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IS/QC 400200: Fixed Resistors for Use in Electronic Equipment Sectional Specification : Fixed Power Resistors PDF

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Preview IS/QC 400200: Fixed Resistors for Use in Electronic Equipment Sectional Specification : Fixed Power Resistors

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS/QC 400200 (1992): Fixed Resistors for Use in Electronic Equipment Sectional Specification : Fixed Power Resistors [LITD 5: Semiconductor and Other Electronic Components and Devices] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS QC 400200 : 1992 IEC QC 400200 : 1982 Indian Standard FIXED RESISTORS FOR USE IN ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT SECTIONAL SPECIFICATION : FIXED POWER RESISTORS LANOITAN FOREWORD sihT naidnI ,dradnatS hcihw is lacitnedi htiw CEI buP 1154/QC :.002004 1982 dexiF‘ srotsiser rof esu ni cinortcele tnempiuqe - traP 4 : lanoitceS noitacificeps : dexiF rewop ,’srotsiser issued yb eht lanoitanretnI lacinhcetortcelE- noissimmoC ( CEI ) was de.tpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards no eht noitadnemmocer fo eht srotsiseR lanoitceS eettimmoC ( DTL 14 ) and lavorppa fo eht scinortcelE and noitacinummoceleT noisiviD .licnuoC ehT txet fo eht CEI standard has neeb devorppa as elbatius rof noitacilbup as naidnI dradnatS tuohtiw .snoitaived niatreC snoitnevnoc ,era ,revewoh ton lacitnedi ot esoht desu ni naidnI Standards. noitnettA is ylralucitrap drawn ot eht :gniwollof reverehW eht sdrow lanoitanretnI‘ ’dradnatS raeppa gnirrefer ot this standard, yeht dluohs eb daer as naidnI‘ .’dradnatS nI eht detpoda standard, ecnerefer sraeppa ot niatrec lanoitanretnI Standards rof hcihw naidnI Standards osla .tsixe ehT gnidnopserroc naidnI Standards hcihw era ot eb detutitsbus ni rieht ecalp era detsil woleb gnola htiw rieht eerged fo ecnelaviuqe rof eht snoitide :detacidni International Standard Corresponding Degree of Indian Standard Equivalence CEI QC 400000 : 1982 SI QC 400000 : 1988 dexiF srotsiser rof esu lacitnedI ni cinortcele tnempiuqe : cireneG -ificeps noitac CEI QC 001001 : 1981 SI QC 001001 : 1988 cisaB selur fo eht CEI lacitnedI ytilauq assessment metsys rof cinortcele stnenopmoc ( QCEI ) CEI QC 001002 : 1981 SI QC 001002 : 1988 seluR fo erudecorp fo lacitnedI eht CEI ytilauq assessment metsys rof cinortcele stnenopmoc ( QCEI ) ehT denrecnoc acinhcet eettimmoc has deweiver eht snoisivorp fo CEI buP 63, CEI buP 68 and CEI buP 410 derrefer ni this detpoda standard and has dediced that yeht era elbatpecca rof esu ni noitcnujnoc htiw this standard. sihT standard is dednetni yliramirp rof esu rednu eht QCEI .metsyS A raluger naidnI dradnatS rof this tnenopmoc dluoc eb ,tnereffid lacitnedi ro ralimis ot this standard. ylnO eht hsilgnE egaugnal txet ni eht IanoitanretnI dradnatS has neeb deniater elihw gnitpoda ti as naidnI .dradnatS -_ IS QC 400200: 1992 IEC QC 400200: 1982 CONTENTS SECTION ONE - GENERAL Clause lareneG ........................................... 3 1. 1.1 Scope .......................................... 3 1.2 .tcejbO ......................................... 3 1.3 detaleR stnemucod ................................... 