Issue 33 Third Quarter 1999 PPRROODDUUCCTT IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN New-CoolRunner CPLDs DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT SSYYSSTTEEMMSS New-Alliance/Foundation Series2.1i New-WebPACK and WebFITTER AAPPPPLLIICCAATTIIOONNSS ADSL Modem Unusual Clock Dividers CCOOVVEERR SSTTOORRYY CCOOLLUUMMNNSS Xilinx Online technology Industry Analyst - New! allows you to reconfigure HDL Advisor your designs remotely Applications Q & A F R O M T H E E D I T O R Xilinx Online - The End of Single-use Hardware We are on the verge of an exciting new paradigm in logic design—one that could forever change not only how you design but also change what you design. A EDITOR computer can "become" a word ble, they are much less expensive as Carlis Collins processor, a communication ter- well, opening many new applications [email protected] minal, a calculator, a video that once required custom, inflexible ASICs. 408-879-4519 game, or an almost unlimited number of l Development Tools - With our tools other machines, simply by loading in a SENIOR DESIGNER you can create very large, complex new machine description or "program." It designs, and then simulate and debug Jack Farage is this reprogrammable aspect of comput- them quickly and easily. Plus, with our BOARD OF ADVISORS ers that make them so useful. Now imagine new team-based design capabilities, Dave Stieg that the hardware of your computer (or any multiple designers, in separate loca- Dave Galli other device) is just as programmable as tions, can easily collaborate. lIntellectual Property - Many new cores Mike Seither the software; that the machine itself can are being developed every day, giving Peter Alfke "morph" into almost any function, instantly you a low cost headstart on your next adapting to new requirements, and eventu- design. Xilinx LogiCOREs and third ally becoming things not yet dreamed of. party AllianceCOREs also give you the Imagine that this upgradable system is advantage of fast, predictable perfor- connected to the Internet, allowing it to be mance, no matter where the cores are 2X1il0in0x L, oIngcic. Drive automatically modified, remotely, as often placed, in any combination, saving you San Jose, CA 95124-3450 a lot of time and effort. Phone: 408-559-7778 as needed. The implications are staggering; AX: 408-879-4780 lNetworks - The Internet is everywhere, ©1999 Xilinx Inc. the possibilities are unlimited; it's called All rights reserved. which means that you have a standard, Xilinx Online™. Xcell is published quarterly.XILINX,the built-in, infrastructure for remotely Xilinx logo,and CoolRunner are regis- This futuristic capability, a combination reprogramming your designs. Through tered trademarks of Xilinx,Inc.Virtex, LogiCORE,IRL,Spartan,SpartanXL, of several technologies, has just arrived, the Internet (or any communication Alliance Series,Foundation Series,CORE yet it's already beginning to have a dra- medium) you can repair, upgrade, or Generator,XPLA,Fast Zero Power, WebFITTER,WebPACK,ChipViewer, matic impact on the way new systems are enhance existing equipment, saving Select RAM,Block Ram,Xilinx Online, and all XC-prefix products are trade- designed. These enabling technologies you and your customers a lot of time marks,and The Programmable Logic and expense. include: Company is a service mark of Xilinx,Inc. lSoftware Enabling Technologies - The Other brand or product names are trade- lDevice Architecture - The Xilinx Virtex™ marks or registered trademarks of their Java™ language enables Xilinx to create FPGA family now has the speed, densi- respective owners. universal applications for remotely pro- ty, and system-level features you need he articles,information,and other gramming, testing, and verifying your materials included in this issue are pro- to create complete systems in pro- vided soley for the convenience of our grammable logic, systems that are designs. These tools make it easy for readers.Xilinx maes no warranties, you to manage your systems in the express,implied,statutory,or otherwise, easily modified remotely. and accepts no liability with respect to lProcess Technology - With our latest field. any such articles,information,or other materials or their use,and any use deep sub-micron manufacturing tech Xilinx Online presents the obvious next thereof is solely at the risk of the user. nologies, Xilinx programmable logic step in the evolution of logic design, and Any person or entity using such informa- tion in any way releases and waives any devices are not only much more capa- this issue of Xcell shows you what it's all claim it might have against Xilinx for any loss,damage,or expense caused therby. about. 