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Itinerant and local-moment magnetism in strongly correlated electron systems Sebastian Schmitt,1 Norbert Grewe,2 and Torben Jabben2 1Lehrstuhl fu¨r Theoretische Physik II, Technische Universita¨t Dortmund, Otto-Hahn Str. 4, D-44227 Dortmund, Germany 2Institut fu¨r Festko¨rperphysik, Technische Universita¨t Darmstadt, Hochschulstr. 6, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany (Dated: January 6, 2012) Detailed analysis of the magnetic properties of the Hubbard model within dynamical mean-field theory(DMFT)ispresented. UsingaRPA-likedecouplingoftwo-particlepropagatorswederivean universalformforsusceptibilities,whichcapturesessentialaspectsoflocalizedanditinerantpictures. This expression is shown to be quantitatively valid whenever long-range coherence of particle-hole 2 excitationscan beneglected, asisthecase inlarge partsofthephasediagram whereantiferromag- 1 netismisdominant. Theapplicability ofaninterpretationintermsofthetwoarchetypicalpictures 0 ofmagnetismisinvestigatedfortheHubbardmodelonabody-centeredcubiclatticewithadditional 2 next-nearest neighbor hopping t′. For large values of the Coulomb interaction, local-moment mag- n netism is found to be dominant, while for weakly interacting band electrons itinerant quasiparticle a magnetismprevails. Intheintermediateregimeandforfinitet′anre-entrantbehaviorisdiscovered, J where antiferromagnetism only exists in a finitetemperature interval. 5 PACSnumbers: 71.10.Fd,71.45.Gm,75.10.-b,75.30.Kz ] l e - I. INTRODUCTION are best described in the local or itinerant picture, see, r t for example, Ref. 8. Due to the proximity of these sys- s tems to the Mott-insulating phase, the localized picture . The magnetic properties of solids are typically de- at scribed in terms of two archetypical and opposing view- is often proposed, whereas recent studies also revealed m thepresenceofitinerantspin-fluctuationsthroughoutthe points. On the one hand, the picture of weakly interact- whole Brillouin zone.9 - ing itinerant electron magnetism is usually implemented d formetallicsystems. Ontheotherhand,forsmalloverlap In the Hubbard model, all these aspects can be cap- n between sites or for strong local interactions the valence tured. Weakly interacting band electrons can be studied o c electrons can form localized moments and behave effec- forsmallvaluesofthe Coulombrepulsion. With increas- [ tively like spindegreesoffreedomofa Heisenbergmodel ing interaction strength the system undergoes a Mott (for introductory texts, see, for example, Refs. 1 and 2). metal-insulator transition above which it is best charac- 2 terizedbyaneffectiveHeisenbergspinmodel. Theinter- v Instronglycorrelatedelectronsystems,suchascuprate 9 high-temperature superconductors3 or heavy fermion esting region is close to the Mott transition where large 0 systems,4 such a clear distinction is often obscured since magnetic momentsanditinerantquasiparticlescompete. 5 aspects of both pictures appear. Due to the strong Frustrationeffects can be studied by considering,for ex- 4 ample, the influence of a next-nearest neighbor hopping Coulomb interaction the electrons are rather localized . in an otherwise bipartite lattice. 9 furnishing large magnetic moments. However, at low 0 temperatures usually a bandstructure of heavy but itin- The magnetic properties of the Hubbard model are 1 erant quasiparticles around the Fermi level forms, giv- verywellstudied. Eventhoughthemodelwasintroduced 1 ing rise to the screening of local moments. Central to in order to describe ferromagnetism (FM) this phase is : v the magnetic properties in these systems is the com- restrictedto verylargeinteractionstrengthanddepends i petition between quasiparticle-band formation, possibly on details of the bandstructure.1,10 Antiferromagnetism X spin-polarized,andorderingtendenciesoflargelocalmo- (AFM),however,representsagenericphaseofthemodel ar ments. and is found in large regions of phase space.1 Thiscompetitionyieldsespeciallyinterestingandnovel A very useful method to study the Hubbard model physics in the case of frustrated systems.5 In the re- in the strongly correlated regime near the Mott transi- cently studied frustratedheavy fermion systems, suchas tion is provided by the dynamical mean field theory11 LiV O , frustrated local moments dominate at elevated (DMFT). With this method one can access the single- 2 4 temperatures, while at low temperatures strongly corre- particle Greenfunction as wellas two-particle quantities lated quasiparticles emerge (see, for example, Ref. 6). like susceptibilities. Similarly, a competition between frustrated magnetic We willconsider the Bethe-Salpeter equationsandde- moments and a low temperature Fermi liquid has been rivecoupledequationsfordynamiclatticesusceptibilities proposed as an explanation for the re-entrant Mott- which prove equivalent to the usual expression known transition found in the highly frustrated organic com- from the DMFT,12,13 but lend themselves more directly pound κ-(ET) Cu[N(CN) ]Cl.7 In the context of the to our specific investigationof magnetism. The ultimate 2 2 cuprate high-temperature superconductors there is a goalofthisapproachistoanalyticalcontinuetheseequa- longstanding question whether the magnetic properties tions directly to the real axis and obtain integral equa- 2 tions for functions of real frequency arguments. theon-siteCoulombrepulsionisretained. Forthesakeof In this work, however, we employ an additional de- simplicity,weassumeionics-shellswithoutorbitaldegen- coupling scheme for