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Preview Iuz the Evil (AD&D Greyhawk Module WGR5)

. , m. ... ./ 8" . .. c Iuz the E v i l by Carl Sargent Table of Contents Empire of Terror ....................... History of the Lands ........ Cover Art: Jeff Easley The Priesthood of Iuz ........ Interior Art: Eric Hotz Land of Iuz .............. Cartography: John Knecht The Homed Lands ..... ..... If.pography: Angelika Lokotz The Shield Lands The Bandit Lands ..... The Fellreev Forest .. TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. POB 756 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton The Northern Barrens ............. Lake Geneva Cambridge CB13LB WI 53147 USA. United Kingdom The Land of Tenh ...................... ...... ... Adventures in the Empire Random Howa nd iu affiliate compmies have worldwide distriburion rghs m the baok uade for Er&h lanbug.p rod- of TSR, he. Dlslrlbb- uted fo the book and bobby rmde in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. Dia- Armies of Iuz ................ vlbuted fo the toy d hobby vade by Rgional dlsvlbutors. Villains and Heroe- ADVANCED DUNGEONS 8 DRAGONS, AD&D. and GREKIL&WKare re@ rered rrad-ka avned by TSR, 1°C. DUNOEON MASTER, DM, MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM, and the TSR log0 are mdermrlv mvned by TSR, 1°C. All TSR chn-m and the dbtinclive likenesses thereof zre trademarks medb y TSR, Inc. Thls mared b p m dvn der the eemrlght lam ofthe United State of America. h yr epduction or other vnauthorired m of the mafeflal or mwr!s -wed hereln is pmhibited withovf th* exweas vriffen con- sent of TSR, Inc. Copyrlgbf 0 1w3T SR, 1°C. All Righm Reserved. Prioted in the USA 9399 ISBN 1460765844 9359xyX1501 .. rom his hideous throne in the wretched gloom of de 'perate strugsres for ,sunri Dorakaa, luz the Old, Lord of Pain, stretches his th$ Rift Canyon; spine-ohil : bony hand across the Flanaess. Since the signing df the ', Pact of Greyhawk, his emgire of tyranny and sUFfering is - secure at least for a time. None of the lands 5f pod .. and hope are stree nough to threaten him. luz s.Iyey. .. .. .. his domain and cackles gleefiilly. He has added mu+ to th4 resources and plans of the Old One. What more i... ... , ... ,, ,. . .-- . .... : ~.... his holdings, but he is not yet content. .. .' , I ctho*+ da nadn my oardev. eTnhtiusr seoru wricsehb?o oTkh we illal npdrosv oidf elu azn yh aDvuen aglel oonf ~ This sourcebook details the many lands Iw controls; Master with a string of campaign ideas for characters of his dark priests and their magic; Iuz's fiendish dies from any level of experience. These lands will reward heroic the Abyss; his marauding humanoid armies and raiders; adventurers over a long career. If they survive its perils, r :and muoh, much more. These are lands of ineffable evil, thdt is. ' a beacon for adventurers seeking glory within their per- To use IUS the M,you will need the standard ADSP ,.'...' ilous borders. Servants of good, prepare your weapons rulebooks ( P W sH andbook,h r@mM asterTN Guide, .f. .:,.r ...: ...: : .' . ... '. ainnno: dta yl'rlee t:tah dleo'y s F ty,loa funorar eslsupsze ltslhst,ar unfgo grtlh tehosse teroe o maf ratehi nnet oaL iacnhn cadolslne ontfrg oIeuls oz gv.r eAerla lht eiissr Msthooeyn rswotoenbrnlodmo g kCu Tiodhmee p tMom atdrhkieul awmnhsdo Isle ai nsF dlsa tInrOaoe,nsa gsnl.yd P rFoerscosoemmss mtihoeenn A odsfe htdhe isef, vast empire and even his countless armies have suffered you wish to use the Vesve Forest and the border with Fury- grievous lasses in the Greyhawk Wars. Striking against on$y in campaigning. The Monshous Commdiumm: him now is imperative, before the strength of the fiendish G+h.awk@Appendit. is likewise vital for campaign play # demigod waxes great again. in Freyhawk. Fidy,t he MonsnaLs Compendium: Outer ., The Dungeon Master using this sourcebook will find a P bApp endis is an important reference for details of .:_. ... wealth of material, enabling him to use this campaign the fiends which colldort with the Old One. setting for many adventures. What is more, these adven- The servants of a terrible darkness are waiting. Only . :I NreS can very greatly: guerilla warfare on the outskirts the bravest and best can hove to face them now at the of Iuz's lands; border watch in the fair land of Furyondy; heht of their power. I R ::;A I ', ........ ..... : I I . . . . . . -:.. ......... ................ . 