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New Black Hope Javits Urges Record Industry to Sen. Jacob Javits' proposal proper focus the relationship of Press Giving Damn About Poor that the record industry estab- the record industry to the na- a lish and implement- aa program tion's urban and sociological - of black capitalism program crisis; and the Senator spells out which would open opportunities a positive program. The fact WASHINGTON Sen. Ja- ernment departments attended performing and visual arts; that of black ownership and partic- that a number of major and in- cob K. Javits of New York has the affair. The program of en- he had co- sponsored a law which ipation in record business en- dependent record executives called on the record industry to tertainment included Metropol- terprises in ghetto areas -falls have already indicated their bring new opportunities to the itan opera soprano Leontyne established the National Foun- upon receptive ears. As the Sen- awareness of the problem, and poor by making an organized Price, singer Johnny Mathis and dation on the Arts and Human- ator notes (see separate story), have given evidence of their w-ill effort to find new talent among the Geezinslaw Brothers. ities, and that he had been a the record industry has been a to help resolve the problem slum residents and to help form The citation accompanying the senior member of the Senate leader in erasing the color line in is a good augury. It means, in new record companies that are award saluted Javits for his un- subcommittee on the Arts and Humanities. American culture. He adds, "In brief, that Javits' long -range owned and operated inside the tiring efforts to secure Federal this spirit would hope that the plans and suggestions to an in- ghettos. support to stimulate art and cul- "His abiding interest in en- I industr.y. . will move for- dustry mindful of its socio -eco- Javits issued his plea for in- ture in the U. S. It noted that couraging and perpetuating ar- . ward by striking a resound- nomic responsibilities are likely creased record industry involve- as a member of the House of tistic activity in the U. S. and ing note for black capitalism." to prove fruitful. ment in ghetto areas when pre- Representatives in 1949 he had in making the public more aware The Senator's views, delivered The message is of utmost sented with the Record Industry pioneered legislation to encour- and appreciative of the many at a reception during which he urgency. Continuous action by Association of America's First age artistic and cultural activ- diverse art forms that make up received the RIAA's first Cul- all industry segments should fol- Annual Cultural Award at a ity in the country; that he was our civilized society has earned tural Annual Award, brings into low. dinner at the Washington Hil- a principal sponsor of the bill to him the everlasting appreciation ton Hotel here Tuesday (6). establish a Federal Advisory of the phonograph record in- Praising the record industry Council of the Arts; that he had dustry," the citation said. The NARAS Reveals Best for playing an instrumental role authored a bill to assist profes- Award was in the form of a in "erasing the color line" in sional groups engaged in the (Continued on page 96) America's entertainment world, Record; Show Clicks Javits said that the industry still -Off faces the challenge of co- operat- Spin Group Gets - ing with established black art- NEW YORK "Mrs. Rob- Know the Way to San Jose ?" ists to open up opportunities inson," by Simon & Garfunkel, And the Beatles scored with for ownership and management Name; 1st Concert Set captured not only the coveted "Hey, Jude," and Mason Wil- of record business enterprises for - Record of the Year Grammy liams with "Classical Gas," and poverty area residents. RIAA's Award Monday (5), but also Bobby Goldsboro with "Honey," Role NEW YORK The name In the U. S. Atlantic will re- helped boost the "Best on Rec- did the same. Javits also noted that the -Blind Faith -and first con- lease Blind Faith product but in ord" show of the National Aca- Simon & Garfunkel, on next, RIAA had served as the indus- cert dates of the group consist- the U. K. distribution will be demy of Recording Arts and represented the only out- of -stu- try's representative on the Presi- ing of Eric Clapton and Ginger through Polydor and Island, with Sciences to peak audience rat- dio sequence, as they panto- dent's Council on Youth Oppor- Baker (ex- Cream) and Stevie Polydor distributing throughout tunity Summer Program; that ianwgas.r dA sw aasn kaeupdt iesneccere tt euasnetirl, tthhee mreicmoredd ao fb as"eMbarlsl. gaRmoeb intos onth."e had recruited artists to informit Wveainlewdo oTdu e(sedxa-y T ra(1ff3i)c ) byw eAreh mree-t tahlbe umre,s t ostfi ll theu nwtiotlreldd., Twheil l firbset the underprivileged youth of Nin BtChe - TaVw asrhdo wbr, ouagndh t tihne ainn taevreesr-t Twhaermn , cacmoen viOn.c inCg., Spmeirthso nianb lea the country about summer job oErrdlse.g unE,r lpegreusnid enalts oA tlaannntiocu nRceecd- hYeoarrkd, Cbhyi cadgiost raibnudt oLrso s iAn ngNeelews opportunities and recreational age Neilsen metropolitan New version of "Little Green Apples" the group's first album will be re- simulatneously. Ybysmhueoaoatrj wrok r ei hnvra easantt iuh naedglw itseh Nanoysceuhsewg a hh rea Y dfa iootvt rfook pr wi4 tar9aear.s e t ianT,lg tahhsseie,tt "foHllaoiwr"e d(C mobunyst iicnaiu aleg.d r oHuopne nrpfyrao gmeM at9hn6e )- ppaYbtinroevoocreoufgeskot srhe rad mma siensseO r;on scp tctiephfaorooatnteratrn dtieun pitcne etwirrihtssoyai otnd hna ansldwPc t hrhiaoetepeh gdxp rueepalcatmeehurrde---, polFerraadeiFsssteheo dn ud wtrietsahdJtsru inbfaeiutnm taoelt2rlmhys2e ,b rseeaArval etenlsada l onemftd iwec -e iRltBliR nilceignbcksde-. ecpJnueecrnaBeter la iionnn7fcd eb L1 e0Fofw0ano,iidr0ltelho0 '0nsba.' es n B fiaHeertxsf ytop dare eepc ufttrePbhedaleei r cakU cu .oad onpSin---. scored a 34 share. This year, forming arts for workshops and Grech, formerly bass and violin tour, the group will make a the "Best on Record" show Motown sponsored by Timex tripled both Gives seminars, and secured free ad- epnlady ero f wliatsht Fwaemekil,y . GrUencthil wthaes short tour of Scandinavia. of the other network programs. missions for underprivileged touring the U. S. with Family Nationwide ratings will be avail- youth to concerts, movies and but when his contract release Douglas, Felix able at a later date. Gaye a Major plays. This, he said, was an out- was finally settled he flew back show ssetarvnidcien.g r e c o r d of public to the U. K. to join Clapton, In Mail -Order ings; it was a first -rate TV spe- Winwood and Baker in the re- cial. Executive producer Ted More than 300 guests, includ- cording studios. Bergmann kicked off the show Push in May ing Senators, Congressmen and Mart officials of various Federal Gov- Blind Faith will begin their Deal with the Temptations, who per- formed "Cloud Nine." the Mo- first U. S. tour on July 11 at town group displayed precision NEW YORK -Motown Rec- Atl. Meet for a "Blind Faith Festival" at New- NEW YORK -Douglas Corp. choreography combined with a ords has designated May as port, R. I., followed by an eight - and Martin Felix Productions stirring performance of their "Marvin Gaye Month." Two new Miami May -2 3 -25 week, 24- concert tour. Dates al- have entered an agreement for award -winning hit. Jeannie C. Gaye albums on the Tamla label ready set include Madison a special mail -order marketing Riley then presented a solid ver- have been issued in conjunction NEW YORK Atlantic Square Garden, New York (Aug. operation involving Douglas' sion of her click, "Harper Val- with the campaign. The first is Records and its subsidiary labels, 2), Oakland Coliseum (10) and documentary and academically ley PTA." Jose Feliciano fol- called "Marvin Gaye and His Ateo and Cotillion, have sched- Los Angeles Forum (15). oriented properties. lowed that with a torrid "Light Girls" and features duets with uled a meeting of all their com- Joint managers of Blind Faith, The initial offering includes My Fire." Mary Wells, Kim Weston and pany and distributor promotion Robert Stigwood and Chris specially packaged albums of The show was so action Tammi Terrell. The second LP men in Miami May 23 -25 at Blackwell, said that guarantees Lenny Bruce, Malcolm X, Allen - packed and the direction was is called "MPG." the Hilton Inn Hotel, Miami. for the concerts would bring the Ginsberg, Ezra Pound, Robert so fresh that the songs virtually Special banners, window dis- The meeting marks the first group $750,000 but with ex- Kennedy, Pandit Pranneth, Bill lived new again. Dionne War- plays, streamers and mobiles time the label has gathered both pected sellouts the figure could Evans and Timothy Leary. wick delivered her hit "Do You have been supplied to dealers the home office and field pro- gross in excess of $1 million. The mail -order operation will to promote the two albums dur- motion men for a joint session. Stigwood formerly managed use material from the Douglas ABC Shifts to ing this month. A special con- Keynoting the meetings will be the Cream while Blackwell, who Records catalog plus properties test for record dealers is in prog- discussions regarding new prod- also heads up Island Records in specially developed by Cam- ress for the best Marvin Gaye uct, promotional procedures and the U. K., managed Traffic and bridge