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International Waters: Learning Exchange and Resource Network (IW:LEARN) IW:LEARN TRAINEE ROSTER 19 JUN 2008 This document contains names and contact information on participants in workshops conducted or sponsored by IW:LEARN and/or its partners. International Waters Designing Payment for Ecosystem Services Workshop - 03 - 05 APR 2008 Place: Hanoi, Vietnam Type/Timing: Face-to-Face Meeting Partners: IUCN Number of Participants: 45 (excluding IWL Staff and Partners) Number of GEF Projects: 4 (UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea Project, Caspian Environment Programme, Manila Sewerage, UNDP GEF ASCLME Project) Name Job Title Organization Email Phone Address/B (then)/Projec /Project ENEFICIA t Level (then) RY COUNTRY Luky Deputy PEMSEA SE lukyadrianto@ipb ADRIANTO Director for Asia .ac.id Socio- Economics Research/NG O Chetan Senior Winrock India chetan@winrocki AGGARWAL Programme ndia.org Officer/NGO Inthavy Head of Laos inthavy@hotmail. Laos AKKHARAT Forest Department com H Resources of Forestry, Development Ministry of Fund/GOV Agriculture and Forestry Janet Arlene Research REECS jar_amponin@ya PHILLIPPI AMPONIN Associate/NG (Resources, hoo.com NES O Environment & Economics Center for Studies) Philippines Marie- Deputy NOAA Large aquarone@mola. USA Christine Director/GOV Marine na.nmfs.gov (cid:54) c/o UNDP Washington Office 1775 K St., NW, Suite 420 Washington, DC 20006, USA (cid:54) (cid:54)Tel: +1.703.835.9287 (cid:54) Fax: +1.202.387.4823 (cid:54) [email protected] AQUARONE Ecosystem Programme Sam BAIRD National Government Bairdsa@DFO- CANADA Oceans of Canada MPO.GC.CA Advisor/GOV Sultana Regional UNDP sultana.bashir@u BASHIR Technical Regional ndp.org Adviser /IA Centre in Bangkok Nawarat Project FAO Nawarat.Chalerm CHALERMP Assistant Regional [email protected] AO LWMEA Office for Project/PRO Asia and the Pacific Lai DAO Programme UNDP dao.xuan.lai@un XUAN Officer/IA Vietnam dp.org Country Office Elizabeth DE MPA IUCN USA & edesanto@iucnu SANTO Coordination Caribbean s.org Officer/NGO Multilateral Office Antonio DIAZ Director Environment adiazdeleon@col Mexico DE LEON General, and Natural mex.mx CORRAL Environment Resources adiazdeleon@se al, Regional Ministry, marnat.gob.mx and Sectoral Mexico Integration Policy/GOV Dang DIEM Head of Algal Vietnamese ddhong60vn@ya HONG Biotechnolog Academy of hoo.com y Department Science and -Institute of Technology Biotechnolog y/NGO Bayley Intern- IUCN [email protected]. DIXON Programme Vietnam vn Assistant/NG O Maricor Technical PEMSEA mebarvia@pems Philippines EBARVIA Officer - ea.org BAUTISTA Environment al Investments/ PRO Isao ENDO Environment UNDP/GEF [email protected] KOREA al Yellow Sea Economist/P Project RO Qin-Hua Economist/E Xiamen [email protected] CHINA FANG DU University .cn Environment al Science Research Center (cid:54) c/o UNDP Washington Office 1775 K St., NW, Suite 420 Washington, DC 20006, USA (cid:54) (cid:54)Tel: +1.703.835.9287 (cid:54) Fax: +1.202.387.4823 (cid:54) [email protected] Hamid Project UNDP hamid.ghaffarzad Tehran, GHAFFARZA Manager/PR Caspian [email protected] Iran DEH O Environment Programme Malaki Senior Policy Ministry