5 .A:-,, -+. . Xistmy of the Lands I:.: ....... ‘ his chapter gives a resume of the history of Iuz’ Within Iuz’s own lands, many factions struggled for lands and B bmad overview of how his empire no\ power when their master left. Tanar’ri and gehreleth . stands. It also includes the lowdown on his goals, ulti came to odds with each other and decided to leave the mate objectives, fears, and those who ally with an( barren lands to their own fate. Oms and evil humans oppose him. Finally, luz’s relations with the rest of the began to squabble and fight. Chaos reigned, and the good Flanaess and the Powers of Oerth are described. folk of Fmyondy and the Vesve breathed a sigh of relief. Iuz’s banishment was long indeed, one reason why the Spawn of Evil defenders of good were slow to respond to his reappear- ance. A strange alliance freed luz in 570 CY, seeking to .. ........ As of 479 CY, what would become known as the Land of slay him. This tale is long in teUi and will be recounted luz was only a collection of petty fiefs, with chiefs of below. But, the oreature returning to its homeland was minor bandit warbands and clans fighting each other for no cambion tanar’ri now. How Iuz beoame a demigod is a control of small swathes of barren land. One of these minor despots died in that year and his ‘‘son,” Iuz, took . . . control of a few hundred chaotic, vicious bandits. That to have had some part, perhaps even unwittingly. The was just the beghming, but then Iuz was no ordinq ban- unpredictable and mighty magics Zagyg unleashed ., ~, dit’s “son.” within Castle Greyhawk are unknown in their effects. .... Inz was born of a human mother, the necromancer lgg- Iuz’s own unquenchable will, and wielding of magic ‘‘. “‘‘A‘‘ 1 a wilv, and a great tanar’ri lord, Graz’zt, ruler of several mightier than any cambion almost fmm his birth, may be Abyssal planes. The young cambion tanar’ri soon used part and parcel of his destiny too. Istus and other his powers to great effect. Realizing that his warriors Greater Powers know, but they are not telling. .. could not hope to wiumph by simple force, Iuz began to ally his men with other minor clan leaders to beat off Stormclouds Gather stronger enemies. Oi course, those allies always ended up suffering most of the casualties and their leaders died After his release, Ius was filled with a desire for veu- 7 in battle with astonishing predictability. Slowly, the size geehce and conquest. Sixty-five years of banishment had Vofe sIuvze’ sm waarrgbinasn bde ignacnr etaos jeodi.n C. eTlhbeit haunmd aJne bslci uomrc ss eorf vtihneg ccoruneceltnyt raaltlieedd htios pmlainnds wfoornmdeedr fodvye.r Wmiathn ya lsoanvga -eyeera.yr sa nodf ... :. ’ , luz didn’t like the o mo vermuch, but they soon saw bow thought, Iuz acted to gather together the warring bandits . their enemies liked them even less. And of course, there and hum,anoids of his land with an iron grip. He drew was Iuzb magio. Many cambions wield magic, but that of together his Boneheart, a Greater and Lesser circle of Iuz, aided by his mother, was far more powerful than spellcasters, six in each echelon. His agents began to anything the competing hordes could muster. luz bad scour the Flanaess, seeking amane evils and relics. luz control of the entire Land of luz in little over a decade. readied his forces for a great war. Refugees from this domain fled to Furyondy, telling To his annoyance, Iuz discovered that the Temple of stories of the most ghastly abominations. luz’s capital Elemental Evil be had developed with Zuggtmoy in the city, Dora&, was a charnel house, with a road of skulls Gnarley Forest had been sacked a year beforehand. The being constructed from there to the Howlidg Hills. Temple was a clever feint by the Old One. He allied with Watchtowers along the road were entered by chained Zuggtmoy to bring evil creatures to the Temple, hoping to slaves, who never saw the light of day again. From the draw the attentions of the forces of good in Verbobonc, towers, acrid clouds of smoke belched out across the bar- Veluna and Furyondy south to this burgeoning citadel of ren plains. Burning beacons proclaimed to all Oerik that evil, and the NWw orked. Zuggtmoy was bound within luz had a kingdom and sought further conquest. the Temple, and Iuz no longer needed worry ahout her King A mof Fulyondy grew ooncerned about the rise dangerous games anymore. On reflection, perhaps the of evil to the north of his lands, and the elves, rangers fall of the citadel of chaos and evil was not such a bad and good forces of the Vesve began f@ting in earnest for thing after all. Forgetting it, Iuz developed his plans. the safety of their homeland against the increasingly The first strike was a stroke of unusual cunning and