Communications Corp., Own Outlet display. There will be seven re- future promotional plans. Winwood. - Douglas' s u b s i d a r y. Non- i gional prizes and one grand na- musical and documentary-mu- tional prize. UA Pub. Acquires Morro sical product will be the only In Denver material offered. IIIIIIlltllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIIIltlllHIIIItilltl Market Firms Spanish 5 -All IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIII NEW YORK ABC Rec- COL. WILL AID - ord product in the Denver, ZAPPA HITTING Colo., market has been trans- FUND'S STUDIO NEW YORK The United tano" and "El Bodeguero." Two ferred from Action Record Dis- Artists Music Group has of the current top songs on the LECTURE TRAIL tributors to the ABC -owned NEW YORK- The Kennedy acquired the Morro M us i c Latin -American "hit parade" are - ABC Record and Tape Sales Foundation will get an assist group, which consists of five Morro songs: "El Bailador" and NEW YORK Frank Zap- Corp., Denver. from Columbia Records in the publishing firms active ex- "La Manzana." pa, leader of the Mothers of In- ABC's vice -president and gen- clusively in Spanish and Latin development of a recording stu- - Stewart said that the Morro vention and president of Bizarre, esrcarli bems atnhea gmero, veB uast aKnoattzheelr, stdeep- dio in New York's Bedford - Aanmd eritcharno ugmhuosuict itnh e theW eUs.t erSn. offices have moved from their Inc., is giving a series of college Stuyvesant area. John Ham- previous location and are now lectures on subjects ranging from by ABC in its distribution re- Hemisphere. Michael Stewart, alignment program to maintain mond, veteran Columbia execu- president of United Artists Mu- located in the UA building at living to death to campus riots, complete control over its labels. tive, will serve as liaison betwen sic, wrapped up the deal with 719 Seventh Ave. also including the music busi- Columbia and the Kennedy ness and psychoanalysis. ABC Record and Tape Sales Frederick Reiter, founder, of Reiter has been designated Corp. will be controlled by Foundation, and as adviser on Morro firms -all BMI affiliates. manager of Latin American Op- Included were three speeches setting up the studio. at the University of Southern John Billinis, vice -president of The Morro catalogs, widely erations. The Morro firms have ABC's southwest operation. Lo- According to Hammond, the subpublished in Europe, con- their own affiliated firm in Mex- California and one of the Uni- cated at 10625 East 47th Ave- Bedford- Stuyvesant area studio sist of copyrights in excess of ico, EMLASA, managed by versity of Texas. Zappa has 10 nue, Denver, branch manager will serve as a training ground 10,000 and include many Span- Mario de Jesus, and also have more lectures on tap after the of the company is Dan Hess. for black engineers and techni- ish standards as well as top Lat- affiliations with leading publish- Mothers return from a May - cians. June British tour. Promotion man Vince Marciola in hits such as "Moliendo Cafe," ers in Spain, Argentina and Co- will report directly to Hess. "Boda Gris," "Esa," "Amor Gi- lombia. IIIIIIIIIIItlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlII111IIIIlIIIIIIAIIIIIIIIIItIIIIlI111111IlIIlI1lIIIlII IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111Ilullllllllllllll Billboard is published weekly by Billboard Publications, Inc., 165 W. 46th St., New York, N. Y. 10036. Subscription rate: annual rate, $25; single copy price, $1. Second class postage paid at New York, N. Y., and at additional mailing offices. Current and back copies of Billboard ore available on microfilm from 3M /1M Press, P.O. Box 720, Times Square Station, New York 10036. MAY 17, 1969, BILLBOARD 3 www.americanradiohistory.com Talent in Associated 5 Merc. Execs Executive Turntable 2 Expansion Moves Carmen LaRosa appointed sales manager for Decca Records In Holland Talk - Miami branch. La Rosa was previously sales - LOS ANGELES Associ- fly catalog. Itasca owns 50 per representative for Columbia Records in the CHICAGO Five Mercury ated Talent Management, which cent of the publishing rights to Miami area. He will report to Ed Russell, South- Record Corp. executives are in manages the Iron Butterfly, Iron Butterfly material, with Co- eastern district manager, Atlanta. Abe Holland for week -long meetings Blues Image and Black Pearl, tillion and Ten East Music shar- . . . going into record production ing the remaining 50 per cent. Chayat, formerly vice- president at Mercury Rec- with the European affiliates of aisn d music publishing. Exclusive songwriters to Itas- ords, has joined GRT as product manager, Philips Phonographic Industries. York.... Lee Weisel, ATM president, ca Music are Lori and Gary based in New Paul E. Adams named Irwin Steinberg, Mercury ex- and his partner, Larry Larson, Fetman, individual members of vice -president of marketing, ITCC. Adams ecutive vice -president; John Sip - have formed Itasca Record Pro- the Blues Image, Tuskaloosa, LAROSA joined ITCC in 1968 as director of planning and pel, Mercury Records product ductions and I t a s c a Music also under a ATM management development and later assumed full responsi- manager; Lou Simon, Philips (BM!). Initial acts on the roster contract, and two members of bilities for the entire marketing organization as Records product manager; Joe are the Blues Image, signed to the Iron Butterfly, Erik Brann Bott, classical director; and Ron Ateo, and Tuskaloosa, a and Lee Dorman. director of marketinRg.e cBoerfdosre. ...j oining ITCC Oberman, publicity director, are he was with Capitol Boo Frazier, country -rock group from Ala- Tape rights to all groups scheduled Monday (12) to visit bama. signed under Itasca will go to national r &b promotion director for Mercury Philips' home office in Baarn. Atlantic, which is underwrit- the label that signs the act, said Records since 1966, named to head a &r as well The group will then be joined ing the Blues Image on a five Weisel. Black Pearl, on Atlantic as national promotion for the company's Blue by Lou Reizner, Mercury for- - year contract. will release and but with tape rights to Ampex, Rock label. Mercury product manager John eign office director, for meet- distribute the group's initial al- negotiated the contract prior to Sippel will head up Blue Rock's sales side. ADAMS ings Tuesday and Wednesday bum in July. The label also has joining Weisel's management Frazier's initial Blue Rock projects include Jr. Parker's "Ain't with affiliates at the Phonogram tape rights to the group. firm. Gonna Be No Cuttin' Aloose" and Joyce Dunn's "You've Given office in Amsterdam and for ditWioneiasle l acist s lofoork itnhge froerc otrwdo pardo-- Record Sales to Me the Push I Need." Frazier will be based in New York.... Hy amt eethtien gPs hiTlihpus rsRdeacyo rdans d LtFdr. idoafy- duction wing, several exclusive Foster appointed to the newly created position of vice -president fice in London. writers for the BMI firm and a Handle -L ondon of sales for Delmonico International, a subsidiary of Elgin Na- Their discussions are expected palnaontnheedr tAwSoC AacPt s cfoomr ptahney , maannd- indMepEeMndPeHntI Sd istribRuteocro rhde reS, alheass, tpiroensaidl enInt doufs trsiaeles.s aIrdvmingin iMsturarrtaiyo n.n.a..m eGda rltahne Mcoomrspea neyle'sc tevdi ceto - taov ailfaobclues too nt her ecUo. rdSi.n gM earrctuisrtys agement division. taken over the distribution of the the newly created position of executive vice -president of Sylvania operation and to the Philips Eu- The publishing division will Electric Products Inc., responsible for corporate direction of the ropean affiliates. London Record catalog. Former- bthee buBillut esa roIumnadg ec o(p4y0r -i5g0h tst unfreosm), ly, Record Sales handled only company's six operating groups. the London Group of labels. * * * Tuskaloosa (20 -30 tunes) and a Douglas Sets Basic distribution area for the percentage of the Iron Butter - firm includes Tennessee and Arkansas. Bill Biggs is manager 2d Bruce LP Stardaÿ and King's s of Record Sales and will super- New Distrib-u tors vise the distribution of the Lon- don product. NEW YORK -The Douglas NEW YORK Newly ap- Corp. plans to release its second RIAA Adds Three pointed distributors now han- LP in its Lenny Bruce series this dling both the Starday group Cos. as Me-m bers fall, when production will be (Starday, Deluxe, Look) and the BOLAND DOANE BARTON NEWLANDER begun, in co- operation with Mar- King group of labels (King, Fed- NEW YORK The Record vin Worth Productions, of a $3 eral, Bethlehem) include: Al- Industry Association of Amer- Rowe International Inc., a subsidiary of Triangle Industries, million film on Bruce, which pha, New York; Southland, At- ica has added three more com- has elected four vice -presidents -Edmund Boland, vice -president will be released through Colum- Easter lanta; n, E. Hartford, panies to its membership roster. and assistant to the president; John Doane, vice -president, bia. It will be Douglas' first Conn.; California, Los Angeles; The new companies are Gema purchasing and transportation; D. J. (Joe) Barton, vice -president, feature film. Tone, Miami; and A r i z o n a, Records, Metromedia Records distribution, and James Newlander, vice -president, marketing Also slated before the end of Phoenix. and Polydor Records. services. 