of malaki.iakopo@ IAKAPO and Natural mnre.gov.ws Regulatory Resources Officer, and Water Environment, Resources Samoa Division/GOV Sameer Regional UNDP sameer.karki@un KARKI Technical Regional dp.org Adviser/IA Centre in Bangkok Kay KALIM Assistant Papua New [email protected] Papua New KUMARAS Secretary/GO Guinea m.pg Guinea V Dpartment of Environment & Conservation Beatrice Economist/G Task Force bmanyonge@tre KENYA MANYONGE OV on asury.go.ke Delineation o Kenya's Outer Continental Shelf Hai LY THI Environment IUCN [email protected] MINH al Economics Vietnam Coordinator/ NGO Richard Programme WWF richard.mcnally@ McNALLY Manager/NG Vietnam wwfgreatermekon O g.org Nicanor Project Environment nemendozaph@y Philippines MENDOZA Engineer/PR al ahoo.com O Management Bureau/Manil a Sewerage Evangeline Marine Conservation emiclat@conserv Philippines Florence Program International ation.org MICLAT Coordinator/ Philippines NGO Khun Orapan /GOV IDRC onabangchang@i NABANGCH Singapore drc.org.sg ANG Dang Thuy Environment WWF Nga.Dangthuy@ NGA al Economics Greater wwfgreatermekon Officer/NGO Mekong- g.org Vietnam country Programme Duc Project Vietnam [email protected] VIETNAM NGUYEN Coordinator Ministry of ov.vn (cid:54) c/o UNDP Washington Office 1775 K St., NW, Suite 420 Washington, DC 20006, USA (cid:54) (cid:54)Tel: +1.703.835.9287 (cid:54) Fax: +1.202.387.4823 (cid:54) [email protected] HOANG LWMEA Natural Project /GOV Resources and Environment (MONRE) Trang Environment nygmarch@yaho NGUYEN al economist o.com Train ee Tan [email protected] VIETNAM NGUYEN QUANG Duong /GOV Vietnam / fromduong@yah VIETNAM NGUYEN Ministry of oo.com THI THUY Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) Thi Bich Project WinRock bichthuy99@gma Ho Chi Min Thuy Coordinator/ International il.com City, NGUYEN NGO VIETNAM Chi Thanh Director /NGO Southern thanh.wetland@g NGUYEN Sub-Institute mail.com of Forest Inventory and Planning, HCMC Huu Dzung Head of Vietnam [email protected] VIETNAM NGUYEN Conservation Forest Division/GOV Protection Dept, MARD Bernard Programme IUCN [email protected] O'CALLAGH Coordinator/ Vietnam g.vn AN NGO Pisey OUM Chief of Cambodia cambio_coor@on Cambodia Secretariat Ministry of line.com.kh National Environment Biodiversity Steering Committee/ Technical Advisor/GOV Soubanh Head of Laos Ministry soubanhounthon Laos OUTHONGD Technical of Finance [email protected] Y Division, m Department of State Assets/GOV Jim PETERS Chief of Winrock Asia [email protected] Party/NGO Regional om Biodiversity Corridor Project (ARBCP) (cid:54) c/o UNDP Washington Office 1775 K St., NW, Suite 420 Washington, DC 20006, USA (cid:54) (cid:54)Tel: +1.703.835.9287 (cid:54) Fax: +1.202.387.4823 (cid:54) [email protected] Nathan Technical IUCN Asia [email protected]. SAGE Advisor/NGO Regional org Biodiversity Conservation Programme Gaya Senior IUCN [email protected] SRISKANTH Programme Ecosystems AN Officer/NGO and Livelihoods Group, Sri Lanka Anna Regional UNDP anna.tengberg@ SWEDEN TENGBERG Technical Regional undp.org Advisor/IA Centre in Bangkok Thuy Researcher/E University of truong@dangthu VIETNAM TRUONG DU Economics, y.net DANG Ho Chi Min City Soukata Executive Environment soukatav@laoefp LAOS