the internal Matsubara summations eracyandwithremainingspin-degeneracyonly,although which allowsus to derive an universalapproximationfor the formal developments described below can easily be the susceptibility, which unifies localized and itinerant generalized. aspects of magnetism. We discuss the range of validity The Hamiltonian is given by of this formula and demonstrate its accurateness by re- Hˆ = t cˆ† cˆ + ǫcˆ† cˆ +U nˆ nˆ , (1) producingtheDMFT N´eeltemperatureforthe Hubbard ij iσ jσ iσ iσ i↑ i↓ modelonasimplecubic(SC)latticeinthreedimensions, Xij,σ Xiσ Xi D = 3. The appeal of this approach lies in its simplic- wheretheoperatorcˆ (cˆ† )annihilates(creates)anelec- ity compared to the usual Matsubara approach to two- iσ iσ tron in a localized Wannier orbital at lattice site i with particleproperties.14,15Onlyfunctionsofrealfrequencies spin σ, nˆ = cˆ† cˆ is the number operator and ǫ is the enter and the inversions of Matsubara-space matrices is iσ iσ iσ ionic level position where the chemical potential is al- avoided. ready taken into account. The electrons can transfer be- The competition between local-moment and itiner- tweensitesiandj withanamplitudet ,whichaccounts ij ant quasiparticle magnetism is studied for a three- for the itinerancy and band formation of the electrons. dimensional body-centered cubic (BCC) lattice with an The last term in Eq. (1) implements the local Coulomb additional next-nearest neighbor hopping t′. In situa- repulsion with the interaction matrix element U. tions where quasiparticle magnetism is dominant, the The structure of the lattice is encoded into the one- tendency towardmagnetic ordershould be strongly sup- particle hopping amplitude t , the Fourier transform of ij pressed by a finite next-nearest neighbor hopping, since which gives the single-particle dispersion relation the perfect nesting property of the Fermi surface is re- moved. On the other hand, local-moment magnetism is tk = 1 ei(Rj−Rl)ktjl. (2) less sensitive since the geometric frustration induced by N Xjl the next-nearest neighbor hopping reduces the effective exchange coupling only quadratically in t′. This behav- The noninteracting density of states (DOS) is entirely ior is indeed found for weak and strong Coulomb repul- determined by the dispersion relation sions, respectively. In the crossover region for interme- 1 diate interactions, an interesting re-entrant behavior is ρ0(ω)= δ(ω−tk). (3) N found where the effective picture to be used depends on Xk thetemperatureofthesystem. Crucialtotheoccurrence Despite its simplicity, the exact solution of the Hub- of this behavior is the presence of the frustrating next- bard Hamiltonian of Eq. (1) is only possible in one spa- nearest neighbor hopping t′. The findings of this work tialdimension16 (forarecentbook,see,e.g.,Ref.17)and are in accord with the common believe that frustration in infinite spatial dimensions, D → ∞ (with an appro- iscapableofproducingnovelandinterestingphenomena. priate rescaling the hopping parameters),18 by means of The paper is organized as follows. After a brief intro- the DMFT. In this work we will utilize DMFT in order duction of the model, Sect. II sketches the derivation of toextractanapproximatesolutionforthree dimensional the Bethe-Salpeter equations for lattice susceptibilities. systems. We present two different interpretations of the result- In finite dimensions the major approximation of ingsimpleformulaforthemagneticsusceptibility,onein DMFT is to treat all spatially nonlocal correlations in terms of local moments and the other utilizing itinerant a mean-field manner. For the single-particle properties, quasiparticles. In the first part of Sect. III we investi- thisimpliestheassumptionofamomentumindependent gate the validity of our approach and compare the N´eel interaction self-energy, ΣU(k,z)DM→FTΣU(z). Then, the temperatureforthe SClattice toknownresultsfromthe structureanddimensionalityofthe latticeentersthe lat- literature. The second part of this section then focuses tice Green function only via the dispersion relation, on the BCC lattice where the magnetic properties are investigated in detail. We also include two appendices, 1 G(k,z)= . (4) where more details on the technicalities are presented. z−ΣU(z)−t k Thefocusislaidonthesimilaritiesanddifferencesofthe the single-particle and two-particle set-up. However, the dependence on the (complex) energy variablez is not neglectedand thus dynamic localcorre- lations are fully retained within DMFT. The self-energy and the local Green function, II. MODEL AND METHOD 1 1 G(z)= (5) In metals the long-rangedCoulombinteraction is usu- N z−ΣU(z)−t Xk k ally screened and only short-range components have to 1 be considered. In order to study the effects of electronic = (6) correlationswe consider the Hubbard model, where only z−ΣU(z)−Γ(z) 3 canbe obtainedfromaneffective single-impurityAnder- otherparticle-holesusceptibilitiescanequallywellbecal- sonmodel(SIAM)embeddedinaself-consistentmedium culated from it. The charge susceptibility, for example, characterized by the hybridization function Γ(z). Once is obtained by using different matrix elements γ =−|e| σ theeffectiveSIAMissolvedforagivenΓ(z),anewguess in Eq. (8), which amounts to a different sum over the fortheself-energyisobtainedbyinvertingEq.(6),which matrix elements of the susceptibility matrix in Eq. (9). in turn is used to get G(z) via Eq. (5). Only in this last Therefore, we will focus in the following on the suscep- stepthe latticestructureenters. Theself-consistencycy- tibility matrix χ(q,iν ), without the specific pre-factors n cleisclosedbyreorganizingEq.