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Issue Evolution ISSUE EVOLUTION Race and the Transformation of American Politics EDWARD G. CARMINES JAMES A. STIMSON PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY Copyright © 1989 by Princeton University Press Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, Chichester, West Sussex All Rights Reserved This book has been composed in Linotron Century Schoolbook Princeton University Press books are printed on acid-free paper and meet the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources http://pup.princeton.edu Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Carmines, Edward G. Issue evolution: race and the transformation of American politics Edward G. Carmines and James A. Stimson. p. cm. Bibliography: p. Includes index. ISBN 0-691-07802-5 ISBN 0-691-02331-X, pbk. 1. United States—Race relations—Political aspects. 2. Afro-Americans—Politics and government. 3. United States—Politics and government—1945— 4. Voting—United States—History—20th century. I. Stimson, James A. II. Title. E185.615.C35 1989 323.1'196073—dcl9 88-25463 First Princeton Paperback printing, 1990 10 9 8 7 6 5 CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES Vll LIST OF TABLES ix PREFACE Xi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Xvi 1 The Dynamics of Issue Evolution 3 2 The Politics of Race: From Roosevelt to Reagan 27 3 The Politics and Policy of Race in Congress 59 4 Political Activism and the Party System 89 5 The Ideological and Partisan Transformation of Racial Issues 115 6 Modeling Change in Mass Identification 138 7 On the Structure and Sequence of Issue Evolution 159 8 Racial Issue Evolution: Strategy, Chance, and Opportunity 184 BIBLIOGRAPHY 199 INDEX 209 LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 Vote for Democratic Presidential Candidates in the Black Precincts of Twenty-four Southern Cities, 1952- 1972. 46 2.2 Number of Paragraphs on Race in Party Platforms, 1932-1980. 55 2.3 Racial Priority Index of Party Platforms, 1932-1980. 56 3.1 Senate Racial Voting Scales by Party, 1945-1980. 63 3.2 House Racial Voting Scales by Party, 1945-1980. 64 3.3 Senate Interparty Desegregation Differences, Actual and Intervention Model. 68 3.4 House Interparty Desegregation Differences, Actual and Intervention Model. 78 3.5 Autocorrelations of Annual Racial Voting Scales in Senate, 1945-1978. 85 3.6 Racial Voting Correlated with 1964 Base Year in Sen- ate, 1946-1978. 86 3.7 Racial Voting Correlated with Eighty-ninth Congress for House of Representatives, 1946-1978. 88 4.1 The Age Composition of Party Activists, 1956-1984. 98 4.2 Percentage of Activists Among Strong and Weak Party Identifiers, 1956-1984. 99 4.3 Percentage of Campaign Workers Among Strong and Weak Party Identifiers, 1956-1984. 101 4.4 Liberalism Among Active and Nonactive Party Identi- fiers, 1972-1984. 102 4.5 Desegregation Attitudes of Party Activists and Identi- fiers, 1952-1980. 103 4.6 Desegregation Attitudes of Party Activists Weighted by Degree of Activity, 1952-1980. 105 4.7 Desegregation Attitudes of Party Activists and Mass Party Images on Desegregation, 1952-1980. Ill 4.8 Desegregation Attitudes of Party Activists and Mass Party Images on Desegregation, Interparty Difference, 1952-1980. 112 6.1 Four Hypothetical Models of Partisan Change. 139 6.2 Mean Party Positions on Government Responsibility for Jobs and Standard of Living: A Reconstructed Time Series. 147 vn LIST OF FIGURES 6.3 The Decay of Interparty Polarization on the Jobs and Standard of Living Issue. 148 6.4 The Desegregation Attitudes of Party Identifiers, 1945-1980. 150 6.5 The Growth of Party Differentiation on Desegregation: Actual and Predicted. 153 6.6 Growing Party Differentiation on Desegregation: Con- gress and the Mass Electorate. 155 7.1 The Sequence of Issue Evolution. 160 7.2 Racial Liberalism in the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives by Party, 1945-1980. 163 7.3 Polarizing Clarity of Party Racial Issue Stands and Is- sue Public Affect Toward the Two Parties. 165 7.4 Racial Liberalism of Democratic and Republican Party Identifiers. 168 7.5 Senate and Party Identifier Alignments Together (Net, Democratic minus Republican Positions). 174 7.6 Senate, House, and Party Identifier Alignments To- gether (Net, Democratic minus Republican Positions). 175 Vlll LIST OF TABLES 2.1 Percentage of Blacks in Central Cities of Twelve Larg- est SMSA, 1930-1970 33 2.2 Proportion of Blacks Registered to Vote in Southern States, 1960-1970 49 3.1 Election Outcomes and Partisan Change: Some Hypo- thetical Effects 65 3.2 Senate Party Differences on Desegregation: An Inter- vention Model 67 3.3 Racial Liberalism and Conservatism in the Eighty- fifth Senate, 1957-1958 69 3.4 Racial Liberalism and Conservatism in the Eighty- ninth Senate, 1965-1966 72 3.5 House Party Differences on Desegregation: A Dual In- tervention 77 3.6 Two Intervention Models of Racial Issue Polarization in the U.S. House of Representatives 81 4.1 Party Image as a Function of Activist Attitudes: Two Regressions 113 5.1 Levels of Issue Constraint by Time Period and Issue Type (average gammas between issues) 122 5.2 The Dimensions of Racial Attitudes: A Principal Fac- tor Analysis (with varimax rotation) 124 5.3 Principal Component Analysis of Political Issues and Racial Attitudes, by Cognitive Ability Group 127 5.4 Principal Component Analysis of Political Issues Con- trolling for Racial Attitudes, by Cognitive Ability Group 128 5.5 Principal Component Analysis Controlling for Jobs and Vietnam, by Cognitive Ability Group (in percent- ages) 130 5.6 Principal Component Analysis of Political Issues and Racial Attitudes, by Region and Race 131 5.7 Principal Component Analysis of Political Issues Con- trolling for Racial Attitudes, by Region and Race 132 5.8 Correlations Between Political Issues and Liberal/ Conservative Dimension: 1972 133 5.9 Correlations Between Political Issues and Liberal/ Conservative Dimension: 1976 134 IX LIST OF TABLES 6.1 Four Models of Issue Evolution 152 6.2 The Evolution of Interparty Differences on Desegrega- tion: A Dynamic Growth Model of Issue Evolution 153 7.1 Alignment of Racial Attitudes and Party Identifica- tion: Two Transfer Function Models 173 7.2 Mass Issue Alignment as a Function of the Polariza- tion of Party Affect and the Clarity of Party Positions 176 7.A Regression Respecification of Table 7.1 182 7.B Regression Respecification of Table 7.2 183

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