TheAnarchistLibrary Anti-Copyright Its core is the negation Alejandro de Acosta AlejandrodeAcosta Itscoreisthenegation Spring2013 RetrievedonMarch19,2013from Spring 2013 Iintuittwothingshere:thatpluralismseemstocontinually revealitsrelativistcoremoreandmoreoften,andthattherev- elation of the relativist core will make it increasingly easier for the nihilist position to be stated, with all of its disruptive Contents effects. Conversely, as I have suggested, merely stating the ni- hilist position coherently has effects. I propose that those inter- estedmakeittheirbusinesstodeploythetriplicity.TowhichI will immediately add: there will be stupid and parodic versions 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ofthismoment.Forsomeofusthismomentwillbelivedentirely 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 as parody and stupidity. But there will also be, for some, an 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 opportunity to refine what our anarchism has always meant, 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 not as the direction history or society is going in, not as the truthofatradition,orasanidealofanysort,butasthatwhich breaks from such orientations in the most absolute sense: the negating prefixes a-, an-, anti-… anti-politics as a provisional orientation,branchingoutintocountlessrefusals.13Ourethics emergesandgivesitselftothoughtonlywherebreaksandre- fusalsclearasufficientspace.Weknowalmostnothingabout such spaces, so our ethics might also be defined as the provi- sional disorientation with which we approach our ways of liv- ing, the interminable and necessary skepticism that character- izesourthinking’smotion. 13Speaking for myself, I underestimated the negative in the political sphere,thepowerofnegativity(theattitudetowardsworld,society,specta- cle,whateversetsitselfupastheAll).Mytemperamentledmetoemphasize ethical questions about how to live a life of joy, about the places of affir- mation(individualism/egoism,theaestheticsensibilitythatneverlies).Ido thinkonecanaffirmone’sownlife,affirmthenothinginit,sotospeak,as one resists. Until I realized this, I drifted near this space, but never really knewit.Iremainedconfusedaboutthenegative,abouttheeffectivenessof theprefixesa-,an-,anti-… 22 3 ingly unimaginative discussions, as if to systematically shut downthepossibilityofsuchquestioning? What these four consequences add up to is perhaps some- thingontheorderofaparadigmshiftthatsomeofusareper- haps dimly beginning to perceive. Or perhaps it is much big- ger and more terrifying than a paradigm shift could ever be. Rousselleoverestimatestheimportanceandcentralityofpost- anarchism to anarchist theory (and, needless to say, various milieus),andhisclaimthathistheorizingafterpost-anarchism consolidates the shift from pluralist/relativist post-anarchism, withitsreformistandradicalliberaltendencies,andafullyni- hilisttheoryexpressingthelatentdestructivecontentofanar- chism,ismisplaced.Butincreasingemphasisonnihilistideas, and the increasing prevalence of what could be called nihilist measures, is a condition that involves us all to some degree. And we have tried to think it through and respond. The call foranendtogovernmentinsteadofabetter,moredemocratic, more egalitarian form of government is ancient. The call for the abolition of work instead of just, fair, or dignified work is decadesold,atleast.Howmanyofusnolongercriticizecom- petition so as to contrast it with cooperation, but because the victory it offers is laughably meaningless? How many of us have more or less explicitly shifted from advocating a plural- ityofgenderstoponderingtheconditionsfortheabolitionof genderassuch?Whattomakeoftheincreasingoppositionto programmatism12 and demands in moments of confrontation andoccupation? 12AusefultermIborrowfromThéorieCommuniste.Astheydefineit: “atheoryandpracticeofclassstruggleinwhichtheproletariatfinds,inits drivetowardliberation,thefundamentalelementsofafuturesocialorganisa- tionwhichbecometheprogrammetoberealised.Thisrevolutionisthusthe affirmation of the proletariat, whether as a dictatorship of the proletariat, workers’ councils, the liberation of work, a period of transition, the with- eringofthestate,generalisedself-management,ora‘societyofassociated producers’.”“MuchAdoAboutNothing,”inEndnotes1,155. 