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Preview ISO SWS-LWS observations of the prototypical reflection nebula NGC 7023

0 0 0 2 n a J 0 1 1 v 5 5 1 1 0 0 0 / h p - o r t s a : v i X r a 0Based on observations with ISO, an ESA project with in- struments funded by ESA Member States (especially the PI countries France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom) and with participation of ISASand NASA 1 A&A manuscript no. ASTRONOMY (will be inserted byhand later) AND Your thesaurus codes are: ASTROPHYSICS 09.01.1; 09.09.1 NGC 7023; 09.18.1; 08.09.2 HD 200775; 08.16.5 ; 13.09.4 1.2.2008 ISO SWS-LWS observations of the prototypical reflection ⋆ nebula NGC 7023 A. Fuente1, J. Mart´ın-Pintado1, N.J. Rodr´ıguez-Fern´andez1, J. Cernicharo2, M. Gerin3 1 Observatorio Astron´omico Nacional (IGN),Campus Universitario, Apdo.1143, E-28800 Alcal´a de Henares(Madrid),Spain 2 Instituto deEstructura dela Materia, Departamento deF´ısica Molecular, CSIC, Serrano 121, E-28006 Madrid, Spain 3 DEMIRM, Observatoire de Paris, 61 Av.de l’Observatoire, F-75014 Paris, France February 1, 2008 Abstract. Keywords:ISM:abundances—ISM:individual(NGC7023) WepresentSWSandLWSISOobservationstowardsastrip —reflectionnebulae—stars:individual(HD200775)—stars: across the photodissociation region (PDR) in the reflection pre-main-sequence— infrared: ISM: lines and bands nebulaNGC7023.SWS02andLWS01spectrahavebeentaken towards the star and the brightest infrared filaments located NW and SW from thestar (hereafter NWand SW PDRs).In 1. Introduction addition,SWS02spectrahavebeentakentowardstwointerme- NGC 7023 is a prototypical photodissociation region that has diatepositions(NW1andSW1).Thishasprovidedimportant beenlargelystudiedinthelast10years.Itisareflectionnebula information about the extent and spatial distribution of the illuminatedbytheHerbigB3VestarHD200775.HD200775is warm H2 and of the atomic species in this prototypical reflec- locatedinacavityofthemolecularcloudwhosesharpedgesde- tion nebula. lineateperfectlytheopticalnebula(Fuenteetal.1992,Rogers Strong emission of the [SiII] 34.8µm line is detected to- et al. 1995, Fuente et al. 1998). Observations of CI and OII wardsthestar.WhileallthePDRtracers(the[CII]157.7µm, by Chokshi et al. (1988) reveal that a dense PDR is formed [OI]63.2and145.6µm,[HI]21cm andtheH2 rotationallines) in the walls of this cavity with its peak located 50” NW from presentaring-likemorphology withthepeakstowardtheNW the star. Chokshi et al. (1988) carried out the first model for andSWPDRsandaminimumaroundthestar,theSiIIemis- sion is filling the hole of this ring with the peak towards the thisregionandestimatedaUVfieldofG0(λ>912˚A)=2.4103 in units of the Habing field and a density of n = 104 cm−3. star. This morphology can only be explained if the SiII emis- Because of its edge-on geometry and proximity (d ∼ 440 pc), sion arise in the lowest extinction layers of the PDR (Av < 2 this PDR turned out to be one of the best sites to study the mag)andtheHIIregion.Atleast20%–30%oftheSimustbe physical andchemical processes takingplace in aPDR.Fig. 1 in gas phasein theselayers. For Av ≥ 2 mag, theSi is mainly shows the column density map of HI as derived from the [HI] in solid form (δ Si = -1.3). 21 cm line superposed on the integrated intensity map of the The NW and SW PDRs have very similar excitation con- ditions, high density filaments (n∼ 106 cm−3) immersed in a 13CO J=1→0 line. The HI peak is shifted ≈ 20 ′′ relative to morediffuseinterfilamentmedium(n∼104cm−3).Inboth,the themolecularridge,showingthelayeredstructureexpectedin a PDR (Fuenteet al. 1998). NW and SW PDRs, the intensities of the H2 rotational lines Very high angular resolution images of the region in the canonlybefittedbyassuminganortho-to-para-H2ratiolower than 3 in gas with rotation temperatures from 400 to 700 K. Extended Red Emission (ERE) and vibrationally excited H2 linesshowthatthePDRhasafilamentarystructurewithvery Therefore, thereisanon-equilibriumOTPratio intheregion. brightthinfilamentslocated50′′NWand70′′SWfromthestar Furthermore, the comparison between the OTP ratio derived (Sellgren et al. 1992, Lemaire et al. 1996). Hereafter, we will from H2 vibrational lines and the pure H2 rotational lines, showsthattheOTPratioincreasesfrom ∼1.5to3acrossthe refertothesepositionsasNWPDRandSWPDRrespectively. The NW PDR is spatially coincident with the peak of the CI photodissociation regionwithlargervaluesinthelessshielded and OII lines and has been extensively studied in atomic and gas (Av< 0.7 mag). This behavior is interpreted as a conse- molecular lines (Chokshi et al. 1988; Fuenteet al. 1993, 1996, quenceof an advancing photodissociation front. 