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YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY PANORAMA Historical Lessons from FED’s Past Cycles BRIEFING Turkey’s Journey of Success: Intrapreneurship INDEPTH Football Economy BRANDS Productisation of Anatolian NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2015 ISSUE 31 ECONOMY BUSINESS FOREIGN TRADE ANALYSIS Culture: Ece Şirin 20 G SUMMIT: SHAPING THE FUTURE The top twenty economies gathering together again, this time in Turkey. rd th th 3 - 4 - 5 DECEMBER 2015 İSTANBUL CONGRESS CENTER (ICC) PARTICIPATION IS FREE ONLINE REGISTRATION IS MANDATORY. turkiyeinovasyonhaftasi.com Partner Country /turkiyeinovasyonhaftasi /inovasyonTR The Turkish Perspective 1 05 | Watering theFlower of Peace 06 | Turkish Growth Continues 06 | Turkish Airlines Showing Promise in North America 07 | Foreign Investors Ink 53 M&A 13 pANoRAMA Deals in the Turkish Market 11 | Innovatıon Week Event Will hIsToRICAl lEssoNs FRoM be Held in Adana FED’s pAsT CYClEs 09 | Mercedes-Benz to Invest in After nearly a decade, the Their 20th Anniversary countdown for FED’s rate hike began. 12 | Turkey and Japan Seek for Streghtening Their Ties 42 CoVER FEllowshIp oF ThE TwENTY The top twenty economies gathering together again, this time in Turkey; one of the first countries where 12 13 alliances were born. 15 BRIEFING 15 | TTMs:CENTER oF ThE 2023 GoAls 32 | NEw TuRkEY BRAND: wIll sooN Turkey Trade Centers are another BE EVAluATED step towards Turkey’s 2023 export As New Turkey Brand and its logo targets. According to the new act, has found wide usage, the brand is governmental support up to 75% ready to leave the initial phase behind will be given to the newly built trade and results will be visible in the centers. forthcoming term. 17| TuRkEY: ThE lAND oF sTEEl 35 | TuRkIsh CAll CENTER sECToR: CAll oF suCCEss 15 20 | TuRkEY’s 4.5G ADVENTuRE 32 35 | ThE AMBAssADoRs MEETING 22 | TuRkIsh sEAFooD: TREAsuRE 38 | RE-poRTING FRoM İsTANBul uNDER ThE sEA The Third Airport project will serve a lot for the Best Aviation Company in 24 | RoCkET YouR BusINEss Europe, Turkish Airlines. 26 | IsTANBul: A REMARkABlE 40 | MAkING ThE RouNDs: TuRkEY CoNGREss TouRIsM CENTER CouRTs INVEsToRs AhEAD oF G20 A series of high profile events in 29 | IFs 2015: sIxTh CAuCus oN September and October allowed The FINANCE Investment Support & Promotion Organized in 8-9 September, 2015, Agency of Turkey (ISPAT) to 29 the 6th Istanbul Finance Summit showcase Turkey’s lucrative investment 40 seen huge attendance from both environment to international investors and business people. public and private sectors. 2 Content MANAGEMENT Publisher on behalf of Turkish exPorTers assembly/ Chairman of The Turkish exPorTers assembly 52 IN DEpTh MEhMET BÜYÜkEkŞİ 52 | All RoADs lEAD To lAssA ManMaAgNeArG IEnM CEhNaTrge Publhis.h BeArD oEnR b AeRhsallfA oNf P ThuDrkish Being a trademark of Brisa exPorTers assembly/ Chairman of The TurPkUiBsLhI eCxaPToIOrnTe BrOsa arsDsembly Inc., Lassa is a pioneer of MEhMM. EİlTk BEÜRY AÜYkCEI kŞİ Turkish brands that earn global TEMEl koTİl PhD Manager In Charge BÜlENT AYMEN reputation. loREM IpsuM MusTAFA ÇIkRIkÇIoĞlu PhD sPÜUlBELYIMCaATNI Okno CBAOsaErRDT ZMEk. İElRkİEYRA AMYECTIE TEMEl koTİl PhD BÜlENT AYMEN MpuuBslTIACFAAT ÇIoIkNR MIkAÇNIAoGĞElMu EPNhDT sÜlEYMAN koCAsERT ZEPkrEeRsİYIDAe MnETTE MEhMŞEAT hMİÜNC oAkhTİADY D EMİR puBlICvIACTeI oPNr eMsAIDNeAnGTEMENT YAPŞrAeRs MIDAeMnATTİ MEhMET MÜCAhİD DEMİR 56 IN DEpTh PrOJeCT COOrDInaTOr vICe PresIDenT İBRAhYAİMŞA ERD MhEAMM GATöİkhAN FooTBAll ECoNoMY MaaCrCKOeUTnInT gD DIrIreCeCTOTrOr M. BAİhBARDAIhRİhMA GNö DkİhNAÇNAslAN Footbal is nowadays is more than just a sports activity,. PrOJeCT COOrDInaTOr It is but a huge industry involving giant budgets, even TuREDGuITTo ERTIAİNlGÜ having an impact upon national