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IS/QC 001001: IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) - Basic Rules PDF

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Preview IS/QC 001001: IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) - Basic Rules

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS/QC 001001 (2000): IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) - Basic Rules [LITD 5: Semiconductor and Other Electronic Components and Devices] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” cisaB sdradnatS no scinortcelE dna noitacinummoceleT lanoitceS Committee, DTL 10 LANOITAN FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS tsriF( )noisiveR hcihw si lacitnedi htiw CEI buP QC 100100 )8991( CEI‘ ytilauQ tnemssessa system rof cinortcele stnenopmoc )QCEI( - cisaB ’selur deussi yb eht lanoitanretnI lacinhcetortcelE noissimmoC ,)CEI( saw detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI sdradnatS no eht recommen- noitad fo cisaB sdradnatS no scinortcelE dna noitacinummoceleT lanoitceS Committee dna lavorppa fo eht scinortcelE dna noitacinummoceleT noisiviD .licnuoC ehT noisiver sah neeb nekatrednu ni redro ot ngila naidnI dradnatS htiw eht tsetal lanoitanretnI -natS drad sa rednu CEI ytilauq tnemssessa system rof cinortcele stnenopmoc ,)CQCEI( ti si yrotagilbo rof hcae member yrtnuoc ot tpoda CQCEI sdradnats sa rieht lanoitan sdradnats tuohtiw yna .egnahc ehT txet fo eht CEI dradnats sah neeb devorppa sa elbatius rof noitacilbup sa naidnI dradnatS tuohtiw .snoitaived niatreC snoitnevnoc ,era ,revewoh ton lacitnedi ot esoht desu ni naidnI .sdradnatS -nettA noit si ylralucitrap nward ot eht :gniwollof Wherever eht sdrow lanoitanretnI‘ raeppa’dradnatS gnirrefer ot siht ,dradnats yeht dluohs eb sa-daer naidnI‘ .’dradnatS ylnO eht hsilgnE egaugnal txet ni eht lanoitanretnI dradnatS sah neeb deniater elihw gnitpoda ti ni siht .dradnats SSORC REFERENCES nI siht naidnI ,dradnatS eht gniwollof lanoitanretnI sdradnatS era derrefer .ot daeR ni rieht evitcepser secalp eht :gniwollof International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence 0SI 0009 seireS no ytilauq 0SI/SI 0009 seireS no ytilauq systems lacitnedI systems 0SI 11001 seireS no -ediug 0SI/SI 11001 seireS no senilediug rof gnitidua Ii0 senil rof gnitidua ytilauq ytilauq systems systems ehT denrecnoc lacinhcet committee sah deweiver eht snoisivorp fo gniwollof stnemucod derrefer ni siht detpoda dradnats dna sah dediced taht yeht era elbatpecca rof esu ni noitcnujnoc htiw siht :dradnats a) seluR fo erudecorp fo eht CEI dna eht CEI/OSI ,sevitcerid b) tnaveleR CEI/OSI ,sediuG dna c) cisaB selur hcihw enifed eht selpinicirp fo eht metsyS dna hcihw era devorppa yb eht ytimrofnoC tnemssessA draoB .)BAC( SI QC 001001 : 0002 CEI QC 100100 )8991( Indian Standard CEI YTILAUQ TNEMSSESSA METSYS ROF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS )QCEI( - CISAB RULES ( First Revision ) Title ehT eltit of eht metsyS is “IEC ytilauQ tnemssessA