1997;Lemaireetal.1996,1999;Martinietal.1997;Gerinetal. We havenot detected the OH, CH and CH2 lines towards 1998). Fuente et al. (1993, 1997) observed that the CN/HCN theobservedpositions.Thisisconsistentwiththeweaknessof andCO+/HCO+abundanceratiosincreasesbyafactor10and these lines in other sources and can be explained as a conse- > 100 respectively towards this position relative to thevalues quence of the small beam filling factor of the dense gas in the LWS aperture. The CO J=17→16 line has been tentatively in the molecular cloud. Both, the CN/HCN and CO+/HCO+ abundanceratios are expectedto increase in thelower extinc- detected towards thestar. tionlayersofPDRs(Fuenteetal.1993,Sternberg&Dalgarno 1995).AninterferometricimageoftheHCO+ linetowardsthe NWPDRshowthatthePDRhasalsoafilamentarystructure 3.1. Recombination lines in molecular emission with high density filaments (n > 105 cm−3) embedded in a more diffuse medium (n ∼ 104 cm−3) The Brα line has only been detected towards the star. Con- (Fuente et al., 1996). The HCO+ filaments are spatially coin- tinuum emission at 3.6 cm and 6 cm was detected by Skinner et al. (1993). They interpreted the emission as arising in an cident with the filaments seen in the near-infrared continuum ionized anisotropic wind. Later, Nisini et al (1995) observed images and in the emission of thevibrational H2 lines. the Paβ, Brγ, Brα, Pfγ and Pfβ recombination lines with an The SW PDR is fainter by a factor 2-3 than the northern apertureof10′′ andmodeledthewindwithamasslossrateof one and has been less studied in both, molecular and atomic lines. Gerin et al.(1998) reported observationsof thisPDRin 3.9 10−7 M⊙ yr−1 and a terminal velocity of 280 kms−1. We havemeasuredanintensityoftheBrαlineof1.410−3 ergs−1 CO and CI lines. cm−2 sr−1 which agrees within the calibration uncertainties WehaveobservedastripwhichjoinstheNWPDR,thestar with the data of Nisini et al. (1995). and SW PDR using the SWS and LWS instrument on board of ISO. These observations have provided a very important 3.2. The CII and OI lines information about the extent and spatial distribution of the warm H2 and theatomic species within the PDR. The [CII] 157.7 µm and the [OI] 63 and 145.6 µm lines have been detected towards all the observed positions. The intensi- ties and line intensity ratios are shown in Table 2. The emis- 2. Observations sion of the three lines is maximum in the NW PDR and de- TheobservationsweremadeusingtheLong-WavelengthSpec- creases towards the south, being the SW PDR fainter by a trometer (LWS) (Clegg et al. 1996, Swinyard et al. 1996) and factor of 2 than the NW PDR. Along the observed strip, the the Short-Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) (de Graauw et al. OI(63µm)/OI(145.6µm) and OI(63µm)/CII(157.7µm) ratios 1996)onboardtheInfraredSpaceObservatory(ISO)(Kessler are uniform and take the values ∼ 10 and ∼ 2 respectively. etal.1996).TheLWSobservationswerecarriedoutinfullgrat- This means that at the scale of the LWS observations, the ing scan mode (LWS01 AOT) which provides coverage of the physical conditions of the nebula are quite uniform. High an- 43 - 90.5 µm range with a spectral resolution of 0.29 µm and gular resolution observations show that this PDR is formed ofthe90.5-196.5 µmrangewitharesolutionof0.60 µmwith by high density filaments immersed in a more diffuse medium tenindependentdetectors.Sincetheinstrumentalbeamsizeis (Sellgren et al. 1992, Lemaire et al. 1996, Fuente et al. 1996). 74′′ -90′′,wehaveobservedonlythreepositionsofthenebula, BecauseofthelowangularresolutionoftheLWSobservations, the NW PDR,the star and theSW PDR.In Table 1, we give theyareverylikelytracingthemoreextendeddiffusemedium. the coordinates of the observed positions. The data were pro- cessed using version 6 of the off-line pipeline (OLP V6). The 3.3. Other ionic and atomic fine structure lines: SiII uncertainty in the calibration is of about 30 % (Swinyard et al. 1996) The spatial distribution of the SiII line is very different from thatoftheCII,OIandHIlines(seeFig.3).WhiletheCII,OI WehaveobservedoneHIrecombinationline(Brα),fiveH2 and HI lines peak towards the NW PDR, the SiII line peaks purerotationallines(S(0),S(1),S(2),S(3),S(4)andS(5)v=0–0) towardsthestar,withtheintensitytowardsthestar∼3times and four ionic and atomic fine structurelines ([SIV]10.5 µm, larger than towards the NW PDR. This different spatial dis- [FeII]26.0 µm,[SIII]33.5 µm