(6)andextractinganew γ unless needed, i.e. for their signs. guess for Γ(z). a In analogy to the self-energy, the particle-hole irre- The nontrivial part in this cycle is the solution of the ducible two-particle interaction vertex is assumed to be effective SIAM. But due to its long history, a multi- momentum independent within DMFT,12,13 tude of different methods for treating this model exist, for example, exact diagonalization,19 several variations Π(iω ,k ,iω ,k ;iω′,k′,iω′,k′) (10) 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 of quantum Monte-Carlo schemes,20 and the numerical renormalizationgroup21 (NRG).Inthiswork,weemploy DM→FTΠ(iω ,iω ;iω′,iω′). 1 2 2 1 the enhanced non-crossing approximation22,23 (ENCA), which has no adjustable parameters and works directly As a consequence, sums overcrystalmomentum only in- on the real frequency axis. volve the one-particle propagators leading to simple lo- Thetendencytowardmagnetismisinvestigatedviathe cal expressions for closed loops or a geometric series for magneticsusceptibilityoftheparamagneticphase,which chains through the lattice. At interaction points crys- diverges at a second order phase transition. The suscep- tal momentum is only conserved on average. A similar tibility is given by the nonlocal time-dependent order- procedurefails for internalMatsubarasums since allfre- parameter correlation function quency dependencies are retained within DMFT. There- fore,the Bethe-Salpeter equations,asdetailed inthe ap- χmijag(τ)=hT Mˆiz(τ)Mˆjz(0) i, (7) pendix, have the structure of coupled integral equations (cid:2) (cid:3) in Matsubara frequency space. with the total magnetization operator at lattice site i Thedynamicsusceptibilityisobtainedbysummingthe Mˆz = γ nˆ . (8) appropriatetwo-particleGreenfunctionovertwointernal i a ia frequencies, Xa 1 Ingeneral,theindexadenotesorbitalandspinquantum χ(q,iν )= χ(q,iν |iω ,iω )e(iω1+iω2)δ. (11) n n 1 2 β numbers. With the assumption of s-shells one has espe- iωX1,iω2 cially a = σ and γ = −gµBσ, where g is the electron σ 2 The exponential incorporates infinitesimal convergence Land´e factor and µ the Bohr magneton. B factors δ which ensure the correct time ordering of the Equation (7) is already specified to isotropic situa- number-operators in the two-particle Green function. tions where the susceptibility tensor is diagonal and all Frequently,inparticularwhenusingQMCasimpurity diagonal elements are equal, i.e. χmag;αβ = χmag δ ij ij αβ solver, the two-particle lattice susceptibility is obtained (α,β = {x,y,z}). For a paramagnetic situation, the byinterpretingGreenfunctionsasmatricesinMatsubara transversesusceptibility is justgivenbytwice this value, frequency space, χ(q,iν |iω ,iω ) = χˆ | (indi- χmag;⊥ =2χmag. n 1 2 q,iνn ω1,ω2 ij ij catedbyahatandthedifferentplacementoftheexternal The wave-vectorand frequency dependent susceptibil- variable in our notation). The Bethe-Salpeter equation ity is obtained by the Fourier transform of Eq. (7), then has the structure of a matrix equation, where the 1 β internal frequency sums are represented by matrix mul- χmag(q,iνn)= (N)2 Z dτ eiνnτ eiq(Ri−Rj)χij(τ) tiplications, Xij 0 χˆ =−Pˆ −Pˆ Πˆ χˆ . (12) = γ γ hnˆ ihnˆ iδ + χ(q,iν ) . (9) q,iνn q,iνn q,iνn iνn q,iνn a b a b iνn,0 n Xab n h iabbao The particle-hole propagator Pˆ is determined by the q,νn where νn = 2βπn (n∈Z) arebosonicMatsubarafrequen- single-particle Green function (cf. Eq. (B29)), and ex- ciesandβ = 1 theinversetemperatureT. Wealready plicit two-particle interactions are incorporated via the separated thekBstTatic (iνn =0) unconnected part propor- irreducible vertex Πˆνn, which is a priori unknown and tional to a product of local occupation numbers hnˆai in hardtocalculatedirectlyforstronglycorrelatedsystems. the first term. For a description via effective impurities underlying We introduced a matrix notation in orbital space the DMFT-method, an analogous equation can be for- for the Fourier transform of the connected two-particle mulated, Green function, χ(q,iν ) = {χ (q,iν )} (see Ap- n a,b;c,d n χˆloc =−Pˆloc −Pˆloc Πˆ χˆloc. (13) pendix B). This is the central quantity of interest, as iνn iνn iνn iνn iνn 4 χˆloc is the dynamic local susceptibility of the effective quantities) and the external frequency ν is a real vari- iνn able. The indicatedmatrixstructureandinversionsonly impurity model and can be calculated in principle. The refer to the orbital/spin space. localparticle-holepropagatoris givenbythe momentum In the following we will focus on the magnetic suscep- sum of its lattice counter part, tibilityandonsimples-shells. Inthatcase,allquantities 1 arematrices in spin-space only. The particle-hole propa- Pˆloc = Pˆ , (14) iνn N q,iνn gators of the paramagnetic regime are spin-symmetric, Xq P = P ≡ P, and only two independent compo- ↑ ↓ andcan be calculatedwith knowledgeof the localGreen nents exist for the susceptibilities, χ↑,↑;↑,↑ =χ↓,↓;↓,↓ and function (see Eq. (B28)). χ↑,↓;↓,↑ = χ↓,↑;↑,↓. The magnetic susceptibility is a lin- The same irreducible local vertex Πˆ is assumed for ear combination of these two components, χmag(q,ν) = iνn χ (q,ν)−χ (q,ν), andcanbe expressedas(ne- ↑,↑;↑,↑ ↑,↓;↓,↑ the impurity and the lattice model. This makes it possi- glecting the prefactor (gµB)2), ble to eliminate it fromEqs.