well-trained and marshalled humanoids in Iuz’s service. ingenuity. Constructing an elaborate fiction about a But neither Furyondy nor Vesve was directly involved in “Great Cod Vatun,” luz managed to ally the barbarian ; the banishment of Iuz, generally dated to 505 CY. The nations together. Deluded by dreams of greatness, the bar- full tale of this banishment, in the dungeons of Castle barians subjugated the Hold of Stonefist. In f?, the Fists, . , Greyhawk, is detailed below where luz’s own story is under the leadership of their magically-compelled chief- told. Other blows beset the tyrant. His mother offended tain Seword Redbeard, swept into Tenh, conquering it Graz’zt, who drew her to the Abyss and imprisoned her with lightning speed. The powerful nations of the Flanaess there; luz’s growing alliance with Zuggtmoy, tanar‘ri Lady were astonished. What was at work here? Iuz’s cunning of Fungi, never had the chance to grow to fruition. plan drew attention away from his lands, far eastward. . . ... . . . . . . . . ... I '.b ' The Vatun ruse did not last long. Commandihg the was saved But even that great nation had not the barbarians to strike into Ratik, a long-time ally bf the strength to drive into Iuz's own lands. Both Furyandy ,w as B mistake by luz, some think. Othdrs say wd Iuz were ready enough to sign the Pact of Greyhawk shed to abandon this part of the Flansjess to Iuz, grown used to easy mikes and conquests of great since its role as a m ea nd feint was played to speed, saw tens of thousands of his soldiery slain. Three the full. In any event, the barbarians began to slink qui- of hi8 twelve Boneheart wizards were destroyed He etly home, though the Fists remained in Tenh and reached out his clawed band to the pool of darkness in occupy it still. Now luz could concentrate fully Qn the hls throne room, hut drew it hack. It was time to settle for the gash e had made a dn *-a-- ~m- The week of the Blood Moon festival in the lands of their most Dread and August Presences, the Hierarbhs of The Empire To&, the Homed Society, took on an unusual aspect in 572 CY. Never before had the very streets of Molag run awash NO simple picture of the lands luz controls can he gi with blood. With the aid of fiends and his orcish,army hdre, because they vary &eatly. In his homeland. Iuz has sweeping across the plains of the Society's lands, lup van- to al control of the &bindits and humanoids who dwell quished his old enemies in days rather than weeks. The ,&rein To the east, his hold is firm on the old Horned blow was so decisive that the Hierarchs had no tipe to Society lands and the Shield Lands. In the Bandit King- .:_ call on extraplanar aid before they were massaored. doms, though, there are many renegades who attack luz's Absorbing the hobgoblin soldiery of the land into his own folces. The Fellreev forest is a hotbed of opposition to armies, luz swept onwards across the Ritensa to the luE. On the borders of his own Land, the Vesve Forest i8.a Shield Lands. site of constant turmoil and battle. To the north, the r The full tale of the stupidity of the Shield Land rulers NQrthern Barrens are a wasteland where only remnanm is too well known to bear lengthy repetition here. Fearing of,clansa nd tribes live. In Ted, Ioz exercises influence !.'-' that Furyondy's warnings were a ruse to cover Belvdr Ill's but not control. In some lands, humanoids form the '. '.: . . desire to annex their lands, the Knights of Holy Shi&iing mk.iority.: in others. this is not so. Where there are i;: hesitated in accepting B Furyondian army on theii soil. humanoids, the dominant race iorcs or hobgublins) , . The hesitation cost them their land, and for many,t heir \'arks irum land 10 land. The role cli iimrls Jlhi~gre atly --. lives. Many thousands of Shield Landers were evawated frjm land to land also, and while in some lands h-&& 1'. to Furyondy and across the Nyr Dyv,b ut many qthers arb used as slaves and sacrifices only, in others, Iuz's were slain or caotured. Iuz's Boneheart wizards. Kbrmin foq'oes still seek to draw evil (or at least non-goad) people Mind-Bender and the dreaded Archmage Null, distin- info their fold. guished themselves in this conquest, with their lplagic However, luz faces two problems throughout his proving vital to the supply of fast-moving armies. empire: resources and control. Most lands of his empire The war by now had stirred most of the Flanaess~ into doinot have abundant natural resources. The Lands of Iuz action. The Great Kingdom struck at Nyrond and the anp the Horned Society have very poor agricultural areas, eastern