and[SiII]34.8 µm) usingSWS tribution cannot be explained by the different angular resolu- AOT02. This mode provides a spectral resolution of λ/∆λ ∼ tion of the CII and OI observations. The [HI] 21cm line map 1000-2000.Alltheobservedlinesareunresolvedatthisspectral which hasanangular resolution similar tothatoftheSiIIline resolution.Theapertureoftheinstrumentintheselineranges from 14′′ x 20′′ to 20′′ x 33′′. In order to study the spatial presents a ring-like morphology with the peaks towards the NW and SW PDRs and a minimum towards the star, just in distribution of these lines we have observed 5 positions along thepeak oftheSiIIline. Theimplications of thepeculiarspa- the strip that joins the NW PDR,the star and theSW PDR. tial distribution of the SiII emission are discussed in Section ThesepositionsaremarkedinFig.1,theobservedspectraare 4.1. We have not detected the [SIII] 33.480 µm, [SIV] 10.51 shown inFig.2andabsolutecoordinates aregiveninTable1. µm and [FeII] 25.9µm lines at any position (see Table 3 for Datareductionarecarriedoutwithversion7.0oftheOffLine upperlimits). Processing routines and the SWS Interactive Analysis at the ISOSpectrometerDataCenterattheMax-PlanckInstitutfu¨r ExtraterrestrischePhysik.Theuncertaintiesinthecalibration 3.4. H2 rotational lines are of about 20 % at short wavelengths (2 - 20 µm) and of about 30% at longer wavelengths (Salama et al. 1997). We have observed the v=0–0 H2 rotational lines from S(0) to S(5) towards the positions shown in Fig. 1. The intensities of the H2 lines for all positions are shown in Table 2. Towards 3. Results the positions NW1, SW1 and the star, we have detected only theS(1)linewhichpreventsfrom anyexcitationanalysis. The TheLWSandSWSobservationalresultsareshowninTable2 most intense H2 emission is found towards the NW and SW and3. ThespectraoftheSWSobservationsareshown in Fig. PDRs. These positions are spatially coincident with the fila- 2. In order to study the spatial distribution of the different ments observed in H2 fluorescent emission which are located lines, we have plotted in Fig. 3 the normalized intensities of in the interface between the atomic and the molecular gas. the[HI]21cmline(Fuenteetal.1996,1998), theH2 S(1)v=0– The H2 emission is much weaker towards the HI clump (posi- 0 and [SiII] 34.8 µm lines as a function of the distance from tion NW1) and the SW1 position, suggesting that this region thestar. is mainly atomic. In contrast with the spatial distribution of 3 Table 1. Observations Position Coordinates (2000) NW PDR 21h01m32s.5 68◦10′27′′.5 NW1 21h01m34s.5 68◦10′05′′.0 Star 21h01m36s.9 68◦09′48′′.3 SW1 21h01m36s.9 68◦09′10′′.0 SW PDR 21h01m32s.3 68◦08′45′′.0 HI which is more intense towards NW1 than towards SW1, dictions for G0 ∼ 103 and n ∼ 103 – 104 cm−3 which are the the spatial distribution of the H2 emission is quite symmetric physicalparameters derivedbyChokshiet al.(1988) from the around thestar. same lines and better angular resolution observations. Den- sities around 104 cm−3 are also derived from the rotational lines of CO and its isotopes (Fuente et al. 1993, Rogers et al. 3.5. Molecular lines 1995, Gerin et al. 1998) and from the VLA HI observations Severalmolecularlinesofspeciesthatareexpectedtobeabun- (Fuente et al. 1993,1998). However, densities as high as n = dantinPDRs(CO,OH,CH,CH2,H2O)haveobservablelinesin 106 cm−3 are derived from the H2 ro-vibrational and rota- the wavelength range covered by the LWS01 spectrum. In the tionallines(Lemaireetal.1996,Martinietal.1997,Fuenteet LWS01 spectrum towards NW PDR we have tentatively de- al.1999,thiswork).Highdensities(n=105 cm−3)arealsode- tectedaweaklinecenteredat153.927 µmwithaS/Nratioof rivedfromtheobservationsofmolecularlinestowardstheNW ∼ 3. A weak line centered at 153.637 µm with a S/N ratio of PDR(Fuenteetal.1993,1996). AscommentedinSection3.2, 5appears also in thespectrum towards thestar. Both spectra this PDR is formed by high density filaments immersed in a areshowninFig.4.Takingintoaccountthatthespectralres- more diffuse medium.The observed OI(63µm)/CII(157.7µm) olution of the LWS at these frequencies is 0.6µm, both lines ratio is verylikely determinedbythevalueof thisratio inthe can be identified with the CO J = 17→16 line (153.267 µm). diffusecomponent,n∼104 cm−3,whichfillsmostoftheLWS However,sinceotherCOlineshavenotbeendetectedtowards aperture.Infact,thebetterangularresolution [CII]157.7 µm thesepositions,wecannotdiscardthepossibilityofamisiden- and [OI] 63 µm data reported by Chokshi et al. (1988) and tification or a spurious detection. Towards the SW PDR, we Gerin et al. (1998) show that the emission of both lines is ex- havenotdetectedanymolecular linewithtypicalupperlimits tendedoverthewholeHIregion.Thehighdensityfilaments(n of ∼ 5 10−12 - 5 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 µm−1 depending on the > 105 cm−3) are better traced by the observations of the H2 detector being the best limits for detectors 8 to 9 (161.2 to rotational and ro-vibrational lines towards the NW and SW 196.7 µm). PDRs, as well as by the observation of the rotational lines of molecules with high dipole moment. 