(13) and(12)and the usual 2 DMFT result for the lattice susceptibility is obtained 1 1 1 −1 χ (q,ν)= − + + . χˆq,iνn =(cid:20)−Pˆ−q,1iνn +χˆlioνcn−1+Pˆlioνcn−1(cid:21)−1. (15) mag h P(q,ν) Ploc(ν) χlmocag(ν)i (17) The inversions indicate matrix inversions in the space of Allquantitiesenteringthisformarescalarfunctionsofa Matsubara frequencies and orbital/spin space. It is im- realvariable. χloc (ν)isthedynamiclocalmagneticsus- mag portanttorealizethatallquantitiesenteringEq.(15)can ceptibilityoftheimpuritymodel,Ploc(ν)andP(q,ν)are be calculated directly from the effective impurity model thelocalandlatticedependentparticle-holepropagators, and the lattice Green function. One thus has an explicit whichonlydependonthefullyinteractingsingle-particle equation for the lattice susceptibility. Green function (see Eqs. (B28) and (B29)). However, the shortcoming of the approach sketched Thisspecificform(17)forthesusceptibilitylendsitself above is twofold. First, the set of Matsubara frequen- directly to interpretations in terms of the two archetypi- cies iωn is infinite as n ∈ Z. The Matsubara matri- cal physical pictures underlying magnetism: ces are therefore infinite dimensional, which is of course not sustainable in practical calculations and truncations (i) The picture of local-moment magnetism is sug- have to be introduced. Second, the calculated suscepti- gested if Eq. (17) is re-written as bilities are functions of complex Matsubara frequencies which have to be numerically continued to the real axis χlmocag(ν) χ (q,ν)= , (17a) which is mathematically an ill-defined problem. There mag 1−J(q,ν)χloc (ν) mag existsophisticatedtechniques,suchasmaximumentropy methods,24 but uncertainties and uncontrolled errors re- wherelocalspinscharacterizedbyχloc interactvia mag main. a nonlocal and dynamic exchange coupling Another approachutilizes the dynamic density-matrix renormalization group technique and a subsequent 1 1 J(q,ν)= − . (18) deconvolution.25Apartfrombeingveryresourceconsum- P(q,ν) Ploc(ν) ing, the deconvolution to obtain data on the real fre- quency axis might also introduce artefacts. This view is substantiated by approaching the In order to avoid these difficulties we take a different atomic limit. Then, the hopping matrix ele- route here. We introduce an additional approximation ments vanish, tk = 0, and the lattice and the and decouple the Matsubara sums in the Bethe-Salpeter local particle-hole propagators become identical, equations in a manner similar to the random-phase ap- P(q,ν)|t=0 = Ploc(ν). The susceptibility correctly proximation(RPA).FortechnicaldetailsseeappendixB. reducestothefullyinteractingsusceptibilityofiso- Themajoradvantageisthattheanalyticcontinuationof lated ions, allfrequency variablesto the realaxis,like iν →ν+iδ, n canbedoneanalytically. Asderivedintheappendix,the χmag(q,ν)|t=0 =χlmocag(ν). (19) result is26,2728 For half-filling andU >0 itis just givenby thatof χ(q,ν)= (16) a free spin −P(q,ν)−1+χloc(ν)−1+Ploc(ν)−1 −1. χ (q,ν)|t=0 = 1 δ(ν). (20) mag T h i The structure of this equation is of course the same as This result is easily extended to incorporate the Eq. (15), but the important difference is that no Mat- leading order correction due to the coupling to subara matrices occur (there are no hats are over the neighboringions. Expandingupto secondorderin 5 the hopping around the atomic limit yields the ex- combination with the correct incorporation of the weak change coupling J(q,ν)= 1 1 t t +O(t3). andstrongcouplinglimit. Andasitwillbeshowninthe U N k k k+q ThesusceptibilitythencorrectlyPreproducesthethe following, the qualitative and quantitative description of mean-fieldapproximationtotheHeisenbergmodel, correlation effects even for intermediate coupling is very good. 1 χ (q,ν)= δ(ν)+O(t3). (21) mag T −TC(q) In the usual weak-coupling RPA29 or exten- sions thereof, such as the fluctuation exchange In case of a simple-cubic lattice with near- approximation30 and the two-particle self-consistent est hopping, the T (q) is given by T (q) = C C approach31, the particle-hole propagator is either calcu- −2Ut2 Di=1cos(qi). This reproduces the AFM lated with bare propagators,i.e. without interactions,or Q=πP(1,1,...)T mean-field transition at the well- interaction processes are included only at a very crude known critical temperature T (Q)= 2Dt2. level. This also applies to auxiliary boson approaches32 C U and equation of motion decoupling schemes.33 In con- (ii) Theinterpretationintermsofthe itinerantpicture trast, the particle-hole propagator employed here is cal- of magnetism is obtained by re-writing Eq. (17) as culated with the fully interacting single-particle Green function obtained from DMFT, which incorporates life- −P(q,ν) timeandmany-bodyeffectsandcanalreadyleadtocon- χ (q,ν)= . (17b) mag 1+Γ (ν)P(q,ν) siderable modifications. Furthermore, in the above men- mag tioned approximation schemes the two-particle interac- Here, propagatingelectrons characterizedby their tion vertices are given by weighted linear combinations particle-holesusceptibility−P(q,ν)interactlocally ofbareinteractionmatrixelements,i.e.bynumbers,and with the vertex the frequency dependence of two-particlevertices is usu- allyignored. Inthepresenttreatmentnontrivialdynamic 1 1 Γmag(ν)=−χloc (ν) − Ploc(ν). (22) interaction vertices Γ(ν) or J(q,ν) are incorporatedinto mag the susceptibilities. Finite order cumulant expansions in the hopping t asdone,forexample,inRef. 