1969 is "The Trials of Lenny * * * Bruce," Douglas' second book on Alfred B. Lorber appointed president of Transcontinental the biting satirist. The first book, "The Essential Lenny Bruce," BARBRA'S CBS -TV'ER GETS Music Corp. Before joining TMC in January, Lorber was vice - has sold 400,000 copies through president of business affairs and administration of Creative distributor Ballantine Books. TWO EMMY NOMINATIONS Management Associates, and a board member of its parent com- This book was recently used by pany, General Artists. Before the two companies merged Lorber Bizarre Records to promote its held similar positions with both companies. From 1953 to 1961 "Lenny Bruce: The Berkeley LOS ANGELES -Barbra Streisand's "Happening in Central he was with Columbia Records, joining as general attorney and Concert," which was leased from Park" special on CBS -TV received two TV Academy Award nom- rising to vice -president of business affairs and chairman of the Douglas. inations in the three music categories selected by the National finance committee. Lorber is also senior vice -president of TMC's Academy of TV Arts and Sciences. parent company, Transcontinental Investing Corp. Frank Dillen- The program earned nominations in the outstanding variety or Karen Wyman back was also named vice -president of finance and Harold Rich- musical program category and in the outstanding individual achieve- man, vice -president of sales for TMC. ment in music division. -Stage 2 Pitch The music nominations are: * * * Outstanding achievement in musical composition: Hugo M-oAn- In a realignment of Scepter Records' national sales activities, tenegro, "The Outcasts"; Jacques Belasco, "Hemingway's Spain Sam Goff, vice -president, will now handle all singles nationally NEW YORK- Decca Rec- Love Affair"; Lalo Schifrin, "Mission: Impossible"; John Williams, and be responsible for sales and singles promotion. Goff became ords launched the second phase "Heidi"; Morton Stevens, "Hawaii Five -O." vice -president and director of sales for singles and LP's in 1967, of its build -up campaign for Kar- Outstanding individual achievement in music: sharing responsibility with Marvin Schlachter, executive vice - en Wyman. The second part of Lyricist Torn Adair, "Babar the Elephant"; Herb Alpert, "The president. Schlachter will handle national album sales through the campaign involved a letter Beat of the Brass "; Mort Lindsey, "A Happening in Central Park "; from Decca's executive artists Billy Barnes, "Laugh -In." the company's 39 distributors. Goff, who joined Scepter in 1963 and repertoire administrator Jack Outstanding variety or musical program: as production manager, will be totally responsible for the com- Wiedenmann to the music pub- Barbra Streisand: A Happening in Central Park"; the "Bill pany's regional market testing programs. Schlachter (who joined lishers requesting that each sub- Cosby Special"; "Duke Ellington Concert of Sacred Music"; "Fran- Scepter in 1959) will be responsible for structuring LP incentive mit one song which, in their cis Albert Sinatra Does His Thing"; "Vladimir Horowitz: A TV programs, merchandising and advertising in addition to other opinion, "is special kind of a Concert at Carnegie Hall "; "Laugh-In"; "the Rite of Spring." duties.... Bob Demain appointed sales- merchandising general song, for a special kind of tal- manager at Kent /Modern. He continues as Modern Tape Corp. ent." A reprint of the two -page IIIIIIIIIIIIIIINlIII111116111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL' lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllNIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIII vice -president. Kenneth A. Fischer named to the newly ad was enclosed to stress the created post, dir. ec. to. r of marketing. Fischer Manufacturing Co., seriousness of the company's in- tent. Tipton, Mo., a subsidiary of Ouestor inc., Chicopee, Mass. Fischer wil be headquartered in Chicago. Coinciding with Wieden- mann's stating that Miss Wy- * * * man first recording sessions Ex pro footballer (NFL Rookie of the Year 1961) Bob s will be completed the latter part Gaiters joins Atlantic Records to do promotion out of the firm's of May, Ken Greengrass, the West Coast office. A former New York Giants member, Gaiters singer's manager, said that ne- has worked in public relations and sales for several firms in- gotiations have been concluded cluding Seagrams Distillers in New York. He will report to with "The Ed Sullivan Show" Johnny Mussa, head of Atlantic's West Coast operations... for Miss Wyman to do five . Pete Hyman appointed to the newly created position of director guest appearances on the show of sales, Interstate Record Distributors, reporting to Stan Sterling, during the 1969 -1970 season. executive vice -president of the company. Hyman was formerly Her first guest shot is scheduled for June 22. with New Deal Records as sales manager. * * * Mainstream Moves Appointments at Capitol Records include: Robert G. Burriss - Jr., systems and programming director in the management in- NEW YORK Mainstream formation services department; Leonard M. Abrams, manager LOUIS POLK, second from right, president of MGM Inc., presents a of manpower planning and employment; Charles F. Hart, person- Records moved to more modern gold record award to MGM Records' group, the Cowsills, signifying one million records sold of their recording of "Hair." With Polk, left nel administration manager; Jim Winfree, a &r administration and permanent offices at 1700 to right, are, Lenny Scheer, director of marketing; Benjamin Melniker, manager; Lawrence Lighter, Eastern business affairs manager; Broadway on Friday (9). Main- executive vice -president of MGM Inc.; Tom White, director of business Charles Phipps, international division marketing manager. stream also produces Time Rec- affairs for MGM Records; the Cowsills family; and Sy Lesser, head of Records. (Continued on page 8) ords. MGM 4 MAY 17, 1969, BILLBOARD www.americanradiohistory.com "I haven't been as out knocked by sound in long a a time, possibly not since even to Want Hold Your `I H "There is a group called NRBQ which In spite of the fact that record re- saw in late November or early viewers are becoming more and more I December. They really knocked me cynical and hardened to the fanfare out... really. and the shouting that generally precedes the profusion of new groups "They are the first group since the appearing on the music scene today, early Beatles to capture that simple, that's what Mike Jahn said. Before driving, joyous rock and roll. the fanfare. And before the shouting. "When they played their week at The We just want to add our "Amen" to that. Scene, was there almost every And tell you their first single is going I night, wanting to scream and almost to make you feel exactly what he feels. crying because I'm not in a rock band. `Stomp' This is how the early Beatles came CS 9858 across. They made everyone want to be behind those microphones. This (4- 44865) ; is important and exciting, and they may become the most important group around. NRBQ. They are one zcGETOONEVERYBODY G. of the best and certainly the most ! rDX NOWOCH ÁÑD ROLC SHOES MYSELF' exciting." -Mike Jahn, New York Scenes And, as if that isn't enough, there's already an album too. NRBQ on Columbia Records ÌII111YII111 m .-mweu ElfAKAPnG..««o www.americanradiohistory.com 1 ` 1 Farrell's Pub. Wing Signs °''' -`% Moody Blues With Intersong, Carlin Deals - NEW YORK Wes Far - they are represented by Carlin 6kA% s Heads London Music; Australia, where they are rell's Pocket Full of Tunes pub- represented by Essex Music of lishing wing has signed with In- Australia, Pty. Ltd.; and Mexico, tersong, the publishing division where they are represented by May Releases of Gramophon -Philips, for the Griever International. mreasejonrt atpioanrt, oaf ndit s wovitehr seaFsr edredpie- Recent disk successes by Far - NEW YORK -A de luxe al- rell's publishing operation in- Bienstock's Carlin Music for rep- bum by the Moody Blues heads clude Tony Romeo's "Welcome resentation in England. Me Love" and "Blessed Is the the May album release from the London Records group. The al- According to terms of the Rain," recorded by the Brooklyn agreements, Intersong will rep- Bridge, and Romeo's "Indian bum, which is being released on the Deram label, is in book - resent Pocket Full of Tunes' Lake," a million seller for the overseas publishing interests Cowsills. Romeo also penned the fold form with a 12 -page bound - in booklet filled with color pho- throughout the world, with the Seekers' past hit as a group, tos and text. It's titled "On the exception of England, where "Days of My Life." ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK receives two gold records for his last two Threshold of a Dream." London LP's, "A Man Without Love" and "The Last Waltz," from Herb Also released in the May Goldfarb, left, London's national sales and distribution manager, and Walt Maguire, London's director of a &r and pop sales. product are sets by the Zombies, Issue French singer -composer Gilbert This In Becaud, and four phase 4 stereo Fame's Hall to Build Studio packages. London is launching a sus- AUDIO 54 To Grab the Memphis Sound tained promotion drive on the new Moody Blues LP. An Amer- - CLASSICAL 68 ican tour for the group is in the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 70 MEMPHIS Rick Hall, Soul Survivors, Aretha Frank- works and is expected to corn - president of Fame Records, is lin, Arthur Conley, Joe Simon, mence during the late summer. COIN MACHINE WORLD 55 planning to build a studio here Clarence Carter and Solomon Featured in the phase 4 to "take advantage of the Mem- Burke at his Muscle Shoals stu- group are Ronnie Aldrich, Will 26 COMMERCIALS phis Sound." At a meeting at dio, said that he would be look- Glahe and his orchestra, the COUNTRY 46 the Holiday Inn Rivermont ing for new writers, producers, Stanley Black orchestra and Thursday (9) to herald the deal musicians and talent for his new Carlos Paita and the New Phil- INTERNATIONAL 84 with Capitol Records to handle Memphis operation. harmonie Orchestra. the national and international MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & FOLIOS 63 distribution of Fame, Hall said, ;.a 28 "I have worked with numerous Mainstream Plans Big Pitch Memphis musicians and am RHYTHM & BLUES 41 looking forward to helping and On Totie Fields' Debut LP TALENT 20 working in Memphis. We have - many of the Memphis musicians TAPE CARtridge 12 coming to Muscle Shoals to work NEW YORK Mainstream Riviera Hotel, is being issued in our studios, but we are now Records plans a major promo- in conjunction with Miss Fields' FEATURES Breakout Singles 78 going to work with them in tion on comedienne Totie Fields' sold -out week at the Westbury stock Market Quotations 10 HHiotst Cofo uthnet ryW Aolrbldu ms 8580 Memphis." debut album, which is due out Music Fair, which begins on 1 Vox Jox 32 Hot Country Singles 48 Hall will construct a studio at this week. The album, which Tuesday (13). Hof 100 82 1740 South Bellevue. It will was recorded live at Las Vegas' Bob Shad, Mainstream presi- '9 Top 40 Easy Listening 73 have 4 and 8 -track equipment dent; Chet Woods, national sales CHARTS Top LP's 92 and stereo. Century Sound in manager, and Maurey Apatow, "Air Bost-Selling Classical LP's 68 Capitol Records executive Kim 500G Expan-si on promotion manager, leave this Best- Selling Folios 67 Bingham in Hollywood and Earl week for different parts of the I Best-Selling Jazz LP's 70 RECORD REVIEWS Cage, manager of the Capitol - NEW YORK Century country to promote the disk. Na- Best -Selling R &B Albums 42 Fame Memphis complex, offici- Sound will begin a $500,000 ex- tional trade and consumer ad- Best- SeIiin R &B Sin les 41 Album Reviews 76, 78, 80 ated at the meeting. pansion project on June 1 with vertising and in -store displays Single Reviews 90 Hall premiered the latest of ground - breaking on a new also are planned. Miss Fields his single records, "For You" West Side complex that will will promote the album through and "I'd Rather Be an Old Man's house two recording studios, her TV appearances. Main- Billboard PBuillbbliosahredd PWuebelikclayt iobnys , Inc. Sweetheart," by a new singer, separate mixing and editing stream's full field and promo- 2160 Patterson St., Cincinnati, O. 43214 Candi Staton. rooms and film facilities. Con- tion staff will work on the al- Tel.: Area Code 513, 3816450 Hall, who has recorded such struction will be completed by bum. artists as Wilson Pickett, the Sept. 1. The album was recorded and EDITORIAL OFFICE: 165 W. 46th St., New York, N. Y. 10036. Area Code 212, PL 7.2800 Cable: BILLBOARD NEWYORK is being released through an EDITOR IN CHIEF: Lee Zhito GENERAL ADVERTISING OFFICES Cap. Fete for Hall, Singer agreement between Mainstream and Toge Productions. Shad re- EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Paul Ackerman Director of Sales: Ron Carpenter - Advertising Manager: Ronald Willman corded the album in four days DEPARTMENT EDITORS, NEW YORK Promotion Director: Herb Wood at the Riviera with the assist- MACshusiseoifcc iaCEtoedp iytM oruE:s diciPt oarEu: ld iRtAoocrb:k eerrMtm ikaSeno beGl ross MWMeiiddswwt eeCsstto aGSstae lneG,s e MnD. girrMe.:gc trTo..: r : LW.D iiHlclikes r rWiWckial srodnlo w ReWcoArdSs HaINndG TitOs Nn ewly Cmaeprgiteodl sretucdoirodsin gfso r thoavt ers paa wndeedca ,d see veonf aHnocwe ardo f Hinexdeecrsutteivine anpdr oGdeuocregres RCaladsios i-cTaVl aPnrdo gSrapmecmiailnsg :E dCitloaru:d eE nRd. HKairlbl y Nashville Gen. Mgr.: Robt. L. Kendall Fame label threw a party here gCoalpdi tsoiln glerse cpolardttse' rs, parnodp obsraol ughoft Johnston. A singing album will International Editor: Ian Dove PRODUCTION MANAGER: Bob Phillips last week for Fame's producer - merger with the rising Tennessee be cut this summer for Septem- RT a&pBe ECdaitrotrri:d gEed EOdchitso r: Bruce Weber ASSOCIATE PRODUCTION MANAGER: recorder Rick Hall, of Muscle Valley rhythm and blues genre. ber release. ART DIRECTOR: Virgil Arnett Joe Clarke Shoals, Ala., and their first joint - What might be called the new Miss Fields has signed a three -year contract with the CHICAGO CLASSIFIED ADS, NEW YORK release Fame label star, Candi Shoals Soul sound is carving out Audio, Cain Machine and Musical its own hall of fame in the Riviera as headliner in the club's Instrument Editen: Earl Paige & Classified Mgr.: James Flatley Seaton. Nashville- Memphis area, and main room. She next appears Ron Schlachter CIRCULATION SALES, NEW YORK Candi exemplifies the new competing with the north's De- there on June 25 for five weeks. U. S. EDITORIAL OFFICES Circulation Manager: Milton Gorbulew Muscle Shoals sound, which is troit soul sound. Hall can take She opens a three -week engage- Chicago, Midwest Editor: Earl Paige Washington Bureau Chief: Mildred Hall not really new, according to Hall. credit for success as a musical ment at Harrah's in Reno on LNoasBs hrAuvcnielgle e,lW ese SboBeuru trheeaaus:t EEldioitto rT:i egBeilll, Williams U. CASrH.e IaCB ARCGAoONd,eC HI3l l1. O2,F6 F0CI6CE0E 1S6, -9811888 W. Randolph wHoe rksianygs itth ios utb ewcaituhs et oph e'rse cboeredn- tSLioouuntlh eosrfo uBCnuadrn bdoafin ktSh teian t hocenrr o'ess -saA-n pldao -blnlaionmwaa-, Aiosnou ngJ .u S2nq1eu. a7Mr.e i ssG aFrideeldns hapasp eaa rManacde- SPECIAL PROJECTS DIVISION LOS ANGELES, Calif. 90069. 9000 Sunset ing stars in the Muscle Shoals General Manager: Andrew J. Csida Blvd. Area Code 213, 273.1555 with a nostalgic old title like Research Director: David Luxner NASHVILLE, Tenn, 37203, 1905 Broadway. "I'd Rather Be an Old Man's Roberts Spurts Mgr. Record Market Research: Andy Tomko Director, Reviews and Charts: Don Ovens Area Code 615, 244 -1336 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Darling Than a Young Man's Manager, Charts: Ira Trachtet WASHINGTON, D. C. 20005, 733 15th St., CASH TO HOST Slave," for her first Fame re- On Two Fronts Manager Record Source Int'I: Joe Taras N.W. Woodward Bldg Rm. 533. Area Code lease under the Capitol distribut- - Supervisor, Print Services: Robert Gerber 202, 393.2580 ing banner. Played at the cock- PUBLISHER: Mort L. Nasatir, New York Office A TV SERIES ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER: Lee Zhito - tail gathering, Candis record NEW YORK Howard A. was attention getting even over Roberts is moving ahead on the - INTERNATIONAL OFFICES NEW YORK Columbia the clink of highball glasses, personal management and record EUROPEAN DIRECTOR: Andre de Vekey, 7 Carnaby St., London W.1. Phone: 437.8090 Records artist Johnny Cash will and the bustling of waiters lay- production fronts. He's already Cable: Billboard London debut his own TV series, "The ing out a banquet table. tapped Milt Grayson, featured EURCOabPleE:A NB ilElbDoITaOrdR : LoMnidkoen Hennessey, 7 Carnaby St., London W.1. Phone: 437.8090 Johnny Cash Show," on ABC Candi herself, also attention singer in the recent Broadway UNITED KINGDOM: Graeme Andrews, 7 Carnaby St., London W.I. Phone: 437.8090 starting June 7. The show will getting, and a native Alabaman,- version of "Trumpets of the Cable: Billboard London be replacing "The Hollywood has been crisscrossing the coun- Lord "; Octavia, pop rock singer GITEANRL.MYVA.: NSGYme, rmirSnaCenAfof NstRDraIuNastAc iVt4tIoA0,,, GsF-a HRllAeeNrrtiaCo gEe,d nebl BoECsNcohErs,L oU HX2o:, llMaJnioldah.na noT , eHl:I toao4lyg7.e6 n8h8Po huotn, e: C7o0n.t1in5e.n1t5a l Music Servile Phaavlaec ea. "g uHeisst fliirsst t hberaodaeddc absyt wCiol-l tCrya rteasr . a Shveo casliigsnt edw ithw itCh laFreanmcee bfooromsee;r lyS hiwrlietyh Gthaer reStti,l vefro rmCae-r JAPAN: Kanii Suzuki /Japan, Trade Service, Ltd., 2 -1 -408, 3 Chome Otsuka, Bunkyo.ku, Tokyo lumbia's Bob Dylan, who wrote label two months after starting lead singer with the Gospel MEXICO: Kevin Kelleghan, 33,10,ía 54, Mexico. Phone: 125002 Cash's latest Columbia single, the Carter tour. Before that, she Choraleers and the National Subscription rates payable in advance. One year, 525 in U. S. A. (except Alaska, Hawaii and "Wanted Man," and Joni Mitch- had had eight years of gospel Quintet, and Ella Mitchell and Puerto Ricci and Canada, or 545 by airmail. Rates in other foreign countries on request. ell, writer of "Both Sides Now." singing, and made the transi- the Ella Mitchell Singers. SPuubbslischriebde rsw ewehkelyn. reSqeucoensdti n-cgla ssc hapnogseta geo f paaiddd reasts Nsehwo uYldo rkg, iveN . oYld., aasn d waetl l adasd itinoenwa l amddarielisnsg. Future shows will be headlined tion into the Shoals rhythm and Roberts also has established offices. Copyright 1969 by Billboard Publications, Inc. The company also publishes Record by such artists as Glen Camp- blues sound during the 1968 two publishing companies; Abu Retailer, Vend, Amusement Business, High Fidelity, American Artist, Modern Photography, - Merchandising Week. Postmaster, please send Form 3579 to Billboard Publications, Inc., 2160 bell, O. C. Smith, Buffy Sainte - musical overlapping of blues, kar Music (ASCAP) and an as Patterson St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45214. Marie, Joe Tex, Gordon Light- rock, soul, pop and country, with yet unnamed BMI company. foot, Eddie Albert and Dan 41Ibr undertones and overtones of Ella Mitchell, a writer as well D Blocker. ABP ;SCM»xr Vol. 81 No. 20 everything from jazz to Ravi as a singer, will be published by Shankar. the BMI firm. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 B I I I I I I I I I I I 1111 6 MAY 17, 1969, BILLBOARD www.americanradiohistory.com The Hit-Makers Are On ATCO! OTIS REDDING "Love Man" Atco 6677 Produced by Steve Cropper ATCO KING CURTIS & THE KINGPINS "Instant Groove" Atco 6680 Produced by King Curtis www.americanradiohistory.com Dial Rock Stations R&8 as Executive Turntable Artists Airplay Black Win Continued from page 4 Robert Olson appointed to the newly created post of vice - president, manufacturing, Lear Jet Stereo Inc., Detroit. Previously Continued from page 1 Nat Asch, director of pro- nocent music that was emanat- with Gates Rubber Co., Lear's parent company, Olson came to gramming at WNEW -FM in ing from the black culture. And Detroit a year ago as industrial relations manager and later was Hase ndJreixff, aBned ckB, ig CBreroatmhe, r hJaimvei oNfe wb lYueosr k, hfaese ls bteheant thai s rreevbiivrtahl tmhiesn tballa caks pemcutss ico f haaps pethaeli nfgu nmdau-- named operations manager. Ralph Miller named new vice - turned the FM rock audience rather than a renewal. "It was sic; beat vitality, and melody. president, engineering for Lear. Miller joined Lear in October on to Elmore James, Erma always there and played to what All three of which had some- 1968 as director of engineering, having previously been with Franklin, Jack Dupree and can only be described as cult how become obscured in pro- Arvin Industries as manager of phonograph and tape recording many other black artists simply audiences," Asch said. "I feel gressive music." engineering. Miller is presently chairman of the Electronic by performing these artists' ma- that the impetus for it now be. Asch also pointed out that Institute of America (EIA) Committee R -21, Audio Magnetic terial. This has paved the way ing part of our format is the WNEW -FM has assembled a Tape Equipment. for the re- release of these black fact that progressive music has catalog of more than a thou- * * * artists product and this, in turn, threatened to become too cere- sand cuts in an attempt to com- Larry Yanitz appointed to the newly created post of general has helped gain airplay for other bral; intellectually stimulating pletely incorporate black music sales manager for Lear Jet Stereo, with George Bechtel replacing aTrutirsntse r, inBcolubdbiny g BlIakned aanndd TWinila- beumt owtiiothnoaul tr etshpeo cnasep.a cAitnyd ,t oI etvhoinkek into its pAro greRsesfilveec tifoonr mat. him as manager, distributor sales. Yanitz joined Lear Jet in 1968 liam Bell," Robinson said. it was a question of the seducer This widening of progressive as manager of distributor sales. Bechtel's promotion to manager being seduced. The modern pro- formats to include black music of distributor sales comes after three years with the company. tagonist of progressive music is a reflection of social trends Previously he was general manager of the Detroit factory owned Decca's Fullers protested so vehemently that today. Many industryites feel distribution branch. This position has now been Off on P. -A . Tour tahne irasl mwoasst , pirni mfiaticvte, , a anreimtuarnl rteo- ttohdaat yw hisa tp'sa rhaallpeplinegn inwg haint' s mhuaspic- tcaokmenp anoyv erl asbty yMeaaru ryas Wsaaltesso n mwanhaog eJro infeodr tthhee sponse to music that when they pening socially. Many perform- branch.... Tony Martell named vice -president ordN'sE WFu lYleOr RBKr othersD ecwciall Reemc-- thheeairrd pseoemrse ito fw athse dpifrfoicduulct t foorf eOrsti,s Rinecdluddinign,g FrWedildsioen KinPgic,k eAttl-, of marketing, Decca Records, with total market- bark on an extensive personal them to justify the result when bert King and Clarence Carter, ing responsibility for Decca, Coral, Brunswick appearance tour that will carry they knew that they had the have become recognized for the and subsidiary labels in the U. S. He will also through them the summer same feelings and motivations most part because of their mu- participate in the development and formation months. The tour begins with which was natural, normal emo- sic, and color is becoming in- MARTELL of advertising and sales concepts in the over -all their debut engagement at the tional response to emotional mu- cidental. marketing area. Martell was previously director of marketing at Eden Roc Hotel, Miami Beach, sic. It is difficult to get emo- Another aspect of this black Decca and formerly worked for Kapp and Columbia. Wednesday (14) for a week's tional about intricate guitar music revolution comes from * * * stay, and winds up with a string strains and guitar work when the artists themselves. Many David G. Ritter will head up the newly instituted Wahr of fair dates throughout the Mid- you could get emotional about have begun making statements Records, Albany, N. Y., and Michael Armstrong becomes the west in the middle of Septem- the incredibly simple, remark- in their songs which apply to label's professional manager. Michael Stanko replaces Armstrong ber. In between they will be at ably clean, and cerebrally in- black and white alike. A leader the Cork Club, Houston, June in this field is Curtis Mayfield. as special projects manager. . . Ralph Davis named head of 2 -19; Flamingo Inn, Sioux City, Songs like "Mighty, Mighty Pickwick International's multiple publishing companies in Nash- Iowa, June 21 -28; Hotel Bona- More Mabel Wayne Spade and Whitey,' "We're a ville. Assisting Davis will be Sonny Throckmorton.... L. M. venture, Montreal, July 6 -26, Rights to -M ogull Winner," and "This Is My Braun appointed Midwest sales manager, Audio and Visual and the Central Canadian Ex- Country" receive extensive air- Products division, BASF Systems Inc., a subsidiary of BASF, position, Ottawa, Aug. 22 -31. NEW YORK Ivan Mogull play on progressive as well as West Germany, which developed magnetic recording tape in Their Midwest one- nighters be- has acquired renewal rights on r &b stations because these songs, 1934. Braun was previously with the Ambassador division of gin Sept. 1. several more copyrights by Ma- according to Mayfield, mean Hallmark Cards. Dub Albritton, head of One bel Wayne. Among the new ac- something to the younger gen- * * * Niters, Inc., noted that June 22- quisitions are "Dreamer's Holi- erations be they black or white. James W. Harford appointed president of Schafer Elec- 2th8e hbarso tbheeerns , blwohcoke da reo ust tisllo pthuar-t d"Iaty ,"H a"Rppoesen eAdn nIn C hHaariwnga iiC,"r os"Bs,e" Osotchiearl astratitsetms ewnthso inhtaov es oinujle cmteud- tronics, Chatsworth, Calif., broadcast automation equipment'" suing their studies, could return Fair" and "Someone to Kiss Your sic formats include the Staple manufacturer and a division of Applied Magnetics Corp. Harford 4 to their home in Little Rock, Tears Away." Recently, Mogull Singers whose recent Stax al- joined the company 13 years ago as director of engineering. In Ark., to take their final exam- acquired the renewal rights to bum featured songs such as "The 1961, Harford with Paul Schafer, purchased the firm from Tex- inations. Miss Wayne's "I Understand." Ghetto," "Long Walk to D. C." tron Electronics, each acquiring 50 per cent ownership. Before and "People My People." joining Schafer, Harford owned and operated several radio sta- tions in Reno, Las Vegas and Santa Barbara. Leon A. Wortman RECORD RETAILER 7 Carnaby SI., London W.1, England Atco, Cotillion named vice -president marketing for Schafer Electronics. Wort - man joins the company from Ampex Corp. where he was market- WANT TO KEEP ON TOP OF THE Acquire Click ing manager of the professional audio products division. Before BRITISH MUSIC AND RECORD SCENE? joining Ampex, Wortman headed a marketing consulting firm, Area Masters - L A W Associates. He has written four books on electronics and Fach week, RR (Britain's only record /music industry it an ex broadcaster. NEW YORK Ateo and * * * publication) tells it like it is. Cotillion Records acquired hit Arnold Broido elected president of the Theodore Presser territorial masters last week. The Subscribe today. Rates for one year: U. S. & Canada, Ateo purchase was of a record Company, music publishers, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Broido was $30.00 per year; U. K., £4.16.0; Europe, £6.0.0. titled "Help to Make Up My previously director of publications and sales with the Frank Music Rates elsewhere on request. Mind" by Joyce Jones, formerly Corp. and vice -president of its affiliates, Boston Music. In 1967 on the Vee Eight label out of and 1968 Broido was president of the Music Industry Council Tupelo, Miss. The deal was and a director of the Music Educators National Conference. He made with John Mihelik of Vee is a member of the publishers advisory committee of ASCAP, Name Firm Eight. secretary and a director of the Music Publishers Association and Cotillion Records' deal was chairman of the joint production committee of