DOCUMENT RESUME ED 136 136 CG 011 174 TITLE Prohibition of Sex Discrimination., 1975. Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Education of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare on S. 2106 to Amend Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. United States Senate, Ninety-Fourth Congress, First Session. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. PUB DATE 76 447p.; Hearings of September. 16 and 18, 1975; Hard NOTE copy not available due to marginal legibility of original document EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *College Programs; *Constitutional Law; *Discriminatory Legislation; *Extramural Athletic Prog..:ams; Federal Government; Government Publications; *sex Discrimination; *Womens Athletics IDENTIFIERS iEducation Amendments 1972 Title IX ABSTRACT This government publication covers hearings regarding the amendment to Title IX on prohibition of sex discrimination, referred to as the "Tower Amendment" (Sept. 16-18, 1975). Testimoney by those interested in supporting and defeating this amendment is published in the form of papers, letters and signatures, and indicates the need for attention to women's right to equal opportunity in athletics/physical education. Arguments are proposed to emphasize the importance of meeting the minimum needs of both sexes before granting extra benefits to the "elite few" (Men) in athletics. Special arguments pertain to the need for university wide efforts to extablish stable, non-gate receipt sources of financial support for all athletics. (SBP) Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertieless, items of margi4al * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. * *********************************************************#*******#***** 4.0 teN fr-1 tr\ PROHIBITION OF SEX DISCRIMINATION, 1975 BEST COPY AVAILABLE HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITITE ON EDUCATION OP THE COMIITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-FOURTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 2106 TO AMEND TITLE IX OF THE EDUCATION AMENDMENTS OF 1972 SEPTEMBER 16 AND 18, 1975 4 +.1 r Printed for the use of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare BEST COPY AVAILARE 2 PROHIBITION OF SEX DISCRIMINATION, 1975 HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON LIBOR IND PUBLIC WELFARE UNITED STITES SENATE NINETY-FOURTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 2106 TO AMEND TITLE IX OF THE EDUCATION AMENDMENTS OF 1972 SEPTEMBER 16 AND 1S, 1075 Printed for the use of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1976 64-223 0 3 COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE HARRISON A. WILLIAMS, JR., New Jersey, Chairman JENNINGS RANDOLPH, West Virginia JACOB K. JAVITS, New York CLAIBORNE PELL, Rhode Island RICHARD S. SCHWEIKER, Pennsylvania EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts ROBERT TAFT, Ja., Ohio J. GLENN BEALL, JR., Maryland GAYLORD NELSON, Wisconsin WALTER F. MONDALE, Minnesota ROBERT T. STAFFORD, Vermont THOMAS F. EAGLETON, Missouri PAUL LAXALT, Nevada ALAN CRANSTON, California WILLIAM D. HATHAWAY, Maine Do Nam) Emma°, Oeneral Counsel MARJORIE M. WHITTAKER, OMef Clerk JAY B. OMER, Minority Counsel SUBCoMMITIIM oN EDUCATION CLAIBORNE PELL, Rhode Island, Chairman J. GLENN BEALL, in., Maryland JENNINGS RANDOLPH, West Virginia HARRISON A. WILLIAMS, Ja., New Jersey JACOB K. JAVITS, New York EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts RICHARD S. SCHWEIKER, Pennsylvania WALTER F. MONDALE, Minnesota ROBERT TAFT, JR., Ohio THOMAS F. EAGLETON, Missouri ROBERT T. STAFFORD, Vermont ALAN CRANSTON, California WILLIAM D. HATHAWAY, Maine STEPHEN J. WEXLER, COURSE/ Gr0000aY Foam Minority Counsel CONTENTS rate Text of : 2 S. 2/06 WrrnEasns CHRONOLOGICAL LJST oF TUESDAY, svpnwamt 16, 1976 3 Hruska, Hon. Roman L., a U.S. Senator from the State of Nebraska Fuzak, Dr. John A., president, National Collegiate Athletic Association ; Stanley Marshall, secretary-treasurer, NCAA ; Karol Kahrs, assistant athletic director, University of Illinois; Bill Ireland, director of athle- tics, University of Nevada at Las Vegas; Larry Albus, director of Sue Jones, coordinator of women's athletics, St. Louis University ; athletics, St. Louis University ; Ed Sherman, direetor of athletics, Mus- kingum College, New Concord, Ohio ; Tom Hansen, assistant executive Philip B. Brown and Michael Scott, legal counsel, director, NCAA ; 21 NCAA, Washington. D.C., a panel 40 Tate, Dr. Willis, chancellor, Southern Methodist University, Texas 46 Bayh, Hon. Birch, a U.S. Senator from the State of Indiana Gilbert. Clarissa, president, National Student Association accompanied by Rick Marsden, speaker of Twin Cities Student Assembly, University of Minnesota ; and Margy Duval, president, Intercollegiate Association