21 acolossalgap,betweentheimplosion-momentofsocietieslike 1 oursandtheeternalmeaninglessnessofvalueclaimsandmoral codes. Anti-politics might be said only to address the former, I have always considered my inclination to anarchy to be while ethical nihilism ultimately invokes the latter. But anti- irreducible to a politics. Anarchist commitments run deeper. politicsmayalsorevealethicalnihilism;ourwillfulactionmay Theyaremoreintimate,concerningsupposedlypersonalorpri- acceleratetheex-orimplosionoftheworldtorevealmoreof vatematters;buttheyalsooverflowtheinstrumentalrealmof themeaninglessnessithasbeendesignedtoconceal. getting things done. Over time, I have shifted from thinking Thefourthconsequenceisthatnihilismisalsoacondition.It that anarchist commitments are more than a politics to think- isnotmerelythosewhomakeittheirbusinesstothinkandact ing that they are something other than a politics. I continue inthe worldthat areliving with nihilism. The forceof ethical toreturntothislatterformulation.Itrequiresthinkingthings nihilismisnotsomuchinbeingapositiononeadvocatesasin through,notjustpickingateam;itismoredifficulttoarticulate itsunderminingofothers’claimstocertainty.Ifweareableto anditismoretroublingtoourinheritedcommonsense.1 Ido dothissometimesitisbecausetherearemanyotherswho,in notthinkIamaloneinthis.Ithasoccurredtosomeofustoreg- arapidlydecomposingsociety,moreorlessconsciouslygrasp isterthisfeelingofothernessbycallingouranarchistcommit- thehollownessineverycodeofaction.Takethispassagefrom mentsanethics.Ithasalsooccurredtosomeofustocallthese Heideggerasanillustration: commitmentsanti-political.Ithinktheseformulationsare,for manyofus,implicitlyinterlinked,thoughhardlyinterchange- Therealmfortheessenceandeventofnihilismis able. What concerns me here in the main is the challenge of metaphysicsitself,alwaysassumingthatby“meta- whatitcouldmeantoliveoutourcommitmentsasanethics— physics”wearenotthinkingofadoctrineoronly though I think the relevance of this thinking to anti-politics ofaspecializeddisciplineofphilosophybutofthe willbeclarifiedaswell. fundamental structure of beings in their entirety I intentionally write ethics, and not morality: as I see it, … Metaphysics is the space of history in which it ethics concerns the flourishing of life, the refinement of becomesdestinyforthesupersensoryworld,ideas, desirablewaysoflife,happylives.Tiqqunputitwell: God,morallaw,theauthorityofreason,progress, thehappinessofthegreatestnumber,culture,and When we use the term “ethical” we’re never re- civilizationtoforfeittheirconstructivepowerand ferringtoasetofpreceptscapableofformulation, tobecomevoid.11 of rules to observe, of codes to establish. Coming from us, the word “ethical” designates everything DareIaddherethatsomethingofthisconditionwasalsoges- havingtodowithforms-of-life.…Noformalethics turedtowardinafewprecioustextsonpostmodernism,texts ispossible.Thereisonlytheinterplayofforms-of- which raised tremendous questions about their present, and byextensionours,onlytobeburiedinanavalancheofincreas- 1“Il senso più comune non è il più vero,” wrote the heretic Giordano Bruno:“Themostcommonsenseisnotthetruest.”ThetypeofthinkingI 11“Nietzsche’sword:GodisDead,”inOfftheBeatenTrack,165. invokeheretakesitsdistancefromwhattheMassregardsascommonsense. 20 5 lifeamongthemselves,andtheprotocolsofexper- nihilist position into any one practice or set of practices. De- imentationthatguidethemlocally.2 structivepractices,partialorabsolute,donotfollowmechani- callyfromnegation.Destructionisnotthepracticalapplication Many of us have been able to reject morality as a form of ofanegativetheory.Iamcertainlynotsayingthatdestruction socialcontrol,asthestultifyingpressureoftheMassonus,as is not worthwhile as a practice or set of practices; but I am imposed or self-imposed limitation on what we do and what saying that nihilists by definition reject the overidentification we are capable of doing. Much the same could be said for of any practice with their negation of existing moralities and any ethical universalism which, though emphasizing ways of normativeapproachestoethics.Itismysensethat,oncetheni- life and not moral codes or injunctions, tends to homogenize hilistpositionexistsassomethingotherthanacaricature,the waysoflifeinthenameofasharedgood;itdoessobysurrep- other positions will be increasingly undermined from within titiously presupposing that good and treating it as a natural andwithout. fact or self-evident transcultural reality. In short, it rejects Thethirdconsequenceisthatethicalnihilismismorethana transcendent morality only to re-introduce it immanently. theory.Itisawayoflivingandthinking,aform-of-lifeinwhich Our rejection of this single Good went often enough in the