VICHIT Director/NGO Protection .org.la Fund David Director/PRO UNDP GEF [email protected] South VOUSDEN ASCLME c.za Africa Project UNITED KINGDOM Trieu VU Country IUCN vuvantrieu@iucn. VAN Representati Vietnam org.vn ve/NGO Asia Public Participation Workshop - 02 - 04 APR 2008 Place: Hanoi, Vietnam Type/Timing: Face-to-Face Meeting Partners: Environmental Law Institute, VIWRR Number of Participants: 25 (excluding IWL Staff and Partners) Number of GEF Projects: Name Job Title Organization Email Phone Address/B (then)/Projec /Project ENEFICIA t Level (then) RY COUNTRY Harakunarak Environment Thailand [email protected] THAILAND AMPAI al Environment Expert/NGO al Inst Phuong Lien JICA - VIWRR [email protected] VIETNAM BACH CDPIMS m project coordinator /NGO Bui Van Technical DOE Hanoi chinhbuivan@fpt. VIETNAM CHINH Specialist/GO vn V Tuan Dat Water CDA [email protected] VIETNAM CHU Resources n (cid:54) c/o UNDP Washington Office 1775 K St., NW, Suite 420 Washington, DC 20006, USA (cid:54) (cid:54)Tel: +1.703.835.9287 (cid:54) Fax: +1.202.387.4823 (cid:54) [email protected] Expert Anjan Technical UNEP/GPA [email protected] NETHERL DATTA Specialist/IA ANDS Charlotte /INT Mekong gobin@mrcmeko FRANCE GOBIN River ng.org Commission Asuka HINO Staff/NGO Ocean [email protected] JAPAN Research Policy Foundation Kariuki Technical Continental KENYA JOHNSO Specialist/NG Shelf(Kenya) O Phuong Technical PIM lpn_vkhtl@yahoo VIETNAM Nhung LE Specialist/NG center(VIWR .com O R) Xuan Quang Technical VIWRR lequangcwe@ya VIETNAM LE Specialist/NG hoo.com O Vo Si TUAN Former Sr UNEP/DGE linh_tranh107200 VIETNAM Expert /PRO South China [email protected] Sea Akari Staff/NGO Ocean a- JAPAN NAKAJIMA Research [email protected] Policy Foundation Tung Phong Director, VIWRR phongicd@gmail. VIETNAM Nguyen International com Cooperation Dept/NGO Thanh Tam /GOV VN Institute VIETNAM NGUYEN for Meteorology, Hydrology Ky Nam Programme Mekong VIETNAM NGUYEN Coordinator/I River NT Commission Quang An Technical VIWRR VIETNAM NGUYEN Specialist/NG O Thi Nguyet Programme Office for nguyetcwr@gmai VIETNAM NGUYEN Coordinator/ Water l.com NGO Network Rolph Technical Sea Level [email protected] PAYET Specialist/NG Rise om O foundation Thanh Hang Programme Mekong hang@mrcmekon VIETNAM PHAM Coordinator/I River g.org NT Commission Bich Ngoh Water PIM ngocphamthibich VIETNAM PHAM ResourcesEc center(VIWR @gmail.com onomist /NGO R) H.VietThanh Environment VIWRR thanhphv@yahoo VIETNAM (cid:54) c/o UNDP Washington Office 1775 K St., NW, Suite 420 Washington, DC 20006, USA (cid:54) (cid:54)Tel: +1.703.835.9287 (cid:54) Fax: +1.202.387.4823 (cid:54) [email protected] PHAM alEconomist .com Thi Xuan Technical Water quachthixuan@g VIETNAM QUACH Specialist/NG Planning mail.com O Institute Hiroshi Director/NGO Ocean h_terashima@sof JAPAN TERASHIMA Research .or.jp Policy Foundation Rennie Assistant Tonga [email protected] TONGA VAIOMO'UN Geologist/GO Ministry of v.to GA V Lands, Survey, NR and Envt Van Tuan VU Institute Vice Hydrology [email protected] VIETNAM Diretor /GOV Institute u.vn Targeted Workshop on Stakeholder Engagement Place: Podgorica, Montengro Type/Timing: Face-to-Face Meeting Partners: Mediteranean Information Office - ECSDE, Global Water Partnership Mediterranean, European Union Number of Participants: 16 (excluding IWL Staff and Partners) Number of GEF Projects: 2 (Prespa Lake and Lake Shkodra/Skadar) Name Job Title Organization Email Phone Address/B (then)/Projec /Project ENEFICIA t Level (then) RY COUNTRY Ana Advisor/GOV Ministry of ana.bulatovic@m +382 81- MONTENG Bulatovic Tourism and n.yu 482142, RO Environment +382 67- 333658 Vasilije Chairman/NG Skadar Lake [email protected] +382 Ivana Buskovic O Forum 69066013 Crnojevica 47, Podgorica, MONTENE GRO Gordana Project UNDP, GEF gordana.cvetkosk +389 70 81 Marsal Tito Cvetkoska Assistant project [email protected] 00 95; +389 Square TBUnit/PRO “Integrated 47 455 190 No.20, PO Ecosystem Box 78, Management 7310 in the Prespa Resen, Lakes Basin” MACEDON - Municipality IA of Resen Osman Director/GOV Water +355 682 ALBANIA Deltina Agency of 081245 Drin-Buna Basin Elton Duni Research Center for the eltonduni@hotma +355 ALBANIA (cid:54) c/o UNDP Washington Office 1775 K St., NW, Suite 420 Washington, DC 20006, USA (cid:54) (cid:54)Tel: +1.703.835.9287 (cid:54) Fax: +1.202.387.4823 (cid:54) [email protected] Engineer in Transfer of il.com, 684011271, Agriculture Technologies eltonduni@gmail. +355824549 field/GOV in Agriculture, com 50 Directorate of Agriculture, Korca Pladon Gani Director/GOV Water +355 0692 ALBANIA Agency of 143617 Shkumbin Basin Skender Head of Ministry of [email protected]. +355 6820 ALBANIA Hasa water Environment al 56983, +355 Resources Forestry and 682081233 Sector/GOV Water Administratio n Violeta Director of Ministry of violeta.hoxha@ks +381 (0) 38 Bill Clinton Hoxha Water Environment -gov.net 211 804 Boulevard” Department/ and Spatial violeta_hoxha@h cell: +377 (0) No:13, GOV Planning otmail.com 44 188 420 Pristina KO SOVO (SERBIA) Aleksandar Project UNDP-GEF aleksandar.ivano 00389 70 Makedonsk Ivanovski Specialist/PR Project [email protected] 659711 a Udarna O “Integrated Brigada Ecosystem 10a, office Management No 9 in the Prespa Lakes Basin” Arian Merolli Secretary of Ministry of piuoffice@adanet + 355 832 Secretariat Watershed Environment .net 49-66, cell. of WMC Management Forestry and arianmeroli@yah +355 68 377 Office, Vilat Committee Water oo.com 1 636, Qeveritare, for Ohrid and Administratio +355714430 No.2 Prespa n 23 Pogradec, Lakes/GOV ALBANIA Ylber Mirta Head of Ministry of [email protected] +389 2 30 66 MACEDON Department Environment ov.mk 930 ext 118 IA for and Physical (Darinka), Waters/GOV Planning +389 71356405 Bojana Project Greens of [email protected] +382 81 281 Ivangradsk Perović Coordinator/ Montenegro 192, a bb (Zrada NGO mob.+382 67 MZ Tološi) 808742 81000 Podgorica, MONTENG RO Jelena Project REC Country jperunicic@ +382-81-210- Ivana Peruvicic Manager/NG Office recmontenegro.or 235, +382 Crnojevica O g 69427880 16/II, 81000 Podgorica, MONTENG (cid:54) c/o UNDP Washington Office 1775 K St., NW, Suite 420 Washington, DC 20006, USA (cid:54) (cid:54)Tel: +1.703.835.9287 (cid:54) Fax: +1.202.387.4823 (cid:54) [email protected] RO Agim Shimaj Project Lake a_shimaj@yahoo +355692085 ALBANIA Coordinator/ Shkoder/Ska .com 090, +355 PRO dar 693058622 Integrated Ecosystem Management Project Niko Xega