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Isomonodromic deformations and Frobenius manifolds: An introduction PDF

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Claude Sabbah Isomonodromic Deformations and Frobenius Manifolds An Introduction With10Figures ProfessorClaudeSabbah CNRS,CentredeMathématiquesLaurentSchwartz ÉcolePolytechnique F-91128PalaiseauCedex France Mathematics Subject Classification(2000): 14F05, 32A10, 32G20, 32G34, 32S40, 34M25, 34M35, 34M50,53D45,33E30,34E05 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2007939825 SpringerISBN-13:978-1-84800-053-7 e-ISBN-13:978-1-84800-054-4 EDPSciencesISBN978-2-7598-0047-6 TranslationfromtheFrenchlanguageedition: DéformationsisomonodromiquesetvariétésdeFrobeniusbyClaudeSabbah Copyright 2007EDPSciences,CNRSEditions,France. http://www.edpsciences.org/ http://www.cnrseditions.fr/ AllRightsReserved Apartfromanyfairdealingforthepurposesofresearchorprivatestudy,orcriticismorreview,aspermitted under theCopyright,Designs and Patents Act1988,thispublicationmayonly bereproduced,stored or transmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,withthepriorpermissioninwritingofthepublishers,orinthe caseofreprographicreproductioninaccordancewiththetermsoflicencesissuedbytheCopyrightLicensing Agency.Enquiriesconcerningreproductionoutsidethosetermsshouldbesenttothepublishers. Theuseofregisterednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecific statement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantlawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublishermakesnorepresentation,expressorimplied,withregardtotheaccuracyoftheinformation containedinthisbookandcannotacceptanylegalresponsibilityorliabilityforanyerrorsoromissionsthat maybemade. Printedonacid-freepaper 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 springer.com To Andrey Bolibrukh Contents Preface ........................................................ IX Terminology and notation .....................................XIII 0 The language of fibre bundles............................ 1 1 Holomorphic functions on an open set of Cn .............. 1 2 Complex analytic manifolds............................. 2 3 Holomorphic vector bundle ............................. 5 4 Locally free sheaves of O -modules...................... 7 M 5 Nonabelian cohomology ................................ 10 6 Cˇech cohomology...................................... 14 7 Line bundles.......................................... 16 8 Meromorphic bundles, lattices........................... 17 9 Examples of holomorphic and meromorphic bundles ....... 19 10 Affine varieties, analytization, algebraic differential forms... 25 11 Holomorphic connections on a vector bundle .............. 27 12 Holomorphic integrable connections and Higgs fields ....... 32 13 Geometry of the tangent bundle......................... 37 14 Meromorphic connections............................... 44 15 Locally constant sheaves ............................... 48 16 Integrable deformations and isomonodromic deformations... 53 17 Appendix: the language of categories..................... 57 I Holomorphic vector bundles on the Riemann sphere..... 61 1 Cohomology of C, C∗ and P1............................ 61 2 Line bundles on P1 .................................... 63 3 A finiteness theorem and some consequences .............. 68 4 Structure of vector bundles on P1........................ 69 5 Families of vector bundles on P1......................... 76 VIII Contents II The Riemann-Hilbert correspondence on a Riemann surface .................................................. 83 1 Statement of the problems.............................. 83 2 Local study of regular singularities....................... 85 3 Applications .......................................... 97 4 Complements .........................................100 5 Irregular singularities: local study .......................102 6 The Riemann-Hilbert correspondence in the irregular case ..109 III Lattices..................................................121 1 Lattices of (k,∇)-vector spaces with regular singularity ....122 2 Lattices of (k,∇)-vector spaces with an irregular singularity 133 IV The Riemann-Hilbert problem and Birkhoff’s problem ..145 1 The Riemann-Hilbert problem ..........................146 2 Meromorphic bundles with irreducible connection..........152 3 Application to the Riemann-Hilbert problem..............155 4 Complements on irreducibility ..........................158 5 Birkhoff’s problem.....................................159 V Fourier-Laplace duality ..................................167 1 Modules over the Weyl algebra..........................168 2 Fourier transform......................................176 3 Fourier transform and microlocalization ..................183 VI Integrable deformations of bundles with connection on the Riemann sphere .....................................191 1 The Riemann-Hilbert problem in a family ................192 2 Birkhoff’s problem in a family...........................200 3 Universal integrable deformation for Birkhoff’s problem ....208 VII Saito structures and Frobenius structures on a complex analytic manifold ........................................223 