the two are not separate. That Rousselle discusses it only as a direction of pluralism: the story went that there were many theoryleavesittotherestofustoelaboratewhatelseitis,what Goods, many valid or desirable forms of life. This seemed itlookslike,assomesay,orhowitispracticed.Itismysense obvious enough, even intuitive, to many of us. The story thathewasabletowritethisbookbecauseofeventsandsitua- went well with anarchist principles of decentralization and tionsinhislife,inthemilieu,inotherplaces.SowhenIinvoke voluntary association, and resonated with many in the years thepracticalaspectofnihilism,havingalreadysaidthatitcan- whenanti-globalizationrhetoricemphasizedMulticulturalism not be reduced to any practice or set of practices, I mean two as a practice of resistance and The Local as the site of its things. First, that I mean to underline the unusual tone of all practice.Italsomadesense,oratleastwasuseful,insofarasit thepracticesofthosethatacceptsomeversionoftheperspec- wasanefficientwaytocommunicateananarchistperspective tivethatthereisnoOutside(tocapitalism,civilization,orthe tonon-anarchists,especiallytopotentialanarchists. existent),orthatareprofoundlyskepticalaboutanyproposed So here we have two different approaches to ethics. One measurestogetOutside.Second,thattospeakofpracticesre- tries to secure access and orientation to a single flourishing latedtoethicalnihilismcontinuestomakeitseemlikeatheory form, the criterion being that it be understandable by all: thatendorsesorsuggestsacourseofaction,whileitsinterest the Good unifies. The other approach claims that there are is precisely that it may not do so. Monsieur Dupont’s phrase many such forms, and this plurality itself is the criterion: Do Nothing is relevant here: “Do Nothing… was and remains the Good distributes itself into Goods. Always suspicious of a provocation. […] Do Nothing is an immediate reflection of universalizing claims, for many years I sided (more or less DoSomethinganditsmoralapparatus.”10Fromweirdpractices comfortably)withthelatter,participatinginagameofadding to doing nothing: this is precisely the enigmatic space where anti-politicsconvergeswithethics.Yes,thereisagap,perhaps 2TheoryofBloom,LBCBooksversion,144.Thesephrasescondensean entiretrajectoryofwritingonethicsthatencompassesDeleuze,Agamben, andBadiou,beginning,naturally,withSpinozaandNietzsche. 10NihilistCommunism,198. 6 19 advocatearenewalofsociety,animprovementofgovernment -s to the end of words like people, culture, gender, and so andmanagement(asself-government,self-management),sug- on. Though I was never too concerned to recruit, so that the gesting pluralist approaches — are likely to refuse to discuss benefits of communicability were irrelevant to me, this game ormakeexplicittheuniversalistcoreoftheirthought.Others nevertheless seemed linked to an affirmative gesture, affir- mightadvocatethesamepractices,whileprivatelysensingor mative specifically of difference and plurality in the political evenadmittingthehollownessofthevaluestheydefend.(One sphere.Therewasalwaysthequestionofrecuperation,i.e.that disingenuous result of these private/public conflicts is the un- governmental and other institutions so easily incorporated restrainedimpulsetoactnomatterwhat,asthoughactioncan such pluralism into their functioning as its liberal pole (the neverbedamagingorcompromised,coupledwithclaimsthat conservative pole, which was always present implicitly at it is all an experiment, that we are learning as we go, and so least, had to do with norms of governance or rule-following on.)Thisoffersanewperspectiveontheemergenceandsignif- generally).Forexample,thesedaysuniversityadministrations icanceofsecond-waveanarchy9 generally,includingpost-Left trumpetMulticulturalismlouderthananyoneelse,andLocally anarchy, green/anti-civilization anarchy, and, I suppose, post- Sourced is a hot marketing term. This troubled those of us anarchismaswell,allofwhichmightnowbeseenasattempts who took this side, but we countered by emphasizing what toanalyzeandrevealthesecontradictions,tomakeexplicitthe could be called raw plurality as opposed to the masticated, ways in which anarchist discourse was always at war with it- digested,andregurgitatedversionwegotfromadministrators self. and mouthpieces of all sorts. Choosing pluralism, eagerly or Thesecondconsequencecomplementsthefirst:anotherset grudgingly, we might have ended up as uneasy relativists; or of anarchists confuses ethical pluralism with ethical nihilism. we might have been working