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JURNAL ILMU BUDAYA ISSN 2354 -7294 Volume 4, Nomor 1, Juni 2016 Terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Berisi tulisan berupa hasil penelitian (lapanganataukepustakaan),gagasankonseptual,kajiandanaplikasiteorimengenaikebudayaan. EDITORIALTEAM KetuaEditor Dr.MuhammadHasyim,M.Si. DewanEditor Prof.Dr.SumarwatiK.,Poli,M.Lit.(Kesusastraan,UniversitasHasanuddin) Prof.Drs.BurhanuddinArafah,M.Hum,Ph.D.(Kesusastraan,UniversitasHasanuddin) Prof.Dr.AkinDuli,M.A.(SejarahdanArkeologi,UniversitasHasanuddin) Prof.Dr.TajuddinMaknun,SU(BahasadanBudaya,UniversitasHasanuddin) Prof.Dr.RasyidAsbah,M.Hum(Sejarah,UniversitasHasanuddin) Dr.WeningUdasmoro,M.Hum.,DEA(BahasaBudayadanMedia,UniversitasGadjahMada) Dr.RahayuSurtiatiHidayat,(BahasadanPenerjemahan,UniversitaIndonesia) Prof.OlivierSevin(GeografiBudayaAsiaPasifik,UniversitasParisIVSorbonnePrancis) ManagingEditor Drs.Hasbullah,M.Hum. Dr.MardiAdiArmin,M.Hum. Dr.AdeYolanda,Yolanda,M.A. Dr.PrasuriKuswarini,M.A. FierenzianaGetruidaJunus,S.S.,M.Hum. AndiFaisal,S.S.,M.Hum. Wahyuddin,S.S.,Hum. Masdiana,S.S.,M.Hum. StafRedaksi Rugaiya,A.Md. Fitriani,S.S. Alamat Penerbit/Redaksi : Departemen Sastra Prancis Fakultas Ilmu Budaya - Universitas Hasanuddin Jl.PerintisKemerdekaankm10TamalanreaMakassar90245.http://journal.unhas.ac.id/index.php/jib email:[email protected] Jurnal Ilmu Budaya menerima sumbangan tulisan mengenai kebudayaan yang belum pernah diterbitkan dalam media lain dalam bahasa Indonesia, Inggris dan atau Prancis. Naskah disusun berdasarkan format yang ada pada halaman belakang. (Petunjuk untuk penulis). Naskah yang masuk akandievaluasidandisuntingolehEditorialTeamtanpamengubahisinya. JURNAL ILMU BUDAYA ISSN 2354-7294 Volume4,Nomor1,Juni2016 DAFTAR ISI Sultan Of Ternate Iskandar Djabir Syah: From Malino Conference To Become The 1–12 MinisterOfHomeAffairs OfEastern Indonesia State(Negara IndonesiaTimur/Nit) 1946-1950 Rustam Hasyim, Program Doktor Ilmu-ilmu Humaniora Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM/DosenPKnFKIP Unkhair Ternate) Perdagangan Dan Ekonomi Di Sulawesi Selatan, pada Tahun 1900-An Sampai 13–28 dengan1930-an NahdiaNur, ProgramStudi S3Ilmu-ilmuHumaniora Universitas GadjahMada Simetri Dalam Tir &Lir KaryaMarieRedonnet 29–38 Sitti FhatimahSarro1,AdeYolanda2,Masdiana3,JurusanSastra Prancis Fakultas IlmuBudayaUniversitas Hasanuddin,1,2,3 Penerjemahan, Intertekstualitas, HermeneutikadanEstetikaResepsi 39–47 Prasuri Kuswarini,Fakultas IlmuBudayaUniversitas Hasanuddin Orientalis danOrientalismedalam PerspektifSejarah 48–63 H.Muhammad Bahar Akkase Teng Departemen Ilmu Sejarah Universitas Hasanuddin Eksistensi KataSerapan Dalam Al-Qur’an Zuhriah,JurusanSastraAsiaBarat Fakultas IlmuBudayaUniversitas Hasanuddin 64–71 Ikonitas “BhinnekaTunggal Ika”dalam Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean(Mea) Muhammad Hasyim1, Hasbullah2, Isfajar, Jurusan Sastra Prancis Universitas 72–78 Hasanuddin1,2,Universitas Negeri Semarang 1 | JURNA L I LMU B UDA YA Vo lu me 4 , N omo r 1 , Ju n i 2 016 , I SSN : 23 5 4-7 2 9 4 SULTAN OF TERNATE ISKANDAR DJABIR SYAH: FROM MALINO CONFERENCE TO BECOME THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS OF EASTERN INDONESIA STATE (NEGARA INDONESIA TIMUR/NIT) 1946-1950 Rustam Hasyim1 Program Doktor Ilmu-ilmu Humaniora Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM/ Dosen PKn FKIP Unkhair Ternate) [email protected] Abstract This study aims to reconstruct the political participation of Iskandar Djabir Syah (the 47th Sultan of Ternate) in the establishment of the State of Eastern Indonesia. The study focuses on outlining some political events involving Iskandar Djabir Syah such as the Malino and Denpasar conferences and becaming the Minister of Home Affairs of the Eastern Indonesia State for 1949 to 1950 periods. The method used in this paper is a heuristic method that is history, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The results showed that: (1) the participation of Sultan of Ternate Iskandar Djabir Syah in the unitary state started in the early independence of the Republic of Indonesia; it was characterized by conducting Malino and Denpasar conferences in 1946. The establishment of the Eastern Indonesia State became the political inspiration for Iskandar Djabir