2 A R T I C L E S Inside This Issue: Xilinx Online - The End of Single-use Hardware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 COVER STORY Xilinx Online - A Revolution in Logic Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Xilinx Online - A revolution in logic Industry Leaders Discuss the Role of the Internet and design. With our latest technology, Programmable Logic..........................6 you can create unique new systems Xilinx Receives Three IRL Industry Awards.................................7 that can be remotely reconfigured Who’s Using Virtex and Spartan and maintained at your customers' FPGAs in Xilinx Online Applications..8 premises, anywhere in the world. Voice Technologies Group Creates Adaptable, Netlist Controls...............11 14 DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS How to Add Features and Fix Bugs - Remotely...................12 New 2.1i Software ............................14 New 2.1i software – shortens design Xilinx Acquires CoolRunner...............19 cycles and improves productivity. The WebFITTER–Now Better Than Ever...20 latest release of the Xilinx Alliance NewWebPACK–PacksaCPLDPunch..21 Series and Foundation Series soft- Get a Head Start with a New Virtex ware is now available. Development Board..........................23 ADSL Modems - using Spartan.........24 19 Advanced Packaging........................28 PRODUCT INFORMATION Unusual Clock Dividers.....................30 Xilinx acquires the CoolRunner® The Long-term Industry Outlook......32 32-Channel (Duplex) ADPCM Line of CPLDs - combining very low Transcoder for Virtex FPGAs............34 power with high speed, high density, The Virtex Family–a Powerful ASIC Alternative...............................35 and high I/O counts. Verilog GSR/GTS Simulation Methodology–Changes in the Alliance Series 2.1iSoftware.............38 24 APPLICATIONS The Evans &Sutherland Ensemble Image Generator...............................41 Questions & Answers........................44 Low cost Spartan FPGAs used in FlibGen, FlibTime, and ChipView – ADSL modems - managing DMA Power Tools for FPGA Design...........48 transfers and implementing the com- New FPGA Compiler II– For Million-Gate Designs..................50 plex system-level glue logic required New EDIF Netlist Controls................52 for the USB interface. FPGA-on-Board Timing Verification Using Tau......................54 32 Xilinx Design Series Text Books.......57 COLUMNS Web-integrated Software Manuals....58 Device Selection Guide.....................60 New Industry Analyst column - pro- Software Selection Guide..................62 grammable logic continues to outpace the overall electronic industry growth. For A FREE E-mail your request to: [email protected] Subscription Please be sure to include: To The Xcell 1. Your Full Name and Mailing Address 4. Your E-mail Address 2. Your Title 5. Is This New Subscription or Journal 3. The Name of Your Company a subscription Renewal? 3 Xilinx Online- in our industry there is an increasing level of competition between many new standards, for everything from interface specifications to com- munication protocols. This competition A Revolution between emerging standards creates open- ended delays for new product introductions and in Logic Design it can significantly decrease the life span of your designs. However, using Xilinx Online technologies, you can enter the market far With our latest technology, you can ahead of your competition and easily adapt to create unique new systems that can the changing standards, long after your systems be remotely reconfigured, upgraded, are installed. and maintained at your customers' lSystems that adapt themselves to a premises, anywhere in the world. changing environment, on-the-fly.For example, imagine MPEG decoders or pattern recognition devices that can automatically by Wim Roelandts, adapt their algorithms to match the quality of CEO, Xilinx the incoming data. Plus, you can download X ilinx Online repre- new algorithms, as they are developed, without sents a whole new interrupting system operation. concept in logic In the future it will become even more cru- design. Now for the first time, cial for you to have the capability of adapting to it's very practical and cost- many different evolving standards and chang- effective to design hardware ing environments. If you wait to see which that easily adapts to a changing competing standards win, or to see which environment; the advantages of options your customers are buying, you run the this new technology are enormous and far risk of always being behind the technology reaching. This capability is expected to soon curve, and your product life span (and prof- replace many conventional fixed-logic designs