4. Discussion 4.1. SiII TheNWPDRwasmodeledforthefirsttimebyChokshietal. (1988)withanincidentUVfieldofG0=2.4103andadensityof The emission of the [SiII] 34.8 µm line is considered to arise n=104cm−3.ModelsofthisregionbasedonH2ro-vibrational mainlyintheneutralpartofthecloud,i.e.,inthePDR.Silicon lines (Martini et al. 1997), CO, CI and CII lines (Gerin et al. has a first ionization potential of 8.15 eV and remains singly 1998) andH2 rotational lines(Fuenteetal.1999) giveslightly ionized untilanopticaldepthofAv∼5,avaluewhichisfairly higher values of the UV field, G0= 104, and density, n = 105 independent of n and G0. With a critical density of n = 3.4 – 106 cm−3. We can estimate the UV field and density of the 105 cm−3, the intensity of the [SiII] 34.8 µm line is strongly PDR based on the observed OI and CII lines. Along the ob- dependentontheuncertainSiabundanceingasphase.Silicon served strip, the OI(63µm)/OI(145.6µm) ratio is ∼ 10. This is heavily depleted in the ISM with logarithmic depletion val- value is lower by a factor ∼ 2-3 than those predicted by PDR ues (δSi = log(XgSais/XSi)) ranging from -1.30 to -0.18. Most models for a region with a UV field of 103 and a density of PDR models adopt an Si abundance of 3.6 10−6 (δSi= -1.0) ∼ 104 cm−3 (see e.g. Kaufman et al. 1999, Burton et al. 1992 which is the mean value derived by van Steenberg & Shull and references therein). Low OI(63µm)/OI(145.6µm) ratios (1988) but the actual value in the PDR could differ by an or- have been observed towards other PDRs and interpreted as der of magnitude, and consequently the intensity of the [SiII] the consequence of the self-absorption of the 63 µm line by 34.8 µmline.The[SiII]34.8 µmlineisusuallycomparedwith the foreground gas (Lorenzetti et al. 1999). This interpreta- the[OI]63 µm linebecause both lineshavesimilar excitation tion is not plausible for our region in which the extinction by conditions and their total column densities are fairly indepen- the foreground dust is < 2 mag (Fuente et al. 1998, Gerin et dent of n and G0. Standard PDR models (δSi= -1.0) predict al. 1998). Wehaveno explanation for thelow observed values SiII(34.8µm)/OI(63µm) intensity ratios ranging from ∼ 0.06 of theOI(63µm)/OI(145.6µm) ratio. -0.08forG0 =103 -104 anddensities∼104 -105 cm−3 (e.g., Becausethe[OI]63µmand[CII]157.7µmlineshavediffer- Burton et al. 1992). ent critical densities, the OI(63µm)/CII(157.7µm) ratio con- As it is shown in Fig. 2 and 3, the spatial distribution of stituteagood densitytracerfordensities103 -106 cm−3.The the SiII emission in NGC 7023 is different from that of all value of the OI(63µm)/CII(157.7µm) is ∼ 2 towards all the the otherPDR tracers. Allthe PDRtracers peak towards the observed positions. This value is consistent with model pre- vibrationally excited H2 filaments located in the walls of the 4 Table 2. Intensitites of the OI and CII lines NW PDR star SW PDR ( x 10−4 erg s−1 cm−2 sr−1) OI(63µm) 7.5±0.1 3.9±0.8 3.8±1.3 OI(145.6 µm) 0.9±0.1 0.4±0.1 0.3±0.1 CII(157.7 µm) 2.8±0.1 1.8±0.1 1.7±0.1 OI(63µm)/OI(145.6 µm) 8.3 9.0 12.7 OI(63µm)/CII(157.7 µm) 2.7 2.2 2.3 Table 3. SWS observations Line λ(µm) NW PDR NW1 Star SW1 SW PDR (x 10−5 erg s−1 cm−2 sr−1) Recombination lines Brα 4.051 ≤2.3 ≤1.0 141.7±1.5 ≤0.7 ≤1.0 H2 rotational lines H2 S(5) 6.909 26.4±3.0 ≤4.8 ≤7.1 ≤3.3 9.2±3.3 H2 S(4) 8.025 15.0±0.2 ≤3.9 ≤5.0 ≤1.4 5.6±1.1 H2 S(3) 9.665 40.8±1.3 ≤4.4 ≤3.3 ≤1.6 21.2±1.5 H2 S(2) 12.279 24.0±3.3 ≤10 ≤7.4 ≤8.0 16.5±2.7 H2 S(1) 17.035 21.4±0.7 1.7±0.4 1.8±0.2 1.6±0.4 10.0±0.7 H2 S(0) 28.219 4.8±4.8 ≤4.4 ≤3.5 ≤3.3 ≤4.5 Atomic Fine StructureLines SIV 10.510 ≤2.3 ≤2.9 ≤3.1 ≤ 1.8 ≤1.7 FeII 25.988 ≤2.3 ≤2.0 ≤1.4 ≤2.1 ≤2.2 SIII 33.480 ≤3.3 ≤6.6 ≤8.3 ≤1.7 ≤3.3 SiII 34.814 3.4±1.3 4.7±0.5 8.6±0.1 1.8±0.3 ≤3.4 cavityinwhichthestarisimmersed (theNWandSWPDRs) neutral layer traced by HI, more than 30% of the Si is in gas while the SiII emission fills this cavity and peaks towards the phase towards the star. Other possibility is that an impor- star. The