oor ons the Fist Defendant now acocots that the Defendants wigited the (Ch mant snc the Cina’ woisemail messages snd those of his emp ayer nt Hiends over & zorsioerable period of time, bor nt east as.ary 2098, hove tee ro aanennce that ne Fest Defendant hs aceite Bbily a hes ‘agrhed to oy damages (othe Cumann the aver of £89,029 plu isc oats Sh Farmoinions, both Seteagunts Rave wep ungzriahen sot Suter access ne Catran's veceowii mestages oF 9 sabe dhe Chinar'e wilewioly olted Lost Sefeedaon 14. diy wom oahe ef he Bist Balerdont Leafs exmphice my Farad ste opsen, besa ore Ves Detect is Nes toe, “tgs me, ater since Apmis i tt {Calman for vha eomape, se wel an the eetase, cour rem ey the bagging ot ‘etfenub! mfoonation fem sumer seurees sm 8 stesso his vom ‘ressagas Toit Ootarian acksowindge thet the nsrmation seuld never haw star alka oF uses tn he erat 495d ho the ne Defend ahi visio erse iniotasine, Boesch conisense an aaraesr et Sten Alaa athe claeaat 15,10 the Uh of a ee shir bac Bees wan ad sete, he Cama casanibat nes ty ved ote . Waele Me hen of iaunoa saveent

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