Syah to involve as the senate member of the Eastern Indonesia State/NIT representing North Maluku, as well as one of its designers. (2) As one of the leaders who agreed to the idea of van Mook to form a federalist country in the Malino and Denpasar conference, so that when the Eastern Indonesia State was formed, he was appointed as the Minister of Home Affairs in the cabinet of J.E. Tatengkeng for 1949 to 1950 periods. (3) Malino to Denpasar Conference in 1946 initiated by H.J. van Mook was the Dutch effort to establish the states in order to realize the United States of Indonesia (Republik Indonesia Serikat/RIS) based on Linggarjati Agreement. At the conference, it was formed the Eastern Indonesia State (Negara Indonesia Timur/NIT) covering the areas of Sulawesi, Small Sunda (Bali and Nusa Tenggara) and the Maluku Islands. Keywords: Sultan of Ternate Iskandar Djabir Syah, Political History, Malino and Denpasar Conferences, the Minister of Home Affairs of Eastern Indonesia State (NIT). A. INTRODUCTION alleged involvement in Bellion Jailolo Iskandar Djabir Syah was the 46th (West Halmahera). In 1917, Iskandar sultan of Ternate. He was born on March Djabir Syah attended a school in Batavia. 4th, 1902. Iskandar Djabir Syah was the During his studying in Batavia, he met second child of seven children from many friends who introduced him to a Usman Syah (the 45th Sultan of Ternate) political movement. Agus Salim, a and the daughter of Mihir (nobility prominent figure at PSI, invited him to Susupu). His formal education began in join PSI, a political organization in 1920 to 1912 by entering the Malay School 1925. From this organization, Iskandar (Primary School) in Ternate. After Djabir Syah enriched his political graduating from elementary Malay in education which greatly influenced his 1915, he continued to Europese Lagere political view in the future. School (Yunior High School) in Ternate, At the time of Sukarno and Hatta but did not complete his study because he proclaimed the Indonesia's independence followed his father, Sultan Usman,who on August 17, 1945, this era was marked was exiled by the Dutch to London for his as the beginning of new ideological and 1. A Postgraduate student from the department of History UGM. This article is part of a dissertation on The Elite Sultanate of Ternate’s Participation in the Change of Regime: The Political History of Ternate, 1946-2002. I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Djoko Suryo as my supervisor and Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, MA as co-supervisor. 2 | JURNA L I LMU B UDA YA Vo lu me 4 , N omo r 1 , Ju n i 2 016 , I SSN : 23 5 4-7 2 9 4 political struggle between the nobility and meanwhile Iskandar Djabir Syah believed the anti-self-governing groups (republican Indonesia should appear as an egalitarian vs swapraja) in the Sultanate of Ternate. democratic state by giving wider Political legitimacy, economic and cultural autonomy to the provinces (particularly in position should have provided wider the eastern Indonesia). opportunity and certain level of social As a Sultan who had a traditional location for the nobility after the authority over the East coast of Sulawesi independence. However, the emergence of (Buton and Bangai) to the north of West nationalism blew the nobility's perception Papua, Seram and North Maluku which of independence since the construction of consists of diversity natural and a state ideology of nationalism emphasizes geographical, and cultural conditions, he loyalty to the new nation. As a result, the believed that it was certainly very difficult presence of the new nation state of to unite all the diversities into the Indonesia threated the three pillars of centralized unitary state. political and economic supremacy, Therefore,SultanIskandar Djabir took a namely; first, the political and economical decision to be part of Senate of NIT relations between the nobles and their representing North Maluku when subordinates were demolished by the new participating at a conference in Malino government's adaptation of the ideological and then in Denpasar in 1946. These state nationalism. The emergence of new conference were concerning the system elevated the social location of establishment of the federation state of kawula as subordinated