economies. rEeDPIOTorRTIeArls MaEnFaEg DInAŞg MeDAINTOr 61 OF eCOnBOERMkICA PNU kBİLŞIİCNaTIOns ohNAulRİ kl okÇApAlsAlANN 67 | ThIRD GENERATIoNs oF 68 AGENDA ENGİN öREN COnTenT eDITOr suCCEss: sAİT DERİ MC. OBnAhTrADIBIURThIAnNg DrİeNPÇOArsTleArN 61 BRAND Turkey is home to stories of many FAIRs, ExhIBITIoNs, suMMITs, AND GöZrDePE OBrATleCrIssoY 61 | DEsIGNER: ECE ŞİRİN small family businesses turning MEETINGs IN ThE NExT Two MoNThs CYAOĞnITZr öIBZEURTCOArNs COnTrEIRBkUİTNI nŞgA hrİeNPöOZrTers From the day it has created into global companies. Sait Deri is 70 FIGuREs EMRE kuRBAN, until now, world’s first talisman a bright example of such Turkish BERDkEAsNIG kNİŞİN brand BeeGoddess sparkles success stories. FIGuREs oF G20 CouNTRIEs, CrheaAarRTTuI DvNeIr ADekICrTTeuOCNrTÇO r AhMET sAİD ÇElİk with 72 symbols and over 800 ExpoRT PhOTO eDITOr different designs. Ece Şirin laorRT EDMIr IepCsTuOMr offers 12 different collections in hAILRLuUsNT ArkaTTuOrN Ç sEDAT GİRGİN an 8-year period. COnpRTrINIBTUINTGOrs 64 | pAINTER: BILneloT RMEaMTB IpasauCIMLIK ve aMBaLaJ san. a.Ş. AhMET GÜNEŞTEkİN DUDULLU OrgpaRnIİNZeT I sNaGnaYİ BöLgesİ 1. CBaİDLDnee Tn MOa: 1T6B,a easCeInLKIKe nT Inspired by Anatolian and BİLTUrÜ BMarsaInMİ YYaeY /I nİs vTea hnİBZUMLeT a.Ş. Mesopotamian culture, as well DTUEDlU: L4L4U4 O4r4g 0a3n İ•Z we wsawn.baiYlnİ e Bt.önLegt.etsrİ as Turkish novelist Yaşar Kemal, 1. CaDDe nO: 16, esenKenT ÜMranİYe / İsTanBUL Ahmet Güneştekin re-creates the TEl: 444 44 03 • www.bilnet.net.tr images and stories of the ancient Anatolia towards today.. CCOOnnTTaaCCTT TT.. ++9900 221122 221111 1166 4466 FF.. ++9900 221122 221133 7777 7755 ttttpp@@mmeeddyyaattrr..ccoomm..ttrr 64 wwwwww..mmeeddyyaattrr..ccoomm..ttrr neither text nor photographs from this pnuebiltihceart itoenx tm naoyr pbhe oretopgroradpuhcse dfr ionm fu tlhl iosr ppaurbtl wicaitthioonu tm aacyk nboe wrelperdogdinugc ethde in s fouulrl coer paanrdt wseicthuoriuntg a pcrkionro pwelremdigsisnigo tnh fer osmou trhcee and securing ppriuobr lpisehrmeri.ssion from the publisher. noVember-DeCember 2015 issue 31 The Turkish Perspective 3 Editorial MehMet BüyükekŞi President (tiM) We Are IncreAsIng Our MArket shAre In eurOpe Despite the overall fall in the commodity prices and insecure exchange rates, Turkey managed to increase its quantitative export. A ccording to the latest that export volume is decreasing globally. increased our share in EU28 imports to reports of IMF and World Bank, During the same period, Turkey suffered 1.2%. Therefore we understand that our 2015 and 2016 global growth forecasts a 10% loss, less than the average decline export is better than it seems at the first are revised downwards, meanwhile throughout the world. glance. World Bank’s October report increased Despite the decrease in global growth In order to ensure increase in export Turkey’s 2015 growth forecast from 3.0% and narrowing trade volume, our of high value-added products, we to 3.2%, which affected our expectations exporters are continuing to increase their need to understand the importance from the future positively. Besides, 2016 export in terms of kilograms. In the first of innovation, R&D, design and and 2017 growth forecast by World Bank nine months of this year our agriculture branding. The 2015 results of Global is 3.5% for Turkey. and industry sectors experienced 1.6% Innovation Index, announced previous FED’s interest rates policy is still increase of export in terms of kilograms. month, testify this. In the report, the influencing economies of the developing Moreover, in the first nine months our three fundamental factors in order countries. Moreover, it is the first time export to European Union increased by to make Turkey a leading innovative we have witnessed that foreign currency 1.8% in terms of kilograms, and 7.3% country are stated as