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Recent Titles in This Series 524 Justin R. Smith, Iterating the cobar construction, 1994 523 Mark I. Freidlin and Alexander D. Wentzell, Random perturbations of Hamiltonian systems, 1994 522 Joel D. Pincus and Shaojie Zhou, Principal currents for a pair of unitary operators, 1994 521 K. R. Goodearl and E. S. Letzter, Prime ideals in skew and #-skew polynomial rings, 1994 520 Tom Ilmanen, Elliptic regularization and partial regularity for motion by mean curvature, 1994 519 William M. McGovern, Completely prime maximal ideals and quantization, 1994 518 Rene A. Carmona and S. A. Molchanov, Parabolic Anderson problem and intermittency, 1994 517 Takashi Shioya, Behavior of distant maximal geodesies in finitely connected complete 2-dimensional Riemannian manifolds, 1994 516 Kevin W. J. Kadell, A proof of the tf-Macdonald-Morris conjecture for BC, 1994 n 515 Krzysztof Ciesielski, Lee Larson, and Krzysztof Ostaszewski, J-density continuous functions, 1994 514 Anthony A. 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Kalton, Lattice structures on Banach spaces, 1993 (Continued in the back of this publication) This page intentionally left blank Iterating the Cobar Construction This page intentionally left blank MEMOIRS -LIT A f the 0 American Mathematical Society Number 524 Iterating the Cobar Construction Justin R. Smith May 1994 • Volume 109 • Number 524 (fourth of 5 numbers) • ISSN 0065-9266 American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 55S45; Secondary 55M99. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Smith, Justin R. Iterating the cobar construction / Justin R. Smith. p. cm. - (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0065-9266; no. 524) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-8218-2588-7 1. Loop spaces. 2. Cobar construction (Topology) 3. Tensor products. I. Title. II. Series. QA3.A57 no. 524 [QA612.76] 510s-dc20 94-4140 [514'.24] CIP Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society This journal is devoted entirely to research in pure and applied mathematics. Subscription information. The 1994 subscription begins with Number 512 and consists of six mailings, each containing one or more numbers. Subscription prices for 1994 are $353 list, $282 institutional member. A late charge of 10% of the subscription price will be imposed on orders received from nonmembers after January 1 of the subscription year. Subscribers outside the United States and India must pay a postage surcharge of $25; subscribers in India must pay a postage surcharge of $43. Expedited delivery to destinations in North America $30; elsewhere $92. Each number may be ordered separately; please specify number when ordering an individual number. For prices and titles of recently released numbers, see the New Publications sections of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society. 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Box 6248, Providence, RI 02940-6248. © Copyright 1994, American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This volume was printed directly from author-prepared copy. @ The pape* used in this book is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability. G> Printed on recycled paper. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 99 98 97 96 95 94 Contents Abstract. viii Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. m-coalgebras 9 1. Preliminaries 9 2. Formal coalgebras 10 3. m-coalgebras 18 4. m-coalgebras and topological spaces 28 Chapter 3. The bar and cobar constructions 35 1. A (oo) -coalgebras 35 2. The Cobar Construction 38 3. The Bar Construction 60 4. Geometricity of the m-structure on the cobar construction 66 Chapter 4. Fibrations and twisted tensor products 69 1. The functors Y (91) 69 n |fn 2. Approximate m-structures on twisted tensor products 86 3. Geometricity of the m-structure on a twisted tensor product 93 Appendices 99 A. Proof of 2.17 (on page 17) 99 B. A morphism from WX to B{X) 103 C. Proof of 2.12 (on page 43) 106 D. The maps {9tt } 111 n E. The composition-operations of Yn,m{%fy*k{t^i}?^, n) 117 F. Calculations 119 Bibliography 137 ABSTRACT. This paper develops a new invariant of a C W-complex called the m-structure and uses it to perform homotopy-theoretic computations. The m-structure of a space encapsulates the coproduct structure, as well as higher-coproduct structures that de termine Steenrod-operations. Algebraically, it amounts to an operad in the category of modules. In particular, given an m-structure on the chain complex of a reduced simplicial complex of a pointed simply-connected space, one can equip the cobar con struction of this chain-complex with an natural m-structure. The m-structure of the cobar construction is shown to be geometrically meaningful, in the sense that it corre sponds to the m-structure of the loop space of the original space under the map that carries the cobar construction to the loop space. This result allows one to form iterated cobar constructions that are shown to be homotopy equivalent to iterated loop-spaces. This homotopy equivalence is in the sense of chain-complexes equipped with m-structures. These results are applied to the computation of the cohomology algebra structure of total spaces of fibrations (actually, we compute m-structures, which determine the cohomology algebra). Key words and phrases, coproduct, cobar construction, twisted tensor products, co homology operations. CHAPTER 1 Introduction One of the most important invariants of homotopy type of a topological space is the coproduct-structure on the chain-complex. Indeed, it determines the rational homo topy type of a pointed simply-connected space (see [20]). Over the integers there are many additional invariants of homotopy type including Steenrod operations on the mod p cohomology rings for all primes p. In this paper we will present an algebraic theory that incorporates all of these invariants, and allows one to compute them for: • the loop-space of a space (via the cobar construction) and; • the total space of a fibration; A key element of computing the coproduct of the total space of a fibration is the determination of the coproduct on the chain complex of the loop space of the base. Since Adams showed that this chain-complex is given by the cobar construction (see [1]), we would like to know a geometrically induced coproduct on the cobar construction. Here, the term "geometrically induced coproduct" can be defined in several ways with varying degrees of strength. We essentially regard the Alexander-Whitney diagonal map on a simplicial chain-complex as being the canonical geometric one and any other diagonal homotopic to it as being geometric to some extent. In the rational case Quillen showed (in [20]) that the shuffle coproduct on the cobar construction is geometric, where this is a dual of the shuffle product defined by Eilenberg and MacLane for the bar construction in [5]. This result implied a number of other results that made it relatively easy to compute a geometric coproduct on the total space of a fibration and on chain-complexes of simply-connected pointed spaces in general. In the integral case the shuffle coproduct on the cobar construction remains well-defined, in some cases, but Quillen's proof of its geometricity is no longer valid. In fact, any attempt to find a geometrically valid coproduct on the cobar construction encounters the following two obstacles, discovered by Alain Proute: The shuffle coproduct on the integral cobar construction is demonstrably non-geometric — see [19]. Here the term 'geometric' is defined in a very weak sense — the shuffle coproduct is non-geometric to the extent that it even induces the wrong maps in homology. Received by the editor October 14,1992. 1

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