3 4.1- noitamrofnI ot eb nevig ni a liated noitacificeps .................... 4 SECTION Tsvo - PREFERREDR ATINGS,C HARACTERISTICASN D TEST SEVERITIES 2. Preferred ratings, characteristics and test severities ..................... 2.1 Preferred characteristics ................................ 2.2 Preferred values of ratings ................................ 2.3 Preferred test severities ................................. SECTIONT HREE - QUALITY ASSESSMENTP ROCEDURES 3. Quality assessment procedures . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.1 yllarutcurtS ralimis stnenopmoc ............................ 9 3.2 noitacifilauQ lavorppa ................................. 9 3.3 ytilauQ ecnamrofnoc noitcepsni ............................. 41 VJQage3) 2 I!3 QC 400200 : 1992 IEC QC 400200 : 1982 NOITCES ONE - LARENEG 1. General 1.1 Scope sihT dradnats setaler ot dexif power srotsiser htiw rated snoitapissid greater naht 1 W pu ot dna gnidulcni 1000 W hcihw are dedivorp htiw a revoc or gnitaoc for latnemnorivne .noitcetorp 1.2 Object ehT tcejbo of s:ht dradnats si ot ebircserp preferred sgnitar dna scitsiretcarahc dna ot tceles morf I E C noitacilbuP l-511 (1982) the etairporppa ytilauq tnemssessa ,serudecorp tests dna gnirusaem sdohtem dna ot evig lareneg ecnamrofrep stnemeriuqer for siht epyt of .rotsiser tseT seitireves dna stnemeriuqer debircserp ni liated snoitacificeps gnirrefer ot siht lanoitces noitacificeps llahs eb of lauqe or rehgih ecnamrofrep ,level esuaceb rewol ecnamrofrep slevel are ton .dettimrep 1.3 Related documents I E C Publications noitacilbuP 63 (1963) : Preferred rebmuN seireS for srotsiseR dna .sroticapaC tnemdnemA No. 1 (1967). tnemdnemA No. 2 (1977). noitacilbuP 68 : cisaB latnemnorivnE gnitseT .serudecorP noitacilbuP 1-511 :)2891( dexiF srotsiseR for esU ni cinortcelE .tnempiuqE Part :1 cireneG .noitacificepS noitacilbuP 410 :)3791( gnilpmaS snalP dna serudecorP for noitcepsnI yb .setubirttA noitacilbuP QC 001001 (1981) : cisaB seluR of the I E C ytilauQ tnemssessA metsyS for cinortcelE stnenopmoC .)QCEI( noitacilbuP QC 001002 (198 1) : seluR of erudecorP of the I CE ytilauQ tnemssessA metsyS for cinortcelE stnenopmoC .)QCEI( Note. - ehT evoba secnerefer ylppa ot eht tnerruc snoitide tpecxe rof I E C noitacilbuP 86 rof hcihw eht decnerefer noitide ni eht elbacilppa tset sesualc fo eht cireneg noitacificeps llahs eb .desu 3’ IS QC 400200: 1992 IEC QC 400200: 1982 1.4 Information to be given in a detail specification liateD snoitacificeps llahs eb devired morf the tnaveler knalb liated .noitacificeps liateD snoitacificeps llahs ton yficeps stnemeriuqer roirefni ot those of the ,cireneg lanoitces or knalb liated .noitacificeps nehW erom ereves stnemeriuqer are ,dedulcni yeht llahs eb detsil ni esualc-buS 1.8 of the liated noitacificeps dna detacidni ni the test ,seludehcs for elpmaxe yb na .ksiretsa 1.4.1 Note. -The information given in Sub-clauses and 1.4.3 may, fdr convenience, be presented in tabular form. ehT gniwollof noitamrofni llahs eb nevig ni each liated noitacificeps dna the seulav detouq llahs ylbareferp eb detceles morf those nevig ni the etairporppa esualc of siht lanoitces .noitacificeps 1.4.1 Outline drawing and dimensions erehT llahs eb na noitartsulli of the rotsiser as na