oampaigns began. Furyondy's rulers saw dl too fon example. Now, OTOS and hohg.oh Uns may feast on flesh. clearly that Iuz had flanked their land. Be4vor acted to b# some food must he grown or somehow obtained by bring Keoland, Veluna, the Gran March, the Ulek sfate., trdde to sustain livestock far humanoids and feed humans. and even the Yeomanry into alliance against Iuz 4t the 1 4c an call upon some Irs, wood, precious metals and signii of the Treaty of Niole Dra. But luz was preaared, the like in his wide array of lands, hut these resources for he too had nurtured allian- of his own. m9st be harvested. Warbands need metal weapons and As armies marched northwards to strike at luz, Ketite the metal comes from minee. However, there must be soldiery struck swift and deep into Bissel andleven miners to excavate the minerals. This can he difficult . . . ,.- .... .....:.. . . Vloesltu nnao. LBanisdsse lt ois tshteil lB oackcIuupnii eindv, baudte rVse.l uBnuat tfhreee adt ittasedl,f aanndd whdqe mn etnh ef oerm Ipuzir'es' sv amsta anrpmowieesr. hSalasv beese sno ldviev ethrites dp rtoob plreomv itdo- the cascade of giants and humanoids down from the soine extent, though manpower is still needed to keep ' Crysdmists into &off, Sterich, and the Yeomanry,,drew th4m in line. Also, slaves rarely work very hard and many tiqkes die, leaving the manpower problem as a constantly reuuning theme in the resource dilemma. khe control problem takes different forms. Sol ti.*es, it is simply making sure that chaotic or poorlyas- road to the capital. oi$ned humanoids don't disobey orders, turn on and kill In the end, Furyondy held. The great armies ofgood eakh other. luz's priesthood, and sometimes a fiend or and evil ground each other to a halt, and when BpIvor two. are given this duty and generally they discharge it wards into the oncoming autumn of 584 CY, Fu t ethos is that of Chaotic Evil, everyone is lookin, Aistmy of the Lands backstah someone else. Senior leaders try to pin the arrived on the scene together with Bigby the mage and a blame for failures on their juniors, who in turn look far powerful fighter going by the unlikely name of Neb Ret- any scapegoat they can find. The paranoia has its great- nar. Tenser had learned of Robilar's plan, feared that est intensity at the apex of the pyramid, where luz him- Riggby was being duped, and came post haste to prevent self is paranoid ahout the loyalty of his priests and their action. Tenser and his cohort began battling the servitors, the powerful who once imprisoned and tried to freed, enraged demigod. Rigghy at once aided the assault. kill him, and the politics of the Abyss in which he is Robilar and Quij considered flit and felt their chances embroiled. As the empire grows, control is harder to would he best if they made odds of four against one into retain and paranoia becomes Iuz's dominant emotion. six against one. Though control is many times mandatory in order to luz was very nearly destroyed in that confliot, escap- accomplish his desires, luz's inner rages and whims miti- ing to the Abyss just before Bighy would have destroyed gate against firm control at all times. There are times him with his infamous cmshing hand spell. He left when Iuz, self-destructively, actually enjoys observing behind him a backwash of ohaotic evil magic which seething chaos in his empire. altered the aliment of Retnar, left Risgby catatonic for Then again, control is harder to keep the farther east days, and caved in a large part of Castle Greyhawk's one travels, where renegade Bandits, the remains of the deepest dungeon complexes. Since that time, luz has .. . Rovers of the Barrens, the exiled remnants of Tenh, and always protected himself with a carefully secreted soul the men of Stonefist strain against the yoke of Iuz. gem hidden on an unknown, unbelievably well-guarded Against bandits and rovers, force will do the job, so Iuz Abyssal ,plane. He can be killed on the Prime Material, can dispatch fiends and humanoids. In Tenh and Stone- but unless the soul gem is destroyed beforehand, he can- fist, though, there is no love of humanoids or Iuz himself, not he destroyed forever. and control can only he exercised by influenoe and suh- Since that fateful brush with extinction, luz bas tle stratagems. That does not truly appeal to the cam- schemed to destroy those six. Tenser, of course, is dead; .. bion's vicious, paranoid mind. luz is happier when his slain by Rary and Robilar. In the Bright Desert, Robilar is .. ... rule is exeroised by baneful magic, steel, and fire. over a thousand miles from luz and