metsyS for cinortcelE ,”stnenopmoC retfaniereh derrefer ot sa eht“ .”metsyS ehT abbreviated eltit is .”QCEI“ 2 Object gnikaT otni tnuocca eht tcejbo of eht lanoitanretnI lacinhcetortcelE Commission (IEC) sa given ni elcitrA 2 of eht ,setutatS eht particular tcejbo of eht ,metsyS detarepo ni conformity with eht setutatS dna rednu eht ytirohtua of eht ,CEI is ot etatilicaf lanoitanretni edart ni cinortcele stnenopmoc of dessessa ,ytilauq ni ecnadrocca with eht principle of .*yticorpicer ehT tcejbo is deveihca yb eht noitinifed dna implementation of ytilauq tnemssessa serudecorp ni hcus a rennam taht ,stnenopmoc desaeler sa conforming with eht requirements of na applicable ,noitacificeps era elbatpecca ot all .stnapicitrap nI siht metsyS na applicable dradnats ro noitacificeps setoned a dradnats ro noitacificeps which is ni ecnadrocca with esualc .21 sihT metsyS provides serudecorp for eht ytilauq tnemssessa of stnenopmoc tub seod ton ylirassecen give ecnarussa of compliance with ytefas requirements of equipment gnisu esoht .stnenopmoc 3 Field of application ehT metsyS is applicable ot all cinortcele stnenopmoc dna detaler materials dna sessecorp for ~which ytilauq tnemssessa is deriuqer ni snoitacificeps approved for esu ni eht .metsyS 4 Governing documents ehT stnemucod which etats eht seluR of eht metsyS dna which govern eht noitazinagro of its work era sa follows: )a eht setutatS of eht ;CEI b) eht seluR of erudecorP of eht CEI dna eht CEI/OSI Directives, sselnu esiwrehto specified; ETON ehT noitacifitreC tnemeganaM eettimmoC sezingocer taht eht CEI lacinhcet ,seettimmoc nopu hcihw ti sdneped for CEI ,snoitacificeps era denrevog ni lla rieht krow yb eht seluR of erudecorP of eht CEI dna eht CEAOSI .sevitceriD * eeS xenna C 1 IS QC 001001 : 2000 IEC QC 001001 (1998) 4 0SI ,0009 ytilauQ ,smetsys dna detaler ;sdradnats )d 0SI ,11001 senilediuG for gnitidua ytilauq ;smetsys >e tnaveler CEI/OSI ;sediuG 9 eht cisaB seluR which enifed eht principles of eht metsyS dna which era approved yb eht Conformity tnemssessA draoB (CAB); )9 eht seluR of erudecorP which enifed eht working serudecorp of eht metsyS ta htob eht lanoitanretni dna lanoitan levels. ehT seluR of erudecorP era dediced nopu dna dednema yb eht noitacifitreC tnemeganaM Committee (CMC), ni ecnadrocca with eht voting erudecorp debircsed ni ,2.41 ni tnemeerga with eht etarotcepsnI noitanidro-oC Committee (ICC) no matters which nrecnoc eht .rettal yehT llahs ton be ni conflict with eht stnemucod derrefer ot ni )a dna f). stnemdnemA ot eht seluR of erudecorP for eht metsyS llahs be detroper ot eht ;BAC )h stnemucod deraperp yb eht ICC no serudecorp ot erusne eht uniform noitacilppa of eht seluR of eht metsyS dna ecnelaviuqe of lanoitan ,serudecorp which llahs be approved ni ecnadrocca with eht voting erudecorp debircsed ni 2.41 dna llahs become part of eht seluR of .erudecorP 5 Means of attainment ehT tcejbo of eht metsyS is deniatta yb )a eht noitaerc of elbatius lanoitanretni dna lanoitan seidob for eht management