dia ot ysae noitingocer dna for nosirapmoc of the rotsiser htiw others. snoisnemiD dna rieht detaicossa ,secnarelot hcihw affect ytilibaegnahcretni dna ,gnitnuom llahs eb nevig ni the liated .noitacificeps llA snoisnemid llahs ylbareferp eb stated ni ,sertemillim revewoh nehw the lanigiro snoisnemid are nevig ni ,sehcni the detrevnoc cirtem snoisnemid ni sertemillim llahs eb added. yllamroN the laciremun seulav llahs eb nevig for the htgnel of the ,ydob the htdiw dna thgieh of the ydob dna the eriw ,gnicaps or for lacirdnilyc ,sepyt the ydob ,retemaid dna the htgnel dna retemaid of the .snoitanimret nehW ,yrassecen for elpmaxe nehw ni a liated noitacificeps erom naht eno noitapissid eulav si ,derevoc the snoisnemid dna rieht detaicossa secnarelot llahs eb detneserp ni ralubat mrof woleb the .gniward nehW the noitarugifnoc si other naht debircsed ,evoba the liated noitacificeps llahs state hcus lanoisnemid noitamrofni as lliw yletauqeda ebircsed the .rotsiser nehW the rotsiser si ton dengised for esu no detnirp ,sdraob siht llahs eb ylraelc stated ni the liated .noitacificeps 1.4.2 Mounting ehT liated noitacificeps llahs yficeps the dohtem of gnitnuom ot eb deilppa for lamron esu dna for the noitacilppa of the noitarbiv dna the pmub or shock tests. ehT srotsiser llahs eb detnuom yb rieht lamron .snaem ehT ngised of the rotsiser yam eb hcus that laiceps gnitnuom serutxif are deriuqer ni sti .esu nI siht case, the liated noitacificeps llahs ebircsed the gnitnuom serutxif dna yeht llahs eb desu ni the noitacilppa of the noitarbiv dna pmub or shock tests. 1.4.3 Style (I E C Publication 115-1, Sub-clause 2.2.3) roF the esoprup of siht ,dradnats the elyts si a noitanibmoc of rated noitapissid dna erutarepmet citsiretcarahc (or )tneiciffeoc of .ecnatsiser tI llahs eb detneserper yb a rettel-elbuod code e.g. ,BA ,CB CD, etc., hcihw si ylirartibra nesohc for each erutarepmet/noitapissid citsiretcarahc noitanibmoc derevoc yb a liated .noitacificeps ehT elyts ,noitangised therefore, has on gninaem sselnu the rebmun of the liated noitacificeps si osla .nevig 1.4.4 Ratings and characteristics ehT sgnitar dna scitsiretcarahc llahs eb ni ecnadrocca htiw the tnaveler sesualc of siht noitacificeps together htiw the :gniwollof CEI( page 9 ) 4 IS QC 400200 : 1992 IEC QC 400200 : 1982 Rated resistance range See esualc-buS 2.2.1. ehT preferred seulav are those of the seires-E of I E C noitacilbuP 63. .woY. - nehW stcudorp devorppa ot eht liated noitacificeps yam evah tnereffid ,segnar eht gniwollof tnemetats dluohs eb dedda : ehT“ egnar fo seulav elbaliava ni hcae elyts si nevig ni eht deifilauq stcudorp ”.tsil I .1.5 Markiq ehT liated noitacificeps llahs yficeps the tnetnoc of the gnikram no the rotsiser dna no the package. snoitaiveD morf esualc-buS 2.4 of the cireneG ,noitacificepS CEI noitacilbuP ,1-511 llahs eb yllacificeps stated. NOITCES OWT - DERREFERP ,SGNITAR SCITSIRETCARAHC DNA TSET SEITIREVES -. 