cloaked by magic Presently, he frets over his inability to exercise rulershil which prevents his scrying. Since Iuz has no spies there A in such brutal ways. He hopes time will he the answa to report to him, information on Robilar is soant. Quij . ... and as his armies swell with the fecundity of orcs anu has deserted his master and luz cannot see him either. hobgoblins, he may he right. But he is always looking Perhaps he has become part of Turrosh Mak's Pomarj over his shoulder. . . . armies, or fled to the Bone March or even farther afield. Elsewhere, though, Iuz sees those he hates. The Obsessions of Iw Rigby, growing old, hides himself in Verhohanc and southern Furyondy, sometimes hiding in Veluna City or ... Thaee who imprisoned Iuz below Castle Greyhawk consist Mitrik. Bighy was driven from Scant by the fall of Onn- of many of the most important beings in the World of wal, and now lives in Mitrik. Retnar's whereabouts are Greyhawk: the mad Archmage Zagyg, St. Cuthhert, and unknown, but he is whispered to serve the Brotherhood the four quasi-deities Heward (the mage-hard), Murlynd and to be a cultist of Tharizdun, the Dark God Iuz hates (paladin-wizard), Keoghtem (hard-mage) and Kehen, the and fears. Iuz hears occasional tales of Retnar working in Prince of Swords. Why they allied to banish Iuz is un- Verhobonc, Dyvers, and stalking the lands of the sacked known; probably, each had his own purpose. What is cer- Temple of Elemental Evil, but these are no more than tain is that, while Iuz may hate these six and wish revenge snatches and are usually too little to do the Lord of Evil upon them, his scope for vengeanoe is strictly limited. much good. After all, even luz would have a hard time ohdenging a Thus, the eyes of Iuz look to the south. From his demigod, an intermediate god, and four quasi-deities. In spies, he knows something of Rigghy's wanderings and he addition, those six dwell on planes other than the Prime know he was Furyondian-born. As the man grow older, Material, so they are beyond luz's immediate reach. he will come home. Evil thin@ lurking in the Gnarley tell Rather, Iuz's most burning desire is to have revenge on him of Retnar, Bigby's new home is common knowledge. those who freed and tried to slay him. Originally, three Thus, while subjugating the Horned Society gave Iuz set out to investigate the prison of luz below Castle great delight, Furyondy and its allies Highfolk and Veluna Greyhawk. These were Lord Rohilar, his oro henchman are luz's heart's desire. That is where he will strike next, Quij, and %by, Patriarch of Boccoh. Unfortunately, the and where he will pluck his special victims from their investigation freed Iuz. Whether this was by error or per- hiding-boles as a cat reaches with its claws into a haps design on the part of Rohilar, who secretly cheda mouse's home. Iuz anticipates these captures with relish, pair of highly unusual dippelling magics about himself on but he can wait, at least for awhile. that fateful day, sages cannot say. What is known is that . .., .,.,.. ......, .. ., .' at the moment of Iuz's being freed, Archmage Tenser ., I 4 Xistory of the Lands ~ ’ The Empire and the Flanae against luz, when his avatar assisted those imprisoni luz in 505 CY. That St. Cuthbert would wish to fight Iuz ,:* .., , luz signed the Pact of Greyhawk, buying himself time to is not unexpected. Of the “martial” lawful good Powers, rebuild his forces. He has an ambassador, Pyremiel Ala- Heironeous has his great struggle with his hated brother ane, in Greyhawk City (see From the Ashes, Campaen Hextor, while other lawful good Powers are more peace- Book) and in the unlikely event of Iuz using diplomaoy, it able and kindly; guiders and protectors rather than war- ‘. would be conducted through -miel. Iuz daes not have riors. But St. Cuthbert is a doughty, tough fighter, and he any formal diplomatic ties with any Flanaess State and hates luz’s chaotic evil nature. That he was allowed to holds most in contempt. strike against the Old One is surprising. He could only Iuz is apprehensive of the Scarlet Brotherhood. He have done so if powerful evil Powers agreed to this, for all fears that the Elder Brothers may be attempting to Powers must agree to such an action. lstos could tell empower Tharizdun, the Dsrk God, which is definitely that Incabulos cared not, but that Ned’s croaking voi r. not what luz wanes to =e achiwed. At this time, Iuz ,does was decisive in giving permission. r;1......:... . ’ .neso:sta hr.ya vte:o tkhe ee ps ptireasc kan odf athgee nBtsro atbhreorahdo owdh’so a wctoiounlds .b Aes n