Alameda County Sheriff's Office Lakeside Plaza, 1401 Lakeside Drive, 12th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612-4305 J. Gregory Ahern, Sheriff Director of Emergency Services Coroner -Marshal AGENDA __ July 24, 2012 July 10, 2012 Honorable Board of Supervisors County Administration Building 1221 Oak Street, Room 536 Oakland, CA 94612 SUBJECT: AGREEMENT WITH THE PARK RESEARCH FORCES TRAINING AREA POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR EMERGENCY DISPATCH SERVICES Dear Board Members: RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully requested that your Honorable Board: 1. Authorize the Sheriffto sign the Memorandum ofAgreement between the Sheriffs Office and the U.S. Army Garrison for the purpose of providing emergency dispatch service. This Memorandum will be effective from the date of signature through December 31, 2016. 2. Approve andauthorize the Sheriffto signthe Agreement ofSolicitationIModificationofContract (Contract Order # W9124N-1O-F-0003) between the County of Alameda and the U.S. Army Garrison, for Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Principal: James M. Suriano, Garrison Commander; location: Fort Hunter Liggett, CA) for emergency dispatch services up to a maximum cost of$162,353 extending the period from December 9,2009 through December 9, 2012 with a one year option for the period December 10,2012 through December 9,2013 in the amount of $93,029; 3. Authorize the Sheriff to sign an Amendment to the Contract Order #W9124N-10-F-0003 if the U.S. Army exercises their option for the period December 10, 2012 through December 9,2013. Honorable Board of Supervisors July 10,2012 Page 2 DISCUSSION/SUMMARY: The Sheriffs Office has provided emergency dispatch services to the U.S. Army Garrison, Parks Reserve Forces Training Area Police Department since its inception. Under this agreement, we will continue to provide these services, specifically police dispatching and answering calls for emergency and non-emergency services, providing secure wireless network connectivity for mobile data terminals and providing and maintaining digital hand held radios for use by police and security officers to communicate with the dispatch emergency services center. The Amendment of SolicitationIModification of Contract specifies the costs in the amount of $80,883.09 for the period December 9,2009 through December 9,2012. This modification is for an exercised option for the period December 10,2011 through December 9,2012 in the amount of $81,469.96. It includes a one-year option for the period December 10,2012 through December 9, 2013 in the amount of $93,029. Should both parties exercise the option through December 9, 2013 the cost ofthe contract will subsequently be amended to $255,382. The cost for services from December 10,2013 through December 31,2016 will be negotiated prior to December 9, 2013. FINANCING: No additional appropriation is required. The estimated revenue was included FY 2012-2013 approved budget. This request does not increase or decrease the net County cost in FY 2012-2013. Respectfully subjitted, ~ /\JUt ;x)s?{TS/k,e//""c GregoryJ.r Sheriff-Coroner GJA:KBV:kbv cc: Susan Muranishi, County Administrator 1.·~1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNITED STATES ARMY GARRISON FORT HUNTER LIGGETT ~ ... BUILDING 238 CALIFORNIA AVENUE FORT HUNTER LIGGETT, CA 93928-7000 ,,"' ATTENTION OF MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN Commander U.s. Anny Garrison, Ft. Hunter Liggett AND. Alameda County Sheriff's Office SUBJECT: Police Dispatch Services 1. REFERENCES. a. DoDI 4000.19, Interservice and Intergovernmental Support, 9 August 1995. b. DoDD 5525.5, DoD Cooperation with Civilian Law Enforcement Officials, 20 December 1989. c. DoD 7000.14.R, DoD Financial Management Regulation, April 2008. 2. PURPOSE. To establish tenns and conditions ofan agreement between Alameda County Sheriff's Office and U.S. Anny Garrison, Ft. Hunter Liggett for Police Dispatch services for Parks Reserve Forces Training Area. 3. BACKGROUND. Since the founding of Parks Reserve Forces Training Area Police Department, Alameda County Sheriff's Office has provided police dispatch service for Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (parks Reserve Forces Training Area or PRFTA). The reason we require this service is to provide residents, visitors and workers emergency and non-emergency police response to calls for service. Services are perfonned and reimbursed in accord with regulations above. 