34dorespect This view is substantiated by the noninteracting theleadingfrequencydependenceofthetwo-particlever- limit, where the Coulomb interaction matrix el- tex and include leading order nonlocal effects. Lifetime ement vanishes, U = 0. Then, Wick’s theo- broadening and Kondo physics, however, are not cap- rem is applicable and the local susceptibility re- tured in these treatments. duces to the negative local particle-hole propaga- tor χloc (ν)|U=0 = −Ploc(ν). The susceptibility is mag then indeed that of noninteracting particles on a Our approach requires a thorough assessment of the lattice given by the Lindhard-function quality of the RPA-like decoupling of frequency sums, which could possibly cause errors. Virtues and limita- χ(q,ν)|U=0 =−P(q,ν)|U=0 (23) tions of our result contained in Eq. (17) will be borne out by the discussion in the next section. However, 1 f(tk+q)−f(tk) =− . we can already formulate the expectation, that in situa- N ν+i0++t −t Xk k+q k tions, where coherent two-particle propagations through the lattice lead to the build-up of nonlocal correlations Improvingthisbyemployingaperturbationtheory the decoupling is likely to fail. In the generalset-up, the in U we arrive at the usual RPA expression. In coherence is maintained at each interaction vertex due the lowestorderthe localvertexis nothing but the to its energy dependence, whereas in the decoupled ver- bare Coulomb interaction, Γmag(ν)=U, and then sion averages are taken at each local vertex. Therefore, coherence is maintained only between consecutive local −P(q,ν)|U=0 χ(q,ν)= +O(U2). (24) two-particlevertices,sothatlong-rangedcorrelationsare 1+UP(q,ν)|U=0 affected. The most prominent example where such exci- tationsarecrucialisFM,asitisclearfromtheconditions The two opposing cases of a weakly interacting elec- favoring Nagaoka-type FM.1,35 As will be demonstrated tron gas and the atomic limit are exactly incorporated below, this leads to a very accurate description of AFM in the approximate form for the susceptibility, Eq. (17). phase transitions, while FM transition temperatures are This substantiates the hope to be able to correctly de- overestimated, as in the usual Stoner theory. scribe the regime of intermediate coupling strength and especiallythetransitionfromitineranttolocalizedforms Anothersourceofinaccuraciesstems fromthe method of magnetism. chosen to solve the effective impurity model. In most Atthis pointacommentonthe advantagesandshort- cases, the drawbacks of the impurity solver pose the comingsofthefinalexpression,Eq.(17),isinplace. The strongest limitations on the accuracy and validity of the major advantage of this formula lies in its simplicity in calculated Green functions. 6 III. RESULTS (a) 3 FM π2(1,1,1) The following investigation of the Hubbard model on AFM two different lattices uses the DMFT scheme, applied to 2 π(1,0,0) various one- and two particle properties furnishing, e.g., 0) spectralproperties,localmoments,susceptibilities,effec- q,( g a tive interactions and transition temperatures. We con- m centrate on the approach from the paramagnetic regime /χ1 1 in order to identify phase transitions via diverging mag- netic susceptibilities. We set gµ = ~ = c = k = 1 B B and use the noninteracting half bandwidth W as unit of 0 energy. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 For the results presented in this Section, we used the T/W ENCA22 as impurity solverin orderto calculatedthe lo- (b) 3 cal self-energy and susceptibility. The three-dimensional momentum integrations of the lattice particle-holeprop- agator were performed using the CUBA-library.36 ) 2 0 q, ( A. Simple-cubic lattice g a m /χ1 1 T/W=00..3232 InthissectionthemagnetictransitionsoftheHubbard 0.07 modelona simple-cubic(SC) latticeinthree dimensions χfit will be examined. The magnetic phase diagram of the Hubbard model has been studied with a multitude of 0 methods for various lattices. These include perturbation (0,0,0) (π,π,π) (π,π,0) (π,0,0) (0,0,0) q theoryintheinteractionU,37 directQMC,38,39 diagram- matic approaches,40,41 DMFT,12,42–46 and cluster exten- FIG.1. (Coloronline)Inversestaticsusceptibility(a)asfunc- sions thereof.47 tionoftemperatureforvariousvaluesofthewavevectorqand The reason we redo such an analysis here, is to in- (b) as function of q for three different temperatures. Both vestigate possible shortcomings of the present approach plots are calculated for the SC lattice with nearest neighbor by comparing its results to the literature. The impurity hoppingonly (t′=0), U/W =1.5, and at half-filling n=1. solvers based on the hybridization expansion are known tohavesomelimitationsintheFermiliquidregimeattoo lowtemperatures.22,48 Additionally,theRPA-likedecou- hopping, plingoftheBethe-Salpeterequationsintroducesafurther approximation as envisaged above. As such decoupling 1 χ (q,ν =0)= (26) schemes are known to overestimate the tendency toward fit a(T)+b(T)ht2i q phase transitions, we investigate the quality of this ap- proximation. where ht2i = 1 t t . For the simple-, body- q N k k+q k The single-particle dispersion for the SC lattice with centered, and faceP-centered cubic lattice with nearest nearest-neighborhoppinginthreedimensionsisgivenby andnext-nearestneighborhopping, t andt′ respectively, this elementary two-particle dispersion is just given by t =−2t cos(k )+cos(k )+cos(k ) . (25) k x y z thenegativesingle-particledispersion,whereallhopping- (cid:2) (cid:3) matrix elements are replaced with their squares, The half bandwidth is W = 6t and will be used as the unit of energy in the following. ht2i =−t . (27) Figure 1(a) displays the temperature dependent in- q q t→t2,t′→t′2 (cid:12) verse static susceptibility for a half-filled SC lattice in (cid:12) (The sign stems fromthe definition of the single-particle threedimensionsandvariouswavevectorsq. χ (q,ν = mag dispersion with an overall negative sign, see Eq. (25.)) 