to citizenship. Indonesia initiated by van Mook. Second, the system of economic relations B. Malino Conference on July 16 to 24, woven with its subordinate became loose 1946: the Birth Embryo of NIT due to the implementation of agrarian law Based on the approval obtained from political which advocated land the Dutch Government, van Mook carried privatization and the shift in the out a conference in Malino on July 16 to predominant production of feudal to 24, 1946 in Makassar, South Sulawesi. The capitalist production system. Third, the decision to conduct a conference in traditional values of the traditional elite Makassar due to several speculative and tending to be astrictive had to face the conspiratorial considerations. meritocratic values brought by modernity, Geographically, Makassar was considered for example, positions in the bureaucracy relatively far away from the control of the were no longer as something inherent but new government of Indonesia. During that must be based on specific competency. time, Eastern part of Indonesia was Facing those changes, Sultanate of occupied by the Australian Army on behalf Ternate should decide whether following of the Allies which was politically and the logic of Soekarno’s power by taking security benefit. The conference was part in the national political arena or attended by 39 members of the Senate of opposing him by participating in political 15 areas such as: Bali, Lombok, Riau, movement following Van Mook's concept South Sulawesi, Bangka Belitung, Borneo, of the nation state. Kinds of form and East Borneo, North Maluku, Minahasa, system which should replace the system Sangir Talaud, Gorontalo, Central conducted during the colonial were a Sulawesi, Neeuw Guinea (Irian), Flores, heated discussion among politicians. There Timor, Sumba, Sumbawa, South Borneo, was two popular views namely, the view and South Maluku. The conference aimed of those nationalists who believed that the at discussing the formation of the state unity of the Indonesian state depended on federation in Indonesia as well as the the strength of the central control; establishment of the state covering the 3 | JURNA L I LMU B UDA YA Vo lu me 4 , N omo r 1 , Ju n i 2 016 , I SSN : 23 5 4-7 2 9 4 areas in eastern Indonesia (Adnan Amal, the rim of Republic of United Indonesia 2007:211). and the rural areas which were remote In Malino conference, van Mook from the central were freer to develop offered the structural form of the themselves. In addition, the concept of federation state provided that the part areas federal state gave the space to the kings in that would be the components of the the eastern Indonesia to seize their power federation must be the wide areas and had (IrzaArnita Djafaar, 2005: 114). the economic potential, social, strong Malino Conference in July 16 to 24, political. Van Mook’s idea received 1946 was the foundation of the formation positive response from the delegate of of the state of Eastern Indonesia (Negara North Maluku, Sultan of Ternate, Iskandar Indonesia Timur/NIT). NIT is the oldest Djabir Syah. For Iskandar Muhammad and largest among the countries Djabir Syah, the formation of a federal established by the Dutch government. The state was not disintegration but it was a strong position of the Dutch in the eastern system of government that was not Indonesia became the reason for the Dutch different from the unitary state. The basic to give wide autonomy to the Eastern idea of the most substantial federal state Indonesia State consisting of hundreds of was guaranteed the fairness in the large and small islands and divided into 13 allocation of resources, in addition to autonomous regions. The Eastern enabling the effective and efficient Indonesia was selected as the first area administration management because its where the first state to be formed. Dutch scope was more limited. In addition, the military power was relatively large in this state of Eastern Indonesia would be area, anyway the Netherlands was correct transformed into a prosperous country and in its assessment that the idea of the could develop its own identity as wanted federal state would have special attraction by all parties (Irza Arnita Djafaar, 2005: for the people outside the Java island who 32). were pretty anxious about