intense H2 filaments observed towards the NW and tant fraction of the SiII emission arise in ionized gas which is SW PDRs show that the extinction from the star to these nottracedbytheHIemission.Thecontributionoftheionized positionsislowerthan2mag.Then,theSiIIemissionisarising wind to the intensity of the SiII line is expected to be negli- in thegas located at an extinction of < 2 mag from thestar. gible. We have carried out some model calculations using the code CLOUDY1(Ferland, 1996) assuming the Kurucz stellar We have compared the SiII data with the OI observations atmosphere for a star with T = 17000 K, log g=4 cm−2 reported by Chokshi et al. (1988) which have a FWHM aper- eff ture of 33′′. Chokshi et al. (1988) measured an intensity of (Kurucz 1979) and the wind parameters derived by Nisini et 1.2 ± 0.1 10−3 erg s−1 cm2 sr−1 towards the NW PDR. The al.(1995).Thesecalculationsshowthatevenassumingtheso- larabundanceforsilicon,theSiIIintensityintheionizedwind SiII(34.8µm)/OI(63µm)intensityratiois0.03atthisposition. is expected to be a factor of 10−7 lower than the intensity of This value is in agreement with PDR models if the assumed Si elemental abundance is ∼ 1.5 10−6 (δSi= -1.3), i.e., silicon the Brα line. Alternatively, the SiII emission could arise in a small HII region created by the star. The SiII intensity in an is heavily depleted with only the 5% in gas phase . Chokshi et al. (1988) observed a position shifted 20′′ W from the star ionized sphere around the star with constant density,n = 102 andmeasuredanintensityof6.2±0.1 10−4 ergcm−2 s−1 sr−1. cm−3,couldbeashighas3.210−5 ergs−1 cm−2 sr−1 ifallthe silicon isingasphase,i.e., ≈40%oftheSiIIemission towards Taking into account the dust and gas distribution around the the star. In this case only the 60% of the emission observed star (see Fig. 1), this value can be considered an upper limit towardsthestarwould ariseintheneutrallayertraced byHI. to the actual OI emission and we can conclude that the SiII ButeveninthiscasetheSiabundanceintheneutralgasmust (34.8µm)/OI(63µm)lineratiois>0.14towardsthestar,i.e. increase by a factor of 4 to explain theSiII/HI ratio. a factor of 4 larger than towards the NW PDR. If the SiII Then we can conclude that silicon is heavily depleted for emission arise mainly in neutral gas, the Si abundance in gas phase must be larger by more than a factor of 4 towards the Av≥ 2 mag (δSi= -1.3) and its abundance increases progres- sivelytowardsthestarwhereatleast 20%–30% ofthesilicon starthantowardstheNWPDR,i.e.atleast20%ofthesilicon must bein gas phase. is in gas phasetowards thestar. At this point, it is interesting to consider the case of the Even more suggestive is to compare the SiII with HI [FeII] 26.0µm line. We have not detected the emission of the emission. The SiII/HI ratio presents a symmetric distribution [FeII] 26.0µm line towards any position. This lack of emission around the star, in which the SiII/HI ratio increases towards the star and is a factor of 7 larger towards the star than to- 1Wehaveusedtheversionnumber90.04whichusestheMICE wards the NW and SW PDRs. If the SiII arise in the mainly interface developed by Henrik Spoon at MPE 5 can be explained by excitation effects and a different deple- This”zig-zag”distributioncannotbeduetothedifferentaper- tion of Fe and Si on grains. The critical density of the [FeII] tures of the instrument for the different lines. In the case of a 26.0µm line is an order of magnitude larger than that of the point-like source, the S(1) and S(2) lines should be corrected [SiII] 34.8µm line (Hollenbach & Mc Kee1979). On theother byafactor1.35relativetotheS(3)lineandtheoffsetbetween hand,Siismoreeasilyreleased tothegasphasethanFe.Feis ortho- and para- curvewould increase. expectedtobesignificantlydepletedintheHIIregionandthe The ”zig-zag” distribution observed in the rotational dia- PDRalthoughtheSihasbeenreleasedtothegasphase(Sofia gram can only be fitted by assuming a non-equilibrium OTP et al. 1994). In standard PDR models, the depletion of Fe is ratio,i.e.,differentfrom theOTPequilibriumvalueatthegas assumedtobeafactorof10largerthanthatofSi(δFe=-2.0) kinetic temperature. In this case, only the rotation temper- andtheintensityoftheFeII(26.0µm)linesisthenanorderof ature between the levels of the same symmetry constitute an magnitude lower than the intensity of the SiII (34.8µm) line estimateofthegaskinetictemperature.Usingtheortho-levels, (Burton et al. 1992). we have derived a rotation temperature of ∼ 450 K between It is well known that the abundance of gas