dna nnitanidro-oc of eht ,metsyS b) eht promotion of eht noitaraperp dna of eht esu of CEI sdradnats which niatnoc requirements yrassecen for eht noitarepo of eht ,metsyS dna c) eht noitaraperp dna implementation of seluR of erudecorP for eht metsyS which govern eht following: )1 eht responsibilities, policies dna noitazinagro of eht CMC; )2 eht responsibilities, policies dna noitazinagro of eht ICC; )3 eht responsibilities of lanoitaN noitacifitreC seidoB (NCBs), lanoitaN dezirohtuA )slAN(snoitutitsnI dna lanoitaN tnemeganaM snoitutitsnI (NMls); )4 eht approval of lanoitaN Supervising setarotcepsnI (NSls); )5 eht approval of tnednepedni gnitset ;seirotarobal )6 eht approval of ,srerutcafunam gnidulcni rieht gnitset ;seirotarobal )7 eht approval of srotubirtsid sa sdrager rieht ytiliba ot ylppus stnenopmoc of dessessa ytilauq gnidrocca ot eht ;metsyS 2 IS QC 001001: 2030 CEI QC OOlOOl(1998) )8 eht lavorppa of tsilaiceps ;srotcartnoc )9 eht lavorppa of detaler slairetam dna ;sessecorp )01 eht deliated serudecorp for eht ytilauq tnemssessa dna esaeler of stnenopmoc dna for eht tnarg of na noitatsetta of ,ytimrofnoc hcus sa a kraM ro ,etacifitreC ot ,stnenopmoc slairetam ro trap dehsinif stnenopmoc hcihw era ,edam ,detcepsni desaeler dna dereviled ni ecnadrocca htiw eht .metsyS 6 National organization 1.6 ehT lanoitan noitazinagro dehsilbatse ot etanidro-oc eht ytivitca for eht ytilauq tnemssessa of cinortcele ,stnenopmoc slairetam dna sessecorp ni a gnitapicitrap yrtnuoc ni eht metsyS llahs eb eht lanoitaN eettimmoC of eht CEI ro a ydob dezingocer yb eht lanoitaN eettimmoC of eht .CEI tI ,llahs ni ,elpicnirp evah eht gniwollof snoitcnuf ot eb :dellifluf 1.1.6 roF lla gnitapicitrap seirtnuoc )a eht tnemeganam of eht noitarepo of eht metsys ta eht lanoitan level dna eht ytilibisnopser for eht lanoitan noitatneserper of sti yrtnuoc ni eht .metsyS esehT snoitcnuf llahs eb demrofrep yb na IAN dezirohtua yb elbisnopser lanoitan snoitazinagro ,tnemnrevog( edart ,snoitaicossa sdradnats ,snoitazinagro ;).cte )b eht noitaraperp dna eussi of lanoitan sdradnats dna rehto stnemucod detaicossa htiw eht .metsyS sihT noitcnuf yam eb demrofrep yb a lanoitaN sdradnatS noitazinagrO .)OSN( 2.1.6 dna ,yllanoitidda for gniyfitrec seirtnuoc )a eht lluf ytilibisnopser for noitacifitrec yllanoitan rednu eht .metsyS sihT noitcnuf llahs eb demrofrep yb na NC6 sa detangised ni eht lanoitan ;selur )b eht ecnallievrus of lla serudecorp for ytilauq tnemssessa yrassecen for eht metsyS dna for eht noisivrepus of eht noitatsetta of .ytimrofnoc esehT snoitcnuf llahs eb demrofrep ni sti yrtnuoc yb na ISN hcihw yam osla ,emmussa rednu eht snoitidnoc deificeps ni eht seluR of ,erudecorP ralimis seitilibisnopser of eht noitacilppa of eht metsyS ot ,slairetam sessecorp dna ot stnenopmoc yllaitrap ro yllohw derutcafunam ni seirtnuoc ton gnivah na ;ISN c> eht ytilibisnopser for .noitarbilac sihT noitcnuf yam eb demrofrep yb eno ro erom dezingocer noitarbilac ,secivres hcihw yam eb ni rehto gnitapicitrap ,seirtnuoc ot hcihw eht ISN dna gnitset seirotarobal llahs refer for eht cidoirep noitacifirev of rieht tnemerusaem sdradnats yb nosirapmoc htiw ecnerefer sdradnats gnivah a nwonk pihsnoitaler ot lanoitan ro lanoitanretni .sdradnats 3.1.6 ehT snoitazinagro gnimrofrep eht snoitcnuf debircsed ni 1.1.8 dna 2.1.6 yam etarepo yllaudividni ro ,yltnioj dedivorp taht yeht ylpmoc htiw eht stnemeriuqer of eht tnaveler CEI/OSI sediuG dna taht ereht si on tcilfnoc of tseretni ro ssol of ytilaitrapmi ni eht ecnamrofrep of eseht .snoitcnuf 3 IS QC 001001: 2000 CEI QC ~001001 (1998) 2.6 nA NCB, nopu eht noitadnemmocer of na ,ISN llahs evah eht ytirohtua ot eralced taht eht ytilauq smetsys of ,srerutcafunam ,srotubirtsid tsilaiceps srotcartnoc dna tnednepedni gnitset seirotarobal evah neeb ,dessessa for eht esoprup of eht ,metsyS dna ti sah neeb nwohs taht yeht ylpmoc htiw eht stnemeriuqer of eht seluR of erudecorP of eht QCEI sa llew sa htiw 0SI ,1009 0SI 2009 ro CEI/OSI ediuG 52 sa etairporppa ees( .)2.31 ETON noitartsnomeD fo ecnailpmoc htiw eht 0SI 0009 seires or CEAOSI ediuG 52 seod ton ylirassecen erusne ecnailpmoc htiw lla eht tnaveler stnemeriuqer fo eht QCEI htiw sdrager ot lavorppa fo ,srerutcafunam ,srotubirtsid tsilaiceps srotcartnoc dna tnednepedni gnitset .seirotarobal ,srerutcafunaM ,srotubirtsid tsilaiceps srotcartnoc dna tnednepedni gnitset seirotarobal llahs osla etartsnomed taht yeht lifluf eht ytilauq tnemssessa stnemeriuqer fo QCEI gnitaler ot eht stnenopmoc dna sessecorp .derevoc 3.6 nI seirtnuoc erehw ereht si on CEI lanoitaN eettimmoC ro erehw eht lanoitaN eettimmoC sehsiw rehtien ot emussa eht noitcnuf of na IAN ron ot ezingocer rehtona ydob sa na ,IAN eht seluR of erudecorP llahs enifed eht erudecorp ot eb .dewollof 4.6 ehT snoitcnuf debircsed evoba llahs eb deirrac tuo ni ecnadrocca htiw eht lanoitan selur hcihw llahs tnemelpmi eht seluR of eht ,metsyS dna yam eb deirrac tuo yb ydaerla gnitsixe ,seidob ro seidob yllaicepse tes pu for eht esoprup of eht .metsyS ehT lanoitan selur of eht tnereffid seirtnuoc llahs eb ylisae elbarapmoc dna erusne ehf mrofinu noitacilppa of eht seluR of eht .metsyS 7 International organization 1.7 ehT llarevo ytilibisnopser for eht gninoitcnuf of eht metsyS si detsev ni eht ,CMC hcihw si a eettimmoc of eht CEI dna setarepo rednu eht ytirohtua of eht CAB. 2.7 ehT noitisopmoc of eht CMC si sa :swollof 4 a noitageled from hcae gnitapicitrap yrtnuoc gnitsisnoc of ton erom naht owt setageled detnioppa yb sti ;IAN )b a ;namriahC I c) a ;namriahC-eciV )d a ;rerusaerT )e a evitatneserper detnioppa yb eht ;CCI If eht lareneG yraterceS of eht ;CEI )9 a ;yraterceS )h tsap ,nemriahC sa yam eb dediced yb eht .CMC 3.7 ehT CMC yam hsilbatse gnikrow ,spuorg htiw ylraelc denifed smret of ,ecnerefer ot esivda ti no srettam detaler ot eht tnemeganam of eht .metsyS 4.7 ehT CMC llahs hsilbatse na CCI dna llahs ylraelc enifed sti noitisopmoc dna smret of .ecnerefer ehT CCI llahs eb elbisnopser for gnisivrepus eht mrofinu noitacilppa of eht seluR of