the Javanese Conceptually, the idea of van Mook politics who were much larger. about the federal state was not a new thing In this conference, there were some for Iskandar Muhammad Djabir Syah. The decisions made, among others: (1) national concept of a federal state was not much anthem and the flag, the conference took a different from the system of government decision that the national anthem of which has been long adopted by the many Indonesia Raya was accepted as the Sultanates of Ternate. In the structure of national anthem; (2) in the field of politics the sultanate of Ternate (Maloko Kie and state administration, Malino Raha), each kingdom under his control conference decided unanimously that in took care of its own home affairs. While the field of the reconstruction of the state the outside affairs, especially the military administration in the territory of the and financial affairs, were controled by the former Dutch East Indies formation of a board of eighteen which consisted of federation which covered the whole representatives from four kingdoms. They territory of the former Dutch East Indies were the government representatives and called the United Indonesia States the military representatives plus other consisting of the parts (states) with areas delegates. With the recognition and of great power and authority with the guarantee of van Mook, that the form of power to govern itself as widely as government of the Republic of the United possible; (3) about the relationship with Indonesia became the warranty in the Netherlands, Malino Conference managing the harmonization and ensuring expressed as its belief that it was necessary the public justice. Therefore, the islands in to carefully define the period of time as 4 | JURNA L I LMU B UDA YA Vo lu me 4 , N omo r 1 , Ju n i 2 016 , I SSN : 23 5 4-7 2 9 4 may be necessary to conduct cooperation as a strategy to divide the nation of with the kingdom as intended to give the Indonesia (R. Nalenan, 1981: 83). opportunity to the United Indonesia State Denpasar Conference on December, 7- to create organization in the field of the 12 1946: The Establishment of NIT state administration, economic, social and According to the agreement of Malino culture, and to obtain the equipments that Conference, the second conference (as it would give possibilities to the United goes) would be held approximately four Indonesia States with all the freedom and months in Denpasar. Denpasar (Bali) was independence to take decisions about the chosen as the venue for the conference continuation of the relationship between because the place was consedered safe the Netherlands and Indonesia (Irza Arnita after Margarana war. Denpasar Conference Djafaar, 2005: 184). was actually as the continuation of the Thus the Malino conference was the Malino conference to formulate a new beginning of the foundation of separating government and state structure in the the Indonesia areas into the independent region of the big east through negotiations areas as the state part of the federal state initiated by van Mook. Denpasar and gave the possibility to the Dutch to Conference was embryo of the birth of control Indonesia. Malino Conference was NIT which was a prototype of the puppet the stepping stone of the Netherlands to states which were continually formed by establish the United Indonesia State based the Netherlands (Audrey R. Kahin, 1955: on the concept offered by van Mook 79). namely “the federal commonwealth of Before conducting Denpasar Indonesia”. The Conference held for Conference on December 7 to 24, 1946, on approximately 8 days the finally closed by November 15th, 1946, the Government of Van Mook as chairman of the conference the Netherlands, represented by by asking the participants to give their Schermerhorn and Sutan Syahrir from approval. He expressed his intention to Indonesia, signed the approval of establish a state in Java, Sumatra, Borneo Indonesian-Dutch settlement of the and the Big East. For the establishment of problem called "Linggarjati Agreement" the Eastern Indonesia State, it would be which contained: (1) the Government of discussed specifically in Denpasar the Republic of Indonesia and the conference and would be conducted jointly Netherlands jointly organized the with the ARC. The goal was that