of Women Students, accompanied by Margie Chapman, past president 49 of laws, a panel THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1976 Burke, Peggy, president-elect of AIAW, University of Iowa ; Donna A. Lopi- ano, women's athletic director, University of Texas at Austin ; Harry G. Fritz, dean of School of Health Education and director of athletics, State University of New York at Buffalo, also president of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education ; Joseph B. Oxendine, dean of the College of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Temple University, a panel representing the Association of Intercollegi- 93 ate Athletics for Women Scannell, Dr. Robert 5., dean, College of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Pennsylvania State University, accompanied by Newton Cat- 151 tell, director, Federal relations Kurzman, Hon. Stephen, Assistant Secretary for Legislation for the De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare, accompanied by Peter E. Holmes, director, Otlice for Civil Rights, DHEW ; Ms, Gwendoyin Greg- Civil Rights, ory, director, Office or Policy Communications, Office for 169 DHEW ; and St. John Barrett, Acting General Counsel, DREW STATEMENTS Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women, Peggy Burke, presi- 137 dent-elect, prepared statement 46 Bayh, Hon. Birch, a U.S. Senator from the State of Indiana Burke, Peggy, president-elect of AIAW, University of Iowa; Donna A. Lopiano, women's athletic director, University of Texas at Austin ; director of Harry G. Fritz, dean, School of Health Education and athletics, State University of New York at Buffalo, also president of B. the National Association for Sport and Physical, Education; Joseph Oxendine, dean of the College of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Temple University, a panel representing the Association of 93 Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 137 Prepared statement IV Page Fuzak, Dr. John A., president, National Collegiate Athletic Association; Stanley Marshall., Secretary.Treasurer, NCAA ; Karol Kahrs, assistant director of Ireland, Bill Illinois; director, athletic of University athletics, University of Nevada at Las Vegas; Larry Albus, director of Sue Jones. coordinator of women's St. Louis University ; athletics, athletics, St. Louis University ; Ed Sherman, director of athletics, Mus- kingum College, New Concord, Ohio; Torn Hansen, assistant executive Philip B. Brown and Michael Scott, legal counsel, director, NCAA ; 21 NCAA, Washington, D.C., a panel Gilbert. Clarissa, president, National Student Association, accompanied by Rick Marsden, speaker of Twin Cities Student Assembly, Univeristy of Minnesota ; aud Margy Duval, president, Intercollegiate Association of Women Students, accompanied by Margie Chapman, past president of 49 lAWS, a panel Prepared statement 59 3 Hruska, Hon. 'Roman L., a U.S. Senator from the State of Nebraska 8 Prepared statement Kurzrnan, Hon. Stephen, Assistant Secretary for Legislation for the De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare, accompanied by Peter E. Holmes, Director, Office for Civil Rights, DREW ; Ms. Gwendolyn Greg- ory, Director. Office of Policy Communication, Office for Civil Rights, 169 DREW ; and St. John Barrett, Acting General Counsil, DREW Prepared statement 178 National Association for Sport and Physical Education, Dr. Harry G. 144 Fritz, president, prepared statement 59 National Student Association, prepared statement Pennsylvania State University, Dr. Robert J. Scanner', dean, College of 158 Health, Physical Education and Recreation, prepared statement Scannell, Dr. Robert .7., dean, College of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Pennsylvania State University, accompanied by Newton Cat- 151 tell, director, Federal regulations 158 Prepared statement 40 Tate, Dr. Willis, chancellor, Southern Methodist University, Texas university of Texas at Austin, Donna A. Lopiano, director, Intercollegiate 115 Athletics for Women, prepared statement ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Articles, publication% etc. : Elimination of Sex Discrimination in Athletic Programs, September 1975, memorandum to chief State school officers, superintendents of local education agencies and college and university presidents, 186 from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Fair Play for Intercollegiate Athletics, opening remarks by Senator 19 Hruska, from the Congressional RecordSenate, July 10, 1975 Southern programs, atb iectic to allocation Nonrevenue :funds 45 Methodist University, Texas "Revolution In Women's Sports," from Women Sports, September 67 1974 Communications to : Hruska. Hon. Roman L., a U.S. Senator from the State of Nebraska, from : Devaney. Bob, athletic director, Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr.. Sept. 10, 15 1975 ... Osborne, Tom, head football coach, Department of Intercollegiate 16 Athletics, University of Nebraka, Lincoln, Nebr Swofford, Aleen, women's athletic director, University of Ne- 18 braska, Lincoln, Nebr., Sept. 12, 1975 Island, Pell, Hon. Claiborne, a U.S. Senator from the State of Rhode f Health, Education, from David Mathews, Secretary, Department 197 and Welfare (with enclosure) 6 APPENDIX STATEMENTS Page Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Department of Education. John C. Pit- 253 tenger. secretary. prepa red sta tement Rutgers University. NeW Brunswick. N..!.. prepared statement 326 Articles, publications, etc.: Title IX : Moving Toward Implementation. from the National Associa- tion for Physical Education of College Women, and the National Col- lege Physical Education Association for Men 202 "Maryland Athletics: A Financial Struggle." by Mark Asher, f:om the Washington Post, Sunday. July 20, 1975 256 "F.qual Opportunity vs. Intercollegiate Football," by Phyllis Zatlin Boring. New Jersey Women's Equity Action League 265 "Physical Fitness and Femininity." by Thomas Boslooper. minister and Ph. D 281 "We've Got Big Shoes to Fill," from the University of Missouri- Columbia, women's athletic program 351 "Deep Trouble for Affirmative Action. Your help Urged." from Na- tional Organizatigm for vci.mien. Chicago, Ill.. Aug. 28. 1975 (with 436 attachments) Communication to : Bloustein. Edward .1_ president. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.. from : Hon. Claiborne. a U.S. Senator from the State of Rhode 431 Island. Sept. 16. 1975 Williams, Hon. Harrison A., Jr., a LS. Senator from the State of New jersey, ()et. 3, 1975_ 432 Byrd, Hon. Harry F., Jr., a U.S. Senator from the State of Virginia, from: Williams, Hon. Harrison A.. Jr., a U.S. Senator from the State of New Jersey. jail. 20, 1976 426 Heilman, Dr. E. Bruce, president, University of Richmond, Rich- 428 mond, Va., Nov. 11, 1975 Curtis, Hon. Carl T.. a U.S. Senator from the State of Nebraska., from Aleen Swofford. women's athletic director. University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Lincoln, Nebr.. Sept. 12. 1975. 413 Hart, Hon. Philip A.. a U.S. Senator from the State of Michigan. from: Williams. nom Harrison A., Jr., a U.S. Senator from the State of New Jersey, Sept. 10, 1975 414 Cain, Mary A.. professor and chairperson, Commission on the Status of Women. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 415 Mich., Feb. 24, 1975 (with enclosure) Javits. Hon. .Tacob K., a U.S. Senator from the State of New York, I). Sledd. American Bar Association, Chicago, Ill., from Ilerbert Sept. 15, 1975 (with attachment) 411 Parsons. Richard D., associate director, Domestic Council, Washing- ton, D.C., from Robert J. Scannell, dean, Penn State University, 429 Aug. 29, 1975 Pell, lion. Claiborne. a U.S. Senator from the State of Rhode Island. and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Education, from: Boslooper. Thomas, minister, the Reformed Church of Closter, 280 Closter. N.J.. Sept. 5, 1975 Seward. Doris K.. D.P.A.. president. Women's Equity Action League. Washington. D.C.. Sept. 6, 1975 (with attachments)_ 304 Kollen. Patsy. South Lyon, Mich., Sept. 8. 1975 (with attach- 313 ment) (V) 7 VI Communication to-Continued rage I'ell, Hon. Claiborne, from-Continued Bergmann, Barbara R., professor of economics, University of Maryland, College Park, Md., Sept. 9, 1975 315 Bloustein, Edward J., president, Rutgers University, New Bruns- wick, N.J., Sept. 11, 1975, and Oct. 20, 1975 325, 402 Seiden, Anne M., M.D., director of research, State of Illinois, Department of Mental Health, Chicago, Ill., Sept. 12, 1975 329 Cardin, Shoshana S., chairwoman, Maryland Commission on the Status of Women, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 16, 1975 (with attach- ments) 337 Pearce, Janice, member, task force on title 9, Consortium of Utah Women in Higher Education, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 16, 1975 344 Daniels, Arlene Kaplan, president, Sociologists for Women in Society, director, Program on Women, Northwestern Univer- sity, Evanston, Ill., Sept.. 16, 1975 346 Vernon, Mary. associate professor of art history, Southern Meth- odist University, Dallas, Tex., Sept. 17, 1975 347 Jarrett, Miss Alexis, assistant director. University of Missouri- Columbia, Columbia, Mo., Sept. 18, 1975 350 Clemetsen, Siri, vice president, Region V. Intercollegiate Ass,via- Hon of Women Students, Mount Pleasant, Mich., Sept. 18, 1975 350 Thorpe, JoAnne, professor and chairperson, Southern Illinois Uni- versity at Carbondale, Carbondale, Ill., Sept. 19, 1975 360 Hornig, Dr. Li lli, executive director, Brown University, Provi- dence, R.I., Sept. 22, 1975 367 Koenig, R. J., corresponding secretary, the