strengthening reserves of these countries decreased in terms of Euros. This demonstrates the entrepreneurship and innovation- since 1989, and their currencies lost that Turkey managed to increase its oriented education, direct financial value, returning to their value of 15 quantitative export and gained market R&D support and political stability. years ago. Ongoing decline in the share while per-unit prices fell and global In this regard, as we mention on all commodity prices is still affecting our trade suffered a recession. According platforms, we believe that decisive export negatively. Furthermore, the to the data covering last 12 months, we steps regarding innovation are vital fading economic boom in China causes for our future. Within our Turkey concerns in global markets. On the other Innovation Week activities, which we hand, in the second quarter, economic have been holding for last four years, growth in European Union has slightly we will host panels themed innovation increased to 1.6%. We expect the growth in NGOs, entrepreneurship, design to increase subsequently. and architecture, digital world and Declining commodity prices and fall future smart cities, in Adana on 5th of EUR/USD parity caused the world and 6th of November, 2015. In the goods trade decrease by 11% in the event which will bring industrialists, first seven months of this year. As USD scholars, entrepreneurs and students, gained value throughout the world, our partner country will be Finland and export volume of many countries shrank. we will host prominent speakers from For instance, one of the countries that we Finland. Technology futurist Jordan export to most, Germany, suffered a 13% Brendt and author of book “The Medici decline in export in first seven months. Effect”, Frans Johansson are among the France, Italy and Spain similarly suffered speakers. We would enjoy to see everyone a 15% decrease in export, Brazil and interested in innovation visiting the India 16% and Russia 30%, it is obvious event. The Turkish Perspective 5 Content: Rolls-Royce Joins Turkish Hi-Tech Center Project P06 Foreign Investors Ink 53 M&A Deals in the Turkish Market P07 Beko Entering the US Market P08 Mercedes-Benz to Invest in their 20th Anniversary P09 Turkey Brand Cars on Roads P10 Turkish Airlines and Monocle Cooperate for Top 20 Destinations P10 Mars Logistics Set to Expand Further P11 Turkey and Japan Seek for Streghtening Their Ties P12 Editor: İbrahim Edhem Gökhan first ECONOMY, M&A, R&D, INVESTMENT, AUTOMOTIVE, LOGISTICS, FINANCE, POLITICS... The construction POLITICS of the pipeline has jest been completed. waterıng the flower of peace Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan stated that new water supply pipe project from Turkey to Turkish Republic of North Cyprus will enhance the peace talks. T HE TURKISH for the next 50 years. water supply project Republic of It is also the first line will also contribute Northern Cyprus between Turkey and to the economy of water supply project TRNC that suffered the Cyprus by enabling is the first underwater lack of surface water the irrigation of 4824 pipeline between the and groundwater since ha area. The total mainland and an 1950s. This project investment made by island in the world that aims at helping the authorities for the is approximately 80 people to improve the project is around $820 kilometers and it will living standards in this million. President supply 75,000,000 region and according Recep Tayyip Erdoğan PhOTOGRAPh bY PRESIDENCY OF TURKEY mito(MrhTfr 3eeRiNg r ToNsaouiftrn Cidrto,hkT)rn ieiufsn rrwhronkk ami ReCntyee gy rpap atunrnoubn dslui ca lly twpTCsoeeuyip laPprlack rrareieicaso spchttieerds adol ewenc.nr eThdats to hsEGe iw brsrtd heeeueotrenwkeğ i aeqneun,e sbfaDooatnea ri P d dy2pe e0teeashvatccihecersne i aJbp’t unisern loddiy njh .eFa icCsrst