0)−1 depends almost linearly on T over the whole range This form approximates the q-dependence of the actual of temperatures, which is expected from the mean-field susceptibility very well, as it is visible in Fig. 1(b). character of DMFT.12,49,50 The wave-vectordependence This resultprovidesa justification ofthe RPA-like de- ofχmag(q,ν =0)−1 isshowninFig.1(b)forvarioustem- coupling of frequency sums in the Bethe-Salpeter equa- peratures. TheQ=π(1,1,1)T componentofthesuscep- tions. The reasoning is as follows: Comparing the q- tibility is always largest, indicating the strong tendency dependencyoftheapproximateformEq.(26)toEq.(17), toward AFM. The dashed lines are fits to an expansion we can infer that the particle-hole propagator – as the of the inverse susceptibility up to second order in the only q-dependent quantity entering the susceptibility – 7 must be of the form (a) 2.5 FM P(q)= p0 =p ∞ αht2i n. (28) 2 π2(1,1,1) 1−αht2iq 0nX=0(cid:2) q(cid:3) 34π(1A,1F,M1) ) 0 1.5 The geometric series, used in the last equality, can be q, π(1,0,0) ( interpreted as the result of an RPA-like decoupling of ag m the frequency sums appearing in the expansion of the /χ 1 1 exact particle-hole propagator, see Eq. (B8). Given the quality of the fit, we are led to the conclusion that the 0.5 RPA-likedecouplingworksverywellfortheparticle-hole propagator. Itthereforeseemsreasonabletoassumethat 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 it is also a good approximation in the Bethe-Salpeter T/W equations. The physical reason lies in the nature of antiferro- (b) 2 magnetic correlations. They favor neighboring spins to 1.8 point in opposite directions, which does not require a 1.6 precise adjustment in the time-domain for a propagat- 1.4 ) ingparticle-holepair. Therefore,decouplinginfrequency 0 1.2 q, spacecannotinduceaqualitativeerror(incontrasttothe (g 1 a ferromagnetic case, see below). We always found good χm 0.8 agreement between the form of Eq. (26) and the calcu- /1 0.6 latedsusceptibility, wheneverthe tendency towardAFM 0.4 was dominant. 0.2 For a larger Coulomb interaction of U = 3.3W and 0 at finite doping, δ = 3% (n = 0.97), the AFM suscep- (0,0,0) (π,π,π) (π,π,0) (π,0,0) (0,0,0) tibility is largest only at high temperatures. This can q be observed in Fig. 2(a) where χ(q,0)−1 decreases lin- early with temperature only for T/W &0.2 and changes FIG.2. (Coloronline)(a)Inversestaticsusceptibilityasfunc- qualitatively at low T. There, the FM component be- tionoftemperatureforvariousvaluesofthewavevectorq. (b) comes dominant. The wave-vectordependency as shown 1/χmag(q,0)asfunctionofqforthetemperatures(toptobot- in Fig. 2(b) is well approximated by Eq. (26) for the tom): T/W = 0.26, 0.17, 0.14, 0.12, 0.065, and 0.021. Both AFM-dominatedregionathighT,butbelowT .0.12W plots are calculated for the SC lattice with nearest neighbor ′ hoppingonly (t =0), U/W =3.3, and n=0.97. the fit does not work well and strong deviations occur. The AFM transition temperature T (N´eel tempera- N ture)isshowninFig.3asfunctionoftheCoulombrepul- the low-energy scale of the SIAM, it underestimates its sion for the half-filled (δ =0) model. Results from other actual value.22 Within the self-consistent treatment of studiesarealsoshownforcomparison. Thepresentresult DMFT this tendency is retained52 as it can be observed should be close to the data of Jarrell (Ref. 12) or Ulmke inFig.4whereZ isshownasfunctionofU. Forcompar- et al. (Ref. 43) as these results were also obtained with ison,theresultfromDMFTcalculationswiththeNRG53 DMFT, but for a Gaussian (Jarrell) and semi-circular as impurity solver for the same parameter values is also (Ulmke et al.) free DOS. For U ≤ W the agreement is shown. While the ENCA quasiparticle weight is smaller quite satisfactory, while for larger U the N´eel tempera- than the one extracted from the NRG, both follow the ture from the present approach is substantially smaller. same trend. The inset displays the ratio of both and Itis,however,roughlyinagreementwithdatafromQMC reveals the ENCA to yield a low-energy scale which is simulationsofthethree-dimensionalmodel(Staudtetal., roughlyafactor of3too small. One mayargue,that the Ref. 38) but this may be viewed as a coincidence. ENCA-calculation is performed for an effectively larger The exchange interaction decreases as 1/U in leading value of the interaction U. Therefore, the reduction of perturbative order for large U. Moreover, it is renor- the critical temperature compared to the other DMFT malized by small quasiparticle weights (Z-factors) when calculations as observed in Fig. 3 is a result of the too quasiparticlebandsemerge. SoadecreaseofT atlarger N small low-energy scale of the ENCA. U istobeexpected,anditssteepnessdependsonthesize Figure 5 displays the regions in the δ−U phase-space of the Z-factors, where magnetic phase transitions are observed. The 1 AFM regionextends fromhalf-filling δ =0 to finite dop- Z = . (29) 1− ∂ReΣ(0) ing for Coulomb interactions U . 