4. SCOPE. This MOA applies to Alameda County Sheriff's Office and U.S. Anny Garrison, Ft. Hunter Liggett which is the headquarters for PRFTA. This MOA is the basis for ongoing coordination between PRFTA and Alameda County Sheriff's Office to provide dispatching services for PRFTA. The main purpose is 911 calls for emergency Police response on PRFTA by PRFTA officers. 5. RESPONSffiILITIES. The following are the responsibilities and understandings ofeach party involved in the agreement and what each party will do in relation to the other. a. Alameda County Sheriff's Office shall: (I) Provide Police dispatching and answer calls for emergency and non-emergency service. (2) Provide secure wireless network connectivity (Net Motion) for mobile data terminals (patrol car computers). (3) Provide and maintain digital hand held radios for use by individual police and security officers to communicate with police dispatch and each other on all necessary county frequencies (main, tactical, service, adjacent jurisdictions, and an unrecorded local channel for use by CPPD) (4) Maintain Parks Reserve Forces Training Area Police mobile data terminals. (5) Provide Parks Reserve Forces Training Area Police statistical usage monthly. (6) Notify the Contracting Officer Representative (COR) via electronic mail when an invoice has been submitted in WAWF for payment in order to facilitate timely payment. b. Parks Reserve Forces Training Area shall: (1) Pay submitted invoices no later than 60 days from submission. (2) Address any issues through the service contract process, point ofcontact (POC) is the COR identified below. 6. RESOURCES. a. Payment for dispatch services will be made based on each incidence/call at a reasonable, agreed upon rate (example: $23.35 in 2012). The ''per call" fee shall be based upon the previous year's call volume from Parks Reserve Forces Training Area Police and will be a "not to exceed" amount in the contract. Contract option years shall be flexible and allow for changes in the pricing structure as needed. b. Payment for other services rendered will be a reasonable flat rate. All fees will agreed upon in the contracting process, listed as separate contract line item CLINs and based upon demonstrable cost estimates. c. Alameda County shall electronically invoice Parks Reserve Forces Training Area Police for their services monthly based on actual calls for service and twelve month pro-rated non service call fees via the Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) DD Form 250, material inspection and receiving report. d. Obligations ofthe parties to this agreement are contingent on the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for may be made. No legal liability for any payment may arise until such funds are made available and allocated to this undertaking. 7. EFFECTIVE DATE, REVIEW, MODIFICATION, AND TERMINATION. a This MOA is effective on the date of final signature by all parties, hereto, and will remain in effect until DEC 31, 2016. b The parties agree to review the MOA annually. It will be subject to review at any time upon written request by either party. c. Either party may unilaterally modify, suspend or terminate the MOA upon written notice to the other party. Under normal circumstances, the party unilaterally modifying, suspending or terminating the MOA will provide 180 days prior written notice to the other party. d. Should a dispute arise between the parties, it will be worked at the lowest possible level. If the issue cannot be resolved, it will be elevated to IMCOM, U.S. Army. 8. PRIMARY POINTS OF CONTACT. Richard James Chappell Simone Webster Parks Reserve Forces Training Area PD Alameda County Sheriffs Office IMWE-ES 1401 Lakeside Dr. 790 5th Street, Dublin CA 94568 Dublin, CA 94612 Phone (925) 875-4720 Phone (510) 208-9768 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] FOR U.S. Army Garrison, Ft. Hunter Liggett FOR SheriffGregory J. Ahern James M. Suriano Gregory J. Ahern Colonel, CA Sheriff Garrison Commander Alameda County Sheriffs Office DATE: _ DATE: _ Approved as to Form DONNA ZI B1-~~~~~~- Print Name -~~~:=..J:~~~ I AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATlONIMODIFICATlON OF CONTRACT II. CONTR.