MPA and NMPA. for distribution of the disk, "Big Address Bruce," novely record featur- a Fitzpatrick Making ing Steve Greenberg. The rec- City State ZIP ord is on the Trip label out of Miami. Nature of Business 3089 Both records are set for an Pub. Separate Co. Published every Thursday, RECORD RETAILER is extensive push by Atlantic-Atco- a Cotillion's promotion network. - available by subscription only. LOS ANGELES Robert GRT Corp., with the initial Tape Fitzpatrick's management -pro- LP release being the Rubber duction- publishing complex Billboard spinning off the publishing wingis Band Plays the Cream Song- book. to form the Fitzpatrick Pub- The International Music -Record Newsweekly lishing Group, Ltd. Also in the planning stage is Now in its 75th year of industry service The new company will house a 16 -track recording studio Fitzpatrick's 14 publishing firms, scheduled for the Hollywood Subscribe Now! including companies for the area, said Fitzpatrick, who man- Buddy Miles Express, Mitch ages or produces about 15 acts. Just snail request order today Ryder, C. K. Strong, the Dove. With offices in New York, 569 BILLBOARD, 2160 Patterson Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 the McCoys and the Strawberry London and Hollywood, Fitz- Please enter my subscription to BILLBOARD for Alarm -Clock, new to the Fitz- patrick represents the Bucking - patrick management stable. hams (Columbia), C. K. Strong 1 YEAR $25 3 YEARS $50 New Renew Under the Robert Fitzpatrick (Epic), Buddy Miles Express Payments enclosed 2 EXTRA issues for cash Bill me later Corp. umbrella are four estab- (Mercury), the McCoys (Mer- Above subscription rates for Continental U. S. & Canada. lished production firms, Farber cury), Taj Majal (Columbia), - Overseas rates on request. Fitzpatrick, Robert Fitzpatrick, Mitch Ryder (Dot /Stax), Derek Company Puff (with Mitch Ryder) and (Bang), Max Frost and the Miles Ahead (with Buddy Miles) Troopers (Tower), Ronny Bus- Nome MICHAEL BUTLER, right, accepts and a new company being kirk (Columbia), the Small Ours, a gold album plaque from Nor- formed with the McCoys. Jerry Hayes, Denny Lynn (White Address man Racusin, RCA Records Di- Fitzpatrick plans to add Whale); Dobie Gray (White vision vice -president and general a City State Zip manager, for the original cast al- record label to the corporate Whale), Goose Creek Symphony Type of Business Title bum of "Hair." Butler is the pro- structure this year, and has a and the Pigeon (featuring Jo- ducer of the musical. non -exclusive tape tic -in with briath Salisbury (Decca). 8 MAY 17, 1969, BILLBOARD www.americanradiohistory.com Poco will turn rock freaks into country freaks, country freaks into rock freaks, top 40 people onto country music, easy listening people onto rock, and they'll make a fan out of you. You've probably heard about Poco already. They're one of the most talked about groups on the West Coast. (Typical reactions: "I hear seeds of what will be one of the top sounds anywhere." "Poco is five guys with a great new sound. "Poco is heart - " clutchingly good.") Poco is new. And they're doing a new kind of music. Richie Furay and Jim Messina were hinting at this kind of thing when they were together in the Buffalo Springfield. But now, with RustyYoung on steel guitar, and George Grantham on drums, they're laying it on the line. More rock than other country-rock groups. Fresher and more sensitive than any pure rock group you've ever heard. Listen to the Poco album. .PCo You'll like it. TEK , YpjEc /NC[UO/ N. WHATq ve GAND H úÑCCG xc 1*'3.4mn.V.." BN 26460 Also available on 6.Iracx Mateo lape c21290 arc4 Ses. r. u. ssllrt[p IN u. www.americanradiohistory.com Josephson in Market Quotations SONGWRITERS HALL OF FAME SERIES A Fitting Memorabilia New Purchase As of Closing Thursday, May 8, 1969 1969 Week's Vol. Week's Week's Week's NO For Known and Unknown NAME High Len in 100's High tow Close Cheese -Buys Keeshan - Admiral 2134 15 582 21% 19s/e 19% -11/2 By JOHNNY MERCER NEW YORK Marvin Jo- American Broadcasting 761/2 561/4 956 74% 71 711/2 + 1/4 sephson Associates, which has Ampex 44s/4 321/2 26.40 44% 42s/a 43% + 34 Henry Ruby was once asked, "If your father and Willie just completed the purchase of Automatic Radio 41 Vs 20t/e 992 41s/a 361/2 40r/e +2s/e Mays were about to be run down by a speeding locomotive, Ashley Famous Agency and Automatic Retailer Assoc. 1171/4 1001/2 184 109t/2 1061/2 108 -1% which one would you save" ? and Harry unhesitatingly re- London International, has also Avnet 361/2 19 1089 20 V2 191/4 19 V. -1 plied, "Willie Mays, of course." bought Robert Keeshan Associ- Canteen Corp. 31% 221/4 "Why ?" he was asked. ates, Inc. in a transaction involv- Capitol Ind. 52 29 453 511/4 4711 491/2 -21/2 "Because," Harry replied, "My father never hit 390 in ing an exchange of stock. CBS 551/2 441/4 1187 551/2 541/4 541/2 Unchg. his life"! The newly acquired firm will Chic. Musical Inst. 33% 24% 66 26s/a 25 251/4 -11/4 function as a wholly owned sub- Some people feel that way about Wagner, or DeBussy, Columbia Pic. 42 29s/a 405 36 35 35s/a + and to judge from s-om e of the mail I get, some people sAidsisaorcyi ateosf, wMitahr viBn ob JoKseepehshsoann Commonwealth- United 24s/a 13 5017 141/2 131/4 131/4 - 3í even feel that way about songwriters. Everyone seems to remaining as president and with Disney, Walt 86s/ 69% 186 84 81% 82% -1 Vs have written a song including the man who said "Let the staff of the Keeshan corn EMI 8% 6s/a 1125 7r/ 71/4 73í - s1 he who will, write the nation's laws, as long as I can write pany continuing intact. Keeshan- General Electric 98 8S1/4 1589 971/2 941/4 95% - its songs." Yet surprisingly few great songwriters are well has also joined the board of di- Gulf 6 Western 501/4 281/4 1109 34 311/2 311/2 -1 known. rectors of MJA. Randleman 48s/4 361/2 567 48 44 4511 -211 to Tooudra yv,a sot f nceotuwroserk, woef ckonmowm uan ilcoatt ioanbos.u t Beuvt ermytahniyn g,s odnuge- The company produces the Harvey Radio 251/4 19 107 23 20% 23 +1% writers heretofore have died in poverty and "shCoawp,t ainno w Kiann giatsr oo14"t h teyleevaris ioonn Kinney Services 391/2 281/4 1040 35/e 3211 35% +1% rIobscurity. And some of these men were CBS and in which Bob Keeshan Mocks Co. 291/2 171/4 104 203í 19% 20% + Ve the most colorful personalities of their plays the title role. Josephson MCA 441/2 34 484 37 35 37 +1 times. Everyone has heard of Stephen has been Keeshan's talent rep- Metromedia 53% 36% 502 38r/4 36% 381/4 + t/2 Foster, Irving Berlin and imagined Francis resentative since 1955. MGM 441/2 32 411 37% 331/2 35 +1 I-: Scott Key writing the Star -Spangled Ban- 3M 108% 94 814 10834 105 108 +1% ner as the "bombs (were) bursting in air." Motorola 1331/2 102s/4 351 12634 1211/2 126 - V. Or maybe "that lady" who wrote "America Midway, Bally North Amer. Phillips 451/4 351/4 538 43% 3811 43 +41/4 the Beautiful," or the little old spinster Pickwick Int. 65 40 428 65 60 621/4 +2% MERCER (from Pasadena, no doubt) who is sup- RCA 481/4 411/4 2277 46s/ 46 471/4 +11/4 posed to have authored "Happy Birthday to You" with Seeburg not trading one hand while knocking off "Cruising Down the River" with the other. Merger Talks Servmat 491/2 361/4 356 391/2 36% 39 +211 linen Corp. 60 46 373 60 55% 60 +411 But who really knows much about any other of our +2 great writers? Discovering the foibles and fancies of the CHICAGO -Midway Manu- Trans Amer. 38% 32 1838 381/4 34% 37 celebrities who appealed to you as a child, is one of the facturing Co., a 10- year -old pro- Transcontinental Invest. 27s/a 2011 3578 27s/4 24% 2511 --1 s/4 most fascinating and absorbing subjects in life. "Once upon ducer of amusement machines Triangle 37% 30 89 32% 30% 30% a time ." the old storyteller begins and the small here, is talking merger with 20th Century.Fox 41% 311/2 1890 34% 321/2 3311 + 1/2 listeners sit around him saucer -eyed as he unfolds how Al Bally Manufacturing Corp., one Venda 32% 22% 208 24% 231/a 231/4 -1 Dubin brought in his lyrics on odd bits of napkins, chew- of the leading and oldest firms Viewlex 31% 2411 358 311/2 28s/a 311/4 + 134 ing -gum wrappers, or losing mutuel tickets. Or how Walter in the coin -operated amusement Warner Bros.-7 Arts 641/2 39s/e 1209 561/4 52 55 +2%. Donaldson, having written an instantaneous hit at a party, equipment field, it has been Wurliteer 2311 191/2 73 2011 191/2 19% + 54 tips the bell boy- w ho brought the -i ce with a hundred learned. Ross B. Scheer, Mid- Zenith 58 4811 1533 531/2 51% 52% + ií dollar bill. way vice -president, director of Back it goes and on it goes from the itinerant, marketing, said, "I can only say As of Closing Thursday, May 8, 1969 hoboing "king of the road" to the scholarly professor of that negotiations have been un- week's Week's Waak's English Otto Harbach, who left his university to author der way." Nigh Lew Close OVER THE COUNTER. some of America's greatest musical comedies and best loved At Bally here, Herb Jones di- song hits. rector of public relations and ad- Data Packaging Corp. 461/2 441/2 45 Fidelihne vertising, said, "I can't say we 5 4 5 In the Songwriter's Hall of Fame we hope to have are going to buy Midway, nor General Artists Corp. 1311 12 131/2 complete biographies of all these men, accompanied with their photographs and song copies. What a-n interesting can I say we are not." General Recorded Tape 29 26 27 place to go through for the musical student as well as Bally, which celebrated its ITCC 161/2 131/2 151/2 the public at large! 