teh- e PowOenre a fcitns adli preocitnlyt wbeitahr st hset rpeesrsminisgs hioenr eo.f Othne Ootehretrh P, oifw a- entry for the Shadowclaw spies in The Marklands shows, ers (and the Greater Powers are the ones who really agents of luz abroad are relatively few in number and not count), that Power and its allies are then indebted to the , , ’<.;:. overly powerful. The best of them are the Boneshadow, others. When evil Powers allow a good Power to act -!L the outer echelon of luz’s Boneheart, described in the directly, good Powers may at Some later time have to Villains and Heroes chapter of this book, but they are stand back and allow an evil Power the same opportu- few indeed. Thus, luz does not yet have direct ways of nity. Small wonder that such direct aotions are rare! countering the Brotherhood. This worries him. Whether St. Cuthbert can, or would wish to, appear to p,;: Iuz does not fear any of the good-aligned nations of the combat Iuz again, only Istus can say. ’.-. . . Flanaess, regarding them all 88 relatively weak and As for the Old One, of course, he hates good Pow< .. . unable to oppose his strength. He does not concern him. with a passion. St. Cuthbert is his -& eatest nemesis. ob., self with hr~~ rdi, swing it is turn asunder. without any nusly. hut he has no special enemies among the rest. Iw urtsnized power. IUL regards Ket as a nation ni fools re-ta rds ueutrall.v~-a ligned Powers aa pathetic, fmce-sit- .1 . whom he will eventually subjugate even though they ting irrelevants. But when it comes to evil Powers, ah, allied with him in the Greyhawk Wars. The rest of the then tuz the Old grows truly terrifying in his malefic ., Flanaess is simply potential land for conquest so far as rages and fear. :. luz is concerned. All in good time. . . . luz hates and fears Nerull. Many of the Hierarc 1.:.. .’ I and the Powers of Greyhawk sweirevldeidn Tg hoen eR.e Iaupze kr,n aonwds lruazt ifoenaarsll yth teh awtr Natehr uolfl tish eu nsil&ik=e-l y to act directly because of the loss of one small land in the ’. Iuz has been able to rise in power so swiftly in part many worlds where he reaps his grim harvests, but still because no great Power of Oerth has struck out against luz fears. Above all, Iuz fears Tharizdun, the buried Dark him. There is an important reason for this. Iuz has the God, and those who would free him from his slumber of .’ Prime Material as his home plane, and Oerth 88 his home ages and raise him to become undisputed overlord of all world within that plane. Other Powers dwell elsewhere evil Powers of Oerth. Iuz simply spits derision against and look over many worlds on the Prime Material. Thus, other evil Powers, even Incabulas. , they do not give Oerth the undivided attention luz does, luz plays a difficult and dangerous game with Lolth, and it is almost B Law of the Powers that they do not tanar’ri Queen of Spiders, goddess of the drow. Drow intervene directly in the Prime Material to strike at a attend luz’s court and Lolth has Sn ambassador-priestess .. .... deity which has its being there. The key word, of come, there. Eolavdra and Iuz smile and bow to each other, but . is directly. they dance a deadly pavane together. luz’s relationships Rather, the good Powers of Greyhawk empower their with Eclavdra, the drow, and other tanar’ri are detailed servants to oppose Iuz. To. this end, they grant speUs,and in the Land of Iw chapter. special powers, suoh as those of priests and the protection So, luz has his own domain and other Powers cannot, - hmn &l and healine skills of naladins. If thev did more. or choose not to, act against hhn. However, lnz still has a :.y ; then evil deities would regard it as fair game to do more few spots of special weakness. He daily scries his soul ,,, /,:g: likewi se. Oerth would become a battleground of the Pow- gem, hidden by Znggtmoy’s servants, paranoid that *$.,:., :;, ers and might ultimately be destroyed. On Oerth, even the something might happen to it. Also, the secrets of the appeamnce of a powe~sa vatar is exwemely rare. oerth is Soul Husks of the Howling Hills gnaw at luzb soul, or the .. .. . ... .. _. a world where mortals suffer, viumph and perish without remains of what was once his soul. Philidor the Arch- .... :.: the Powers favoring or opposing them by direct action. mage, the Blue Wizard, looks calmly out over Iuz’s lado 2 There is one exception to this non-intervention law. from the Vesve Forest, biding his time. Iuz is an empel 2 St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel has been allowed to strike now, but he is not invulnerable. e T