hard to expand the frontiers of Here merely stating the ethical nihilist position coherently has liberalism and democracy, there where the word radical finds effects. In this respect I think of those who might have over- itsmostdocilepartners…3 come the liberal value-set in politics, advocating destruction Ihavecometorealize,afterwhatInowrecognizetobegood oftheexistent,butcontinuetodriftbacktopluralist/relativist deal of confusion, if not unconscious hedging, that even as I perspectivesineverydaylifeandproblem-solvingduetoalack laboredonthelimitsofpluralism,mythinkingwasincongru- ofimagination.Thisprobablyresultsfromunconsciouslyposit- ous with that position. My writing and conversations repeat- ing a pluralist society as what comes after a destructive mo- edly gestured in the direction of another position, irreducible ment,whilenotconsciouslyframingdestructiveactionashav- touniversalismandevermoredesperateattemptsatpluralism. ing any particular goal beyond destruction of the existent. I should add here that it would be hasty to collapse the ethical 3Itisalsofairtosaythat,sincepluralismissuchakeyaspectofliberal- ism,manyanarchistssimplyclingtoakindofradicalizedliberalismastheir 9For those not familiar with it, this term was introduced by John ethics,andtheirpolitics,notbecauseofanygapsintheirthinking,butbe- MooretorefertoanarchisttheoryandpracticeaftertheSituationistInterna- causetheyactuallyareradicalliberals.Theproblem,ofcourse,iseitherthat tional.ItmightbeconsideredtellingthatMooreofferedtheterminareview theydonotrecognizeit,orthattheywillnotadmitit.AtleastChomsky,in ofafoundationalpost-anarchistbookbyToddMay.Thereviewwasorigi- the1970lecture“GovernmentintheFuture,”admittedasmuch,advocating nallypublishedinAnarchistStudies,butIknowitfromazinecalledSecond aconfluenceofradicalMarxismandanarchismas“theproperandnatural WaveAnarchy. extensionofclassicalliberalismintotheeraofadvancedindustrialsociety.” 18 7 ItisanihilismthatdeniesthevalidityofthesingularGoodat us as lessons—logical lessons about what anarchy means. Its the heart of universalism, as well as the distinct senses of the coreisthenegation. Good at the heart of pluralism. For nihilists, the only ethical gesture is negative: a rejection of the claims to authority of 4 universalism and pluralism. For us, all such claims are empty, groundless, ultimately meaningless. And this is what was re- Such logical lessons are useful, arguably necessary, if we ally at stake in distinguishing ethics and morality. My idea of wanttodiscardhopeatthisjunctureandthinkwithmoresobri- a happy life is not something I reason my way to, or choose, ety. Most of the thinking from this perspective remains to be butrathersomethingthatmanifestssenselessly…butIcanuse done. It concerns the conjunctions and disjunctions between my reasoning (my judgment, even!) to help in pushing back, several senses of nihilism. First, there are those most familiar reducing,destroyingeverythingthatblocksmywayoflife. in the milieu as positions: nihilist anarchy and nihilist com- Thisreportonwhatmustbenotonlymyowntrajectory,but munism. Second, there is nihilism as a theoretical concern in also part of the history of the last twenty-five years (more or other writers, from Jacobi to Baudrillard. Lastly, there is the less for some others) is due in part to some crucial pages in diagnostic sense of nihilism inherited from Nietzsche. Artic- Duane Rousselle’s After Post-Anarchism that consolidated this ulating these with the ethical nihilism Rousselle discovers/in- thought of nihilism for me. Rousselle argues that the nihilist ventsatthecoreofanarchismwillbeacomplicatedtask,soI positionIhavejustdescribedhasalwaysbeentheethicalcore willlimitmyselfheretoanenumerationofprovisionalconse- ofanarchism,andthatwearenowinamomentwherethismay quencesstemmingfromwhatIhavewrittensofar.Iofferthese finallyberecognized. consequences as a relay from After Post-Anarchism’s provoca- tions to the thinking that remains to be done: to make it pos- 2 sible, to prepare it as best I know how. The first two conse- quences suggest how we might deploy the triplicity to under- I want to respond to After Post-Anarchism because it con- standandcritiquecontemporaryanarchistapproaches.Thelat- tains that significant provocation. Unfortunately, for most of ter two concern the broader relevance and context for ethical its readers, this book cannot but be an exotic object. To what- nihilism,settingoutfromtheanarchistcontext. everdegreeitdiscussesfamiliarideasorevenlivedsituations, The