7 Preferred ratings, characteristics and test severities 7.1 Preferred characteristics ehT seulav nevig ni liated snoitacificeps llahs ylbarefext eb detceles morf the :gniwollof 2.1. I Preferred climatic categories ehT srotsiser derevoc yb siht noitacificeps are deifissalc otni citamilc seirogetac gnidrocca ot the lareneg selur nevig ni I E C noitacilbuP -86 1. ehT rewol dna reppu yrogetac erutarepmet dna the noitarud of the pmad heat, etats-ydaets test llahs eb nesohc morf the :gniwollof Lower yrogetac :erutarepmet 55- ,C“ 04- ,C“ 52- C“ dna - 10 C“ reppU yrogetac erutarepmet : ,C”521+ C”002+dnaC”551+ noitaruD of the pmad heat, etats-ydaets :tset 4, 10, 2 1 dna 56 syad ehT seitireves for the dloc dna yrd heat tests are the rewol dna reppu yrogetac serutarepmet .ylevitcepser esuaceB of the noitcurtsnoc of emos ,srotsiser these serutarepmet lliw rucco neewteb two of the preferred serutarepmet nevig ni I CE noitacilbuP .2-86 nI siht tneve the tseraen preferred erutarepmet nihtiw the lautca erutarepmet egnar of the rotsiser llahs eb nesohc for siht .ytireves 2.1.2 Temperatlrre coyfficients arld temperature characteristics of resistance ehT preferred stimil of egnahc ni ecnatsiser for the erutarepmet citsiretcarahc of the ecnatsiser test are ne,\ig ni elbaT 1. Each enil ni the elbat sevig the preferred erutarepmet tneiciffeoc dna gnidnopserroc erutarepmet citsiretcarahc for 20 C“ ot 70 C“ dna stimil of egnahc ni ecnatsiser for the tnemerusaem of the erutarepmet citsiretcarahc of ecnatsiser (see 1 CE noitacilbuP .l-511 esualc-buS 4.8) no the sisab of the yrogetac erutaicpmet segilar of esualc-buS 2.1.1 of siht lanoitces .noitacificeps ( CEI page 11) 5 IS QC 400200: 1992 IEC QC 400200: 1982 ELBAT I _~. -________._ erutarepmeT citsiretcarahc fo ecnatsiser erutarepmeT stimil( fo egatnecrep egnahc ni )ecnatsiser erutarepmeT citsiretcarahc tneiciffeoc 07102 C“ ecnerefeR /erutarepmet ecnerefeR /erutarepmet rewol yrogetac erutarepmet reppu yrogetac erutarepmet ( OI -“PC) W) + -/02 55 + -/02 04 + -/02 52 + -/02 01 + +/02 521 + +/02 551 + +/02 002 f 005 f 5.2 + 57.3 ? 0.3 f 52.2 + 5.1 + 52.5 !!z 57.6 + 0.9 rI 052 + 52.1 f 88.1 * 5.1 + 31.1 f 57.0 + 26.2 + 83.3 f 5.4 ~_ - /05 - /52.0 - 1573.0 - /3.0 - /32.0 - .0 /51 - /525.0 - /576.0 - /9.0 + 052 + 52.1 + 88.1 + 5.1 + 31.1 + 57.0 + 26.2 + 83.3 + 5.4 - * 001 f 05.0 + 57.0 + 6.0 + 54.0 * 3.0 f 50.1 f 53.1 + 8.1 __~_ ~~~.:::i~;:,r:~---~~- t .etoN fI- stnemerusaem era deriuqer ta lanoitidda ,serutarepmet eseht llahs eb deificeps ni eht liated .noitacificeps 2.1.3 Limits for change in resistance roF hcae ytilibats class, eht derreferp stimil rof egnahc ni ecnatsiser rof hcae fo eht stset detsil ni eht gnidaeh fo elbaT II era as .detacidni .etoN ehT- esualc-bus srebmun ni eht gnidaeh fo elbaT II refer ot I E c‘ noitacilbuP I .I-SI ELBAT II Long-term tests Short-term ttvts 4.23 citamilC ecneuqes 4. 3I daolrev)< ytilibatS 4.24 pmaD ,taeh ydaets etats 61.4 ssentsuboR fo snoitanimret ssalc 2.52.4 ecnarudnE ta moor erutarepmet 81.4 ecnatsiseR ot gniredlos taeh ni %‘ 4.25.3 ecnarudnE ta reppu yrogetac 91.4 dipaR egnahc fo crutarcpmct crutarepmct 02.4 pmuR 2.4 I kcohS 22.4 noitarhiV -.-~ _-- 5 * ( I ‘!<, + 50.0 Q) 2 + 5.0( >%‘ + 5.)1.)1 )25 I + 52.0( ,%‘ + s0.0 R) 5.0 + .0( I ,4- + 0.0 I S-2) J 2.2 Preferred values of ratings 2.2.1 Rated resistunce CE noitacilbuP ,1-511 esualc-buS 2.2.7. See I 2.2.2 Tolerances on rated resistance ehT derreferp secnarelot no detar ecnatsiser :era k 10 ,%‘ + 5 ,% k 2 %‘ and 2 .%1 CEI( egap )31 6

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