Manager/GO Prespa nikoxega@gmail. +355 ALBANIA V National com 692132932 Park/Prespa Lake Ljubica Technology Hydrometeor Ljubica.vulovic@ +382 MONTENG Yulovic Advisor/GOV ological meteo.cg.yu 69442444 RO Institute Application of Environmental Flows in River Basin Management - 11 - 15 FEB 2008 Place: Iguacu, Brazil Type/Timing: Face-to-Face Meeting Partners: Number of Participants: 22 (excluding IWL Staff and Partners) Number of GEF Projects: 4 (Amazon, La Plata, Sao Francisco, Antibonite) Name Job Title Organization Email Phone Address/B (then)/Projec /Project ENEFICIA t Level (then) RY COUNTRY Alejandro Technical Costanera [email protected] Montevideo Arcelus Secretary - Norte s/n .uy , Uruguay Comision Paysandu Administrado /Guarani ra del Rio Aquifer Uruguay /GOV Danroy Engineer Central danroyballantyne PO Box Ballantyne Technician - Water and @hotmail.com 363 Hydrology/G Sewerage Kingstown OV Authority St Vincent & the Grenadines Froilan Director Comision soconusco@hot 851 Esquinca General Forestal mail.com Fracciona Cano Comision Sustentable miento Los Forestal de Chiapas Laguitos Sustentable Avenida Rio Tuxtla de Usumacinta Gutierrez Chiapas/GO Chiapas V 29020 Mexico Luciano Manager of ANA/ Sao [email protected] Setor Meneses Water Francisco ov.br Policial Cardoso da Rights/GOV Area 5, Silva Quadra 3, Blocos L (cid:54) c/o UNDP Washington Office 1775 K St., NW, Suite 420 Washington, DC 20006, USA (cid:54) (cid:54)Tel: +1.703.835.9287 (cid:54) Fax: +1.202.387.4823 (cid:54) [email protected] CEP: 70610-200 Brasilia DF, BRAZIL Karim Investigador CATIE- k.musalem@gma 25 de Musalem Doctorado/E University of il.com Mayo 1541 Castillejos DU Wales/La CP1549 Plata Asuncion Paraguay Cecilio Project Fundacion ccastillero@natur Panama Castillero Officer/NGO Natura apanama.org City, Panama Panama Edgar Executive Eastern eayabaca@emaa EMAAP-Q Ayabaca Director/GOV Rivers pq.com.ec Av. Cazar Project and Mariana de Hydrology/ Jesús N32- Napo, 143 e Italia Esmeraldas (esquina), (Andean, Quito, Ecuador, Ecuador tributaries of Amazon) Elisa Colom Coordinator Programacio 9 Calle 10- of National n de la 54, Zona 1 Water Presidencia Ciudad de Strategy for Guatemala Guatemala - Guatemala Secretaria General de Planificacion/ GOV Aldrin Profesional Intendencia acontreras@inre Calle Contreras en Recursos de Recursos na.gob.pe Diecisiete Hídricos/GO Hídricos del Nº 355, V Instituto Urbanizaci Nacional de ón El Recursos Palomar, Naturales - San Isidro, INRENA Lima - 27 Apartado Postal 4452, LIMA- PERU Robert Dominican UNDP robcrowley126@ Calle Crowley National Project yahoo.com Uladislao Coordinator Design Team Guerrero /Artibonite 47 Bani Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Joaquin Principal [email protected] CIGEA Gutierrez Specialist/GO Calle 20 Diaz V esq. 18-A (cid:54) c/o UNDP Washington Office 1775 K St., NW, Suite 420 Washington, DC 20006, USA (cid:54) (cid:54)Tel: +1.703.835.9287 (cid:54) Fax: +1.202.387.4823 (cid:54) [email protected]

O. PEMSEA SE. Asia lukyadrianto@ipb .ac.id. Chetan. AGGARWAL. Senior Winrock India chetan@winrocki ndia.org Genie Rural. Benin.
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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.