e y‘ swecppdaarenotueem scr h 6 first FINANCE R&D AVIATION turkısh turkısh aırlınes Rolls-Royce Joins growth showıng Turkish Hi-Tech promıse ın contınues north amerıca Center Project Driven by domestic consumption, Turkey’s North America is Rolls-Royce has signed a cooperation agreement economy continued to Turkish Airlines’ fastest expand in the second with Turkey’s top scientific body, the Scientific growing passenger quarter of 2015, achieving and Technological Research Council of Turkey region. The region a year-on-year growth rate (TUBITAK). forms a relatively of 3.8 percent. Accord- small proportion of ing to data released by its total network, but the Turkish Statistical contributes five of Institute (TurkStat), the the airline’s top 10 country’s economy has international routes by continued on its growth ASKs (Istanbul to New track since the last quarter York is the biggest). of 2009 and beat the After launching services 3.3% market estimate. from Istanbul to TurkStat also revised Boston and Montreal the country’s first-quarter in 2014, it started San growth rate from 2.3%, Francisco this summer to 2.5%. The Turkish and will add Miami this economy’s high growth winter to give a total rates are largely due to of 10 North American strong domestic demand destinations. In 2016, it and private sector will commence flights investments. A CCORDING to the deal, cooperating with experienced to Atlanta. Commenting on the Rolls-Royce becomes companies like Rolls-Royce, Turkish Airlines is growth figures, Turkey’s the first industrial lead and with a proven record of success, the sole operator on Minister of Economy, founding member of Turkey’s is important for Turkey in order all but one of its USA/ Nihat Zeybekci, said that Advanced Manufacturing and to develop advanced industrial Canada routes from despite the slowdown Technology Center (AMTC), capabilities. The project will Istanbul (and its only in the global economy, a research and development also serve to improve supplier competitor, to Toronto, observed during the project established by Turkey’s quality and capabilities through second quarter, Turkey Ministry of Science, Industry its training programs.” is also a codeshare managed to grow beyond and Technology, to develop Also speaking at the partner). This clearly expectations. The Minister advanced capabilities for the ceremony, Patrick Regis, CEO positions it strongly remarked, “affected by country’s national projects. of Rolls-Royce Turkey and in the Turkey-North developments around the Also endorsed by the Central Asia, said that Turkey America O&D market. world, the contribution Ministries of Energy, was planning a world-class Its expansion brings of exports to the GDP Transportation, and Defense, manufacturing industry increased competition growth has declined. With the project, initially aimed at and to become one of the with the much more the recovery of exports, the aerospace industry, has leading nations in defense highly publicized Gulf- we can say that Turkey’s future plans to encompass and aerospace technologies by based super-connectors GDP growth will achieve nuclear energy, maritime 2023. He said, “Rolls-Royce in North America, but a growth rate above 5 technologies, and other sectors. has chosen Turkey for its high Turkish Airlines should percent.” Speaking at the signing skill levels, quality labor pool not fear this. In 2014, Turkey’s ceremony, Fikri Işık, Turkey’s and manufacturing prowess. annual economic growth Minister of Science, Industry, This initiative will form the reached 2.9 percent. and Technology, said that regional supply chain to Turkey’s manufacturing meet the future needs of the industry is well positioned to aerospace industry.” grow as a high added-value The AMTC is open for both sector. international and Turkish Işık added, “We believe that companies to join. NOVEMbER-DECEMbER 2015 ISSUE 31 The Turkish Perspective 7 M&A INVESTMENT Foreign Investors Ink 53 M&A Deals in the Turkish Market Turkish market attracts attention as foreign parties have reached a volume of $3.5 billion during the first eight months of 2015. 