35th anniversary three years Jubilee Ind. 36 3111 35 ago, recently offered for public Lear Jet 34% 3211 33% We feel we deserve the dignity before we fall into the sale 75,000 shares of common disrepute and affectionate disregard into which our com- Lin Broadcasting 161/4 141/2 15% - stock and 200,000 more shares edy writers place the average musician, or reporter, or Merco Ent. 221/2 181/4 21 of outstanding stock. Midway bearded college student or anyone who doesn't go to was formed by veteran amuse- Mills Music 34 33 34 the office every day, or take so-m e customer out for a credit ment game engineers Marcine Music Makers, Inc. 131/4 121/2 13 card lunch. How often have I -se en cartoons about two Wolverton and Hank Ross, re- Newell 311/2 27s/4 27% songwriters slaving in a room as if they were any differ- spectively, the firm's president NMC 17 13 17 ent from the cartoonist himself or the men who gave - and secretary. Omega Equity 41/2 31/4 31/2 him the joke he illustrates! Sam Goody, Inc. 15% 11% 15% We can take our share of the pokes but we'd like Tenna 9 -Mo. Telepro Ind. 21/2 21/4 21/2 our share of the pats too, bouquets as well as brickbats. Trans Natl. Communications 7 6t1 61/2 And, really, we deserve it. It's a hard and difficult thing to write a great hit song that sweeps a nation as big as Volume Rose 'Over the- counter prices shown are "bid" (as opposed to "asked "). Neither the - ours and sometimes the whole world. Admittedly, luck bid nor the asked prices of unlisted securities represent actual transactions. plays a great part in the destiny of some songs, as in their TOLEDO, Ohio Edwin Rather, they are a guide to the range within which these securities could have writing, but surely it stops being accidental when men like Madsen, vice -president - finance been sold or bought at the time of compilation. Gus Edwards, Harry Von Tilzer, Jerome Kerr and Richard of the Cleveland -based Tenna Rodgers write hit after hit after hit. Corp., has announced that the The above quotations compiled for Billboard by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner C Those men, as well as lesser known men like William company's sales for the first nine Smith, Inc., member of the New York Stock Exchange and all principal stock Billings, Becket who wrote "Columbia, the Gem of the months of the current year will exchanges. Ocean," James Bland, Andrew Sterling will almost auto- total $29,147,510, up 41 per matically become the nucleus of our Hall of Fame. Some cent over the $20,845,871 vol- Dionne Warwick in Poised of us living writers may have to wait a little longer, if, ume for the same period last indeed, we make it at all, but, like the hall of fame at year. Addressing the Financial And Polished Performance Cooperstown, performance will eventually tell, and all those Analysts Society of Toledo. Mad- - great songwriting "naturals" whether dead or still with us, sen said net income for the first will have their faces and their works; their habits as well as three quarters will fetal about NEW YORK Dionne War- was a mild excursion into stylish their idiosyncrasies, on view for the present and all coming $2,243,000. wick's long association with the soul, with "I Feel Good" used generations to see, marvel at and admire. distinctive music and lyrics of as a tribute to James Brown Perhaps not everyone will hold us in such high regard, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Burt Bacharach and Hal David and the Memphis sound. A four - but whether they come to inquire or enthuse, the facts, SONGWRITERS' puts her in the fortunate position strong group, the Constellations - - photos, and "how it all came to be" will be there in black of being able to choose in her allowed Miss Warwick to leave and white and in color photography. when available SERIES ST-A RTS act some of the best pure pop the stage and change while they for all to see. material of the last five years. went a short set of handclappers We already have an imposing roster of members who NEW YORK The Song- And she has the double advan- ( "If I Had a Hammer" and will help us get this started, and will aid in the selection writers Hall of Fame series will t-ag e that most of these songs "Respect "). - of who goes into the hall of fame. If you are in any business be made up of articles by noted "Walk on By," "Do Yo-u Strong item in the final half - related to the craft of songwriting especially if you are songwriters and will deal with Know the Way to San Jose," of the Scepter artist's show was a writer yourself don't you think you ought to joi-n and the lore, history and anecdotal "Look of Love," and "Alfie" "Dream Sweet Dreamer," which put in your vote for the writer you like most of all the material pertinent to the craft have been associated with her Miss Warwick said was a lull- writer who wrote the songs you love best? of the clef fer. The pieces will he career. aby to her newly born son, Da- published periodically. Half of her act was devoted to vid. A Bacharach -David song, After all, it's you who make a song a hit. Fittingly, the series opens with Bacharach -David material at the naturallÿ, and it was also re- And it's you who can make a hit out of the Song- an article by Johnny Mercer, Copacabana, Thursday (8), all vealed they are godfathers to the writer's Hall of Fame. noted writer and president of the delivered in her light air -filled infant. A poised performance Songwriters Hall of Fame. voice and elegant technique. from a confident performer. The first segment of her act IAN DOVE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllIRIItlIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIttlI 10 MAY 17, 1969, BILLBOARD www.americanradiohistory.com A NEW ALBUM BY PAUL DESMOND /SUMMERTIME /SP 3015 AND A SINGLE /OB- LA -DI, OB- LA- DA /A &M #1050 A&M FROM CREED TAYLOR AND RECORDS od Copyrighted material www.americanradiohistory.com ADVERTISEMENT CARtridge Tape LEISURE TIME TIPS TEC Forms Arm to Sell Belair Players - by: Larry Finley LOS ANGELES Trans- 30- outlet distribution network in continental vice -president, set up quiz programs, and on syndi- continental Entertainment Corp. the U. S. the Belair -Transcon arrangement cated shows in more than 100 This column originated back in (TEC) is widening its operation First players Belair will sup- in San Francisco last week in markets, with additional spots July 24, 1965, and was originally by distributing and racking a line ply the new Transcontinental di- meeting with TEC's sales, prod- on CBS, NBC and ABC. called "Tape Cartrdige Tips." It has of tape cartridge players in sev- vision are an 8 -track portable uct, merchandising and market- Mason said Belair will con- eral major record -tape outlets. with AM, FM radio (model ing personnel. centrate in the portable and been written from many places, very TEC has formed an elec- 401), two 8 -track stereo port- Initially, Transcon will handle home 8 -track and cassette line often from midway between New tronics division, Western Elec- ables (models 400 and 394) and only the Belair line, but plans and will not become involved in York and Los Angeles on board one tronics, to market the Belair a budget 8 -track stereo port- call for Western Electronics to open reel, 4 -track and compat- portable -track stereo tape able (model 313) aimed at the eventually carry other players. ible units, or the auto player 8 of the TWA flights, from the middle cartridge player line in North- teen -age market. The home unit Major Drive market. No monaural players of the Atlantic on Olympic airway ern California, and through two (model 661) is a AM /FM ra- To promote its line of players, will be manufactured. flights, from London, from Milan, of its New England locations, dio and multiplex. Belair is preparing a major pro- The company will hold its Eastern Electronics Sales in More Units motion campaign. A heavy ad- first national sales meeting June from Paris, from Rome, from Geneva, budget East Hartford, Conn., and Wo- In June, Belair will introduce vertising in national 14 at the Drake Hotel in New from Zurich, from Athens, from Cali- burn, Mass., both of which had additional portable and home trade and consumer magazines York. The meetings will cover fornia, from Nashville, from Texas, previously carried the Belair units, including a budget- priced will kickoff, with a dealer co -op new product, merchandising, from Detroit, from Chicago, and from line as independent operators. 