1 Saito structure on a manifold ...........................224 2 Frobenius structure on a manifold .......................233 3 Infinitesimal period mapping............................237 4 Examples.............................................242 5 Frobenius-Saito structure associated to a singularity .......254 References.....................................................263 Index of Notation .............................................273 Index..........................................................275 Preface Despite a somewhat esoteric title, this book deals with a classic subject, namely that of linear differential equations in the complex domain. The pro- totypes ofsuchequations arethelinear homogeneous equations (with respect to the complex variable t and the unknown function u(t)) du α du 1 = u(t) (α∈C), = u(t). dt t dt t2 The solutions of the first equation are the “multivalued” functions t (cid:4)→ ctα (α ∈ C, c ∈ C) and those of the second equation are the functions t (cid:4)→ cexp(−1/t). On the other hand, the “multivalued” function log is a solution of the inhomogeneous linear equation du 1 = , dt t or, if one wants to continue with homogeneous equations as we do in this book, of the equation of order 2: d2u du t + =0. dt2 dt Thus, the solutions of a differential equation with respect to the variable t, having polynomial or rational fractions as coefficients, are, in general, tran- scendental functions. Needless to say, other families of equations, such as the hypergeometric equations or the Bessel equations, are also celebrated. Once these facts are understood, the question of knowing if it is neces- sary to explicitly solve the equations to obtain interesting properties of their solutions can be stated. In other words, one wants to know which properties of the solutions only depend in an algebraic way on (hence are in principle computable from) the coefficients of the equation, and which are those which need transcendental manipulations. Following this reasoning to its end leads one to develop the theory of differential equations in the complex domain with the tools of algebraic or X Preface complex analytic geometry (i.e., the theory of complex algebraic equations). Oneisthusledtotreatsystems oflineardifferentialequations, whichdepend on many variables. The algebraic geometry also invites us to consider the global properties of such systems, that is, to consider systems defined on algebraic or complex analytic manifolds. Thedifferentialequationsthatwewillconsiderinthisbookwillbenamed integrable connections on a vector bundle.OurDrosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) will be the complex projective line, more commonly called the “Riemann sphere” and denoted by P1(C) or P1, and will be the subject of some experi- ments concerning connections: analysis of singularities and deformations. Thetheoryofisomonodromicdeformationsservesasamachinetoproduce systems of nonlinear (partial) differential equations in the complex domain, starting from an equation or from a system of linear differential equations of one complex variable. It provides at the same time a procedure (far from being explicit in general) to solve them, as well as remarkable properties of the solutions of these systems (among others, the property usually called the “Painlev´e property”). If, at the beginning, the main object of interest was the deformation of linear differential equations of a complex variable with polynomial coefficients, it has now been realized that the deformation theory oflinearsystemsofmanydifferentialequationscanshedlightonthisquestion, thankstotheuseoftoolscomingfromalgebraicordifferentialgeometry,such as vector bundles, connections, and the like. For a long time (and such remains the case), this method serve specialists indynamicalsystemsandphysicistswhoanalyzethenonlinearequationspro- ducedbyintegrabledynamicalsystems;toexhibittheseequationsasisomon- odromyequationsis,inaway,alinearizationoftheinitialproblem.Fromthis pointofview,thePainlev´eequationshaveplayedaprototypicrole,beginning with the article by R.Fuchs [Fuc07] (followed by those of R.Garnier) who showed how the sixth one can be written as an isomonodromy equation, thus avoiding the strict framework of the search for new transcendental functions. A nice application of this theory is the introduction of the notion of a Frobenius structure on a manifold. If this notion had clearly emerged from the articles of Kyoji Saito on the unfoldings of singularities of holomorphic functions,ithasbeenextensivelydevelopedbyBorisDubrovin,whousedmo- tivations coming from physics, opening new perspectives on, and establishing a new link between, mathematical domains which are apparently not related (singularities, quantum cohomology, mirror symmetry). Myaimtokeepthistextamoderatelengthandlevelofcomplexity,aswell asmylackofknowledgeonmorerecentadvances,ledmetolimitthenumber of themes, and to refer to the foundational article of B.Dubrovin [Dub96], or to the book of Y.Manin [Man99a], for further investigation of other topics. Chapter 0, although slightly long, can be skipped by any reader having a basic knowledge of complex algebraic geometry; it can serve as a reference