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IT infrastructure architecture : infrastructure building blocks and concepts PDF

443 Pages·2017·5.41 MB·English
by  Laan
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Preview IT infrastructure architecture : infrastructure building blocks and concepts

Sjaak Laan IT Infrastructure Architecture Infrastructure Building Blocks and Concepts Third Edition Title: IT Infrastructure Architecture – Infrastructure Building Blocks and Concepts Third Edition Author: Sjaak Laan Publisher: Lulu Press Inc. ISBN: 978-1-326-92569-7 Edition: Third edition, 2017 Copyright: © Sjaak Laan, 2017 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author. The views expressed in this document are those of the author and not necessarily of his employer or his clients. 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Docker, Inc. and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. While every precaution was made in the preparation of this book, the author can assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. If you feel the author has not given you proper credit or feel your rights were violated, please notify the author so corrective actions can be taken. Pictures used in this book are created by the author of this book or are freely distributable pictures, retrieved from the internet. Most of the used pictures are from the public domain. When a picture is used that contained copyrights, a link to the source of the picture and its copyright notice is provided. If you feel a picture used in this book is not freely distributable, or any other copyright is violated, please inform the author, so it can be corrected in the next version of the book. I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. Thomas Watson, IBM Chairman, 1943 There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home Ken Olsen, founder of legendary minicomputer company DEC, 1977 We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan, American astronomer, 1990 It's hardware that makes a machine fast. It's software that makes a fast machine slow. Craig Bruce INTRODUCTION In the summer of 2011, Sjaak showed me the first ever printed version of the book he had been working on for quite some time. It was also the first time we discussed in detail the reasons for writing it, and the target audience that he was aiming for. After some hours of discussing the contents of the book Sjaak asked me if I was willing to write the introduction for it. Needless to say, I was flattered and proud he suggested this. At first I was puzzled about his decision to have the introduction written by someone who is not directly involved in core IT infrastructures, but much more into software development. For 17 years, my company has been developing back and front office applications for large multinationals, and is currently involved in SaaS solutions in the field of Social Media Intelligence, Online Health Applications, Event Management, and Storage Management. As I am much more into the "soft-side" of automation, it was like if a car designer asked a road designer to write an introduction on engine mechanics. But from a different point of view, it seemed very obvious. Where would software application developers be when the infrastructures their applications run on were not working flawlessly? How many times have we been in meetings with customers trying to figure out why software applications were not performing as they were supposed to? How many times did it occur that after implementation of a new software system we were confronted with unforeseen costs because the underlying computer systems had difficulties running the developed software? How many times did we accuse the infrastructure guys of not understanding the requirements and vice versa? I strongly believe that most of these problems originate from a lack of knowledge software engineers have about the problems and challenges infrastructure specialists face when setting up a system for running the software we develop. We as software engineers are primarily concerned with functionality required by the customer. Customer assume that when they talk about an application handling 100,000 visitors a day, or running large reports on millions of records, software engineers fully understands their needs. And indeed, software engineers understand everything regarding select statements, thread handling, and database calls, but they will also assume that the hardware and operating systems they build upon are capable of supporting this. I think there is a great need for software engineers to understand more about IT infrastructures to allow them to communicate with the infrastructure architects on a more professional level. What was really appealing to me in this book was that it was written out of experience, rather than presenting just theoretical knowledge. Far too often we see that decisions made on IT infrastructures have little sense of reality. For security and availability sake, systems are often made far too complex, hence far too expensive, resulting in a system even less secure and less reliable than intended. Sjaak has hit the nail right on the head with his chapters on availability and security. What this book really shows is that the biggest risks for failures and security breaches are not in the infrastructure itself, “but it sits between the chair and the keyboard”. A good example, from my own experience, was the case where we needed to implement a contingency plan, including an emergency response team. In order to minimize downtime in case of a failure, we found it was much more effective to see who of the systems management team was living closest to the datacenter, than to focus on "putting the best man on the job". We were better off training the guy living next door, then to have the chief infrastructure manager drive 1.5 hours to the datacenter! The entire book is an excellent piece of work to be read by each software developer, it is an outstanding educational tool for system engineers and it is great reference material for IT consultants, regardless of the specific area they expertise on. If you take IT seriously, you have to read this book! Herman Vissia PhD, M.Sc. Herman Vissia is the CEO and owner of Byelex Multimedia Products B.V. Together with his colleagues from Minsk he has written more than 10 scientific articles on software related technologies, more specifically on Artificial intelligence and sentiment analysis on the World Wide Web. In 2012 he earned his PhD from the State University in Minsk, Belarus. FOREWORD BY THE AUTHOR When I started writing this book I tried to remember the first time I came in contact with technical infrastructures. And then I realized I have been in the infrastructure business almost all my life. When I was six years old, I spent an entire afternoon figuring out how to connect a D-type battery to a bicycle light bulb using a small wire in order to get it to lighten up. For some reason, I could not get it to work. While I tried endlessly my mother (not very technical herself) told me to wait for my father to return from his work, so he could explain to me how to do it. When my father finally arrived, and explained what I did wrong, and when the light bulb finally lightened, I was very excited. My first electrical circuit worked! It made quite an impression as I still remember it after all these years. From that moment on I explored all types of technical equipment. I disassembled my new toys and my alarm clock, just to see how they worked. After disassembling, sometimes I managed to get the pieces back together again to get a working device, but most of the time the toys, radios and other equipment were not working anymore after my exploration. It drove my parents crazy. Sorry for that, mum and dad! When I was around 14 years old, I was building electronics hardware in my spare time. Starting from rebuilding electronic circuits from Elektor magazine, I quickly started to design my own hardware. While most of those hardware projects were just for fun, when I was about 18 years old, I designed and built electronic devices for the photo lab company a friend of mine worked for. th For my 18 birthday I got a very special (and for my parents very expensive) present – a Sinclair ZX-81 home computer, including a 16 kB memory expansion module. After writing my very first program in BASIC (tic-tac-toe, which I lost from the computer all the time) I could not resist opening up the computer to examine its inner workings. After breaking down the computer and fixing it, I eventually expanded the system to connect to an external keyboard.

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