5 “Foreign investor interest DyDo Drınco 3 in fast-growing mid-sized acquıres Turkish businesses in consumer-oriented industries turkısh is likely to continue into the beverage future, given the growing population and rising income branDs levels”, Akgün noted. Significant transactions Japanese beverage in Turkey this year include giant, DyDo DRINCO, the complete acquisition has acquired 90% of online food delivery stakes in the beverage company, Yemeksepeti, by manufacturing Delivery Hero for $589 subsidiaries of Turkey’s million and Dubai-based largest food products private equity investor group, Ülker. Abraaj Group’s partnering Yıldız Holding, the with Hepsiburada.com, owner of Ülker brand, Turkey’s largest online has reached a deal with retailer, for a deal said to be DyDo for $110 million M ERGER AND the M&A operations are around $400 million. Abraaj for the sale of 90% ACQUISITION the full financial details also invested in matress and shares in each of its (M&A) operations in the publicly disclosed, and the bedroom textiles producer, beverage units, Della Turkish market involving real volume is likely to be BRN Baza Ev Tekstili, Gıda, İlk Meyve Suları foreign parties have reached appreciably higher. and Yu-Ce Medical, a and Bahar Su. Yıldız a volume of $3.5 billion Out of the 124 deals, 53 medical supplies producer. Holding will retain the during the first eight months with foreign involvement Another investor from the remaining 10% shares in of 2015. Participating in have an estimated value of Gulf region, Investcorp, the said companies. 53 transactions between USD 3.5 billion with the from Bahrain, took over In a press release, January and August, foreign year-end expectation of the majority stakes in the the Japanese company parties opted to invest heavily this figure exceeding USD 5 Turkish telematics company, cited Turkey’s young in Turkish high-tech and billion. Arvento Mobile Systems population and internet companies, while During the first eight while private school network, economic growth chain retailers, restaurants months, foreign investors Mektebim Okullariı gained prospects as the main and private school networks concluded 22 M&A deals a Saudi partner, SEDCO reasons behind the in the country also saw in high-tech and internet Holding Group, with a investment, stating that an increased cross-border sector, followed by deals in 50-percent stake sell. it planned to expand demand. real estate-construction, More recent activities the product line in the The total volume of 124 manufacturing, food, include the Qatari Turkish market. M&A operations made by beverages and energy investment fund Mayhoola’s Already partner to a local and foreign investors industries in smaller partnering with the Turkish number of global food in Turkey during the given numbers. retailer, Boyner, via a 30.7% and beverage companies, period has reached USD Akgün stated that the stake acquisition deal for Yıldız Holding had 4.3 billion, according USA, Germany, the UAE, $332 million, and the French previously sold stakes of to Mustafa Akgün, a Austria and the UK, lined Lactalis Group’s 80% stake its pasta producing unit, director at Pragma, the up as the origin countries acquisition in the Turkish PhOTOGRAPh bY AA BJNaeipsllsaiinnnie FGseoı docodam,. top aannyo,t her IbGsaetnannkeibrnauglll -yab,n oadsn ealdyd fvionisrv oeprsaytr mfit roemnf t. oiTnfu ftrohkreee yMi.gn& pAa ortpieesra itnivoonlsv eind bddiaelailriloy rn ec poinmo rvptoealdnulymy, eAex.kc eGedıdead. $T1h is 8 first MOU INVESTMENT FDI fDı ınto