Cleveland Business and Professional Women's Club, Maple Heights, Ohio, Sept. 24, 374 1975 Kramer. Marge. coordinator of women's athletics, Upper Iowa University, Fayette, Iowa, Sept. 25, 1975 376 Hoth, Sandra, president, Iowa Association for Intercollegilte Athletics for Women, Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, Sept. 26, 379 1975 Holmstrom, Lynda Lytle. Ph. D., chairperson, Sociologists for Women in Society, Oct. 9, 1975 394 Ashhurst. Nancy, president, Missouri Women's Equity Action League, Hazelwood, Mo., Oct. 11, 1975 398 Miscellaneous communications to Senator Pell 317-324 331-336, 348, 349, 361-366, 369-373, 375, 380-393, 395-397, 399-401, 403-410 Williams. Hon. Harrison A. Jr.. a U.S. Senator from the State of New Jersey and Chairman of the Committee on Labor and Public Affairs. from: Boring, Phyllis Zatlin, past president, Women's Equity Action League, Old Brblge, N.J., Sept. 2, 1975 264 Bloustein, Edward J., president, Rutgers University, New Bruns- wick, N.J.. Sept. 11, 1975 268 Dougherty, Dr. Neil J.. director, Division of Recreational Sports, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.. Sept. 15, 1915 270 Goralczyk, Darlene, vice president, Intercollegiate Association of Women Students. Region II, Flagstaff, Ariz, Sept. 15. 1975 272 (7lemetsen. Siri, vice president. Intercollegiate Associatkm of Wo- men Students, Region V, Mount Pleasant, Missouri, Sept. 18, 213 1975 Hansel, Ginger. president, Students' Association, and Ed Martin, director of State affairs, University of Housthn, Houston, Tex., 274 Oct. 1, 1975 Southern Methodist University students, in Dallas, Tex., Sept. 12, 277 1975 Byrd. Hon. Harry F., Jr., a U.S. Senator from the, State of Vir- 427 ginia, Nov. 18, 1975 Sledd, Herbert D., American Bar Association. Sept. 15, 1975 (with attachment) 434 8 DISCRIMINATION, 1975 PIt011itITION OF SEX 1976 Ttrtsp lir, SEPTEMBER, 16, U.S. SENATE, SuBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION OF Tan PUBLIC WELFARE CO3IMITME ON LABOR AND Washington,D.C. 3302, at 10 a.m., in room Pursuant to notice, TPe subcommittee met, subcommittee Senator Claiborne Pell, Dirlsk`n Senate Office Building, chainian, presiding. Stafford. Beall, javits, Randolph, and present Seuators pell, will come to order. Sen,ator PELL. The subcommittee introduced by Senators testimony on S. 2106, we will receive exempt Laxalt. This legislation would Tole.t, Bartlett, Hruska, and from the intercollegiate athletic activities certalti reventie producing 1972, which pro- Education Amendments of cover4ge of title IX of the basis of sex. hibit% discrinhinatior on the intercollegiate regulations concerning Interestingly enough. the of title and really a. tiny portion, athletics are a very small portion, title all proportion to the Wieve have been blown out of TX was enacted in to state here that title itsea. I think it is important which the issued, regulations 10, and it is the law. Regulations were of, yet did not. CoPRress renld have disapproved regard to points of view with hearintg today is not to rehash sole purpose of submitted thereunder. The title, IX or qie regulations and his colleagues as amendment of Senator Tower the uearing Is the intercollegiate athletics. it pettains to provide for bal- bearings, great care was taken to n setting Up these that the hear- side of tbe issue would allege anCed testimony so that no look at the witness direction or another. If you ings Were slatiod in one balance one viewpoint with that there is an attempt to ,(7)u will see the record however, that statements for the 'zither. This is not to say, effect the greater question of the ,4,11 sides of the issue. as well as on on be accepted underlying title IX itself, will not bill oh the theory of record will be kept record. For this purpose tbe fof the printed hearing days. or7e44 for tile ensuing it will follow. ,,`1- copy of the bill S. 2106 I:the bill referred to follows :] (1) 9 2 94nt CONGRESS S. 2106 1ffr SESSION IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES JuLY 15 (legislative day, Jtaz 10), 1975 Mr. TOWER (for himself, Mr. 13:ortirrr, Mr. IIRUSKA, and Mr. LANALT) intro- duced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Com- mittee on Labor and Public Welfare A BILL To amend title IX of the Education :3cnts of 1972. Be it enacted by the Senate and ilouse of Representa- 2 tires of Me United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 That section 901 (a) of the Education Amendments of 1972 4 (Public Law 92-318) is amended 1)3-- t ri king out .the word "and" at the end of (1) 5 6 palagraph (4) of such section; and (2) striking out the period at the end of 7 para- 8 graph (:)) and inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon and the word "and"; and 9 10 (3) adding at the end thereof the following new paragraph: 11 1 0