itability) will be significantly reduced. because the benefits are very compelling. By creating reconfigurable hardware, you will extend the life and profitability of your sys- New Possibilities tems, and you can also generate new, on-going Using the reconfigurable logic capability of our revenue from existing systems. For example, its Virtex FPGAs, and our new software technolo- not difficult to imagine "universal" Internet- gies that enable its use, you can create unique based appliances that can become whatever new designs such as: your customer chooses (and is willing to pay lSystems that can accept new features for). With this type of device you can continue and bug fixes over any network, including to create and sell new designs, long after your the Internet. For example, imagine shipping initial system was purchased, without shipping new systems, even before their final specifica- any new hardware. tions are complete. This is very useful, because (Continued) 4 It's Happening Now can also be implemented in an FPGA if neces- Researchers have been investigating this con- sary, so a separate microprocessor is not cept for years, and a few forward-looking com- required. panies have already created FPGA-based prod- l The new system-level, Virtex FPGAs ucts that can be reconfigured from afar. IBM, from Xilinx now have enough speed and for example, currently markets an ATM switch capacity to implement high performance appli- whose FPGA-based logic can be changed over cations. Our advanced sub-micron fabrication the network to bring it into accord with the lat- technologies have enabled us to significantly est changes in the ATM standard. While such reduce our prices while increasing density and reconfigurable hardware is not yet mainstream, performance. a number of Xilinx customers—including large Our Virtex family was designed from the communications companies—are very interest- beginning to allow complete or partial reconfig- ed in the idea and are well along the way with urability. This means that you can change part major designs efforts. of the FPGA while the other parts are still run- The types of systems that could benefit from ning. These features, along with abundant on- being field upgradable are wide-ranging. chip RAM (of various types), advanced clocking Almost any system that has some type of con- capability (using Delay Locked Loops), and sup- nectivity to the "outside world" can benefit port for many different I/O types (up to eight from the Xilinx Online technologies. Typical different standards simultaneously), makes the products include network appliances, set-top Virtex family the perfect choice for remotely boxes, security systems, network diagnostic upgradable applications. equipment, cellular base stations, and satellite Most systems today already come with communications systems. Other likely applica- some form of built-in communications or tions are HDTV, video and image processing, microprocessor interface, making the addition encryption, military communications, surveil- of remote field update capability a simple mat- lance, radar, and sonar. ter. And, many new tools are being developed that will make it even easier for you to create The Enabling Technologies field upgradable products. Three enabling technologies have recently Summary come together to make it possible for you to easily upgrade your hardware remotely: The capability to remotely upgrade and debug l Pervasive networks such as the Internet your systems brings many compelling advan- provide the infrastructure that allows you to tages over conventional fixed-logic designs; easily communicate with any type of system, you can get to the market much sooner, stay in anywhere in the world. Through networks (or the market much longer, and sell new features any type of communication medium), new as they are developed. Clearly, manufacturers FPGA designs can be downloaded and tested, who create remotely upgradable systems today remotely. will be the ones who lead their markets in the l The Java language makes it easy to imple- not-too-distant future. ment universal software applications. Using By incorporating Xilinx Online capability, Java we can create applets that perform the your equipment is cheaper to maintain, and it necessary functions of transporting, program- will not become prematurely obsolete—benefits ming, and verifying FPGA designs, on any type that your customers will appreciate and pay for. of host system. A Java "virtual machine" 5 Industry Leaders Discuss the Role of the Internet and Programmable Logic Xilinx Webcasts from DAC '99 present the views of industry leaders. by Ann Duft, Public Relations Manager, Xilinx, [email protected] T his year at the Design Automation