existing establishment of a federal state called the officers would be used continuously. United Indonesia States (NIS); and (2) NIS The idea to form a united state (the would cooperate with the Kingdom of the country consisting of state parts) was Netherlands to establish a united already planned by van Mook before the Indonesia-Netherlands (Marwati Djoened independence of the Republic of Indonesia Poesponegoro Nugrogo Natosusanto, so that it was not surprising if the 2008: 269). Republican leaders from the nationalist Denpasar Conference took place after movement were largely against this idea Linggarjati agreement on November 15, because federalism wanted by van Mook 1946. After the manuscript was approved was to be led by the Dutch. Therefore, on December 20, 1946, van Mook could Malino Conference did not get a good freely act establishing the Eastern reception from the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesia State which was not contrary to Malino Conference was considered as an the spirit and soul of Linggarjati attempt to gain the support of the Dutch agreement. The conference participants representatives in the regions outside Java who were pro-Republic came to support the establishment of the Eastern Indonesia 5 | JURNA L I LMU B UDA YA Vo lu me 4 , N omo r 1 , Ju n i 2 016 , I SSN : 23 5 4-7 2 9 4 State because the Linggarjati Agreement government since 1938, in which the asserted that “the Netherlands government representatives of the Dutch Government recognized the fact of de facto power of such as the controller and the resident the Republic of Indonesia government on assistant exercised such a wider power, so Java, Madura, and Sumatera. While the the king was only a puppet. Iskandar regions occupied by alliance or the Dutch Djabir Syah expressed his dissatisfaction army gradually and with joint working about the position and status of the kings between the two parties would also be who headed the autonomous governments. included within or into the Republic According to him, the position as the Region”. Sultan was often ignored; every decision Denpasar Conference was attended by made must depend on the approval issued 71 representatives from all regions of by the Dutch. It made the position of the Eastern Indonesia. The number of local Sultan just an ornament or the second delegates from each region and defined by person, even there were frequent conflicts van Mook consisted of 55 regional of interest as if there was a dual basis of delegates, mostly represented by the King local government. It often made the or the Sultan and 15 delegates from the society confused. Sultan was like a doll minorities (Chinese and other eastern that could be tweaked by the Dutch; his foreigners) so that there were 71 position as Sultan was often difficult; his participants. For Northern Maluku, it was authority as Sultan was often overlooked represented by Iskandar Djabir Syah in the interest of the Dutch. (Sultan of Ternate) and Zainal Abidin Therefore, according to Iskandar Alting (Sultan of Tidore). The conference Djabir Syah, it was necessary to abolish had the authority based on the decision of the duality in the autonomous regions and the Malino Conference to draw up new to the king as the head of the autonomous governance and state administration in the governments was actually given real area of the Big East through negotiations power and authority. The same view was and discussions with the representatives of also presented by L. Katoppo (the delegate the Dutch government. According to Ide from Minahasa), he said that the Eastern Anak Agung Gde Agung there were Indonesia State consisted of more than noticeable differences between Malino 75% the autonomous regions and 115 Conference and Denpasar Conference. In autonomous government. The position of Malino Conference, talks were still general the head of the autonomous governments and the concerning political, economic, was regulated by the so-called "Korte social and cultural issues in Indonesia in verklaring" (short statement) and "lange general. While in the Denpasar kontrakten" (long contract) as the Conference, the talks were centered on one recognition of the Dutch Government to core issue, namely the formation of the the special position of the kings who government