first consequence is that it is now clear that many con- it does so through arcane routes. Yes, it is difficult reading; temporary anarchists confusedly combine ethical universalism but it is not by engaging with what is most difficult in it that with ethical pluralism; and ethical universalism with ethical ni- readers will happen upon the few remarkable insights that it hilism.Inasocietylikeours,onewhoseidealissupposedlylib- contains.Rousselle’swritingisdifficultbecauseofthedensity eraldemocracy,weshouldexpectpluralistlanguagetobethe of his references and because of an unfortunate penchant for most likely one in which radicals will offer their analysis and wordinessanddigression.AlthoughIwouldbethelasttosay proposals.Communityorganizing,consciousness-raising,and thateveryideaarticulatedintheoreticalorabstracttermscan soon,haveobviouslinkstoliberalismandareatbestitsradi- alsobephrasedinordinary,so-calledaccessiblelanguage,Isus- calforms.Asaresult,moralistictypes—thosewhopublically 8 17 thecase,thenihilistpositionwillbeknowninthatitexposes pectthatmuchofwhatIfindvaluableinAfterPost-Anarchism the differend between itself and the others, and between the can indeed be restated otherwise. I intend to do so here. As othersandthemselves. I noted, this aspect of After Post-Anarchism struck me as an This is consistent with the basic formulation of nihilism as unusuallyclearformulationofthoughtsIhadbeenstruggling a negative ethics. Actions taken in its name are always provi- to express for years (among other places, in the pages of this sional: to reiterate from Theory of Bloom, all we have and all magazine).So,insteadofabroadercritiqueofpost-anarchism we know is “the interplay of forms-of-life” and “the protocols (whichRoussellehasaknackforfoldingbackintoapleaforits of experimentation that guide them.” No one knows what the relevance) I will limit myself to some brief remarks about his world would be like if it were populated with nihilists alone! misprisionoftherespectiverolesoftheoryandpractice.4 Following the previously cited sentence on the negativity at Post-anarchism receives numerous formulations in this thecoreofthetradition,Roussellecitesoneofhissources,the book, but really only two definitions. The first is simply that moralphilosopherJ.L.Mackie: it is a “discursive strategy” (31): not so much a theory as the outcome of ongoing discussions and debates in a theoretical [W]hat I have called moral scepticism is a neg- space where anarchism, post-structuralism, and new social ative doctrine, not a positive one: it says what movements (as theorized by their participants and outsiders) there isn’t, not what there is. It says that there intersect. In this respect I could make many objections or do not exist entities or relations of a certain kind, clarifications, but I will simply note that for such investiga- objective values or requirements, which many tions to proceed as Rousselle intends, anarchism (as “classical people have believed to exist. If [this] position is anarchism,” 4 and passim) must be interpreted as “anarchist to be at all plausible, [it] must give some account philosophy,”sometimes “traditional anarchist philosophy” (39 of how other people have fallen into what [it] and passim).5 The second definition, which follows from the regards as an error, and this account will have firstbutismoreprovocative,isthatpost-anarchism“issimply to include some positive suggestions about how anarchism folded back onto itself” (136). For Rousselle this values fail to be objective, about what has been means an anarchic questioning of the ethical basis of anar- mistaken for, or has led to false beliefs about, objectivevalues.Butthiswillbeadevelopmentof 4Idonotintendtoattackwhatisalltooeasytocriticizeinabook [the] theory, not its core: its core is the negation. framed as an intervention into post-anarchism, a topic that I am not con- (99) cernedwith,andwhichIamsureislessthanpopularwiththereadership ofAJODA.Ihappilyleavethetaskofsettlingtheaccountsofthisbookwith theproponentsandopponentsofpost-anarchismtothosewhofinditworth- Inmylanguage,thenegationcorrespondstoethicsasaway while.IsimilarlyleavetoonesidethediscussionoftherelationofGeorges oflife;theaccountoferror,towhatIcallacounter-rhetoric.I Bataille’sideastoethicalnihilisminthebook’sfinalchapter. praise Rousselle, then, because he contributed to a defense of 5Rousselleonlymakesoccasionalreferencesto“classical”anarchists whatisnegativeinanarchism,whilealsohintingatadefense otherthanKropotkin,whoishismajorcasestudy.Itakeitthisisbecause Kropotkinisthoughtofasthemostexplicitlyethicaloftheoriginalanar- of negativity as such. He makes space for us to read passages chists,andalsobecausehehasbeentheobjectofsustainedattentionamong suchastheonebyMackie,above,creatively,offeringthemto post-anarchists. 