market into the marketplace. In that case, I Conference (DAC) '99 in New Orleans, would see Xilinx providing the platform prod- Xilinx presented Webcasts of prominent uct." leaders in our industry—another industry first. John Chambers compared the Internet revo- There were talks by John Chambers (CEO of lution to the industrial revolution. Plus he Cisco Systems), Scott McNealy (CEO of Sun offered a five-year look ahead. "Voice will Microsystems), Aart de Geus (CEO of almost ride for free in a connection with voice Synopsys), Geoffrey Moore (author of Crossing and video over a single network. Imagine the the Chasm), and Wim Roelandts (CEO of challenges the major phone companies will Xilinx). have when 90 percent of their revenues and Geoffrey Moore spoke on the emerging sys- profits will become commodities and be free. tem-on-a-chip market. "One of the most excit- The Internet will level the playing field between ing things that Xilinx has brought to the market big companies and small companies. There will is this notion of a reprogrammable chip that be a globalization of companies and resources can be functionally changed and modified after at a pace that we're just beginning to under- shipping. This is particularly attractive in my stand. Almost every electronic device in our view for people in the hand-held device mar- home, in our work, in our cars, or even on our kets, notably wireless phones, but increasingly bodies will be networked." in the Internet appliance market currently infil- Chambers noted that the Internet will trating our lives. change the attitudes of business and the busi- “The challenge for the systems provider, ness principles; it will be viewed as the compet- who is deploying a service, is that the appli- itive advantage; change and rapid adaptation to ances become an expensive consumable. God change will become key requirements for cor- forbid there's a bug in one of these things and porate culture. It will be an era where business you have to do a recall on the product. What's must lead and government must follow. In exciting to me about the Xilinx offering is that short it will change everything. To quote their as the technology moves forward and the cus- primetime commercial, he asks, "Are you tomer wishes to increase their subscription in a ready?" service, someone at a remote systems manage- When asked about the importance of pro- ment monitoring console can actually repro- grammable logic in his future product plans, gram the device, live, without the customer Chambers responded, "Very simply, it's having to do anything. extremely important to our future in terms of "This is going to be extremely compelling to cost-of-ownership and flexibility for our cus- the systems houses. And these houses with tomers." hand-held devices that will need modification, may very well be the "crossing the chasm" tar- get segment that pulls the system-on-the-chip 6 Xilinx Receives Three be recognized with other winners at an award cere- IRL Industry Awards mony in October in Chicago during the National Communications The Xilinx IRL methodology combines computer ne-t Forum, a networking and works, the Java programming language, and the new communications confer- Xilinx Virtex FPGAs, to create a new class of electronicence. systems that can be fixed, modified, or updated after The International Engineering Consortium is installation at the end users’ premises. a cooperative, public ser- by Mike Seither, Director of vice organization dedicated Public Relations, Xilinx, to positive change in the [email protected] I information industry and nternet Reconfigurable Logic (IRL™), the university communities. For more than 50 new methodology that enables you to cre- years, the IEC has provided educational oppor- ate Xilinx Online upgradable systems, con- tunities for industry professionals and promis- tinues to win awards for innovation from the ing students. electronics industry. Electronique International Hebdo Electronique Last November, Electronique International The latest IRL award came from Electronique, Hebdo, the Paris-based weekly newspaper for the monthly magazine of record for the elec- the electronics business in France, chose the tronics industry in France. The magazine Xilinx IRL methodology as the top technical ranked the IRL methodology as one of the achievement in the semiconductor industry for industry's best innovations for 1998. In its June 1998. The publication said that a majority of 1999 issue, the magazine called the approach electronic products would be using the Xilinx for creating Xilinx Online upgradable systems IRL technology in the 21st Century. These Xilinx "a great leap forward for programmable logic." Online upgradable systems