structure in the regions of the hereditary ruled an autonomous region (L Big East where the working paper was .Katoppo, 1972: 78). already available about the regulation plan In Denpasar Conference, Sultan of of the establishment of Big East State Ternate, Iskandar Djabir Syah approved prepared by the General Commissariat for the decision of the federal state, and Borneo and the Timur Besar (Ide Anak consistently defended it because it was Agung Gde Agung, 1985:74). similar to the concept and understanding At the conference, the Sultan of of Maloko Kie Raha that he had practiced Ternate, Iskandar Djabir Syah, opposed the and believed. According to him, the autonomous area (swapraja) of sociological-anthropological situation of government policy conducted by the Dutch Indonesian which was plural was suitable 6 | JURNA L I LMU B UDA YA Vo lu me 4 , N omo r 1 , Ju n i 2 016 , I SSN : 23 5 4-7 2 9 4 with the plural-federalist concept. In the C. Sultan of Tidore, Zainal Abidin and conference, van Mook imposed federalism the Rejection of Papua Separation from idea. It was being done without the co- NIT operation with the Republic of Indonesia From the beginning, the Dutch as approved in the Linggarjati agreement. Government through the General The Eastern Indonesia State was very Governor, van Mook intended to separate strategic for van Mook in achieving his the West Irian (now Papua) from Indonesia ambition to create the United Indonesia Republic both in Malino and Denpasar Republic State which still remained within Conference in 1946. West Irian (Papua) the Dutch kingdom. was intentionally not included in the The establishment of the Eastern conference by the Dutch based on the Indonesia State (NIT), according to Van reason that Papua would be discussed on Mook, would transformed Easter its own after the establishment of NIT. At Indonesia into a country that had a strong the conference, Sultan of Tidore, Zainal vitality, would be able to develop its own Abidin (the 36th sultan) the representative identity, and would successfully become a of North Maluku was questioned why valuable part of the Indonesian federation Papua was not integrated into NIT, that would be realized as desired all whereas in the constitutional structure of parties. At the end of Denpasar Conference the Dutch East Indies, Papua was the part on December 24, 1946, it was established of the Timur Besar (Grote Oost). a new country called Eastern Indonesia At the conference, Zainal Abdin stated State which was still on the scope of that from the immemorial time, Papua United Indonesia Republic State (RIS) that region was inseparable part from Tidore covered the areas of Sulawesi, Small Sultanate, therefore the autonomous Sunda (Bali and Nusa Tenggara) and the government of Tidore had full right and Maluku Islands (Ide Anak Agung Gde authorization to Papua. He said that if it Agung, 1985: 199). was then held on the issue of dispute Denpasar Conference was selected by settlement of Papua, the right of Tidore Cokorda Gde Raka Sukawati as the first Sultanate must be recognized. The Head of Eastern Indonesia State (a former suggestion of Zainal Abidin was supported member of the Volksraad from PEB party), by E. Katoppo from Minahasa by saying the Prime Minister was Nadjamoedin that the territory of New Guinea (Papua) Daeng Malewa who also a Minister of the was the part of the Dutch East Indies since Economy affairs, and the elected head of the old time, so that the United Indonesia DPRS, Mr. Tadjoeddin Noer. Only the States covered the whole territory of the republicans argued that the establishment Dutch East Indies, so the region of Papua of the Eastern Indonesia State in the should be included in the territory of the framework of the establishment of the United Indonesia States as the part of the Republic of Indonesia was only one step in Eastern Indonesia Sate. the struggling process toward Indonesia In the history aspect, the relation Republic State in accordance with the between Tidore Sultanate and Papua had proclamation spirit of 1945. While those existed long before the arrival of who supported federalism considered that Europeans. According Muridan Widjojo, the Eastern Indonesia State was the goal economic, social, political and cultural on the context of the establishment