16 9 chism,asearchfortheanarchyinanarchism;helaterspecifies Rousselle suggests that, although most post-anarchists his own version of this folding in terms of the distinction thought they were improving upon anarchism or developing betweenmanifestandlatentcontentsofstatements. its intuitions, they were in fact rendering it more docile, HereIcanunderlineboththeweaknessandthepromiseof becausemoreakintoliberalideals;he,ontheotherhand,has Rousselle’s approach. Whatever the silliness of the term post- revealed its nihilist core, its true and original inclination to anarchism, I think the second definition’s project of question- anarchy.Theproblemnowbecomes:whenanarchistsdisavow ing, of folding back reflexively, is of interest to any anarchist this nihilist core, opting for some version of relativism (or whodoesnottaketheirpositiononquestionsofmoralityand universalism!),howdoweanswerthem?Forthesamereasons ethics(oranythingelse,forthatmatter)forgranted.Whenhe that I do not take Kropotkin’s or Bakunin’s manifest ideas as ispursuingthissortofquestioning,Rousselleisathisstrongest. my guides, I do not take what analysis might reveal as their Whenheistreatingtheanarchisttraditioninterchangeablyas latent content as my guide. And if I do not find this kind of a series of historical figures, events, practices, etc. and as the argumentation compelling, why would I use it on another? discursive or conceptual framing that can be abstracted from ThisiswhereRousselle’sintellectualistassumptionsundercut them(“anarchistphilosophy”),heisathisweakest.Herepeat- the force of his claims. I do think, however, that the ethical edly falls into the intellectualist trap of describing actions as nihilistpositionisatthecoreofmostanarchistdiscourseand theresultofpre-existingtheoreticalattitudes.“Canweatleast practice, as its latent content. That is, I think he is basically provisionally admit,” he asks rhetorically, “that anarchism is right, not specifically about so-called classical anarchism, but, notatraditionofcanonicalthinkersbutoneofcanonicalprac- proximatelyandforthemostpart,aboutanarchists.Rousselle’s ticesbasedonacanonicalselectionofethicalpremises?”(129). psychoanalytically inspired method of reading texts should Freeing himself from the idea of an anarchist movement set be transformed into a rhetoric, or rather a counter-rhetoric, into motion by a bearded man’s intellect, he remains on the that can intervene in the present more directly. What he side of the intellect by presupposing of a pre-existing set of does with old texts, others might be able to do with people, premisesonwhichpracticesare“based”andfromwhichthey groups, and contemporary texts. But how and when to use derivetheirstatusas“canonical.” thiscounter-rhetoric?TheleastIcansayisthatIamnotinthe One more critical remark about the weakness in this ap- businessofconvincinganyoneaboutwhattheyreallythink.I proach. Rousselle describes post-anarchism in a third way, maywellkeepmyanalysistomyself,orstateitinresignation and this one is not so much a definition as an illustration. He of being misunderstood; or I may use it to attack. Whatever writes that post-anarchism is the “new paradigm” (126) of archists in their reconstruction of “classical anarchism.” Many egoists, for anarchist thought: “The paradigm shift… that made its way example,explicitlystatedwhatRousselleclaimscanonlybegraspedasala- into the anarchist discourse, as ‘post-anarchism,’ allowed for tentcontent(i.e.whatappearsonlywhenexplicitstatementsareanalyzed). the realization and elucidation of the ethical component of ThebestonecansayaboutRousselle’sanalysisinthisregardisthatitdesta- traditional anarchist philosophy” (129). He is so zealous in bilizes what many consider to be the center and the margins of the anar- chisttradition,orcanon.Butitdoesleaveonewonderingwhyhediscusses his promotion of this term that several times in his book he KropotkinatsuchlengthinsteadofStirnerorNovatore,forexample,who annexes authors who explicitly reject the term, such as Uri arereferencedonlyinpassing.Istheresomethingatstakeforhiminempha- Gordon and Gabriel Kuhn, to the cause. This all seems to me sizingethicalnihilismasalatentcontentasopposedtoamanifestone? 10 15