2.3W (U/(W +U) . ∂ω 0.7). The investigation of regions in phase space with While the ENCA as our impurity solver gives the cor- largerdoping orsmallerCoulombrepulsionwasnotpos- rect order of magnitude and parameter dependence for sible,astherethepathologyofthe ENCA22,48 prevented 8 0.1 0.08 Thiswork AFM 0.1 Jarrell IC 0.08 Ulmkeetal. FM 0.06 W 0.05 Staudtetal. / n C W0.06 3.83t2/U − T 6t2/U 0 / 1 0.04 0.6 0.7 0.8 N T0.04 = WU+U δ 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 U U W+U W+U FIG. 3. (Color online) The N´eel temperature of the half- FIG. 5. (Color online) Magnetic phase diagram in the δ-U filled Hubbard model for the three dimensional SC lattice plane. Eachpointindicatesamagneticphasetransition. (The as function of U (red line with points). For comparison, re- regions without points were unaccessible with the ENCA as sultsfromotherstudiesareincludedaswell: DMFT+QMC12 impuritysolver). Theinset showsthetransition temperature (blue crosses, labeled Jarrell), DMFT+QMC43 (green stars, as function of U for a fixed doping of δ = 1−n = 0.03. In labeledUlmkeetal.),QMC38 (brownsquares,labeledStaudt both graphs, the red crosses indicate AFM, the blue circles et al.), high temperature expansion51 (dash-dotted line, la- IC, and the green squaresFM transitions. beled3.83t2/U),andmean-field(dashed-line,labeled6t2/U). 1.4 0.8 1.2 0.5 G R 0.4 N 1 Z 0.3 0.6 / 0) CA 0.2 q, 0.8 N 0.1 ( ZE 0 mag 0.6 Z0.4 ENCA 0.5 1 1.5 /χ U/W 1 0.4 NRG 0.2 0.2 0 (0,0,0) (π,π,π) (π,π,0) (π,0,0) (0,0,0) 0 q 0.5 1 1.5 2 U/W FIG. 6. (Color online) Inverse static susceptibility as func- tion of wave vector q for various values of temperature (top FIG. 4. (Color online) The quasiparticle weight for the half- tobottom): T/W =0.17,0.12,0.093,0.056,0.033,0.016,and filledHubbardmodelasfunctionoftheCoulombrepulsionU 0.012. ThecurvesarecalculatedfortheSClatticewithnear- extractedfromtheDMFTwithENCAandNRGasimpurity est neighbor hopping only (t′ =0), U/W =3, and n=0.97. solvers. The inset shows theratio of both. the access of low-enough temperatures. intheregionaroundq =(1,1,0)Tπbutapreciselocation In accord with earlier studies15,37,45,54 we also find in- is not possible since we did not scan a sufficient part of commensurate (IC) spin-density wave transitions away the Brillouin zone but only along selected axes. fromhalffillingattheedgeoftheAFMregion. Asafunc- For finite doping, the nesting property of the Fermi tionofU (seeinset)ordoping(notshown),thetransition surface is lost and incommensurate ordering is expected temperature follows the trend foreshadowed by the N´eel withincreasingdoping.45 Atafixeddoping,aspresented temperature, but the ordering vector shifts away from in the inset of Fig. 5, the transition is induced by in- the AFM Q=π(1,1,1)T.45 creasing the interaction. We attribute this to the tem- This can be observedin Fig 6, where the inverse mag- perature dependent formation of quasiparticles, whose netic susceptibility is shown as function of q for various characteristic energy scale is larger at lower U. There, temperatures. There the transition vector probably lies the transition takes place at higher T where the details 9 of the Fermi surface are washed out and the nesting is dispersion is given by approximatelybetterfulfilledwhichleadstoaAFMtran- t =−8tcos(k )cos(k )cos(k ) (30) sition. IncreasingU decreasesthetransitiontemperature k x y z andthe details ofthe Fermisurfacebecome increasingly, −2t′ cos(2kx)+cos(2ky)+cos(2kz) , making the system more sensitive to the lack of nesting (cid:0) (cid:1) wherethehalfbandwidthisW =8taslongas|t′|≤ 4|t|, and leading to the IC transition. 3 which is always the case in the following. As for the SC As depicted in the inset of Fig. 5, the AFM and FM lattice, the BCC lattice is bipartite and exhibits perfect phases seem to be separatedby a quantum criticalpoint nestingforvanishingnext-nearestneighborhopping,t′ = (QCP), where the transition temperature vanishes and 0. The AFM nesting vectors Q satisfy t = −t and k+Q k the systems goes from AFM to FM ground states at are of the type Q=π(1,0,0)T and Q=π(1,1,1)T. T = 0. This QCP could in principle be physical as was The perfect nesting property is illustrated in Fig. 7, speculated in the literature55 but this question can not where the Fermi surface of the noninteracting system at beaddressedwithinthepresentstudy. TheENCAasim- half-filling is shown for two values of the next-nearest purity solverdoes not allowthe investigationofverylow neighbor hopping, t′ = 0 and t′ = −0.2t. The flat and temperatures and consequently whether or not the tran- parallel sections of the Fermi surface are clearly visible sition temperature vanishes cannot be decided. As FM for t′ = 0 in panel (a). For finite t′ (see panel (b)) the isoverestimatedwithinthe presentapproach(seebelow) Fermisurfaceacquiresasubstantialcurvaturesothatthe it could well be shifted to larger values of U in more ac- nestingvectornolongerconnectslargepartsoftheFermi curatetreatmentsandthusremovingthe apparentQCP. surface. AtverylargeU &3W weobserveFMatfinitedoping, The noninteracting DOS as shown in Fig. 8 displays which is the region where it is in principle expected and the characteristic van-Hove singularities due to the ex- observed for various lattices.49,56 However, for the un- trema and saddle points of the dispersion relation t in k frustrated(t′ =0)SC lattice studied here,the transition the Brillouin zone. Most prominent is the logarithmic temperatures TC are too large (see inset). divergence near the Fermi level due to the maxima at We attribute this overestimation of the tendency to- k = π(1,0,0)T. Such a van-Hove singularity can induce 2 ward FM to the RPA-like decoupling. Time-coherent profound changes in the low temperature, low-energy propagation of particle-hole pairs over long distances is Fermi liquid properties, even in DMFT.57 But here we known to play a major role for FM35 (ordering vector do notstudy this possibilitybut focus onmagnetic tran- Q=0). FMcorrelationsfavorequalspin-alignment,and sitions which generally occur at higher temperatures. a transfer of electrons between sites does require a time- ThereasonweareconsideringtheBCClatticeinstead