r i e s f h d of luz desoriqtions of the Lands of Ius whioh follow, The situation in the Bandit Lands is a good example. priests usually play B major, often dominating, These, considerations are important when estahlishing is chaptkr describes their organization, and pre- campaigns in the evil empire of Iuz. In its heartlands, priests are deadly enemies the PCs can regard only as fit for cold steel and searing magical strikes. However, the priests have weaknesses; juniors are often appalled at the . Rule Through Feiw thought of reporting any kind of failing to superiors and may try to cover up “aooidents,’” including attacks by Pe. This is the cardinal principle of the priesthood. Priests of Wily PCq will exploit this +eakness. In the eastern lands, ’’ Iuz rule hy fear over the slaw, humanoids, non-priestly where dFions are more open, PCs may even be able to human servitors of Iuz, least fiends, and even lesser exploit them more directly, pitting e+ against itself. fiends if tht. orikst is wwerful enoueh. Position in the hierarchy is &&be established, &kept, through fear. Pries& and Clerics At the apex df the pyramid are the tiigh Priestesses. There are cmrently but two of these, AIthea and Halga, In AD&D 2nd Edition rules, the cleric is allowed as an among the Gredter Boneheart, he’s central oonclave of option f4r those DMs and players who don’t wmt to use , . human servants. The only High Priest, Patch, was specialty priest des. In the game setting of IUZ, a great . ..’. destroyed in Furyondy during the Greyhawk Wars. The deal of dharacter is lost by not using the rules for spe- ’ ’A H iRi estessesi fear Iw and his rages, since they spend cialty ptiests. It is strongly suggested that players and muoh time in Dorakaa. The Lesser Boneheart priests DMs don’t opt far the cleric as an alternative, ignoring have the same fear of Iuz, but also have to fear the €It& the speojal rules for armor, weapon, and spell restrictions Priesresse~w, hosee them as possible future rivals. of this nyl@ priesthood. This may upset game balance. Md- to hi-~(9-13l)ev 4 priests of Iuz fear both Iuz The term “cleric” is used in a special sense in this :: him@f, since h$ may summon them to Dorakaa on rare gameboak to apply to a “secondary priesthood.” The old occsskoas, and &e Boneheart Priest(esse)s, especially if priestho+d of Iuz, horn in his homeland, is very jealous of 2 there is one in &e area. However, these mid-level priests its privileges and secrets. When it recruits new members ’. are in B good pdsition, hecause they can plausibly play from oonquered lands, it often does not pass on the . the “Old One card” in their situation. This involves temi- seorets gf cult spells or important special powers; and fying their juri.' rs by promising that, if they don’t do these new converts never attain the.exalted status of everything the$d-level pdests demand, “the Old One members of the Boneheart. These “foreign” recruifs can will he& of this.’ Though many of these middling priests he termed “clerics,” and the following rules apply to hardy have the ear of Iuz, they can plausibly appear to, them. which hightens their juniors witless. Also, most of these Cleric* may use any armor or weapons. They can only more exalted priests have dealings with greater fiends, use spellb from the sanie spheres which priests do. They which also sen& to frighten thme below them. gain on11 the first two additional powers of specialty Low- to mid- level (5-8) priests continue this chain of priests slf 3rd and 5th levels of expetience, hut not the ding through feq but their psition is weaker since they fem/enehation powers. These points apply notably to -of play &e ?Old One card.” Threatening to go to their orc, orog and half-oro clerics of luz, as such humanoids immediate superior may appear as a sign of weakness or are not accepted as full priests, lack of authority, so their position is often not envious. The lowest-lev4 priests are at the bottom of the pi&, of Priesdy Rites imd Rituals cow. Howeve$ they are usually the ones with day-to- day command mer slaves, humanoids and soldiery, and Iuz’s priests are deprave aCty people. They revel in often take their f+ OW on thme haplea targets. .’ murder, bain, and suffering. These are creaturqs with no This theme 04 dership and command through fear is redeemiipg features whatsoever. Surely the reeer needs crucial to understandin.e. the D. riesthood. In the lands no &.. ap. hlc descriptions of the horrors of this cfflt. S&ce where luz has a firm grip. a chronic state oi fear runs ic to say rhn1 ancrilice, 10riure and wc~mt.t ake place ill through the ~riesthood.E ach fears his senior and feels the pnedy ceremonies where fiends gloat and mindleu, . evil things slaver and drool. However, Iuz’s priesthood has also grown strong in the : ways of m@c. Many new cult spells and magical items .: est with destruptive spells and mounting murderous have heen developed hy the malefic ingenuity of thme peo- hunting forays against Fellreev bandits. Where Iuz does schisms. lnterqal power struggles, open disloyalty senion, and f i ib etween equals are all commonplac< I I I. Powers of Ithe Priesthood Fifth Level Spells Si<& Level spells Animal 8jmmoning II Aerial %Want Rules for specialty priests of Iuz are given in From the Atonemeht (2) Animal Summoning Ill Ashes, Atlas of the Flawess book. The rules and powers Bloodgloat (P) Animate Object noted below are an expansion of thase listed there. Cure Critjcal Wounds (R) Chain Madness (P) Dispel -Good Conjure Animals Expanded Spell List Flame Sqike Death Touch (P) Lifebane (P) Heal (R) . . . . The listing below shows a complete selection of spells Quest Summon Varrangoin (P) ~ available to priests of luz. These do not include those Raise Dea-d (K) Vampiric Mist (P) from the Tome of Magic;a nd spells therein may be added Screamink Skull (.P), word of Kecall if the DM wishes, in accordanoe with the listing of spell Stone Guise (P) spheres usable by luz’s priests. Priests and clerics of luz Summon Shadow 0 may both employ sixth-level spells if of high enough VenomedClaws (P) experience level, whde on the Prime Material only. How- ever, they cannot command seventh-level spells at all. Special Notes: (1) creatures subject to this spell save The spell listing includes the following special cases: against spells at c4 to negate the effect, since they are of . . ..’ (P) indioates a spell which is only available to specialty a nature greatly opposed to Iuzs priesthood. If success- priests. Mere clerics of Iuz may not use these spells. fully sudmaned, such creatures are forced to comply These are dl new spells, detailed in this chapter. with the tequest of the priest, but do so unwillingly. (2) (K) indicates a spell usable in reversed form only. This spell is not often used, to bay the least. Those who (W) indicates a spell from the Wizard spell lists. These have offended their master don’t get second chances. are all Necromantic spells. Again, the ability to use these Only in @e case of extreme oircumstances, such as mag- spells is restricted to specialty priests of luz. ically induced alignment change, would luz even con- sider the possibility of permitti@ atonement. First Level soells Second Level Spells New 4riesthood ~ p e b Bless Aid CChomill bTionuec h 0, _ ACuhgainuty Note that two new specialty priest spells, screaming . Command Detect Charm skull andivampilic met, are derailed in From The Ashes Cure Light Wounds (R) Enthd (referenck oards). Material components listed for spells Deteot EvivGood Find Traps are not dnsumed in the spellcasting unless this is s@- Detect Magic Hold Person fied. For dach spell, the material component is an Unholy Detect Poison Know Aliient symbol of Iua unless otherwise noted. Some spell de- Detect Snares &Pits Speak with Animals scriptio& inolude notes.on the purposes for which Detect Undead 0 Spectral Hand 0 priests d&eloped these . Invisibility to Undesd Spiritual Hammer i ,, Light (K) Blaekhana (Abjurati4) Magical Stone ~ Purify Food & Drink (K) Level3 ! Remove Fear Range: 6d yards Shillelagh Componipts: S, M Duration:!S pecial Third Level spells Fourth Level Spells Casting Time: 6 ~. Animate Dead Abjure Area of Effect: Special Blackhand (P) Animal Summoning 1 Saving Tvw: Special Continual Light (R) Bonechain (P) Cure Blindness or Call Woodland Beings (1) This spell negates the effect of protectionfrom evil Deafness (K) Clawcloud (P) spells, inlluding the 10’ radius version, and may also Cure Disease (R) Cloak of Bravery affeot the protection from evil effect paladins exert. Feign Death Cure Serious Wmnda (R) When CB ting the spell, the priest’s hands become hate Object Enelvation 0 envelopeiih B hlaok aura. Eaob round thereafter, while Negative Plane Protection Free Action the pries1 maintains concentration, he may point his Prayer Imbue with Soell Abilihi hands at +ne target creature within the range of effect. If Speak with Dead that creqnre is,in any way protected hy pmtectionfrom Turnbane (P) mil, the effect IS cancelled. There is no saving throw to Vampiric Touch 0 negate this, except for paladins. A paladin making a suc-

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