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Istanbul Forum Report - United Nations Alliance of Civilizations PDF

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Second A L L I A NCE OF CI V IL IZ AT IONS F ORUM 6-7 April 2009 – Istanbul, Turkey Published by: Alliance of Civilizations Secretariat 866 UN Plaza, Suite 300 New York, NY 10017 USA www.unaoc.org Design and Layout: Hedie Joulaee Photos: Sipahiler Printed in the United States by AGS Custom Graphics Disclaimer: This report seeks to capture key elements of the proceedings and discussion during the sec- ond Alliance of Civilizations Forum. It does not purport to be a transcript and is necessarily selective. It should not be taken as a complete or authoritative record of any individual state- ment or intervention, nor expressing the views of the United Nations Alliance of Civiliza- tions. Participants should be consulted directly for an authoritative statement of their views. Copyright © 2009 Alliance of Civilizations TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword 6 Introduction 8 Outcomes of the Forum 10 Existing Projects: Progress and Future Directions 10 New Projects 12 Partnership Agreements 14 National Plans and Regional Strategies 14 Group of Friends 16 High-level Debate 16 Focal Points Meeting 20 The Marketplace of Ideas 22 Youth at the Istanbul Forum 26 Plenary Sessions 30 Working Sessions 62 Working Breakfasts 86 Appendixes 104 List of Participants 104 List of Organizers 118 4 5 FOREwORd The Second Forum of the Alliance of Civiliza- In addition to generating new ideas and areas of tions, generously hosted by the Turkish Govern- action, the 2009 Alliance Forum saw the launch of ment in the magnificent city of Istanbul, was a a number of key projects and strategic partnerships. success for many different reasons. Two points The reader will find in the following pages greater deserve particular mention: information on the contents of the discussions, on the current status of the commitments made a year Firstly, this year we asked our closest partners – ago in Madrid and on new initiatives presented and particularly international organizations which form launched for the first time in Istanbul. part of our Group of Friends community and civil society groups – to assume joint ownership of the Regarding the way forward, Istanbul has already Forum. We invited them to co-organize working provided a number of clear indications of the sessions, to engage with us in joint projects to be priorities that will guide our work in the run-up presented at the Forum, and to make common to the Rio Forum of the Alliance in 2010. Let me commitments. We wanted them to have a strong highlight five of them: stake in the Forum and I am happy to say that we • Enlarging the global scope of the Alliance succeeded, thanks to our common efforts! and streamlining and consolidating National Moreover, the second Forum successfully reflected Plans and Regional Strategies for intercultural what we have achieved during the journey from dialogue. Madrid to Istanbul: the tasks carried out to imple- • Making education and youth top priority areas ment our 2007-2009 Action Plan and the progress of action for the Alliance. made in achieving the Madrid outcomes. • Strengthening the role played by civil society The Istanbul Forum met four main objectives: and the private sector in addressing cultural diversity issues and developing closer coopera- • Providing a platform for an open, inclusive and tion at all levels. global dialogue among a wide range of players • Developing joint projects at local, regional involved in promoting good governance of cul- and international level, especially through city tural diversity and intercultural understanding diplomacy initiatives aimed at promoting better and cooperation. These players include political intercultural understanding and preventing leaders, heads of international and multilateral mounting tensions and the rise of extremism. bodies, religious leaders, as well as representa- tives of the corporate sector, the media, youth • Reinforcing the voice of the Alliance within and civil society. the international community, and making it a reliable, fully operational soft-power tool for a • Showcasing the Alliance as a platform for global partnership for peace. dialogue that delivers. In Istanbul many participants expressed concern • Presenting the Alliance as a global matchmaker that the severe economic and financial crisis that by connecting innovative, groundbreaking has stricken the world may carry with it risks grassroots initiatives with policy makers and of increased hostility towards the “other”, often potential funders who can help scale up these perceived as the cause of all evils or at least as an projects and give them global prominence. obstacle to solutions. Moreover, others insist that • Highlighting the political leverage of the Alli- the persistence of conflicts of a political nature ance, by showcasing the strong commitment of puts strong limitations to the Alliance’s outreach. its members to turn its political objectives into "glocal" deliverables. We must have realistic expectations about the Alliance and work to turn its goals into achieve- 6 ments. The Alliance is there to help prevent To help feed future reflections on the way divides, to promote good governance of cultural forward, I prepared and presented to the Forum diversity and build more inclusive societies - a collection of texts containing my ideas and societies based on equality, dignity and respect for insights about the challenge of managing cultural human rights, within a more balanced world. diversity in a world of increasingly diverse societ- ies. It sheds light on some of the key issues related There are signs around us that dialogue, together to the Alliance of Civilizations’ mandate, includ- with a multilateral and multi-stakeholder ap- ing the role of religion in supporting intercultural proach, may get a welcome boost. I have been dialogue and reconciliation, the challenge of impressed by the intensity of the many action-ori- integrating minorities, the need to promote de- ented discussions that developed during the two mocracy, pluralism and inclusive societies, as well days of the Forum in various formats and from as the central role of human rights in fostering different perspectives. I believe that the Alliance respect