correlation with accompanying holes due to the Pauli ofthe morecommonSClattice isfoundinthe morepro- principle. But such correlations in the time domain are nounced influence of the frustrating next-nearest neigh- notconservedbytheRPA-frequencydecouplingatinter- bor hopping t′ in the former lattice. The shape of the actionvertices. Thisconclusionis supportedbythe fact, Fermi surface changes much more strongly with increas- that the FM transition temperatures as shown in the in- ing t′ for the BCC lattice as, for example, in the SC set are roughly in accord with the Stoner-like criterion, lattice. In particular, results pointing to a competition ! between local-moment and quasiparticle magnetism are ρ(0,T )U =1, where ρ(0,T) is the fully interacting and C found to be more pronounced for the BCC lattice than temperature dependent DOS at the Fermi level. for the SC case, even though we also observed them in We have now established that the present approach the latter case as well. yieldsreliableresultswhenevershort-rangedparticle-hole ADMFT-spectralfunctionfortheBCClatticewithfi- excitationsdominatethemagneticresponse. Inandclose nitenext-nearestneighborhoppingisshowninFig.9. As totheAFMregime,thetransitiontemperaturesareeven aconsequenceoftheratherlargeCoulombinteractionthe reproduced quantitatively, apart from a reduction of TN lowerandupper Hubbardbandareclearlyvisible. Upon due to the too small low-energy scale produced by the loweringthetemperatureaquasiparticlepeakemergesat ENCA.For verylargeCoulombrepulsions,the tendency the Fermi level indicating the formation of a correlated towards FM is found to be overestimated which is at- metallicstate. Theinsetshowstheimaginarypartofthe tributed to the RPA-like decoupling of frequency sums self-energy. The quadratic minimum at the Fermi level in the Bethe-Salpeter equations. reveals this state to be a Fermi liquid as it is expected within DMFT.11,57,58 The momentum resolved spectral functionρ(k,ω)showninpanel(b)exhibitsthedispersive low-energy quasiparticle band around the Fermi level. The formation of this low-temperature Fermi liquid is B. Body-centered cubic lattice associated with a screening of local magnetic moments due to Kondo-correlations. Figure 10(a) displays the Inthissectionwefocusonthethree-dimensionalbody- screened local moment, centered cubic (BCC) lattice with nearest and next- nearest neighbor hopping, t and t′, respectively. The µ2eff =Tχlmocag(T), (31) 10 Π 4 t′=0 0 −0.1t −0.2t 3 -Π Π W ) 2 ω ( 0 ρ 0 1 -Π 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -Π ω/W 0 FIG. 8. (Color online) Noninteracting DOS for theBCC lat- Π tice at half-filling and three different next-nearest neighbor ′ Π hoppings, t/t=0, −0.1, and −0.2. 0 is almost independent of temperature, see Fig. 10(b). -Π Upon lowering the temperature it slightly increases due Π to the decrease in the thermally induced double occu- pancy. The formation of the Fermi liquid quasiparticle band at low temperatures then leads to a slight increase of the double occupancy40,59 and consequently the mo- 0 ment decreases again. AFM should prevail for not too large next-nearest neighbor hopping t′ due to the near-nesting property of theFermisurface. Figure11(a)displaystheinversemag- -Π netic susceptibility for U/W = 1.25 and t′/t = −0.15 -Π as function of the wave vector along a path through the Brillouin zone. As in the previous section for the 0 SC lattice, the AFM components (Q = π(1,0,0)T and Π Q = π(1,1,1)T) are enhanced. Additionally, fits with the approximate function of Eq. (26) agree very well FIG. 7. (Color online) Noninteracting Fermi surface for the with the susceptibility, supporting the view developed BCC lattice for (a) t′ = 0 and (b) t′ = −0.2t at half-filling. in the previous section. The temperature dependence of (Inthefrontquadrantsomepartsareomittedinordertoget the susceptibility is depicted in Fig. 11(b). The AFM a betterview.) componentexhibits aCurie-Weissbehavior 1 witha T−TN divergence at T /W ≈ 0.035, which supports an inter- N pretation in terms of local-moment magnetism. asfunctionoftemperatureforthreedifferentvaluesofthe However, this perspective becomes less obvious when Coulomb interactions. Due to the Coulomb interaction the constituents are analyzed in detail. The effective lo- the moments at high temperatures are larger than the cal moment which enters Eq. (17a) is temperature de- inducedmomentµ2 = 1 ofthenoninteractingband eff,U=0 8 pendent due to screening, see Fig. 10. Additionally, the electrons (where empty anddoubly occupied localstates static exchange coupling J(q,ν =0) also displays a tem- fully contribute), and increases with U toward the value peraturedependency. ThiscanbeobservedinFig.12(a), µ2 = 1 of a free spin. At temperatures of the order eff,spin 4 where the AFM coupling J(Q,0) slightly increases to- of the characteristic low-energy scale T∗ = WZ, where wardlowertemperatures. TheincreaseinJ(Q,0)iscom- Z is the quasiparticle weight of Eq. (29), the moments pensatedbythereducedmomentandtogetherbothyield decrease due to the buildup of Kondo-correlations. theobservedCurie-Weissbehaviorcharacteristicoflocal- In contrast, the unscreened moment moment magnetism. Figure 12(b) shows the same data but organized in 1 µ2bare = 4 hnˆ↑i+hnˆ↓i−2hnˆ↑nˆ↓i (32) termsoftheitinerantpictureofmagnetism. The“nonin- (cid:2) (cid:3) teracting”susceptibility,i.e.theparticle-holepropagator which is essentially determinedby the double occupancy calculated without explicit two-particle interactions but

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