8 -track stereo portable and sev- advertising schedule for local marketing and advertising-pro- Belair, owned by Ed Mason eral cassette stereo players, said newspaper, TV and radio out- motion, said Pierce. our office in New York City. It has and Sammy Ricklin, will pro- Rod Pierce, vice -president and lets, said Pierce. been written from wherever news in vide Western Electronics with marketing director at Belair. Belair will use player prizes Merc. Bows five models, including four port- Pierce and Bill Hall, Trans- and giveaways on contest and the tape cartridge industry has been able units and a home model. made, as it has been our aim to Belair also will continue to Ampex Doubles Production Selections factually report the "goings on" in market product through its own the industry and to expose our To Keep Up With Demand From Philips thoughts and divulge information that Plans Drafted - could be of value to our readers. ELK GROVE VILLAGE, Ill. 4 -track line and five cassette CHICAGO For the first This column has been accredited -Ampex Stereo Tapes (AST), lines. These lines produce some time, selections from the Philips' with many "scoops" in the cartridge For Forming in an effort to keep up with de- 4,000 miles of prerecorded International Series are includ- mand, has doubled its production stereo tape ever y day or ed in the current release from business, and hundreds of letters capacity here in the last four 1,248,000 miles of tape a year. Mercury Record Corp.'s pre- and calls from our readers tell us months, according to Donald In the near future, AST will recorded tape division. that we are read regularly so that A Tape Assn. Hall, division vice -president and open an 8,000 -square -foot ware- The release features 22 8- they may keep abreast of the hap- - general manager. house at its Hackensack, N. J., track cartridges and 26 cassettes Production and warehousing plant, which houses its master- and the international selections penings in the industry. On many NEW YORK A tape as- now occupy 112,000 square ing facilities. A similar ware- are included on both configura- occasions we have made predictions sociation is in the works. The feet of floor space, compared to house is already in operation in tions. They are "Musical Treas- of' German groundwork for the new organ- the 56,000 square feet occupied Glendale, Calif. ures y, Israel, concerning the future of the stereo ization, which will be known as in December 1968. AST runs As for the tape market in Greece, Brazil and Japan, as tape field. At the time some of the Manufacturers Association three, eight -hour shifts, six days general, Hall said, "In the next well as "Mcxixac Spectacular," Souvenir these were made we received letters of Tape and Equipment a week on the production line, three years, tapes should rise to "Irish e" and the and calls from distributors and lead- (MATE), was begun last week and supplements this with three 35 or 40 per cent of recorded "Spanish Riding School." involving the following organ- groups of short -shift workers to music sales, with cassette the Artists from the Mercury la- ers in the record business telling us izing companies: Dubbings Elec- balance production in high ac- dominant format." bel being offered on both 8- of "how wrong" we were. One rec- tronics, Goodway, ITCC, Lear tivity areas. More than 450 Ampex currently offers some track and cassette include Far - ord company president told us, in Jet, Livingston Audio Products, plant and office employees work 1,000 selections on 8 -track car- on Young, Dave Dudley and MGM, Motorola Automotive for AST here. tridges, 650 on 4 -track car- Don Costa. "The Heart of the no uncertain terms just three years. Products, North American Phil- According to Hall, the plant tridges, 2,659 on open reel and March" from Mercury's classical ago, that we were ten years ahead ips Corp., Orrtronics, Rozinante maintains six open reel produc- 1,500 on cassettes and micro series is being offered as an 8- of our time. This same executive and Stereodyne. Several more tion lines, five 8 -track lines, one cassettes. track twin pack and as Volumes organizing companies are ex- I and II on cassette. apologized just over a year ago, pected to be added within the 50 Five artists from the regular Superscope Plans telling us that not only were we next week. Philips catalog being offered on right in what we had written, but The organizing companies will 8 -track and cassettes are Nina the way this business was mush- set up a constitition and by- for August Simone, Paul Mauriat and laws for MATE and then begin Releases Orchestra, the Mystic Moods rooming, that he now felt that every to line up membership to the or- Orchestra, Blue Cheer and Har- one of our predictions were most ganization throughout the spec- - vey Mendel. conservative, and that we were not trum of the tape field including The Smash label's 8 -track companies involved in hardware, LOS ANGELES Super- true stereo, Tushinsky said. The and cassette releases feature "behind," but ahead of what we software, duplicating, machin- scope Tapes plans releasing 50 company has opened its own art Jerry Lee Lewis, Sir Douglas had predicted. ery, and record manufacturers. titles in its first program this department to develop the Quintet, Norfo Wilson and Vol- The constitution and bylaws are August, consisting of pop and graphic appearance of all pack- umes I and II of "Jerry Lee One of our predictions was the expected to be ready next week classical material. Twelve of the aging. Tapes will be packaged Lewis Sings the Country Music acceptance of the 8-track versus the and th(eC oonrtginauneizdin go n copamgpea n9ie6s) tbitoleasrd wImill mionrvtoallvse" ppeiarfnoorm a"Kneceys- wfitisth inato laanrg ea lbcuamrd hboinld. er which HaBll eiongf Fraemleaes eHd itso.n" ly on cas- 4-track concept, as well as the status from the private piano roll col- sette is music from "Promises, of the prerecorded cassette. This ITCC to Release lecTtiuosnh ionfs koyw naenr dJ oae &Tr usdhirinescktoy.r his Tumsuhsinics kyin pthlaen sf atcot ordyu ptloic abtee Pwraoym icsaesst " obny tthhee oUringiitneadl BArrotiasdts- writer was the second in the indus- Intl. Artists Titles Jack Wagner recently returned built near his Sun Valley head- label, and "Any Day Now," Vol- try to accept the 8-track principle, - from an overseas trip where they quarters. He has leased 50 per umes and II, by Joan Baez on I being the first one to follow in the HOUSTON international sought masters for the new tape cent of the plant capacity at the Vanguard label. footsteps of RCA. At that time the Tape Cartridge Corp. (ITCC) line. Audio Physics in the San Fer- will release cassette, reel -to -reel Although the company initial- nando Valley to get his music entire industry was leaning toward and 4 and 8 -track product for ly will release music from out- ready. There is no completion Banyan to License the 4 -track concept, and it was after International Artists Producing side sources, it plans starting its date set for Superscope's own Series for Duping If business own original recordings. "We factory. allows, our entry that the battle of the con- Corp. figurations really started. Initial releases tinder the will have the widest scope of Tushinsky will take in custom LOS ANGELES -Banyan In- three -year, exclusive contract are music to keep pace with our accounts. ternational, the newly formed product by the Bubble Puppy, name," said a &r producer In addition to offering the specialty company, will license "Today a new monster" is rearing its four catalog LP's by the 13th Wagner. Rock material will not historic "Keyboard Immortals' its Negro cultural music for tape "delightful" head, and that is the Floor Elevators and material by be offered in the initial release music in 8- track, cassette and duplication. Presently being pre -recorded cassette. Sales of pre- Lightnin' Hopkins. but will be planned for in sub- reel, Tushinsky is also spinning packaged in LP form, the series recorded cassettes are growing in sequent releases. the music off into a Superscope of 12 "Adventures in Negro Pana Marketing Tushinsky has set a $3.95 list album series which will sell for History" will be converted to leaps and bounds. Whether it be for his 8- track, cassette and reel - $2.95. This is material which tape, along with a series of ever- 8- track, pre- recorded cassette, or Warehouse Closed to -reel tapes and is banking on he has collected from all over green "soul oldies," according - the budget price to move mer- the world embracing original to President Betty Chiappetta. open -reel tapes, you can get a com- CHICAGO The ware- chandise through his 5,500 fran- piano performances by the mas- Other product being planned plete selection of top labels and top house operation of the Pana chised Sony tape player deal- ters as recorded on the Welle will spotlight the Vultures and artists from your NAL Distributor. Marketing Division of Quixonic ers. Superscope will also uti- vorsetzer. Roses, an r &b quintet, singer Inc., has been terminated. lize rack jobbers to expand its In addition to musical enter- Hal Southern and orchestra For the name of your nearest NAL According to president Jack distribution patterns. But the tainment, Superscope is investi- leader Robert J. Youngs. Distributor contact: deKruif, all future shipments of emphasis will be on one -step gating development of educa- The Negro history material North American Leisure Panasonic and Belair products distribution. tional and spoken -word tapes. plus the r &b oldies are being 1776 Broadway sold by the Pana marketing di- Dealers buying Sony tape re- Tushinsky also talks about re- provided by Nat Montague for New York, N. Y. 10019 vision will be shipped from the corders will gain a special pro- cording "controversial" material Mrs. Chiappetta. Banyan oper- company's Plymouth, Mich., fa- motional price on the music. and selling it through mail ates from new offices at 8831 or phone collect: (212) 265 -3340. - cility. All Superscope tapes will be order. Sunset Boulevard. 12 MAY 17, 1969, BILLBOARD www.americanradiohistory.com

album, still untitled, will be heard by B. B. King, BluesWay 61034 gr. Sonny Charles with the Checkmates, Ltd.,. ABM 1053 (Irving, WO. 41. 41.
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