--\~T lD CODE PAGEOF PAGES I 1 9 1. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQ. NO. 15. PROJECTNO.(Ifapplicable) 08-May-2012 SEE SCHEDULE 6. ISSUED BY CODE W3124N 7. ADMINISTERED BY (Ifother than item6) CODE 1W3124N ARMY RESERVE CONTRACTING CENTER-IMOST ARMY RESERVE CONTRACTING CENTER-IMOST ATTN: AGAPITOSANTANA BUILDING 4385 SUITE 2041 831-386-2470 400 GIGUNG ROAD 400 GIGLING ROAD SEASIDE CA 93955-6771 SEASIDE CA 93955-6771 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No, Street, County, State and Zip Code) 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICIT ATION NO. COUNTYOF AlAMEDA CAPT BUCHANAN 9BDATED(SEEITEM II) 1401 LAKESIDE DR FL 12 OAKLAND CA 94612-4305 IDA. MOD. OF CONTRACT 10RDER NO. X W3124N-10-F-0003 lOB DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE 1G\N82 il'Ar" TTV rnm:: X 09-Dec-2009 11.THISITEMONLYAPPLIES TOAMENDMENTSOF SOLICoITATIONS D DThe above nurmered solicilation is anlended as sel kJrth in Item 14. The hour and date specified fur receipl ofOffur is extended, is not extended. Offur ITlIst acknowledge receipt ofthis anlendrrenl prior to the hour and dale specified in the solicitation or as anlended by one ofthe fullowing rrelhods (a) By conllieling Items 8 and IS, and returning __copies ofthe anlendrrent: (b) By acknowledging receipt ofthis anlendrrenl on each copy oflhe 01ler submitted: or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitalion and anlendrrent nurmers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MA Y RESULTIN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. Ifby virtue ofthis anlendnlent you desire to change an offur already subrritted, such change tmy be tmde by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter rro.kes reference to the solicitation and this a.rrendrrent, and is recdved prior to the opening hour and date specified. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRJATION OAT A (If required) See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT 10RDER NO. AS DESCRJBED IN ITEM 14. A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONT RACT ORDER NO. IN IT EM IDA. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONT RACT 10RDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISf RAT lVE CHANGES (such as changes in pay ing office, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUT HORJT Y OF FAR 43.103(B). X C. THIS SUPPLEMENT AL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORJTY OF: FAR 52.212-4(c) D. OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority) D 0 E. IMPORT ANT: CoOn tractor is not, is required to sign this document and return --1 - copies to the issuing office. 14. DESCRJPTION OF AMENDMENT /MODIFICAT ION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitationlcontract subject matter \\here feasible.) Modification Control Number: arccw 37122592 The purposes of this rrodification are to: A. Increase the value and funded arrounts of Option Year Two (GUNs 2001 ·2004) as a result of an increase in service. B. ncrease the value of Option Year Three (GUNs 3001 -3004). G. Rerrove pricing for Option Year Four (GUNs 4001 -4004) and add the description "to be negotiated". The changing nature of the services provided does not allow for pricing that can be considered fair and reasonable to either party at this time. See Surrrrery of Changes for further information. Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions ofthe docum::nt referenced in Item 9A or lOA, as heretofure changed, rermins unchanged and in full force and effect. 15k NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print) 16A NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print) TEL: EMAIL 15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR 15C DATE SIGNED 16B. UNITED Sf ATESOF AMERlCA 16C. DATE SIGNED BY (Signature of person authorized to sign) (Signature 0 I' Contract ing Officer) EXCEPTION TO SF 30 30-105-04 Sf ANDARD FORM 30 (Rev. 10-83) APPROVED BY OIRM 11-84 Prescribed by GSA FAR(48 CFR) 53.243 VV9124~-10-F-0003 (arccw37122592) Page 2 of9 SECTIO~ SF 30 BLOCK 14 CO~TI~UATIO~ PAGE SUMMARY OF CHANGES SOLICITATIO~/CO~TRACT FORM The total cost of this contract was increased by $41,493.52 from $120,859.53 to $162,353.05 .