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Italy for Dummies (ISBN - 0470399074) PDF

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Preview Italy for Dummies (ISBN - 0470399074)

5th Edition Italy $21.99 US / $25.99 CN / £14.99 UK ISBN 978-0-470-39907-1 Italy offers infinite variety, with its historical yet cosmopolitan cities, picturesque towns, gently rolling hills, and spectacular seacoasts. Whether your interests are art and architecture or food and drink, ancient treasures or modern shops, this guide helps you explore the country with gusto. See the best of Italy on a bellissimo vacation Travel travel smart @ www.dummies.com • Down-to-earth trip-planning advice • What you shouldn’t miss — and what you can skip • The best hotels and restaurants for every budget • Lots of detailed maps With tips and recommendations from the experts at Open the book and find: Bruce Murphy Alessandra de Rosa spine=1.155” Italy 5th Edition Rhone Rhine Adda Adige Mur Po Ticino Tanaro Arno Tiber I o n i a n S e a Ty r r h e n i a n S e a Ligurian Sea A d r i a t i c S e a Gulf of Venice 0 0 50 50 100 kilometers 100 miles Elba Aeolian Islands Ischia Capri Tarviso Tarviso Tarviso Otranto Andria Barletta Tirano Tirano Novara Novara Como Bergamo Brescia Bolzano Bolzano Padua Treviso Udine Belluno Treviso Udine Vicenza Savona Savona Lucca Grosseto Arezzo Grosseto Livorno Pisa Reggio nell'Emilia Piacenza Modena Reggio nell'Emilia Piacenza La Spezia La Spezia Parma Parma Modena Alessandria Alessandria Ferrara Forli Rimini Ravenna Pesaro Rimini Ravenna Arezzo Pesaro Siena Terni Latina Latina Trapani Trapani Catania Messina Messina Reggio di Calabria Reggio di Calabria Syracuse Salerno Salerno Foggia Foggia Pescara Taranto Brindisi Taranto Brindisi Lecce Cosenza Vercelli Vercelli Varese Varese Sondrio Sondrio Belluno Rovigo Rovigo Mantua Mantua Cremona Cremona Asti Pavia Pavia Cuneo Macerata Macerata Ascoli Piceno Teramo Ascoli Piceno Rieti Chieti Chieti Teramo Viterbo Viterbo Frosinone Isernia Frosinone Isernia Enna Marsala Agrigento Ragusa Matera Matera San Remo San Remo Selinunte Mt. Etna Gulf of Taranto Gulf of Taranto Sorrento Mt. Vesuvius Pompeii Brennaro Brennaro Assisi Assisi Aosta Turin Turin Genoa Genoa Verona Verona Milan Milan Trento Venice Venice Trieste Bologna Florence Florence Ancona Perugia Perugia Palermo Caserta Naples Caserta Naples Bari Potenza Catanzaro Catanzaro L'Aquila Benevento Cam Campobasso pobasso Benevento Campobasso Ljubljana Rome Rome Zagreb Olbia Sassari Nuoro Oristano Oristano Cagliari 5 pt S115 S115 S115 S115 S115 S115 S115 S114 S113 S113 S113 S117 S121 S189 S121 S186 S114 S284 S640 S514 S194 S120 A29 A29 A18 A19 A19 A19 S192 S122 S114 S113 S286 S120 A18 A3 A29 Segesta Polizzi Polizzi Generosa Generosa Enna Enna Barcellona Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto Pozzo di Gotto Messina Messina Paternò Paternò T y r r h e n i a n S e a Gulf of Castellammare Gulf of Catánia Gulf of Avolo Straits of Messina Ionian Sea M e d i t e r r a n e a n S e a di Camastra Palermo Segesta Selinunte Agrigento Agrigento Agrigento Syracuse (Siracusa) Taormina Trápani Cinisi Cinisi Birgi Marsala Salemi Castelvetrano Castelvetrano Mazara d. Vallo Marinella Sciacca Sciacca Sambuca di Sicilia Sambuca di Sicilia Canicattì Licata Gela Caltagirone Caltagirone Piazza Armerina Paternò Nicosia Adrano Randazzo Paternò Catánia Capo d’Orlando Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto Chiusa Sclafani Corleone Prizzi S. Cipirello S. Cipirello Monreale Cinisi Bagheria Alia Caltavuturo Cefalù Castelbuono Petralias Castelbuono S. Stéfano di Camastra Acireale Aci Trezza Aci Castello Augusta Lentini Buccheri Noto Íspica Ragusa Cómiso Alicudi Ustica Favignana EGADI ISLANDS Levanzo Marettimo Filicudi Salina Lípari Panarea Stromboli Vulcano Nicosia Gangi Caltanissetta Caltanissetta Enna N E B R O D I Adrano Randazzo Castelmola Mt. Etna Mt. Etna Mt. Etna Érice Milazzo Ávolo Arenella Fontane Bianche Módica Vittória Porto Empédocle Polizzi Generosa M A D O N I E M A D O N I E Petralias Monastery Gibilmanna Reggio di Calábria Messina Villa Villa San Giovanni San Giovanni Villa San Giovanni Isnello Isnello AEO LIA N IS LA N D S Mondello Lido 40 kilometers 0 0 40 miles 15∞ E. 10∞ E. 45∞ N. 40∞ N. 100 Mi 0 0 100 Km Florence Venice Rome� Florence Venice Sicily ITALY ITALY ITALY ISBN 978-0-470-39907-1 spine=1.155” Plan your trip with For Dummies Covering the most popular destinations in North America and Europe, For Dummies travel guides are the ultimate user-friendly trip planners. 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For technical support, please visit www.wiley.com/techsupport. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. ISBN: 978-0-470-39907-1 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01_399071-ffirs.qxp 12/31/08 9:59 AM Page iv About the Authors Bruce Murphy has lived and worked in New York City, Boston, Chicago, Dublin, Rome, and Sicily. His work has appeared in maga- zines ranging from Cruising World to Critical Inquiry. In addition to guidebooks, he has published fiction, poetry, and criticism, most recently the Encyclopedia of Murder and Mystery (St. Martin’s Press). Alessandra de Rosa was born in Rome and has lived and worked in Rome, Paris, and New York City. She did her first cross-Europe trip at age 2, from Rome to London by car. She has continued in that line ever since, exploring three out of five continents so far. Her beloved Italy remains her preferred destination and where she lives part of the year. Dedication We would like to dedicate this book to Sandro and Viviana de Rosa, and to Paola and Valerio Scoyni. Without their support, kindness, and wealth of good ideas, it never would have been possible. 01_399071-ffirs.qxp 12/31/08 9:59 AM Page v Editorial Editor: Alexia Travaglini Production Editor: Jonathan Scott Copy Editor: Doreen Russo Cartographer: Guy Ruggiero Editorial Assistant: Jessica Langan-Peck Senior Photo Editor: Richard Fox Front Cover Photo: © Brian Oxley / Alamy Images Back Cover Photo: © Paolo Cordelli / Lonely Planet Images Cartoons: Rich Tennant (www.the5thwave.com) Composition Services Project Coordinator: Patrick Redmond Layout and Graphics: Carl Byers, Christine Williams Proofreaders: Amanda Graham, The Well-Chosen Word Indexer: Slivoskey Indexing Services Publishing and Editorial for Consumer Dummies Diane Graves Steele, Vice President and Publisher, Consumer Dummies Kristin Ferguson-Wagstaffe, Product Development Director, Consumer Dummies Kelly Regan, Editorial Director, Travel Publishing for Technology Dummies Andy Cummings, Vice President and Publisher, Dummies Technology/General User Composition Services Debbie Stailey, Director of Composition Services Publisher’s Acknowledgments We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments through our Dummies online registration form located at www.dummies.com/register/. Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following: 01_399071-ffirs.qxp 12/31/08 9:59 AM Page vi Contents at a Glance Introduction.......................................................1 Part I: Introducing Italy......................................7 Chapter 1: Discovering the Best of Italy ........................................9 Chapter 2: Digging Deeper into Italy ............................................16 Chapter 3: Deciding Where and When to Go ..............................33 Chapter 4: Following an Itinerary: Four Great Options ..............44 Part II: Planning Your Trip to Italy ....................49 Chapter 5: Managing Your Money ................................................51 Chapter 6: Getting to Italy ..............................................................63 Chapter 7: Getting Around Italy ....................................................71 Chapter 8: Booking Your Accommodations ................................78 Chapter 9: Catering to Special Travel Needs or Interests..........85 Chapter 10: Taking Care of the Remaining Details ......................90 Part III: The Eternal City: Rome.........................97 Chapter 11: Settling into Rome......................................................99 Chapter 12: Exploring Rome ........................................................135 Part IV: Florence and the Best of Tuscany and Umbria...................................169 Chapter 13: Florence ....................................................................171 Chapter 14: Northern Tuscany and the Cinque Terre ..............215 Chapter 15: Southern Tuscany and Umbria ..............................246 Part V: Venice and the Best of the Pianura Padana....................................289 Chapter 16: Venice ........................................................................291 Chapter 17: Padua, Verona, and Milan........................................339 Part VI: Naples, Pompeii, and the Amalfi Coast..................................373 Chapter 18: Naples ........................................................................375 Chapter 19: Going Beyond Naples: Four Day Trips ..................405 Chapter 20: Sorrento, Capri, and the Amalfi Coast ..................419 Part VII: Sicily...............................................445 Chapter 21: Palermo......................................................................447 Chapter 22: Taormina, Syracuse, and Agrigento ......................471 02_399071-ftoc.qxp 12/31/08 9:58 AM Page vii Part VIII: The Part of Tens...............................495 Chapter 23: Non Capisco: The Top Ten Expressions You Need to Know ..................................................................497 Chapter 24: Ten Great Italian Artists ..........................................500 Appendix A: Quick Concierge...........................504 Appendix B: Glossary of Architectural and Menu Terms.........................................514 Index.............................................................525 02_399071-ftoc.qxp 12/31/08 9:58 AM Page viii

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