İncİ akü turkey teams up wıth up 22% ın Japanese fırst seven gıant months A world leader in battery solutions, GS Foreign direct Yuasa Corp of Japan, investment (FDI) into has entered into a Turkey went up by partnership agreement 22% during the first with the Turkish seven months of 2015, battery manufacturer, reaching $9.7 billion, Beko Entering the US İnci Akü. Following over the same period of a Memorandum of last year. Understanding that Market In July alone, $3.4 was signed last April, billion has been talks between the two channeled into Turkey, Increasing its global brand image in Europe, Beko decides companies have reached the main utilizing to enter the United States. a successful conclusion sector being financial with the signing of the services with over $2.1 partnership agreement A LREADY KNOWN in market however our line-up suits billion, according to announced on the Inci European markets for its smaller homes, which is trending in data from Central Aku website. leading white goods brand, Beko, the the US now,” he said, adding that the Bank. According to the Turkish manufacturer Arcelik is now company was also designing new Turkey ranked 22nd statement on Inci Aku heading to the US. The Koc Holding products especially for the US market. in the world in foreign website, the equal-share subsidiary is preparing for an On a growth track in Europe, Beko direct investment Turkish-Japanese joint entrance to the world’s second largest is increasing its share in the region’s (FDI) in 2014, venture will operate durable goods market by the end of key markets, including Germany, attracting around under the Inci GS this year, according to its Director Spain, Italy, and Russia while already $12.5 billion. Yuasa brand, aiming for General, Hakan Bulgurlu. being the leader in Poland. domestic and regional “We want to repeat our success Being the largest manufacturing leadership in battery in new markets around the world,” hub in Europe for white goods, the products. Bulgurlu told reporters at the IFA Turkish home appliances sector “With its strategic 2015 trade show held in Berlin, exported 75% of its products to location and strong Germany, stating that Turkish-made markets abroad in 2014. industrial capacity, appliances are already being used to In addition to local brands, Turkey is a key player furnish the kitchens of New York’s Arcelik, Vestel and many others, in a region where landmark development projects with Germany’s BSH and Italy’s Indesit GS Yuasa intends to Beko’s standalone entry into the US and Candygroup have production expand its footprint. market expected by the end of the and product development operations The partnership deal year. “The US is a large but difficult in Turkey. with Inci Aku is very important in this export champıons of september 2015 respect”, GS Yuasa President Osamu Murao According to the export reports of September, published by Turkish Exporters’ Association in 1 October, said about the deal. He Automotive Industry holds the high ground, which is followed closely by Apparel Industry. added that Inci Aku’s production facilities in 1.87 1.39 1.09 0.86 Manisa would become a $ $ $ $ manufacturing base for GS and Yuasa branded- bıllıon bıllıon bıllıon bıllıon products as well. obfe eTthnhe ed d ifisecnalalo nhsecadivae.l ndoetta ils AUTOMOETxIPVEO RINTDUSTRy APPAREExLP IONRDTUSTRy ChEMPRICOADLUSC ATNS DEx CPhOERMTICAL ELAENCDTR SIECRAVL-IECLEESC ETxRPOONRITCS PhOTOGRAPh bY AA NOVEMbER-DECEMbER 2015 ISSUE 31

BRIEFING. Turkey's Journey of Success: Intrapreneurship. INDEPTH. Football Economy. BRANDS. Productisation of Anatolian. Culture: Ece Şirin .. Mercedes-Benz to Invest in their 20th Anniversary P09 Turkey Brand Cars on Roads P10 Turkish Airlines and Monocle Cooperate for Top 20 Destinations
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