phase sili- the S(1) and S(3) lines and of ∼ 630 K between the S(3) and con in the interstellar medium increases by grain-grain colli- S(5) lines. Forthepara-levels wehavederiveda rotation tem- sionsand/orsputteringinshocks(Mart´ın-Pintadoetal.1992, peratureof∼430KusingtheS(2)andS(4)lines.Thenwecan Caselli et al. 1997, Bachiller & P´erez-Gutierrez 1997). Pho- concludethattheH2 rotationallinesarearisingingaswithki- todesorption of Si in grain mantles by UV radiation has re- netictemperaturesrangingfrom∼400to700K.Thesekinetic centlybeenproposed asamechanism toexplain thelargeSiO temperatures are similar to those obtained in the NW PDR, abundanceinsomePDRs(Walmsleyetal.1999).Ourdataput buttheintensities ofthelines areabout afactor of 2lower. A someconstraintsontheefficiencyofphotodesorptiontorelease changeintheincidentUVfieldand/orthedensitywouldimply Sitothegasphase.InNGC7023,Siisheavilydepleted(δSi= avariation ofboththelineratios(rotation temperatures)and -1.3) in gas at an extinction of 2 mag, i.e., silicon is mainly in thelineintensities. Sincethelineratios aresimilar tothoseof solid form in the molecular gas where the emission of SiO is the NW PDR and the line intensities are significantly lower, expectedtoarise.Thelargebipolarcavityassociated withHD weconcludethattheSWPDRhasthesameexcitation condi- 200775 proves the existence of an energetic bipolar outflow in tions as the NW PDR (G0 = 104, n = 106 cm−3) but a beam a previous stage of the stellar evolution (Fuente et al. 1998). filling factor of ∼ 0.5. All PDR models which include both, The large gas phase Si abundance in the positions closest to chemical andthermalbalancein thegas, assumeafixedvalue thestarcouldbeareliqueofthisstage.Ifitwerethecase,the of 3 for the OTP ratio, which is the equilibrium value for gas efficiency of photodesorption toreturn theSitothegas phase kinetictemperatures>100K.Inordertodeterminethevalue would be even lower. of the OTP ratio in the SW PDR, we have corrected the in- tensities predicted by the model of Burton et al. (1992) for the effect of different values of the OTP ratio assuming that 4.2. A gradient in the ortho-to-para-H2 ratio thetotalamountofH2 moleculesateachtemperatureandthe The S(0),S(1),S(2), S(3), S(4) and S(5) v=0–0 H2 rotational line ratios between the levels of the same symmetry remain lines have been detected towards the NW PDR and the unchanged. This correction is only valid if the excitation of S(1),S(2),S(3),S(4)andS(5)linestowardstheSWPDR.Ina the H2 lines is mainly collisional which is the expected case previous paper (Fuente et al. 1999), we have studied in detail for the low rotational transitions. In Fig. 6, we compare the theH2 rotationallinestowardstheNWPDR.Inthispaperwe observationaldatafortheS(0),S(1),S(2)andS(3)transitions will concentrate in theobservations towards theSW PDR. with themodel for G0 = 104, n = 106 cm−3 and a fixed OTP ratioof3,andthesamemodelcorrectedforOTPratiosof1.5 In Fig. 5 we show the rotational diagram of the H2 lines and 2. We obtain that the rotation diagram of the SW PDR towards the SW PDR. Note that the errors in Fig. 5 are en- is well fitted with an OTP ratio of 1.5 (see Fig. 6). Martini et tirelydominatedbythecalibrationuncertainties(15%at6.909 al. (1997) derived an OTP ratio of 2.3±0.5 towards the SW µm, 25% at 8.025 µm, 25% at 9.665 µm, 25% at 12.279 %, 20% at 17.035 µm and 30% at 28.219 µm). The data have PDR based on the H2 vibrational lines. Because of the opti- been corrected for dust attenuation using the value for the cal depth effects in the excitation of the ortho- and para- H2 vibrational lines, this value is just a lower limit to the actual dust opacity derived from theLWS01 spectra(Av = 0.3 mag) value of the OTP ratio (Draine & Bertoldi 1996, Sternberg & and the extinction curve of Draine & Lee (1984). The extinc- Neufeld 1999). Then we can conclude that the OTP ratio is tionfortheS(0),S(1),S(2),S(3),S(4)andS(5)linesamounts to 0.006,0.013, 0.013, 0.027,0.013 and 0.006. Like in the case larger than2.3±0.5 inthelessshielded layersofthePDR(Av < 0.7 mag) where the vibrational lines arises. The gas kinetic of the NW PDR (see Fuente et al. 1999), the rotational di- temperature in these layers ranges from several hundreds to agram of the SW PDR shows that the ortho-H2 levels have 2000K.ComparingtheOTPratioderivedfromtherotational systematically lower Nu/gu values (where Nu and gu are the lines withthatderivedfrom thevibrational lines,weconclude column densities and degeneracies of the upper levels of the that the OTP ratio increases across the