fornotation.Itpresentstheconceptsreferredtointhebookconcerningsheaf Preface XI theory,vectorbundles,holomorphicandmeromorphicconnections,andlocally constant sheaves. The results are classic and exist, although scattered, in the literature. The same considerations apply to Chapter I, although it can be more difficulttofindareferencefortherigiditytheoremoftrivialvectorbundlesin elementary books on algebraic geometry. We restrict ourselves to bundles on theRiemannsphere,minimizingtheknowledgeneededofalgebraicgeometry. In this chapter, we do not give the proof of the finiteness theorem for the cohomology of a vector bundle on a compact Riemann surface, for which good references exist; we only need it for the Riemann sphere. With Chapters II and III begins the study of linear systems of differential equations of a complex variable and their deformations. The type of singular points is analyzed there. Here also we do not give the proof of two theorems of analysis, inasmuch as the techniques needed, although very accessible, go too much beyond the scope of this book. One of the fundamental objects attached to a differential equation or, moregenerally,toanintegrableconnectiononavectorbundle,isthegroup of monodromytransformations initsnaturalrepresentation,reflectingthe“mul- tivaluedness” of the solutions of this equation or connection. The Riemann- Hilbert correspondence—at least when the singularities of the equation are regular—expresses that this group contains the complete information on the differential equation. Thus, one of the classic problems of the theory consists of, given a differential equation, computing its monodromy group. Letus also mention another object, the differential Galois group—which we will not use in this book—that has the advantage of being defined algebraically from the equation. We will not deal with this problem in this book, and one will not find explicit computations of such groups. As indicated above, we rather try to express the properties of the solutions of the equation in terms of algebraic objects,herethe(meromorphic)vectorbundlewithconnection.Inthismero- morphic bundle exist lattices (i.e., holomorphic bundles), which correspond to the various equivalent ways to write the differential system. Tofindthesimplestwaytopresentadifferentialsystemuptomeromorphic equivalence is the subject of the Riemann-Hilbert problem (in the case of regular singularities) or of Birkhoff’s problem. In all cases, it is a matter of writingthesystemasaconnectiononthetrivialbundle.ChapterIVexpounds onsometechniquesusedintheresolutionoftheRiemann-HilbertorBirkhoff’s problem. One will find in the works of A.Bolibrukh [AB94] and [Bol95] many more results. Chapter V introduces the Fourier transform (which should possibly more accurately be called the Laplace transform) for systems of differential equations of one variable. It helps one in understanding the link between Schlesinger equations and the deformation equations for Birkhoff’s prob- lem, analyzed in Chapter VI. In the latter, the notion of isomonodromic deformation is explained in detail. XII Preface ChapterVIIgivesanaxiomaticpresentationofthenotionofaSaitostruc- ture (as introduced by K.Saito) as well as that of a Frobenius structure (as introduced by B.Dubrovin, with its terminology). We show the equivalence between these notions, using the term “Frobenius-Saito structure”. Many ex- amples are given in order to exhibit various aspects of these structures. This chaptercanserveasanintroductiontothetheoryofK.SaitoontheFrobenius- Saito structure associated with unfoldings of holomorphic functions with iso- latedsingularities.Theproofsofmanyresultsofthistheoryrequiretechniques ofalgebraicgeometryindimension(cid:2)1,techniqueswhichgobeyondthescope ofthisbookandwouldneedanotherbook(HodgetheoryfortheGauss-Manin system). This text, a much expanded version of my article [Sab98] on the same topic, stemmed from a series of graduate lectures that I gave at the univer- sities of ParisVI, BordeauxI and Strasbourg, and during a summer school on Frobenius manifolds at the CIRM (Luminy). Mich`ele Audin, Alexandru Dimca, Claudine Mitschi and Pierre Schapira gave me the opportunity to lecture on various parts of this text. Many ideas, as well as their presentation, come directly from the articles of Bernard Malgrange, as well as from numerous conversations that we had. Many aspects of Frobenius manifolds would have remained obscure to me without the multiple discussions with Mich`ele Audin. I also had the pleasure oflongdiscussionswithAndreyBolibrukh,whoexplainedtomehiswork,par- ticularlyconcerningtheRiemann-Hilbertproblem.JosephLePotieranswered my electronic questions on bundles with good grace. Various people helped me to improve the text, or pointed out a few mis- takes:GillesBailly-Maitre,AlexandruDimca,AntoineDouai,ClausHertling, Adelino Paiva, Mathias Schulze and the anonymous referees. I thank all of them. Theoriginal(French)versionofthisbookhasbeenwrittenwithinINTAS program no.97-1644. TheEnglishtranslationdiffersfromtheoriginalFrenchversiononlyinthe correction of various mistakes or inaccuracies, a list of which can be found on the author’s web page math.polytechnique.fr/~sabbah.

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