of the relations were not only evidenced by Federal State Federal which stil remained written sources. Even the folk stories from under the control of the Dutch kingdom. Maluku (Tidore Chronic and Bacan) and Papua (Biak Chronic) narrated the brotherhood bond (1997; 129). So it was 7 | JURNA L I LMU B UDA YA Vo lu me 4 , N omo r 1 , Ju n i 2 016 , I SSN : 23 5 4-7 2 9 4 not surprising that the bond of brotherhood recognized the establishment of the United between the two regions existing for the Indonesia States, which consists of from centuries in the collective memories which the island Sabang to Aru, and as the sons was intentionally omitted by the Dutch of our nation we will seek the relationship Colonial by separating Tidore and Papua and help from the government of the in Denpasar conference on December 7 to United Indonesia States generally and 24, 1946, caused protest from Zainal from the of Eastern Indonesia States Abidin Alting. specifically, to support us as much as On that occasion, Zainal Abidin possible so that we can unite in one nation. insisted to have the opportunity to give an Although the establishment of the United explanation of his attitude (stern Indonesia States according to Linggarjati motiuering) “about the exclusion of Papua Agreement, on November 15, 1946, in the Eastern Indonesia States (NIT)” as excluded Papua, but we always want to reported by the New State newspaper. keep all our thoughts and energy to unite Zainal Abidin conveyed his with our national brothers under nation of disappointment as follows: the United Indonesia States. Our intention "The Excellency Mr. Major Chairman, comes from our deep, clear and clean "I am as the head of the Tidore hearts, so that we have a big hope that the kingdom with much regret not excellency can receive our brotherhood so be able to approve the results we can stand together to develop one of the Round Table Conference prosperous Indonesia and gain great as with the results of my happiness in the future" (Newspaper of kingdom, although it has been Timoer Indonesia, November 20, 1946). separated for a while, which is The same rejection came from the one part is included in the society of Maluku. In a big meeting United Indonesia States and conducted by Indonesia Youth Association other part is in the West Irian on November 13, 1946, in Ambon City, which under the control of the there were about 3000 people had taken Kingdom of the Netherlands. political resolution, namely: (1) continuing In the end, I pointed out that in to fight for the ideals of freedom and the this short description, it can be whole of the Indonesian home lands and concluded that the Tidore supporting the NIT government based on kingdom still retains its rights the decision of the Board of Maluku, and to the Iriant which historically (2) demanding and fighting for Irian to still part of Tidore kingdom. That is remain in RIS (Newspaper of Menara all, thank you". Merdeka, 1946). Rejection of the separation of Papua By the Round Table Conference from the Eastern Indonesia State was not (Koferensi Meja Bundar/KMB) on August only expressed by Zainal Abidin at the 23, to November 2, 1949 in Den Haag, the conference. Outside the parliament, as policies carried out by the Dutch reported in the Indonesia Timoer Government to separate Papua from the newspaper, the kings of Papua such as Tidore Sultanate intensively conducted. king Ahmad-Uswanas (Fak-Fak) and king On March 23, 1949, De Waalas, an advisor Haji Ibrahim Baoe (Rumbati/Kokas) had to the Dutch East Indies government in filed a petition to the Excellency the Indonesia to the Kingdom of the Minister of Home Affairs from the Eastern Netherlands, suggested that Papua could Indonesia States to merge Papua into the be separated from Tidore through two Eastern Indonesia States. In the petition options: first, the Dutch press to customary letter, both kings stated that, "We have chiefs who were under the power of the

the old time, so that the United Indonesia. States covered the whole territory of the. Dutch East Indies, so the region of Papua should be included in the berakhlak mulia dan jauh dari akhlak yang buruk dan rendah. Namun tetap saja para musuh Islam tidak suka dengan semua ajaran Islam dan.
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