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It Takes a Church to Raise a Christian: How the Community of God Transforms Lives PDF

207 Pages·2016·1.03 MB·English
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© 2004 by Tod E. Bolsinger Published by Brazos Press a division of Baker Publishing Group P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287 www.brazospress.com Ebook edition created 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews. ISBN 978-1-5855-8522-9 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Contents Cover Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Acknowledgments Introduction: A Latté, Some Friends, and the Trinity Part In Search of Exceptional Lives 1 1 It Takes a Church to Raise a Christian 2 Come for Supper! Part History and Theology: Forming Exceptional Lives 2 3 God’s Spectacular Intention 4 The Transforming Communion 5 Living the Trinity Part An Exceptional Community: Life-Transforming Practices 3 6 Transforming Worship I: Performing for God 7 Transforming Worship II: Worship That Changes Things 8 Transforming Word I: Look, Listen, Live! 9 Transforming Word II: Reading at the Table 10 Transforming Witness I: Praying with Jesus 11 Transforming Witness II: Discernment and Wisdom 12 Transforming Witness III: Ministry and Glory Conclusion: People of the Table—A Spirituality of Fellowship and Following Notes Index For Beth . . . for everything Acknowledgments This book began as a Ph.D. dissertation at Fuller Theological Seminary in 1991. Now, as I offer it in a revised form to the greater community of Christ, it seems fitting that I acknowledge the way my communities have shaped my life, ministry, and writing for more than a decade. Like our Triune God who, while indivisible, is often considered both in the individual persons and one substance, I feel compelled to give thanks publicly to both individual people and the essence of their care for me simultaneously. Fuller Theological Seminary not only taught me, but formed me. While I was mentored by Robert Banks and Ray Anderson, I sat under and learned from virtually the entire theology faculty at one time or another. Now when I have opportunities to teach for Fuller as an adjunct professor, the students continue to serve me through their thoughtful interaction with this material and their dedication to building faithful communities of God’s transforming power. I must express thanks to Miroslav Volf, who generously allowed me to sit in on a seminar where we discussed and met with Jürgen Moltmann, whose work influenced me greatly. I am particularly grateful to Ray Anderson, who took me under his wing when what I wanted to do didn’t quite fit Fuller’s program at the time. As a student, Ray’s very method of theologizing was so captivating that all I wanted was to do the same. Ray later graciously encouraged me to work with Robert Banks when the new concentration in practical theology was developed. Rob’s life work in home churches stirred me to consider community as the center of the Christian life and ministry (even in larger churches), and through his humility, candor, and attention to detail he prodded me to my best effort. I was deeply moved by Rob’s extraordinary commitment to me, particularly through the painful time during the illness and after the passing of his first wife, Julie, just as my dissertation was being completed. Thank you, Rob. You will always be a model of service and magnanimity to me. During the time that I have been working on this project, I have been privileged to serve in two different churches. The First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood was a wonderful place to learn the ropes of ministry. They were my first community. I am particularly grateful that God allowed me to serve during this formative time in my life with Lloyd John Ogilvie as my senior pastor. At a time when many were telling me to decide between academics and pastoring, time when many were telling me to decide between academics and pastoring, Lloyd charged me to do both. I remain in your debt, Lloyd. When I was called to become the pastor and head of staff for San Clemente Presbyterian, they eagerly embraced both my family and my vision of the church being a community of spiritual formation in Christ. And while I came with the baggage of needing considerable time off to complete my degree, they didn’t begrudge a conflict of my attention. They graciously paid for my last three seminars, gave me a summer of study leave, and encouraged me with their prayers and well wishes. Bruce and Louise Brown and Al and Enid Sloan gave me places to write in their homes that were not only inspiring with ocean views, but conveniently close to my family. As the dissertation went through a lengthy revision for publication as a book, I once again felt the support of this wonderful community of faith. My administrative assistant, Barbara Young, and pastoral executive staff team of Dee Hazen, Don Nieman, Jim Toole, and Shawn Reilly are so competent and supportive that I was allowed ample time for writing and revisions. Jim also read the manuscript in its entirety and offered helpful suggestions along the way. Thank you all for all you do for our church and for me. My elders worked through ten weeks of lectures as I struggled to make the mystery of the Trinity relevant to intelligent and faithful lay leaders who are dedicated to seeing the church reflect the character of God. Their questions made my book stronger; their commitment to leading our church as a life-transforming community has brought the words of these pages to life and immense joy to my heart. My sister, Carrie Nahmias, painstakingly transcribed my lectures, and Rob Asghar helped me edit them into a book format. Rob served as my “literary physical trainer,” pushing me and stretching me to find a voice for integrating theology into church life. Rob’s editorial skill, keen mind, probing questions, and deep belief in the message of this book was the single biggest factor for bringing what had been a mostly academic discussion to pastors and lay leaders. Rodney Clapp, Rebecca Cooper, and Don Stephenson of Brazos Press have been strong and supportive editors, cheerleaders, and critics. I have grown as a writer from working with them and consider it a privilege to be part of the company of authors whom they represent. Don’s encouragement of my writing has been a blessing to me indeed. Throughout the years of development, one friend has stood with me the closest. When I was just beginning my Ph.D. program, Mark Roberts was finishing his dissertation in New Testament from Harvard. As the pastor of Irvine Presbyterian Church, Mark understands like few others the specific struggles that accompany trying to combine family life, writing, and pastoring. struggles that accompany trying to combine family life, writing, and pastoring. All along the way, Mark has been a loving goad and an understanding friend— never letting me get distracted for too long from the goal that was ahead of me. In our families, our ministries, and our shared love for learning and teaching the faith, Mark has been a “best friend” for me. I don’t know how I can be so blessed. Finally, the center of my life is a communion that is so sweet and tender, so fun and fulfilling that I ache because I have not the words to describe it. My two children, Brooks and Ali, have never known a time when Dad wasn’t both a pastor and a writer. They love our church and inspire me to do all in my power to insure that it is a good community for them and the whole generation of their little friends who call me “Pastor Tod.” My kids also offer me ample amounts of loving teasing when I am too focused on the computer screen and need to come out and play. And lastly, to my dear, sweet Beth, the love of my life: you deserve so much more than any mention in these pages. You are my partner in building a community of faith that resembles the love of our Lord. We have been married nearly as long as I have worked on this book, and you have believed in me and protected our ministry and our life together. You deserve far more than my love and gratitude, my respect and constant goofy gaze. You deserve far more than having this book dedicated to you. But it is. Through all of these, I have experienced what I learned in others’ writings: that the essence of God is the love that is shared by the Persons of the Trinity, demonstrated in Jesus Christ and poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit—and that love, when expressed by the communion of believers, transforms. I may not adequately explain the “transforming communion,” but I have experienced it.

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