erudecorP gninrecnoc ytilauq .tnemssessa ehT pihsnoitaler neewteb eht CMC dna eht CCI si denrevog yb eht seluR of .erudecorP 4 IS QC 001001 : 2000 IEC QC 001001 (1998) 8 Officers and administration 8.1 ehT namriahC si detnioppa for a doirep of eerht sraey yb eht CAB, no a noitanimon yb eht ,CMC htiw eht ytilibissop of tnemtnioppa-er for eno rehtruf doirep of eerht .sraey rehtruF -er stnemtnioppa for eerht sraey era ,dettimrep tub ylno if ereht era on rehto .snoitanimon gniruD sih term of office, eht namriahC llahs ton tca sa a lanoitan etageled ot eht .CMC 2.8 ehT namriahC-eciV si detnioppa for a doirep of eerht sraey yb eht CAB, no a noitanimon yb eht ,CMC htiw eht ytilibissop of tnemtnioppa-er for eno rehtruf doirep of eerht .sraey rehtruF -er stnemtnioppa for eerht sraey era ,dettimrep tub ylno if ereht era on rehto .snoitanimon ehT -eciV namriahC yam ta eht emas emit eb a lanoitan etageled ot eht ,CMC tpecxe nehw eh sekat eht riahc ta a .gniteem 3.8 ehT rerusaerT si detnioppa for a doirep of eerht sraey yb eht CAB, no a noitanimon yb eht ,CMC htiw eht ytilibissop of tnemtnioppa-er for eno rehtruf doirep of eerht .sraey rehtruF -er stnemtnioppa for eerht sraey era ,dettimrep tub ylno if ereht era on rehto .snoitanimon ehT rerusaerT yam ta eht emas emit eb a lanoitan etageled ot eht .CMC 4.8 ehT ,namriahC ,namriahC-eciV ro rerusaerT yam eunitnoc ot evres litnu a rosseccus sah neeb detnioppa yb eht CAB. 5.8 ehT tairaterceS llahs eb detacol ta eht lartneC Office of eht CEI ro ni a gnitapicitrap .yrtnuoc nI eht dnoces ,esac eht CMC llahs ediced no eht eerged of evitartsinimda troppus taht dluohs eb dedivorp yb eht lartneC Office. 6.8 ehT yraterceS si detnioppa for a doirep of evif sraey yb eht CAB, no noitanimon yb eht .CMC eH si elbigile for tnemtnioppa-er tuohtiw .noitcirtser ehT yraterceS llahs ton tca sa a lanoitan etageled ot eht .CMC 7.8 ehT yraterceS llahs eb elbisnopser for eht noitucexe of esoht seitud debircserp ni eseht cisaB seluR dna ni eht seluR of .erudecorP ehT yraterceS llahs yrrac tuo eht snoitcurtsni of eht CMC dna of sti .namriahC 9 Report to the Conformi t y Assessment Board ehT CMC llahs timbus na launna troper ot eht CAB. 10 Requirements for participation 1.01 ynA lanoitaN eettimmoC of eht CEI gnirised ot etapicitrap ni eht metsyS llahs yfsitas eht gniwollof :stnemeriuqer 1.1.01 tI llahs evah ,dehsilbatse ro ,dezingocer na IAN dna na NSO. 2.1.01 tI llahs eerga ot tnemelpmi eht seluR of eht metsyS dna ot hsilbup stnemucod hcihw era yrassecen .yllanoitan 3.1.01 tI llahs eerga ot ezingocer tuohtiw noitanimircsid eht slavorppa of srerutcafunam gnidulcni( rieht gnitset ,)seirotarobal tsilaiceps ,srotcartnoc srotubirtsid dna tnednepedni gnitset ,seirotarobal eht lavorppa of ,stnenopmoc dna eht ytidilav of eht ytilauq ecnamrofnoc noitcepsni of stnenopmoc dna slairetam desaeler ni ecnadrocca htiw eht metsyS yb rehto .stnapicitrap 4.1.01 tI llahs eerga ot meet eht laicnanif snoitagilbo of esualc .61 5

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