can range from Xilinx won top honors from Electronique for multi-use set-top boxes and wireless telephone active components, one of several product cat- cellular base stations to communications satel- egories recognized for excellence. An indepen- lites and network management systems. dent panel of customers, consultants, and "We're once again honored to receive this design services judged more than 80 products recognition for our IRL methodology, which has nominated for the magazine's annual awards. clearly resonated with the design engineering Xilinx accepted the award at a recognition din- community," said Xilinx president and CEO ner in June in Paris. Wim Roelandts. "Since we announced our unique approach for expanding the reach of International Engineering Consortium programmable logic, there has been a growing Citing market impact and customer benefit, the interest in this exciting technology. IRL is the International Engineering Consortium selected backbone for creating Xilinx Online upgradable the Xilinx IRL methodology as a winner of the systems, and we expect these products to pro- organization's 1999 InfoVision Award. Xilinx vide tremendous new levels of flexibility for our was a winner in the Internet category and will customers' customers." 7 Who's Using Virtex and Spartan FPGAs in Xilinx Online Applications? Though it was only recently introduced, Xilinx Online technology is already being used by some leading-edge companies to create unique new field upgradable systems. by Wallace Westfeldt, Marketing Manager IRL, Xilinx, [email protected] M any companies are now taking tems to which it is connected. "The Emerge advantage of the enormous benefits family addresses several needs regarding provided by the Xilinx Online pro- remote server management," said Kevin J. gram, which was created to enable, identify, Hafer, president and CEO of Apex. "IT man- and promote field upgradable applications agers require speed, security, ease-of-use, and based upon the award winning Internet the ability to manage servers without burdening Reconfigurable Logic (IRL) methodology from server or network performance. Our team Xilinx. These field upgradable applications are worked very closely with Xilinx to ensure that defined as being those that are connected to a Emerge 2000 meets all these key require- private or public network (such as the Internet), ments." with the ability to be updated, fixed, or modi- Emerge 2000 is expected to be a key cost- fied after they have been deployed in the field. reduction component of server management Such applications are being widely developed strategies for data centers, Internet service today by a growing number of leading-edge providers, and "server farms" of all types, espe- companies; many use Virtex devices for their cially for round-the-clock mission-critical appli- size, speed, and flexibility; others use Spartan cations. It allows operators to manage large FPGAs for their lower cost. numbers of servers connected to local area net- works, wide area networks, or the Internet Apex using only a single console, mouse and key- Apex is one of the fastest grow- APEX Emerge 2000 ing network companies; they were recently ranked fifth in Business Week’s list of “100 Hottest Growth Companies,” and the company has been in the top five of this list for three consecutive years. Apex uses SpartanXL FPGAs in their latest remote server management product introduced in August. The Emerge 2000™ system from Apex is a breakthrough remote server device that can dynamically update its perfor- mance characteristics depend- ing on the workload and sys- Figure 1 8 TSI TelSys board, without the need to load software or hardware directly on each server. "Our customers include many of the world's Emerge 2000 customers can access racks of space agencies and leading aerospace firms," servers from remote locations through dial-in said Toby Bennett, Vice President, TSI TelSys. modems, networks, or Internet protocol "Their satellite ground station facilities, which addresses. When combined with Apex’s utilize our protocol agile communication prod- OutLook® and ViewPoint® console switches, ucts, are often located in remote, inhospitable Emerge 2000 permits system administrators to regions such as near the North Pole. TSI TelSys remotely switch among, view, and control up to develops Xilinx Online applications so that our hundreds of servers. systems can be easily maintained and updated Emerge 2000 can be reconfigured to support over the Internet." Figure 2 shows a TSI TelSys the operating system, BIOS, video subsystem, board. keyboard map, or mouse pointing system of a NDS given server, and it provides compatibility with the display resolution, color