PDR. It takes values transitions)thantheadjacentJ-1andJ+1para-H2 levelspro- ∼ 1.5 at temperatures of ∼ 400 - 700 K and values close to 3 ducing a “zig-zag” distribution. In fact, the ortho-levels seem todefineacurvewhichisoffsetfromthatofthepara-levelsby at temperatures ∼> 700 K. more than a factor of 2 (see Fig. 5). This offset cannot be ex- The same behavior, a non-equilibrium OTP ratio for the plainedbycalibrationuncertaintiesandextinctioneffects.The gas with kinetic temperatures ∼ 400 K and a gradient of the calibration uncertainties are at most 30%. Since the values of OTP ratio across the PDR was found in the NW PDR by the extinction at 17.03 µm, 12.3 µm and 8.025 µm are very Fuenteetal.(1999).Theydiscussedthatthemostlikelyexpla- similar (Draine&Lee1984), acorrection for dustattenuation nation for this behavior is the existence of an advancing pho- cannot pushtheS(1),S(2) andS(4) pointstothesamecurve. todissociation front.Animportantproblemremainsinthisex- 6 planation, the velocity of the photodissociation front required the OI(63 µm)/CII(157µm) ratio. The non-detection of OH to have a non-equilibrium OTP ratio is too large (∼ 107n−1 in this nebula is consistent with the idea that the bulk of the kms−1).However,sincetheexpectedbehavioroftheOTPratio molecular gas is formed by the low density component traced in an advancing photodissociation front is in agreement with by theOI(63µm)/CII(157.7µm) ratio. that observed in our data (the cooler gas is further from the A similar situation is found for CH and CH2. Large CH OTPequilibriumvaluethanthewarmgas)andtherearemany column densities have been detected in absorption. The data uncertainties in this estimate (it is not known the OTP ratio by Federman et al. (1997) shows that the CH column density at which the H2 is formed within the PDR, the gas is clumpy infrontofHD200775is3.2±0.21013 cm−2.Evenifweassume and small dense clumps can be evaporating into the PDR,...), excitationtemperaturesaslowasTex =20K,weshouldhave weconsideredthatthiswasthemostlikelyexplanation.Later, detected intensities of the order of 10−9 erg s−1 cm−2 for the Lemaireetal.(1999)haveobtainedaveryhighspectralresolu- 180.93 and 149.09 µm lines. The non-detection of these lines tionspectrumoftheH2 S(1)v=1→0lineat2.121 µmtowards can only be explained invoking the excitation conditions. The theNWPDR.TheH2lineisseenshiftedinvelocityrelativeto beamfillingfactorofthedensegas(n>105 cm−3)isverylow. thatoftheHIandtheCOrotationallines.Theyarguethatthis Another possibility is that the CH abundance decreases for velocitydifferenceisaclearproofofthepresenceofdynamical highdensities.ThiswouldalsoexplainthelackofCHemission effects in this PDR and estimated a (projected) velocity of 1 in othersources.Infact,fartoourknowledge,emission ofCH kms−1 for the photodissociation front. So far, very few mod- has not been detected towards any source (just a tentative elshavebeendevelopedfornon-equilibriumPDRs(Bertoldi& detection towards NGC 7027). Draine 1996, St¨orzer & Hollenbach 1998). These models con- siderregionsilluminatedbyOstarsinwhichaionizationfront 5. Summary: A model for the nebula iscombinedwithaphotodissociation frontandassumeafixed value for the OTP ratio of 3. They do not give any informa- In this paper we present the ISO-SWS and LWS observations tion abouttheeffectofanadvancingphotodissociation onthe towardsastripcrossingthestarandthemostintensePDRsin ortho-to-para-H2 ratio. Buttheypredicthowtheexistenceof thereflectionnebulaNGC7023.Theseobservationsaltogether a photodissociation front affects the thermal structure of the with previous maps in molecular lines and the [HI] 21cm line region. Following the model by St¨orzer & Hollenbach (1998), have allowed tofigure out a model of the nebula. because of the advection of molecular gas through the PDR, Wecanconsiderthenebulaascomposedbythreedifferent the intensities of the H2 rotational lines and vibrational lines regions.Thefirstoneisformedbythestar,thesmallHIIregion can be enhanced by a factor of 3. Assuming a velocity of 1 around it and the low density gas filling the cavity.Federman kms−1 for the photodissociation front, the intensities of the et al. (1997) based on studies of absorption lines derived that H2 rotationallinesobservedintheNWPDRcanbewellfitted thedensityofthegasinfrontofthestarisofafew102 cm−3. with adensityof n∼105 cm−1 and aUVfieldof G0 = 104.A Aslightlylargervalue,n=103cm−3,wasfoundbyGerinetal. non-equilibrium OTP ratio has to be assumed to explain the (1998)basedonobservationsoftheCOrotationallinestowards ”zig-zag” distribution. the star. The Brα and [SiII] 34.8 µm lines peak in this region but the [HI] 21cm and H2 rotational lines have a minimum in emission. The Brα emission is well explained as arising in the 4.3. Absence of molecular emission stellar ionized wind modeled by Nisini et al. (1995). However, Towards NW PDR we have tentatively detected a weak line thecontributionofthestellarwindtotheintensityofthe[SiII] centered at 153.927 µm with a S/N ratio of ∼ 3. A weak line 34.8 µm line is expected to be negligible. The [SiII] 34.8 µm centered at 153.637 µm appears also in the LWS spectrum line is better explained as arising in the diffuse gas filling the towards the star position with a S/N ratio of 5. Taking into cavityinwhichatleast20%–30%ofthesiliconisingasphase. account that the spectral resolution of the LWS at these fre- The second region is formed by the walls of the cavity in quencies is 0.6µm, both lines can be identified with the CO whichthestarisimmersed.ClumpyPDRshavebeenformedin J = 17→16 line (153.267 µm). However, since other CO lines these walls with high density filaments (n ∼ 105 – 106 cm−3) havenotbeendetectedtowardsthesepositions,wecannotdis- immersed in a more diffuse medium( n ∼ 104 cm−3). These card the possibility of a misidentification or a spurious detec- highdensityfilamentsarelocatedalmostsymmetrically∼50′′ tion. If confirmed, this line would implied the existence of a NW and ∼ 70′′ SW (NW PDR and SW PDR) from the star gas with T > 200 K and n> 105 cm−3 in the vicinity of the and constitute the peaks of the [CII] 157.7 µm, [OI] 63.2 and k star. However the density of the bulk of the molecular gas in 145.6µm,[HI]21cmandH2rotationallinesemission.TheNW the PDR must be at least an order of magnitude lower. Fe- andSWPDRshaveverysimilarexcitationconditionsalthough derman et al. (1997) estimated based on the ultraviolet ab- the SW PDR is a factor of 2 weaker than the NW PDR.This sorption lines of CH, CH+, C2 and CN that the density of difference in intensity is very likely due to a different beam thePDR in front of the star is ∼ 200 cm−3. Furthermore,the fillingfactor.Inboth,theNWandSWPDRs,theintensitiesof OI(63µm)/CII(157.7µm) ratio is consistent with densities of theH2rotationallinescanonlybefittedassuminganortho-to- 104 cm−3. para-H2 ratiolowerthan3.Sincetherotation temperaturesof We have not detected any OH, CH and CH2 line towards theH2linesrangesfrom400to700K,thisimpliestheexistence the observed positions. Emission of the OH lines have been ofanon-equilibriumOTPratiointheregion.Thecomparison detectedinseveralsources(NGC7027: Liuetal.1996;RCrA between the vibrational and pure rotational H2 lines suggests and LkHα 234: Giannini et al. 1999). ISO-LWS observations that the OTP ratio increases across the PDR from values as towards a sample of 11 Herbig Ae/Be stars shows that the lowas∼1.5forgaswithtemperatures∼400–700Ktovalues OH lines are only detected towards the stars associated with close to 3 in the gas located at a visual extinction Av < 0.7 withthelargestmeandensities(n>105 cm−3)asderivedfrom mag (T ∼> 700 K).This non-equilibrium OTP ratio hasbeen k 7 interpreted in terms of an advancing photodissociation front. Lemaire J.L.,Field D., Maillard J.P., Pineau des Forets G., The intensity of the [SiII] 34.8 µm line observed towards the FalgaroneE.,PijpersF.P.,GerinM.,RostasF.,1999,A&A NW PDR is consistent with the predictions of PDR models 349, 253 with a standard silicon depletion of δ Si = -1.3, i.e., only 5% Liu X.-W., Barlow M.J., Nguyen-Q-Rieu, et al. 1996, A&A of thesilicon is in gas phase in these PDRs. 315, L257 Thethirdregionisthemoleculargas.Wehavenotdetected LorenzettiD.,TommasiE.,GianniniT.etal.,1999,A&A346, theOH,CHandCH2molecularlinestowardsthissource.This 604 is consistent with the weakness of these lines in other sources Mart´ın-Pintado J., Bachiller R., Fuente A., 1992, A&A 254, and reveals that the beam filling factor of the dense gas (n ≥ 315 105 cm−3)intheLWSapertureislow.TheCOJ=17→16line Martini P., Sellgren K., Hora J.L., 1997, ApJ484, 296 has tentatively been detected towards thestar. Nisini B., Milillo A., Saraceno P., Vitali F., 1995, A&A 302, 169 Acknowledgements. 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Theobservedpositionsareindicatedbyfilledsquaresandthestar. 9 Fig. 2. Spectra of the H2 S(0),S(1),S(2),S(3),S(4) and S(5) rotational lines , the SiII (34.8 µm) line and the Brα HI recombination line towardsthefivepositionsobservedacrossthePDRassociatedwithNGC7023(seeFig.1). 10

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