• As a result of this modification, the total cost and funded amounts for CLI~s 2001 to 2004 is $81,469.96*; reflecting an increase of$41,493.52. *P00002 incorporated funding in the amount of$39,976.44. SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES CLI~ 2001 The unit price amount has increased by $3,093.74 from $2,526.4166 to $5,620.16. The cost constraint ~TE has been added. The total cost ofthis line item has increased by $37,124.92 from $30,317.00 to $67,441.92. ITEM~O SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUA~TITY ~IT UNIT PRICE AMO~T 2001 12 Months $5,620.16 $67,441.92 ~TE EXERCISED Alameda County Sheriff Dispatch Service OPTION FFP Alameda County Sheriff's Office Emergency Services Dispatch Projected Dispatch Activity Count Dispatch Cost per Activity Fee Cost for Dispatch Services; the cost is broken down as follows: based on approximately 2,688 calls per year at a rate of $25.09 for an annual total of $67,441.92. FOB: Destination MFRPART~: DISPATCH ACTIVITY COUNT PURCHASE REQUEST NUMBER: 0010118783 NET AMT $67,441.92 AC~AC $67,441.92 CI~: GFEBSOOI011878300020 W9124N-IO-F-0003 (arccw37122592) Page 3 of9 CLIN 2002 The unit price amount has increased by $364.05 from $357.00 to $72 1.05. The cost constraint NTE has been added. The total cost ofthis line item has increased by $4,368.60 from $4,284.00 to $8,652.60. ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 2002 12 Months $721.05 $8,652.60 NTE EXERCISED GSA Electronic Maintenance (800 MHz Fee) OPTION FFP Alameda County General Services Agency Communications Department, Electronics Division 800 MHz Fee for 33 Radios. Price is based on cost of$18.70 radio/month for six months and $25.00 radio/month. FOB: Destination PURCHASE REQUEST NUMBER: 0010118783 NETAMT $8,652.60 ACRN AC $8,652.60 CIN: GFEBSOOI011878300030 CLIN 2003 The CLIN description has changed to Intergraph License. The cost constraint NTE has been added. W9124N-IO-F-0003 (arccw37 I22592) Page 4 of9 ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 2003 12 Months $310.00 $3,720.00 NTE EXERCISED Intergraph License OPTION FFP Alameda County General Services for Intergraph Public Safety I1Mobile LICENSE AND MAINTENANCE FEE FOR THREE LAPTOPS. FOB: Destination PURCHASE REQUEST NUMBER: 00 I0 118783 NET AMT $3,720.00 ACRN AC $3,720.00 CIN: GFEBSOOI011878300040 CLIN 2004 ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 2004 12 Months $137.9533 $1,655.44 NTE EXERCISED NETMOTION WIRELESS FEE OPTION FFP NETMOTION WIRELESS FEE FOR THREE LAPTOPS FOB: Destination PURCHASE REQUEST NUMBER: 00 10118783 NET AMT $1,655.44 ACRN AC $1,655.44 CIN: GFEBSOOIOI187830001O CLIN 3001 The unit price amount has increased by $3,375.58 from $2,526.4166 to $5,902.00. The cost constraint NTE has been added. The total cost of this line item has increased by $40,507.00 from $30,317.00 to $70,824.00. W9124N-I0-F-0003 (arccw37122592) Page 5 of9 ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNITPRlCE AMOUNT 3001 12 Months $5,902.00 $70,824.00 NTE OPTION Alameda County Sheriff's Dispatch FFP Alameda County Sheriff's Office Emergency Services Dispatch Projected Dispatch Activity Count Dispatch Cost per Activity Fee Cost for Dispatch Services; the cost is broken down as follows: based on approximately 2,688 calls per year at a rate of$26.34 for an annual total of$70,824.00. FOB: Destination MFR PART NR: DISPATCH ACTIVITY COUNT PURCHASE REQUEST NUMBER: W81 T4F92869050 NET AMT $70,824.00 CLlN 3002 The unit price amount has increased by $1,045.50 from $357.00 to $1,402.50. The cost constraint NTE has been added. The total cost ofthis line item has increased by $12,546.00 from $4,284.00 to $16,830.00. ITEM SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNITPRlCE AMOUNT NO 3002 12 Months $1,402.50 $16,830.00 NTE OPTION Alameda County General Services Agency FFP Alameda County General Services Agency Communications Department, Electronics Division 800 MHz Fee for 33 Radios. Price determined by calculating an average monthly fee per radio of$42.50. FOB: Destination PURCHASE REQUEST NUMBER: W81T4F92869050 NET AMT $16,830.00