for cultural diversity. I called it “The Road has the power to mobilize high level, high profile from Madrid to Istanbul and Beyond”. Let us commitments in support of innovative cross-cul- move forward, because emergencies will not wait. tural projects and dialogue that generate greater And let’s keep united and firm in our conviction intercultural understanding. I believe that the Al- that we can change the world. liance is in a key position to galvanize support by governments (particularly GoF members) as well as by the corporate sector, international organiza- tions and civil society, with a view to developing a number of joint initiatives. I also believe that the Alliance of Civilizations is a unique example of the way in which the United Nations can adapt to emerging challenges. Jorge Sampaio UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations 7 INTROdUCTION The Second Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations implementation of existing projects, launching mobilized a wide range of committed partners, of new programs, conclusion of new partner- including governments, international organiza- ship agreements, fresh developments in national tions, media, civil society, youth and religious and regional initiatives designed to achieve the leaders. From 6-7 April 2009, nearly 2,000 collective goals. The report then focuses on the participants – among them several Heads of deliberations of the Group of Friends, which sup- Government, over 50 ministers, as well as policy- ports the Alliance, looking at the main themes of makers, foundations, media and grassroots leaders interest for ministers and heads of international from around the world – convened at the Cirağan organizations and the way focal points in national Palace Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey, to forge new administrations and partner institutions organize partnerships, generate ideas aimed at building their work. It further introduces the major inno- trust and cooperation among diverse communities vation of the Istanbul Forum - the Marketplace of and advance the Alliance of Civilizations’ goals. Ideas - and presents at some length how the youth The Forum also served as an opportunity to take have been uniquely involved in that major event. stock of initiatives developed by the Alliance, to Against that background of achievements, institu- showcase practical projects in collaboration with tional developments and innovative practices, the civil society and corporate partners and to launch report then sheds light on the many lively debates, new programs. which took place from dawn to dusk, from ex- The Alliance of Civilizations promotes “a dialogue changes between top political leaders to multifac- that delivers”, a dialogue supported and pro- eted working sessions involving representatives of longed by concrete action, with an impact on all stakeholders in the Alliance’s process. It offers citizens’ lives. It is therefore only natural that the a summary of the main points at issue and conclu- report should start with a review of the practical sions as well as a selection of quotes. outcomes of the Forum: progress made in the 8 9 OUTCOMES OF THE FORUM Existing Projects: Progress and Currently, each email alert generates an average of 7 direct inquiries. Future directions The RRMM project concluded a number of The Forum provided participants with an partnerships in Istanbul with key organizations insider’s look into the work of the Alliance of including the Anna Lindh Foundation, the Euro- Civilizations, with progress reports on its main pean Commission, Search for Common Ground, activities and achievements since the Madrid Gallup, and the International Center for Journal- Forum, held in January 2008. The feedback ists. An announcement to collaboratively launch and input received in Istanbul will help shape a Rapid Response Media Mechanism for the these initiatives, ensuring that they continue to Euro-Mediterranean region with the European respond to needs on the ground. The Alliance Commission and the Anna Lindh Foundation has also benefited from the insights of partners was made and integrated into the wider initiative who can help increase the reach and impact of named “Restore Trust, Rebuild Bridges”, jointly Alliance projects. Existing initiatives presented put forward in the aftermath of the Gaza crisis by and discussed at the Forum include: the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Alliance Rapid Response Media Mechanism (see below). The Alliance of Civilizations’ Rapid Response Alliance of Civilizations Media Fund Media Mechanism (RRMM) was launched at the The Alliance of Civilizations Media Fund expands first Forum of the Alliance in Madrid, in January the production of entertainment media, television, 2008. At the core of RRMM is an online resource and new media content that challenges common of experts for journalists covering stories about stereotypes and exposes audiences to more bal- cultural, religious and political tensions between anced representations of regions and cultures that communities, and across borders. This resource, are often ignored or negatively portrayed in mass called Global Expert Finder (www.globalexpert- media. In Istanbul, the Media Fund unveiled a finder.org) connects media professionals with three-part strategy, which includes: a. conducting leading analysts and commentators on inter- research to increase understanding of the impact cultural crises and their likely long-term impact. of media on attitudes and behavior through a Since the launch, the resource has grown to over research project at Harvard University, MIT, and 100 experts. On average, between 2-3 email alerts the New School University; b. raising awareness are sent every month to a constantly growing list of the research findings through a global media- of media contacts (currently over 7,000) to alert industry-targeted campaign to garner additional journalists about intercultural-related issues they support of media industry leaders for the Media might want to cover and offering names of GEF Fund; and c. producing and distributing content experts prepared to comment on these issues. 10

Apr 7, 2009 action, the 2009 Alliance Forum saw the launch of a number of key ment our 2007-2009 Action Plan and the progress made in achieving the
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