depth, and refresh NDSalready makes great useof fieldupgrades," rate parameters for the server's console. said John Simmons, Project Leader, NDS, Ltd., Additionally, Emerge supports various physical speaking on their downloading procedures for connections between the console and the serv- making post-installation upgrades. "For exam- er farm, ranging from broadband optical and ple, all our FPGA design data is stored in flash T-1 to dial-up modem. memory and the flash is upgradable via the The key element of Emerge is a compactly Ethernet. Field upgradability is essential to our designed PCI circuit board (Figure 1). One of its success. It allows fast, cheap resolutions to the Xilinx SpartanXL FPGAs serves as a 32-bit, 33- rare problems that we get in the field, and is a MHz PCI interface (based on the Xilinx Real PCI delight to our customers." NDS provides broad- LogiCORE) and a video signal processor. The cast systems for HDTV. other SpartanXL FPGA is reconfigured dynami- Xilinx Online Reference cally, with digital signal processing algorithms, Designs on the Web to overcome problems associated with remote access. The Emerge 2000 system swaps com- In addition to these customer examples, Xilinx munications optimization algorithms in the continues to enable field upgradable applica- SpartanXL FPGA almost every time it switches tions by providing, information, discussion, and to another server. The reconfiguration data is reference designs through the Xilinx Online stored on disk and read into the SpartanXL website ( FPGA in milliseconds. Recently published on this website is a descrip- "Apex is to be congratulated on its forward tion of an Internet-upgradable application for looking design of the Emerge 2000 and its use Virtex, based on the WildCard general purpose of the Xilinx Internet Reconfigurable Logic reconfiguration card from Annapolis methodology to create advanced server man- Microsystems. agement products," said Xilinx CEO Wim This application, demonstrated at DAC '99, Roelandts. "The Emerge 2000 systems exempli- allows users to select Photoshop filters (config- fies the beginning of a new generation of Xilinx ured for a Virtex FPGA) from an Internet appli- Online field upgradable applications whose ance website, and securely download them FPGA-based hardware can be modified after using Java-based technology. These filters, are installation at the customer's premises." downloaded to a laptop and then programmed (Continued) 9 TSI TelSys Board Conclusion into a Virtex FPGA on a The number PCMCIA card, of Xilinx for high speed Online appli- graphics pro- cations is cessing. growing "In this quickly demonstration because of the application, many benefits Figure 2 which provides offered by this hardware acceleration for Photoshop filters, we revolutionary technology. Xilinx Online field wanted to show a complete system using stan- upgradable applications are currently being dard tools available today for doing field used in network equipment such as ATM upgrades," said Rich Sevcik, senior vice presi- switches, cellular base stations, and satellite dent software, cores, and support at Xilinx. communications systems, and the Xilinx Online "With our tools, the Virtex FPGAs, our design program is additionally targeting opportunities service partners, and the reference designs, we in emerging markets such as network appli- are providing a complete environment to ances, multi-use set top boxes, and mobile net- enable our customers to build the next wave of work devices. programmable logic applications." Virtex FPGAs The Virtex family was developed to address system-level designs and field upgradable systems, integrating 200 MHz system interfaces and timing management capabilities within a million–gate FPGA that includes a hierarchy of memory resources. Virtex FPGAs support partial reconfiguration, thus allowing new circuitry to be downloaded while standard operation contin- ues within the device. A fast 400Mb/second reconfiguration rate ensures that a full reconfiguration can be done in milliseconds and a partial reconfiguration can be done in microseconds. Reference designs will be available on the Xilinx Online Web page within the Xilinx website. These Web pages also contain frequently asked questions, a user forum, application notes, white papers, links to third-party reconfiguration companies, and links to design service companies supporting the development of Xilinx Online field upgradable applications. Spartan FPGAs Spartan FPGAs are targeted as gate array replacements for low-cost, high-volume designs under 40,000 system gates that require on-chip RAM and can benefit from pre-defined software cores. Current Spartan devices operate at 3.3 volts and 5 volts. 10